Belly Riding MILF


Part 1

Joanne and Bill Corsten and their 21-year-old son, JC arrived at the remote resort on the coast of Brazil. It’s a beautiful hotel, and just what Joanne had been searching for. JC hadn’t really wanted to come – Joanne knew that – but she liked having her only son around during the family vacations. Bill and Joanne hadn’t been doing so well as a couple since JC left the house. It seemed like they were always bickering now, without JC to dote on. Joanne had no interest in getting a divorce, but she’s having a harder and harder time living with Bill and his microscope, he had put over her since JC’s departure to college.

Joanne felt like Brazil might be a breath of fresh air, as she sat and ordered her first drink at the hotel bar, leaving Bill in the room, since he is still exhausted from the flight. JC wandered off to find a pool that he could take a dip into – no doubt looking for a bikini clad native. Joanne, meanwhile, struck up a conversation with the bartender, Tito, who is a nice man, closer to JC’s age than hers. But they hit it off, and he kept her company, telling her about himself and the hotel.

Joanne at one point said, “Okay, Tito – so what’s the most fun thing to do – the thing you must absolutely do if you were a guest here?”

Tito paused for a moment carefully thinking about his words.

“Well, if I was a guest here the answer would be different from if I were you.”

Joanne frowned, not understanding his verbal gymnastics.

“Huh? How different?”

“I just mean, there’s different activities if you are a woman at the hotel.”

Joanne’s frown lifted, she thought she understood.

“Oh, you mean like women only spas or something?”

“Not exactly. There’s a tradition in Brazil, where women ride horses in a special way.”

Joanne still isn’t sure what he meant.


He nodded. “They get naked, climb into a sling beneath their stallions and take them as a lover.”

“What?!” Joanne nearly spit out her drink.

“Yes, it’s quite common in Brazil. Our horses are specially trained.”

Joanne decided she’s had a joke played on her, besides her drink had run dry, and she had already put the tab on her room, so she decided it was time to bid Tito Goodnight.

“Okay, Tito. Well, thanks for the laughs. I think I had better get going.”

Tito frowned. “No, don’t go”

“I have to. My husband is waiting for me.”

“Look, if you don’t believe me, go to the front desk and ask to see the hotel guide.”

He smiled in a way that nearly confirmed Joanne’s feeling that it must be a joke.

“Okay, Tito. Very cute, I gotta run.”

She tapped the bar, grabbed her purse and left with Tito saying something and shaking his head, as if he is trying to get her to come back and talk. It’s nearly convincing, but it must be a joke. No, it must be. So she walked out of the bar towards the front desk, beyond which is her hotel room. She saw the hotel concierge sitting there, and suddenly she found herself pausing. No, it must be a joke, Tito couldn’t have been telling the truth.

She must have been standing there a while because the Concierge looked up and said, “May I help you, ma’am?”

The man’s words nearly startled Joanne, who isn’t sure quite what to say, but she recovered, “Oh, I’m just wondering if you have some list of things to do while I’m here at the hotel?”

“Oh, of course, here you are.”

He handed her a thick book and invited her to sit. She did, feeling triumphant, that she’d flip through it and find absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Besides, this would be a good way to get a look at what she might want to do anyway.

As she flipped through she saw pictures of water skiing, biking, hiking, climbing, snorkelling, dancing and so on. All of the things looked fun, but decidedly tame. But then her eyes nearly popped out of her head. There, indeed, is a picture of two women slung beneath a stallion, with huge smiles on their faces and thick horse penises buried inside them. A thin sheen of sweat covered what looked to be a mother and daughter while semen oozed out of them. Joanne gasped loudly, alerting the concierge.

“Oh, yes, that’s our belly riding. I know it’s quite a shock, but the women who try it rave about it, so we have kept it a part of the hotel.”

“Oh my god! Do many women do this?”

“Not that many usually there is one woman at any given time at the hotel who will be doing it. I don’t believe there are any women engaging in belly riding at the moment, though, if you’d like a consultation with the stable master.”

“Oh, no, no, no thanks, I I couldn’t.”

“Oh, I see. Well, if you change your mind, either come see me or visit the stables. They’re about a hundred meters along the beach. You can’t miss it.”

“I see well, thank you.”

Joanne stood up, in a haze, and walked back to the room, not knowing quite what to say or do. She entered the hotel room, where Bill is sleeping. She didn’t want to wake him, so she just sat in the corner and thought about what she had seen. She isn’t sure why, but she found herself wanting to masturbate, but she held off, and just thought about it. No, she couldn’t do that. It’s probably best not to even say anything to Bill. He had gotten sensitive about any experimentation of any sort, and this is definitely outside of just kissing another woman or something innocent. Bill stirred and saw his wife in the corner, who is still deep in thought.

“Hey, whatcha doing?” Bill asked.

“Oh, nothing, just thinking.”

“You hungry?”

She shrugged. “Sure, I guess.”

That’s what their marriage had become – a series of meaningless dates with no enthusiasm from either side. They got ready for dinner and found JC. They had a nice dinner, listening to JC talk about the pool that they’d have to try the next day. It’s a nice meal, but Joanne struggled to keep her secret, about the belly riding to herself.


The next day rolled around and they leisurely explored the hotel. Before lunch Joanne decided to amuse herself by saying they should ride horses after lunch. So Bill went over to arrange it. Joanne isn’t thinking about belly riding, but she thought it might give her some masturbation fodder thinking about it if she could get a better mental image. Bill arranged for it to happen later that afternoon.

After lunch JC convinced them that they should check out the hotel pool. Joanne put on her one piece and went hand in hand with Bill out to the pool. JC is clearly annoyed that there were no pretty girls anywhere to be seen. Bill only seemed to want to read his car magazines that he had brought with, and that left Joanne to amuse herself by ordering drinks at the poolside. She didn’t really want to get in the water, so JC is getting more and more restless. Joanne continued to drink and Bill continued to ignore both of them.

Finally, Joanne started telling Bill to stop reading his magazine and start paying attention to her. She had only had a few drinks, but Bill responded by telling her he detested when she drank so much. Joanne responded by denying that she had been drinking a lot. He accused her of being drunk. Before long they nearly yelled at each other, arguing about virtually nothing, before JC got out of the water and walked over.

“What are you two arguing about?”

Bill said, “Nothing, I’m just going back to the room. Your mother is drunk and being a bitch.”

Joanne tried to hold her temper, but couldn’t manage it. “Look who’s talking, asshole!”

“That’s it, I’m going inside.”

Bill stormed off. Joanne looked at Bill, who is a little shocked to see his family arguing like this.

Joanne said, “He’s been having a tough time lately. Go and talk to him. I think something’s really upsetting him. I’ll catch up with you two later. I need some time to myself to think.”

JC nodded and left his mother by the pool. Joanne felt like crying – like her marriage is falling apart. She ordered another drink, and then another. Soon she’s feeling the level of drunk that Bill had accused her of. She isn’t sure how long she has been at the pool, under the umbrella, but a few cute girls had arrived, which made her think of leaving and finding JC. He knew he’d appreciate it. She gathered her things and began to walk back through the hotel in her bathing suit. It’sn’t immodest, but she felt sexy in it. She noticed the clock, which said 2:25. She realized their horse ride is supposed to happen at three – giving her a little over half an hour. She suddenly stopped in her steps and started thinking about those horses again.

Bill would never want to go riding, and he wouldn’t think to look for her there. Maybe she could sneak over and just ask some questions. In her tipsy state of mind, she wandered out of the hotel, and along the beach until she found the hotel barn. Sure enough, there is a man there who is working on a piece of leather with a sharp looking tool, making a small hole in it.

As he looked up and said, “Buenos dias!”

“Oh, um, I only speak English.”

“Oh! Of course, I speak English as well. My name is Enrique. How may I help you?”

“Well, I’m supposed to ride at three, but I thought I’d come over a little earlier, if that’s okay.”

“Oh, yes, you’re the party of three, but isn’t there supposed to be two more people?”

“Yes, but they’re not coming.”

“Oh, alright, well, why don’t you come inside?”

She looked around and bit her lip as he turned and entered the stable. She followed close behind, feeling a little strange in her yellow bathing suit.

Enrique said nothing about her attire, though, as he said, “What sort of horse riding experience do you have?”


“Okay, no problem, we’ll find you a nice easy mare.”

Joanne paused for a moment, and then blurted out, “Wait, I heard about another way of riding”

Enrique’s eyebrows lifted, “Yes?”

“With stallions?”

“Oh, of course, the concierge didn’t mention anyone wanting to belly ride, if that’s what you’re referring to.”

“Oh, I’m not going to I just wanted to know more about it.”

Enrique smiled, “Well the best way to know is to try it. Here”

He beckoned her to follow him and he led her to where a young stallion is tied up.

“Go ahead and suck his penis for a few minutes, while I get a proper belly riding stallion for you. He’s too young and too inexperienced for riding, but I’ll get one ready for you while you amuse yourself.”

He spun on his heels and began to walk away. Joanne hadn’t agreed to anything, let alone sucking a stallions cock, but she swallowed anyway, thinking about it as she looked at the huge animal.

Before Enrique disappeared around the corner, he said, “Oh, and I recommend taking your bathing suit off beforehand. It can be messy.”

Without thinking, she said, “Okay.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Joanne couldn’t believe she’s actually agreeing to get naked in a barn with a complete stranger, let alone give fellatio to an animal. But she felt herself pulling the straps off her shoulders and wiggling out of the tight spandex bathing suit. She’s 39, with sandy blond hair. She looked at her perky nipples at the end of her breasts that sagged ever so slightly since giving birth to JC. Her flat stomach ended in a tumble of dark pubic hair that is shaved into the shape of a wide capital V.

She liked the shape, because depending on what bathing suits she wore a small hint of pubic hair might peek out of the sides of the suit, which she thought is sexy. She stepped out of her bathing suit and stood there, nude for a moment, looking around, wondering what sort of trouble she’s about to get herself into. She knew this was a bad idea, but she couldn’t help herself.

She ran her hands over her body. She felt numb and electric at the same time – probably partially to do with the alcohol. She squatted and reached under the horse and touched it gently, coaxing the animal to distend. She didn’t have to wait long. The young animal’s giant penis began to extend and she took it into her hand. She noticed immediately how soft and warm it’s, as it slowly filled with blood. She tentatively licked the end of the horse’s member. It didn’t taste bad. A little salty but not bad. She licked again and again and soon she’s kissing the end and running her hand back and forth on the animal’s member.

The stallion is clearly enjoying this massage by how it swished its tail and stomped its back hoofs and that made Joanne smile. She tried to take the horse’s penis into her mouth, but it’s absolutely huge. She barely fits the edge of it passed her lips, but she managed to keep it there as she used both hands to roughly massage the horse’s shaft, while she used her tongue on the horse’s sensitive tip.

A minute or so passed and Joanne is starting to get tired. Her arms ached, and her jaw ached but her curiosity to taste the horse sperm is overwhelming. Finally, Joanne is pleased to see the horse’s testicles begin to raise up and the horse began to hunch forward which knocked Joanne to the ground. She struggled to get up and continue working the animal’s pulsating shaft.

The penis began to flare and the horse began to make a loud coughing sound as it thrusts hard in her small hands. She aimed the animal’s erection at her face. She wanted to feel it hitting her. Finally a jet of sperm shot out of the massive erection and onto Joanne’s face. She laughed and opened her mouth, getting several teaspoons of semen shot into the back of her mouth in one burst. She coughed instinctively and aimed the giant erection as she struggled to swallow.

She received shot after shot against her stomach and pubic mound as she finally got the sense of the taste of the horse’s ejaculate in her mouth. She smiled and laughed as the horse continued to jerk and shoot rope after rope of sperm at her stomach, chest and pubic mound. She continued to laugh as she tried to defend herself from the eruption by cupping the end of the horse’s penis with her hand. She felt the warm liquid erupting into her hands as she looked at her messy body in amazement. When she felt the horse begin to calm, she took her hand that is full of semen and instinctively rubbed it against her pussy that is open in her squat position. She stuck several sperm covered fingers into her vagina and ran the semen all over her mound.

She nearly began to climax, even though she had only barely begun masturbating, when Enrique surprised her by rounding the corner with a horse in tow.

He looked at Joanne and smiled, “I see you’re finished. Excellent. Are you ready to try belly riding now?”


Joanne stood up on wobbly legs, embarrassed for having been caught masturbating. She felt the semen dripping off her face, and her breasts and her stomach to the strands of semen interspersed in her pubic hair and her sperm coated labia. She thought about wiping the semen off of her face onto the back of her hand. What’s the point, she thought? She’s about to have sex with another stallion. She looked at Enrique, as she speculated why he didn’t seem in the least bit amazed by Joanne’s state. Her she’s, naked, feeling sexier than she had ever felt in her life, covered in semen, and Enrique paid as much attention to her as he did the horses.

She huffed, and decided she wanted Enrique to inspect her as she dodged the question, “You were right about getting naked, Enrique – he came all over me!”

Enrique nodded, “Yes, they have quite a bit of sperm inside of them. The belly rider trick is to coax it out.”

“I guess you caught me masturbating. I’m sorry about that.”

“There’s nothing to apologize about. It’s a sexual act. It’s natural for a woman to feel excited by it.”

Joanne fished for a compliment, “I bet you see a lot of pretty girls in here.”

Enrique smiled, as if he got the point of this line of dialog, “Ah, no, you are quite pretty. And I like the way you have shaved your pubic hair. That’s quite attractive.”

Joanne blushed as she looked at pubic hair with strands of horse semen tangled in it. She’s suddenly very embarrassed.

“Oh, I don’t know why I decided to shave it like this. It’s stupid.”

He went on, “Not at all, it’s unique. Besides, I believe more mature women are more interesting to watch as they copulate with the horses. I haven’t seen you have sex yet of course, but I’d imagine you’ll be quite imaginative.”

That is enough of a compliment for her. “We’ll see.”

“Indeed, are you ready?”

With a deep breath, she nodded and he moved to the side and held his hand out towards the horse as if he were inviting her to enter a doorway, when really he is inviting her to impale herself on an animal. It took her a minute to figure out how the belly riding saddle worked, but with Enrique’s help he managed to get her situated in no time.

He said, “I’ll be tying your hands and ankles to the stallion. It’s so you can completely relax.”

Joanne nodded, thinking about how her arms got sore in almost no time trying to get the other stallion off. As Enrique began to go around her, tying her wrists and ankles, he said, “When you’ve had enough, let me know.”

She nodded, suddenly very nervous and more alert than she had ever been in her whole life – despite the drinks, which now appeared to be wearing off very quickly.

“Do you think my husband will mind if he finds out?”

“Hard to say, every man is different. But it’s already too late – you already have horse semen inside of you, I see.”

She’s embarrassed by that, but she kind of agreed – it’s too late.

She nodded, “Go ahead.”

He began to massage the stallion as she watched, intently as the horse began to relax and distend its huge penis towards her open vagina. After a minute or so she stiffened as the soft folds of the animal’s shaft touched her sperm covered labia. Soon it began to press harder and harder into it. She tried to relax and let the animal past her vaginal ring, and after a few seconds of struggling by both Enrique and Joanne the horse finally slipped into her, no doubt aided by the copious amounts of semen that already lined her vaginal walls.

She sighed loudly and laughed, “Whew! He’s huge! Thank God I had JC. I’m sure having a baby helps!”

“It does, yes, you would not believe how many virgins attempt to have sex with horses. It can take ten or twenty minutes of work to couple them.”

She began to relax and move her hips as the thick shaft continued to grow and press deeper and deeper into her as it became fully engorged.

Enrique looked at her. “How does it feel?”

“Amazing. He’s so big!”

“This will keep him big.” Enrique walked over and grabbed a small shot that he delivered the horse as he said, “You’ll have several hours with him now. He can probably cum three or four times before you’ll need to give him another shot or we can give you another stallion to use.”

“Oh, no, heavens no, I won’t need it. I just want to try it once.”

“Okay, well just give it a try to let me know what you think. I need to go feed some horses. I’ll give you two some privacy and I’ll be back in a bit. His name is ‘Nightwatch’, by the way.”

Joanne waited until Enrique left before she looked at her body, it’s covered in semen and at the end the huge horse disappeared into her body where it felt like someone is fisting her. It felt wonderful. She began to rock her hips, ever so slightly. It’s the best feeling sex she had ever had. She decided she wanted it to last. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

With a deep sigh, she said, “Okay, Nightwatch, let’s see what you’ve got that my husband doesn’t, shall we?”

She began to rotate her hips gently into small circles. She wanted this sexual encounter to last a while so she tried to make as little movement as possible as she just gently rocked back and forth. She gently moaned and felt her whole body come alive. From head to toe, she felt her body become electric. She’s on fire as she began to lift her hips harder, feeling the thick shaft press hard against her cervix inside her with each thrust.

She felt an orgasm quickly approaching as she said, “Oh God, Nightwatch, I’m cumming!”

She lifted her hips and held them there as her butt and her legs tensed hard. It’s a good orgasm, but she knew she could have a much better one once she felt him ejaculate.

“That is good, but you have me already, Nightwatch oh God I’m yours! Stop playing with me!”

Still climaxing, she continued to rock her hips. She continued to orgasm for almost five minutes as her body rippled and she arched her back.

She continued to arch her butt upwards and coax the stallion on as she said things like, “I bet you have a lot of sperm inside you, you stud,” and, “Your dick is so big, honey,” and, “Oh God, you’re so huge! I’d let you get me pregnant, I would, if I could,” and, “Honey, you’ve already proven how big you are, now cum in me.”

Her perverted mouth kept running until finally she felt the huge stallion begin to thrust into her. Its huge head began to flare up inside of her body. She couldn’t believe that he could grow even bigger, but she knew from when she had given the other stallion the blow job that it could. Through her tightly pursed eyelids, she imagined what must be happening deep inside of herself.

Suddenly the animal began to thrust much more violently as it jabbed into her hard. She tried to push-off with her legs to give herself more room, which helped, as she continued to grit her teeth with her eyes tightly closed. She held on as hard as she could as the animal fucked into her body with thrust after thrust, she began to scream and buck as her orgasm went to a level she had never gone before. She felt sexier and more turned on than she had in her whole life. Just at that moment the horse began to ejaculate deep into Joanne’s body, firing hot streams of semen against her cervix. She moaned as her cervix pulsated, sucking up the hot semen from the animal as she arched her back and screamed again, arching her back and curling her toes, as her buttocks and legs shook. Her whole stomach knotted up and with one more violent thrust she felt a hot gush of fluid erupt from her loins.

She fell back into the saddle as the horse continued to work its huge member back and forth into her helpless body several more times until it too began to calm. Joanne’s body is flush and she struggled to catch her breath as she opened her eyes and breathe deeply. She looked to her right where Enrique had disappeared and saw no one. She looked to her right and she’s suddenly startled by the presence of two forms in the doorway. She screamed a little until her eyes focused on what is suddenly her worse nightmare.

Her husband Bill and her son JC were standing in the doorway.

Bill looked pissed.

JC looked bewildered, as he said, “Mom?”

Joanne’s neurons fired as fast as they could, even as her pussy is still convulsing. By the way JC had said that Joanne hoped that they had just arrived.

“Oh my God, Bill! JC! Help me! Some man ripped my clothes off and tied me up here!”

Bill looked furious. “Oh yeah? Is that so?”

Joanne wished she’s in Bill’s brain and could read him.

“Uh, yeah, see? My bathing suits over there.”

She nodded at the unceremoniously discarded bathing suit on the ground.

“I see. And you expect me to believe that? You have horse semen oozing out of you right now, Joanne!”

“Oh, I know, I mean, I can’t help what the horse does, honey. I didn’t do this.”

Joanne didn’t know what to do but lie.

Suddenly Enrique came around the corner and said, “Oh, hello there! You must be the other two in the party of three! I’m Enrique.”

Bill looked at Enrique and said, “My wife there says that you stripped her and forced a stallion to rape her.”

Enrique’s eyes widened.

“What?! No, sir, I promise you, I had nothing to do with your wife’s interest in stallions. She came in, said that she’s alone and said she’s interested. I allowed her to suck off the stallion over there in the corner, and then she willingly let herself be coupled to the stallion you see her with now. I left the new couple alone to feed the horses and now I’m here. I promise, sir.”

Joanne looked at Bill and JC. She didn’t want to get Enrique in trouble, but there is no way she could admit that she had consciously copulated with a horse after giving another horse a blow job.

Bill said, “Well, what do you have to say to that, Joanne?”

Joanne shook her head. “I don’t know.”

She didn’t want to say anything more.

Bill frowned, and shook his head, “Well, we’ve been standing here since you said, ‘Let’s see what you’ve got that my husband doesn’t, shall we’. Thank God JC just arrived and didn’t have to witness that?”

JC nodded as Bill continued, “JC is worried that he couldn’t find you at the pool so we both figured you were going to go horseback riding instead. Well, we got the horse part right, just not the right side of the horse.” Joanne blushed furiously as Bill said, “And it’s not like I couldn’t tell, you’ve got sperm all over you for God’s sake. You’re a complete mess!”

Joanne lowered her head and frowned. It’s true. She’s a complete mess. She had sperm all over herself, insider two out of three orifices. She’s humiliated, her husband and her son had heard her say that she’d let a horse impregnate her if it could, as she re-played the last ten minutes through her head – all of which her family had seen in gory detail.

Joanne simply said, “I’m sorry.”

Bill shook his head. “See, this is why I don’t like it when you drink. You do stupid stuff. If you weren’t drunk right now, there’s no way you’d be doing this.”

That’s right, she thought, he does think I’m drunk. Maybe she had an out. She could just blame it on the booze.

She nodded as she agreed, “I know, honey, I’m pretty damned hammered. I had a few more drinks before I stumbled over here too.”

She tried to slur her words as she talked, for emphasis.

It’s true, she’s a little tipsy and her breath probably smelled like alcohol. Well alcohol and horse cum. But she’s anything but drunk.

Bill sighed, “Okay, so now the question is what to do with you?”

Joanne thought for a second. If she could blame this on being drunk, maybe she could continue to misbehave for a while longer. She tried not to smile as she tested the water.

“I know you’ll hate me for this, and I’ll regret it when I’m sober, but Enrique gave him a shot that’ll make him last for another few hours. I mean, we’ve already paid for the horses, right? Can I just finish my two hours, like we had planned?”

Bill said, “What? You really want to keep screwing that animal? After your poor son had to sit there and watch?”

Joanne shrugged, “He’s already seen it now, right, JC? Besides, you two don’t have to stay. I can take care of myself.”

JC didn’t know what to say or do, as he looked at his mother, covered in semen, her pussy still gently grasping the thick member of the stallion who is still deeply implanted in her loins.

“Uh, whatever, I don’t care,” JC said.

He clearly is disturbed, but he didn’t know what to say or think. Joanne noticed him adjusting his pants a little. Bill looked back as she said, “See? He doesn’t mind, and I’m too drunk to know better. Come on, honey. Please? Just a few hours. I’ll meet you for dinner.”

Bill furiously shook his head, “No, get off that horse now.”

Joanne shook her head somewhat defiantly, “It’ll take a minute to get unstrapped and dressed. You don’t need to sit here and watch that. I’ll be right up in a minute.”

“Fine. Let’s go JC.”

He is mad, it’s clear. Joanne knew she’s in trouble, but if she’s going to be in trouble, she wanted to have sex with the horse at least once more. She waited until the footsteps had disappeared and she smiled at Enrique.

“I’m sorry for accusing you of something you didn’t do, Enrique. That is unfair. I just didn’t know what to say or do.”

“No problem, you wouldn’t be the first!”

“Do you think I have time to make him cum one more time?”

“You’re already caught, right?”

Joanne nodded, it’s a good point. What did it matter now?

“Okay, can I have a few more minutes with him?”

“Of course, I’ll leave the happy new couple alone.”

Joanne settled in for a nice long, orgasmic ride.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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