Becoming A Bitch

By Story Teller 101.

Hi. My name is Stella. I am 21yo, tall, told I am stacked and horny. You see, I had just ended a relationship and reverted back to getting myself off solo. I would look at porn and imagine myself in the videos. Sex with men, women, groups, you name it, anything to get myself to an orgasm. It was one a Saturday night I stumbled on a site with women having sex with animals. Being humped by dogs mainly but also using huge horse cocks to get off. I was fascinated. Of course, while imagining myself doing it, I had no idea what was involved and how to go about it. It remained a fantasy.

Summer came, and I started to work around in the park after dinner. The track was a couple of kilometers, part of which passed through a wooded area. I was always worried if there was no-one around when I walked through that part. I guess I had an over-active imagination of some freak jumping out of the bushes and attacking me. One afternoon I was a little later than usual, and it was getting dark as I approached the wooded area. I was thinking of turning around and walking back the way I came. Just then, a guy walked up behind me. I had seen him before, him and his dog. Actually, it was his dog that I always noticed. He was white, and really he looked like he was taken the guy for a walk as he seemed to be leading rather than being led.

I smiled, and the guy said hello. I told him I was glad he was there and told him of my fear. “Well, I am Greg, and this is Butch, and we will protect you,” he said.

I said hello to Greg and patted Butch. Not really a great name for such a lovely dog, I thought. We walked through the wooded area and chatted as we did. I figured he was perhaps 30yo very tall and quite handsome. As we walked further, Greg said he needed a rest, so we sat talking. He told me Butch was a Doberman Cross. I patted him again, and he pushed his head between my legs. I giggled, and Greg pulled him away.

“Sorry,” he said, “Butch gets a bit carried away when someone rubs his head.”

I said I had to get home, but the real reason was that Butch pushing between my legs had excited me. I said goodbye and rushed off. Once home, I couldn’t wait to take my knickers off and finger my pussy and clit. I closed my eyes and pictured Butch licking me and then humping me. I came so quickly I needed another before I calmed down. I came again when I went to bed. I was so turned on. I decided to do some research and learned about sites that explained about the knot thing and how a dog tied when he mounted his bitch. How it would take 5, 10, even 20 minutes before a dog could withdraw and how a dog could cum several times and even double up in quick succession. Needless to say, while I read all this, I was fingering myself to multiple orgasms.

I was aware that Greg walked Butch even night and so I would wait around until I saw him and feign surprise as if we had met by chance. After about the fourth time, Greg laughed and said I must be waiting for him. I tried to laugh it off but without success.

“Are you waiting for me, or are you waiting for Butch?” he asked me. I blushed, and he gave me this funny look. “Yes, he’s a lovely dog, isn’t he?” he said, “and very well trained too. He loves making women happy.”

It took a few seconds to sink in what he meant. Was it just a throwaway line or something else? “Yes, he is a lovely dog, and I am sure he could make people like him,” I said, giving him the opportunity to clarify what he had said.

“Why don’t we sit down, Stella,” Greg said, “Pat Butch on the head.” I did, and immediately he dived between my legs. “Spread your legs wider,” Greg said, and when I did, I felt Butch push his nose into my crotch.

He began to lick my thighs and then my pussy. Even though I was wearing knickers, it felt amazing. “Oh, shit, stop” I cried and pushed him away.

I looked around, worried that I had been seen, but there was no-one around. Greg gave me this wicked grin. “See what happens when you rub his head,” he said, “It’s his trigger.”

I was shaking as I digested what had just happened. Greg broke my embarrassment by suggesting we start walking. I jumped up and headed off. I was aware that Butch was looking at me strangely. I had seen guys look like that when I said no to sex. My God, he looked like he wanted me. I could feel my pussy tingling. Visions of women with dogs flashed through my head as we walked. I could feel my nipples becoming erect, and my pussy felt wet. I looked down at Butch and shivered. ‘Damn, I want to try you,’ I was thinking, ‘would you like to do it with me.’

We got to the wooded area, and Greg stopped. I turned around. “What is wrong,” I asked him.

“Stella, I know you were afraid of being seen before, but we can go into the woods, and you can enjoy some time with Butch.”

I was shocked. I stared at Greg, imagining him beginning to laugh and say he was joking. He remained straight-faced. My body began to tremble.

“It is up to you, Stella. Butch is ready. You just have to rub his head.”

I looked at Butch, and I swear he was licking his lips. As if in a trance, I walked into the woods with Greg and Butch close behind.

“Take your panties off, honey. I promise it will be like nothing you have experienced before.”

I slipped off my panties, and Butch came up to me. I leaned against a tree and spread my feet. I reached down and patted Butch on the head. Immediately he was between my thighs.

When his tongue hit my pussy I squealed. It didn’t put Butch off as he began to show me what he could do. His tongue was wide and had a rough surface. I had had oral sex before, but this was 100 times, no, 1,000 times better. I spread wider, and his tongue was trying to enter me. I closed my eyes.

“Yes, Butch, good boy, oh fuck I love it,” I moaned.

He was also hitting my clit, which had become swollen. I squealed, I shrieked, I moaned, I was totally at Butch’s mercy.

“Go, boy,” I heard Greg say. “Lick your bitch and make her cum.”

Seconds later, I did. Of course, Butch wasn’t aware of this, he just kept licking. Only after my second orgasm did I tell Greg to stop him.

Greg said, “Butch down,” and he stopped.

I stood for maybe a minute or two, getting my breath back. “Oh God Greg, that was so amazing. What must you think of me?” I said, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

He smiled. “It’s OK, Stella, I know women like him licking them.”

“How many women?” I asked, a little stunned.

“Oh, maybe 9 or 10, I think. I haven’t kept a record.”

I looked at Butch. “You are such a lovely naughty dog,” I said. “How did you train him to do that?” I asked.

Greg told me that he had been in a relationship with a woman who was right into Bestiality, and they had trained him together. After they broke up, he kept Butch. “You rub his head, and that means licking. You say Butch mount, and he does.”

“You mean…” I started to say.

“Yes, Stella. He’s fully trained. But it is not for everyone, only the most adventurous.”

I smiled at him. “Well, I have studied up, Greg. I know what happens. I would like to do it once.”

“Well, perhaps you would like to come home with us. It will be more comfortable than leaning against a tree.”

As it was a Friday night, I said, “OK.”


I am fascinated by the idea of doggy sex. After having my pussy licked, I want more.

Greg, Butch, and I walked back to his house, which turned out to be in the street near to mine. At the gate, Greg stopped me. “Are you sure, Stella?” he asked, “you have to be totally sure before we go inside.”

I immediately nodded. My pussy was still tingling from Butch’s amazing tongue. He led Butch up to the front door, and we went inside. “Would you like wine?” he asked. Again I nodded as I looked around. We went into the living room. “Why don’t you sit on the couch? You will be more comfortable,” he suggested.

I sat sipping the wine and staring at Butch. He looked like he was smiling.

“Stella, just put your glass on the side table and slip off your panties, honey,” Greg said.

I stood up and pulled off my knickers. I don’t know if Butch knew what I was thinking, but his ears pricked up, and he started back at me.

“Sit right on the edge of the couch and call him,” Greg said, and I did it.

Butch padded up to me, I opened my legs and patted his head. He immediately pushed his nose into my crotch and began to again lick my pussy and clit. “Oh yes, you lovely dog,” I moaned as I immediately surrendered to his attentions.

He lapped at me, making me shiver. Greg watched intently. I closed my eyes and threw my head back. It took only a couple of minutes before I was moaning as my orgasm overwhelmed me.

“Ooh, yes, yes, yes,” I squealed.

“Butch down,” said Greg, and he stopped licking me. “If you are ready, we can go to the next level.” I was still shaking, and I nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes, Greg, I want him,” I said.

“What do you want, Stella. Tell me what you want.”

I didn’t hesitate. “I want to be fucked, Greg. I want to be his bitch. Please don’t tease me,” I begged.

He went and got a towel from the cupboard and put it in front of the couch. “Knee on this Stella and rest your body on the couch because Butch was a big dog and quite heavy.” I did as directed. “Come, boy. Butch mount,” and on command Butch climbed on my back.

Greg reached under Butch and directed his growing cock to my pussy.

Butch was spraying pre-cum, and as soon as he felt his cock enter me, he thrust forward. I squealed as his cock continued to grow. “Oh my God,” I wailed, “he’s so big.”

But I wasn’t about to back out. In fact, I couldn’t have even if I wanted to. Butch wrapped his front legs around my waist and began to pound into me like nothing had before. All decorum was lost as I moaned and squealed and muttered obscenities as I was being fucked by this animal. My legs were spread wide, and I began to push back to meet his thrusts. Although I knew what came next, I wasn’t prepared for the size of his knot. He pushed harder, trying to get it into my pussy. As he did so, the knot started to rub against my clit, and I had an amazing orgasm.

Finally, he pushed the knot home, and it swelled until he was tied to me. He stopped moving, but the sensations of his cock and that knot made me keep moaning and groaning. I felt Butch’s cock twitch, and I realized he was cumming. My conversion from woman to bitch was complete. I think he came several times as I felt so full of him. He tried to pull out but couldn’t. Each time he tried, I moaned louder. I found myself squeezing my pussy to keep him longer. Finally, he succeeded, and as he withdraws, I felt his cum oozing from me. He licked me several times and then padded away as I lay collapsed on the couch.

I had forgotten Greg while being serviced by his dog. I felt his hands on my hips, and he drove his cock into my punished sex. “No, Greg. Stop,” I yelled, but then, “Yes, Greg, do it.”

While tied to Butch, he had taken off his pants and had waited for his opportunity to have his turn. “Your pussy is so wet, baby,” he muttered. “I love how it feels.”

I found myself again pushing back as he thrust into me. My pussy had been stretched and punished by his dog, and now he was taking me himself. Our moans became one. While he didn’t seem as big as Butch, nevertheless, my pussy was over-sensitive, and I enjoyed it. So did he, obviously, as he came with a rush.

Again I lay across the couch now with a dog AND human cum oozing out of me. “Oh God, Greg, I am so wired,” I moaned.

“Butch mount,” I heard Greg say.

“Oh, shit, no,” I yelled but too late as Butch again mounted me.

Again Greg assisted him in finding the target, and again that growing doggy cock entered me. I squealed as I again became the bitch. I had read dogs had the ability to double up quickly. Now I knew it was fact and he began to again pound me. “Oh, Butch, I love you,” I shrieked as I again felt that knot growing.

“Yes, boy, drive it home,” I said and grunted as I felt it inside me. He stopped moving, and I groaned as I felt his huge cock twitching. “Yes, my good boy. Fill your bitch with your seed,” I sighed.

Again he tried several times to withdraw before he succeeded. This time the cum didn’t ooze it gushed.

I turned and sat on the towel. I looked at Butch, who was lying in the corner of the room, licking his cock. I gasped at the size of him. “Shit was all that inside me?” I said.

Greg, now sitting on a chair opposite, laughed. “Yes, honey, and I know you loved it, didn’t you?” he said.

I nodded. “And you took advantage of the situation, didn’t you,” I replied.

Again he laughed. “I couldn’t help it, Stella,” he said. “It looked so erotic, and I love going seconds. Now come on, time for a shower, hon.” I waddled to the bathroom holding the towel between my legs, so I didn’t drip on the carpet. “Use the hose beside the toilet boil first to flush yourself.

After a flush and a hot shower, I found a robe behind the bathroom door. “I better get my clothes, Greg, and head home.” “It is late, Stella. Why don’t you stay the night?” he said. “Butch and I will be good boys.”

I told him I wasn’t ready for any more attention as I was sore.

“Never mind, my dear, you will OK in the morning.”

We climbed into bed, and I went straight to sleep.


It was 9am when I finally woke up. I realized I was alone. I got out of bed and wandered out into the lounge room. “Good timing, honey,” said Greg cheerfully. “I was going to wake you. Breakfast is ready.”

So it was bacon and eggs and coffee. I sat down and looked around.

“If you are looking for Butch, he is out in the backyard.”

I smiled.

Greg continued, “He was very active this morning. It has been a while since he had a bitch. By the way, how are you feeling? Not sore?” I told him he was right, and I felt fine. “Oh, Butch will be very pleased,” he said and winked. “You said you would like to try it once. Have you had a change of heart?”

I hated Greg at that moment. He knew, having indulged in doggy sex. It was obvious once would not be enough.

“Eat your breakfast, honey,” he said. “You need to keep your strength up for the day’s activities.”


After breakfast, we sat on the couch, drinking our coffee. I saw Butch looking through the glass doors that went outside. I trembled as I remembered last night. “How come you call him Butch?” I asked.

Greg laughed. “Actually, his name is Randle. I just call him Butch to make him sound mean.”

I chuckled. “He’s not really mean. He’s lovable,” I said.

“Yes,” said Greg. “He is lovable, and you loved him last night. My ex enjoyed him numerous times, but I think you loved him more. I have never had a woman cum with him or surrender so totally.”

I felt my pussy twitch as he talked about my introduction to doggy sex. “I think Randle is much better, Greg,” I said. “It sounds very posh and fitting for my new lover.”

Greg looked at me. “You said you wanted to try once. Is that still the case?” he asked.

I felt my cheeks grow red. “I know what I said, Greg, but if I say I want more, does that make me a slut?”

He got up and opened the door, and Randle came trotting in. “No, Stella,” Greg said. “It makes you a sweet bitch. Why don’t you rub his head?”

I was wearing just a dressing gown, and I opened it up and spread my legs. “Come on, boy. Come to your bitch,” I said and rubbed his head. Immediately he drove between my legs and began to pleasure my pussy and clit. “Good boy Randle” I groaned. “Make me cum.”

He lapped at me. “His cock is peeping out of his sheath,” Greg told me. “He wants his lovely bitch.”

I moaned and whispered, “This bitch so wants him too.”

I came in a rush. His tongue was lighting a fire deep inside me. Nothing in my research had prepared me for how I was feeling and how my body ached for him. “Quick, get a towel,” I managed to blurt. “I want him. I need him.”

Greg was already getting another towel. He put it on the floor, and I assumed the position. Greg came over and rubbed Randle’s head. Now he was licking me from my clit to my anal opening. “Oh God, I am so horny,” I yelled. “Randle mount. Mount me, my darling boy.”

I was worried that calling him Randle might confuse him. I didn’t need to worry. Greg didn’t even have to aim him as he climbed onto my back and wrapped his front legs around my waist. He had a couple of false starts and then found my pussy. Thrusting forward, I squealed, “Yes, my darling, fuck your bitch,” I screamed, “Take me,” and he did.

Time stood still as we tied. Again I moaned and groaned as I felt his cock twitching inside me. He was so deep in me, and I wished he didn’t knot so quickly as his furious pounding had tipped me over the edge, and I wanted more, so much more. Eventually, he pulled out, and I sighed. “Good boy,” I murmured, “you lovely boy.”

He licked me several times and then went back to his corner to clean himself. Greg didn’t follow this time. I was a little disappointed actually, although I didn’t say anything. I just stood up on shaky legs and waddled off to the bathroom again.

When I came out of the bathroom, Greg had made coffee again. “Here, sweetheart, I think you need this,” he said. He was holding his bathrobe tightly, and I could see he had an erection. He saw where I was looking. “That can wait, Stella,” he said. “The day has only just begun.”

We drank our coffee with Randle lying there, looking at me. I shivered. He was panting, and the sight of his tongue sent shivers down my spine. I admonished myself for what I was thinking. ‘You really are a doggy slut,’ I told myself. ‘Calm down, Stella,’ and I sipped my coffee, trying not to show my base desires.


I went into the kitchen and put the coffee mugs on the bench. Walking back into the lounge room, I saw Greg again trying to cover up. “You really do like watching Randle please a woman, don’t you?” I said to him. “How many have you brought back here?”

Greg smiled. “Very few Stella, and apart from my ex, only one other woman went all the way. She tried to make him stop, and he actually raped her. She left here in tears.” I could see he was serious. “Most women just like to be licked. Only my ex and you have embraced the joys of being a bitch for Randle.”

I took that as a compliment because, yes, it was a joy to be Randle’s bitch.

It was lunchtime, and Greg suggested we ring for something. “What would you like to eat?” he asked.

“Anything,” I said, and he ordered chicken and chips. While we waited, Greg took Randle outside and feed him. The doorbell rang, and I answered it. The delivery guy did a double-take when he saw me in a bathrobe. It was funny him staring at my body while trying to count the money. Poor guy, I bet he got hard like Greg. We sat down and had our meal.

“Randle needs his walk so we can go now if you like or maybe later if you want to, you know,” said Greg.

He was reading my mind. “Maybe later,” I said, and he smiled.

“I thought so,” he said and let Randle back inside.

“A towel, honey?” Greg asked, and I nodded. I got on my knees. “Rub his head, Greg, please,” I said, and next minute I felt that tongue all over my crutch. I moaned as my body began to tremble.

“Just say the word when you are ready, honey,” I heard Greg say, but this time I wanted a good licking.

I wanted to cum and cum again. Thanks to Randle’s diligence, I came three times before begging him to mount me. It felt so good as he humped me like crazy and tied with me. I thought, ‘I will never get tired of this feeling,’ as he pushed that knot tight inside me. “Oh, my darling boy,” I moaned. “Your bitch is so very happy.”

I showered and dressed, and we took Randle for a walk through the park. We got to the wooded area, and Greg laughed and said I should take Randle in the open. I just laughed and told him not to be so silly, but I admit it did sound kind of exciting. Something about being taken by an animal in the woods had a ring to it. I immediately discounted it, although it did make me shiver. We got back to the house, and Greg suggested a white wine. “You aren’t trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?” I asked.

“Would I need to get you drunk?” he asked.

I smiled. I was sure he got the message. My knickers come off, and I called Randle over and rubbed his head. I didn’t need to ask for a towel this time as Greg had already fetched it. “My God woman, you are as insatiable as Randle,” he said with a laugh.

“Yes, my love, and after I finish with Randle, I want you,” I replied.

So it was that after being licked by my doggy lover, and then thoroughly fucked by him, I gave myself to Greg. My two wonderful boys took care of my needs and want. As I lay watching Randle lick himself, Greg whispered, “Would you like to lick him or me?”

I was stunned for a moment but watching Randle lick his 10” cock, I do admit I trembled at the thought. “Mmm, let me think about it,” I said.

Greg yelled, “Greg mount,” and I clung to him as he tried to outdo Randle but failed.

Still, he made a concerted effort, and for that, I was grateful. It would be difficult for a man to outpace a rampaging doggy. I cleaned myself and headed back home. Somehow it seemed empty. I sat and pondered my love affair with my two darling boys. It made me horny, and I had to get myself off twice before I could think about my next adventure.


I spent Sunday trying to concentrate on cleaning the house. I had to admit that I had become addicted to Randle. His huge cock had awakened desires in me I had not felt before. I started to think about things Greg had said. Being taken by Randle in the woods. Licking that beautiful bright red monster of a cock. Was I so far gone that I could actually consider one or both those ideas? I decided that if Greg challenged me, I could do whatever he wanted.

Each night the next week, I met up with Greg and walked with him and Randle. Randle kept looking at me, and my pussy would hum. I deliberately didn’t do anything all week except think about him while I played with my clit. That little button was worked overtime. Friday night, Greg asked me to stay over, but I had promised to attend a work party for the boss’s birthday. I had a bit too much wine and almost let the cat (or dog) out of the bag. It was too late when I got home to ring Greg, so I just fingered myself until I fell asleep.

Saturday morning I rang Greg and arranged to go to his house at 10am. When I got there, Randle was getting very boisterous. “Why don’t I grab a blanket, and we take Randle for a walk,” Greg said.

I knew what he had in mind. I was both fearful and excited. “I am afraid we will be seen,” I said.

Greg laughed. “I know a place that is very secluded. I have been there before with my ex.”

I scowled. “Well, if she can do it, so can I.”

Greg smiled. The sort of smile that says, ‘hee-hee I knew I would get you.’ I lead Randle, and Greg carried the rug.

When we got to the wooded part, he took the lead into the woods. We walked for maybe 10 minutes and suddenly come to a cleared section. There was an old tumbled down hut at the edge of the clearing. Greg placed the rug on the ground, and I looked around. I slipped off my knickers and sat down with my legs stretched out. As if reading my mind, Randle walked up, and I scratched his head. Immediately he pushed under my dress and began to lick my thighs and then my crutch. I lifted my knees and spread them wide, giving Randle maximum access. It had been a week since I had him, and my body shook, and I moaned.

“Oh fuck yes, Randle. Work that lovely tongue, my gorgeous boy,” I whispered.

“No-one can hear you, sweetheart,” said Greg. “Scream as loud as you like.”

I came quickly, the mixture of Randle’s tongue and the surroundings. It was time to decide whether I was game to go the whole way. I came again, and the die was cast. I hurried turned over on my hands and knees. “Randle mount,” I yelled. “Fuck me, darling boy.”

Randle was more than ready, and he climbed on to me. Thrusting and whimpering, he found my pussy, and his cock grew and grew until I had the whole 10” of doggy cock working furiously. “Yes, my darling do it hard and fast,” I squealed, but Randle only knew hard and fast. I felt the knot and welcomed it. “Push it in. Tie with your bitch,” I moaned as I felt it rubbing against my clit. Again I orgasmed before he finally pushed it in. I groaned as I feel him seal me up, and then his cock twitched, and I knew he was cumming.

I looked to the side, and Greg was kneeling on the ground, his pants around his ankles, and he was jerking off as he watched Randle take me. His eyes were fixed on us, and he had grunting sounds as he came, spraying his cum on the ground. “Fuck Stella that looks so erotic,” he moaned as he came down from his high.

Randle was trying to withdraw. I didn’t fight to hold him this time, but it still took several minutes before he popped out. He licked me and then lay down and licked himself. I collapsed on the rug and wondered what his cock would taste like. Could I do it? I was starting to think that I would do it – just once.

I used my knickers to wipe my weeping pussy. I placed them on the rug, and Greg rolled it up. “Come on, you naughty girl,” he said, laughing. “Time to go home.”

Despite cleaning myself, I could still feel Randle’s cum seeping out and down my thighs. “Greg, I am still leaking,” I whispered as we walked back on the path. “I feel such a slut.”

By the time we got back to his place, even my skirt was covered in doggy cum. “Go and shower honey,” Greg said, “and I will put your panties and skirt in with my wash.”

“Yes, and what will I wear?” I asked.

“Well, you can take everything off and spend the day naked,” he said with an evil grin.

“Only if you do the same,” I suggested, and we had a race to see who could be naked the fastest.


We both had a shower. Greg had put Randle out in the backyard. Shower play ended up with bed play. First, Greg licked my pussy and rubbed my clit and got me off, and I then sucked him. “Stop, honey. Don’t make me cum. I want to fuck you so bad,” and he mounted me missionary style and then rolled us over, and I finished him cowgirl style.

Back in the shower and then he made lunch. It was kind of cool sitting around naked. My nipples were erect, my pussy was tingling, and I could see Greg was stiff again. I was almost tempted to suck him again, but I heard Randle scratching at the back door. Greg walked over and let him in. He looked at me with those deep, piercing eyes. ‘Greg can wait,’ I thought.

“Here boy, come and please me,” I said and rubbed his head.

Sitting naked on the couch, legs wide apart, and my doggy lover lapping at my pussy. What a sight we must have been. I looked over at Greg sitting watching, his cock pointed at the ceiling. I leaned back and closed my eyes. “Yes, my darling Randle lick my pussy, lick my clit, and make me come,” I cried as my orgasm swept over me.

I shuddered and wailed with unashamed pleasure. How could I possibly have thought I could only do all this once? I quickly sunk to my knees, and Randle mounted me with the command. He knew what I wanted. I didn’t have to ask. I yelped and squealed as he took total control.

Again I babbled incoherently as he fucked my brutally and then tied with me. I continued to moan and groan as I knew what he was squirting into me. It mattered little to him that I was a real bitch, and he couldn’t impregnate me. He was just doing what nature had programmed him to do. To mate with his bitch. To mate with me. Again it took several minutes of work to finally separate from me. I didn’t even have a towel under me; I was so worked up. Cupping my hand over my weeping pussy I rushed to the bathroom and flushed myself.

I giggled as I walked back out to see Greg gently stroking his cock and Randle having the last few licks as his cock slipped back into his sheaf. I walked over to Greg. “Hear darling, let me take care of you,” and I began to lick and suck his throbbing cock.

“You better stop,” he said, “I’m close, baby.” I looked up and fondled his balls while I gave him my first blowjob. “Oh, Stella. Yes, darling. Oh my God,” he stammered as he filled my mouth, and I swallowed several times. He pulled me up and kissed my cum covered lips and pushed his tongue into my mouth. “I knew you would suck me instead of Randle,” he said.

I smiled. “Who says I can’t do both of you.”

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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