Cassie, Buck, and Henry

By AlphaEd.

My name is Cassie, short for Cassandra. I was married for five years, and my husband left me for his secretary. I wasn’t that disappointed at all. I got a good lawyer, took him to the cleaners, and got a big ranch house, $8,000.00 monthly alimony, a nice Mercedes sedan, and his two dogs. I didn’t want the dogs; two hounds, black and tan. I took them to piss him off. He loved the dogs.

He got them as puppies, and they grew to a pretty large size. Each weighs about ninety pounds. He used to take them out to hunt every weekend, and they are in awesome condition. Anyway, Buck and Henry are now mine. At first, I had to learn how to take of them. I went to a kennel in town and talked to a trainer who helped me with their training. They run with me daily, and I enjoy showing them off. I see women staring at them with envy, which I greatly enjoy.

About three months after Jim left, I started noticing their genitalia. Their balls are large, and their cock sheath is thick and long. One evening we had settled down for the evening, me watching a movie on TV and Buck and Henry lying in their respective beds when I noticed Buck licking his cock. His pink cock was showing, and he was licking it. At first, I was repulsed by it, but the more he licked, the less repulsive he looked. Then I noticed Henry began licking his cock.

They had always done it, but I had not noticed it before. Buck saw what Henry was doing and just leaned over and licked Henry’s cock a couple of times and then went back to licking his own. I almost died when I saw that. I was so fucking horny all of a sudden. Henry leaned over, gave Buck a couple of licks, and then went back to licking his own. I got up off the couch and practically ran upstairs. I frantically searched for my old reliable rubber dildo and fucked myself through three orgasms. I was exhausted. I hadn’t felt this way in a long time.

The next evening I anxiously waited for them to start cleaning themselves. This time though, they just lay there, not doing any time. I found myself going over to them and sitting between them, playing with their sheaths as my hands roamed from their massive chests to their balls and their sheaths. Then their pink cocks came out, and I felt the hot wet appendages as I played with both dogs. The liquid and their pink cocks felt hot in my hands. I learned later that a dog’s temperature is ten degrees hotter than a human’s.

Anyway, I played with their cocks for a while and then ran upstairs again without looking back and fucked myself with my rubber cock through four orgasms and passed out. The next day I looked for bestiality on the computer and then for zoophilia. I was surprised to find so much material on women having sex with their pets. I became very anxious to put all my research into practice.

On the day I had decided to have Buck and Henry fuck me, I tried to stay on a regular schedule. I took them for their regular run, and I swear that other women walking their dogs could read my mind. I got back from the run early mid-morning and fed and watered them both, and I took a shower which was a routine for us. When I came to the den/living room, I wore short shorts and a man’s shirt tied around my waist. I felt like a whore, well, okay, like a bitch.

I sat on the leather couch and watched them lick themselves. I left them alone, went to them, and began playing with them. I rubbed their bellies and stomach, reached for their sheath, and jerked them back and forth. Within seconds their pink cocks came out and began dripping pre cum. I took some in my hand and rubbed their balls with it, and they licked it off my hand.

Henry became more curious about my crotch. I guess it was the smell since I was thoroughly wet. I got closer to him and let him smell me, and then he began licking my crotch thru my shorts.

It was like getting shocked with electricity. I slipped off the shorts and let him get right in there. Henry dug his curled tongue into my vulva and licked up my oozing pussy juice. Then Buck got up and came over and began doing the same thing. I leaned back on my arms and let them do what they wanted. Both eagerly licked my crotch, and Buck reached down and licked my asshole. I leaned back further and gave them full access. I felt the beginnings of an orgasm and then just gave into it.

I started a series of multiple orgasms, and my legs were shaking by this time. I turned over and got on all fours, and Henry licked my asshole as Buck licked my cunt. Henry curled his tongue and entered my asshole like a smooth spoon. I started cumming immediately. I was so engrossed in my multiple orgasms I was startled when Henry mounted me.

His front paws had me by the hips, pulling me against him. He thrust his hips several times, and then his pink cock touched the lips on my vulva. I gasped for air, and then Henry shoved in. His cock was hot and wet, and his powerful paws held me against him. He adjusted his position as his body curled against me, and I could feel his hot furry hips flush against my ass cheeks. I wasn’t quite ready for what happened next, which took me by surprise. Henry shoved his whole cock into me, and it felt like someone had kicked me in the womb.

“Oooohhhhgggaawwd,” I heard myself yell as Henry began a full staccato assault on my womb.

His cock had gotten longer and thicker, and he felt like he was growing inside me. I started cumming as he thrust into me. Once I got used to the violent assault, it was heaven. His cock kept getting thicker and longer with each. His cock filled my womb, and I could feel him spurting hot pre cum with every thrust. I kept having one orgasm after another as his thick cock rubbed my g-spot repeatedly.

Suddenly he thrust deep, his body curled around me as he held me tight, and I felt his thick hot sperm wash through my womb. God, it was wonderful. He kept cumming for about twenty minutes, and every time he started jerking as he came, I went into another series of orgasms. Finally, he dropped away from me, and I cried out in pain and disappointment as his knot came out. When he moved away from me, Buck licked me from pussy to asshole, then mounted me.

I started to protest, but Buck was not to be denied. He pulled me against him, and his front paws were on my shoulders. He was in me in one thrust, and as he hit my back wall, I felt the now familiar violent thrust in my womb. Buck fell into a rhythm, and I started cumming again. Buck was less erratic than Henry. Buck’s steady rhythm pounded my back wall and filled my womb with his hot liquids. I felt his cock bob in jerks as he came, but he kept stroking my cunt with long steady thrusts.

“Ooohhhhhhbaaabbbbyyy,” I heard myself saying to him.

He fucked me for twelve minutes straight, then held on to me for another thirty minutes as his cock washed my womb with his thick hot cum. When he finally dropped away from me, his knot just slipped out. My vagina must have been as big as a house. I dropped with my head on my arms and my ass sticking out. Buck cleaned me up, and I had several orgasms.

Henry came over and started to mount me, and I said, “Oh, no-no-no-no, baby. Let Mamma rest.”

He started dancing to let me know he was ready, so I reached over and began sucking his cock. Gawd, I loved it. He stood still, and I made him lie down as I gobbled his cock and swallowed his hot liquids. When I finished him off, Buck came over to me, and I sucked him off too. I felt depraved, like a bitch to both my dogs.

I couldn’t wait to have them take me again, and next time I would let them fuck me twice each or as long as I could. I staggered to the bathroom and took a cold shower. I returned to the den and cleaned up our mess, reminding myself to buy a pad that would absorb the fluids so I wouldn’t have to clean up. I lay down and took a nap.

When I woke up, both dogs were in bed with me. They were licking my cunt, my boobs, and my face as I opened my mouth, and French kissed both of them. I loved Henry, but Buck was going to be my favorite. I moved to the edge of the bed, placed my ass on the edge, and spread my legs, giving both Buck and Henry full access to my vulva and asshole. I came several times, each time curling my toes against the carpet and feeling an explosion in my womb. Henry caught on first, got between my legs, raised his front paws, and held me by my shoulders. His pointed cock tip found my vulva lips, and he shoved forward.

His cock reached my vagina, and he adjusted his hot dog cock as he shoved forward and slammed against my back wall, making me grunt like a stuck pig. I felt the beginning of his knot slip passed my vaginal muscles, and I closed my muscles around the back end of his knot. Henry began pounding fast as his cock tip hit my cervix and back wall. My toes curled and cramped as I came hard almost immediately. I heard myself crying out and begging him to fuck me harder.

My orgasms built one on the other, and I could feel his hot cock rub my clit from the inside. I gagged, and my mouth fell open in a silent scream as Henry stretched me another centimeter.

Henry’s sperm scalded my womb, and my eyes rolled back into my head as I screamed at Henry, “Fuck me, baby. Fuck meeeeeee.”

Buck licked my breasts, and I feinted from the consuming orgasmic sensations. When I revived, Henry was still on top of me with his cock jammed against my back wall. He rolled off me, and his knot slipped out with a plop. His fuck juices and mine squirted out and ran down the bed and my legs. Henry licked me clean as I came yet again and then moved away as Buck mounted me and shoved his cock in; in one single stroke.

I felt him hit my back wall, and his cock grew in length and girth. Buck began his rhythmic pounding as he began to cum inside of me. His thick pointy head caught on my rubbery cervix lips, and I feared for a minute he would shove his cock into my cervix, but his cock slipped back, and he stretched me once more. I stopped counting my orgasms as Buck continued to fuck me. I felt like a real bitch as Buck devoured my pussy with his powerful animal strokes. I held my arms around his neck, and he reached down and kissed me as he swabbed out my mouth.

I heard a woman crying, “Ohhhhgaawwwdbabbbyyy, fuuuuccckkkmeeeeeeeee.”

Buck came and scalded my womb again, and I squirted pussy juice all over him. He held me tight for twenty-thirty minutes, and he kept cumming inside of me as I rose from one level to another in a series of orgasms. Finally, he dropped away from me, and Henry mounted me and, in just a few short strokes, came and held me tight as he squirted his cum in short staccato spurts.

He dropped away, and Buck took over. Buck was an animal as he shoved and stroked me fast and hard. He held me tight as he came for several minutes. As he pulled away, Henry tried to mount me again, but I turned over on my stomach, and I felt his cock search for my vagina and hit my asshole instead.

I was so slippery from the excess cum that he had no problem sliding his cock into my ass. I grunted and began cumming again as he fucked my ass. He started cumming, and I felt his hot cum in my asshole as he pulled away, and Buck took over. Buck fucked me hard as his cock opened my asshole. He fucked me hard with an urgency that only a dog shows when he fucks.

I lay there like a whore, a bitch, and let the dogs have any way they wanted. When I gained consciousness, I was sticky with dog sperm and dogs’ saliva. I walked on shaky legs to the bathroom, where I soaked in a hot bath for two hours. I felt and was a well fucked woman. I wondered what the future would bring. I knew one thing for sure; Buck and Henry were my lovers and would remain forever.

It’s been three years now, and my life is fulfilled sexually and intellectually, and I am open-minded regarding people’s sexual choices. I never dreamed that my life would take the turn it did, but I am happy and fulfilled.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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