Beth Goes To The Dogs 2

By Storyteller101.

Read Part 1 Here


Chapter 4

Toni and I spent time after Claudia left amusing ourselves with the Rottie and each other. We returned the dog to Cindy and headed home, satisfied with our work with Claudia. I had a feeling that the next time her husband asked about getting a dog, she would totally agree. “See Toni,” I said, “she only needed to have dog sex without the pressure from her husband.”

Toni chuckled. “Yes, and being set upon by two horny women also helped,” she said.

I had to agree. We had certainly got her worked up, not to mention us as well.

Sunday was hot, and so we decided to sunbake on the beach. There was an optional clothing beach further down the highway, and Toni insisted we go there. Of course, we finished up getting naked. It felt great. Once home, I stripped off and teased Toni until she did too. Wandering around the face au natural was so invigorating. Of course, we did ‘interact’ several times during the late afternoon and evening. A lovely hot shower together and then asleep cuddled together. Life didn’t get any better than that.

Back at work on Monday and Cindy wanted a full report on the progress of the two Labs. Both had become more used to mounting me and were ready for the final exam. Cindy came to the shed to watch as I took them, one at a time. They performed perfectly, both licking my pussy and then tying with me. I loved that part. Being trapped under them while they filled me with dog cum. Cindy was well pleased, and I put the Labs back in their pens.

“I am expected that Dane today,” she said. I got super excited as I had seen videos of Danes. Big muscular dogs with huge cocks. “He is supposedly trained,” she added, “but I am wary. I think the guy just wanted to get rid of him.”

“It’s OK, Cindy. I will check him out and let you know,” I said.

“I am sure you will, my dear. I am sure you will,” she replied.

It was 2 pm when a van arrived. “I have a delivery for Rowdy Pooches,” the driver said.

Out came the Dane. He was huge. “My God, Cindy. Look at him. Is it a dog or a small horse?” I gasped.

The driver heard me. “Yes, he is a whopper, all right,” he said, “pity help any bitch he mates with.”

I had to smile. ‘Pity me, driver. I am the bitch,’ I thought. I snapped a lead onto his collar (the dog, not the driver) and led him down to the shed and the pens. Cindy followed.

“I don’t think the pen will be large enough,” I said, “he will be too cramped.”

Cindy agreed, “Tie him up in the shed, and I will ring the guy who made the pens and get him to make a bigger one.

“Come on, boy. I will tie you up until we fix up a home for you,” I said. I tied him and stepped back to look at him. “My God, I hope you don’t kill me,” I said.

Just then, Cindy walked in and heard me. “I am more worried about him,” she said and laughed.

Cindy made a call, and two hours later, Ralf arrived with a bigger pen. “Boy, he is a big one, isn’t he,” Ralf said, staring at the dog. “I bet he will make your eyes pop,” he added.

Obviously, he had a fair idea of what extra activities went on. I tried no to respond, looking at him blankly. He set up the pen and walked back to the office. I led the Dane into his new home.

“Better get you settled,” I said.

Cindy came down, having paid Ralf and also fended off his comments. “He knows, doesn’t he?” I spoke.

“Well, I think he suspects at least,” Cindy replied.

Turning to the Dane, she asked what my plan was. “I will let him settle down a bit before seeing how much training he has done,” I said.

“Have you got any plans later?” she asked. “A bit of overtime, maybe?”

I said I would ring Toni and tell her I would be home late.

“Very good, Beth,” she said and returned to the office.

looked at the Dane, who in turn was staring at me. “Overtime boy. We are going to do some overtime.”

I rang Toni, who was surprised but said she would see me when I got home. I spent the rest of the afternoon grooming and feeding the dogs. I was getting very excited about how the Dane would act. Cindy was worried he wasn’t as trained as she had been told, but I saw how he looked at me. I swear he was giving me that I want you ‘look.’ I certainly wanted him. If he was anything like the Danes in those videos, I so wanted him. Five o’clock came, and Cindy came down.

“Well, let’s get him out, Beth, and see if he performs,” she said.

I opened the pen and led him into the shed. I had already shed my knickers. “Come on, boy. Let’s show Cindy what a good dog you are,” I said. He looked at me and then padded up to me. “Yes, that’s a good boy. Now lick me,” I said.

He heard the word lick, and his ears pricked up. I was leaning against the bench with my feet spread. He had obviously been trained to act on the command lick because he pushed his nose into my crotch. “Oh yes,” I squealed as his tongue went to work.

I looked over at Cindy, and she was smiling. “Well, that is one thing he can do,” she said, “how about the next thing?”

“Can we wait a minute?” I asked, “His tongue feels so good.”

She laughed. “Come on, honey. Another time. Get on your knees.”

I reluctantly pushed him away and got on my knees, bending over the bench. “Come on, boy, come and get it,” I said.

He stood there, seeming unsure. I slapped my bum, and immediately he mounted me. I thought I might have to help him, but it only took a couple of thrusts for him to find the target. I squealed as I began to take the biggest dog cock ever. With each trust by the Dane, his cock seemed to grow larger. He was growling and grunting, and I was moaning and urging him on. The initial pain of his huge cock now turned to immense pleasure as my pussy accepted this new intrusion.

“Oh, fuck Cindy, he is so big,” I wailed, and then I felt his knot swelling and rubbing against my clit. I squealed again as I orgasmed. He was trying to tie with me. “Come, boy, bury that knot inside me,” I moaned and then squealed again as pain returned as the knot was stretching me further.

Then, with one final thrust, he succeeded, and my pussy was sealed tight. I continued to moan as he began to fill me up with his doggy cum. And how he filled me up. My God, his cock must have been like a fire hose. I lost track of time, but Cindy told me he was tied for nearly 6 minutes before. After several painful attempts, he managed to disengage. I looked around and groaned when I saw the length of his cock.

I stood up on rather shaky legs. Cindy’s eyes were locked on the Great Dane’s cock as he licked it clean. Finally, she said, “Well, I think we can say he is trained. And it looks like you enjoyed it, honey.”

I smiled broadly. “Yes, I did, Cindy. He is so big and strong. He has been very well trained.”

“Well, Beth, get cleaned up, and you had better get home,” Cindy said.

“I will just put him away before I go,” I said.

“Oh, don’t worry, honey,” she said, “I will take care of him. You just get home, and thanks for staying.”

I smiled. I knew what she meant by saying she would take care of him. ‘Get ready, boy. There is another bitch you have to service tonight,’ I thought as I cleaned myself up and headed home.

“What was the overtime about,” asked Toni as I walked into the kitchen.

“We got a new dog delivered,” I said. “A Great Dane.”

She smiled. “Was he good?” she asked.

“The best,” I said.


Chapter 5

Cindy called me into the office. “I have had a special request from a friend of mine,” she said. “She would like some special loving, but she can’t come here. Would you be OK to go to her?”

I said I would be happy to. “What dog would she like,” I asked her.

“Well, I know she used to be into dogs,” Cindy replied. “So maybe one of the labs or even the Great Dane if you think he is ready.”

I told Cindy that he was more than ready but was the client ready for such a big dog.

Cindy smiled. “Oh, I think she would be overjoyed,” she said. “But just a word of caution. This is strictly secret, and you must never tell anyone about your visit, and I mean ANYONE.”

I assumed she meant even Toni.

After feeding the dogs and grooming them, I had lunch and then loaded the Great Dane into my car. He filled up the whole back seat. I had the address and immediately saw it was at the top end of town. Obviously, this woman certainly didn’t want her desire to be made public. I was instructed to drive to the house and into the garage so what I was delivering could not be seen. I was a little concerned as I really didn’t know the full story about the need for absolute secrecy. But I did as I was instructed, and as soon as my car entered the garage, the door was closed behind me. A side door opened, and this attractive, well-dressed woman appeared.

“Please come inside, my dear,” she said.

I followed her into the house with the dog on a lead.

“Please just put him in that room,” she said, pointing, “and then follow me. You may call me Sharon.”

I followed her into what was obviously an office. On the bookshelf, I realized why she wanted secrecy. There was a photo of her and her husband. I recognized him as our local MP. She placed a piece of paper in front of me and asked me to sign it. It was a Non-disclosure Agreement.

“I always get these signed when I have certain things done that I don’t want anyone to know,” she said. “You will notice the section outlining the judicial results if word getting out.”

It was no wonder she wanted secrecy. I also wondered what other certain things she meant. Having signed the paper, I followed her back to where the Great Dane was waiting.

“Mmm, he is huge,” she said as she licked her lips. “It has been several years since I enjoyed a dog. Before I married, in fact,” she said. “But I certainly have never had a dog this large. Is he fully trained?”

I told her he was.

“OK, let’s go down the hall, my dear, and let’s see.”

We walked into this large lounge room, and Sharon sat on the couch. “Come here, boy,” she said, and the dog padded over to her. She lifted her skirt, and I could see she wasn’t wearing knickers. The dog immediately pushed his nose between her legs and began to lick her pussy. She moaned as he pleasured her.

“Oh God, it has been so long,” she sighed. “That’s a good boy. Get me nice and wet and ready for you.”

Her moaning intensified, and I surprised when she threw her head back and squealed. “Yes, Yes, Yes,” she squealed as she obviously had an orgasm. “I so want you, boy,” she said breathlessly and immediately got down on her knees with her body resting on the couch.

“Take me, boy. Make me your bitch,” she shouted.

The urgency in her voice was unmistakable. My pussy with trembling as I watched the Great Dane mount her, thrust a couple of times, and then, finding the target, hammered home his growing cock. The scream she gave echoed around the room as he plunged his cock into a pussy that was so welcoming. My well-educated and upmarket client began to moan and whimper as her lover continued to pound her furiously. She squealed as his growing knot began to rub against her clit, sending her into another orgasm. Thrusting harder, he pushed that knot into her, sealing her tightly. He stopped moving, but she continued to rock back and forth and then groaned as she felt his hot cum flooding into her. Several times she groaned as he emptied his juices into his bitch.

She moaned quietly as she savored her first dog for also 15 years. She was clamping her pussy muscles tightly, trying to hold him inside her, but he struggled and growled as he tried to escape her. Finally, after a good 6 or 7 minutes, she released him. He stepped back and began to lick cum oozing from her. She lay over the couch limp from experience. Finally, she looked over at me.

“Oh Beth, honey, that was so amazing,” she sighed. “That the biggest cock I had ever had. No man could ever fuck me like that.”

I walked over and helped her to her feet.

“Thank you, darling,” she said. “Please help me to the bathroom.”

She held her hand between her legs as we walked so she wouldn’t drip on the carpet. We got to the bathroom, and she began to get undressed.

“You were right, darling,” she said. “He is very well trained. Have you had the pleasure?”

I just smiled.

“Yes, Cindy told me that you liked to train dogs. She also told me something else about you,” and she kissed me. I guess the fact that I was so turned on watching her made me return the kiss. “Get undressed, Beth. Have a shower with me,” she said. I didn’t need to be asked twice. I hurriedly stripped and joined her in the shower. We soaped each other and then began to fondle each other. “Will you make love to me, Beth,” she whispered as she fingered my pussy.

“It will be my pleasure Sharon,” I said.

“Darling, my real name is April. Sharon is a name I use before I know I can trust someone.”

We quickly dried ourselves, and she took my hand and led me into the bedroom. It was huge with a king-size bed which she dragged me onto.

“Lick my pussy, darling,” she whispered in my ear. “Make me cum and cum and cum.” I

I did my best, and she indeed had three orgasms before turning the tables and going down on me.

It was no surprise when she said, “I want to doggy again, honey. I am so horny.”

Still naked, we went back to the lounge. As soon as he saw us, he began to wag his tail.

“I like a dog who is eager,” she said, laughing. Dropping on her knees, she smiled at me. “I don’t need any more licking, darling. Now I just want cock.”

Moments later, the Great Dane was again humping his bitch. He grunted, she moaned, and I sat in a chair opposite and watched as I got myself off.

“Oh, Beth, it feels so good,” she squealed. “Why did I wait so long to do this. Promise me you will come again, darling. I want him, and I want you.”

I said any time she wanted. I would come.

“Maybe bring Cindy too,” she said. “It has been many years since we enjoyed each other,” and then she resumed moaning and whimpering as her doggy lover ravaged her.

Again she tried to delay him withdrawing, and again he growled with frustration. She chuckled as he tried several times to escape, but finally, she released him. She looked over at me and smiled. She crawled across the floor and buried her face in my crotch.

“Tongues are better than fingers,” she said as she licked my clit, getting me off twice more before we showered and dressed.

I put the Great Dane back in the car, and April and I kissed passionately. “I had a wonderful time, darling. Please say hi to Cindy, and I will definitely call you again and soon.” Then she handed me a copy of the Non-disclosure Agreement. “This is your copy, Beth. I know I can trust you to keep my secret.”

I drove back to work. Cindy met me. “Everything OK?” she asked.

“Everything went perfectly,” I replied.

“I thought it would. She loved dogs back in the day,” she said.

“Not only dogs,” I said. “I have a feeling you and she were close.”

“Yes,” said Cindy. “We had our moments. Like you and her today, I suspect.”

I just smiled and said she wanted both of us next time. This time she smiled broadly.

I never told Toni about my adventure. I felt bad not telling her but signing that Agreement meant I had to remain silent. Anyway, it was just working and didn’t really affect Toni and me. That is how I rationalized it anyway. I did take special care to make her cum several times that night, though.


Chapter 6

I felt bad about not telling Toni about my adventure, but the thought of ending up in jail tempered my feelings. After all, it was work and not some random sexual situation. I did take extra care to treat Toni with pleasure, which she naturally enjoyed.

It was back to work with the labs, both of which now know how to perform. Training them was always a pleasure, and I was happy to report to Cindy that they were quite ready for sale. I did have a suspicion that she already knew that. I could only imagine what she did after hours. I also continued to enjoy time with the Rottie and the Dane, both of which pleasured me daily.

Excitement peaked when Gus and Claudia arrived unannounced. I was interested to see if her attitude had changed or if Gus was still forcing her for some weird reason. I need not have worried. As soon as Gus disappeared up to the office with Cindy, she hugged me and kissed me passionately.

“I have been looking forward to this, darling,” she said. “I have realized just how wonderful being a dog lover can be. Can I have the Rottie?”

“Of course, honey,” I replied. “He is always ready to pleasure a bitch on heat, and I suspect you are.”

“You better believe it, Beth,” she said. “I have already got myself off twice this morning thinking about it.”

I went to the pen and led out the Rottie. I could see the desire in her eyes as I led him into the shed. “Hello darling boy,” she said. “Do you remember me?”

His tail wagged furiously. There was no doubt he remembered, and he was ready to renew acquaintances. Claudia hurriedly took off her knickers and, forgoing any foreplay, knelt over the bench.

“Take me,” she moaned, “fuck me.”

He didn’t hesitate as she pulled up her skirt and he smelt her already soaked pussy. He mounted her and, after a couple of attempts, found the opening he sought. Feeling the warmth and constriction of Claudia’s pussy he began to drive his growing cock deep inside her. Claudia squealed and mumbled obscenities as he grew larger with every thrust. Then she moaned as he humped her wildly. She had surrendered once more to her base desires. My pussy twitched as I watch the Rottie totally command his bitch. Soon his knot was rubbing against her clit, causing her to wail and orgasm. Rottie wasn’t done and pushed hard to bury his knot into her so he could impregnate his bitch. It matters little that she would never be impregnated. He just began to fill that pussy with his hot juices. The moans of the bitch under him just reinforced his dominance.

“Squeeze your muscles, Claudia,” I whispered. “Clampdown on that cock you love so much.”

She tried her best, but he was powerful enough to be able to pull away.

Claudia lay across the bench in an air of post-fucking bliss. “Oh, shit, that was so good. I just wish he could have fucked me longer,” she gasped.

I smiled. I knew what she needed. Leaving her for a minute or two, I locked up the Rottie and led out the Dane.

“Stay there, honey,” I said. “I have a little surprise for you.”

The Dane saw her over the bench and smelt her scent, enhanced by the Rottie’s deposits. He rushed up and mounted her. “What is happening?” Claudia yelled, but then she felt the Dane’s already showing cock.

A couple of stabs, and he found the target. Claudia screamed as she felt a second doggy cock being thrust into her.

“Oh, fuck Beth,” she squealed, “he is so big,” but I knew he would get bigger as he began to pound her mercilessly.

She wailed and squealed as the full length of his cock grew inside her. Soon she just moaned and groaned with pleasure as he asserted his domination of this bitch. A feeling I had also experienced and enjoyed. The knot had the desired effect of making her cum before he pressed hard, and her pussy stretched to accept it. Now tied, he began the impregnation of this very willing bitch. As he began to fill her up with his juices Gus, having finished fucking Cindy, walked into the shed. He found his wife moaning and muttering obscenities as the Great Dane did his best to fill her to overflowing. Of course, with his huge knot sealing her, there was little chance of that.

“My God, honey, that dog is huge,” he shrieked as he watched his wife completely dominated by the dog laying on top of her. “Fuck Beth, he is cumming again,” she squealed, and her husband stood there with a shocked look on his face.

Several minutes before, the dog pulled away and proceeded to lick up cum oozing from her tortured pussy. She slowly regained her senses and looked around, and smiled at me. I would have loved to lick her pussy, too but not with her husband standing there. He still has a shocked look on his face as Claudia struggled to her feet.

“Oh, Gus darling,” she said, “I want to get a dog. I want the Rottie. He is so good at fucking me.”

Her husband turned to Cindy. “Is he for sale?” he asked.

“Yes,” replied Cindy, “all our dogs are.”

So the deal was done. Cindy and Gus went up to the office to make it official. Claudia turned. “Sorry, Beth, but I really want him, honey,” she whispered, “and anytime Gus is away, you are welcome to come and say hello to him.” Then she kissed me passionately. “And you are welcome to play with me like last time, my darling.”

Gus and Claudia left with the Rottie, and I cleaned out his pen. I felt a sense of loss, but it was tempered by the thought of visiting him and Claudia. Cindy came down all smiles.

“Wow, you certainly changed her mind, Beth,” she said. “I always knew she wasn’t all that enthusiastic about dog sex, but you sure changed her into a total dog slut. Well done.”

I tried to smile.

“Don’t worry, honey. There are always more dogs around for you to train,” she said.

“I guess so, Cindy,” I replied. “At least I still have the Labs and that lovely big Great Dane to keep me entertained.

“Funny you should say entertained, honey,” she went on. “I have a husband and wife who want to see what dog sex all is about. I knew you would be up for it. This Saturday night, hon.”

“OK, no worries,” I said.

“Oh, by the way,” she continued. “April also wants to arrange another visit. I will join you.”

It was obvious that I would not have to pine for the Rottie for very long. My calendar was filling up nicely. I finished the day feeding and walking the dogs and had time for a romp with one of the labs. Just to take my mind off the missing Rottie, you understand.


To Be Continued…


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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