Heather 1

By jack_offenhiemer.

Part One: She Introduces Me To Animal Love…

I had been dating a young lady at a college we both attended. We got along very well. Even our two dogs seemed to get along as well. She and I became very intimate very quickly. We spent much time pleasuring each other whenever classwork allowed. It was not uncommon for one or the other of us to spontaneously show up at the other place and start rousing sexual adventures. Just one such spontaneous arrival introduced me to sex with animals.

My girl Heather was always glad to see me when I arrived at her apartment unexpectedly. Her eagerness to fuck me was seen in how easily she would allow me to undress her and take her at any hour of the day. One particular day, she called my place and seductively asked if she could come over and do some “Anatomy” lab work on me. You can not imagine my chagrin when I had to explain how I had a paper due the next morning and told her that I could not spare the time.

Even though I had told her no on the phone, I convinced myself that a short break did not mean the paper would be late and that I needed this type of break. So, I dropped what I was doing and dashed to her apartment complex. I pulled my car next to hers and took the stairs two at a time until I bounded the two flights to her door. Taking a deep breath and readjusting my bulging cock through my jeans, I knocked on her door. We had a ‘special’ knock to let the other know it was one of us at the door.

No answer.

She never refused my needs, even if I had come to her apartment at one in the morning. So, I knocked again, very briskly. This time I heard her voice on the other side as she told Hans, her shepherd, to stay back. She opened the door. What I saw, I did not like. Heather was dressed in a thin, flimsy untied robe, and I could see her naked body only partially hidden inside. Her cheeks were flushed, and she had red marks on her knees and elbows. And worst of all, I spotted a suspicious fluid between her legs.

Being the jealous type, I pushed past her and searched her apartment for the man I knew she had just fucked. I was furious. Even though I could find no one hiding in the closets, under the bed, behind the shower curtains, or any open windows, I still verbally assaulted her for her infidelity and whoring. She appeared panicky and stuttered, trying to feebly tell me I was wrong and that she couldn’t explain it. I stormed out, vowing never to want to see her again.

My jealousy caused me to refuse her phone calls for a week and deny her entrance into my place. Finally, after almost two weeks, one of her close friends phoned me. Sue told me that Heather would not even confide in her about what happened but had asked her to call me and urgently ask me to accept a dinner invitation from Heather. Sue told me that Heather was not sleeping, had stopped attending classes, and looked like a wreck. Sue was pleased with me to go and let Heather say her piece.

I arrived Saturday at 6 PM as requested. Heather greeted me at the door. Dressed in a pleasant outfit, I could tell she looked like a zombie, even if she had put on makeup and had her hair done. She tried to act as if nothing had happened to us in how she talked and acted. Yet, we both felt that looming emotion. Dinner was eaten quietly. As she served me coffee, she sat across from me, lowered her head, and in a quiet voice, told me that I had seen something that she had never shared with a living soul. She said she had what the world called a perversion and never wanted anyone to know.

“Yet,” she said as she looked at me with pleasing eyes, “ I am in love with you, and I feel I owe you an explanation.”

She stood and undressed there in the dining room. Her firm and perky C cups were capped with hard nipples. Her pussy was covered in a light and sparse bush (remember, this was the 70s). Without a word, she pushed my chair away from the table and knelt between my legs. As she tenderly and lovingly stroked my cock outside of my jeans, Heather looked into my eyes and spoke.

“Since the age of eighteen, I have had a steady lover. A lover that has been with me throughout all of my boyfriends. You caught me right after my lover took me. I can not find the words to explain this, so I decided to show you. Hans, here boy!”

Hans, on cue, trotted up behind Heather and began licking her pussy. Through her whimpers and sighs, Heather tried to explain that I had nothing to worry about. She loved me and wanted nothing more than my cock inside her. Yet, when I was unavailable, she let Hans have her.

Hans’ lapping was having a good effect on her. Heather’s eyes were rolling around in a pre-orgasmic flutter. Her breath quickened as her hips rotated and pushed against Hans’ tongue. She began to tell me how different a dog’s tongue felt. Hans jumped on her back. I must have moved in my chair, and she thought I was going to leave because she gripped my thighs, looked up at me, and begged me to stay and watch. I settled in the chair and stared into her eyes.

“He has a hard time finding my pussy,” she said as I saw her reach between her legs. Suddenly, Hans lurched forward, Heather was pushed into my lap, and in the most erotic voice, I heard this petite girl grunt, “Oh… OH… Oh, Jack, he’s fucking me.”

I watched as Hans’ hips made a hundred harsh and fast jabs. I watched Heather as lust filled her eye and her face contorted in a mix of shame, pleasure, and lust. Again she was pushed hard into my lap. She screamed again in that erotic voice, saying something about a thick ball in her. Hans became still on her back and looked as though he was done. Heather, on the other hand, grunted even more, shook violently, and clutched my cock painfully through my jeans.

She kept repeating, “He’s cumming… Oh, hot… Cumming… God….”

I sat there dumbfounded! What had just happened did not last but five minutes. Her disrobing, the dog licking her pussy, and then him fucking her. Yet it almost felt like a lifetime for me. Hans dismounted, and Heather whimpered as his cock slid out. I knew I was turned on. My cock was huge and throbbing from the hot scene. Heather looked up into my eyes with an almost pleading look as she mouthed, ‘I Love You.’

I could only stand, letting her head flop onto the chair cushion. I walked behind her near the door. Holding the door handle, I looked back and forth between her naked dripping pussy and Hans licking his big doggy cock. Although a small part screamed to leave this odd scene, my lust overtook me. I walked behind Heather, dropped my pants, slid to my knees, and buried my hard cock deep into her soaked and stretched pussy. As I hammered her harder than I ever have.

Heather looked over her shoulder and whimpered, “Thank you, Jack,” just as her orgasm caused her to cry out in orgasmic pleasure while my seed mixed with Hans’.

Ten minutes later, I held Heather closely on the couch. As we cuddled and talked about how this would change our relationship (for the good, obviously). Hans wandered over and took a few licks of Heather’s juices off my limp cock.

Heather giggled. “Hans is OK with sharing me,” she said.


Part Two: Heather’s Beginning…

Although I found her life with Hans, her German Shepherd, a very erotic eye-opener, it did take me a good bit of time to accept her sexual adventures completely. The jealous man in me resented that she would allow another penis inside her. The male ego in me also somewhat was bruised, knowing that her orgasms were both intense and multiple while Hans was buried deep and his knot pressed her vagina walls. What helped me become more accepting of all of this was a very long and frank dialog we had the week after she let Hans use her right there in front of me.

Heather helped me understand why she and Hans had become intimate and why she would allow him to mount her, even though she and I had intense sex almost every other day. Here is a paraphrased version of the story she told me.

At an age when girls are learning about their bodies and their sexuality, Heather told me that she discovered masturbation and realized that she had a sexual addiction. Masturbating daily and using various objects to satisfy her insatiable appetite, she told me that she eventually allowed an older neighbor boy to be her first lover. Yet, between her religious upbringing and the less-than-relaxed social atmosphere of the early 70s, Heather resisted having sex with her neighbor or any other boys in fear of getting pregnant or getting a disease, thus losing her parent’s respect and the respect of others. So, swearing off boys, Heather collected some nice hairbrushes with nice fat handles that spent most of their existence buried in her moist tunnel.

For Christmas in 1972, her parents got her the puppy she always wanted. A quality-bred German Shepherd whom she named Hans. As a growing pup, he developed an obsession with chewing those tasty hairbrush handles. Heather thought nothing of it, just a pup’s teething need. After two years and several dozen hairbrushes later, Hans had become adept at finding her make-shift dildos no matter where she hid them to keep them away from him. Her scent, however, led him to those tasty treasures. House rules for many years were that Hans slept on a pad in the living room. However, Heather let Hans sleep in her bedroom on a hot, stormy night. She felt silly sneaking Hans upstairs, like a little scared girl, but Hans made her feel safer and more comforted.

An exceptionally loud clap of thunder awoke her in the wee hours of the morning. Unable to fall back asleep, Heather began sliding her fingers through her yearning sex and lazily brought herself to a relaxing orgasm. As she lay in a post-orgasmic haze, a bolt of lightning struck very close to her home with an ear-splitting thunderclap rattling the windows an instant after the flash. Heather told me she jumped so high in freight that she could have touched the ceiling with her hard nipples. Catching her breath, she heard Hans whimper and saw that he had his head half tucked under her covers. A second nearby flash and immediate thunderclap sent Heather under her covers to discover that Hans had beaten her there.

Heather’s tale goes that to keep herself from being too scared. She began to play with her pussy again to calm her nerves. She said she was shocked when Hans’ tongue snaked to her fingers and wet pussy. She admitted that Hans had for several years sniffed and licked at her crotch. Her sexual addiction and her curiosity got the better of her. She withdrew her fingers and spread her legs to see what Hans would do and what it would feel like. Heather told me that at that time, she had only let her neighbor fuck her three times before stopping his advances and that only her fingers had ventured down there. No man or beast had licked her pussy. Hans licked her swollen pussy lips and clit for a few minutes. Still, she said that she was too curious about what was going on to concentrate on bringing herself to orgasm.

From that night on, Heather found ways to sneak privacy with Hans and let him lick her clit as much as he pleased. It took almost a week of daily lickings before Heather learned how to maximize her pleasure with his tongue and orgasm. Until then, Heather would thrust fingers inside her quivering pussy to find the climax Hans could not give her alone. Throughout all this time, Heather had seen Hans’ horniness grow. She would see more of his “pink pleasure rocket” (her term for his dog cock) poking out of the furry sheath.

After pushing his head from her pussy after a strong cum, she would see him lay near her and lick his cock. One night while her parents were out, Heather had let Hans lick her to two satisfying orgasms. As she lay on her bed sweaty and flushed, she watched Hans stand looking at her and his rump moving as if to hump his cock onto his furry belly. That sight got her thinking about Hans being a better use. Over a few weeks and more orgasms from his tongue, her curiosity peaked.

On another night, her parents were out to dinner. Heather enacted a plan to see if Hans was interested in human pussy. She doubted he would. After all, he had never once humped her leg or jumped on her in any way. Heather, in her sweet innocent girl mind, thought that only a human would imagine sex with another species and that Hans would only want to have a dog’s vagina. That night, she stripped down and climbed on her bed. With the same routine Heather did with Hans. She fingered her pussy for a little while to get her pussy to moisten and open.

She called Hans to her bed and patted the mattress. As usual, he jumped on the bed and eventually began to lick her to a pleasant climax. ‘Was Hans horny from licking my pussy?’ Heather wondered. She reached for his cock and found it was only the narrow slender tip showing. Knowing how dogs mated, Heather got on her hands and knees and buried her face in her pillow. “I can not believe I want a dog to fuck me!” She giggled to herself as he tried to ‘wag’ her butt like a dog wags its tail. She tried a lot of things to get Hans to mount her. She tried calling his name. That got him to lick her nose. She tried patting her ass. That only got her pussy, and virgin asshole licked. She even admitted (with embarrassment) to me that she tried barking and wagging her butt. Nothing helped.

She figured that Hans really liked her taste and only wanted to lick her, and he preferred to fuck another dog. So, Heather reached for the brush on her nightstand and slid it slowly into her yearning pussy. Resigning herself to this self-manipulative pleasure, Heather stroked it in and out and concentrated on building up to her orgasm. Much to her surprise, Hans suddenly tried to mount her. He started frantically humping her ass cheek from the side and nervously maneuvering around to find the correct place behind her.

Heather told me that without even giving it a second thought, she reached back to guide Hans’ cock in her. As she aimed it for her hungry pussy, she realized the brush handle was still inside her. As Hans frantically and erratically humped his cock forward, Heather tried pulling the brush from her pussy. Every time the tip of the brush was about to emerge, Hans’ thrusts would push it back in. By the sixth attempt, she could get the sticky handle out of her sopping pussy before Hans found his mark and drove that ‘pink pleasure rocket’ inside her.

Heather told me that just like the first time she was fucked by a man, it was painful, too quick, and she was too scared to enjoy it. She told me she wouldn’t pet Hans or spend time with him for days. Heather told me that she felt ashamed and worried about others finding out. I asked her how she overcame that feeling. She said that, in her mind, she began to look at Hans as just another dildo. She, only at first, had viewed his fucking as nothing different than using her hairbrush on herself. She admitted that she only had an orgasm every fifth or sixth fuck.

Whether she had an orgasm or not, she became hooked on feeling a live cock on her. But, months and months after she started with him, Hans became more persistent in having her. During that time, Heather found ‘The true focus of K9 pleasure.’ It was that mental place where she knew that SHE was the object of Hans’s pleasure and he was using HER for his animal instincts. Focusing on his animalistic lust for her pussy causes her to orgasm so easily and often.

“Well, that and,” she would say, “that baseball-sized knot of his I was finally able to accept in me and have it press my g-spot.”

Eventually, my ego and jealousy abated because Heather convinced me it was ME she craved and preferred and that Hans was only her love when I could not satisfy her addiction. I accepted that, and she proved it to be the truth.


Part Three: Heather And The Mountains…

Heather and I had been together for over a year by the summer of my Senior year in college. After I graduated, she and I planned to take a month and go backpacking through Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado. We took her pet/lover Hans and my dog Ranger. Although I had accepted Hans as her substitute lover many months ago, she had not experienced my dog. After all, in my mind, Heather only used Hans’ dog cock when I was not there to fuck her. So in my early thinking, she needed Hans once in a blue moon.

Granted, on some nights that Heather would ride my cock two or three times in one night and try vainly to rouse my spent shaft for another ride, I would tell her to leave me alone and call Hans. On those nights, she’d eventually kneel beside me, my limp cock nestled between her lips as Hans hammered her in his hard K9 fuck. Usually, that would do her in, and we’d collapse and fall asleep in sexual satisfaction.

Yet, once or twice, seeing and hearing her getting hammered by her doggy stud would rouse me to another hard-on. If it did, I never liked sliding in her ‘loose’ pussy after she had taken his knot. However, I would wait until he finished with her and she collapsed belly on the bed. I would smear his seed over her tiny puckered ass and slowly press my hard cock in and use her tight butt for my selfish pleasure.

Ranger was a mixed-breed dog. Handsome red hair on a Lab’s frame. It never occurred to Heather or me to let Ranger use her because Ranger never showed interest in her. He liked her well enough and never acted differently to her the few times he witnessed us fucking. He sniffed her once with a freshly fucked pussy, but never licked or humped her.

That summer, we had left our car in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and headed into the San Juan mountains. I had personally hunted Elk in those mountains and knew the trails and area pretty well. So much of the area we hiked was empty of human traffic. We often spent our time in camp nude and fucked under the stars and in front of both dogs. When we hiked, I could never take my eyes off that sumptuous ass in those skin-tight jean cut-offs as it wiggled in front of me. I can not tell you the number of times I just bent her over a fallen tree and yanked down her shorts to slide into that shapely butt.

Near Nipple Mountain (yes, that is its real name), there is a clear pool of water with a small clearing around it. We camped there for over a week, and I only remember putting on clothing once when we heard voices but never saw a soul. One morning I went out to forage for food and firewood. I collected a sack filled with choke cherries and puffball mushrooms. I left camp before Heather awoke and did not return until noon. When I came back, things seemed odd. Ranger stayed unusually close to Heather, and Hans was asleep. Heather herself looked troubled and agitated. I just knew I had done something to piss her off.

This went on for some time. By dinner, I had enough and asked Heather what was bugging her. Heather glared at me and pointed to Ranger. “Your damn dog hurt me and Hans!”

“What? My gentle buddy?”

Heather explained that when she awoke and found she was horny enough to fuck a bull Elk (her phrase), she saw I had left and decided to let Hans have her to satisfy her need. Without thinking, Heather got Hans to mount her right before Ranger. My dog, for whatever reason in his doggy brain, attacked Hans. In the melee, Ranger had bitten Hans’ ear and scratched Heather. As Heather pulled them apart, she scolded Ranger and looked after Hans’ torn ear. As she knelt there beside Hans, Ranger came up behind her. With savage aggression, Heather said Ranger mounted her, found his mark, and bred her like a kenneled bitch. Ranger was so aggressive that she was afraid to stop him.

We sat in silence for a while. “Heather?” I called her. She looked me in the eye. “So, are you telling me that Ranger raped you?” She nodded. “OK. So I bet you came at least three times.”

With the girlish giggle I love, she said, “Six!”

What a relief. I had thought that Heather and I would have a problem. With excited eyes and a sexy, throaty voice, Heather told me exactly what had happened.

She had hoped I may have been just inside the woods when she realized I was gone. Being the imp she could be, Heather stepped out of the tent and stretched seductively. Both dogs saw her and trotted over for their good morning scratch and greeting. As she squatted to give both the pups a rub on their ears, Heather said she felt my cum from the night before starting to run out of her sweet pussy.

Hans was the first to perk up his ears and poke his nose between her legs. Heather led both dogs to the blanket we kept near the fire and lay down. Her experienced lover, Hans, immediately sniffed her leaking pussy and started to lick. With the warm sun shining on her, Heather closed her eyes and created a mental picture of me hiding in the shadow of the trees, stroking my thick cock at the sight of her taking pleasure from her ‘other’ lover. To put on her little show, Heather drew her knees up to her pert breasts and spread them wide enough so that her pussy was as exposed as it could be.

As Hans’s thick, long tongue lapped away and cleaned my cum off and out of her, she moaned louder and louder. At this point, Ranger seemed interested in Hans’ labor and began sniffing around. Seeing and feeling two wet noses on her tender cleft excited her, and as the two tongues worked her clit, Heather thrashed in a gut-wrenching climax.

Eager to be taken and penetrated, she rolled onto all fours and pleaded for me to fuck her. Since I was not there to complete that lovely sight, Heather looked over her shoulder at Hans and called to him to take her. From their years together, Hans knew her plea and immediately mounted her. During all this, Ranger seemed to hop around excitedly as if he wanted in too. Heather grabbed his cock with the intent to give Ranger pleasure. It did just the opposite effect. That stimulation excited Ranger to the point where he tried to push Hans off her. Hans resisted. So as not to lose his first opportunity to mate with anything in his life, Ranger lunged at Hans, bit his ear, and quickly took his place on Heather’s back.

Frightened by the swift and violent action, Heather tried to stand and check on Hans. Ranger nipped her ass cheek. Heather said that the only thing that flashed through her mind was an image of a female dog submitting to her mate and allowing him to mount her and have his way with her. So, instinctively she dropped to her knees, lowered her head to the ground, and felt him roughly grab her hips and force his penis inside her. As a sympathetic boyfriend, I kissed away her booboo and told her that she and I needed to figure out how to make the two boys know their place.

“We?” she asked.

“Yes, we. I will teach them what they can do, and you, my dear, will be the willing lab class.”

For the next five days, I only fucked her ass twice and received twelve or more blowjobs. Ranger and Hans could both fuck Heather as often as they wanted. The way the boys learned to share was like this. When either dog sniffed her pussy, interestingly, Heather had to lay on the blanket and spread her legs for both of them to lick her simultaneously. Once I thought the dogs were ready to screw, I would hold the collar of the one who did not initiate the sex. I would bring that dog toward her head and sit.

Heather would then climb on all fours and start sucking my cock while the initiating dog got to mount her and use her wet pussy for his pleasure. After that dog finished and retired to clean his cock, the one forced to wait would get his turn. By the third day, Heather serviced the boys repeatedly without showing any anxious tendencies. They learned that they will get what they wanted if they waited patiently.

At the end of those five days, the dogs were trained to be patient, and Heather admitted to having had her fill of doggy dick for a few days and asked me to be her only lover for a while. So, she ensured she was at my side everywhere I went for the next two weeks. She said that because her needs strike at any moment, she wanted to be sure my cock was there to use so she wouldn’t even want to think of dogs. I thought it was a cute sentiment.

A few days before we loaded the car to leave, we had spent a day at a lovely creek. At first arrival, I had a raging hard-on, so I took Heather to a boulder in the middle of the creek, stripped her, and mounted her. We made passionate love for the longest time. Between the hot sun on my back and my feet in the cold water of the snow-fed stream, I seemed to last a long time. Heather lay on the granite rock with her legs wrapped over my shoulder, her hands clutching my ass as I slid in and out of that gloriously sweet cunt.

I remember that she cried out loudly in passion as I came deep inside her. After a short rest, I slowly slid my withering cock from her and noticed she had fallen asleep. I dressed, grabbed my fly rod, and waded upstream to fish. A few hours later, I returned to see Heather laying on her back on a tree stump. Ranger stood over her with his cock deeply pumping his hot cum inside her. Just as I got near her, I heard Ranger’s cock pop free, and no sooner had he dismounted her than Hans took his place.

I sat on the grass and watched as my beautiful woman accepted her lover’s ravaging hard pounding. As soon as Hans stopped his humping and was filling her with his seed, Heather made a strange gesture at me. As she continued motioning, I realized she was pointing behind me and up the slope. A fly fisherman stood bedecked in his waders, staring at my gorgeous woman as Hans used her. As soon as my eyes adjusted to his shadowy hiding place, I could see that he had one hand inside those hip waders and was stroking himself.

Heather looked at me with a faraway smile. “I think I like the idea of someone watching me fuck my three lovers.” (sigh) But that is another story.

Read Part 2 – Click Here!



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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