Dog Desires: Part 3

By Story Teller 101.

Chapter 8

Marie ensured that I didn’t get upset, yes, and jealous of her escapades with her dog lovers. I was starting to accept her kinky behavior, which translated into great sex between us. Vern’s latest idea of adding Angela to the mix had Marie a little nervous. Just what would her involvement be? Just with the dogs or maybe a bit more, shall we say, intimate? Marie had never shown any inclination towards bisexuality. Me? I was prepared to let nature take its course.

As the week progressed, Marie became more concerned. I assured her that Angela had never expressed any desire, to me at least, to be intimate with her. I suggested that Angela feel left out of the action with the dogs, and she probably wanted some action. This seemed to placate Maria somewhat, although I was sure she still felt uneasy. With Sunday approaching, Marie seemed to forget about her concerns and showed the usual excitement. This manifested itself in some torrid sexual encounters. I certainly wasn’t complaining.

Marie was on edge as we drove out to Vern and Angela’s place. I suggested to speak to Angela and tell her that she was only interested in the dogs. She said it might seem as though she was thinking about it. Again I told her to relax and only worry if something happened. We arrived at the usual joyous welcome. Vern said that there had been an extra 500 people sign up. They had lots of emails, very excited about seeing Marie with two dogs. It had been quite a show, I must admit. After the usual coffee cup, Vern headed off to organize his camera, Angela took Marie to get prepared, and I took my spot in front of the widescreen TV. All was ready for the 3 pm start.

Right at 3 pm, Marie entered the room. Naked and leading the Doberman, Berny, she took off the lead and began to tease him. I was not sure if that was to get him excited or her. Then the door opened again, and Angela entered the room. She, too, was naked and began to tease Berny too. I had thought Angela was sexy but seeing her naked had my cock twitching. Marie and Angela stood, and each patted their pussy. Poor Berny didn’t know which way to turn. Obviously, both women wanted him. Angela suggested Marie sat on the chair while she enjoyed being licked. Then she pushed Berny over to Marie, who got her oral attentions.

“Get on your hands and knees,” Angela suggested, and Marie assumed the position.

Berny started to wag his tail, and he advanced on Marie. Angela moved in and reached down and grabbed his growing cock. I thought it strange as Berny was quite capable of locating Marie’s pussy. Then I heard Marie squeal. “What are you doing?” she cried out, “No, not there.”

She tried to move, but Berny’s determination and sheer weight had her trapped. I suddenly realized what was happening. Angela had deliberately aimed Berny’s cock into Marie’s bum hole. Marie squirmed and tried to escape, but it was futile. A scream signaled that the Doberman was now in unknown territory.

“Fuck, Angela,” Marie shouted, “He is too big…” But barely a minute later, the screams changed to moans. My wife was anally penetrated, and she seemed to like it. “Berny, darling,” Marie groaned. “You are such a lovely big boy.”

I sat transfixed as I watched my wife getting her anal cherry popped. We had discussed it before, but she had rebuffed my desire, but now she seemed to be not only welcoming it but enjoying it. Vern’s camera was picking up the action. It became apparent that Berny was unable to force his huge knot into Marie’s anal opening. He was frustrated and kept humping away wildly. Angela squatted down and rubbed herself as she watched.

Finally, Berny gave up and pulled out. Marie squealed again. She was still moaning even though he had withdrawn. Angela grabbed him and redirected his back to Maria, and this time he found what he expected. Maybe his frustration translated into extra action, but when he rammed his cock into Marie’s pussy he growled as if to signify he was in charge. This time, as Marie moaned with pleasure, he drove his knot into her with vigor. His next growl signified that he was tied and welcomed it. As Berny stopped moving, Marie began to rock and forth.

“God, boy,” she wailed. “My lovely darling boy.”

It took all my willpower not to grab my cock and jerk off as I watched.

Berny, having filled his bitch with his seed, tried twice to withdraw before he was successful. Marie groaned as he lay on the floor, licking himself. Angela walked to the door and let Both Goldie and Otto into the room. Obviously, this was planned, and immediately Angela dropped to her knees and beckoned Goldie to her. The dog quickly mounted her and found his target. Otto looked around, saw Marie still on hands and knees with dog cum dripped from her, and mounted her. The two women were moaning and wailing as their doggy lover was servicing them each.

Berny looked around at the scene in front of him, padded up to Angela, and lick her face. They began to kiss, and their tongues lapped at each other. Vern was kept busy trying to get all the action. He swapped between the two women getting shots from every angle. Both women were now tied and moaning softly. Marie told me previously that she knew what came next and could feel a dog cum inside her. He was whine or give a low growl to herald the deposit of his seed. That was now happening. Goldie managed to withdraw first, and Angela immediately grabbed his still extended cock. She began to deep throat him, obviously spurred on by Marie’s antics.

Otto took a little while longer to withdraw, and Vern got a close-up of his cum oozing from her stretched pussy. She, too, decided that her lover needed some oral reward. Angela saw Marie doing it. Abandoning Goldie, she moved over to Marie and Otto, and the two of them began to lick and suck his cock together. It was so erotic. They seemed to be engaged in a contest to see who could take him the deepest. Lots and gagging as they tried to outdo each other. As for Otto, well, he just lay there in doggy heaven as his two bitches took care of him.

Fade out, and the session was off-screen. I just sat there, stunned. Angela and Marie went off to take a shower. They were both on a high, and Marie told me later that Angela had propositioned her, but she said no. But as she told me, I could see the sparkle in her eyes. I had a feeling that no might someday change to a yes. Right now, I drove Marie home as she complained about having a sore bum. I was as randy as all get out, but I played it cool until as we sat watching TV after dinner.

Marie leaned over, rubbed my crotch, and whispered, “I want you to fuck me.”

Don’t let it be said that I ever refused an invitation.


Chapter 9

Vern rang, very excited. Apparently, his gamble of starting up a bestiality website was going off the charts. The money was rolling in. The little show with Marie and Angela saw subscriptions explode.

“Please tell me you are available again Sunday,” he was practically begging.

He didn’t really have to, as Marie was now a fully committed dog slut. “Of course, Vern,” she said. “I’m always happy to help out.”

I laughed. ‘Try to stop her,’ I thought.

“Oh, yes,” he added. “One of our viewers has offered another dog for show. I hope that is OK.”

I saw Marie licking her lips. “Yes, mate,” I said, “it’s all good.”


Things always got back to normal during the week. Marie paid special attention to my needs as a way of showing we were all ok. Of course, normal sex expanded to naked romps around the house, lots of oral stimulation, and wild humping. I did note that she particularly enjoyed being fucking dog style. Not surprising, really.


Sunday came, and we drove to Vern and Angela’s place. As usual, we sat drinking coffee with all four of us getting more excited as 3 pm drew close. Vern went off to organize his camera, Angela took Marie off to get ready, and I settled in front of the TV, waiting for the show to commence. 3 pm and it was a camera, action. I was delighted to see both Marie and Angela naked. Goldie was first, and after a couple of friendly licks, he mounted Marie. Her moans signaled that he had found the target.

Again Marie was babbling. “Good dog. Yes, give it to me. I am your bitch…”

He tied with her and remained still as he emptied his seed into his willing bitch. For her part, she moaned and groaned with delight.

Having had his way with Marie, she laid down and grabbed his still extended cock. She began licking and sucking it. Angela let in Berny and got on her hands and knees near Marie. Berny mounted her, and once he was tied, she moved forward and buried her face into Marie’s cum oozing pussy.

“Oh, Angela,” Marie moaned.

I watched as Angela feasted on my wife’s pussy. (Marie later told me it hadn’t been planned). Moans filled the room as both women enjoyed the sensations. Berny did the deed and withdrew. Angela grabbed Berny’s cock to suck it. She hesitated.

“Marie, did you like that?” she asked.

Marie had released her grip on Goldie. “Yes,” Marie said.

“Ok,” replied Angela. “Do the same to me, honey.”

I was amazed that Marie didn’t even hesitate.

As Angela deep throated Berny, Marie zeroed in on her pussy. My cock was so hard it was painful. I watched Marie got Angela off while getting herself off too. It was so crazy. Having composed herself, Angela stood up and retrieved Otto. The smile on Marie’s face said it all.

“Hello, big boy,” Marie said excitedly. “Come and show me how you love your bitch.”

Otto never needed any encouragement. As soon as Marie dropped on hands and knees, Otto padded up to her and mounted her roughly.

“Oh, yes, darling. Your bitch is so ready for you,” wailed Marie as the dog started frantically thrusting his growing cock into her. Moaning loudly, she encouraged him to take her. “Yes, my darling boy. Bury that lovely big cock inside me,” she squealed.

He did just that and with vigor. Soon he was stationary, but Marie continued to rock back and forth and mumble obscenities. Otto serviced his bitch and, after several attempts, managed to withdraw. He stood still, perhaps expecting some oral attention. Angela put his lead on him and headed for the door. Marie turned confused and a little upset.

“Wait there, sweetheart. We have a little surprise for you today.”

Marie remained on her hands and knees, staring at the door. She didn’t have long to wait. Angela returned with another dog. I remembered Vern said he had a new one. I watched in awe as Angela led the beast into the room. The dog was as big as a pony.

“Meet, Archie,” said Angela. “He is an Irish Wolfhound, and one of our subscribers bought him already trained, and he wants to see him in action.”

Marie looked at him with lust in her eyes. If Vern and Angela were concerned, Marie would not like him. They needed to have worried. “My God,” squealed Marie. “He is so big. Hello, boy. Would you like me to be your bitch?”

The dog seemed to understand what she was saying. He advanced on her and straight away began to lick her soaked pussy.

She moaned loudly, “Yes, that feels so nice big boy.”

Vern zoomed in on his sheath, and already his cock was showing. Angela bent down. “Oh Marie, he so wants you,” she purred.

Angela patted Marie’s bum, and Archie got the message. Mounting Marie, she squealed, “Fuck, he is so heavy,” but like a true trooper, she remained in position.

They had been told he was trained, and it proved correct as his cock found the target. Once he felt Marie’s pussy encasing his cock he went wild. Each vigorous thrust caused his cock to grow larger and Marie to squeal louder.

“Oh fuck, he is so big,” she screamed, but at the same time, she pushed back to meet his thrusts. “My God, he is stretching me,” she wailed. “He is so fucking big. Yes, boy, give me all you got. Ooh shit.”

His thrusts slowly, and Marie screamed. She told me later it felt like a basketball being shoved inside her. Finally, he stopped moving. He had his bitch tied and now to impregnate her. The low moans continued as her body strained to take both his weight and his length. I watched transfixed as that huge dog had his way with my wife. Marie was groaning now as Archie tried to extricate himself from her pussy.

“Oh, Archie, darling,” she moaned as he tried three or four times.

Then she let out a howl as he pulled away. Marie collapsed on the floor, exhausted. Vern zoomed in on his cock, and I groaned. ‘My God, how did she manage to take it,’ I thought. The screen went blank, and that was the end of the show. Angela helped Marie up, and they headed for the shower.

Vern came into the room where I was. “Did you see that?” he said, jumping out of his skin. “My God, did you see the size of his cock. How the fuck did your wife take it all. Oh shit, I can’t believe it.”

I assured him I had seen it and was equally amazed.

It was nearly half an hour before Marie and Angela returned. Angela was all excited, and Marie was looking wrecked. “Come into the lounge,” said Vern.

We sat down, and instead of coffee, he brought a bottle of wine. “Marie, honey, you are wonderful. Angela and I talked, and we want to offer you more money. We want to have people give us dogs to add to our broadcast. Are you OK with that?”

Marie smiled at me and then nodded.

“That is great, honey. It will be so good”.

So good? Yes, it was.


Every Sunday, we go to Vern and Angela’s place. The broadcasts are going. One week Vern got given three extra dogs, including Archie, and Marie took them one after another. Six dogs are her current record, and we are hoping for more. The money is rolling in, and we have moved to a larger house and bought a new car each. Marie still enjoys sex with me during the week, but on Sunday at 3 pm, she is a dog slut, and, yes, Angela and her do play with each other, but the dogs are the stars.

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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