Cindy Goes To School

By arcaine one.

The world took on a surreal quality as Cindy got up and began to exit the bus. Again, hands reached out to group her in a completely unfamiliar way. For her entire life, practically no one paid attention to her. One drunken boy had taken her virginity. She spent most of the time masturbating with various objects or rarely in lesbian trysts with her best friend, Bethany.

Bethany had never before shown her affection in public. The bus driver patted her ass as she went out the door. The throng of students was moving into the high school. As she looked around, anyone who glanced her way stared at her with a lecherous grin. Often licking their lips or suggestively moving their crotch or hands.

The groping continued even as she went down the hallway. Passing the lockers, she retreated into the Lady’s room and locked herself in a stall. Trembling with shock, she couldn’t decide if she was happy or horrified. It felt like both. At the same time, her pussy was still tingling and dripping wet. She still had the bitter, salty taste of the boy’s cum in her mouth. She thought to herself, ‘I have the sperm of two different boys floating around in my stomach. Probably a little bit of my dad’s up inside my womb!’

The bell rang, announcing the beginning of class. Cindy was too terrified to move. Everyone cleared out in the hallways, and the room grew quiet. She was gathering her nerve to get up and leave when she heard someone else enter the bathroom. With the jangling of keys, someone was whistling tunelessly. She saw a man’s boots stop in front of the stall.

She heard Mr. Fuentes, their janitor say, “Cindy, are you in here?”

In a trembling voice, she said, “Yes, I’ll be done in just a minute.”

She heard the jangle of keys, and to her horror, the stall door unlocked. Mr. Fuentes was unzipping his pants and walking towards her.

He said, “Oh good, now open wide.”

He was pulling out his brown-skinned penis. Cindy’s mouth fell open in astonishment and, to her shock, The man crowded up against her. He pushed his uncircumcised cock into her open mouth.

He said, “Now swallow every drop, or I’ll make you use your shirt to clean up whatever spills.”

To her further astonishment, she felt her mouth fill with hot and bitter urine. Mr. Fuentes grabbed her pigtails and held her so she could not move, leaving her no choice but to swallow or drown. The hot, bitter, burning liquid poured down her throat. Some of it almost came out of her nose, but she suffered through. Instinctively knowing that if she so much as coughed, she would be drowning. The smell would fill her nostrils all day long. Cindy had no idea how long this went on, hoping it would be that long. How much could a man hold?

Gulp after gulp, the awful liquid poured down her throat. At last, with a sigh, Mr. Fuente stepped back and said, “There, good girl.” He patted her on the face. “Now, Hurry up and get out of here, or I will send the entire football team in here.” He turned on his heel and left.

Shaking, Cindy got up quickly and went to the sink to rinse her mouth. She swallowed some water and hurried to her math class.

As she entered her math class, Miss Davis, a tiny little woman with her hair put up in a severe bun. Her haughty voice said, “So good of you to Join us today, Miss Cindy. Now come up here as you are tardy once again.”

Not knowing what to do, Cindy approaches the teacher. The small woman grabbed her shoulder and spun to face the teacher’s desk. She pushed the girl forward so that she was bent over the desk. Cindy barely had time to catch herself when she fell forward. Just nearly smacking her teeth on the desk edge. Miss Davis yanked up her skirt and swatted her across the ass with a yardstick. Making Cindy yelp! Crack! Again crack! A third time!

Cindy felt tears spilling down her face. The teacher’s cold hand began rubbing her bare ass, soothing it. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, Cindy.

Ms. Davis told the class, “Now, Albert, I believe you had the highest marks yesterday. You may come up and begin getting your reward.”

With a grin, a thin boy with red hair and a bad complexion came quickly to the desk. Cindy saw another man unzip his fly right in front of her. He pulled his dick out and shoved it into her gaping mouth in front of the class. He used her pigtails as handles to begin pumping his thin narrow dick in and out of her mouth. Ms. Davis sat on Cindy’s back, trapping the girl on the desk. The teacher continued to rub Cindy’s bare ass soothing the welt marks from the ruler.

Miss Davis began teaching the class as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Quizzing the students calling on people individually and keeping track of who had right and wrong answers. The boy began to pump in and out her mouth like a machine gun. Right now, she realized he was getting close and steeled herself. Sure enough, he began squirting hot salty, slimy sperm into her mouth.

Most of it pushed towards the back of her throat, giving her no choice but to swallow. Albert staggered away as she coughed some up and drooled it onto the floor, gasping for breath. The redheaded boy returned to his desk, smiling like a lunatic. Ms. Davis got off Cindy and allowed her to sit at her desk. Cindy was included in the rotations of questions. She found she could answer everyone correctly, pulling ahead of the other students, even though some had a head start.

The bell rang. Ms. Davis said, ” All right, class dismissed, and good news Cindy, you’re the winner. You get to choose who uses your face tomorrow.”

Moving on to her history class, he felt like a fish trying to swim upstream. Everyone seemed to know her name. Everyone recognized her at a glance. Everyone wanted to touch her, kiss her, or embrace her for a moment. She barely got to her history class in time. Mr. Schultz taught history, and he spoke with an English accent. He was going bald and had a large pot belly hanging over his belt. Cindy attempted to head towards her desk.

Mr. Schultz said, “Just a moment, young lady, you know better than that. Get up here over the desk, now!”

Blushing, heart hammering with anticipation. Cindy bent over another desk for the second time in one day. Mr. Schultz moved behind her and flipped her skirt onto her back, exposing her bare ass to him. She heard the now-familiar sound of a zipper going down. His smooth penis glided over her freshly shaven and dripping snatch. He pushed the thong over to one side. Cindy felt him lift his stomach and place it unceremoniously on her lower back! His short fat penis pushed its way past her opening.

The other students sat down and looked at the teacher as if nothing unusual happened. The old man grabbed her hips and pounded her against the desk. His thrusts were so vehement that the desk ever so slightly inched across the floor. Shultz began to talk about the Battle of Gettysburg troop movements. The political why and why not? Why this battle was important.

Cindy could not concentrate in the slightest. The string from her thong was pressed tightly against her clit. The material was being sawn back and forth as the teacher pumped his fire-plug-like cock in and out of her. Mr. Schultz began to pant and grunt between words. Cindy lost all coherent thought as she had yet another orgasm. This one made all the more intense by having thirty people look at her.

The old man fucked her across the wooden desk covered with random papers. At last, the old teacher held perfectly, still pulling Cindy against him. Yet again, hot sperm was pumped into her teenage pussy. She felt him relax and slowly begin losing his grip on her hips. He pulled out, and she felt his stomach slide over her ass. Mr. Shultz turned away to point at something on the chalkboard and zip up.

Cindy did her best to put her thong back in place. It became immediately soaked in sperm as she stood up. Mr. Schultz opened the desk drawer and tossed a small towel to her.

“Make sure you sit on this. I don’t want you leaving stains on the desk again.”

Cindy placed the clean towel on the desk seat, hiked her skirt up so people in the back had a good view and sat down. Cindy had a difficult time concentrating on anything. The welt marks on her ass still stung a little. The mixture of sperm, milk, cereal, and urine was not setting well on her stomach.

When class was over, Cindy headed straight for the bathroom directly to a stall. She puked up her guts, and the smell of bad milk and urine almost made her pass out. Quickly, Cindy used the folding toothbrush in her purse to brush her teeth and got out. The last thing she wanted to do was get caught in the bathroom again. She thought, ‘At least my next class is art.’

She entered the art room where her beautiful young art teacher was waiting. Mrs. Wentworth was a tall, pretty redhead with pale skin who perked up the second Cindy walked in.

“Goodness, I was afraid you were going to be late! Quickly. Get over here so we can set you up as the model,” Mrs. Wentworth barked.

Cindy had yet to learn what the woman was on about. Cindy just walked along in the cloud of perfume that the teacher left behind. In the center of the room was an odd-looking chair with straps and livers attached to it.

Mrs. Wentworth said, “Quickly now. Get undressed and get in the chair.” She started pulling Cindy’s top and sports bra up over her head. “Just leave The stockings on. They will be fine,” the teacher said as she pulled Cindy’s skirt and thong underwear off.

The teacher pushed her back into the chair. Quickly and efficiently strapped Cindy down where she couldn’t move. The girl’s arms are spread out, her legs up and stirrups. Cindy was spread wide open, so the whole world could see her still dripping pussy. A strap went over her forehead so she couldn’t turn her head! She was slightly sitting up to see her feet but could not move an inch. The classroom was filling up with students all sitting up there. Easels and some already began sketching her.

Addressing the class, Mrs. Wentworth said, “Now, students, this is the last day of sketches before we have to begin on final layouts. Cindy has been a patient model, so do your best to catch her likeness.”

Cindy was blushing red with embarrassment at first. Then she calmed down when she realized everyone was drawing her picture. One of the students had a dog with him, an emotional support animal. The dog began sniffing the air, got up, and headed toward Cindy. The bound teenager could only look on with astonishment.

Cindy said, ” N-nice doggy, stay over there.”

Mrs. Wentworth reprimanded her for speaking and then put a ball gag in her mouth. “There. That should keep you quiet. Everyone’s trying to concentrate!”

To her horror, the dog approached where she was tied down. The dog brazenly began sniffing and lapping at her pussy with its long tongue. Humiliation and embarrassment washed over her again. Every time the dog’s tongue ran over her clit was like a cattleprod of excitement. In a moment or two, she was breathing hard. The dog began running its long tongue in and out, lapping the last of her teacher’s cum out of her dripping snatch. Cindy had small orgasms when the dog’s tongue ran over her g-spot.

The dog moved up, putting his front feet on either side of her waist. She felt something hot poking at her leg around her crotch and realized the dog was trying to fuck her! His dick was hotter than a human’s and slightly slimy. His hips begin to piston back and forth in his excitement. He was trying to find the right opening.

Cindy started wanting the dog to find it and hoping he wouldn’t. At last, he finally did. His pointed, hot dick slammed into her. The dog wrapped his paws around her narrow waist and began to jackhammer his penis in and out while painting and slobbering on her chest. The angle was perfect for his red rocket to ram against her g-spot. Another orgasm crashed over her. She didn’t care if anybody was looking. This was fantastic!

The dog’s rough fur around his sheath scratched at her freshly shaved cunt. This further added to her excitement! The constant hammering stimulated her clit, as if someone was spanking it repeatedly. Her second orgasm quickly followed the first, and then a third. She realized she had them back to back. Now the dog’s cock seems to be growing thicker. A steady stream of slime was pouring down the crack of her ass. Cindy did not know that dogs gave off a large amount of pre-cum.

The base of the dog’s cock was beginning to swell in the typical knot that all canines have. The knot was popping in and out of the tight opening of the teenager’s pussy. Finally, the knot was swollen so that it couldn’t come out. Despite that fact, the dog continued to jackhammer his hips. Cindy felt her pussy lips trying to turn inside out, and the dog’s body stiffened between her legs. She felt scalding hot cum squirting into her. There was so much that she could see her stomach swell a little.

Cindy could hear squirting and squishing noises as some dog cum managed to leak around the pressurized knot. The German Shepherd relaxed and lay on her, momentarily catching his breath. His large cock continued to pump water-thin sperm into the girl’s womb. Both he and the girl had finally caught their breath, but the knot was still swollen tight. Awkwardly the dog turned around, lifting his leg over his penis.

Facing the other way, the dog continued to pull and yank painfully at Cindy’s now sore pussy. He finally popped free after eight or ten good tugs and stumbled forward. Cindy could hear the thin but viscous liquid splattering on the floor as it poured out of her. No one had even seemed to notice they were all still sketching. Looking at her holding up their thumb as if they were some old-time artist. The big dog walked over to its master and lay down. The German shepherd began licking at his crotch, cleaning off the mixture of his cum and Cindy’s juices.

Twenty minutes later, Cindy had dozed off. The teacher stood up, clapping her hands. “All right, everyone, start packing up.” She went over to Cindy and began unbuckling her. Mrs. Wentworth handed her a towel. “Clean up, dear. You don’t want to make a mess when you go down the hall, do you?”

In a numbed daze, Cindy shook her head and awkwardly wiped at her dripping crotch with the towel as everyone packed up.

Mrs. Wentworth said. “You did a good job as a model. That’s why you’re getting an A in this class.” She gave Cindy a good smack on her already sore ass and said. “Now, quickly get dressed. The class will be over in a few moments.”

Cindy barely had time to get her clothes on before the bell rang, and she was swept out the door with the rest of the class. She thought, ‘My god. The day is only half over. It’s only lunchtime.’


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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