Cassie’s Chaos

By straytramp.

Part 1…

Fresh tears streamed from Cassandra as she hurriedly steered her old Nissan to the side of the highway. She shut the ignition and sitting still for a second, staring straight ahead, put her forehead against the wheel, and sobbed heart-wretchedly.

It was so horrible, so devastating. She couldn’t shake the image from her mind.

Why, she thought, why did he do it? Whispering softly she said, “I love you.”

She flinched and looked beside her. The passenger seat held only her bag. He wasn’t there.

“Oh no,” the tears fell freely as she grabbed convulsively for the tissues in the purse. This is so unreal, she thought. Could I be mistaken? Am I sure it was him? Yes. Yes of course it was Daryl. No question about it. But why? Why? When our weddings’ tomorrow, she asked herself in disbelief.

“I LOVED YOU!” she screamed as she threw her bag down.

She wiped her eyes with the heels of her thumbs as her mind flew back to that awful image again.

Oh Creator, please no, she thought, but she was already there.

Cassandra walked the three flights to Daryl’s apartment; she had never been so excited and eager. It was six in the morning. Her wedding day was just hours away, and after a year of waiting all her dreams were coming true. She smiled as she readied her key to his apartment. She meant to surprise him by offering herself to him now. She couldn’t wait any longer and she didn’t mean to wait, this was too important for her. Cassandra softly inserted the key and opened the door. She closed it silently, smiling already at the expression she expected on his face as she woke him up standing before him naked. And oh so ready, she thought.

It had been torture for her to maintain her virginity when Daryl entered her life, but for some reason she still couldn’t quite fathom; he insisted that they remain pure until their wedding night. It had been exceedingly frustrating for her especially that night on their fourth date with his cock-tip almost pressing against her hymen; she had inadvertently whispered hotly in his ear, “Please be gentle. I’ve never done this before.”

She was sure those few words had cost her a year of outstanding sex. Cassandra was no prude by any stretch of the imagination. Her thoughts almost daily involved getting fucked into screaming orgasmic bliss by Daryl. She touched him provocatively almost every time they were alone together, trying to make him fuck her. God, she wanted his cock so bad, but that weird code he followed left her fuming and hot.

When she went home at night she rubbed herself to sleep, dreaming of his cock. Well I’m done waiting, she thought, I’m almost 20 for Creator’s sakes.

As she neared the corner to his bedroom she suddenly froze. She could now clearly hear a woman’s moan of passion.

“Oh yes… Suck that cock… Spit on that fucking monster,” Daryl’s voice could be heard saying.

Sounds of spitting assaulted her ears.

“Yeah baby… Now put it back in my ass and lick my cunt… Oh yeah,” a female voice said.

A long shuddering sigh followed.

Cassandra stood rooted in horror as she heard Daryl’s voice sounding harsh and cruel. “Get ready, slut… I’m going to fuck your ass next.”

A bored sounding voice replied, “I’m ready darling.”

The door was ajar, so Cassandra craned her head forward. Tears filled her vision thankfully obscuring the sight of Daryl pumping his thick cock into the anus of an overweight woman while an emaciated blond sucked his glistening balls. There was white powder and whitish lumps on the dresser next to what Cassandra knew were a crack pipe.

Cassandra backed away, now terrified of being caught here and deeply humiliated by Daryl’s infidelity to her. As she slowly backed away she heard more horror.

“Make sure you fill those syringes after. Um… make them 15 packs that ought to do it. I’m, huh, getting married tomorrow, and I’ve had this chick salivating like a bitch in heat for almost a year now. The boys are getting impatient, so we’ll set her up tonight. Get her fucked up, and then fucked. Then I’ll put her to work.”

Bitch… Heat… Muh… Me… , Cassandra mouthed silently, eyes wide.

“Are all the boys coming here?” the jaded blond asked.

“Of course, dummy.” The fat woman declared. “Trust my brother here. He knows how to turn nuns into whores.” She cackled as she slurped her asshole off her brother. “Look at you,” she said as she rose up to take the crack pipe in her pudgy hand.

“Yeah…,” Daryl crowed, “… after all nine guys are done with her, she’ll know it too. Then, heh, so much for the wedding. Her first husband will be the one that pays first.”

Rising to his knees he scooted behind the skinny blond and using his thumbs to spread her anus he thrust his cock into her. As he started to pound her bum, she looked at the dresser. Pointing at a picture on the dresser with her chin, she asked, “Is that her? God, she’s beauti….”

Her voice faded off as Cassandra moved out of hearing. She had no recollection of racing down the stairs or flying to her car in dazed confusion.

Her world had turned on end.

It made no sense.

Daryl had been so nice, sweet, charming, kind and loving to her. He had made her laugh uproariously at his clever jokes, and it had all been an act. Why? Just to turn her into a whore? Why spend a year preparing such a horrible act?

He could have done that to her months ago with far less trouble.

Bile rose in her throat, pushing her door open she stumbled blindly out, gasping and sobbing as she heaved. Her stomach was empty, and the heaving just left her breathless and sore.

She looked around. Where the hell is that barking coming from, she wondered. She was on the highway headed home. Home being her mother’s house in La Ronge, not her flat in Saskatoon. She still had an hour and a half of travel to get there.

But she was parked in the middle of nowhere.

The nearest little village was twenty kilometres further on. Why would a dog be barking out here? Leaving her vehicle, she walked towards the source of the barking. It was coming from further in the forest that stretched for miles in all directions.

She entered the forest without trepidation.

As she neared the dog, she could tell that the barking was the sound of distress and fear. Finally she spotted the Dog. It was a large breed, having actually never owned a dog, she was unsure about its actual type, but she was sure of one thing. He looked scary.

He was a Him, of that she was very sure with just the merest glance. His fur was deep black, almost gleaming blue with tan markings around his paws and eyebrows. He was oblivious to anything around him in his desperate, yet thus far, futile efforts to escape the heavy-link chains that dug deeply into his neck, she winced seeing the blood dripping from his jaws as he pulled and tried chewing the heavy chain, it was wrapped around a large tree three times, then wrapped in wire to hold and tie the links together.

Seeing the broken saplings, and the torn up ground all around a length of free chain. Cassandra knew instantly that the dog had been fighting for its life for quite a while, and despite the dog’s obviously massive physical prowess, he had reached his limit. With a last strangled bark, he collapsed. Panting, yet also choking from the tight chain that encircled his huge neck.

Fear of the huge beast, vanished, replaced with concern that he might die. “Hello, boy!” she called out, knowing that the dog had not detected her yet and she didn’t want to startle him.

He arose with a quick fluid motion, his dark eyes instantly intently focused on hers; his every fibre visibly tensing into utter stillness so quickly that Cassandra took an involuntary breath.

“Ooh…,” she gulped.

His dark eyes had her momentarily pinned, before she could move again, the dog’s stub of a tail began wagging furiously as he lowered himself to his forelimbs as he continued to whine, fell to his side rolling over and exposing his belly to her, his eyes were a rich chocolate and seemed to radiate a feeling of hope and trust that touched her soul in a way she couldn’t quite comprehend.

“Aw… You’re a good boy. Aren’t you?” she said, her confidence returning.

The giant dog’s tail wagged faster but he remained still, lying relaxed, a heart-breaking whine rumbled from his large chest. Cassandra froze as her brown eyes widened in horrified realisation. The dog’s thick collar was cast aside unbuckled. The chain wrapped around his large neck was also wired shut. Someone had purposely left this dog here to die.

All of the heartache and pain cause by Daryl’s betrayal suddenly vanished, as if it had never happened. A cold bitter wind seemed to flow from her as she cast her eyes about for anything to help her free the noble animal. Falling to her knees beside the huge beast, her small fingers pulled at the wire wrapped around the chain, breaking nails and dripping blood from the pokes and rips of the sharp ends of the wire.

Now the tears that poured unchecked from her eyes felt clean and good and a cold implacable hatred raced through her at anyone cruel enough to harm such a sweet-natured dog. The dog raised his huge head to her, and licked her hand.

That was it.

Cassandra burst into sobs, as she struggled to free this scary looking yet obviously well-trained dog. As her brutalised fingers worked to free the wires, her thoughts flew. I must have been guided here, why else would I have stopped where I did, she thought. Without the steady wind I never would have heard his barks.

Aloud she said to the animal, “The Creator sent me to save you doggy, and I think… maybe you’re here to save me.”

The dog’s tail thumped and his eyes speared her soul as if to say: Yes, I’ll save you.

Being so close to the huge dog Cassandra saw that although he looked super strong, he seemed to be fading before her eyes. The wire was defeating her efforts to loosen them. She needed help, pliers she thought I have pliers. She rose up, her fingers and hands throbbing with pain.

“I’ll be right back, ok? I promise… I’ll be right back, I just need to get pliers to pull these wires ok?”

She began to hurry back to her car, as she went from his sight he let loose a heart wrenching howl. The sound broke her heart, and lent her feet wings for fear the dog might think that she had abandoned him. “Please don’t think that, please don’t think that.” She silently begged as she rushed to her car.

Grabbing the multi-tool from the glove box and the bottle of water she didn’t remember buying when she filled up her gas tank. Rushing back, the silence that filled the northern forest now chilled her. The early morning wind had ceased. The only noise was her crackling passage through the underbrush. The dog’s tail wagged when she reappeared and the relief she felt at seeing him still alive was like a tidal wave rushing over her.

The pliers did its work quickly and after a few minutes, Cassandra was pulling the heavy chain from around the dog’s massively muscled neck. Cassandra gently poured some water onto the dog’s lips. He revived a bit at the taste, and suddenly realising he was free he reared up.

Cassandra, caught by surprise fell back onto her bum with her legs spread wide. The short skirt she had worn to Daryl’s did nothing to hide the lacy black thong panties she had put on to entice him. Cassandra froze, watching this massive dog come toward her. He looked gigantic.

Cassandra held her breath wondering what he was going to do now that he was free. The dog stepped between her spread feet and sat down in front of her. She felt small compared to this giant dog and a little apprehensive. She couldn’t help but notice his large seeming sheath, and a little gasp escaped her as a pink glistening tip poked its way out. It was crazy, but her panties suddenly felt tight and constricting. Her pussy suddenly felt moist as she watched his pink tip slide out another 2 inches.

“Oh Sweet Creator,” she whispered, “I’m being turned on by a dog.” Looking down at herself she thought, Oh geez, maybe I’m turning him on.

Suddenly the dog again rose and leaning forward, licked her thigh almost touching her moist pussy lips. Cassandra shuddered, closing her eyes shivering. It was the most erotic electric feeling she had ever experienced in her life. The dog rose his massive head and licked her cheek, involuntarily She turned to him mouth slightly open, his tongue brushed her lips in a wet kiss.

Cassandra sighed and opened her eyes to find herself face to face with him. He had the kindest eyes she had ever seen. She raised her arms to his head and leaning forward, hugged him. She began crying again, but this time the tears were happy ones as she raised herself off the ground. The dog seemed to catch her scent and acted on it.
Cassandra had turned away to use her arms to push-off the ground and had exposed her bum almost at the dog’s head.

The short mini couldn’t begin to hide her moist mound and again Cassandra found herself frozen in place, her eyes popping wide as the dog’s cold muzzle found and licked her lips, his tongue sliding along her ass crack before he again licked her. Cassandra gasped her knees almost buckling from the intense pleasure this dog was bringing out of her. Without thinking one of her hands crept down and pulled her thong panty aside, allowing the dog free access to her pussy.

One lick, Mmmm. Two licks, Ohhh. His tongue slid inside her and this time Cassandra did buckle to the ground her shaking knees no longer capable of holding her up.

Sweat beaded her brow as she let the dog continue to lick her sopping wet pussy, moaning with need and want she allowed herself to surrender to the waves of lust and intense pleasure the dog instilled in her. “Ohhhh sweet Creeeaator,” she gasped out as the orgasm washed through her. “Yes!”

The dog was trying to mount her.

Coming back to herself, No!” she shouted, quickly lowering her voice when she saw the dog’s fearful reaction to her tone, “Not here.” She shakily arose and rubbing the dog’s head said in her lovely voice, “I’ll take you to my… No… Our place,” she quickly amended.

She realised that somehow someway in just the few minutes since she saw this dog that she loved him completely and whole-heartedly.

“First, you need water and most probably food. Then when you’re back to your old self again. Then…” she smiled. “C’mon,” she said, about to lead the way to her car when a thought struck her. “Um… Do you have a name doggy?”

Seeing the discarded collar she picked it up, and read ‘Chaos’.

“Chaos?” she asked raising an eyebrow at the dog.

The huge dog wagged his stubby tail furiously.

“Ok Chaos, I’m Cassie,” She smiled at the dog, “… My wedding was meant to be tomorrow, but I can’t wait. So Chaos do you accept me as your new master? And I, Cassandra accept you ‘Chaos’ as my new master.”

She laughed. Suddenly the world seemed brighter.

Amazing, she thought, just 15 minutes ago I was ready to die from heartbreak but now it’s like my heart had never felt true love until now.

Looking down at the huge dog that kept pace right by her side as they walked back to the highway, Cassandra couldn’t stop the grin of happiness that erupted from her pretty mouth. She kept her hand on the dog’s head stroking and petting all the way to her car. As they drove back to Saskatoon, her eyes kept dropping to Chaos’s sheath and her imagination kept her panties soaked during the entire 2 hour trip.

“Oh Creator, I’m horny. That bastard was more right than even he knew. I’m your bitch, Chaos, and oh geez am I in heat.”

Laughing carefree she reached down gently rubbing Chaos’s huge sheath feeling him harden under her ministrations.
Oh Wow, she thought pulling her hand away.

Finally reaching her house she parked her car in the garage and led Chaos into his new domain. While he explored, Cassie threw a roast into the oven and began making phone calls to everyone she knew, telling them the wedding was off and not to bother coming over as she was going to her mother’s tonight. She hated lying to her friends, but none of them would understand Chaos. And to her now ‘Chaos’ was everything.

She filled a bowl with water and set it down, before walking into her bedroom to change out of her soaked panties. As she was pulling her shirt off, she heard Chaos coming up behind her; she turned to him completely naked. They stared at each other.

“Well do you like what you see?” she asked with a smile.

The dog seemed to smile at her.

“You do? That’s nice because I sure like what I see.”

As Chaos took a step nearer, Cassandra felt her heart skip a beat. In the afternoon light the dog seemed to glimmer and his huge muscles flexed and undulated under his short black coat, his warm eyes glowed at her, warming her. She felt light ‘can’t move,’ she thought as Chaos took another step. His reddish tongue began panting as he sniffed the air in front of her.

As his muzzle probed her crotch, her heels rose off the floor as a deep shudder reverberated throughout her soul. For the second time in her life a love struck ‘Ooh’ escaped her lips. Reaching down she fondled the huge dog’s head and knelt in front of him, he dwarfed her physically when she was at his level she saw, somehow that made her feel safe and she momentarily basked in the security she felt.

He licked her neck causing her to shiver in delight. She squatted back on her heels. And using both hands – quickly tied her long hair back. In this position she was completely exposed and helpless to do anything, but sigh in pleasure as he continued to lick her breasts. Her nipples instantly hardened as his warm breath washed over her. She reached for him, and gently guided him to the floor. She wanted to touch him like she did in the car. She slowly began stroking his side, lightly scratching, and slowly reaching for his sheath. She began to stroke him there, her eyes widening as his penis grew in her grasp.

She began to pant, as she pulled back the sheath exposing his quickly hardening cock.

It was beautiful. It was pink and red, and she was surprised to feel a ball growing deeper inside his sheath. She pulled the furry sheath back further, and as Chaos hunched his hips his entire cock popped out from its protective sheath.

Cassandra was awed into lust filled silence as her eyes drank in his beautiful thickening cock.

“Mmm,” she cooed as she lowered her head and breathed deeply the scent of his cock. I’ve got to taste that, she thought and gently not wanting to harm Chaos in any way, she flicked her tongue along his length.

Mmm… kinda like gunmetal, she thought, but nice.

Getting braver she grasped him more firmly below the ball that was if anything getting even bigger as she lowered her head again and this time took Chaos into her mouth.

Mmmm wow, she thought as he began to squirt into her mouth.

Her pussy was burning with desire. It was amazing. The little cock-tip she had put in her mouth had now swelled in size, and she was having problems keeping him inside. But she wanted to keep drinking him in, he was so good. Her eyes were closed as she revelled in the luxurious pleasure and satisfaction she felt at sucking Chaos’s cock.

When she opened them, she pulled away from Chaos in wonder.

His cock had grown to gigantic proportions. It was pulsating mightily, and now a steady stream of clear fluid was spurting from his cock. Where she was holding him he still felt the same size, but the rest had exploded in size.

“Oh my!” she gasped.

She had to know, and she had to know now. She raised herself to her knees and still grasping Chaos firmly, guided his squirting cock head to her pussy. It looked huge in comparison, but she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop. She pushed his cock head past her pussy lips until he was there.

“There,” she hissed through clenched teeth, as she forced herself on Chaos’s thick cock.

Her legs and thighs were soaked from his pre-cum, and the momentary pain she felt as Chaos broke her hymen was instantly washed away as the most intense pleasure she had ever felt filled her. Like Chaos was filling her. “Oh yes,” she moaned, as she orgasmed mightily.

Her pussy milking and squeezing the beautiful cock within her, she continued to push. Taking and needing all of him inside her, never ever to leave – It felt so good.

She looked down mesmerised as she realised she had been impaled deeply, her clit rubbed along the huge ball that had formed, and it was huge. She raised herself a little, watching as her pussy resisted the withdrawal. His cock glistened with their combined juices, as she lowered herself again slowly loving the feel of him filling her. It hurt, but it hurt so good.

She raised herself, then lowered, and again faster, and faster. The large ball kept touching her clit and it were driving her nuts. Her pussy was dripping, almost streaming, as she was gasping, grunting, moaning, and sighing as she shuddered. Again mewling incoherently, as the biggest orgasm yet rocked her, then turned around and smashed her again.

It was too much, too intense. This can’t be real, she thought.

“Ooh… Ooooh… Oohh!” she could only gasp out as she continued to slam her mound against Chaos’s thick cock, sweat plastered her forehead as she leaned back shudders running through her.

It was too much too much too much she groaned as she released Chaos’s knot and fell back in a faint as Chaos’s thick still spurting cock plopped out of her even as her pussy tried to hold him in. Chaos’s cum mixed with hers had turned into a greyish reddish froth, and Cassandra could only watch sated and exhausted as both of them oozed Chaos’s love juice.

Cassandra shakily crawled to Chaos and hugged him, loving him needing him wanting him just to BE with him. She kept a loving eye on his cock watching as Chaos reached over and began licking himself. “Aw…,” Cassandra said, “… I’d gladly do that for you honey, but I can’t move yet.”

And it was true, her knees were still knocking together and she felt weak as a kitten. She felt blissful for the first time in her life. She also realised that she wanted Chaos to fuck her again, only this time the way the Creator intended for him.

It dawned on her that actually Chaos and she had not yet consummated their love the way it should be.

“Um… Maybe it’s better that we did it this way first, right honey? After all at least now I know how big you are, and will be slightly prepared when you do fuck me,” she said to him.

Chaos licked her mouth.

Cassandra laughed happily. “Yeah you know, don’t you boy. Guess what? I have some really sexy clothes you’ll like that my friends gave me for my wedding night, and there’s no one I’d rather dress for than you, Chaos. Do you know that? No one but you.”

“Ummm what was I going to get up for?” she asked herself, “Oh yeah I was gonna change, Mmmm on second thought I don’t want to wear awful clothes when I’m at home with you, Chaos my boy. My lover. My…” she giggled, “… husband.”

Cassandra tried and failed to get up and ended up laughing in total happiness.

“Oh sweet Creator,” she laughed. “I’ve been fucked comatose.”

The statement sent her into a helpless fit of laughter, finally she managed to get to her knees then stood, she watched awed at the amount of Chaos’s cum that poured out of her and down her still shaky shapely slightly bloody inner thighs. Cupping her hand she grabbed some and brought it to her lips.

“Mmm…,” she sighed, “… So sweet.”

She rubbed it onto her breasts and cupping them together leaned her head down and breathed deeply, loving his scent. She looked down at her magnificent lover and was rocked by the rush of emotion she felt for him. Smiling at him she pictured him mounting her then thrusting his awesome cock into her, crushing her with the might of his loving thrust.

Hmm, she thought, suddenly frowning looking again at Chaos.

He was a massively muscled dog, and she already knew she was small compared to him when she was on her knees. Take into consideration his enormous beautiful thick cock, thinking of it her hand automatically reached for her pussy, gently touching her engorged clit. Damn she wanted him so bad.

She noticed his claws and winced, Ouch – I’m going to need some protection, she thought, but what?

Cassie suddenly grinned.

Of course! Her wedding presents. Maxine had given her an outfit that was perfect, black form-fitting leather leggings with a tight leather jacket that exposed her breasts seductively, leaving her midriff bare and also the small of her back. “Oh yeah that’ll work fine.”

Smiling happily again she reached down and patting Chaos’s huge head said, “Ok darling, I’m going to jump in the shower and clean up for you. Then I’ll fix your dinner and then…,” She giggled, “… and then I’ll get ready for our little romantic evening, and trust me baby it’ll be nice.”

Singing merrily along in perfect harmony, unbeknownst to herself, with Shakira’s ‘Hips Don’t Lie’ she sauntered seductively into the bathroom, knowing Chaos was watching her every move and it made her in ordinarily pleased to think he might find her attractive.

For maybe the very first time in her life, she took a serious look at herself in the full length mirrors that covered the door and walls of the shower. For years people had been saying that she was beautiful, but she just saw herself. She had never bothered with make-up, having never really gone out much. She had always preferred to stay home helping her mother and grandmother.

But since she had moved to the city and made new friends, she had begun to open up and bloom. Until she met ‘Dickhead’! Cassie fumed for just a second until remembering that without his help, unintended for sure, she would never have met the true love of her life. Opening a drawer on a bureau near her bed, she pulled out the rarely used make-up kits she had. For a second she was at a loss, hoping she didn’t over do it. But first things first, she decided to start with a shower. As she soaped her body, it was with a slight regret because she was washing Chaos off her, and she knew down to the roots of her deepest soul that she never wanted Chaos off her.

Geez girl, she thought to herself, settle down.

She closed her eyes and soaped her breasts thinking of Chaos’s long hot tongue. Her eyes popped open. Creator help me, I’ve become obsessed with a dog, she prayed. As her hands reached her puffy pussy lips, she moaned and gently rubbed herself inside using her fingers to try and stretch herself just a little bit. His cock is so big, she thought. Her eyes opened again, and this time she just grinned. “Ok…,” she said to herself, “… So you love him. Why not? He’s beautiful, intelligent, gentle, loving, and sweet. Creator, he also does have a beautiful big delicious yummy cock. Is it wrong?”

As she finished, she continued her critical look at herself and decided that maybe she was beautiful after all. But she blushed even to think it.

She looked to the door where her lover lay just staring at her with his big brown eyes. His massive head on his tan paws. He looked so beautiful, that again Cassandra held her breath in awe of him. She walked out of the bathroom past him, restraining herself from jumping his bones. Not yet, she thought. She walked into the bedroom and pulled out Maxine’s wedding gift to her.

As she slipped the leather leggings over her sculpted thighs, she enjoyed the sensation of making herself beautiful for her huge almost godlike lover. As she slipped into the tight leather jacket-like corset and tied it tighter, it pushed her already firm melon-sized breasts out just a little further. She raised one slender leg onto the bed and made some adjustments to her leggings.

They’re nice and snug, she admired.

She stood straight and looked at herself in the bedroom full length standing mirror. She was a little stunned at how she looked. “Oh geez!” she said to her reflection.

A goddess stared back at her. Her hair was still up and stray strands caused a halo-like effect. Her face was framed almost lovingly by loose strands. She stood five-nine, and she was perfectly proportioned. The leather leggings fit her like a second skin. They reached her crotch before flaring out, yet also pushing her beautiful round little bum into a god’s lunch. Her leggings only made her seem more naked, as her tiny puffed out pussy lips gleamed from her almost constant arousal since Chaos and she had met. Just thinking his name made her tummy hot, and her knees quiver.

Damn girl, you’re boiling, she thought.

She again restrained herself from fondling and loving Chaos, knowing once she started she wouldn’t be able to stop. SHe had to feed her lover; she knew he must be starving. She walked to the kitchen, feeling sexy and rubbing Chaos’s head as he ambled along beside her. She shut off the oven and slipping on oven gloves took the warmed roast out. Maxine, Rhonda and she had gone nuts the night before cooking up a huge meal, but just laughing and joking instead of eating.

Therefore, an entire roast was Chaos’s first meal in God Knows how long. But she knew it had been horribly long. She set the plate of roast on the floor, and her heart melted at the polite way he looked to her before gently picking up the large roast. She scooted back, and setting her back to the fridge squatted down her knees spread wide, exposing her throbbing pussy lips wide. Her small vaginal opening glistened wetly from her heat and held back lust.

As she admired his awesome clean lines, and his large sheath that hung down so low that even like that she caught a glimpse of his pink beautiful organ.

She thought, Geez, he’s so beautiful.

She noticed in the foyer her little boot bench, and suddenly she was struck by a brilliant idea. Rising she retrieved the little bench, and setting it down close to Chaos she lay on it. Mentally judging his reach and width of body, she concluded that he would be able to straddle his front paws easily between the bench’s narrow width. In fact, not much wider than her. She scooted down until her ass hung over the edge, and with legs spread wide she was able to comfortably move her hips up and down.

Ah yes, this would work nicely, she thought to herself happily.

She couldn’t wait for him to finish his meal. She carried the bench to its new permanent location in her bedroom, and gushed happily as she placed a pillow on it for her added comfort. “Oop!” she yelped surprised by the feel of his cold nose sniffing deeply of her pussy.

She turned, laughing, rubbing his head. “Don’t do that, silly. You almost made me cum.”

Chaos opened his mouth wide exposing his large sharp teeth in a doggy smile. She found him instantly endearing. She grabbed him about the jowls and kissed him, trying to suck his fast-moving tongue as he licked her mouth deeply in the hottest French type kiss she had ever done.

Gods, she was dripping. Her pussy felt soaked, and hot, and oh so ready and eager for his monster beautiful doggy cock. She laid down on the small bench and spreading herself wide open, she totally surrendered herself to this awesome massive ethereal entity. His head was as wide as her spread thighs as he leaned in and licked her achingly hungry pussy, “Oh geez, that feels so good,” she moaned, as she shamelessly undulated her hips seeking to have his large slobbering tongue slip into her vaginal opening.

“Oh gods Yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth as again and again he slurped deeply of her honeyed nectar.

His teeth dug and ground gently against her pussy lips as he drank her. She was gasping and grunting in such pleasure that she almost forgot. She reached down and pulling her shaking legs in and holding his head she wiggled her way between his wide front paws. His massive head was level with hers now and she hugged him hard with one arm as she reached down spreading her quivering legs she grasped his sheathed cock and holding him guided her opening to his still small pink cock tip.

Gods, it felt so hot and slick as he began to hump slowly at first until somehow his cock tip suddenly seemed to find her eager opening of its own volition. Suddenly, shockingly, he slammed into her, his cock buried deep inside, her eyes widened in shock and then glazed over in panting lust as Chaos began to furiously slam into her his cock rapidly thickening, filling her.

“Oh fuck!” she screamed, as his cock swelled within her.

Gasping she could feel that his big ball thing was inside her, “Oh Sweet Creator… gods… ga… ga… ga…!” She gasped as the monster cock filled her entire being and soul, he was huge. Too big. Too big. Too big. She moaned desperately as she held her pussy trapping his massiveness within her. “GODS!” she screamed in ecstasy/pain, as Chaos filled her with gallons and gallons of cum.

She struggled to hold his knot within her, it was huge and it was hurting like crazy when it threatened to pull out of her. Gods, she couldn’t allow that, she thought. “Gods… gods… gods… gods… C-Chaos… Chaos… Chaos…!” she screamed, as she gushed her cum and somehow some inner strength she never for a second suspected allowed her to continue to internally milk and caress this beautiful soul filling cock

“Ahhh!” she screamed again as another wave of orgasmic holy bliss and ecstasy washed through her.

Her eyes were glazed, as drool fell from Chaos into her mouth. She raised her head and licked the drool from his lips, moaning loudly as he continued to pulse his hot throbbing cock deep inside her. His knot was now fully engorged, and filling her. Killing her. She gushed internally again, “Cumming… Cumming… Gods… Gods… uhnn… gah gah gah… Godssss!”

She pulled her hand from her cock filled pussy, and hugged Chaos to her. Undulating, whoring herself, giving herself, while grunting with pain and uncontrollable pleasure. His knot was lodged inside her, she was too tight for him to pull out of her. It hurt badly when he tried.

She pulled him in deeper trying to keep his knot as far from her tight vaginal opening as possible, she was sure he’d tear her. Her eyes were glazed over in soul deep lust, as she again was brought herself to another orgasm. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She realised that she had been the only one moving for some minutes now,

Chaos just stood above her panting drooling in her, but his hot burning cock still consumed her throbbing, pulsing, squirting, and flexing again. She sobbed almost hysterically. “I love you. I love you. I love you,” she babbled, soaked in sweat and drool.

Both tasted sweet. Finally, and inevitably – His knot had shrunk enough that despite the agonising and excruciating pain; he popped out of her spilling a river of cum as he did. The sheer act of his cock’s exit from her well fucked pussy brought her one last time to a shuddering, moaning orgasm.

Falling limply off the bench, she rushed to his still enormous throbbing cock. She had to taste him, drink him, and worship him. Cum poured from her pussy as she sucked him; loving him. Finally after about nine minutes she was lying down exhausted. Her pussy still throbbing, shaking with satiated lust, and watching as Chaos gently licked his love tool back into its sheath.

“Oh Creator, your fantastic Chaos… I love you. I never want to leave you alone,” Cassandra gushed, her eyes glowing with the intensity of her love and adoration.

She cupped her over-heated pussy, gods, she was burning, and did she feel better. Not just good, but infused with an inner glow that would forever shine within her. Some People would call it charisma.

She called it Chaos.

She fell asleep with him on the floor.


Part 2…

She awoke an hour later, and gods, did she feel refreshed – almost brand new. It was inexplicable. She should have been splayed out unconscious for days, and to tell the truth her pussy still echoed from her orgasms. She stretched out luxuriously, and slowly. Then she arose and ran her loving fingers along Chaos’s flanks. Quickly shed the leather leggings and laid them aside. Her fingers flew unerringly, and the leather top soon followed.

As she walked naked to her second shower, she sang. Her clear voice echoed like angels rustling, with clear notes lingering in the air like gossamer-thin crystal would break the heart of any listener. If any were around to hear besides Chaos that is. Although she was sure he liked her voice.

She cleaned herself inside and out. She did everything fast, as she was eager to escape the bathroom. She returned to the bedroom and retrieved her housecoat. She didn’t put it on, but carried it into the living room and placed it within handy reach if someone came to visit. She wasn’t really expecting anyone, except her friend Maxine, to be honest. Maxine was the first person she met when she moved to this town. Maxine had in fact tried to pick her up, as she was a Lesbian, and she had never really stopped trying.

Cassie planned to stay naked and available to Chaos’s whim. So far, Chaos had not strayed ten feet from her side at any time. Cassandra loved his attention. As she was just getting comfortable, and beginning to heat up again being in such close proximity to her love, the doorbell rang along with Maxine’s customary shave and a haircut knock.

Cassandra sighed with regret, with shame, knowing her next words to her dearest friend would be all lies.

She paused and visibly gathered herself, squaring her shoulders. She put the housecoat on to face her friend. She decided to carry out a plan she had been idly toying with and now something crystallised within her. Decision made, she now resolved to carry it through regardless of the consequences.

I could always move out of town, she thought. As long as I have Chaos, I have everything.

She opened the door. Maxine stood there wearing a Toronto maple leafs cap on backwards, her short blond hair sticking out holding a bottle of the cheapest wine nickels and dimes could buy, in the other, she held a single red rose.

She waved the cheap stuff first. “Well have you changed your mind again, and decide to go through with it; or…,” holding out the red rose, “… are you back on the market?”

Cassandra answered by dropping her housecoat and standing there, never taking her eyes off Maxine. She cupped her own breasts, slowly and erotically she ran her hands down her luscious undulating body. One hand dipped low, diving into her pussy. Cassie raised her hand to Maxine’s mouth, and offered her finger. Maxine watched in awe of what she was doing, and as Cassandra’s finger neared her mouth, she closed her eyes and took her inside. Kissing and raising her own hands, she grasped Cassandra’s hand and held her to her cheek.

“Oh my god, it’s happening.” Maxine whispered, as they both entered the house, closing the door behind her.

Smiling, Cassandra took the bottle and set it down and the rose she placed in her hair as she melded into Maxine’s embrace. She kissed her, tongues touched lightly. Maxine’s knees buckled, she couldn’t understand what she was feeling. Usually, in these situations, she was the one in control.

Cassandra, still tonguing Maxine’s mouth, had reached down and using both hands had unbuckled and unzipped in one fluid motion. Maxine gasped into Cassandra’s mouth, and wiggled her hips, letting her pants fall around her knees. Her cap tumbled to the floor. Cassandra slowly pulled off Maxine’s top raising her arms and trapping them above her head, kissing her deeply. Maxine, of course, was not wearing a bra.

Not that she needs one, Cassandra thought. Wow, does she ever have beautiful breasts. So firm. Mmm… So nice.

While keeping one hand raised, she had lowered the other and cupping a large breast, she lifted it gently, lowering her head from Maxine’s lips to take a nipple into her mouth, it instantly hardened and grew as goose pimples rushed throughout Maxine.

Oh my god, Maxine thought almost swooning, does she have any idea what she’s doing to me?

Looking down at the glorious creäture, the flames within her that burned for Cassandra erupted into a nuclear fire as she gasped. Cassandra had lowered her beautiful head and the tip of her tongue was dancing across her tummy, lightly teasing, kissing. Cassandra released her arms and Maxine reached for her, caressing her naked body.

God damn… She’s different somehow… More alive, Maxine thought.

Cassandra’s raven black hair brushed her nipples, lightly rubbing. As she reached Maxine’s panty line she used her teeth to pull them lower, using her chin to rub softly against her hidden yet flaming clitoris. Maxine stiffened, gasping in raw, naked lust as Cassandra’s tongue massaged her clit through her panty. Maxine reached down and shaking with horniness she pushed her panty down so that Cassandra could have free access to her wet aching pussy. Cassandra pursed her lips and sucking softly used just her breath to expose Maxine’s clit. The cool, delicious air that Cassandra used to kiss her clitoris made Maxine’s knees start shaking.

“Oh Cassie,” she cooed.

As Cassandra kissed and sucked on her clit, one of her fingers probed gently, then slid deep into her, Maxine gripped her internally gasping. “Oh… That feels so good.”

Cassandra couldn’t believe how delicious Maxine tasted, as she wiggled under her flickering tongue like sunlight on water.

Maxine’s pussy lips glistened under Cassandra’s increasingly eager tongue, and she realised how much she was enjoying making her friend sigh in pleasure. Maxine was hot, and the taste of her pussy was amazing. Her hand, which had stroked and lightly squeezing Maxine’s soft yet firm ass, now reached down began rubbing her own clit. Her finger slid along her slit, and spreading herself, she slipped a finger into her pussy matching the strokes and touches she was inflicting on Maxine.

Gods, is she feeling what I feel, she wondered, as pleasure washed through her as she stroked and rubbed their swollen g-spots. Both pussies suddenly gripped her fingers, like some fantasy version of those little finger traps. That familiar feeling washed through her, she flexed, tensing so quickly she mashed her tongue against Maxine’s clit while also putting extra pressure on Maxine’s erogenous zone.

Cassandra stopped her forward motion as she stiffened her tongue, looking up, she marvelled at Maxine’s beauty, Gods, I never thought it could be like this, she thought.

Maxine had arched her head, pushing off from the door on which she learned as she bent her hips, up and then back, seeking the pressure she had just experienced. Her tummy looked sweet and luscious, her ribs showing as her lovely breasts quivered, she arched her back, her chest rising and expanding up. Tummy muscles moved, flexing.

She was dancing on Cassandra’s tongue, partner to her questing fingers. Her shaved pussy slick and soaking, she felt she must cum soon.

“Ah… Cassie… My Cassie… Oh, sweetheart… Ah…,” she moaned wildly.

She had been so focused on this enchanting elvish creäture, with the haunting beauty of a timeless sexual forest-goddess, demanding and deserving of her sexual offerings, that she did not register Chaos at all.

Cassandra had shocked Maxine’s perceptions, everything were a wonderful blur, and Chaos had become a background shadow, unmoving therefore unnoticed.

Only Cassandra filled her universe.

Maxine was secretly stunned by how Cassandra was bringing her to orgasm so quickly, she knew Cassandra was a virgin. Yet, she seemed to be blessed with an innate ability to deliver pleasure effortlessly. Everything she did to her was exquisitely intense, gentle yet firm, and confidant – and she did it at exactly the right moment. It was uncanny. Her pussy gripped Cassandra’s fingers as she pulled it out of her, trailing a wet streak down Maxine’s quivering inner-thigh.

“Ooh…,” she gasped, “… Oooh.”

Cassandra echoed as she gave one last lingering suck on Maxine’s clit before rising and softly French kissing the flushed woman, Cassandra declared almost off-hand, “Oh… I better introduce you to someone before he startles you,” looking directly into Maxine’s hot eyes.

“Really? Who?” Maxine suddenly felt exposed.

Cassandra smiled, shaking her head, “No… It’s a dog I rescued last night.”

Maxine instantly relaxed. Growing up with three older brothers and two younger, Maxine couldn’t remember when she wasn’t surrounded by dogs until she left home. They didn’t bother her at all.

“Oh, that’s great, I’m so happy for you.”

And she was. It had always bothered her that Cassandra lived here in her late Uncle’s big house all alone. And from experience, she knew that dog’s were always alert for strangers. The thought of anyone ever harming Cassandra was a horror she couldn’t bear to contemplate.

She kissed the smiling lips of this naked stunning vision. Her pussy ached for release.

Cassandra was ecstatic, and her feelings for her friend deepened. “His name is Chaos,” she stepped aside.

And there, Lying right there, was the biggest damn Rottweiler she had seen in some time. He wagged his stubby tail at the mention of his name, but otherwise didn’t move

Sweet Jesus, Maxine thought, how did I not see that monster? “Chaos eh? Nice name… Thank God he seems calm now.” she flashed a smile at Cassandra, just a little uncertain. Christ, this dog is huge, she thought.

Cassandra’s grin if anything got wider. “Oh trust me, he’s caused his share of chaos.”

Reaching down, she softly touched Maxine’s still aching pussy, teasing her fingers along her slit. “Um… Can we get out of this foyer and go into the living room?” she asked.

“Yeah… Sure,” Maxine said with a smile, the dog already fading from her thoughts as her lust and need of this girl outweighed everything else.

She stepped out of her pants and panties. Cassandra helped with one sexy toe as they tangled in Maxine’s still shaking leg. Cassandra gently guided her by the small of her back, pushing her slightly ahead, so that she could admire Maxine’s bum. It had felt so sexy when she had played with it.

Gods, does it ever look nice and tight, she thought. Gods everything about her looks tight. Wow, she’s so gorgeous. She could easily imagine helping Chaos’s squirting his massive cock between her sweet cheeks, and into her pussy. While she lay under them, licking them both. Whoa, slow down there Cass, She thought, Sweet Creator, what’s happening to me? C’mon girl, you’ve only ascertained that she likes dogs, not that she ‘LIKES’ dogs. Geez, I feel like I’m being swept away. Things are going way too fast.

Looking down at Chaos as they passed by, she almost blew it by coming to a dead stop in awed lust of his glistening cock. Which was very noticeable when he sat up. It looked different from before. Last time, it had been a small pointy pink delight. This time it was more solid, thicker, and the head was shaped even hotter like the end of a samurai blade and had extended out almost four-inches.
Oh Creator it looks so delectable, She thought, almost panting.

Thankfully, some part of her mind still aware, kicked her bum. And she managed to keep her feet moving.

Feeling highly charged, and tingling with arousal, she lovingly stroked the small of Maxine’s back, fingers barely touching, yet sending shivers racing straight to Maxine’s crotch. Goose pimples broke out across her back, seeing them, Cassandra grinned.

She leaned in close, and tongue flicking lightly – licked her from her shoulder-blade to her hairline. Maxine couldn’t help scrunching her neck down and shuddering in delight. They both giggled. Cassandra stood behind her and reaching under her arms grabbed her breasts and pulled her to her chest. Maxine sighed in pleasure, and ground her bum against Cassandra’s mound reaching both arms up and behind her she grasped Cassandra’s head and pulled her closer, tongues touched, danced. Cassandra reached one hand down and spreading Maxine’s pussy lips, slipped a finger into her, rubbing gently.

“Oh,” Maxine gasped.

She sucked on Cassandra’s tongue, pushing her hips down, trying to grind herself against her finger. “God… I’m so wet… Oh Damn, Girl… You’re driving me crazy.”

Cassandra felt that she was the one going crazy. In her mind, her finger had transformed into Chaos’s thick spurting dog cock, his cum mixing with hers into a delicious creamy froth. Gods, I’d love to taste that, she thought, as she turned Maxine and sat her on the couch. She knelt and pushed Maxine’s quivering knees apart. Her own knees were quivering just as much, she reached for her pussy, teasing her clit.

Maxine was ready, more than ready, she could cum in seconds. Cassandra was making her so hot.

As Cassandra started to lean down towards her hot wet pussy Maxine noticed Chaos standing, watching them, but as Cassandra’s hot, sharp tongue reached her pussy she closed her eyes in bliss and the dog again faded into the background of her thoughts. She lay back and spread her thighs, her pussy was on fire as Cassandra sucked on her clit. She reached her hands down and grabbing Cassandra’s hand and the back of her head came into her mouth.

“Aahh… God… Cassie… Oh… Oh yeah!” Maxine moaned.

As Maxine closed her eyes, Chaos came up behind his bitch Cassie and sniffed her wet pussy, licking her. Her finger, which had teased her clit stopped as a shudder ran through her. Gods, that felt good, Cassie moaned internally.

Chaos then mounted Cassie, thrusting his cock at her, seeking her opening. She had meant to let it get this far. Then break away, and scold him in front of Maxine. Then she would gauge her reaction. That was the plan, but in the heat of the moment, the plan went awry. Cassandra shifted her hips, arching her bum up, pushing her pussy out higher. She reached between her legs, suddenly terrified that he might invade the wrong opening.

Gods, not there… Not yet… please, she thought, finding and gripping his slick cock – she guided him to the right hole. Once his cock found her hot opening, he slammed into her. Her eyes widened in shock and she stiffened, her mouth flying from Maxine’s pussy, breaking her grip on her head as she cried out from the initial pain of his invasion.

“CHAOS!” she screamed. She had forgotten that his cock not only looked bigger, it was bigger.

His knot was already a quarter enlarged when he slammed it past her vaginal opening, and burying himself deep inside her. His back hunched, humping savagely, his front claws scratching her ribs and leaving long blood trails. His cock quickly thickened, spurting hot pre cum from the instant he entered her. His knot still small, but growing slid in and out of her once more causing a fresh scream of pain. She pushed her bottom harder into him, all the time looking into Maxine’s shocked eyes.

“Ah!… Unngh… Unngh…,” she moaned.

She grabbed herself, trapping him as he continued to swell rapidly, filling her, gods his cum was hot, washing her insides, cleansing her, consuming her. Thick tears fell from her eyes. “Oh… Fuck,” she moaned.

Chaos quickly stopped humping and stood his massive thick cock flexing, pumping his cum deep into her. The agony of his allowed invasion was already beginning to subside as his hot cum filled her with its erotic healing magic.

Her moans shifted. “Unnh… Unnh… Unnnh… Aggh… Ah.”

His knot was rubbing inside her, his cock was flexing throbbing. God, it was so huge. Cum poured from him. It filled her. It was hot, and burning. Gods, gods, gods, yes, yes, yes, her mind shouted

In the heat of the moment she has forgotten Maxine. She forgot all. She was lost in a world of pleasure, each instant an eternity of unparalleled bliss. She cried in ecstasy, the tears, so good, so pure, golden light. “Aahhh!… AAHH!… GODS… Gods… Gods…,” her cries turned into mumbled whispers.


Maxine’s eyes had snapped open at Cassandra’s initial scream. She looked down between her still shuddering hips.

It was unbelievable.

It was insane.

Her eyes goggled and she froze in shock.

Chaos was thrusting his cock into Cassandra.

He was raping her.

The pain in Cassandra’s eyes almost shattered her. Even before Cassandra called out the second time, Maxine knew she was too late to help. As she watched helpless, she was consumed by a guilt that could fill heaven. She knew about dogs, all about dogs. She damned herself. She had watched him, watching them, and she had closed her eyes.

She had closed her fucking eyes.

Hot, bitter tears fell, as she scooted down to hold Cassandra’s head. How could she ever be forgiven? Her beautiful girl, her love. She sobbed and fell to her knees. She held her shuddering body crying in sympathy. However, it slowly dawned on her that Cassandra wasn’t crying.

She was gasping, grunting, moaning. Oh my God, she’s cumming, Maxine thought, wide-eyed in shock.

She suddenly remembered her brothers drunk singing one day, not long ago about knots and g-spots. Then she knew that the body she held wasn’t shuddering in pain, but in pleasure. As she watched, she was awestruck. Cassandra’s face seemed to be changing, glowing, and shining.

Her eyes were open, but Maxine knew she wasn’t seeing her. It was almost a holy bliss. Maxine watched awed, mesmerised as Cassandra orgasmed four times in quick succession. Her hands were by her sides, twitching, clenching. Only her knees and Chaos’s knot kept her up. Her guilt began to recede as she saw what her lack of action was doing to Cassandra.

My God, she is a sex goddess, she thought, as she listened to Cassandra’s love calls to Chaos. Her pussy almost steamed, as her horniness rose at the sight she was seeing.

Cassandra was experiencing something Maxine had only fantasised about during her earlier years. Chaos tried to get off Cassandra, both Maxine and Cassandra said “No!” at the same time, but Cassandra couldn’t move her arms to grab herself yet.

Waves of pleasure were leaving her breathless and weak. Maxine scooted behind her. At least I can help here, she thought, without hesitation she placed her hand on Cassandra’s mound and held Chaos trapped until his knot shrunk enough that he wouldn’t hurt her precious Cassie.

God, his cock feels so hot, she thought, and she marvelled at the amount of his cum that had dripped out of Cassandra and was running down her inner thighs. Christ, I’m dripping too.

Maxine tried to stop him, but Chaos ignored her pushes like he did not feel them. He stepped over Cassandra, his cock twisting, pulling Cassandra along for a space until they were back to back. Maxine held him in tight. She wouldn’t fail Cassandra again, she vowed. The knot stayed inside her, but the change in position had twisted the dog’s cock weirdly. Maxine could see part of his knot pushing against her vaginal opening – red, gleaming, wet – trying to pop out.

Cassandra was much too tight for that to happen, but she still groaned from the momentary pain. Then she started cumming again, then again. Maxine was rubbing her clit.

It was so hot. “Cassie,” she moaned, as an orgasm stole over her too.

Then his cock did slip out, and Maxine found herself holding his massive throbbing spurting cock in her hand. Cassandra collapsed, dog cum poured from her when his cock left her pussy. Maxine could not take her eyes from the organ she held. It was hot. It was purplish, veined, and beautiful, she admitted to herself. It had given the love of her life a pleasure she had never heard of before.

It was magnificent.


Part 3…

Zane almost dropped the powerful binoculars when his phone buzzed in his front pocket. “Shit,” he gasped, quickly catching them. He put them back to his eyes while pulling out his phone. It was a little tougher than usual as his cock was rock hard, and stretching his now tight jeans beyond anything they were meant to endure. Keeping his eyes fixed on the blond cutie that was holding the Rottweilers equally huge cock in her hand, he answered the cell phone. “Yeah?”

“So?” asked Daryl impatiently. “What’s the bitch doing? Any guys come sniffing around?”

“No, it’s been pretty quiet here. Her mom showed up though,” Zane lied, smirking to himself as he did.

He couldn’t stand Daryl really, who is nothing but a low-life that showed up five years ago from the west coast. Daryl had become one of the biggest drug suppliers in the area in a short time. Not the guy who sells it on the streets, but the guy who supplies the gangs that do. He was like a wholesaler between the drug cartels and the street gangs. However, Daryl’s true scumminess became clear when he started pimping on the side. He liked to get the women hooked on drugs first while he made her feel special, like she was the most important thing in his life.

Once she became a total addict, he tossed her to his posse for ‘quality testing’. Zane snorted with disgust. His posse is a collection of idiots. Would-be tough guys, but woman-beaters each and everyone. Thus, total cowards in Zane’s eyes. If the women passed that horrible test, then not long after she’d be selling her ass on the streets for Daryl. The women soon learnt that if they refused to work they’d get no drugs to feed their addiction. Resistance was fleeting.

“What was that?” Daryl asked, hearing a noise from the streets over the phone.

“Nothing, just some van parking a few houses up. All quiet here,” Zanes said.

“Ok, If anybody shows call me. Got it?”

“Yeah. Yeah.”

“I’m serious, Zane. Don’t fuck up I’m….”

Fuck You, Zane thought, as he flipped off the phone. Damn, why did I deny myself the pleasure of saying that out loud.


Zane had been surprised when Daryl had shown up at his place an hour ago with a job, and a backpack. “If you ask me to suck your dick, I’ll cripple you.” Zane had said. Not that I have anything against sucking a nice cock, he thought, just not this prick’s prick. Daryl was wearing his most charming smile, and despite his intense dislike of Daryl, he had to admit he was a handsome guy. Too bad he was such an asshole, Zane thought.

“No… No, nothing like that,” he tossed a picture on the table. “It’s her.”

Zane picked it up. Wow, he thought, she’s hot. Zane dropped it back on the table. “What about her?”

“She’s my fiancée. Today she phones me and tells me she met someone else, and she never wants to see me again.”

Good for her, Zane thought, all his fiancée’s end up street hookers. She’s dodged a bullet this one. “Oh? That sucks, man,” Zane said, but feeling admiration for the woman in the photo.

“I want to know who this new fucking guy is. I want to know where he lives, where he works, where his mom lives… Everything.”

Zane leaned forward, eyes cold, he asked, “And why do you think I can help?”

“Well, word on the street is that you used to do this kind of stuff when you were in the army. You know… Surveillance… Killing terrorists… Shit like that. I’ll pay too. No asshole takes what’s mine, and gets away with it. I’m sure you’d feel the same way if it were you. We’re both men with pride and honour.”

Zane was twenty-eight years old and he had never heard such bullshit spouted straight-faced. He rose with the intent of kicking the shit out of this scumbag, but as he rose his eye fell on the picture again. He paused. Holy fucks, he thought, she’s more than hot. She’s… She’s… Incredible. “Ok,” he finally said.

“Good. Here’s her address. I’m headed to Vancouver tonight. I’ll call you later for an update. I’ll be back on Friday. Then your job will be done if you haven’t already given me all the info I need. I’ll take over from there.” Opening the backpack he withdrew a pair of binoculars and said, “There’s a perfect spot to observe her house without risk to you. It’s in the back which covers both doors and the window from the hallway is always open. You’ll have a clear view into her living room. Her name is Cassandra.”

“Her name is Cassandra,” the words echoed.

“Cassandra…,” Zane said, letting the name roll around his tongue.


He had been lost from the sight of Cassandra’s face when the Rottie had knotted her. She became almost translucent, shining with an inner fire. It was the most moving beautiful thing he had ever saw. He fell in love with her that very moment. He had been just as shocked as Maxine when the dog suddenly appeared in his binoculars, mounting the helpless young woman. The pain in her eyes when he first entered her plainly evident, and like Maxine he was horrified at the pain she must have experienced. The dog looked so huge compared to Cassandra small frame.

He had been tempted to run inside and give any help he could, but he couldn’t. As the minutes went by he became mesmerized by the look of ecstasy that transformed her face. Even from here he could feel her presence calling him. He watched pleased that the blonde cutie finally dropped the cock that had her so fascinated, and rushed to Cassandra’s aid. He couldn’t really blame her fascination for it, he thought, that’s one big tool.

Zane had decided even before he took this job that he would help this woman escape the clutches of Daryl. Add that Daryl was paying for his help, just made him smile. The beauty and innocence of that picture were burnt in his mind. His estimate of Daryl’s scum quotient rose by several factors as he looked around at Daryl’s perfect spot. What kind of freak spies on his own fiancée, he wondered.

Daryl’s interest in Cassandra did not bode well.


Maxine’s eyes drank in the sight of Chaos’s cock, still thick, still spurting, dripping although the knot had shrunk a bit. It felt alien, yet familiar in her hand. Chaos had turned his huge head and began to lick up Cassie’s and his cum from around her cute soaked butt and thighs. Cassandra moaned and shuddered. Cassie, Christ, how could she have forgotten Cassie, she scolded herself. Maxine dropped the big cock and pushing Chaos’s head aside, showing absolutely no fear, examined Cassandra’s slick red puffy lips looking for any damage.

Her gaping cum-filled pussy looked so hot and inviting. She looked worshipfully as Cassandra’s muscles resumed their normal shape inside her. Maxine silently watched as Cassandra milked and flexed, squeezing the dog cum from her pussy. Within a few minutes she looked like she had never been fucked in her life. A final shudder racked her body before she just lay there breathing heavily, visibly looking stronger with each passing second.

It was amazing.

Maxine couldn’t take her eyes from Cassie’s pussy.

It was so beautiful. Her pussy lips glistened, hairless and sweet. The tiny delta of satin black pubic hair was almost non-existent.
She was lying in a puddle of doggie cum. Her slim back rising and falling, tiny shudders rippled across her cute butt cheeks. Her bum was heart-shaped and her legs looked like a Barbie doll, slender, quivering, reaching lovingly against her bum giving her the perfect ass.

Her eyes couldn’t help following the perfect lines of Cassie’s body, rising past her bum, such a slim waist, delicate. Her back, so perfect, so smooth, Maxine’s eyes widened in horror, she had just noticed the long scratches running down from her mid-chest to just under her breasts. Three lines of blood on both sides. It looked like a demon had raked her.

“Ouch! My poor baby,” She said softly, touching along the scratches without coming in contact.

Even so Cassandra flinched and moved her body out of range. Maxine looked up and found herself staring into Cassie’s eyes. She gulped. Cassie’s eyes were huge, almost like a startled doe’s, brimming with un-fallen tears. “Do you still like me?” she asked.

Maxine smiled through her own tears. “Ah honey, I’ll never stop loving you, and that’s a promise. I’ll die for you.” She wiped her eyes and smiled warmly at Cassandra. “Come on sweetness, let’s clean those scratches.” She rose and held out her hands.

Cassandra gave a tremulous smile, her stomach felt shaky. The scratches which she hadn’t felt until now, burned. She couldn’t believe that she had let Chaos make love to her in front of Maxine. Gods, what must she think of me, she thought. She gratefully took Maxine’s hands as she pulled her up. oh Creator, my knees are going to wobble back to the ground, her mind said.

She looked down and stiffened her legs through sheer force of will. She almost laughed, “Geez, that’s the hardest thing I’ve done all day.”

Maxine saw her head go down and felt she knew what Cassandra was feeling, her mind began racing. To be raped and then stuck to the huge dog, to endure all those minutes, knowing I was here, watching, while she orgasmed. The poor sweetheart must feel humiliated. I can’t let her feel or even think that, but how? “It was my fault,” she blurted out.

“What was?” Cassandra asked her with a deep frown.

“What happened just now. I know dogs. I knew he might try to hump you. I knew it,” she could feel her eyes beginning to water again.

“W-What?” No no no, Cassandra thought, shaking her head.

She knew what Maxine was going to say next and she couldn’t allow it. She wouldn’t allow Maxine to feel guilt for her screwed-up plan.
Not ever. No way. She came to a stop and held Maxine back. She looked into Maxine’s eyes and still shaking her head ‘no’ held the sides of Max’s face and wiped the wetness from under her eyes with her thumbs. “Maxine listen to me please. I want to be perfectly clear and straightforward with you, ok?”

Maxine was a little confused by this sudden change in Cassie. She was strong and in control of herself. “Uh… OK,” she said.

“Nothing that happened here today was your fault. Ok? I was not raped by Chaos. I let him fuck me.”


“Yes… I’ve let him do me… three times now,” Cassie said.

“W-What… Three times?”

“I love him, Maxine. Like… I really love him,” she said, looking down at Chaos.

Oh my god she really does, Maxine thought, her mind reeling as she saw the open, naked love in her eyes as she looked at the huge dog. “Three times?” she repeated.

“It’s been the most fantastic day of my life,” Cassandra said. “But you must think I’m wicked and awful. I’m truly sorry for that. I’ve always treasured our friendship and I love you dearly. I’ll understand if you leave and never want to see me again.” As she said the last part of her sentence her voice broke.

She had to swallow the lump in her throat, but her eyes still sparkled with tears.

Maxine stared at her; she ran her eyes over Cassie’s beautiful body, the scratches standing out in sharp relief against her creamy skin. The way her chest hitched as she took a breath. She had to say something, but what? Then she noticed the wetness that was starting to slide down her inner thigh.

Chaos’s cum.

She reached down and slowly using her finger wiped the glistening cum from her leg and brought it to her lips. “Mmmm, that tastes funny, strange… but nice,” she said, then grabbing Cassie’s arm she started off again. “C’mon, let’s get those scratches cleaned up and you can tell me about this ‘three times’ you mentioned.”


Zane was lost, he cursed Daryl, cursed life in general for bringing him to the most perfect creäture he had ever seen. He had circled the world several times in service for his country, and had never seen anyone to compare to her. What was worse was that he had no way to meet her. He sat quietly, the binoculars hanging limply in his grasp, wondering how he could meet her and not make it look planned. “Christ, I’ve planned ops that saved lives yet to save my soul, I’m coming up short,” he said to himself.

He looked at Daryl’s binoculars in his hand, and he felt ashamed. That bastard had turned him into a peeping tom. He smashed the binoculars against the rock on which he sat, and wished Daryl was there to join it. One things for certain, he vowed to himself, Daryl was on borrowed time if he continued down this path, I don’t like obstacles when my aim is so close.


Cassandra let Maxine lead her to the bathroom. She was stunned by Max’s display. It was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. She replayed the scene in her mind, Maxine reaches down between her legs and wiping Chaos’s doggy cum from her inner thigh, running a finger along her pussy lips, and then tasting it.

In the living room, Chaos rose from where he had lain and followed their scent to the bathroom. His cold nose tickled Maxine’s ass when he tried to put his head under Cassandra’s hand. She stopped and turned, eyes opening wide. Cassandra was pleased when Maxine smiled down at the huge dog at her feet. Chaos himself seemed more than happy, as he sniffed deep of Max’s bald sex. He gave her a lick, his stubby tail wagging.

Maxine gasped, and her hand, which had held onto Cassandra’s arm, fell away. She closed her eyes and widened her stance, opening herself up to his questing tongue. He licked her deep, fast. She fell back against the wall and used it to hold herself up. Her hand reached down and fondled the Rottweiler’s huge head as a sigh escaped her lips. Cassandra smiled joyfully, and despite the burning of her scrapes, she knelt and joined Chaos as they both licked and kissed around Maxine’s hot glistening bald pussy.

Maxine was in heaven, it was amazing. The feeling of two tongues delving into her, one licking deep, the other, kissing and sucking on her clit, was deliciously wet, wondrous and made her shiver. “Mmm… Ooh… Damn… Mmm… That’s nice,” Maxine moaned as her pussy was lavished.

Chaos’s huge tongue was running from her anus, lubricating her, heating her up to Cassandra’s fluttering licking tongue. His nose rubbed her cheek. Cassandra moaned as their tongues touched. Her hand was rubbing behind his ears as she knelt beside him, but now slid along his back and reaching down, stroking his side, lower, she found his sheath and massaged gently. Oh Sweet Creator that feels so good, Cassandra thought.

She wanted to taste his cock again, needed his cock in her mouth, but she released him reluctantly. He needed to rest. Gods, he must be exhausted, her poor sweet lover, she thought. Her own pussy was still throbbing from her orgasms, still flexing, squeezing, needing Chaos’s cock. She was still dripping his cum from her vagina, her inner thighs were wet with it, and her own juices too.

Maxine was shuddering under their joint assault; her pussy was soaked, steaming in her heat. “Ah… Yes… Mmm… Unnh,” she was slipping, her knees were weakening, “… Oh God… Ahhh….” Christ, they’re driving me nuts, she thought, I can’t believe this.

Cassie was sucking her clit, soft then hard, kissing, licking, flattening her tongue on her lips, mashing her clit, tender weight sliding, teasing. She reached around and held her upper thigh, cradling one lovely butt cheek. Chaos had soaked Maxine’s entire lower region with his tongue, and Cassandra’s finger gently rubbed against her anal opening. Then two fingers. Circling. Faster. Harder. It was enough.

“Ahhh… Oh God… Ahhhh… Yessss…,” Maxine moaned as she reached the summit.

Maxine flexed forward off the wall, almost falling from the power of her orgasm. Her cum squirted out of her like a fountain soaking Cassandra’s and Chaos’s face. Her legs spread wide, pussy lips open, making Chaos almost look as if he was biting his tongue as he drank her essence. Her beautiful lips were slick with her cum, and Chaos’s drool. Her raven-black hair was mussed, the rose still somehow intact.

Maxine’s eyes were smoking hot, lusting, hungry. Her legs failed, and she slid onto her shaking bum as Chaos and Cassie stepped back. She stared at them wide-eyed, and gasping still.

Chaos was still, his tongue panting, and dripping. His breath smelt like Maxine’s pussy. His pink-tip visible. Cassie leaning on her haunches, arm around his neck, tummy muscles rippling, legs spread, pussy gleaming, wet and slick with doggy cum. Her face was glistening, her hairline dewed in sweat. She was licking Chaos’s thin black lips, kissing him. Teasing her clit with her other hand, then slowly rubbing upwards, cupping, squeezing her breast, pinching her raised nipple.

Shudders were still quaking Maxine’s body; her knees were vibrating, shaking. She almost didn’t recognise Cassie, her love and lust for this huge dog. It amazed her. God, she’s changed, she thought, as she watched Cassie’s eyes slowly regaining reason. Then a thought struck Maxine like a sledgehammer: or has she?

She wasn’t sure yet, having only this first encounter to judge by. Maybe her awesome sexuality, only just discovered, was normal. For sure, keeping your clothes on around her was impossible when she was in this condition. She drips sexual magnetism. It comes off her in waves, over-whelming the senses. God, she’s lovely. A painter’s fantasy, an ice sculptor’s wet dream. So stunning, Maxine thought.

Cassandra was smiling at her.

Maxine’s pussy still thrummed in pleasure. She said breathlessly, “Ooh Cassie, I’ve never been so turned on, or cum so hard, in my life.”

Cassandra laughed joyously and stood up, she held her arms out this time helping Maxine rise to her feet. “Come, let’s finish up and freshen up Hmmm?” she said, wincing as she stretched her ribs.

Maxine noticed. Damn, she’d forgotten. What was wrong with me, she mentally kicked herself.

She led Cassandra to the bathroom and started the shower. Her hands trembled as she gently washed Cassie’s ribs, scared to hurt her. She knelt before her as her legs were still a little shaky. Cassandra’s pussy was right in front of her face. She couldn’t resist, she didn’t even try. She leaned forward and flicked her tongue at Cassie’s clit. Cassandra saw her coming and spread her legs, opening herself to Maxine.

“Oh Sweet Creator,” she gasped out, ” Gods… Yesss!” It was more fantastic than Cassandra had ever dreamt.

Maxine sucked on her clit, licking. The fact that a woman was eating her pussy made Cassandra moan with lust, Her pussy gushed, soaking her anew. Being almost constantly at the height of arousal it didn’t take her long, within a minute Cassandra came, grinding her pussy into Max’s mouth, which never stopped licking her, swallowing her, loving her.

They finally finished.

Both glowing, sparkling.

They left the bathroom, and with Chaos, entered the bedroom. Cassandra had never felt so satisfied and at peace. They relaxed, talking. Chaos lay with them on the bed. Sleeping peacefully, looking so handsome and beautiful, Cassandra could hardly keep her eyes off him.


As they were both drowsing off the doorbell rang. Cassandra looked at the clock. It was 10:36 PM. She looked quizzically at Maxine. “Who could that be?” she asked.

“Mmmm,” Maxine stretched hugely, “… it’s probably Rhonda. She mentioned she might come over. Want me to get it?”

“Oh… No you relax. I’ll get it.” She got up, leaning over to kiss Max before rising and slipping on her housecoat. Chaos also began to rise.

“No, Chaos, you stay. Rhonda might freak if she sees you.”

Chaos obeyed.

Cassandra walked down the hallway and into the foyer. She opened the front door expecting to see her friend. It was windy, and cold outside. No one was there. Puzzled, but not concerned, she was about to peek her head out when a fist seemed to come from nowhere. It struck her on the cheek, stunning her with blinding excruciating pain. She cried out in shock. Her legs buckled as a hand reached for her wrist and brutally pulled her outside.

The door slammed behind her.

Chaos leapt to his feet at the sound of Cassandra’s cry. He rushed to the front door, finding it closed. He ran straight into it, but his 128 pounds just wasn’t enough. He went insane, snarling, barking, and trying to rip his way through the door. He could smell the strangers now.

“Quick, tape the bitch up!” a voice hissed.

“Fuck!” a little louder, startled as the door shuddered in its frame, soon followed by a deep savage snarl.

“Listen to that bastard. Where’d the fucking dog come from?” another voice said.

“Who gives a crap,” said yet a third voice, “… let’s just get the hell out of here.”

He quickly wrapped her wrists in duct tape, she was helpless before she could think. She could see them now, three big guys, all tough looking. All were staring at her now. She was on her knees, housecoat open. She was naked.

“H-Holy…,” One of them began.

“… S-Shit,” the second voice finished.

The third man just looked at Cassandra, his hand slipping down and massaging his balls and thickening cock. He licked his lips, his eyes going slitted, distant, and dangerous. Cassandra opened her mouth to scream. His hand moved so fast she saw only a blur.
A crashing pain erupted from her jaw and she found herself laying on her side. She couldn’t focus, tears blinded her. Her hair was yanked, forcing her head up. A rag was stuffed into her mouth and secured with another strip. She was a strong girl and she fought for her life.

It meant nothing.

Two of the guys easily picked her up, ignoring her kicking legs and feet. They carried, dragged her to their parked vehicle. One entered, pulling her inside, while the second, holding her kicking feet pushed her in. The third guy started the vehicle and they sped off, leaving tire rubber. Once around the corner though the driver slowed down, obeying the rules of the road, avoiding any manoeuvre that would attract attention.

“Settle the fuck down, bitch!” a fist crashed against the back of her head.

“Unghh,” was all she said as she slipped into unconsciousness, and the darkness fell Chaos, her mind called in desperation.

“Fuck! Did you kill her, you stupid fuck?” André glared at his brother.

“What? Fuck no. The bitch is just out. She’ll live, for now,” Pierre looked down at the girl slumped across his knees. Yeah, he thought with a relief he didn’t show his friend’s, she’s still breathing. “Fuck, she looks good. Look at her ass. Fuck, I bet she’s tight,” he said, as he ran his hand along her butt cheeks before spreading her open to look closely at her brown hole. He spit on her, then he slid his thick thumb as far as it would go into her. “Fuck yeah, this chick is tight. My thumb feels like it’s in a vice.” Pierre drooled, his cock was rock hard.

He started to awkwardly pull his button open, his thumb still trapped within Cassandra, when André cuffed him across the head. “Not here, you jackass. Wait till we get to the cave.”

“She doesn’t look like no Indian chick I have ever seen,” the driver said.

“Yeah, Pierre what the fucks with that?” André asked his brother.

“Hey, fuck off you guys. I saw her with an older native woman at the mall last week, and this one called her Mom.” Pierre said, defending his choice. “… She must be a half-breed or something.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter anymore anyway, she’s here now.” André laughed.

He loved his life now, things were going so well for him and his brothers, ever since he had been caught by his brothers killing, after raping, his very first victim. They had been eager, active participants ever since. They had snatched five native girls so far in the past two years. They’d keep them for a while as toys before they would finally get tired of them, kill them, and dispose of the evidence.

It was great and almost risk free.

The police really didn’t give a shit when an Indian disappeared, assuming they run off to become whores or junkies. This was also the first time they had ever snatched someone from their own home. Usually they picked streetwalkers, it was just easier. André was still a little shaky pulling that off. He had been sure she would manage to scream, and alerting the distant, but not that distant, neighbours. But it had gone off without a hitch, except for the damn dog being there.

“Slow down a little Robert, drive sober. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves,” André asked.

Traffic was a little busy as they drove through the city heading home. It was around 11:00 PM. Andre had not seen a police car yet. “Just another quiet day in Saskatoon,” he chuckled.

He liked this bitch. She was the prettiest one they had grabbed by far. He half-turned her unconscious body and admired her pert tits.
Christ, she’s smooth, pretty -no make that beautiful, Andre thought. She’d make a perfect sex toy, assuming she survived her first night. Mmmm, fuck she smells good.

It took twenty minutes to reach home. They lived just fifteen minutes outside Saskatoon. Their family farm was getting run down, decrepit looking. The house had paint peeling everywhere. Grass grew uncut and undisturbed. The barn was close to collapse. The chained dog in its enclosure started barking as they pulled into the driveway.

“Shit, did you feed ‘Trubble’ today?” Andre asked Pierre.

“Uh… Not for a couple of days.”

“Did you give him water?”


“You stupid prick, what the fuck’s the matter with you?” Andre’s good mood evaporated under Pierre’s stupid stare. Fuckin’ grade six dropouts are getting stupider these days, He thought, secure in the knowledge that he had made it to grade nine.

They heard and saw the vehicle that drove by on the grid road, but ignored it. They felt safe now that they were home.
“OK, Robert and I will unload this bitch while you take care of Trubble,” Andre ordered Pierre.

Shit, Pierre groused mentally, I’m gonna miss my turn, again. I was supposed to be first this time, fuck it. I was the one that found her. He slouched off to feed and water the pain in the ass dog. He snickered at the thought, pain in the ass. He was anxious to fuck the girl’s tight ass, so he hurried doing the chore assigned him.


Part 4…

Trubble was a short-haired tan and black Doberman/Sheperd mix. André’s dog. Why did he even bother to get it? He never fed it or watered it. Hell, he never even talked to the dog except to scream and kick it out of his way. Ever since the dog arrived it had been Pierre, who looked after it. I don’t even like the stupid dog, Pierre thought as he entered the cage enclosure. Trubble shivered in fear when he spotted Pierre entering the enclosure. He was a good boy, but he couldn’t stop shaking. He was so hungry and thirsty. He couldn’t control the squirt of pee that escaped him.

Pierre looked at him in disgust. Fuck how could such a big dog be such a chickenshit, he wondered.

He hadn’t always been this way he remembered. When André had brought him here a year and some months ago, Trubble, not a name he recognised obviously, had been a completely different dog. He had been young, inquisitive, funny in his doggy way, playful, for about the ten minutes he was allowed to run free. As soon as he was chained, he didn’t like it. That’s when his life of beatings started. André had become enraged when Trubble growled at his chain and tried pulling away from it.

He had whipped the dog screaming about all the trouble he spent finding the chain in which he was tied. Pierre smiled at his handiwork. “Yep, a year of semi-starvation sure do wonders for morale eh?” he said to Trubble, kicking the dog when it was on the ground, “Get the fuck out of my way, or you’ll eat tomorrow instead.” For about the thousandth time he imagined going inside, grabbing the 30-06 and shooting the legs off this dog, just to check it out.

Fuck that would be so cool looking, he thought, but he knew he couldn’t. Dammit.

André kinda liked this dog.

“Stupid shit,” Pierre said as his way of saying goodbye to the dog as he left it alone to finally eat and drink.


Robert and André dragged the knocked out girl out of their vehicle and roughly carried her to the basement of their old farmhouse. In the ‘cave’. They dropped her unceremoniously onto the concrete floor. It was dark, dank and stunk of something indefinable. The windows were painted black and nailed over with ply board. André grabbed the same gauge of chain that collared Trubble and secured the girl’s ankle to it. The other end was welded to a piece of steel that acted as a brace for the foundation for the old house. He finally relaxed as the lock clicked into place.

There, he thought, nice and safe. He stared down at the unconscious girl and felt his cock thicken. She’s a fucking mantrap, he thought smiling to himself. He decided not to give Pierre a hard time about her not being a full-breed native chick after all. Robert was wiggling out of his jeans, his cock already hard and leaking precum. André checked out his brothers cock, he liked how it looked. He reached down to the unconscious girl and lifting her by her hips, his legs on either side of her he spit onto her ass crack and said, “Ok, she’s ready for you bro.”

Robert nodded, and holding his stiff cock slid it along Cassandra’s crack before he forced his thickness into her brown tight hole. He slammed his cock into her and began pumping hard. He thrust for a couple minutes before he stiffened, and grinding his cock hard into her ass, he groaned as he came pumping his cum into her. She didn’t move, being unconscious, her muscles were totally relaxed. That was the only thing that kept her from waking up screaming in pain. André could hardly wait for his turn.

Robert had barely pulled out of her before André was there. Robert’s cum made a good lubricant and André’s cock, which was smaller slipped in nicely. Fuck me she’s tight, he marvelled as he pumped her. Pierre had returned by now, and as he removed his clothes he admired their victim. Holy shit she’s pretty, he thought approvingly.

He watched as André shuddered and blasted his cum inside her. He grinned at Pierre saying, “Sorry we didn’t wait, but you were taking too long.”

“What’d you scratch her on?” Pierre asked, pointing to the marks on her sides.

“What? We didn’t scratch her. Hmm… It kinda looks like claw marks from this angle,” he said, as a totally new thought entered his head. “Ok Pierre finish her off, then bring Trubble down here… We’ll have a little show.” He laughed at the looks his brothers gave him.

Pierre rushed to ass-fuck the girl too.

Within ten minutes Cassandra awoke. “Unnh,” she groaned, as if her head was falling off.

Her cheek and jaw were killing her. She wanted to puke, she had never felt so nauseated in her life. The floor was cold, hard. Her head felt like it was gonna split. She puked… dry-heaving, sweating. Gods, she thought sickly, what happened? Chaos! Where’s Chaos? She suddenly remembered everything. Oh Sweet Creator I’ve been kidnapped, but it was hard to think as her head ached badly My bum hurts, she thought, did I fall or something?

She reached down to check herself, her hand came up slimy and wet. “What?” she gasped, realising it was cum. Owwee, she thought as a stab of pain ravaged her head. She tried to get up, then she felt the cold chain around her ankle. Oh no… Why? What? Unnh… Creator that hurts, she thought in horror. She had moved her head so fast to look down at her leg she nearly threw up. Her bum was on fire.

Then she heard the chuckles coming from behind her.

A cold shiver ran up her spine. She looked in the direction of the laugh, there was three men standing there with a big dog. They were all grinning at her wickedly, except the dog naturally. The dog looked scared too. He was chained and he was shivering. Gods, he’s terrified of them, the poor thing, she realised.

She looked closer at her captors. They look kinda the same, she thought, brothers maybe?

They all had short brown hair, flat reptilian eyes. They were big, all at least six-foot, and they looked strong. They were all naked.
Her eyes widened as it dawned on her that the these men had probably just raped her ass while she was out cold. These guys raped me? While I was unconscious? I can’t believe it. Sickos, she screamed at them in her mind, oh no, I’m going to die here. Tears dripped from her eyes as her situation became clearer. She saw the condition of her ‘cell?’.

It’s a dungeon, oh Sweet Creator, help me. Oh my sweet Chaos will be all alone, No… No, Maxine will take care of him. She grasped to that image. Chaos would be safe.


Pierre suddenly laughed uproariously, “Look, the little bitch is crying.” Wiping the tears from his eyes, he said, “Damn, that’s so funny.” Looking down at the shivering dog at his feet, he said, “So you like your new bitch, Trubble?” Then pulling hard on the chain making the poor dog yelp and cower in fear. “Huh? Fucking idiot dog, probably don’t even know what a pussy is, do you?” he said, kicking the dog for good measure. Trubble yelped again, peeing on the floor.

Cassandra instantly saw red, she couldn’t believe the rage she felt at this scum. “Leave him alone,” Cassandra shocked herself by yelling.

The poor dog was a victim like herself, but more helpless. Much more innocent, totally undeserving of the treatment he was obviously getting. He was all ribs and backbone.

“Yeah, leave the bitch’s boyfriend alone,” André said stone-faced. The three of them all burst out laughing. Giggling like children.

Sweet Creator, she thought, they’re all insane. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked. She didn’t really want to know, but she needed time. Time for what? To suffer? She looked about her, it looked hopeless. She was chained, and injured.

André was pleased. All the girls they kidnapped eventually asked that question, and it pleased him to tell them, knowing that escape was impossible for them. It made him hard when they began to comprehend the horror they were about to go through. “Well…,” he drew it out, savouring his words, “… We’re going to rape you repeatedly for a few months until you get used up. Then Pierre here…” Pierre waved and grinned, “… will either slit your throat or shoot you. It doesn’t matter which. then Robert here…” Robert waved and grinned in a perfect copy of his brother, “… Will chop you up and mix you with concrete and you’ll join all the others at the bottom of the well.”

All three of them looked very pleased with themselves.

Oh Creator, she mentally screamed in terror. Her eyes were wide, her jaw hung open. Sweat dripped from her chin.

“Ah yes, that’s the look I was looking for,” André grinned happily.

Cassandra saw that he was hard again, and so were his brothers.

“All the others?” Cassandra managed to ask calmly.

André frowned momentarily. “Oh, we’ve slaughtered five other women before you. All cunts, like you… Whores, only good for fucking and beating,” his happy grin slipped as he spoke.

Gods, he hates women. What a creep, she thought.

Trubble had stiffened and was looking towards the cellar door, Pierre didn’t notice and pulled tighter on his chain, to keep him still.


“Ok, now what the fuck is this?” Zane asked himself.

He rose from the rock, in which he had sat for the past few hours, and looked towards the street. The van he had seen parked there earlier, and hadn’t paid much attention to, suddenly had three men piling out of it. Come to think of it, he couldn’t even remember seeing anyone get out of it when it first pulled up near Cassandra’s house some hours ago.

The doors opened and three guys stepped out. They looked around and one of them pointed to Cassandra’s house. They walked towards it, they kept looking around at the surrounding buildings. All were dark and quiet.

“Huh?” Zane looked down at the binoculars. “Shit,” he gasped.

They were busted, smashed. Glass littered the rock. He moved from the rock and quietly, avoiding leaves and twigs, moved in closer. He was almost a shadow, he moved so silently. His breathing sounded loud in his ears. He was sure they’d hear. It was so quiet. The sounds of the city muted. Distant.

He stopped. He was one-hundred metres from the house when he heard the doorbell chime. He almost relaxed thinking, what criminal would ring a doorbell. They must be her family or something.

The guys looked like each other and were about the same size. It was hard to really tell. It was dark and the light from the street was dim. They looked small from this distance. Zane knew Daryl’s crew, and these guys were not them. Hmmm, maybe one of these guys is the one I’m supposed to keep an eye out for, he wondered. He watched as the front door of Cassandra’s house opened, and light lit the yard.

It was then he realised they were now hiding in ambush. “What the fuck,” he whispered under his breath. Zane burst from his hiding spot, and rushed towards the front of the house. Helplessly he watched as Cassandra was struck hard, and then roughly pulled from her doorway to the front side-walk It was happening all too quickly. Zane could hear her muffled screams and pleas as he ran hard toward them. He grimaced as one of the guys smashed Cassandra’s beautiful face again, knocking her sideways.

Oh, you’re gonna pay for that fucker, he thought as rage filled him.

He was at a full sprint now, but he was just too far away and as the van screeched away down the street he pulled up breathless and panting in front of Cassandra’s house. “Fuck!” he shouted at the van as it sped down the street. He looked around, ready to hijack a car. It was quiet now.

The front door opened again and the blond girl he had seen with Cassandra stood there, watching him, looking scared and confused. The huge dog had charged out as soon as the door was wide enough. He ran down the street, after the scent of his master.

Still panting from his mad dash, he yelled to Maxine,” Quick… Get your keys… They’re getting away… They’ve kidnapped Cassandra!”

Maxine didn’t hesitate as the words left the strange guy’s mouth, but her mind screamed, Omigod, Omigod, Omigod.

She bent down to her pants that were still in the foyer by the front door. She ran out, slamming the door behind her. Chaos was just rounding the corner, he was gone. Maxine was wearing only a baggy shirt, and thong panties belonging to Cassie that she had rushed into when Chaos went nuts. She had her pants in her hand as she dug into them pulling out her keys. She pointed them at her car, and unlocked it. The stranger rushed to the driver’s side, they both sat down at the same time, Maxine handed the stranger her keys. He slammed them into the ignition, starting the car, pushed the pedal to the floor.’

Maxine’s head almost left her shoulders as the stranger pulled away from the curb.
“Lights,” She reminded him.

“Not yet,” he said, as he reached the corner. He sped up. The vehicle carrying Cassandra away was already four blocks ahead of them.

“Stop!” the blond girl screamed, “… We have to get Chaos!”

Chaos? Oh… the dog, Zane realised. “Open the back door. I’m not stopping. We can’t lose that van or else Cassandra’s dead,” Zane said.

Maxine hopped over the seat and opened the back door, Zane slowed down as he neared the dog. “Chaos c’mere boy, Chaos. Jump in here. Good boy,” Maxine called to the dog.

Chaos leapt into the moving vehicle, and as his feet touched the seat Zane sped up causing the door to slam shut.

“Awww… you’re such a good boy… Yes, you are… A good boy,” She said, rubbing his head as Chaos licked her face and wagged his tail.

She crawled back to the front seat.

Zane was confused. A good boy, he wondered. He looked in the rear view mirror at the dog. Chaos looked right back at him. Christ, he’s big, but this is the same dog that ra…, nevermind, he thought. He sped up to 200 kph. They flashed past two stop signs before Zane slowed down and hit the lights. His target was five cars ahead of them now.

“Where are they?” Maxine asked.

“Up there… That blue ford transit van,” Zane replied.

“Aren’t you going to stop them?”

“Yes, I’m going to stop them, trust me… but not here. We’ll wait and follow them. We can’t endanger Cassandra”

At the mention of Cassie’s name, Maxine looked at this stranger with raised eyebrows. He seemed calm, in control of himself, for sure, except for the slip there. Tough . Handsome too, she had to admit to herself grudgingly. Now that she knew what vehicle they were chasing, she wanted nothing more than for him to ram them to a halt. However, there was still one unanswered question that needed to be asked.

“Who are you, exactly? Are you a cop? How do you know Cassandra’s name? Why would you know her name?” Maxine asked, staring at him ferociously.

Zane didn’t know where to begin, now that he thought about it, he looked like a bad guy. “Do you know a guy named Daryl?” he asked her.

“Daryl? Yeah, I do. Cassandra was going to marry him tomorrow until she found out what an asshole he is,” Maxine had never liked Daryl.

Zane glanced at her. “Do you know what Daryl does for a living?” he asked.

“Yeah, he works in IT I think. Cassandra told me, but I was too mad to pay attention.” she paused, thinking this guy must be a cop, “Why? Is this about him? Is he in trouble with the law? Look, Cassandra’s innocent of anything to do with him or his work.”

Zane took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving the blue vehicle. “Daryl is one of the biggest cocaine and heroin dealers in Saskatchewan. He also runs a stable of prostitutes. He gets them hooked on drugs, and then puts them on the street. He came to my place hours ago, to hire me to spy on Cassandra’s house, so he could find out who the guy is that stole her away from him. Most probably to kill him.”

Maxine suddenly said, “You work for Daryl then?”

Zane shook his head. “No…” he replied, but she looked like she didn’t believe him. “It’s complicated. Yes, he hired me, but I’m not really working for him. When I saw that photo of Cassandra he showed me I decided then to help Cassandra instead. I wanted to protect her from Daryl. I swear.”

“What photo?”

He pulled out the photo of Cassandra and handed it to her. Maxine recognised it as the picture she had taken at Cassie’s nineteenth birthday party. She had been just about to burst out laughing. Her eyes shone in the picture. She’s so pretty, Maxine thought. She moved, adjusting herself, the thong was pinching.

Zane noticed, he gulped.

“So what does Daryl want with Cassie?”

Zane blushed a little. This was not a conversation one has with a nice woman. “Er… I’ve heard… Mind you, I’ve only heard that he sends his guys around to pick up girls he likes. Then… Well… You can figure out the rest I’m sure.”

“His guys? Is that who these are?” Maxine nodded towards the blue vehicle.

“I don’t think so. I didn’t recognise them and Daryl’s not the type to hire out for his hobby. He only uses the crew he trusts. They could be a rival of his though, it’s a bloody business the dope trade,” Zane answered.

“Oh my God! Are they going to kill her?” Maxine was terrified for her love.

“I don’t know, but given how they abducted her I can only assume they plan to have fun with her before they do anything like that. If it was a hit, they would’ve killed her when she answered the door.” Zane suddenly slowed down and let the car pull ahead.

“Why are you slowing, they’ll get away!”

“Traffic is getting light, we can’t let them notice us. Don’t worry. I won’t lose Cassandra after I just found her.”

Maxine looked at him, appraising him. What did he mean by that? After he found her, she wondered. “What did you say your name was again?” she asked.

“I didn’t, but it’s Zane. Zane Sanderson, and you are?”

“Maxine Fedoruk, and this is Chaos. Cassie’s Chaos,” she said, indicating the dog.

“I’m pleased to meet you both,” Zane said.

The blue ford was now just distant red lights. It drove out of the city and turned down a grid road. They followed. The vehicle turned into an old farmyard and drove up to an old-looking house. A minute later Zane and Maxine drove by the turn-off and a couple hundred metres down the road, pulled over. Zane shut off the ignition.

“Do you have a weapon in here?” he asked Maxine as he got out.

“A weapon? No, nothing like that. How about a tire iron?”

“That’ll do just fine. I hope you don’t mind if I get it just a little dirty.”

“As long as Cassie’s safe, I don’t care.”

“Alright, you and Chaos stay here while I recon the area. Ok? It could get a little hairy, so keep your head down.”

“Ah… Ok, I guess.” Maxine replied.

Zane looked at her; her hesitant answer prompted him to clarify his position.

“I’m deadly serious, Maxine. You walk in there could be the difference between Cassandra living or dying.”

Maxine looked at him. He was serious, she swallowed. “Ok, I’ll stay. Happy?”


She was obviously scared.

Zane looked at her one more time before smiling down at her, “Don’t worry, OK. I’ll bring her out safely. It’s what I do best.”

It took Zane less than twenty minutes to discover that whoever these guys were, they were rank amateurs when it came to security. In fact, there was no security. The place was a run-down dump, falling apart. Garbage lay everywhere. There was a foul odour coming from the well that was thirty metres from the house. It was kind of familiar to him, that stench. Where have I smelled that before, he thought. Then he remembered.

Afghanistan. Four years ago. His squad had been tracking an insurgent through the rocky hills when they had discovered the mass grave; it had stunk just like this well. He moved towards the house. He had seen one of the guys come out ten minutes earlier and take a big skinny dog inside the house. He didn’t consider the dog a threat. It looked broken, scared of its owner for sure he thought. He approached the cellar door. It was locked.

He heard a woman’s voice ask, “All the others?”

Zane breathed a quiet sigh of relief. It was the sweetest spoken words he had ever heard. She was still alive. He was also a little surprised. Her beautiful lilting voice sounded remarkably calm considering the way of her abduction. When he heard the guy brag about killing five other girls and the silence from her that followed his estimate of her, already high, now entered the stratosphere.

Christ, she’s got a tough mind, he thought.

He figured most girls would be crying or screaming by now. He wanted to kick in the door and fly in swinging the tire iron, but he knew that was just fantasy. Were they armed? Did they have a gun to her head? Were they all in the same room? Too many unknowns. He knew there were three of them, but he had only heard one man’s voice so far. And something was bothering him about this door.
What the hell was it? He took a quiet step forward and bent down. Ok, what’s this, he asked himself.
He could see it more clearly now.

There was security, albeit half-assed.

Although the door looked to be made of plank boards and wood, it was just a thin veneer, underneath was solid steel. It’s probably secured from the inside as well, he pondered. So half-assed or not, it still defeated a quick violent entry. He slowly backed away from the door. He needed to find another entry point, and fast.

Hang on Cassie. Just hang on, he willed his inner encouragement to her.


Part 5…

“Come on you fucking idiot dog, time to let your bitch fuck you.” Pierre yanked the chain pulling the dog off its front paws. His eyes bugged out as his feet scrambled to find the ground.

“Wha… NO! I’m not going to do that!”

Pierre leaned down, still holding the dog high, and began tapping the dog’s sheath trying to get him hard. Andre stepped up and grabbing Cassandra by the throat, lifted her to her feet then her toes.

“Listen, cunt, we’re not asking…You’ll fuck this dog for us and put on a good show or we will make him fuck you…Right here.”

With his other hand, he had reached down between her legs and forming two fingers into a spear jammed them into her bum. After the multiple anal assaults and with cum still soaked in her, it still wasn’t lubricated enough to ease the awful pain.


It was shocking, brutal. Owwee that huurrttsss! G-Gods… NO! She just stared at him, silent. Her legs spasmed as she tried to lift herself off his fingers. Gods, gods, owwee owwee. She was terrified to think of a dog’s big cock inside her bum when just two fingers was causing such pain.

Pierre was getting frustrated, the dog wasn’t getting hard, and it was pissing him off. He dropped the dog and using the loose end of the chain began whipping the crawling dog. The dog started yelping, almost screaming. Andre and Robert both smiled tolerantly at their frenzied brother. Gods it was horrible. The dog’s piteous screaming was drilling into Cassandra’s soul, hammering her brain, shattering her pretended calm. She began sobbing. She couldn’t bear it. Or understand it. She had never been in close proximity to a dog before Chaos. Yet this one’s cries of pain touched her soul, ravaged her heart. Gods, she wanted to rush to him, hug him; comfort him, to never let anyone ever hurt him again.

He was so hurt already.

The agony from Andre’s assault now felt insignificant next to the dog’s pain and soul-deep sorrow that now filled her. It was so lonely, empty.

‘Gods, please make it stop.’

She saw Pierre’s arm rise again. ‘No!’

“Stop! Don’t hurt him anymore! Please stop…don’t,” she was begging. She didn’t care. “Please, please…don’t hurt him, please…I’ll do it! Just stop. Don’t hurt him… please, no more…”

She couldn’t stop sobbing, mucus and tears flowed, as hiccups shook her body. Her head throbbed with pain. Pierre looked towards her, his arm still raised, a big grin splitting his face.

“Yeah? You’ll do it? Right on.”

He abruptly released the dog and tossed the loose chain at her feet. Andre pulled his fingers from her abused bum and released her too. She collapsed to her knees. She held her sore throat, massaging it.

‘Bastards’ she thought, still crying…for the dog, for herself, for Chaos, for Maxine. She wiped her eyes dry. Don’t show them weakness, Cassie

She crawled towards the crying, shaking dog. It had retreated to the corner, howling in pain and fear. “Shhh boy, don’t c-cry. I won’t hurt you. N-Never. Please… stop.”

The chain… gods, she hated the chain. Chaos had been in chains. She approached the shivering dog and gently not wanting to get bitten, reached for his collar. The dog, slitting his eyes as she moved her hands closer, slowly, she reached his muzzle, stroking, easing him.
“That’s ok, you’re ok boy. I just want to take your collar off, ok boy?”

He was rattling out of his bones; he was so scared of her.

“Show you ok… you’re ok.”

She reached his collar and unbuckled it. He watched as she pulled the collar from him and tossed it away from them. She never took her eyes from his.

“Are you in there boy?” She whispered, searching his eyes.

They were huge, a warm brown. She softly stroked his neck, once, twice… Was his shivering subsiding? He had stopped crying. Now just soft whines, still shaking.

“You’re ok boy… you’re fine. No one will hurt you.” Gods, I wish that was true, she thought. “I’m so scared boy,” she breathed into him.

She continued rubbing his neck and ears. His tail, still low between his legs, wagged a little from her gentle caresses, Seeing his tail wag, Cassandra almost wept anew despite her fear of the three insane brothers. His tongue licked her hand, he was scared, still shaking. He knew what happened when he licked humans. This human was different. He remembered smiling face, happy voice, so long ago. Cassandra smiled at him. “You’re ok. Yes, boy, you’re safe with me.”

His tail wagged a bit more.

“Yes, you’re a good boy,” she said. Oh no, she thought.

The dog had frozen stiff at her words. His eyes suddenly alive… aware stared at her. His ears rose, straight, sharp. His tail was up, whipping back and forth. A deep shudder ran through him. With those four words he became Cassandra’s forever. Because he was. He was a good boy.

“Christ! Are they fucking torturing that dog?” Zane thought as the dog’s howls filled the night.

It sounded awful.

He used the noise to cover his movements as he hurried to the front door. He stood almost stupefied with wonder. When they had followed the kidnappers here, he had assumed their actions were due to arrogance at a clean unobserved snatch. They had driven straight here… no turns… no sudden lane switches… hell no speed. Now he realized that he was dealing with idiots. Psychotic, murdering idiots. He used his finger to push the front door open. The guy who had brought in the dog had neglected to completely close the door.

Well, first things first, he thought, pulling out his phone he called the R.C.M.P. and an ambulance. Maybe I should’ve called information for the coroner too. He’ll be needed if they’ve hurt Cassandra.

He stepped into the old farmhouse. The dog’s howls had stopped. Was it dead? It was eerily quiet. The place was filthy, month old egg salad sandwiches and fouled shorts smelled better. It would have to smell better. Christ, what a reek, he thought. He slowly walked further inside. He could hear Cassandra now, her voice was coming from there. It was the door to the basement, it was slightly ajar.

Of course, idiots, he thought, shaking his head as he approached it softly. He didn’t want the floor to creak under his weight.
Hello, hello, what have we here, he thought as he spotted something? It was an ancient Springfield 30-06 standing right by the entrance to the cellar. Christ, I hope this isn’t an original first model Circa 1906? Picking it up, he checked the weapon, and not surprised at all found it fully loaded. He gently put down the tire iron. Even if the ancient weapon didn’t fire, not that he really wanted to risk it, it would still make a handy club. It felt more comfortable. He liked the feel of a rifle in his hands.

Maxine was going crazy with fear for Cassandra. She had obeyed Zane for about twenty minutes. Then Chaos seemed to hear something that made him go nuts inside the small car. All she could hear was the wind on the prairie grass. “Whoa boy! Take it easy. We have to stay here. What’s wrong?” she asked the dog.

Chaos just looked at her and whined.

Maxine turned on the radio, nothing but bad news. Bombings in Kandahar, deadly Flu in Mexico, and nuclear powered Pakistan in turmoil. She heard none of it. Her thoughts belonged to Cassandra. “The hell with this, C’mon, let’s go find out what’s happening.”

She opened the door and let them out. Maxine paused to put her pants on. Chaos immediately ran off, leaving Maxine to follow as best she could without shoes. The gravel was hurting her feet. It was dark, creepy with the wind sounding like she felt. The old farm house looked abandoned, ghostly.

Andre’s cock was hard as Cassandra crawled towards Trubble, her ass moved so fetchingly, cum glistening on her cheeks. He stood next to his brother and grasping his rock solid cock slowly stroked it for him. Pierre moved within their circle and hugged Robert as they watched the show about to unfold. They listened with glee as the girl sweet talked a dog. So funny. So horny.
Pierre wanted to use the chain on both of them.

I’ll wait till they’re fucking, that’ll be so awesome, he thought.

Robert didn’t really care about the show; he was more concerned with Andre’s hand on his cock. “Come on, take your hand away and put your mouth there instead.”

Andre was happy to comply; he knelt down and still facing the girl and dog, took his brother into his mouth. The girl was stroking the dog. Andre was not too pleased when she took the collar off. He was about to pull away and stop her, but Robert grabbed his head and pushed himself just a little further into his suckling mouth. The dog had stopped whining, and suddenly froze. The three brothers did not know what she said, as she had been whispering to him, but the effect was amazing. Trubble seemed to grow as they watched.

From a snivelling, shaking broken beast, he was transformed before their eyes. No longer did he look broken, beaten. He stood proud, happy to bask in the presence of this chained bitch. She was smiling at it. It wasn’t what they expected or wanted. They were also getting tired of waiting for something to happen.

“Hurry up and fuck the dog you bitch!” Andre yelled out, a string of spit running from his mouth to Robert’s cock.

“Yeah Trubble make her your bitch.” Pierre urged.

Zane’s eyes widened as he heard the same guy’s voice ordering Cassandra to fuck the dog. Then the other guy. That’s two. Oh, you fucking pricks, he thought, preparing to run down the stairs.

“JEE-ZUS!” he yelled out.

The huge Rottwieler was suddenly right beside him. Zane had not heard him enter the house; he had been so focused on the sound of the guy. For Christ sake, Chaos, you freaked me out darn dog. Good job, he thought.

Chaos looked at him, as if to ask what he was waiting for, before he disappeared down the stairs. Zane stood for a half-second.
A sheepish grin flashing past his face. Yeah, What was he waiting for, he thought and followed Chaos.

“Yoo Hoo!! Any psychos home?” he called out, slamming a round into the ancient rifle.

Cassandra, chained in a pit of hell, was stunned by the dog’s behaviour. He was different from the dog of seconds ago. He was standing tall, his tail was going 90 miles an hour. His warm brown eyes drilled into her, examining her, loving her. She momentarily forgot where she was as she admired this large dog. He was skinny but, in this happy mood, he was also beautiful. Noble. She could see the intelligence in his eyes. She knew she was going to die, but at this moment, this instant of time, this dog was all she could see, and gods she needed to hold onto this instant.

She smiled at him.

“Yes, you’re a good boy,” she repeated softly, thinking of Chaos as well.

Trubble almost died in total happiness.

At Andre’s yell, both of them looked towards him. Cassandra was astounded to see that the three brothers were locked in each other’s embrace. At Pierre’s urging, Cassandra found out the dog’s name: Trouble. They had broken away from each other to stare upstairs in shock. They had heard something.

They’re brothers? Gods, who screwed them up, the thought had barely formed before Cassandra’s eyes bugged out in disbelief.

There coming down the stairs was Chaos? No, it couldn’t be. Impossible. Her heart thumped as tears filled her vision. It was Chaos.
“Watch out!”, Robert shouted.

A stranger’s voice filled the basement. Pierre, the stupidest of the three, reacted the fastest. He proved his stupidity by rushing towards Cassandra to use her as a hostage. He never reached her. Trouble, a different dog now, snarled ferociously, but he was finding it hard to take his eyes from Cassandra, he was exposing long razor sharp teeth. He didn’t frighten Cassandra, though. She knew that the snarl was not directed at her.

Pierre tried to stop, but Chaos ran into him, pushing him into Trouble’s jaws. Trouble snapped at, the only thing sticking out within reach. Pierre’s scream was silent, his mouth working, as his eyes rolled up into his skull. He fell back, hands pushing futily at thin air, blood pouring from his lacerated, almost severed cock and balls. Chaos ignored him. He just ran over him in his need to be with Cassandra.

“Chaos! You found me. How?”

Cassandra touched him. She wasn’t dreaming. He licked her face, wiggling in pleasure. Trouble growled at this strange dog licking his new master. Chaos ignored him also. Cassandra held Chaos to her in a death grip, she meant to never let go of him again. Tears poured unchecked, joyful. She knew she was safe with Chaos there. Trouble, smart dog that he truly was, realized that Cassandra loved this strange dog. That was good enough for him. He focused on the remaining two brothers. The growl that rumbled from him sounded like distant thunder, sending electric thrills of fear through the two brothers.

Andre and Robert froze, stunned first by the appearance of the huge dog, then by the mocking voice. The voice was still echoing in their ears when Pierre made his foolish run. They watched as he fell back, bleeding, already unconscious from agony. When they looked back to the stairs Zane was there pointing their stolen gun at them, but he wasn’t their immediate problem, their eyes snapped back to Trubble. He was coming. Zane had the gun aimed at the two naked men, they looked at him, then looked away.

“Oh.” Zane saw the big dog stalking them. He smiled and put up the gun.

This is gonna be nice. Wish I could watch, she thought

“Don’t Move!” he ordered, waving the rifle at them. I have to make it easy for the dog, he thought. “Cassandra? Are you all right? Did they hurt you?” Christ, she looks like an angel, even down here.

He quickly glanced around. It was a hell-hole.

He moved towards Cassandra avoiding the dog whose eyes never for an instant left the brothers. The dog snarled at him, but a word ‘ no’ from Cassandra and he ignored the stranger. He continued his slow stalk, his lip lifting, snarling. He tasted blood.

“Trouble, Stop,” she said quietly, and the dog, who never recognized the name before, now accepted it from her. He stopped, but he never quit the deep growl that rumbled within him.

Cassandra watched as the stranger came towards her, his eyes locked on hers, it was weird, but he looked like he wanted to cry. She could feel his concern for her. She smiled inside, touched. A hero for me, she thought. She kept her arms around Chaos, secretly scared she was still dreaming.
“They said they killed girls here. They wanted to chop me up. They hurt me.” She began sobbing again, “Are you real?” She asked, whispering, fearing his answer.

“Yes, I’m real and your safe now, they’ll never hurt anyone again.”

Zane turned towards the two bastards, he raised the rifle. He was going to execute them. Oh God, I’m gonna enjoy this, Cassie thought. The brother’s eyes opened wide in fear and sudden knowledge. They recognized death. His finger tightened on the trigger when Cassandra’s hand touched him.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m going to kill these Psychos. They hurt you and I can’t bear that.” His eyes begged her to let him finish it here.

“No! You can’t… I can’t let you.”

“Why not? If anyone deserves it. It’s these three.”

“Maybe, but that’s not our decision. I won’t let you kill them. I can’t let you kill them,” she said.

“But… why?” Zane asked.

“Why? Because when this life’s journey is over,” she said, “I’d kinda like to meet you again during the next part of the voyage, wherever that is, and besides you’re a hero… didn’t you know? My hero.”

She leaned up and kissed his cheek while pushing the rifle up and away from the naked insane brothers. Zane almost fell over. His cheek tingled. He suddenly felt like a shy kid again. Chaos stood beside her, her free hand locked onto his neck, holding him close.

God, but she looks so gorgeous… so glorious, Zane thought. She took his breath away. He started shaking. Andre attempted to move a little. He froze solid as both Trouble snarled and Chaos growled. The gun’s barrel tracked his eyeball steady as a rock.

Zane noticed the duct tape.

He grabbed it and walked to the two cowardly brothers, all signs of manhood vanished, replaced with quaking fear. They knew how close they came to death just then. Zane wasn’t concerned or careful as he duct taped them up. He used the entire roll.

Their hands looked like a package of purple sausages when he was done, then he found and used spare rope to tighten them even further. He wanted them to feel it when it came time to untie them.

Ah, what the hell, he thought. I’m sure the cosmos will forgive this. He wound up and kicked Andre in the balls as hard as he could. He crushed a testicle. Andre moaned and passed out. He did the same to Robert. He saw Cassandra, eyes wide, staring at him, he shrugged embarrassed.

“They might have got away,” he said lamely.

He looked down at Pierre. He wasn’t going anywhere. Maybe never. He looks like he’ll bleed out before the EMT’s get here. Too bad. Sucks to be him.

“We have to stop the bleeding or he’ll die.”

Zane stared at her. Oh my God, concussion? She did get hit pretty hard.

“Can you hand me my housecoat… it’s over there. I’d get it… but,” she shook her perfect leg.

She was chained.

“What pants have the key?” he asked, shocked he hadn’t noticed right away.

“Nuh-uh, housecoat first.” Seeing his confusion, “I can’t let him die or they will put Trouble to sleep.”

“But he’s a hero, he saved your life, I saw it.”

“Nonetheless, I won’t risk it.” Her voice went firm.

It compelled Zane to rush to the housecoat. He instinctively held it out for her, ready to help her put it on. She smiled and taking it from him knelt down to Pierre and made a bandage with it. As she did that he went about shaking pants until he found the keys. His hands shook as he tried to free her, being this close to her naked body, had him intimidated. She was so beautiful. He dropped the key. He picked it up and tried again.

She reached down and holding his shaking hand, smiled, saying, “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

Soon she was free, but still naked. Zane removed his shirt and handed it to her.

“Uh, that’s for you to wear,” he said, just to be sure.

He was watching her other hand as she worked to stop Pierre’s bleeding. They both looked at each other. Cassandra, unchained in a pit of hell, laughed. Even though it hurt her head to do it.

“Thank you.”

She quickly slipped it on. She couldn’t help staring at his naked chest and stomach. He was strong, fit. With well-defined muscles. Smooth skin. She saw him staring at her just as intently. She looked away, confused. Zane felt light-headed. He noticed Trouble, hyper-alert, stiffen and look towards the stairs.

“Maxine, down here!” Zane yelled.

Cassandra’s head whipped towards him, her eyes flying wide.

“Maxine?” she mouthed.

“Zane!” a woman’s voice answered back.

It was Maxine.

“Max!” Cassandra could hardly believe it, but she had to, Chaos was right here.

The girls flew into each other’s arms, crying and sobbing. They were still crying when the Police and Ambulance showed up a few minutes later. Then the Circus started. The local news showed up once it was discovered, that a family of serial killers had been caught. Zane and Maxine were whisked off to make statements, while Cassandra was taken to the hospital.
Hours later they all met at Cassandra’s house. Cassandra was almost asleep on her feet by this time. She went straight to bed.
She slept with Trouble and Chaos on either side of her. Maxine settled Zane on the couch. Then crawled in between the two dogs and fell asleep holding Cassandra.

Zane awoke to find Cassandra, sitting on the floor holding a cup of coffee, staring at him. The two big dogs flanked her, also staring at him.

He sat up.

“Good Morning.” She said, offering the cup to him, “Coffee?”

“Uh, yeah, thank you,” he said.

He tried to cover the erection that was straining his boxers with the sheet Maxine had given him. Damn! Not today… God. He was blushing as he took the cup from Cassandra. She demurely smiled at him, but her eyes sparkled and flashed with a mischievous light. He could see her peeking at him from the corner of her eyes.

She had put her long black silky hair up and loose strands framed her face. The right side of her cheek and lower jaw were bruised almost black. She had put a touch of make-up to try to lessen the impact of it. It must have hurt to even touch them.

The bruising did not diminish her stunning beauty at all.

His cock pulsed and throbbed in time with his pounding heart. He knew as long as he was looking at her while she was looking at him it wouldn’t go away.

It was surreal.

A black-haired Goddess watched him, while her guardians sat behind her.

Watching her. It was strange how the dogs responded to her. He had noticed last night how with just finger gestures or a barely spoken word, they obeyed her every command. No, that wasn’t right either… she didn’t command them. They just obeyed her. They loved her that was plain to see, the one called Trouble never took his eyes off her. Two huge black and tan dogs, different breeds, both handsome, both strong. One getting stronger it seemed hour by hour.

Her hand ‘accidentally’ brushed his cock through the sheet as she withdrew. It sent an electric shock through him. He had been dreaming of her before he awoke and her touch almost brought him over the edge.

“I was watching you while you slept,” she suddenly blurted out, “I heard you call my name… and I know how you feel about me… not just by…” her eyes quickly looked in his lap before rising to meet his eyes. “You said you loved me.”

Her delicate hand moved to his knee and kneeling before him asked, “Is it true? Maxine told me that Darryl tried to hire you to spy on me, but you decided to help me instead?”

Zane could only look at her.

Her eyes searched his, and finding her answer within him, rose up to her knees and gently kissed him. Her hand rose and stroked his cheek. Gods, but she wanted to make him happy, he had a sadness within him that he couldn’t hide. It filled his eyes. Overflowing with his heart, making him look older than he was.

She was suddenly filled with a fiery desire, to her surprise, to make love to him.

Whoa, what in the Creator’s name am I thinking? I’ve just been raped by psychos… unprotected psychos. The last thing I want is to hurt the man who saved me, gods… am I going crazy to even think it, she wondered? She looked at Zane, so handsome. So brave. Oh Creator, forgive me Zane. I’m so sorry.

She wanted to cry, it was so unfair. Those bastards. Now she was going through ARV therapy and six weeks until her next round of tests. Bastards. There was only one way she could think of to ease them both.
“My hero. Thank you. For my life, for saving me. I’ll never forget it.”

Her other hand slowly moved up his leg, sliding under the sheet, under his boxers. Her hot hand gently encircled his aching cock, she slowly stroked him.

Zane groaned. Oh God, What is she doing to me. Stop her. Tell her or it’ll be too late.

His hand dropped to her moving hand, stopping her, pulling her hand from him. She looked at him, her eyes widening in surprise… hurt. Gods, was I wrong, she thought?

Zane wanted to kill himself when he saw the hurt in her eyes, but he had to tell her. He couldn’t live with himself if he started out by lying to her. “I love you more than anything in this world and that’s the truth, but I have to tell you something about me and what I did and how I feel, and I don’t want you to freak out, Ok?”

She nodded.

“Ok… well… um… I’ve seen terrible things happen in this world, bad things. Too many bad things, and everything I saw chipped away at me. I’ve never seen true happiness anywhere. I got tired of looking for it… tired of everything… I wanted to die. I was spiralling out of control… lost, until… yesterday. Yesterday changed my life profoundly… I feel brand new. Life isn’t empty after all. True happiness does exist… and I saw it.”

Cassandra was enthralled with the statement, “Really?”

“Yes… and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. It was you, Cassandra. I know when Chaos jumped you, you couldn’t stop him, who could? He’s so strong.”

Cassandra froze, shocked. He saw me?

“Watching him and you together, changed me, remade me. I saw ecstasy… and I fell hopelessly in love with you at that instant.”

“Y-You did?”

“Yes… I did. I do… forever.” He looked at Chaos, “Both of you… uh, the Trio of you.” He eyed Cassandra, deeply scared of her response to his next question. “Do you hate me?”

Cassandra eyed him back, arching one eyebrow; she was getting over her initial shock. In fact, she felt ecstatic, elated. He saw it in her.

“Are you serious? Of course not… You’re my hero. I love you too… As I love Chaos and Trouble.” She smiled crookedly. “That didn’t sound right.”

They both laughed in relief. Everything was now in the open, and it was ok. Smiling happily now, Cassandra reached for Zane’s still hard cock. She wasn’t done yet. His sadness had eased, but not enough for her. She told him that it would be awhile before they could ‘do it’ and why, but she needed to do this now.

She pulled his boxer’s off and admired Zane’s hard cock. It was thick, almost nine inches long. Wowsers, she thought. The only other man’s cock she had ever seen was that one time with Daryl. He had been about six to seven, she couldn’t really remember, but it was sure smaller than this monster. Gods, is my mouth watering? She began stroking him, using both hands. Gods, I need another two hands. Where’s Maxine? Oh Yeah, dog food shopping.

She leaned her head down and lightly licked his balls.

“Mm, that’s good.” He smelled so heavenly, like a man should.

His body was smooth. Just on his head and groin area was there hair. He was shuddering under her gentle handling. She was too beautiful, just looking at her and he wanted to cum.

“Oh God, Cassie… C-Cassie… God!” He stiffened, his legs straightening under Cassie’s arms almost lifting her.

His glorious cock pulsed in her hands, thick white cum exploded from him, splashing her face. She put her mouth above him, she needed to taste him.

“Mm, gods wow.” He was delicious, not salty like she had been told, but sweet.

She became addicted to it.

“My God, you’re so beautiful,” Zane said gasping.

Cassandra’s face was covered in his cum. She was licking it from her fingers, her lips. It was so erotic, hot.

She cleaned herself like a cat would, only a hell of a lot sexier. They finished. They cleaned up.

When Maxine got back they told her everything and they made a vow to each other to wait till it was ok for Cassandra. It was a long wait, almost like a prison sentence. To pass the time Cassandra made Zane cum every chance she could, which was a lot.

Cassandra desperately wanted to make love to Zane, Maxine, Chaos… and now Trouble, too.

He had been showing signs of desire for her lately, but she wouldn’t chance their health for all the gold in the world. Trouble was now filled out, his coat gleamed in competition of Chaos.

Finally, they got the good news, Cassandra had nothing to worry about. She was safe.

Thank the Creator.

They planned a party, just the five of them.


The End.

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