Debra Wants to be a Bitch 2

By Anonymous.

Read Part 1 Here.


Part 2…

Melissa strolled through her local grocery store feeling satisfied. Her eyes lit up, and she was smiling ear to ear. Duke had just given her a good long fucking before she left the house. The cum was still hot as it flowed down her cervical canal and dripped out of her. She was wearing a maxi pad under her panties, a little trick she had picked up a while back. Without it, before long, it would surely soak right through her panties and then through her pants, leaving a giant wet spot, making it look like she pissed herself.

It had happened to her more than once. Once, she went out shopping for new clothes wearing a sundress with no panties underneath. She wandered around the store for half an hour before she realized she had been leaving a trail behind her the entire time. She blushed when she noticed one of the workers mopping it up as she checked out. Being filled with dog sperm while in public was a turn-on for her.

As she interacted with the employees and the other shoppers, in the back of her mind, there was the constant thought that none of them had any idea that Duke’s alien DNA was, at that very moment, attempting to impregnate her. A few weeks ago, she was in the checkout line at the pet store, and a young woman behind her, probably in her early twenties, had a black lab with her on a leash.

The dog started sniffing the air in front of his face and followed the scent to Melissa’s crotch. The dog started acting frantic, barking continuously and tugging on the leash. He caused a scene, and everyone in the store turned to look.

“Cooper, stop it! Bad dog! Sorry, ma’am, I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He never acts like this,” she said apologetically, feeling embarrassed.

“No need to apologize!” Melissa said loudly over his barks, smiling at the young woman.

He could smell that she was a bitch and had just recently been bred, and he wanted to have his turn with her. Melissa would have happily obliged if she could have. She finished checking out, and the dog whined with his eyes locked on her as she walked out the door, through the parking lot, and got in her car.

She had finished grocery shopping and was driving back home when her phone rang. It was Debra. She tapped the little phone icon on the touch screen in the center of her dashboard.

“Sup, Deb?” She answered.

Debra’s voice answered through the radio speakers. Her voice sounded nervous. “Hey Melissa, I, umm, I just umm…”

“You OK?” Melissa said, seeming a little concerned.

“Yeah, I just, umm, I wanted to…” Debra couldn’t find the words.

“What?” Melissa said impatiently.

Debra was silent for a long time. Then she heard her take a deep breath and sigh. Her breath sounded like static coming through the speakers. Then finally, she spoke. “I wanna be a bitch,” she said.

“You what?” Melissa replied, not understanding what she meant at first.

Then Debra spoke frantically, “I wanna be a bitch. Ever since you told me about you and Duke, it’s all I can think about. It’s driving me crazy. I’m so horny all the time. Every time I close my eyes, I can picture it. I don’t know what to do. My pussy’s dripping wet all the time. I want it so bad. I just…”

“OK, OK, slow down,” Melissa said as she chuckled.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to do. I’ve never been so horny in my life. I’m masturbating like fifteen times a day. You gotta help me, please.” Debra said desperately.

“How long have you been feeling this way? Why didn’t you tell me?” Melissa asked

“Ever since you told me about you, Duke. It wasn’t bad initially, but the temptation inside me kept growing. I’m embarrassed. I’ve been trying to suppress it, but I can’t anymore. I need it. I need it so bad.”

Melissa laughed. “Why don’t you just go to the shelter and get a dog,” she asked.

“I talked to Bob about it. He said he’d be OK with it but only wants a female. Males are too aggressive, he says. What was I supposed to say? I only want to get a male who has not yet been neutered. That would sound a little weird, don’t ya think?” Debra said, sounding frustrated.

Melissa laughed.

“It’s not funny, Melissa. I’m serious. I can’t handle these constant urges. My boss caught me masturbating at my desk last week at work. He didn’t say anything because it was so awkward, but I could tell he knew what I was doing. Now I feel so weird every time I have to talk to him. I might have to find a different job,” Debra said, trying to express the severity of her situation.

Melissa laughed again. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You’re my best friend, and I want to help you. I’ll be home in like ten minutes. Why don’t you come on over, and I’ll see if I can get Duke to take care of you? But honestly, he’s kind of become the one in charge. He only fucks me when he wants to. Sometimes I’m able to seduce him, but usually, he plays hard to get if I try to initiate it. I normally just go about my day, and he lets me know when he wants me. I’m like his little submissive sex slave now,” Melissa explained.

“Oh my God, that’s hot. “Debra said as she started rubbing her pussy.

“He’s the man of the house,” Melissa said, giggling.

“I’m gonna leave right now,” Debra said.

“Alright, I’ll see you when you get here,” Melissa said.


Debra sped the whole way there and got there in record time. She jumped out of the car, went to the door, and knocked. Melissa swung the door open.

“That was fast,” Melissa said.

Debra walked inside. Duke was lying down in the living room in front of the fireplace. His head lifted, and he turned to the door to see who was coming into the house. Debra turned her head to look at him immediately. Her heart started racing just at the sight of him.

“So how is this gonna work? How do I get him turned on?” Debra asked right away.

“It’s nice to see you too, Deb,” Melissa said sarcastically.

“Sorry,” Debra said.

“So, he has to learn your scent first. When was your last period?” Melissa asked.

“Ugh, like two weeks ago, maybe a little longer. Why?” Debra asked.

“Good, you should be ovulating then. Duke will be able to tell by your scent, which should pique his interest,” Melissa said.


“Yeah. Duke always knows when I’m ovulating, and that’s when he fucks me the most. He knows that’s the best time to breed. Take your panties off and go sit on the couch.”

Debra chuckled. “Oh, I’m not wearing any.”

“You dirty girl,” Melissa said jokingly.

Debra walked to the couch, lifted her skirt, exposed her pussy, and sat down with her legs spread wide.

“Duke. Get up, boy. Go see what you got over there on the couch,” Melissa said in a sweet, playful voice. “Call him over, Deb,” Melissa told her.

“Duke. Here boy. Come on. Come see what I’ve got for you,” Debra said as she lightly patted her pussy.

Duke stood up and walked over to her. He sniffed her feet and worked his way up her legs. Debra gently guided his nose to her pussy. She flinched as his cold, wet nose pressed into it. His tail started to wag immediately. Then he started licking her.

“Oh fuck. Oh, fuck, yes,” Debra moaned

She arched her back and pressed her pussy into him. Her hands rested on the back of his head, and she continued to moan. Melissa walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, returned to the living room, and sat on the recliner next to the couch. Debra didn’t even notice she had ever left.

Her hands made their way up her tits and started pinching her nipples. Her eyes were closed, and she was licking her lips. After a couple of minutes, she had her first orgasm. Duke continued. Melissa reached down and started lightly rubbing her pussy through her shorts as she watched. Debra was on another planet. She was moaning so loud Melissa worried the neighbors might hear her.

“Deb, try to keep it down a little,” Melissa said.

She didn’t even hear her. She was oblivious to her presence. Melissa didn’t bother saying it again. She just let her enjoy herself. Duke was shoving his tongue inside of her with each lick. After another five minutes or so, a huge orgasm started building.

“Oh yea, oh yea, oh yea, oh yea, oh…” Debra repeatedly said, her voice getting higher each time.

Then she fell silent for about ten seconds. Her whole body tensed, and she was unable to make a sound. She stared straight ahead, looking like a zombie. Then her eyes rolled back, her body went limp, and her head fell forward, putting her chin against her chest. She stayed unconscious for about five seconds, then Debra inhaled deeply, and her whole body convulsed like she was having a seizure. Her legs clamped shut, squeezing his head on both sides, and she put her hands on his head and tried to push him away, but he didn’t move.

“OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK,” Debra said over and over again.

That was the only word she could get out as she tried to say that she couldn’t take anymore. Melissa grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

“You’ve never been licked like that, have ya, Deb?” Melissa said as she chuckled.

Debra couldn’t respond. She stared straight up at the ceiling, and her body shook. Her legs were pinched shut to ensure nothing could touch her overstimulated pussy. Her short quick breaths gradually slowed and began to return to normal. Finally, after a minute or two, she could speak again.

“Holy Fuck,” Debra said as she started to recover.

Her voice was still shaky as her brain began to come back online.

“Didn’t I tell you, Deb? There’s not a man on earth that could please a woman like that,” Melissa said

“Holy fucking shit. You weren’t kidding. I’ve never cum so hard in my life,” Debra said.

Duke was pacing around the living room wildly. His tail was wagging, and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he panted heavily. He barked several times, looked at Debra, then turned his head to Melissa, then back to Debra. He barked a couple more times as he spun around in a circle.

“I think he’s talking to you, Deb,” Melissa said with a smile.

“Really?” Debra asked excitedly.

Debra looked at him. Duke stared directly at her and let out three more loud barks as if to say, ‘Get down here so I can breed you, bitch!’

Debra looked back at Melissa. She was excited and nervous at the same time.

“Better do what he says, Deb. He doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” Melissa said.

Debra stood up and walked into the middle of the living room. Duke stood right next to her, staring up at her. She dropped to her knees, and Duke got behind her a mounted before she even got her hands on the ground. She fell forward and caught herself. Duke was already humping wildly. He missed his target a few times but immediately made his way inside. Debra moaned as he entered her, and Duke started pounding her hard and fast.

His hips slammed aggressively into her ass cheeks, nudging her forward and forcing a loud grunt out of her each time. Debra came hard again. Her juices soaked the fur on his crotch and inner thighs and dripped down onto the floor. He pounded away for a couple of minutes, then slowed down. His thrusting eventually stopped completely. He took a few steps with his hind legs, walking in place, wanting to get deeper, but he was completely bottomed out.

His knot swelled and locked him inside, and the cum began to flow. Debra came again from the pressure it put on her G spot. Then Duke placed his front legs on the floor next to Debra’s. She was much smaller than Melissa, so he didn’t even have to lay across her back. He could comfortably stand over her on all four legs. Debra lowered herself and rested on her elbows.

With every throb of his cock, Duke would thrust gently forward into her, then pull back slightly, and his knot would stretch her pussy lips outward. As his cum pumped into her, Debra could feel every drop flow through her cervix, down the canal, into her uterus, and start making its way through her fallopian tubes.

“Oh… my… goodness Melissa. His cum is so warm,” Debra said, enjoying the sensation.

“I know, right? Don’t you love how you can feel it flowing through you? That’s what it feels like to be a bitch, Deb.”

“Oh fuck yes. Good boy, Duke. Good boy,” Debra moaned.

Debra lowered herself further, resting her chest and face flat on the floor. Her right cheek was pressed against the cool floor, and she stared up at Duke hovering over her. She reached her hands back. With her left hand, she started massaging his knot through her pussy, and with her right hand, she grabbed hold of his balls and started gently caressing them. It was clear right away that he liked it. It seemed to give him a second wind.

He started humping hard again. He snorted and grunted as his knot came halfway out of her, stretching her pussy to the limit before he drove it back inside. It almost felt like she was birthing a small child. Debra’s mouth opened wide, and her eyes rolled back. Her toes curled, and she came hard again. He fucked her like that for thirty minutes straight. She seemed to never come down from her climax. she encouraged him as he continued to fuck her.

Her words were slurred, sounding like she was drunk. Her brain had turned mush when the dog pulled out of her. Duke walked over, lay down in front of the fireplace, and cleaned himself up. Debra lay on the floor for a while as she recovered. Finally, she struggled to her feet.

“I gotta pee,” she said to Melissa.

“No, you don’t. It just feels like that. You’ll just end up pushing all the cum out. Hold it inside you and let your body absorb it,” Melissa told her.

“Are you sure? It feels like I have to pee,” Debra said.

“Positive,” Melissa said confidently.

The two women hung out for a while, and the sensation went away.

“Wow, you were right. I don’t feel like I have to pee anymore,” Debra said.

“Yeah, it took me a while to figure that out. It pains me to think of all the delicious dog cum I flushed down the toilet. Aren’t you happy to have a friend like me?”

They hung out for a while longer and drank a glass of wine. Duke, feeling satisfied, slept on the floor under the table between his two bitches.

“So, would you mind if I stopped over again tomorrow? ” Debra asked


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to, but we claim no copyright over it.

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