Close Encounter of the Worst Kind!

By Moe Lester.

Kim gasps.  “Oh.  Make it stop.”

“You like that alien pussy, Prince?” Wayne asks the Great Dane.  “How about you, King?”

As if understanding the question, the other dog sniffs at the gaping, sopping slit, its nose cold when it touches Kim’s flesh.  She gasps again as the animal’s tongue moves deep into her pussy.

“They like it,” Randy said.  “You gonna give her to them, Wayne?”

“Sure.  Don’t we always give them table scraps?  Pick up her feet, hold her so she can’t move.”

The two obey, still holding her arms but grabbing her feet as well, doubling her legs until her cunt is gaping wide, wholly exposed to the assault of the animals.  Prince licks her pussy again, King nosing beside the other Great Dane in jealous imitation.

“Come on, Prince,” Randy said.  “Fuck her.”

No.  NO,” Kim screams.

Kim squirms, trying to break free, but can’t.  The two human males are too strong for her.  The dog licks her pussy as she gasps, its instrument digging deep, savoring her alien pussy juice.  She gasps again as the probing tongue begins to fire her responses, arousing her sexual desire.


“Yeah,” Randy said.  “Eat her out, Prince.”

“Please.  Please.  You can’t do this,” Kim begs.

“Shut up,” Doug said.  “Old Prince is the best pussy eating dog around.  He’s almost as good as Wayne.  That’s what Mavis says, anyway.  Just relax and enjoy what’s happening.”

The Great Dane is getting into the spirit of the thing now, licking hard, sticking its snout into her yielding cuntal opening.  Prince shrugs off King’s attempts to take over.   The third dog, the bitch called Duchess, drops mournfully to the rug, cushioning its head on its paws as it watches the two male dogs.

Oh, GOD.  GOD,” Kim moans, feeling the tongue probe deep inside her cunt.

The rough canine tongue is much bigger than a man’s, doubling over to sweep its texture against her cuntal walls.  Her vagina responds, juices gathering for the animal to lick away.  The dog’s tail wagged happily.


Prince’s hairy nose scratches at the outer pussy lips, punishing the raw, exposed flesh, but Kim ignores the momentary pain in the greater pleasure it brings her insides.  The dog put one paw up on her thigh and then the other, its toenails hard and raking as its tongue moves from her pussy to her belly, and suddenly the dog nips at one dangling D-cup breast.

OWWWWWWW,” Kim shouts.

The dog’s teeth left marks but didn’t break the flesh.  The pain is sharp, but the two men hold Kim’s hands tightly.  She can’t touch herself there, can do nothing but shake her ass around in a futile attempt to dislodge the animal.  Now Prince’s paws cross her belly as the dog rears up, its cock sliding from the tight protection to dangle obscenely.  Kim quickly sees its red glistening nakedness as the dog pushes it against her pussy lips.

No, stop it.  My genitals cannot take something that big,” Kim wailed.

“Oh, shut the fuck up, bitch,” Wayne said coldly.  “You shoot your alien babies out of that snatch so that this cock will fit eventually.  Besides, it took my cock OK, and I’m fucking humungous.”

Her writhing attempts to escape are futile.  Prince finds the correct position and moves the dripping pointed head of his cock against the outside of the muscle ring as the dog finds the stance it needs.  It slides deep into her cunt.  She feels the dog’s hairy belly slide over her, and then Prince’s back curves, the animal’s nails raking her side.

No.  No.  No.  NOOOOO,” Kim shrieks.

Kim is sure she’s going insane as she feels the dog’s thick red cock go deep inside.  Its shape is different from what she’s known before.  She feels knobs and bumps on its otherwise smooth surface, tapering at the tip.  Prince gives a tentative hump, changing position slightly, and then starts pumping.

It’s too big.  Too big.  It will injure me,” Kim squeals.

“Look at Prince go,” Randy cries.  “Jesus, he sure does like alien pussy.”

The hound bitch picks up its ears, lifting its head to Randy.  Wayne laughs as Randy blushes.

“You want his cock, Duchess?  Go get it,” Wayne said with a grin.

“Shit, don’t egg her on,” Randy said, rolling her eyes.  “I don’t wanna fuck her right now.  I want some more of this alien cunt.”

“Is Duchess as good as the alien?” Doug asks, laughing.

“Yeah, is the alien better than Duchess?” Wayne asks, smiling broadly.

But Randy won’t answer, although he twists Kim’s leg harder, the pain stabbing through her tendons.  She scarcely notices it and doesn’t hear the taunting exchange.  She can think only about what Prince is doing between her legs.

The dog humps wildly, pounding quickly, and now she is responding, her cuntal walls clutching the slippery shape of the Great Dane’s colossal cock, trying to hold it inside.  Several times it falls out, but the dog quickly places its cock in Kim’s pussy slit and throws its ass forward until it’s again inside her vagina.  Kim is gasping for breath.

Oh, no.  No,” Kim moans.

“Shit, she likes it,” Doug said.  “Look at her, Wayne.”

“Fuck her hard, Prince,” Wayne said.

Oh, no.  Don’t stop.  Don’t stop.”

Prince hears her scream of pure pleasure, but the dog can spare no attention from its reflexive fucking as it continues to throw its hairy belly against her smooth one.  The Great Dane falls out repeatedly, but each time it’s back inside without missing a beat, pumping, humping, thrusting deep.  The dog’s cock is eight inches long and thicker than Kim’s wrist.  Wet slapping sounds echo through the room each time the cock bottoms out in her cunt.  The dog’s tongue lolled from its mouth to fall against her D-cup breasts.

Oh, yes.  Mate me.  Mate me.”

The dog slams its hindquarters into her loins, and its entire cock (eight inches) jams into Kim’s tight cunt.  She gasps at the size and force of the fucking strokes.  Prince holds her close with his front legs, slamming his hindquarter into her harder and faster as the Great Dane’s cock stretches her small alien vagina wide open.  The dog’s shooting its pre-cum inside her as it humps its massive cock into her cunt.  Kim repeatedly moans, her head moving back and forth as the dog humps harder and faster.  Then she can feel a giant ball of flesh at her vaginal entrance trying to push its way inside.

The dog suddenly pulls back and thrusts its cock forward with a mighty lunge.  The dog’s knot stretches Kim’s vaginal opening as it had never been before, and there was no escape for her.  The dog’s knot slips into her tight cunt with a final thrust.  Prince’s knot was hot and pulsating.  She feels the dog’s cock and knot begin to swell.  The dog stopped humping now that it had its entire cock inside her.  Kim can feel the dog shooting hot jizz deep inside of her belly.  Its knot and cock swell so large the dog can’t withdraw from her cunt.  Kim’s cunt continues to work against the hard dog cock as the animal empties its balls.

Ohhhhhhh, no.  Don’t stop now.”

But for the Great Dane, the fucking part is done, and now the animal stays still as its balls pump her cunt and alien womb full of jizz.

“She’s gonna regret ever coming to our planet,” Doug said.

The dog starts whining as Kim has an orgasm.  The men laugh, knowing the poor dog is getting its cock and knot crushed by her alien cunt.  Still, the dog doesn’t move.

Wayne chuckles.  “You can’t crush that cock, bitch,” he said with a sneer.  “Unlike our poor human cocks, Prince has a bone in his.  You can’t hurt him.”

“Maybe that’s why her alien men have such tiny peckers, Wayne,” Randy said teasingly.  “These alien cooters have crushed them.”

The men laugh.


This is a free sample of ‘Close Encounter of the Worst Kind’ by Moe Lester. Buy the eBook to read the whole story.



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