Cathy, the ski Instructor


Mike, Dave, Bob, and Billy were excited as they approached the town. They would have two weeks of skiing. It was going to be a wonderful holiday. They had a condo on loan to them that was right on the ski slopes, so they could ski in and ski out. It was an economy place but they had it all to themselves.

They were extremely hopeful of finding some girls while they were in Arrowhead, but being black, they knew it would be more difficult than at other times. There were very few black girls who skied, they all knew.

The first day, they realized how difficult skiing really was. They were all beginners, and the only time they felt confident was when they were standing in the lift lines watching the girls in their gorgeous ski clothes.

The second day, it was disaster. Billy took a fall and seriously sprained his foot and had to be put in a cast. They took him back to the condo, all very subdued at the prospect of having their holiday cut short.

Billy took a position on the couch that evening, in front of the television, and they discussed their plan.

“I think we should stay,” said Billy. “I’ll just stay here and make the best of it. Maybe you guys can find a nice girl for me,” he kidded, taking it very well.

So they decided to stay, and make the best of it.

The third day, they headed out to the slopes, and Dave had a suggestion as they walked down the slope from their condo.

“Maybe we should take some lessons,” he said. “We’ve got plenty of time, and we’ve sure got a lot to learn.”

“That’s a great idea,” said Bob.

“Maybe we’ll meet some girls that way,” said Mike. “It would be nice to find a gorgeous chick for Billy. I feel bad he has to stay alone all day.”

“For sure,” said Dave. “Maybe lessons would help.”

They enrolled in the beginners ski school. As they fumbled their way out to the meeting place, they looked around. They were in a group of about ten people, and they all were lousy prospects, except for one girl, who was only about eighteen, they figured.

Suddenly, their eyes brightened, as a lovely blonde walked up, carrying her skis.

“Hello, everyone, my name is Cathy, and I’ll be your instructor today,” she said.

As she faced them, Mike, Dave and Bob all stared at the gorgeous female who was talking. She was golden blonde, with a lovely smile from her lightly freckled face. She was about five feet six inches tall, and looked very athletic.

They could see even with her red ski jacket on that she had generous breasts which stood out proudly. She had a cute little nose and bright blue eyes that really enhanced her smile. They listened closely as did all the others.

Mike looked down at her legs, checking out the rest of her figure. She was wearing a pair of black ski pants that looked almost skin tight. Her legs looked perfect. Better than perfect. Stunning was a better description.

She told them of the day’s plans, and Mike turned to Dave and spoke softly.

“I’d like to see her turn around,” he said.

“Yeah, me too,” said Dave.

“Okay, we’ll take number two chair, and then wait for me at the top when you get there,” she said. “Just follow me.”

She turned and all three pairs of eyes widened. As her back faced them all, they saw the best pair of buttocks they’d ever laid their eyes on. Cathy’s ass literally jumped out from her ski pants, which fit tightly around the full, muscular curve of her well-rounded butt. Not only were they perfectly rounded, but they looked incredibly muscular, which would be unusual for such perfect mounds. Their eyes were glued to her ass as she walked before them.

“Good God!” gasped Mike softly.

“She’s a knockout,” said Bob.

“Sure is,” said Dave.

They skied for about an hour, as all three of them enjoyed skiing down behind the gorgeous girl. As they got onto a three man chair, Mike spoke to the others.

“We’ve got to try something,” he said. “She’s just too much.”

“Right,” said Dave. “Maybe one of us should see if she gives private lessons.”

“Good idea,” said Bob. “Let’s try to get a ride up with her on the tow.”

On the next run, Mike hung back, and was the last in line as they got ready for the tow. Cathy took up a position next to him in the line.

“My name’s Mike,” he said as they started up the mountain.

“Hi, Mike,” she said. “You’re doing well. Are you three together?” she asked.

“Umm hmm,” he said.

“What are your friend’s names? Bob and Dave?”

“Good memory,” he said.

“I try,” she said. “It’s not easy to remember everybody, but we see very few black guys skiing here.”

Mike was impressed that she could speak about blacks so easily. He replied casually to her.

“That’s for sure. Not too many black girls either.”

“That’s true too,” she said. “Are you here on vacation?”

“Umm hmm. There’s actually four of us, but Billy fell and twisted his ankle yesterday. He’s back in the condo, wearing a cast.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. What a way to start a trip.”

“That’s for sure.”

“He didn’t break it?” she asked.

“No, thank God.”

“Well, that’s lucky. But it is too bad,” she said.

“Do you live here year round?” Mike asked.

“Just for the season,” she said. “I just started a few days ago. I live in New Mexico.”

“So how do you like teaching beginners?” he said.

“It’s great,” she said. “I love to teach, especially beginners. Although I’m only teaching this class for one day. I’m not full time yet.”

“That’s too bad. We were hoping you’d be teaching us all week.”

She smiled. “I wish I were.”

“Can we put in a request for you or something?” he offered. “Would that make any difference?”

“Probably not,” she said with another smile. “But it’s nice to hear the compliment.”

Mike was disappointed, but not defeated yet. He decided to take a different tact.

“How long does it take to learn to ski?” he asked. “I hope we’re not snowplowing for the next two weeks.”

“Oh, it doesn’t take long. You’ll be skiing parallel before you know it,” she said.

“Is ski school the fastest way to learn?” he asked.

“Unless you can affort private lessons,” she said. “You should consider it. With a group of three like you have, you’d get more skiing and more personal attention.”

“That’s an idea,” he said. “Could we get private lessons from you?”

“Well, sure. You could request me for that. I’ve never had it happen, but you could try it.”

“Okay, maybe we will,” he said with a smile of satisfaction.

At the end of the day, they put in a request for a private, all day lesson with Cathy. They were told there would be no problem. It was going to be expensive, but they could afford it, and it would be worth it to have the whole day with Cathy.

When they got back to the condo, they told Billy about the day.

“I don’t know what will happen,” said Mike, “But with a lot of luck, we just might get Cathy up here for you.”

“But you’ll have to share her with the rest of us,” said Dave.

“Sounds great,” said Billy. “Good luck tomorrow.”

They skied with Cathy the next two days straight. They all got to know her a lot better, as she rode up the tow with all three of them, one at a time. Each of them agreed she was one of the sweetest, nicest girls they’d ever met. They took her to lunch each day.

On the third day she was off, and they tried it on their own to practice what they had learned. They requested her again for the following day.

“You guys are all doing very well,” said Cathy as she rode up the lift with Mike in the afternoon. “You’re really progressing.”

“Thanks,” said Mike. “It’s all due to your expert instruction.”

“Thank you,” she said, turning to smile at him. “How’s Billy doing today?”

“He’s hanging in there. He’s a little bored sitting there by himself, but he’s making the best of it.”

“Good for him,” she said.

“At least the injury came at the end of the season,” said Mike.

“What do you guys do, anyway?” she asked.

“We’re basketball players. We’re on the Michigan State team. It’s mid-semester break right now.”

“I thought you must be athletes,” she said. “That’s why you’ve picked it up so easily.”

“It’s tough when you’re tall,” he said. “But we wanted to try it.”

“Yes, you’re all very big,” she said. “That’s great if you’re well-coordinated.”

“You’re a beautiful skier, Cathy, and obviously a serious athlete, too,” he commented.

“Thank you,” said she in a sweet voice. “I try to keep in shape.”

“Do you work out off the slopes?”

“Yes, I go to the gym twice a week in the winter. I go more in the summer, but in the winter skiing keeps me in pretty good shape.”

“It certainly does that,” Mike affirmed dryly.

Cathy smiled. “Yes, it keeps my butt tight,” she threw in.

“Your butt, your legs, your whole body, Cathy. I don’t think we’ve seen a finer one on the slopes,” he complimented.

“Thank you very much, Mike. I know my body’s pretty good. I get plenty of looks from the guys. My boobs are a little too big for a racing skier, but I never wanted to race anyway.”

“Well, we’ve all talked about it and decided that there’s only one pair of legs that even comes close to yours.”

“Oh? Who’s that?”

“An actress. Named Mira Sorvino.”

Cathy laughed.

“I’m not kidding,” Mike said.

“I know. I was just laughing because Mira is a distant cousin of mine. I know her very well. We’re actually close.”


“Umm hmm.”

“What’s your last name?”

“My last name is Cummings, but Mira’s mom is related to my dad. She was married to Paul Sorvino.”

“Well I’ll be durned,” said Mike. “Now that I think of it, I do see some resemblance.”

“Well, I’m complimented if you think my legs are as good as hers. Hers are definitely world class.”

“That is for sure,” Mike agreed.

“You guys must do a lot of gym work too, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but that’s more during season. The season just ended, so we can relax more now.”

“You each look really well built.”

“Why thank you, my dear. I suppose we’re pretty lucky.”


They rode in silence for a moment, then Mike looked back down the mountain.

“That’s where we’re staying,” he said, pointing to their condo.

“Oh, that’s a nice place,” she said. “You can ski right to it.”

Mike decided it was time to make a play.

“You should stop by sometime,” he said. “We could have a drink and you could meet Billy. We’ve told him all about you.”

“Sure, that sounds great,” she said lightly.

“How about this afternoon?” he asked. “We’d even make dinner for you.”

“I can’t today,” she said evenly. “I have an instructors meeting right after the tows close. It’s a long meeting.”

“Well, maybe tomorrow then,” said Mike.

“Are you requesting me again tomorrow?” she asked.

“We figured we would,” he said.

“Tomorrow might be good then,” she said.

“Maybe we should stop at the condo for lunch tomorrow,” Mike suggested. “Is that allowed when you’re an instructor?”

“Oh, sure,” she said easily. “With privates, it’s very flexible. We can certainly do that if you’d like.”

“Okay, that sounds great.”

Mike was ecstatic. With a lot of luck, they wouldn’t be skiing tomorrow after lunch. They’d be exercising, and Cathy would be busy, but they wouldn’t be skiing.

He told the guys of their conversation when they got back that afternoon.

“We bring her here for lunch, and it’s a private lesson until four, right?” he said.

“Right!” said Dave.

“That might just work,” said Bob.

“If she’ll stay,” said Billy.

“Do you really think there’s a chance?” asked Bob.

“Actually, I do,” said Mike. “I know she’s really into bodies and body work. We know we’d like to see hers. I think she might like to see ours, too. She really seems to be into it. And we know her a lot better now than on the first day. If she feels she can trust us, she just might go for it.”

“I haven’t met her, so it seems like a far off dream,” said Billy.

“Well, get cleaned up anyway,” said Mike. “We might as well hope for the best.”


The next morning they met and got ready to take the tow. Another ski instructor came up to Cathy.

“Cathy!” he called to her.

“Hi, Jim,” she said, turning to him.

“Can I meet you for lunch later?” he asked.

“I’ve got an all day,” she said.

“How about this afternoon? Where will you be skiing?”

“I’m not sure,” she said. “Why don’t you call me later tonight? I should be home about eight or so.”

“Okay, catch you later.”

He skied off.

Cathy got on the lift with Mike and he turned to her.

“A friend of yours?” he asked.

“Not really,” she said. “He’s just one of the more pushy instructors. I don’t like him much.”

“You didn’t want to tell him where we’d be skiing,” said Mike.

“No, he’d just hang around. He’s not working today, I don’t think.”

“Still want to have lunch with us at the condo?” asked Mike hopefully.

“Sure,” she said. “We can make our last run here later this morning.”

“Okay,” he said. He wondered if she had any idea of their intentions.

They skied all morning, and the guys had their eyes glued to her ski pants as they followed her. At one point Dave fell right near her and she smiled at him.

“You’re too busy watching me and not your skis,” she said as he got up.

“I guess so,” he admitted with a sheepish smile as he shook the snow off himself. He had been watching her buttocks pretty intently. He hoped he would soon see her ass without the covering when they got to their condo.

“You okay?” she asked him.

“Umm hmm.”

“Well, we might as well head in for lunch,” she said. “Before all you guys wind up like Billy.”

Mike wondered at her comment. He hoped they hadn’t blown it.

They skied down and stopped at the porch. They took off their skis and Cathy followed them up onto their deck. Mike opened the door.

“Billy?” he called.

“Right here,” Billy answered, hobbling into the living room.

Mike escorted Cathy into their condo.

“Billy, this is Cathy,” he said, introducing them.

“Hi, Billy,” she said, eyeing him as he sat with a pair of gym shorts and a shirt. “Looks like you’re out of skiing action for awhile.”

“Yeah, sure am,” he said. “It’s nice to meet you, though.”

“Same here. At least you’re in a nice place.”

“That’s for sure.”

Their room was somewhat like a hotel, with two kingsize beds in the main room with the kitchen next door. Cathy came in with her ski boots on, as did the others. The television was on, but the sound was very low.

“Can we help you off with your boots?” offered Dave.

“Sure, thanks,” she said, sitting down on the bed next to Billy.

As she turned, Billy took a close look at her buttocks. His eyes widened as she turned to sit down on the bed.

She took off her jacket and the others took their boots and jackets off also. Cathy’s full breasts stood out proudly under her sweater.

“A very nice place,” she said, looking around. “Looks comfortable.”

“Would you like some lunch?” offered Bob as he went into the kitchen. “Billy’s made some sandwiches for us.”

“Sure, sounds great,” she said, following him up the the counter and sitting on one of the stools.

They got some sandwiches and went back to sit on the beds with Billy. Cathy talked about how well they were skiing.

The guys were getting a little nervous as they cleared the plates away. They weren’t sure how to approach her exactly. She seemed open and casual enough, but they didn’t want to ruin their chances. Mike had agreed to be the initiator, and he carefully waited for the right moment.

The conversation lulled slightly after they had eaten, and Mike was afraid Cathy would suggest that they get back to the slopes.

“I’d like to be able to ski like that,” said Mike.

There was a big ski poster on the wall, and Cathy turned and looked at it. Then she got up and stood in front of it to get a closer look. Mike came up and stood next to her. Her back was to the other three of them as she studied the poster.

“I think I’ve been there,” she said, glancing at Mike quickly. It showed a guy skiing powder all alone.

“It’s a great looking place,” said Mike.

He put his arm around her back gently. His eyes went to her breasts, then back to the poster on the wall.

“It’s in Utah, I think,” she said evenly, her voice not changing at all.

“Have you skied much powder?” Mike asked, making his arm touch her a little more noticeably.

“Yes, a lot,” she said. “Mostly in Utah.”

Mike’s hand began sliding down, until his fingers were at her waist.

“It snows so much in Alta they have powder almost every day,” she said.

Mike hesitated for a moment, getting up his nerve.

“That must be nice,” he said, moving his fingers down to the curve of her buttocks.

The guys watched from behind, waiting for her reaction. Their hearts were racing. Would this lovely girl go down for four black guys? All in the same room and all at the same time? Mike definitely had his hand on Cathy’s butt.

She turned toward him. “You really like my ass, don’t you?” she said with a smile.

As his hand stayed right where it was, he looked at her with uncertainty.

“I’d have to be…….not normal to NOT like it.”

She gave him a thankful smile.

“Is this okay?” he answered her.

She looked at him. “Depends on your intentions.”

The other three guys were all silent.

“Well,……. we know what we’d like to do,” he admitted.

“But you wouldn’t force the issue,” she stated the question.

“No. We wouldn’t,” he answered. At least not if they didn’t have to.

Her glance flashed to the others. “So is this why no one of you has tried to hit on me? You like to be a group?”

“In this case, yes,” he answered firmly.

“If I say no, you’ll all respect that?” she asked again.

Mike nodded and the others murmured their agreement. It seemed apparent that the key to Cathy’s welcome was to have her consent.

“I’ve never slept with a black guy before,” she said.

Billy, Bob and Dave all felt a rush. She had said ‘slept with’!

“Do you like to be adventurous?” asked Mike.

“Yes. I usually do.” The she added, “And this would be adventurous.”

Mike nodded. “We think so, too.”

“I’ve never been with four guys before either.”

Mike responded carefully and inquisitively, “Have you ever been with more than one?”

She nodded. “I’ve been in a threesome, and also a foursome, although there was another girl there. This…..this is more like a…… gang bang,” she said more softly.

The other guys held their breath.

Mike still looked at her steadily and still kept his hand on her butt.

“Yes, you could call it that.”

“A black…..gang bang,” she said, looking at him now.

He nodded.

Her voice was firm, but a whisper. “All right, I’ll do it.”

Mike hesitated. “You mean……yes?”

Cathy nodded. Her look was serious. “I mean yes.”

Billy spoke first. “Oh my God.”

Mike moved up closer to her, and caressed her hair.

“I can’t believe it,” he said softly.

“Please try not to hurt me,” she said softly.

“We promise,” he assured her. “Absolutely.”

“Shall we move over nearer to Billy?” she asked.

“Umm hmm,” Mike agreed.

They moved between the two beds, and Billy sat up, facing her.

“Will you help me Billy?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh, baby, I sure will,” he said seriously.

She turned around and faced away from him as the others moved up around her. She unzipped her ski pants and lifted the hem of her sweater.

Billy took the hem of her pants, and started to pull them down. Mike moved in front of her to help Billy.

“You guys are gentlemen, I’ll say that,” she commented, as if that made a lot of difference to her.

“We’re glad you feel that way,” Mike replied.

As the two of them worked on her pants, Cathy pulled her sweater over her head. Her blonde hair fell in a muss as she pulled it off.

“Will you get in trouble if we’re not skiing?” asked Mike as he worked down her ski pants.

“Not at all,” she said. “It’s your lesson.”

She lifted her turtleneck next, pulling that off too. That left her with only a bra from the waist up.

Billy and Mike had her pants down to her knees, and she sat down next to Billy on the bed. What was under her panties looked very very promising.

Mike worked her pants down around her ankles and pulled them off.

Billy reached for the snap of her bra, and it came undone. Mike reached out breathlessly, taking the bra from her chest, revealing the milk-white globes of her generous breasts. They were heavy, but firm, and stood out proudly.

“Wow, Cathy,” he said softly as he stared down at them.

She smiled at him.

“So far so good?” she asked, looking up at him, then at the others.

“So far, unbelieveable,” said Mike.

Dave, Billy and Bob agreed quickly.

“Well, you’ll soon see the rest,” she said, still smiling.

“We can all hardly wait,” Mike said softly. “Our eyes have been glued to your ass since we first saw you.”

“I have noticed. So I guess you’ll be glad to see me out of my ski pants,” she said, still smiling.

“For sure,” said Mike.

She stood up again and Billy reached for her underwear. He slid them down slowly, letting them curve around her proudly pronounced buttocks, feasting his eyes on the flawless, white skin as the perfect, firm mounds came into full view.

“Unnn-believeable,” said Billy with emphasis.

“That’s the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen,” said Dave.

“Thank you,” said Cathy, her face still bright. “I’m glad you like it.”

Mike stared at her light brown bush as her panties came down her legs.

“Beautiful,” he said softly.

The others began to remove their ski clothes as fast as possible. Billy slid his shorts down and over his cast, and Mike began to undress also.

“If this is a dream, don’t wake me up,” said Billy.

“You are really beautiful, Cathy,” said Bob seriously.

“So are you guys. You have fantastic bodies,” said Cathy evenly. “You’re probably all very big, too.”

“Have a look, baby,” said Billy, who was now naked behind her.

She turned and sat down slowly, looking at the thick, black muscle that hung between his legs.

“Oh my God,” she gasped softly as she saw it. Her eyes were glued to Billy’s enormous rod. “That’s really….. beautiful.”

“So are you, baby, so are you,” said Billy.

Billy’s cock lay semi-erect, with his foreskin just barely covering his cockhead as she slowly reached for it. It was the first one Cathy had ever seen that was uncircumcised. As her fingers wrapped around it, it began to enlarge, and the head began to come out into view.

“Wow,” said Cathy breathlessly. “That is amazing.”

Billy looked at her and smiled, reaching his hand toward her face. His forefinger touched her lips gently, caressing her.

She smiled back at him, then turned and put her knees on the bed. As he scooted back toward the middle she crawled toward him and bent down slowly toward his cock. As his hand palmed her head, she let her lips touch the mammoth, black rod before her.

Billy’s cock stiffened, and it was almost eleven inches of hard meat at Cathy’s lips. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, sinking down as she let the thick rod move into her mouth.

“Oh, baby,” gasped Billy as she began to suck his cock.

Cathy sucked for a long moment, moving her lips up and down around the giant shaft.

Mike and the others were undressed now, and they sat down on the bed with Cathy and Billy. It was a very firm king size bed, so there was easily room for all of them.

She lifted off Billy’s cock and got up on her knees on the bed. She saw that the other three were naked now, and she took them in.

“Wow,” she said calmly. “You guys are amazing.”

All four of them were hung well, their cocks approaching a foot when erect, which they almost were right now. Just the sight of Cathy naked made their blood rush. Their smooth, brown skin was a unique contrast to her own, which was fair and white. Cathy was very glad she was here.

“Okay, Billy,” she said huskily. “It’s time for your vacation to take a turn for the better.”

With that said she then scooted to him, straddling his legs with both knees.

She moved over top of Billy, and reached down for his cock with her right hand. She guided it to her entrance.

She put her hands out and Dave and Bob each took one.

She took a deep breath and started to lower.

“Ohhhh…” she gasped as she put her weight on it.

She began to take him!


She didn’t hold back with the volume of her voice, and the guys were doubly excited to see her face as she cried out.

She lowered slowly, her head rolling back and her mouth opening silently.


Billy watched her lovely face as he felt her sheath encase his stiff pole. She was concentrating now, and her look was one of pure enjoyment. He moved his hands to her breasts, and he cupped them for support as she took his black shaft into her white body. She squeezed Bob’s and Dave’s hand.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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