Cassie’s Chaos

By straytramp.

Part 1…

Fresh tears streamed from Cassandra as she hurriedly steered her old Nissan to the side of the highway. She shut the ignition and sitting still for a second, staring straight ahead, put her forehead against the wheel, and sobbed heart-wretchedly.

It was so horrible, so devastating. She couldn’t shake the image from her mind.

Why, she thought, why did he do it? Whispering softly she said, “I love you.”

She flinched and looked beside her. The passenger seat held only her bag. He wasn’t there.

“Oh no,” the tears fell freely as she grabbed convulsively for the tissues in the purse. This is so unreal, she thought. Could I be mistaken? Am I sure it was him? Yes. Yes of course it was Daryl. No question about it. But why? Why? When our weddings’ tomorrow, she asked herself in disbelief.

“I LOVED YOU!” she screamed as she threw her bag down.

She wiped her eyes with the heels of her thumbs as her mind flew back to that awful image again.

Oh Creator, please no, she thought, but she was already there.

Cassandra walked the three flights to Daryl’s apartment; she had never been so excited and eager. It was six in the morning. Her wedding day was just hours away, and after a year of waiting all her dreams were coming true. She smiled as she readied her key to his apartment. She meant to surprise him by offering herself to him now. She couldn’t wait any longer and she didn’t mean to wait, this was too important for her. Cassandra softly inserted the key and opened the door. She closed it silently, smiling already at the expression she expected on his face as she woke him up standing before him naked. And oh so ready, she thought.

It had been torture for her to maintain her virginity when Daryl entered her life, but for some reason she still couldn’t quite fathom; he insisted that they remain pure until their wedding night. It had been exceedingly frustrating for her especially that night on their fourth date with his cock-tip almost pressing against her hymen; she had inadvertently whispered hotly in his ear, “Please be gentle. I’ve never done this before.”

She was sure those few words had cost her a year of outstanding sex. Cassandra was no prude by any stretch of the imagination. Her thoughts almost daily involved getting fucked into screaming orgasmic bliss by Daryl. She touched him provocatively almost every time they were alone together, trying to make him fuck her. God, she wanted his cock so bad, but that weird code he followed left her fuming and hot.

When she went home at night she rubbed herself to sleep, dreaming of his cock. Well I’m done waiting, she thought, I’m almost 20 for Creator’s sakes.

As she neared the corner to his bedroom she suddenly froze. She could now clearly hear a woman’s moan of passion.

“Oh yes… Suck that cock… Spit on that fucking monster,” Daryl’s voice could be heard saying.

Sounds of spitting assaulted her ears.

“Yeah baby… Now put it back in my ass and lick my cunt… Oh yeah,” a female voice said.

A long shuddering sigh followed.

Cassandra stood rooted in horror as she heard Daryl’s voice sounding harsh and cruel. “Get ready, slut… I’m going to fuck your ass next.”

A bored sounding voice replied, “I’m ready darling.”

The door was ajar, so Cassandra craned her head forward. Tears filled her vision thankfully obscuring the sight of Daryl pumping his thick cock into the anus of an overweight woman while an emaciated blond sucked his glistening balls. There was white powder and whitish lumps on the dresser next to what Cassandra knew were a crack pipe.

Cassandra backed away, now terrified of being caught here and deeply humiliated by Daryl’s infidelity to her. As she slowly backed away she heard more horror.

“Make sure you fill those syringes after. Um… make them 15 packs that ought to do it. I’m, huh, getting married tomorrow, and I’ve had this chick salivating like a bitch in heat for almost a year now. The boys are getting impatient, so we’ll set her up tonight. Get her fucked up, and then fucked. Then I’ll put her to work.”

Bitch… Heat… Muh… Me… , Cassandra mouthed silently, eyes wide.

“Are all the boys coming here?” the jaded blond asked.

“Of course, dummy.” The fat woman declared. “Trust my brother here. He knows how to turn nuns into whores.” She cackled as she slurped her asshole off her brother. “Look at you,” she said as she rose up to take the crack pipe in her pudgy hand.

“Yeah…,” Daryl crowed, “… after all nine guys are done with her, she’ll know it too. Then, heh, so much for the wedding. Her first husband will be the one that pays first.”

Rising to his knees he scooted behind the skinny blond and using his thumbs to spread her anus he thrust his cock into her. As he started to pound her bum, she looked at the dresser. Pointing at a picture on the dresser with her chin, she asked, “Is that her? God, she’s beauti….”

Her voice faded off as Cassandra moved out of hearing. She had no recollection of racing down the stairs or flying to her car in dazed confusion.

Her world had turned on end.

It made no sense.

Daryl had been so nice, sweet, charming, kind and loving to her. He had made her laugh uproariously at his clever jokes, and it had all been an act. Why? Just to turn her into a whore? Why spend a year preparing such a horrible act?

He could have done that to her months ago with far less trouble.

Bile rose in her throat, pushing her door open she stumbled blindly out, gasping and sobbing as she heaved. Her stomach was empty, and the heaving just left her breathless and sore.

She looked around. Where the hell is that barking coming from, she wondered. She was on the highway headed home. Home being her mother’s house in La Ronge, not her flat in Saskatoon. She still had an hour and a half of travel to get there.

But she was parked in the middle of nowhere.

The nearest little village was twenty kilometres further on. Why would a dog be barking out here? Leaving her vehicle, she walked towards the source of the barking. It was coming from further in the forest that stretched for miles in all directions.

She entered the forest without trepidation.

As she neared the dog, she could tell that the barking was the sound of distress and fear. Finally she spotted the Dog. It was a large breed, having actually never owned a dog, she was unsure about its actual type, but she was sure of one thing. He looked scary.

He was a Him, of that she was very sure with just the merest glance. His fur was deep black, almost gleaming blue with tan markings around his paws and eyebrows. He was oblivious to anything around him in his desperate, yet thus far, futile efforts to escape the heavy-link chains that dug deeply into his neck, she winced seeing the blood dripping from his jaws as he pulled and tried chewing the heavy chain, it was wrapped around a large tree three times, then wrapped in wire to hold and tie the links together.

Seeing the broken saplings, and the torn up ground all around a length of free chain. Cassandra knew instantly that the dog had been fighting for its life for quite a while, and despite the dog’s obviously massive physical prowess, he had reached his limit. With a last strangled bark, he collapsed. Panting, yet also choking from the tight chain that encircled his huge neck.

Fear of the huge beast, vanished, replaced with concern that he might die. “Hello, boy!” she called out, knowing that the dog had not detected her yet and she didn’t want to startle him.

He arose with a quick fluid motion, his dark eyes instantly intently focused on hers; his every fibre visibly tensing into utter stillness so quickly that Cassandra took an involuntary breath.

“Ooh…,” she gulped.

His dark eyes had her momentarily pinned, before she could move again, the dog’s stub of a tail began wagging furiously as he lowered himself to his forelimbs as he continued to whine, fell to his side rolling over and exposing his belly to her, his eyes were a rich chocolate and seemed to radiate a feeling of hope and trust that touched her soul in a way she couldn’t quite comprehend.

“Aw… You’re a good boy. Aren’t you?” she said, her confidence returning.

The giant dog’s tail wagged faster but he remained still, lying relaxed, a heart-breaking whine rumbled from his large chest. Cassandra froze as her brown eyes widened in horrified realisation. The dog’s thick collar was cast aside unbuckled. The chain wrapped around his large neck was also wired shut. Someone had purposely left this dog here to die.

All of the heartache and pain cause by Daryl’s betrayal suddenly vanished, as if it had never happened. A cold bitter wind seemed to flow from her as she cast her eyes about for anything to help her free the noble animal. Falling to her knees beside the huge beast, her small fingers pulled at the wire wrapped around the chain, breaking nails and dripping blood from the pokes and rips of the sharp ends of the wire.

Now the tears that poured unchecked from her eyes felt clean and good and a cold implacable hatred raced through her at anyone cruel enough to harm such a sweet-natured dog. The dog raised his huge head to her, and licked her hand.

That was it.

Cassandra burst into sobs, as she struggled to free this scary looking yet obviously well-trained dog. As her brutalised fingers worked to free the wires, her thoughts flew. I must have been guided here, why else would I have stopped where I did, she thought. Without the steady wind I never would have heard his barks.

Aloud she said to the animal, “The Creator sent me to save you doggy, and I think… maybe you’re here to save me.”

The dog’s tail thumped and his eyes speared her soul as if to say: Yes, I’ll save you.

Being so close to the huge dog Cassandra saw that although he looked super strong, he seemed to be fading before her eyes. The wire was defeating her efforts to loosen them. She needed help, pliers she thought I have pliers. She rose up, her fingers and hands throbbing with pain.

“I’ll be right back, ok? I promise… I’ll be right back, I just need to get pliers to pull these wires ok?”

She began to hurry back to her car, as she went from his sight he let loose a heart wrenching howl. The sound broke her heart, and lent her feet wings for fear the dog might think that she had abandoned him. “Please don’t think that, please don’t think that.” She silently begged as she rushed to her car.

Grabbing the multi-tool from the glove box and the bottle of water she didn’t remember buying when she filled up her gas tank. Rushing back, the silence that filled the northern forest now chilled her. The early morning wind had ceased. The only noise was her crackling passage through the underbrush. The dog’s tail wagged when she reappeared and the relief she felt at seeing him still alive was like a tidal wave rushing over her.

The pliers did its work quickly and after a few minutes, Cassandra was pulling the heavy chain from around the dog’s massively muscled neck. Cassandra gently poured some water onto the dog’s lips. He revived a bit at the taste, and suddenly realising he was free he reared up.

Cassandra, caught by surprise fell back onto her bum with her legs spread wide. The short skirt she had worn to Daryl’s did nothing to hide the lacy black thong panties she had put on to entice him. Cassandra froze, watching this massive dog come toward her. He looked gigantic.

Cassandra held her breath wondering what he was going to do now that he was free. The dog stepped between her spread feet and sat down in front of her. She felt small compared to this giant dog and a little apprehensive. She couldn’t help but notice his large seeming sheath, and a little gasp escaped her as a pink glistening tip poked its way out. It was crazy, but her panties suddenly felt tight and constricting. Her pussy suddenly felt moist as she watched his pink tip slide out another 2 inches.

“Oh Sweet Creator,” she whispered, “I’m being turned on by a dog.” Looking down at herself she thought, Oh geez, maybe I’m turning him on.

Suddenly the dog again rose and leaning forward, licked her thigh almost touching her moist pussy lips. Cassandra shuddered, closing her eyes shivering. It was the most erotic electric feeling she had ever experienced in her life. The dog rose his massive head and licked her cheek, involuntarily She turned to him mouth slightly open, his tongue brushed her lips in a wet kiss.

Cassandra sighed and opened her eyes to find herself face to face with him. He had the kindest eyes she had ever seen. She raised her arms to his head and leaning forward, hugged him. She began crying again, but this time the tears were happy ones as she raised herself off the ground. The dog seemed to catch her scent and acted on it.
Cassandra had turned away to use her arms to push-off the ground and had exposed her bum almost at the dog’s head.

The short mini couldn’t begin to hide her moist mound and again Cassandra found herself frozen in place, her eyes popping wide as the dog’s cold muzzle found and licked her lips, his tongue sliding along her ass crack before he again licked her. Cassandra gasped her knees almost buckling from the intense pleasure this dog was bringing out of her. Without thinking one of her hands crept down and pulled her thong panty aside, allowing the dog free access to her pussy.

One lick, Mmmm. Two licks, Ohhh. His tongue slid inside her and this time Cassandra did buckle to the ground her shaking knees no longer capable of holding her up.

Sweat beaded her brow as she let the dog continue to lick her sopping wet pussy, moaning with need and want she allowed herself to surrender to the waves of lust and intense pleasure the dog instilled in her. “Ohhhh sweet Creeeaator,” she gasped out as the orgasm washed through her. “Yes!”

The dog was trying to mount her.

Coming back to herself, No!” she shouted, quickly lowering her voice when she saw the dog’s fearful reaction to her tone, “Not here.” She shakily arose and rubbing the dog’s head said in her lovely voice, “I’ll take you to my… No… Our place,” she quickly amended.

She realised that somehow someway in just the few minutes since she saw this dog that she loved him completely and whole-heartedly.

“First, you need water and most probably food. Then when you’re back to your old self again. Then…” she smiled. “C’mon,” she said, about to lead the way to her car when a thought struck her. “Um… Do you have a name doggy?”

Seeing the discarded collar she picked it up, and read ‘Chaos’.

“Chaos?” she asked raising an eyebrow at the dog.

The huge dog wagged his stubby tail furiously.

“Ok Chaos, I’m Cassie,” She smiled at the dog, “… My wedding was meant to be tomorrow, but I can’t wait. So Chaos do you accept me as your new master? And I, Cassandra accept you ‘Chaos’ as my new master.”

She laughed. Suddenly the world seemed brighter.

Amazing, she thought, just 15 minutes ago I was ready to die from heartbreak but now it’s like my heart had never felt true love until now.

Looking down at the huge dog that kept pace right by her side as they walked back to the highway, Cassandra couldn’t stop the grin of happiness that erupted from her pretty mouth. She kept her hand on the dog’s head stroking and petting all the way to her car. As they drove back to Saskatoon, her eyes kept dropping to Chaos’s sheath and her imagination kept her panties soaked during the entire 2 hour trip.

“Oh Creator, I’m horny. That bastard was more right than even he knew. I’m your bitch, Chaos, and oh geez am I in heat.”

Laughing carefree she reached down gently rubbing Chaos’s huge sheath feeling him harden under her ministrations.
Oh Wow, she thought pulling her hand away.

Finally reaching her house she parked her car in the garage and led Chaos into his new domain. While he explored, Cassie threw a roast into the oven and began making phone calls to everyone she knew, telling them the wedding was off and not to bother coming over as she was going to her mother’s tonight. She hated lying to her friends, but none of them would understand Chaos. And to her now ‘Chaos’ was everything.

She filled a bowl with water and set it down, before walking into her bedroom to change out of her soaked panties. As she was pulling her shirt off, she heard Chaos coming up behind her; she turned to him completely naked. They stared at each other.

“Well do you like what you see?” she asked with a smile.

The dog seemed to smile at her.

“You do? That’s nice because I sure like what I see.”

As Chaos took a step nearer, Cassandra felt her heart skip a beat. In the afternoon light the dog seemed to glimmer and his huge muscles flexed and undulated under his short black coat, his warm eyes glowed at her, warming her. She felt light ‘can’t move,’ she thought as Chaos took another step. His reddish tongue began panting as he sniffed the air in front of her.

As his muzzle probed her crotch, her heels rose off the floor as a deep shudder reverberated throughout her soul. For the second time in her life a love struck ‘Ooh’ escaped her lips. Reaching down she fondled the huge dog’s head and knelt in front of him, he dwarfed her physically when she was at his level she saw, somehow that made her feel safe and she momentarily basked in the security she felt.

He licked her neck causing her to shiver in delight. She squatted back on her heels. And using both hands – quickly tied her long hair back. In this position she was completely exposed and helpless to do anything, but sigh in pleasure as he continued to lick her breasts. Her nipples instantly hardened as his warm breath washed over her. She reached for him, and gently guided him to the floor. She wanted to touch him like she did in the car. She slowly began stroking his side, lightly scratching, and slowly reaching for his sheath. She began to stroke him there, her eyes widening as his penis grew in her grasp.

She began to pant, as she pulled back the sheath exposing his quickly hardening cock.

It was beautiful. It was pink and red, and she was surprised to feel a ball growing deeper inside his sheath. She pulled the furry sheath back further, and as Chaos hunched his hips his entire cock popped out from its protective sheath.

Cassandra was awed into lust filled silence as her eyes drank in his beautiful thickening cock.

“Mmm,” she cooed as she lowered her head and breathed deeply the scent of his cock. I’ve got to taste that, she thought and gently not wanting to harm Chaos in any way, she flicked her tongue along his length.

Mmm… kinda like gunmetal, she thought, but nice.

Getting braver she grasped him more firmly below the ball that was if anything getting even bigger as she lowered her head again and this time took Chaos into her mouth.

Mmmm wow, she thought as he began to squirt into her mouth.

Her pussy was burning with desire. It was amazing. The little cock-tip she had put in her mouth had now swelled in size, and she was having problems keeping him inside. But she wanted to keep drinking him in, he was so good. Her eyes were closed as she revelled in the luxurious pleasure and satisfaction she felt at sucking Chaos’s cock.

When she opened them, she pulled away from Chaos in wonder.

His cock had grown to gigantic proportions. It was pulsating mightily, and now a steady stream of clear fluid was spurting from his cock. Where she was holding him he still felt the same size, but the rest had exploded in size.

“Oh my!” she gasped.

She had to know, and she had to know now. She raised herself to her knees and still grasping Chaos firmly, guided his squirting cock head to her pussy. It looked huge in comparison, but she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop. She pushed his cock head past her pussy lips until he was there.

“There,” she hissed through clenched teeth, as she forced herself on Chaos’s thick cock.

Her legs and thighs were soaked from his pre-cum, and the momentary pain she felt as Chaos broke her hymen was instantly washed away as the most intense pleasure she had ever felt filled her. Like Chaos was filling her. “Oh yes,” she moaned, as she orgasmed mightily.

Her pussy milking and squeezing the beautiful cock within her, she continued to push. Taking and needing all of him inside her, never ever to leave – It felt so good.

She looked down mesmerised as she realised she had been impaled deeply, her clit rubbed along the huge ball that had formed, and it was huge. She raised herself a little, watching as her pussy resisted the withdrawal. His cock glistened with their combined juices, as she lowered herself again slowly loving the feel of him filling her. It hurt, but it hurt so good.

She raised herself, then lowered, and again faster, and faster. The large ball kept touching her clit and it were driving her nuts. Her pussy was dripping, almost streaming, as she was gasping, grunting, moaning, and sighing as she shuddered. Again mewling incoherently, as the biggest orgasm yet rocked her, then turned around and smashed her again.

It was too much, too intense. This can’t be real, she thought.

“Ooh… Ooooh… Oohh!” she could only gasp out as she continued to slam her mound against Chaos’s thick cock, sweat plastered her forehead as she leaned back shudders running through her.

It was too much too much too much she groaned as she released Chaos’s knot and fell back in a faint as Chaos’s thick still spurting cock plopped out of her even as her pussy tried to hold him in. Chaos’s cum mixed with hers had turned into a greyish reddish froth, and Cassandra could only watch sated and exhausted as both of them oozed Chaos’s love juice.

Cassandra shakily crawled to Chaos and hugged him, loving him needing him wanting him just to BE with him. She kept a loving eye on his cock watching as Chaos reached over and began licking himself. “Aw…,” Cassandra said, “… I’d gladly do that for you honey, but I can’t move yet.”

And it was true, her knees were still knocking together and she felt weak as a kitten. She felt blissful for the first time in her life. She also realised that she wanted Chaos to fuck her again, only this time the way the Creator intended for him.

It dawned on her that actually Chaos and she had not yet consummated their love the way it should be.

“Um… Maybe it’s better that we did it this way first, right honey? After all at least now I know how big you are, and will be slightly prepared when you do fuck me,” she said to him.

Chaos licked her mouth.

Cassandra laughed happily. “Yeah you know, don’t you boy. Guess what? I have some really sexy clothes you’ll like that my friends gave me for my wedding night, and there’s no one I’d rather dress for than you, Chaos. Do you know that? No one but you.”

“Ummm what was I going to get up for?” she asked herself, “Oh yeah I was gonna change, Mmmm on second thought I don’t want to wear awful clothes when I’m at home with you, Chaos my boy. My lover. My…” she giggled, “… husband.”

Cassandra tried and failed to get up and ended up laughing in total happiness.

“Oh sweet Creator,” she laughed. “I’ve been fucked comatose.”

The statement sent her into a helpless fit of laughter, finally she managed to get to her knees then stood, she watched awed at the amount of Chaos’s cum that poured out of her and down her still shaky shapely slightly bloody inner thighs. Cupping her hand she grabbed some and brought it to her lips.

“Mmm…,” she sighed, “… So sweet.”

She rubbed it onto her breasts and cupping them together leaned her head down and breathed deeply, loving his scent. She looked down at her magnificent lover and was rocked by the rush of emotion she felt for him. Smiling at him she pictured him mounting her then thrusting his awesome cock into her, crushing her with the might of his loving thrust.

Hmm, she thought, suddenly frowning looking again at Chaos.

He was a massively muscled dog, and she already knew she was small compared to him when she was on her knees. Take into consideration his enormous beautiful thick cock, thinking of it her hand automatically reached for her pussy, gently touching her engorged clit. Damn she wanted him so bad.

She noticed his claws and winced, Ouch – I’m going to need some protection, she thought, but what?

Cassie suddenly grinned.

Of course! Her wedding presents. Maxine had given her an outfit that was perfect, black form-fitting leather leggings with a tight leather jacket that exposed her breasts seductively, leaving her midriff bare and also the small of her back. “Oh yeah that’ll work fine.”

Smiling happily again she reached down and patting Chaos’s huge head said, “Ok darling, I’m going to jump in the shower and clean up for you. Then I’ll fix your dinner and then…,” She giggled, “… and then I’ll get ready for our little romantic evening, and trust me baby it’ll be nice.”

Singing merrily along in perfect harmony, unbeknownst to herself, with Shakira’s ‘Hips Don’t Lie’ she sauntered seductively into the bathroom, knowing Chaos was watching her every move and it made her in ordinarily pleased to think he might find her attractive.

For maybe the very first time in her life, she took a serious look at herself in the full length mirrors that covered the door and walls of the shower. For years people had been saying that she was beautiful, but she just saw herself. She had never bothered with make-up, having never really gone out much. She had always preferred to stay home helping her mother and grandmother.

But since she had moved to the city and made new friends, she had begun to open up and bloom. Until she met ‘Dickhead’! Cassie fumed for just a second until remembering that without his help, unintended for sure, she would never have met the true love of her life. Opening a drawer on a bureau near her bed, she pulled out the rarely used make-up kits she had. For a second she was at a loss, hoping she didn’t over do it. But first things first, she decided to start with a shower. As she soaped her body, it was with a slight regret because she was washing Chaos off her, and she knew down to the roots of her deepest soul that she never wanted Chaos off her.

Geez girl, she thought to herself, settle down.

She closed her eyes and soaped her breasts thinking of Chaos’s long hot tongue. Her eyes popped open. Creator help me, I’ve become obsessed with a dog, she prayed. As her hands reached her puffy pussy lips, she moaned and gently rubbed herself inside using her fingers to try and stretch herself just a little bit. His cock is so big, she thought. Her eyes opened again, and this time she just grinned. “Ok…,” she said to herself, “… So you love him. Why not? He’s beautiful, intelligent, gentle, loving, and sweet. Creator, he also does have a beautiful big delicious yummy cock. Is it wrong?”

As she finished, she continued her critical look at herself and decided that maybe she was beautiful after all. But she blushed even to think it.

She looked to the door where her lover lay just staring at her with his big brown eyes. His massive head on his tan paws. He looked so beautiful, that again Cassandra held her breath in awe of him. She walked out of the bathroom past him, restraining herself from jumping his bones. Not yet, she thought. She walked into the bedroom and pulled out Maxine’s wedding gift to her.

As she slipped the leather leggings over her sculpted thighs, she enjoyed the sensation of making herself beautiful for her huge almost godlike lover. As she slipped into the tight leather jacket-like corset and tied it tighter, it pushed her already firm melon-sized breasts out just a little further. She raised one slender leg onto the bed and made some adjustments to her leggings.

They’re nice and snug, she admired.

She stood straight and looked at herself in the bedroom full length standing mirror. She was a little stunned at how she looked. “Oh geez!” she said to her reflection.

A goddess stared back at her. Her hair was still up and stray strands caused a halo-like effect. Her face was framed almost lovingly by loose strands. She stood five-nine, and she was perfectly proportioned. The leather leggings fit her like a second skin. They reached her crotch before flaring out, yet also pushing her beautiful round little bum into a god’s lunch. Her leggings only made her seem more naked, as her tiny puffed out pussy lips gleamed from her almost constant arousal since Chaos and she had met. Just thinking his name made her tummy hot, and her knees quiver.

Damn girl, you’re boiling, she thought.

She again restrained herself from fondling and loving Chaos, knowing once she started she wouldn’t be able to stop. SHe had to feed her lover; she knew he must be starving. She walked to the kitchen, feeling sexy and rubbing Chaos’s head as he ambled along beside her. She shut off the oven and slipping on oven gloves took the warmed roast out. Maxine, Rhonda and she had gone nuts the night before cooking up a huge meal, but just laughing and joking instead of eating.

Therefore, an entire roast was Chaos’s first meal in God Knows how long. But she knew it had been horribly long. She set the plate of roast on the floor, and her heart melted at the polite way he looked to her before gently picking up the large roast. She scooted back, and setting her back to the fridge squatted down her knees spread wide, exposing her throbbing pussy lips wide. Her small vaginal opening glistened wetly from her heat and held back lust.

As she admired his awesome clean lines, and his large sheath that hung down so low that even like that she caught a glimpse of his pink beautiful organ.

She thought, Geez, he’s so beautiful.

She noticed in the foyer her little boot bench, and suddenly she was struck by a brilliant idea. Rising she retrieved the little bench, and setting it down close to Chaos she lay on it. Mentally judging his reach and width of body, she concluded that he would be able to straddle his front paws easily between the bench’s narrow width. In fact, not much wider than her. She scooted down until her ass hung over the edge, and with legs spread wide she was able to comfortably move her hips up and down.

Ah yes, this would work nicely, she thought to herself happily.

She couldn’t wait for him to finish his meal. She carried the bench to its new permanent location in her bedroom, and gushed happily as she placed a pillow on it for her added comfort. “Oop!” she yelped surprised by the feel of his cold nose sniffing deeply of her pussy.

She turned, laughing, rubbing his head. “Don’t do that, silly. You almost made me cum.”

Chaos opened his mouth wide exposing his large sharp teeth in a doggy smile. She found him instantly endearing. She grabbed him about the jowls and kissed him, trying to suck his fast-moving tongue as he licked her mouth deeply in the hottest French type kiss she had ever done.

Gods, she was dripping. Her pussy felt soaked, and hot, and oh so ready and eager for his monster beautiful doggy cock. She laid down on the small bench and spreading herself wide open, she totally surrendered herself to this awesome massive ethereal entity. His head was as wide as her spread thighs as he leaned in and licked her achingly hungry pussy, “Oh geez, that feels so good,” she moaned, as she shamelessly undulated her hips seeking to have his large slobbering tongue slip into her vaginal opening.

“Oh gods Yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth as again and again he slurped deeply of her honeyed nectar.

His teeth dug and ground gently against her pussy lips as he drank her. She was gasping and grunting in such pleasure that she almost forgot. She reached down and pulling her shaking legs in and holding his head she wiggled her way between his wide front paws. His massive head was level with hers now and she hugged him hard with one arm as she reached down spreading her quivering legs she grasped his sheathed cock and holding him guided her opening to his still small pink cock tip.

Gods, it felt so hot and slick as he began to hump slowly at first until somehow his cock tip suddenly seemed to find her eager opening of its own volition. Suddenly, shockingly, he slammed into her, his cock buried deep inside, her eyes widened in shock and then glazed over in panting lust as Chaos began to furiously slam into her his cock rapidly thickening, filling her.

“Oh fuck!” she screamed, as his cock swelled within her.

Gasping she could feel that his big ball thing was inside her, “Oh Sweet Creator… gods… ga… ga… ga…!” She gasped as the monster cock filled her entire being and soul, he was huge. Too big. Too big. Too big. She moaned desperately as she held her pussy trapping his massiveness within her. “GODS!” she screamed in ecstasy/pain, as Chaos filled her with gallons and gallons of cum.

She struggled to hold his knot within her, it was huge and it was hurting like crazy when it threatened to pull out of her. Gods, she couldn’t allow that, she thought. “Gods… gods… gods… gods… C-Chaos… Chaos… Chaos…!” she screamed, as she gushed her cum and somehow some inner strength she never for a second suspected allowed her to continue to internally milk and caress this beautiful soul filling cock

“Ahhh!” she screamed again as another wave of orgasmic holy bliss and ecstasy washed through her.

Her eyes were glazed, as drool fell from Chaos into her mouth. She raised her head and licked the drool from his lips, moaning loudly as he continued to pulse his hot throbbing cock deep inside her. His knot was now fully engorged, and filling her. Killing her. She gushed internally again, “Cumming… Cumming… Gods… Gods… uhnn… gah gah gah… Godssss!”

She pulled her hand from her cock filled pussy, and hugged Chaos to her. Undulating, whoring herself, giving herself, while grunting with pain and uncontrollable pleasure. His knot was lodged inside her, she was too tight for him to pull out of her. It hurt badly when he tried.

She pulled him in deeper trying to keep his knot as far from her tight vaginal opening as possible, she was sure he’d tear her. Her eyes were glazed over in soul deep lust, as she again was brought herself to another orgasm. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She realised that she had been the only one moving for some minutes now,

Chaos just stood above her panting drooling in her, but his hot burning cock still consumed her throbbing, pulsing, squirting, and flexing again. She sobbed almost hysterically. “I love you. I love you. I love you,” she babbled, soaked in sweat and drool.

Both tasted sweet. Finally, and inevitably – His knot had shrunk enough that despite the agonising and excruciating pain; he popped out of her spilling a river of cum as he did. The sheer act of his cock’s exit from her well fucked pussy brought her one last time to a shuddering, moaning orgasm.

Falling limply off the bench, she rushed to his still enormous throbbing cock. She had to taste him, drink him, and worship him. Cum poured from her pussy as she sucked him; loving him. Finally after about nine minutes she was lying down exhausted. Her pussy still throbbing, shaking with satiated lust, and watching as Chaos gently licked his love tool back into its sheath.

“Oh Creator, your fantastic Chaos… I love you. I never want to leave you alone,” Cassandra gushed, her eyes glowing with the intensity of her love and adoration.

She cupped her over-heated pussy, gods, she was burning, and did she feel better. Not just good, but infused with an inner glow that would forever shine within her. Some People would call it charisma.

She called it Chaos.

She fell asleep with him on the floor.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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