Attacked in the Forest
They booked in Friday night and were alarmed when the receptionist told them not to venture too far into the forest. “Strange things happen in there,” she said. “Several people have come running out, not saying what had happened.”
Of course, Sharon was disappointed, as going into the forest was the sole reason for them being there. But, discounting what they were told, they ignored the dire warnings. After all, it was just a forest. What could be in there that would cause problems? Todd was convinced that it was just a local story to suck visitors in. They had a good laugh about it.
“Maybe it is a relative of bigfoot,” Todd said. “Watch out for the boogie man.”
It was Saturday morning, and Sharon was eager to explore. Todd’s boss called asking for his report on his expenses. “Oh, Todd, come on. Tell him it is Saturday,” moaned Sharon.
But Todd said it would only take a couple of hours. “OK,” snapped Sharon, “I will go alone.” Todd could tell she was annoyed. “Look, honey, I have to do this. ” He said, “Be back for lunch, and then the rest of the weekend, I am at your beck and call.”
Sharon shrugged her shoulders and left in a huff. Finding a path into the forest, she set out. Once in the forest, she was in her element. Thick bushes on each side with birds and areas of flowers. She wished she had brought her camera.
“Bugger,” she said out loud.
Deeper into the forest, she noticed a stream running beside her track. Then the forest opened out, and she stood on the banks of a large pool of water. It was a hot day, and she looked around, but all she saw was the forest. Quickly undressing, she lowered herself into the cool water. She swam around, delighting in the water encasing her naked body. She heard a rustling noise and looked around. She couldn’t see anything but was worried enough to escape the water. Returning to where she had left her clothes, she saw they were gone.
“Oh shit,” she muttered, “I must have gotten to the wrong place.”
Again, she heard rustling, and, quickly turning, she froze. Standing on the edge of the clearing was a woman. She was about the same age as Sharon. Tall and wearing what appeared to be a homemade dress. She had long dark hair and was holding Sharon’s clothes. On each side of her stood two large dogs—jet black and snarling.
“Give me my clothes,” snapped Sharon, trying to cover herself.
“Who are you to give orders?” the woman replied. “Who told you that you could swim in my pond?”
Sharon started to feel fearful. “I am sorry,” she said, “I didn’t mean any harm. But, please, can I have my clothes?”
“You know that if you swim in my pool, you must pay the penalty,” the woman continued. “Now I have to decide what that penalty will be. What do you think, King,” she said, turning to one of the dogs.
“Look, I said I was sorry. Just give me my clothes. My husband is back at the motel. He will give you money,” Sharon said.
“Oh, I do not need money,” was the response. “No, I think you misunderstand. Doesn’t she, King.”
The dog the woman referred to as King advanced on Sharon, snarling. Sharon tried to move past him, but he snapped at her.
“Please call off your dog,” Sharon begged.
She was now in a state of panic.
“But he likes you, my dear,” the woman said. “He wants to make you his bitch.”
It took Sharon several seconds to realize what the woman had said. Suddenly, it dawned on her. “Oh God, no,” Sharon wailed. “No, not that.”
The woman smiled. “Yes, my dear. The penalty you must pay is to give yourself to the King. Now, you can try to escape, or you can submit. What is it to be?”
“I will not submit, you evil bitch,” shouted Sharon.
The woman laughed. “No, my dear, YOU are the bitch. King, take your bitch”.
In a panic, Sharon turned to escape, but the huge dog was too quick for her. Jumping up, he pushed her face down onto the ground and immediately mounted her. She screamed and tried to crawl away, but the dog was too strong again. Then, thrusting viciously, he found his target and the head of his already growing cock slid into her, lubricated by the pre-cum spraying from his member.
“NO… NO,” Sharon screamed and then howled as the dog wrapped his front paws around her slim waist.
His back legs are braced on the ground. He drove ever forward until the full length of his penis was buried inside the squealing woman.
“Yes, King. Go, you good boy. Have your way with this bitch.”
Sharon groaned under the weight of her attacker. With no hope of escape, she resigned herself to being raped by this wild animal. Her screams and yells now became moans as King continued to continue his attack furiously. Then Sharon once again screamed as the dog tried to force his knot inside her already tortured love canal.
“What is happening?” she cried. “What is happening?”
“Oh, King is getting ready to fill your pussy with his cum, honey,” said the woman, and as soon as he forced the knot inside her, he stopped moving.
Sharon continued to moan as she felt the dog’s cock twinge. Then she felt the hot cum shooting from his cock. She was now a bitch. It took several minutes before King climbed off her, licking some of the juices oozing from her pussy. She couldn’t move, and that proved to be a big mistake.
“Go, Prince,” the woman shouted, spurring on the other dog.
Not that he needs any encouragement. He had seen King raping this human, and now he wanted his turn. Immediately, he, too, mounted her. This time Sharon knew trying to escape was futile, so she remained on her knees as Prince thrust his equally large cock into Sharon’s well-lubricated pussy. Another scream and then moans of resignation as she took her second intrusion. Again, Prince pounded her vigorously, and he, too, tied with her and pumped copious amounts of doggy cum deep inside her. Only after his knot shrank did he disengage, leaving her collapsed on the ground.
Sharon lay there for a few minutes and then raised herself. The woman and her two dogs were gone, and her clothes lay on the ground near her. She struggled down to the pond and washed. H, ha-f expecting a woman to reappear, she got out of the water, but all was silent. She wiped herself as dry as possible and quickly dressed. Back on the path, she kept looking back to see if she was followed. Every time she heard a noise, she shook with fear. Were they watching her? Where are they planning another attack? Finally, she reached the forest’s edge and got to the hotel.
“Oh, there you are, honey,” Todd said cheerfully. “Did you have a nice walk?”
Sharon said she needed a shower and rushed to the bathroom. Standing under the water, it all came back to her. The woman, the dogs, being raped, it was like a nightmare. She started to think clearly about how it felt. She closed her eyes and relived the experience. How could she tell Todd what had happened? How could she tell anyone? Could she ever forget? Suddenly, Todd stepped into the shower with her. Naked with his cock erect, he embraced and kissed her.
“I missed you, honey,” he whispered in her ear. “I have finished that work, and now I want to make love to you.”
Spinning her around, he pressed his cock between her legs and found her pussy.
“Oh darling, you are so ready,” he muttered and slipped in.
Sharon moaned, but not from pleasure. Instead, she moaned as she remembered how those dog cocks felt inside her. “Oh, so nice,” she said, but it wasn’t his cock she was thinking about.
She realized that she would always remember that day, and nothing Todd would do would match being used and abused by the King and Prince.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.