Heather 2

By jack_offenhiemer.

Read Part 1 here.


Part Four: Heather Being Viewed…

Heather was one year younger than me and graduated from college the year after I did. The story of our month in the mountains happened in the summer of ‘79. Later that year, she and I were looking into plans to do something special during her spring break next March. We discussed going to South Padre Isle like many kids our age did. The one plan we kept returning to was to backpack and canoe in the Big Bend National Park. We were in no hurry to make any reservations because she and I preferred primitive camping and never worried about condos, hotels, or spas. After all, those places were far less dog friendly!

The day that changed many things was when Heather arrived at my apartment at the start of Christmas break waving a small newspaper over her head, her cheeks were flushed, and I noticed that her cut-off jeans seemed damp between her legs. She ran to me, jumped up, wrapped her arms around my neck, and locked her legs around my hips. Happy to see her, I kissed her, slid a hand down the small of her back, and clutched her firm young ass.

As we tongued deeply, my hand traveled between her legs, and found that it was not my imagination. Heather’s pussy was flowing like a faucet. My fingers slid between her jean shorts and sparsely furry pussy, and I found her lips swollen, open, and slick. I slid a finger into her pussy and allowed another to enter her backdoor. I was not shocked to feel a vibrating butt plug stimulating her rear entrance.

Since I had not mounted her in a week and she was wetter than a water main, we undressed each other in a fit of heated passion. I picked Heather up and laid her on my dinner table. Resting her ankles on my shoulders, I slid effortlessly into her tight but drenched pussy. Heather always came quickly when I did this to her. My cock, when rock hard, stands almost straight up and is not very flexible. So, when I mount her like this, my cock hits directly on her g-spot and rubs it as I thrust firmly in her yielding flesh. Usually, if Heather cums first and quickly, I will spend many minutes just gently stroking my cock inside her while we talk to one another. This time was no exception.

There we were, Heather on her back, me standing with my hard-on buried inside her. Heather gathered up that newspaper she was waving that ended up tossed on the table in our eagerness to fuck. Heather found a certain page and thrust it up to my face.

“Jack,” she said breathlessly. “Look what I found!”

Without missing a stroke, “Heather, I am a bit busy right now, don’t expect me to stop this to read some political activist newspaper!” I punctuated each word with a playful but very hard thrust, eliciting a moan from her.

“Jack,” she said as she wiggled her ass into me. “This is a pervert newspaper!”

Eyeing her with a gleam, I slid the butt plug from her ass and placed the head of my cock at her rear opening. “Why do you need to read a newspaper filled with porn stories when you have a pervert like me to fuck?”

I pressed my thick member into her clutching ass at the last word. Heather closed her eyes, lowered the paper, and arched her back in passion as I pushed past her sphincter and planted my cock completely inside her. Heather always said that one of her favorite orgasms was the ones she had as my cock forced its way into her butt. She said it was a mixture of pain, pleasure, and naughtiness and gave her a cum like no other.

“My, my, how you know how to fuck me. (sigh) Jack, this is a newspaper where people like you and me can meet or find other people who like to do kinky sex stuff. There are ads here looking for people who like to dress in leather, some who want to whip others. There is even one ad in here from a woman, and I quote….” She flips the paper to a page and reads, “‘Wanted: Mistress wants one Pussy boy to make him dress in women’s undies, dresses, and makeup to parade in public for humiliation.’ There is some weird stuff in this thing!”

As she read, I looked down and watched rivulets of her pussy juice flow from her swollen red lips onto my cock as I continued to plow her backdoor.

“This is what I wanted you to read. It is this ad that made me so fucking wet.”

“Darn,” I said, “and I thought it was just the thought of fucking me.”

Giving me an impish look, Heather clamped her sphincter tightly around my cock as if with a playful slap. However, her tightening gave her a quick pain and a small orgasm.

“Wanted,” she read on. “A young girl to entertain a small group of gentlemen. No sex with us. Performance must be simple but different. Strippers need not apply.”

“So?” I asked.

“Well, I called the number and found that this is a group of farmers in Kansas that like to watch sexual stuff. They have had girls who have done strip acts and masturbated for them. The guy asked me what I could do that was different.”

“Did you tell them you were a wanton cum slut that loves to get fucked up the ass?” Again punctuating my words with anal thrusts.

“No, I told them that I like fucking dogs.”

For some strange reason, I began to go soft inside her. But she prattled on.

“I told him that I love to fuck my boyfriend but that I liked once in a while to let a dog jump me from behind and get off their doggy dicks. All the guy could say was ‘Wow,’ and ‘No shit,’ and ‘You’re serious?’ He said he’d call his buddies and let me know. I swear, he called me back in less than half an hour! They were all for it! So, I am hired!”

As she breathed, she realized my cock had deflated and slipped out of her clutching hole.


Over the next several weeks, Heather and I talked about this. I did not like the idea of sharing her and figured that once she got there, they would all rape her, or she’d want to fuck them all. I wouldn’t say I liked the idea of our deepest K9 secret being known to others. Heather, on the other hand, wanted to be watched getting fucked by Hans by total strangers.

We compromised. I would go with Heather to protect and help her with the dog. Although she reassured me that no man would have her, I would be there for her to turn her lust upon. She called them back and gave them our terms. They reassured her that they did not have sex with their performers and that I was welcome. He told us they would pay for gas and travel; we could use a hunting cabin outside town. They also tended to tip performers depending on how they liked it. As an afterthought, he asked her if she would fuck any of their dogs if they brought them. Of course, my sweet dog slut told him yes.

We drove north from Huntsville to the southeastern part of Kansas. We planned to take it slow and found several very nice roadside parks for both dogs, Hans and Ranger, to lift a leg at a tree. A few even had enough seclusion for one or all three of us to use Heather to receive our other bodily fluids. We arrived in a very tiny town, and it was easy to find the diner. We were asked to meet Gary (her initial contact). Gary said we could recognize him because he wore overalls and a plaid shirt. That was our first hint that Gary was a really funny fellow. This was a farming community. The only guy in there not wearing overalls and a plaid shirt was the local mechanic, who was wearing cover-alls.

Eventually, a 50ish-looking fellow came up and introduced himself as Gary, and he sat down with us. He ordered beers all around and made idle chit-chat for half an hour. All the while, he kept eyeing Heather. At first, I was beginning to feel uneasy at his glances. Heather, too looked at me as if she was feeling odd. Gary must have figured out what he was doing because he started looking outside the window and quietly apologized.

“Sorry, man, I don’t mean to stare, but my goodness, girl! You are pretty as a button and have a very nice figure. And Jack here is a strapping lad. I am surprised that you’d … Well… I mean, why would you need to do dogs?”

Heather gave him a little smile and asked why it mattered. After all, she was just there to put on a show. Gary bellowed a hearty laugh and gave us a hand-drawn map with a key attached to the promised cabin. He promised that no one would bother us and that we had it for a week if we wanted it that long. He said they stocked it with booze and some food and that there were instructions on the back of the sheet on how to operate the stove, heater, and other things.

We had arrived in town on a Monday on a cool March day. Gary said they would gather on Wednesday night at a nearby barn. He whispered that all the locals think they do nothing but play poker. He asked if anyone questioned them to say we rented the cabin for bird watching.

It was a good thing I drove an old beat-up Jeep. The road was bad and reminded me of the trip I took taking the Jeep to the bottom of the Grand Canyon with Nadine back in ‘76. We made ourselves comfy in the cabin. Ranger, whom I had trained for hunting, immediately smelled something interesting and explored the area. Hans, obviously raised by a girl, was way more interested in the inside of the cabin.

Our first evening in the cabin was so, so nice. I started a bonfire outside, and we roasted hotdogs. We lay on the cool ground and listened to the crackling of the fire, the heavy breathing of the dogs, the call of a few owls in the distance, and the most beautiful sound of all …. Heather’s playful teeth pulled down my zipper. She lovingly nursed on my cock for a long time. I lay there in bliss. The contrasting feeling of Heather’s hot mouth loving my turgid member and the cool air bathing my saliva-coated cock as her head moved up the shaft. I relished in the sounds of nature, Heather’s sucking sounds, and her mewing from a satisfied lover.

With a lightning-flash movement, Ranger bounded up and dashed to my side. His hair was raised on his back, and his ears lay back on the side of his head. With bared teeth, Ranger gave a very, very aggressive growl. Heather, remembering Ranger’s attack/rape of her in the mountains, literally froze with my cock buried in her throat. I sat up and pulled Heather off my cock.

She saw that I was looking into the distance, looking at exactly what Ranger was alarmed at. Some twenty yards away, I could see the two reflectively glowing eyes of a wild K9. Whether it was a wolf or coyote, I do not know, but Ranger’s posture and continued growls sent the beast bounding back to the woods. Moments later, Ranger relaxed, licked my face, then Heather’s, and lay down at Heather’s side with his eyes still fixed where the intruder had scampered off.

“That was scary,” Heather said as I lay back down. “Wow, you never lose it, do you?”

Playfully she stroked my still-hard cock. “Shut up and suck it, my loving slut!”

She did as she was told, with pleasure. After I shot a heavy load of cum into her hot throat, she licked the stray cum from my belly and lips. Heather snuggled beside me. Still stroking my softening cock, she asked me to take her inside and make love to her.

“I’d rather take you right here by the fire.”

Heather resisted and begged me to take her inside the cabin. Thinking it odd, I asked her why not outside. She looked ashamed and glanced where our intruder once stood.

“Awwww, is my little girl afraid of the big bad wolf?”

A wicked grin spread on my lips. I said in a little girl’s voice, “My, what big eyes you have!” Then in a deep voice, “The better to lust after you, my dear.” Back to the little girl’s voice, “What a big tongue you have!” Then in a deep voice, I said, “The better to lick your tiny pussy, my dear.” Then in the little girl’s voice, “My, what a big bulge you have?” Deeply, I responded, “The better to fuck you with, my dear.”

With that, I chased her inside the cabin, and the three of us each had a turn with my darling Red Riding Hood.


Wednesday came, and at 9 p.m., Heather, Hans, Ranger, and I arrived at the barn. It was lit, and we heard talking inside. Heather stopped as we approached the gate and reached inside her denim skirt. She pulled out her hand. It was soaked in her wetness. She gave me a nervous smile and said that she must be excited. I grunted in agreement.

When we entered the barn, all of the talking stopped. The four of us stood there looking at the six of them. To me, it looked like a Normal Rockwell painting. Here were these ‘salt-of-the-earth’ farmers in the barn lighted with kerosene lamps and two flood lights. As we walked forward, they all stood from their table and nodded their greeting. Gary walked up and shook our hands. He mentioned that he told them not to ask her questions because she was embarrassed by the questions at the diner. He said that if Heather was ready, they were.

They had placed a few blankets on the floor and a couple of chairs opposite their chairs. They had placed the two floodlights to shine on Heather’s stage. As she passed the group, one man handed Heather and me a cold beer. He smiled broadly at her and gave me one of those knowing winks. Not knowing what to expect, I put leashes on both dogs in case other animals were in the barn. All the stalls were empty, so I released them both when we arrived at the blanket. Ranger immediately dashed about, marking every vertical piece of wood he could find. Hans sat near us.

Heather whispered to me that although she wanted this so bad, she was nervous and was afraid she might get stage fright. I told her to picture her audience naked. She rolled her eyes. I told her to picture me naked. She smiled. I told her I was there for her and would do what she needed to be comfortable.

Sitting under the floodlights did make her nervous. Later she said that when the fisherman in the mountains accidentally found her, that was erotic. Putting on a ‘show’ was beginning to make her feel like a whore. I turned her face to mine, tenderly kissed her lips, and told her that although she was MOST beautiful when my cock was stuffed in her mouth, she was gorgeous wearing a fur coat. Giving me a playful slap, she clung to me, and we kissed.

As we kissed, I unbuttoned her dress and pulled it off her shoulder so the men could see her tasty pert tits. She was like putty in my hands as I pushed her dress off her hips to the floor and pushed her thighs wide apart. I plunged my fingers in her, and she stiffened and arched her back as I wiggled a finger on her g-spot. I pulled my fingers out and showed the group how wet she was. My fingers dripped. Their amazement was obvious as they all whispered their surprise.

Hans caught the scent and quickly slid his nose between her legs. Although Heather said Hans was not much of a licker, he seemed to like this copious amount that poured from her twat. Heather’s pleasure grew from his tongue, so she let go of me and leaned back against the chair. Her long wavy hair had tussled in her face, and Heather was rolling her head back and forth, moaning as Hans’ tongue lapped her honey. All the men and I were mesmerized at how she swayed in the chair, pulling on her nipples, bucking her hips, and cumming hard. Heather moved to the floor on her hands and knees as if in a trance. She called Hans, and he mounted her in a flash.

One thing I truly love about Heather is that she is very vocal with me. She is not a screamer, but she loves to say what she feels. She describes what she sees and feels in very naughty and descriptive terms. I love hearing her quiet little voice talking about how my cock tastes good or how she loves the way my cock forces her pussy to stretch open. Ah, I loved that girl.

I doubt that Heather was thinking of the group of men, but she began a throaty monolog about what was happening to her. “He is poking but missing… I can feel his pre-cum spraying all over me… Oh, huh, oh, he is trying to fuck my ass… Oh God, he is in me… OH… OH God, he’s getting huge… Oh, the knot, the knot….”

Heather climaxed several times while Hans poured his cum into her. Because he was so experienced with her, he relaxed on her back as his cock filled her love canal. Heather reached between her legs with both hands. One held his knot in place, and the other massaged her clit. After her third climax, Hans pulled free.

One gentleman was heard to say, “Shit, that was fine. Look at what’s pouring out of her vagina.”

The sound of chairs scooted aside as the men moved to get a better view of her dripping hole. Heather kept playing with her pussy and wiggled it toward the men. She asked me to get Ranger. I gave him my recall whistle, and he bounded up to me, then to her. He sniffed her once or twice and then mounted her. Ranger was very hyper from his wolf guard work and sniffing strange animal scents. He took her with extreme force. It was obvious to me and the men that Ranger was there to fuck and fuck her hard. He hammered her so hard that Heather struggled to stay on her knees. Instead of her verbal monolog, Heather uttered more pained yelps and Ahs and Ohhs. This animalistic fuck got the men talking.

Once Ranger dismounted, Heather collapsed and rolled onto her back. Fortunately for the men, her pussy was facing them. She lay there, legs spread. Her pussy fur was soaking wet and matted around her abused mound. She looked up at me and held out her arms, wanting me to hold her. I obliged her. She kissed me and said she was so well fucked that all she could think about was a hot bath and fucking me at the cabin.

A shadow distracted us, and we saw one of the oldest men approach her. He was holding out his bandana and motioned at her splayed pussy. Not knowing how often he had blown his nose in it or how much sweat he wiped, Heather smiled at him and declined the offer.

He stuffed it in his pocket and asked her, “You ready for my dog?”

Heather chuckled at him but suddenly remembered that she had told Gary that she would also fuck other dogs too. He scooted off and motioned to a couple of other guys. They left the barn. I sat Heather up and fed her some beer.

“Are you sure you are OK letting their dogs have you?” I asked.

“Well,” she said. “I am really tired, and I think Ranger damaged me.” She slid her hand along her swollen pussy, but there was no blood or pain. “Well, I did tell him I would. I can do the old man’s dog, and then we can go home.”

Half a beer later, the men that left entered the barn. Although there were three of the six left the barn, they returned with five new dogs. I looked at Heather, and she looked really scared. Maybe it was my imagination, but it looked like her eyes were tearing up. I told Gary that she thought they would only have one dog there, not five. I told him she was exhausted. The men were very disappointed when they heard this. Maybe they thought I was protective, so they argued with Heather. After some pleading on their part and one gentleman promising a very sizable tip, she finally agreed to let three of the dogs use her. The three men picked their favorite dog, and when they came up to the stage.

Heather hugged me and whispered, “I’m OK, honey. It will be fine. I can handle them. I may not want to fuck you or my two pups for a few days, but I can handle this. Just do me a favor. Let me kneel between your legs. That way, you can keep any of the dogs from nipping me, and…” she said with a wry smile, “It will be like the first time you saw me fuck a dog.”

For the next forty-five minutes, Heather knelt between my legs. She took out my cock right off the bat, and when she wasn’t giving the men-watching instructions, she comforted herself from feeling abused by trying to keep me hard.

The first dog to approach her was a dog that looked like a black lab. I do not recall his name, but later Heather referred to him as ‘Speedy.’ As if he was pure testosterone, the lab took one sniff and started mounting her immediately. The dog’s owner was so excited about his dog fucking this young girl that he kept trying to move the dog and push his hips at her. Heather took her mouth off my cock long enough to ask the man to back off and let the lab do his own thing.

On the third try, the lab was poking around her well-used cunt, and she helped him find his mark. Like a jackhammer, the lab went at her fast and hard. Heather later said that when she felt his first hot spurt, the lab pulled out and squirted her and the guy. Heather said that the dog was so quick that she hardly felt a thing, and between the owner being overly helpful and the dog’s speed, she didn’t cum with the lab.

The second dog was a weird breed I did not recognize. He was very large with very wiry hair. He looked more like a Wookie from Star Wars than a hound. This dog’s Master was that helpful old gentleman and looked to be in the neighborhood of 70. Although his skin was wrinkled and leathery from years of farming, he was fairly soft-spoken and gentle. He brought the dog up and asked what to do. Heather started to lift her head from my cock, but I placed my hand on the back of her head and roughly forced her mouth down until her lips meshed into my pubic hair. Heather gagged a bit, more from the surprise than anything. Heather was an accomplished cock sucker who could not only swallow my whole cock, but had the talent to actually ’hum’ so that her throat vibrated my cock deep in her throat.

I told the man to place the dog’s snout at her pussy. He tried, but the dog seemed not to be interested. I told him to get some of her pussy juices on his fingers and let the dog smell and lick it. The old man grinned an almost wicked grin. With one shaking callused finger, he only placed the tip of his finger at her slit and then offered it to the dog. The pup only sniffed once and looked away. I told the old man to get his finger coated with her juices, so he reached out to her abused pussy.

I became distracted as Heather, without a dog on her back, was beginning to suck very sweetly on my engorged member. Heather could make passionate love to my cock with her tender lips. That, plus the look of her tired but sexy eyes, had me transfixed on her face. With a flash of pain in her eyes, Heather jerked her mouth off my penis and yelped. Expecting to see a dog hammering his cock into my beautiful woman, I saw that the old man had let go of his dog (who had wandered off) and was kneeling behind her, rapidly thrusting his fingers in and out of Heather’s stretched pussy. Heather whirled around, dislodging the hand, and slapped the old man’s face. He looked very surprised, then embarrassed. Heather realized that he had slapped him a little too hard.

To make up for that, she lifted the fingers inside her and tapped the tips of his fingers. “Sorry to hit you, but next time, trim your fingernails before finger fucking a girl. Those saw tooth nails hurt!” In unison, all of the other men laughed and checked their fingernails. She gave them all as pleasant a smile as her tired body could, looked around, and asked the group if she was done.

After the older man left us and made a loud joke about wondering if other farmers would think he was’queer’ (his words, not mine) if he got a manicure at the beauticians, a middle-aged man said he brought his wife’s dog with him. The third dog was a Great Dane mix and looked like a miniature horse. As he brought the dog forward, I felt Heather tense up. I could tell that she must have been apprehensive at the dog‘s size.

By body weight, the dog was twice the size of Hans and bigger than her. I think we both realized that the dog‘s cock would be big. Heather looked at me with pleading eyes and lightly shook her head. I told the man that Heather did not want to let the dog have her. He, at first, gave a couple of comments about it not being fair that others got to try.

Then his attitude became aggressive, and he made a disparaging comment. “Look, it is obvious that she is nothing but a slut, and I think you should just tell the slut to do as she’s told and fuck my dog.”

With that comment, he was sneering at Heather, but his face changed when he saw me step between him and her and that my fists were balled up. The other men spoke up, too, and started condemning him for his rude behavior.

In the midst of them rebuking the last man, I heard Heather moan. Her moans were so loud that all the men stopped talking, and we all turned to see Heather laying on her back, eyes closed, with both her hands pinching her hard nipples and cuming like a freight train. It seemed as though the Great Dane had approached Heather, stuck his snout into her swollen pussy, and started licking her.

“Damn!” said Gary, “That Great Dane knows what he’s doing!” We all looked on in amazement as Heather came again within a minute of her last climax from the Great Dane’s tongue. “Damn, John!” Gary told the owner of the Great Dane. “No wonder your wife cut you off. Looks like Hoss there knows how to please a woman better than you!”

A minor scuffle started between Gary and John. John was none too happy with that comment. There was a bit of pushing and shoving going on. I turned to Heather and could see her starting to push the Great Dane away. I went to her, and as I helped her, she quietly told me she never wanted to fuck a dog as badly as she wanted to fuck the Great Dane.

She asked me to keep the Great Dane’s knot from going in, but she ’needed’ to be fucked by the Great Dane. I had never heard her lust after a dog. Dogs were more like a living dildo to her, but she was lusting after dog cock. Before Heather was on all fours, the Great Dane mounted her properly and, on his second thrust, had quickly, easily, and almost completely buried his massive dog cock inside my lovely girl.

With the sexiest scream I have ever heard, Heather climaxed almost instantly. Hoss, the Great Dane, fucked my woman with a skill she and I had only seen in Hans. His grip, his thrusts, and his ability to stay on this ’human bitch’ were all signs of a dog who mounted women often! I know my woman well, and I could tell that Heather was either having a five-minute climax that lasted or was climaxing as soon as another faded.

Her pleasurable wailing had stopped the fighting and drew the men closer. All but one seemed to have a look on their face of fascination and enjoyment as they did when Ranger and Hans had fucked Heather. The only other expression was the one on John’s face. His look made me wonder if he was realizing that this dog was fucking his wife too.

At that moment, Heather yelled knot! Don’t let his knot in me!” I quickly knelt beside her and reached under her to hold his knot and keep her poor battered pussy from being stretched beyond belief. As I held his cock, Hoss went still. I could feel it pulsing and swelling and figured Heather’s pussy was getting pumped full of Hoss’ hot dog cum. I pulled the Great Dane’s tail from between his legs and nodded to the men to take a look. One by one, the men took a long look at my girl’s pussy filled with a huge dog cock.

Most men simply said things like, “Damn,” or “Wow,” but all made some comment about the volume of cum pouring out of her.

The last to look was John. He shook his head and mumbled with an ashen look on his face. “Now I know why we never have clean towels,” he said.

Days later, Heather told me she lost count of the climaxes Hoss had given her.

Hoss eventually dismounted Heather, and she collapsed on the hay. Weak as she was, I pulled her dress on her cum soaked body. Gary and the youngest fellow gathered Hans and Ranger and led them to my Jeep without being asked. Lovingly, I carried Heather to the Jeep and placed her in the passenger seat. One by one, the men approached Heather and politely thanked her for the best night they had ever had. Each took her hand, and either shook it or patted it. Yet, as each man left her, Heather handed me the cash they had slipped into her hand. John was the last. Sheepishly he apologized for calling her names and handed her a thick stack of bills.

As we drove away, Heather put her head on my shoulder, her hand on my cock, and her lips near my ear. “Jack, I love you. Please do me a big favor. Never EVER let me do that again!”

We laughed as she complained about every muscle in her body aching, her pussy feeling like he could park the Jeep in it, how she was starving and could sleep a week, and it still would not be enough. Playfully, she squeezed my cock and remembered she had left me hanging. I told her not to worry about it. She would not take no for an answer. She unzipped my fly, fished my semi-hard cock, and stroked it lovingly.

“After all,” she said. “You took care of me in there. The least I can do is take care of you.”

With that, she laid her head on my thigh, sucked the head of my cock between her moist lips, and began to sweetly love my cock with her mouth. I drove slowly back to the cabin. Distracted by watching the road and ensuring I did not get lost driving back, I could not watch my darling service my cock. At a stop sign, I took a moment to look at my girl and stroke her head. In the dim glow of the dash lights, I saw her eyes were closed, and her lips were tight around my cock but not moving. Then, I heard a light snore coming from her. My sweet thing had fallen asleep nursing my cock.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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