Dog Whore (Gay Zoo)

By Young Knot (

I’m a dog whore. I don’t mean figuratively like I just really love dogs, but literally a whore for dogs. More specifically, a breeding bitch for my owner’s boarding kennel. I’m one of a few bitchboys he owns, but I’m the only full time one who stays at the kennel pretty much day in and day out.

Now now, I can hear you asking, “How does that work?”

“Where are you?”

“How much?”

“Can I join?”

And the answers are, “Very well. I have no idea. Ask my owner and ask my owner.”

Not very helpful, I know, but honestly, I don’t care much about the details, just as long as I’m well-used and happy. I guess I should tell ya’ll how it all got started.

It started like so many other horny bitches growing up. My family dog bred me often. Ah, the joys of a teenager exploring with his dog, but after I had moved away from home, sadly, I was without a friendly k9 lover to fuck my brains out when needed. I was working a dead-end job and spent my nights on various sites and chat rooms desperately looking for someone with a dog to breed me. More often than not, I was met with guys saying how hot it would be or guys several states away wanting to see their neighbor’s brother’s second cousins mutt fuck me. Sorry, not gonna waste my time.

One weekend while I was camming during an extra-long session with one of my animal dildos ramming in and out of my hole, a gentleman IM’ed me with just one simple question “Do you want to be a dog whore?” Well, I guess it’s not super simple, but it was enough to get me chatting with him. I asked for more details expecting a nice bit of cyber play to help me get off, but he asked if I would take out the dildo and talk with him for a bit as he had been watching me for a while and knew I was eager for a real knot and not just my toy. I reluctantly agreed and said only if he helped me cum later on.

“So I’ve seen you on cam here several times over the last few weeks. With how vocal you are while you’re fucking yourself, and if the story of your dog is true, you seem to be a very willing and eager bitch. So do you want to be a dog whore?” he asked like I knew what he meant right away.

“How do you mean, a dog whore? I mean, I want to be fucking knotted up if that’s what you mean.”

“I mean do you want to be a whore for dogs, work at a kennel, and be bred? How does that idea sound to you?” I could almost hear the smile in his typing at teasing me, or at least that’s what I thought. Offers too good to be true usually are.

“Sure, that sounds great, but nothing like that exists for real, but ya, it would be nice. I could get used to all that fucking I’m sure. What bitch wouldn’t?” The idea was enough to maintain my hard-on, which I was idly stroking while still on cam.

“Given that fact, your cock just got about twice as hard I would say you love the idea bitch, as I knew you would. Hands off the cock bitch, no need to ruin our chat. So I run a boarding kennel and offer full-service options for most if not all of the guys that have their dogs stay with us. Which include but aren’t limited to their dogs breeding one of my bitches, and by bitches I mean boys like you. The pay is good over the course of your contract, which can be for a long or as short as you like, you’ll be protected of course, but you’ll be well trained and well used. So again, I ask, do you want to be a dog whore?”

I blinked a few times, processing what he was saying as my cock twitched and leaked at the idea. I closed any other chats or distractions I had and focused on what I was going to say to him. I still had no idea if he was real or not, but the thought of what he was offering was too damn tempting to ignore.”Okay…. so let’s say I believe you. How is any of this legal or allowed to happen? I mean, save for a few places, it’s pretty illegal or at least frowned upon pretty heavily.”

“I work and live in a bit of a gray area and have enough pull and dirt to keep my operation running as I see fit, and none of the guys who visit frown when they see a bitchboy servicing a k9 stud with his mouth or hole. You’re doing good at not touching your cock. You must be a little turned on by the whole thing, though.”

I looked down, and my cock had a small stream of precum running down my shaft, twitching and pumping every couple of seconds.”I admit I’m enjoying the story, dude. I haven’t been bred in years. Still hard to believe you’re more or less asking if I want to be a breeding bitch for a kennel, right?”

He replies, “Correct bitch, and call me sir. We both know you’re a bitch. The way your hole loves your dog dildo and how you moan when shoving that knot in is a sign you’re a bitch. I’m offering you a chance to be a breeding bitch for several dogs a day, at least, depending on various factors. It won’t be easy at first, but I’m usually right about the bitches I bring to the kennel. You’ll be a natural. You’ll have a safe place to be as much or as little of a dog whore as much as you want. The more studs you service and the more services you do, the more you’ll earn. That’s how being a whore works, after all. So what do you say, want your hole to be home to dog cock?” I hadn’t ever really thought about being that much of a slut for dogs before, but damn he had he harder than I had ever been and even whimpering a bit at the idea.

“Damn, dude..” I started to type but changed it.”Damn, sir, that’s some fucking hot ideas you have. I’m whimpering here.”

“Good bitch, have your cam on only for me and turn on your mic.”I comply with his request, eager to see how far this goes even if it’s just a bit of fun. I’m enjoying it.

“Hello sir,” I barely say but loud enough for him to hear me, my voice cracking and strained against the thoughts he’s giving me.

“Evening bitch. I know you’re questioning if I’m real or not, and I understand. Not much I can do but show you proof if you want.” I answer with a quick `yes sir, please,’ and he posts a link to me.”Click there bitchboy.” I do so, and up pops a site with a cam running. I see a very handsome gentleman fully clothed as far as I could tell with short black hair and strong features smiling at me.”Hello bitch, this is me, and this is one of my bitchboys.” He moves the camera to show me some guy being taken by two rather large Labs, one at each end. I go to grab my cock at the sight, “Nope, hands-off, bitch, you’ll get to cum soon enough. Just watch for now.”

I see him move into the camera walking around the young man, lightly petting the head of the black Lab fucking the face of the guy.”Good dog, but need you down now. Down.” the dog jumps off, sliding his thick red cock out of the mouth of the guy, a good eight or so inches. A few stray shots of dog cum spray on the guy’s face as the dog moves away. Getting a good look at the guy now, he’s pretty young, 20 something I would wager cute as fuck with a smooth face and short blond hair, his eyes are glazed over, and his mouth is still agape moaning and gasping for air.

“This is Sam. He’s been here for about a year, isn’t that right bitch?” If same even hears, I’m not sure as he’s still just moaning as the dog humps away as his hole.”You’ll be replacing Sam. He’s found a new home and is going to retire from our little kennel. Tell the nice bitch watching just what you are, Sam. In a strained soft air voice, I hear, “I’m a fucking dog whore SIR.” The older gentleman leans down and pats the forehead of the boy.”And you’ve been a very good one too. I’m sorry to see you go…” he pauses briefly as Sam starts to moan a bit louder and the Lab fucking him dismounts, turning rump to rump.”.. and I’m sure the studs will miss your hole. How many does that make today? ”

“Twelve SIR”

“Do you need more?”

“Yes, please, SIR, I want to finish sucking the Lab off. He tasted so good.”

“Okay bitchboy if that’s what you need.” He snaps his fingers and says `Up boy!’ to the other dog, and he quickly takes his place back in front of the guy, eager to get his cock sucked. The gentleman walked back to his computer and turned the cam to face him once again, a slight smile still on his face.”So as you can see, I’m a real breeder and have at least 2 Labs for you who are my own dogs, but I promise you much more if you need it. I’m not sure if you saw, but Sam had a collar on. He needed to be collared and trained to be a breeding bitch. He needed to be bred daily by k9 studs. He needs to be owned as a full-time bitch. What do you need bitch?”

My mouth was dry, my cock was hard, and my head was spinning, “I want that, sir. I want what Sam is doing right now.”

“I didn’t ask you what you wanted, bitch. I asked you what you needed. I need a boy to replace Sam, to be one of my bitchboys.I think you need it badly.”

“Fuck sir,” I pause, staring at the cam, his face and torso the only thing I see and him still slightly smiling, waiting for me.”How do you know what I need?”

“Go get your toy, and bring it here and start fucking yourself with it, don’t touch your cock.” Finally, I think, as I was about to explode. I quickly rush to grab my dog dildo and quickly lube it up and slide it home, slowly stretching and fucking myself with it.”Did you need that?”

“Fuck, yes, sir. I needed to be filled after watching that.”

“Fast then bitch, you need that knot in you-you need a real knot in you, don’t you?

I whimper out as I pick up the thrusting into my hole, pushing down to get the knot in me. “Yes, sir, I do. I need to be bred again.”

“Do you need it just now and again, or are you like Sam over here being bred as much as he can take? Shove that knot in your hole bitch.” I do so moaning loudly, fighting off the urge to jerk off.”You need me to make you a breeding bitch. You need me to make you a dog whore. Say it, boy, and I’ll do it.”

I groan out and clench my hole around the thick fake cock in me.”FUCK yes, sir, I need to be a dog whore!” As soon as the words left my mouth, my cock exploded, and several thick pent-up shots of cum covered my chest and stomach. My hole was writhing on the toy, pushing my pleasure and orgasm on and on.

“Good bitch, see, I told you. Click this link and fill it out, and we can get you to be what you need to be soon as we can. I’ll see you soon.” He closed the cam chat and left me feeling dizzy and confused. I opened the link, and it was some forms for me to fill out and various other information. Seeing as I didn’t really see my current situation going anywhere, I went for it. What the hell.


A few days later, I received a text on my cellphone, “Please be ready in 1 hour for an extended visit to the boarding kennel. Pack light.” I gave a small nervous chuckle that this might really be happening, grabbed a few things to take with me in a backpack, and waited nervously for what the future brought me. In an hour’s time, there’s a knock on my door, I open it naturally, and the guy from the video is standing there. No, not the guy who wanted me to call him sir, but Sam. “Howdy, there bitch!” He smiles at me as I stare.”So sir thought you might be more comfortable with me taking you in than anyone else. If you’re ready, we have a flight to catch. You won’t regret this, I promise you.” I nod my head and follow him out to a waiting car. I start to ask questions, and he says, “Don’t worry, it’s all taken care of, just relax.” I try to, and we quietly drive to a small airport where he leads me to a jet which we quickly board.

I’m even more nervous now because no idea where I’m going, but Sam takes my hand in his, which calms me down.”It’s a lot to try to take in, but what you saw was real, and if it’s what you truly need, everything will work out just fine. Here have some water. It will help you relax.” I take it and quickly drink it all because my mouth felt like a cotton ball.”See better already, let the drugs do their thing, and just relax.”

I shot a look at him with questioning eyes.”It’s just so you don’t know the full details of where you’re going until much later, safer for you and for sir. I know it’s fucked up, but dude, you’re gonna take SOOOO much cock. It’s worth it.” He held my hand in his as I drifted off to sleep.

I’m not sure how much time had passed by the time I woke up, but we’ve landed. I can tell that much, and I’m resting on a couch in a room. I sit up and look around for someone else, but all I see are the two Labs from the video resting on the other side of the room. They notice my movement let out a friendly bark, and wag their tails. Having heard them, the gentleman that I only knew, sir, walked in and greeted me, “Hello there bitch, I hope you slept well. Sorry for the subterfuge, but we have to protect our little project here.”

He stands me up and gives me a big hug which shocks me but is honestly comforting.”So are you ready to get started, or do you have any questions?” He rubs my rump as he breaks away from the hug.

“Get started with what? I don’t even know your name or where I am. I’m a little freaked out right now.”

He once again gives that calm, relaxing smile, “They never read the contract. You’re here for a week to be trained as a breeding bitch. If at the end of the week, if either of us is unhappy with the way things are working, any connections to us or us to you will be removed, and you’ll be returned to your little life with a memorable week and a bit of pocket money for your troubles. If, on the other hand, we are both in agreement, we can proceed to the next step. But first thing first, let’s see how you handle my boys. They haven’t had any holes today. Might as well jump in the whole hog as it were, bitch.”

I looked at him and blushed and felt myself getting hard at the thought of being bred right here and right now, let alone for a week. “So like…just get naked?”

“Don’t be shy now bitch. I’ve seen you nude and with a huge dildo shoved in your hole and your body sticky with cum. Yes, get naked unless you are ready to head home already.” I shake my head no and start to quickly undress. sir smiles and walks over to the side of the couch and move in some sort of padded bench.”Just step in here, hands there, legs here, and chest there. It’s all very comfortable enough, and we will make your own.” I finish getting undressed, look at the bench, understand its use, and shrug slightly before putting myself on it.

He was right. It was comfortable enough, some adjustments made as he helps get me in a supported doggy position.”That looks like it will do, now just strap this here and that there.”

He pulls some straps and secures my arms and legs. I move against them slightly and realize I’m unable to get out. I whimper softly at the situation, but my cock is still rock hard. He pets my head as he stands up.

“It’s going to be okay, trust me bitch. I’ve watched you long enough to know that you’ll take to this with flying colors. I’ll lube you up a bit and let the boys take you on a ride I know you’re eager for.”

There was a container of lube on the bench, and he carefully lubed my hole, going three fingers deep. My natural urge to push back on him wasn’t lost as he whispered into my ear, “You’re going to be a dog whore by the end of the night.” He moves away and speaks to one of the Labs, “Mount, Duke.”

The motions from the past were just the same, the feeling of him sniffing at my backside before jumping up and that short little pump till he finds his mark, his cock slick and small but growing quickly as he humped into me. I arched back as best I could to give him better access and control on my hips. I pushed back, trying to open my legs a bit more so he could drive deeper into me. My eyes closed as I focused totally on being bred by this wonderful k9 stud.”Damn bitch, if I didn’t know better, I would swear you’ve been a bitch all this time. Duke knows a true bitch when he breeds one. You are meant to be a breeding bitch. Open your eyes look at me.”

He’s leaning down with a collar and a cock cage in his hand, his face level with mine.”Do you know what these mean bitch? ”

I shake my head no and whimper out a no sir between moans and grunts as Duke starts to get thicker and his knot forming fuller as he fucks me nearly to the point of knotting me.

“The collar means you’re a breeding bitch here, your job a dog whore. You have to keep up with your workload and be treated as the special bitch you are. The cock cage is to keep you focused, it’s required for the first week, and you might just leave it on.”

I groan deeply as Duke shoves his knot into my hole, fully tieing me once again after so many long years, I shiver as his knot grinds on my prostate, and he forces a deep orgasm to rush over me, my cock firing off on its own again. I look up at him, blushing slightly but moaning as his dog turns on me after forcing me to cum.

“You did well bitch. Now, do you need this collar on you? Do you need to be my dog whore?”

“Fuck yes, sir,” the words are out of my mouth before I know what I’m saying. “I need to be a breeding bitch and a dog whore. Help me become one, please, sir.”

He starts to put the collar around my neck, a large black leather one that feels oh so right as he secures it. “I’ve missed being filled like this so much, and having you watch sir and tell me I did well felt so fucking right.”

I grunt as another smaller orgasm rushes over me, Duke slowly filling me with warm dog cum in my hole, trying to milk every drop out. “Please, sir, can I suck off your other Lab, please, sir? I need to drink his cum.”

My new owner pats my head, saying a gentle, of course, as he leads his other dog to me and, knowing all too well what to do, starts to hump my face, his cock right at my mouth. My sir crouches down and helps steady my new lover as I inhale the tasty treat before me. The dog’s cock quickly fills my mouth as I do my best to swallow every inch. I wouldn’t have thought it would’ve happened so quickly, but that’s the start of how I became a dog whore.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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