Deb’s New Life As A Sex Slave

By OnAll4s_4All4s.

Waking up to a bright day, Deb stretched, slipped on her slippers, and went into the kitchen to make coffee. As the coffee brewed, she went to the TV to listen to the news.

The usual was robbery, murder, politics, and weather on the news. One article stood out. It was an article about a rash of stolen dogs, all male dogs and all with a pedigree. Odd, it seemed to her. Someone will make some money since pedigrees do generally not get fixed.

After cleaning the house and showering, she sat in front of her computer and searched the web for nothing in particular.

One of her buddies popped on and started a conversation with her. He wanted to meet her. After months and months and an hour of convincing her it was just to meet her, she agreed. They were to meet at Denny’s on Mercury Blvd. at lunchtime.

Deb arrived there early and was nervous. She ordered coffee, waited, and wondered if he told the truth about his appearance and manner.

A man she noticed that entered the restaurant had shoulder-length hair and a beard to his chest. His hair was black, and his beard was salt and pepper color. He had a belly. He looked like a mountain man. She knew it was him as his description was accurate to what she saw. She made eye contact and nodded. He smiled as he walked toward her. They shook hands as he introduced himself as Jerry.

At first, Deb was afraid of his looks. Jerry talked about himself, and Deb became more and more comfortable with him. Deb told Jerry about herself as well. They spoke of their pasts, futures, hopes, and dreams. They talked so long they lost track of time.

Deb happened to look down at her watch and noticed the time. “Good grief!” she said. “It is late, and I need to be getting home.”

“Ok,” said Jerry. “Could you do me a favor and give me a lift to my house? I took a taxi here.”

“Sure I can,” said Deb.

After getting into the car and buckling up, Jerry gave her the directions, and she drove there. The place had a ghetto appearance and gave you the feeling to watch your back at all times. She pulled up before the door and waited for him to get out.

He got out of the car and went to the driver’s side as if to shake her hand and thank her for lunch. Somehow, in one swift movement, her wrists were handcuffed together, and he pulled her out of the car. “What are you doing?” she cried. “I have to get….”

“Shhhh,” he interrupted as he led her to his house. She pulled back, trying to resist, but he was too strong. The cuffs were pinching the more she moved.

He dragged her to a pole in the house and tied her to it. The bar was almost in the center of the room. There was another pole just like this one about three feet away. Both poles had eyehooks and leather straps on the top, bottom, and center.

After tying one hand to one pole, he removed the cuffs and tied the other hand to the second pole. Then he tied each foot to each pole. She was so scared she was not thinking straight. Jerry said, “Don’t yell, scream, or do anything that would make me gag you, OK?” All Deb could do was nod. “Be right back. I got to take a piss.”

When he returned, he had a knife with him. He waved it in front of her eyes and ran it against her skin just enough to make her feel it and jump. Slowly he cut off her shirt. As it fell away, he squeezed her tits through the bra. He pulled the bra material away from my skin and lopped off a small section from each cup so just her nipples poked out.

He teased them to attention, then pinched them roughly, making her yelp in pain. She saw the pleasure in his eyes at that sound. He flicked them, pinched, twisted, and pulled hard on them as he watched with glee the sounds she made. Then he pulled each nipple so hard that it made the tit partially come out of the hole, so her breasts were hanging out and slowly turning purple from the constriction of the small hole of the bra.

The sting of the first slap on the tit was so shocking it threw Deb back! He slapped and slapped. Up, down and sides. She was relieved when he said his hands were tired. Her relief was short-lived. He came back with a leather belt. He wrapped it around his hand and aimed. Deb braced herself for the belt. She tried unsuccessfully to pull back to lessen the blows. He whipped her tits until they were completely red. To her painful dismay, he pinched each nipple, pulled the tit up so high that it could go no further, and then proceeded to whip the underside of her tender tits. He did this to each until he was satisfied with the color.

“Why are you doing this?” she said between sobs.

“Because you have beautiful tits and wanted them for me,” he said. “And because I can.” He then took the scissors and cut away her pants and panties. He rubbed her butt and fingered her pussy and found it wet. “MMMMM, that is what I like. A wet pussy!” he said. With a wet third finger, he shoved it up her ass, surprising her with the sudden thrust. “Ohhhh, I love to fuck ass too!”

He took the belt and whipped her ass until it was as red as her tits. He then hit her pussy and ass hole. She thought she would pass out from the pain! He took his fingers, spread her pussy lips, carefully aimed at her clit, and struck it many times with the belt. He left, went to the kitchen, and returned with a plastic serving spoon. He used the back of the spoon and smacked her nipples and clit until he was tired of watching her squirm and jump.

Jerry was so hard his dick needed to find a home. He went behind Deb and, with one thrust, was in her pussy. She screamed out in shock. He pulled out, leaving the tip in, then thrust back in. He did this slowly to enjoy the feeling and hear her cry. He reached around and grabbed each tender nipple, and pulled. With each thrust, the pull was even harder on her nipples. Deb could feel her juices trickling down her leg. Jerry pulled a loud sucking sound out of her pussy and drove his cock into her ass, making Deb cry in pain. He repeatedly plugged her ass for a long time. Her ass slowly became accustomed to the assault. The more she relaxed, the less pain there was.

With one final thrust, he came inside her ass and filled her ass with a large load of cum. He pulled out, slapped her tender ass, said, “Good fuck,” and added, “That won’t be your last.”

After cleaning himself up, he phoned and made several calls. After hanging up the phone, he came over to Deb and told her he was having a party and she would be the party’s center. She will be a fuck station. He got to chairs and put them side by side. Untied, Deb leaned her over the back so her ass and pussy were in the air for freedom to both holes and bent her over and tied her hands down to the farthest chair arms so that her tits hung down and she could give blow jobs. Her legs were tied wide apart to the farthest leg on each chair. Everything was assessable! He cut off the rest of her bra, letting the color return to her tits.

As Jerry’s friends arrived, they all looked at me and asked Jerry what was up. Jerry told them, “Deb is such a good piece of ass. I wanted to share her with my best buddies.”

His buddies all walked over and slapped her still sore ass and breasts. Roughly rubbing their hands over her skin. They were rubbing their cocks through their pants. Deb counted at least seven men passing by her face.

“Look at those tits!” said one man. “Jerry has already prepared the ass for us.”

They all saw his cum still oozing out of her ass. She felt a finger going up her pussy. “Her pussy is wet!”

As she felt more fingers going in. Then tremendous pressure, as one man said he always wanted to fist a cunt. He fisted her pussy fast and hard. Deb could not help cumming. Her cum washed over the man’s hand, making his fist faster and harder. Suddenly, he yanked his hand out with the sound of a loud, sloppy sucking sound. Another lifted her head by her hair and placed his cock on her lips. “Open up and no teeth!” In went, the cock and did not stop until her nose touched his pubic hairs.

“Suck it!”

And she did. She felt the cock go down her throat. He fucked her mouth faster and faster. She could almost feel her teeth loosen as his final thrust filled her throat and belly with cum. “I’m next!” said another, then another. All seven men throat fucked Deb.

Sitting and resting, the men looked at Deb, discussing NASCAR and other girls they have fucked. One reached and punched a hanging tit. It swayed wildly about. Another man came over and punched the other with the same result. Both men punched Deb’s tits like punching bags boxers use for training, each using a tit. When those two men tired of punching, two others took their places. The lone seventh man roughly kneaded and dug his nails in.

Someone found a box full of straight pins. They all stuck pins in her tits, ass, and pussy. Some of the pens were stubborn going into the tits, and they had to hit the tops of the pins with the heel of their shoes or use a hammer as an object. They pounded the pins into the tender flesh. Then found some string, coiled it around all the pins, and pulled them in different directions. The hatpins they found they heated up in a lit candle and pushed into the center of her nipples. Some of the medal in the pins was still protruding out. They twisted them, causing more pain. One took a lighter and put the flame to the tip. Deb could feel her tits burning in the center as they warmed up.

Hard again, they untied her and made her get on top of one man for him to fuck her pussy. The other man came from behind and fucked her ass. Both were seesawing out each hole till they filled her with hot cum. A pair got the idea of both of them fucking her pussy. Deb never felt so full! And more pain as another couple fucked her ass. They worked their cocks until their balls touched each other, stretching her ass and pussy wide.

When they were done fucking, they had a competition to see how many pins they could jerk out by yanking on the string one time. The hatpins that were in the nipples stayed there. The pins yanked out were then used as darts, and the men threw them at Deb’s tits. Using a straw and blowing hard into it helped the needles and pins go deeper into the breast tissue.

The men needed to piss. One man said, “Hold up. You will have to wait until I am done.”

He put his cock in the gaping hole of Deb’s ass, and a stream of hot piss filled her ass. Two others did the same and watched as the piss ran out of the full ass hole. “Since that hole is full, I will use the other end,” said another.

He shoved his cock into Deb’s mouth and pissed hot liquid down her throat. She was forced to drink since the cock was in the way, and she could not spit. The last man that needed to piss did so on her tits and ass, making the pin wounds sting like hell! Satisfied and fucked out, the men thanked Jerry and left. Jerry said she did so well that she would be rewarded. Deb was so relieved! Jerry untied Deb and took her to another room. In the middle of the floor was a device that Deb would get all too familiar with. She was told to get onto her hands and knees. Her ankles were secured to the wood with leather straps, and she spread her legs wide. Her knees were tied down too. He put padding under her knees for her comfort (how nice, she thought). She was to get down on her forearms, and they were secured to pieces of wood with leather straps. Her wrists were still tied together.

What was this all about? Ass is in the air, tits swaying in movement. Jerry watched her tits move about, her nipples several inches from the bottom of the platform. He remembered he had a board with a lot of nails on it. He placed the board, sharp end up, under her nipples. The hatpins that were still there clanged as they touched the nails. With Deb’s reward, he knew the nails would have more prickly fun. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. No sound from Jerry. Don’t know where he went. Then a door opened. Click, click, click. Then a series of clicks.

“Clean her up,” he ordered.

Deb felt a tongue in her ass and pussy. Then she felt two and three tongues. “This is your reward, Dear. The Great Danes know what to do as they are used as studs.”

Dogs! She forgot about the restraints and tried to move, only to have her tits scrape against the sharp nails below them. She felt the tongues work deep into her pussy and ass, licking up cum and piss. Suddenly, they stopped.

“Fuck her,” he commanded.

Before the command was completed, one dog happily mounted, and his cock found her pussy and slammed in with great force. The force pushed her down, and her tits roughly scraped the nails. She would jerk back, causing the dog to penetrate even deeper. She felt the dog’s cock swell, and the dog comes. No sooner had he pulled out than another dog took his place, missing his aim, and fucked her ass. Jerry directed another dog to her face and had him fuck her mouth until he came. When the dogs were tired and spent, Jerry took them out back. Deb could now hear him praise the dogs for doing such a good job. He brought in another group of dogs, and they fucked her ass, pussy, and mouth. Then another group he brought in.

After a while, he said, “Aw, the hell with it!”

He brought all the dogs in and left Deb where she was, and the dogs continuously fucked her all night while Jerry took photos and taped the scenes. Jerry went to bed, leaving Deb where she was at the mercy of the horny dogs and her tits scraping against sharp nails. Deb woke up stiff and sore, but she was in a bed! She does not remember getting there. The last thing she remembered was the dogs still taking turns roughly fucking her ass and pussy, licking them clean and fucking some more. She moved to get up and found herself tied to the bed.

Jerry heard her moving about and went in. She was such a lovely sight, all scratched and bruised up. He untied her so she could clean up, reminding her not to do anything stupid. Deb looked into the mirror and looked at her tits and ass. Her ass was a deep purple/red with red dots from the pins. Her tits were worse. Same colors, but scratches were included from the nails. Slowly and carefully, she showered. The soap stung all the wounds, but the hot water felt good simultaneously. She moved slowly, too, as her joints were stiff from being in one position for so long.

After drying off, Jerry retired her to the bed, put some kind of lotion on her tits and ass, saying it was some magic stuff, and brought her a breakfast of champions. The food and coffee tasted divine! She ate bacon, eggs, hash browns, and toast. She even licked the plate clean!

“Lay down for a while. You are going to have a busy night tonight,” Jerry said.

‘Wonder what is up for tonight,’ she thought as she tried to fall asleep. It was challenging to find a comfortable position because she was tied and because of her bruises.

Jerry was enjoying himself immensely! Having a slut to do his bidding was the ultimate for him. He looked out the kitchen window at all the dogs in deep, satisfying sleep. He must do that again tomorrow when the dogs have rested enough. He enjoyed the hell out of last night!

Jerry had put a small dose of sleep medicine in Deb’s food to help her sleep. His thoughts of last night had his cock so hard he could break rocks with it! He went into the room where Deb lay and watched her colorful tit rise and fall with her breathing. He moved to the bed and played with her tormented tits. There was no movement from her. He untied her and moved her to where her head hung over the mattress, causing her mouth to open. He rubbed his cock and put his cock into her mouth, slowly working his dick down her throat. When he had his entire cock in her mouth, he stood still, relishing in the wonderful feeling his cock felt. He started to fuck her mouth, but still no movement from her. Damn! It felt so fucking good! He fucked her mouth slowly for a long, long time. The tingle in his balls caused his pace to quicken. With a final thrust filled her mouth with his cum. He pulled out, and some of his juices spilled out of her mouth. He gathered the droplets with his fingers and carefully placed the cum on her nipples. They looked like little shiny beads. He repositioned her and retied her to the bed, and went to prepare for tonight!

Jerry took a shower and started to sport another hard-on. He told his cock he would have to wait for tonight.

Deb woke up with a salty taste in her mouth and could not figure out why. Her nipples looked crusty as the cum had dried up on her nipples. Jerry came in with a bowl and brushed cream on her tits and clit. Let it dry and reapply the cream. He repeated this numerous times. Satisfied that was enough, he left and came back with baby kittens and gave them the scent of the cream. Each kitten instinctively went for a tit and eagerly latched on, kneading as they sucked, as with the kitten on her clit. They all sucked greedily. Deb was stunned! Within minutes, Deb exploded in orgasm bliss, then another. When the kittens seemed to lose interest, Jerry would reapply the cream, and the kittens would continue.

After about 30 minutes, Jerry removed the kittens and played with Deb’s clit. Deb would jump and squirm because she was so sensitive. Jerry took a thin string, tied it tightly around the stretched clit, and then put a clothespin on it. Then put a clothespin on top of that one to secure the bite from the first one. Jerry pulled the string in small quick jerks making the clothespins move about. Jerry was having fun listening to the screams. He put weights on the string and strung it to a pulley above the bed. He kept adding weights until her clit was engorged and turning colors. He dropped the weights to the floor, causing a jerk that felt like it almost pulled the clit off. Deb was in tears from the pain. “Does that hurt?” he would ask as he would pick up the string and let it drop again to the floor, causing the same painful jerk. He greased a prickly cucumber, rammed it up her ass, and sawed it in and out for a while before taping it there so it would not come out. He left her like that for the rest of the day. Occasionally, he would come back, do some more sawing with the cucumber, tape it around, play with the weights on her clit, and leave.

Deb lay there helpless and hurting. She did not know how to get out of this. She felt her pussy juices trickle as they trickled down her ass. She was thinking one thing, but her body was telling her another. She was in turmoil. She could hear Jerry from time to time, thankful when he did not stop in the room and tearful when he did. He came in and decided to do her nipples like her clit. He added twice as many weights. And to keep the nipples straight, he reheated the needles until they were fired hot (he noticed how smoothly they went the first time when heated up fire hot) and put the hatpins back into her nipples. The pain was almost unbearable as he reopened the old wounds. He played with the cucumber again and the clit weights and left. Her pussy lips were swollen and sensitive to the touch.

Deb noticed it was getting darker in the room. Jerry came in and released her clit and rubbed it until the blood returned. Took out the cucumber after a couple of thrusts and undid her tits, leaving the needles in. He put some sort of lotion on her pussy and ass and asshole. Then he put cream on her tits, still going the hatpin needles. It felt cool and soothing. Jerry said to rest a bit, and she fell fast asleep.

Jerry was in the kitchen getting some iced tea. He leaned against the door sash leading out towards the backyard. Dogs had been fed and watered. All of them are content. Jerry was debating whether to let the dogs fuck Deb again tonight or let them rest. Then he thought of letting them fuck in shifts. That way, Deb would be getting fucked all day and all night, as it does not take long for a dog to recover and be ready to fuck again. That thought appealed to him more and more as he knew he would never tire of watching dogs fuck Deb!


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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