Doggy Styles

By UndeniableUrges.

Claire Davis was a typical eighteen-year-old girl. She was young, pretty, and horny. She quickly learned boys and men (and even some women) liked to look at her body – and she loved to show it off! She’d show off her sexy round ass by wearing very short skirts. She’d wear tight tops to accentuate her firm round breasts, whether she wore a lacy bra or not.

She would stretch, bend over, or scratch an imaginary itch on her long, lovely legs or ankles just to see the reaction from those around her. She loved the attention from the boys and teachers at her school and smugly smiled at their lust, their embarrassment, and their growing erections. Lately, she even noticed her father’s long, open mouth glances at her budding cleavage or the shadowed darkness between her legs as if stunned and suddenly bewildered by her youthful charms.

Claire loved to tease and wished she could take her exhibitions further, but knew she couldn’t flash a bare breast or ‘accidentally’ display her perfect, tight little pussy to her father, teachers, or the boys at her school. So Duke, the family dog, soon became the sole recipient of her wild exhibitionist desires.

Duke was a handsome, pure-bred German Shepard. Claire loved his white teeth, long pink tongue, and deep brown, soulful eyes. He weighed nearly as much as she did and made the silliest faces at her! Her daddy had paid a lot of money for Duke, intending to breed him, but Claire soon found another use for him.

It all started one day when she came home from school, horny and frustrated. She had never had a boyfriend and was very anxious to have sex. Her young body was ripe and ready. On this day, she had flirted and teased a certain boy at school, hoping he would ask her out on a date. She admired the hardness in his pants, felt the wetness in her pussy, pushed out her breasts, batted her eyes, and smiled sweetly at him. She was sure he was just about to talk to her when another girl suddenly stormed over and pulled him away! Damn it!

After letting Duke out and hugging him tightly when she let him back in, she went to her room, almost ready to cry! ‘What is wrong with me anyway?’ she asked herself, examining her body in the mirror.

She had a pretty face, long hair, sparkling eyes, and a beautiful body. Her breasts were round and soft, and while not overly large, they were a perfect handful (or mouthful). Her legs were long, her belly was flat, her ass was round, and her pussy was tight and pink.

Claire dropped her panties and kicked them away. She lifted her short skirt and inspected her pussy. She scratched her sparse hair and fingered her slit to spread her wetness. Then she opened her nether lips with her fingers. Her cunt was still damp from her long day of teasing. She had almost an hour and a half to masturbate before her parents came home and rarely missed the opportunity. Claire diddled her pussy a little and sighed. She wished she had a boyfriend to tease and play with!

Claire performed a little twirl in front of her mirror to watch her naked ass and pussy peek out from underneath her short skirt. She wondered if she would ever have the courage to leave her panties at home one day before school. She thought she might if she wore the pretty skirt that barely came to her knees. Maybe with that thin matching top without a bra? Now that would be fun!

Clair rubbed her pussy and began to fantasize, like she often did, of exhibiting herself at school, or the mall, or on the street, and getting a man or a boy (or maybe a few of them) so aroused, they would tear off her clothes and make her suck their cocks and fuck her pussy and ass-hole again and again until they sprayed and filled her with hot, sticky cum. Claire would have such a nice orgasm from those fantasies. Today, she decided that a certain boy at school and maybe his friends would be her masturbation material.

At that moment, Duke pushed his way into her room. She hadn’t closed her door tight enough. The handsome animal ambled and sat in front of her, looking at her expectantly.

“Oh, Duke, you think I’m pretty, don’t you?” she asked, knowing he couldn’t respond, but she liked talking to him anyway.

Duke cocked his head, perked up his ears, and looked at her with the same silly expression that she loved so much. “Stupid dog,” she teased. “You think I’m pretty enough to fuck? Don’t you, boy?”

Duke listened intently to her nearly incomprehensible human speech and barked. He was smart enough to know his owner wanted some kind of response from him. But he quickly became distracted when Claire ignored him. Then, something caught his attention. He smelled something very interesting. He turned and followed the scent. His keen senses drew him to Claire’s discarded panties lying on the floor. He shoved his nose into them, sniffing them deeply. They were still damp from her constant teasing at school.

“Oh no, you don’t, Duke!” Claire said. For some reason, she didn’t fully understand, Duke loved her dirty panties. It puzzled her. It wasn’t like she was a female dog or anything. Once, he had even chewed the crotch out of her favorite pair! She scolded him, grabbed her panties, and tossed them into the hamper. “Why do you like my smelly old panties anyway, Duke?” she asked, scratching his head affectionately. Looking at him made her smile; she couldn’t stay mad at him for long. She was sure her old panties smelled a bit funky, like pee and farts, and… Claire had an idea.

“Is it my pussy you like, boy?” Claire asked. She walked over to Duke and put her cunt right in front of his face. Duke became excited. “It is my pussy!” Claire exclaimed. Duke shoved his nose into her groin. She felt his cold nose against her warm, wet slit.

“Eeeek!” Claire exclaimed, pulling her sweet-smelling teenage pussy away from him. “You’re a naughty dog, Duke!” she scolded, but suddenly felt her pussy get warmer and wetter.

Duke didn’t care if he was a naughty dog and wanted to sniff more of Claire’s female essence. He barked impatiently at her once and then tried to sniff her again!

“You like my pussy, don’t you, boy?” Claire teased, allowing Duke to have another long sniff of her genitals before quickly pulling away again.

Duke whined and followed her. Claire turned around to hide her pussy from him. She then felt his cold, wet nose lift her skirt and sniff her ass!

“Duke!” she cried in feigned indignity. The stupid dog was obsessed with her pussy. It was similar to when she would hold up a piece of meat and make him beg for it. This was going to be fun, teasing the silly dog with her warm, wet twat!

Claire took a few steps and bent over, wiggling her ass at him. Duke followed her and tried to get his nose back into the source of that lovely feminine odor. Claire danced away. Duke barked. She stopped and lifted her skirt, flashing him her fuzzy little pussy. Claire let him have one long sniff before walking out of her room. Duke stayed close on her heels, jumping up and down excitedly.

She teased him into the kitchen, letting him get close to her wet pussy and then dancing away. She made herself a small snack in the kitchen while constantly teasing him and then shared some food with Duke. He licked her fingers very appreciatively. Claire then walked into the living room, flashing her pussy and letting him get close enough to sniff her before walking away. Then, he tried to climb on her back, wrapping his hairy legs around her waist!

Claire giggled. “You silly dog!” she said as she pushed him away.

Then, she looked down at Duke and noticed something. A long, pink piece of flesh was hanging below his belly. She had seen his hairy sheaf before and admired his big, black balls, but she had never seen his little pink penis get so big before! When he was a puppy, she would laugh out loud, seeing his thin, pink doggy dick poking out. This was different. She was making Duke horny.

“Aw, am I giving you a doggy-boner?” Claire asked. Duke sat down, his large, pink cock fully on display. He bent his body and licked it. Claire, for some reason, knowing she had gotten her dog excited, became more aroused herself. She wanted to do it some more. She couldn’t tease the boys at school like this, but she could tease Duke!

“Here, have another sniff of my ass, Duke,” Claire said, presenting her ass to him.

She felt so naughty displaying herself like this. Her ass was spread wide, her ass-hole was exposed, and her little pussy was craving attention. Claire held still, intending to let Duke sniff her awhile. She told herself that exposing herself like this showed him pity and doing him a favor…, but she knew otherwise.

Duke stalked her, inhaling her intoxicating essence. He found the source, that spot just below her pale, soft ass. He then shoved his nose under her skirt. He sniffed again. Claire giggled, feeling so desired and sexy. She held still, giving him a momentary thrill as he sniffed her repeatedly. His cold, wet nose tickled her pussy, and the hair on his face tickled her tender thighs.

“Oh, Duke,” she sighed, “You’re a silly dog.”

She let him smell, sniff and snort at her warm, wet pussy, wiggling her ass back and forth, pushing her ass into his face, pulling away, then letting him sniff her some more. After the fourth time shoving her cunt into his face, he snorted, and then he gave her a long, wet lick right across her leaking, oozing pussy!

“Oh, Duke!” she exclaimed, “You’re a naughty dog!”

She turned around. Duke smiled at her. Claire realized Duke’s tongue was much warmer than his cold, wet nose. It was a very odd sensation, having something warm and wet sliding across her pussy. It was much different from her firm, slippery, probing fingers. It felt strange. It felt good. Really good. Really good! But it was also so very, very wrong!

Claire started to scold Duke, but he looked at her intently, cocked his head, perked up his ears, and barked happily. He sat down, trained to wait for his treats. He wagged his tail. Claire looked at his penis again. It was harder than before. It was longer than before. It wasn’t thin and pink anymore; it was deep red and purple, covered with blue veins, and very gnarly looking!

“Ewww, gross, Duke!” Clair exclaimed.

She inspected Duke’s odd-looking doggie-dick from her higher vantage point.

“Oh, my! What have I done to you, Duke?”

She knew what she had done. She had gotten Duke horny. Very horny. She was now looking at a fully hardened doggy-dick, ready to fuck his doggy-bitch. She had done this, just with the power of her teenage pussy! Claire felt a sense of superiority over her stupid, aroused animal.

“Duke, what a big boner you have!” Claire teased. “The better to fuck you with, my dear!” she added, in a deep gravelly voice, recalling the dialogue from her favorite fable, ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ As if she would let Duke or a big bad wolf fuck her! No way! “You really, really like my little pussy, don’t you, boy?”

She laughed at Duke’s plight. He was very aroused. She found his hard cock and his weird obsession with her pussy hilarious! She laughingly teased him some more, letting him sniff her briefly before twirling away. Then, she bent over, sniffing him before strutting away. Once in a while, she would pause just long enough to feel his long, wet tongue tentatively snake across her soaking wet pussy.

Claire danced and twirled and strutted around the house. Duke’s turgid cock swayed back and forth as he followed her. He tried to climb on her back more than once. Clair giggled. She was so fucking wet and very horny! Duke was very horny too.

She soon decided to head back to her bedroom, wiggling her ass before him. She was so delighted by his attention that her teasing became even bolder. She took the long way back to her room, through the kitchen, around the living room, down the hallway, and into the bathroom, where he almost cornered her before she quickly danced away before he could wrap his paws around her again!

Claire reached her room and stripped off her blouse and bra. “Oh, Duke! That was a lot of fun, but now I have to cum!” Claire said, cupping and squeezing her firm breasts.

“Hey, do you like titties too?” Claire asked Duke. She bent over and dangled her breasts in front of her dog. Duke gave them a lick. “Oh, lick my titties some more, boy! Good dog!” She fed a fat breast and a pink nipple to her dog. Duke licked some more, hearing her praise and wanting to be a good dog. Her nipple grew taut. Claire imagined the boy from school sucking on her tits. She let Duke lick her breasts for a while, and then she let him have another lick of her pussy (as a reward) before climbing onto her bed and slipping off her skirt. Naked and horny, the pretty young teenager began to squeeze her breasts and finger her cunt. She moaned out loud. This was going to be great cum!

Duke stood by the side of the bed and whined.

Claire ignored him and played with herself.

Duke whined again and again.

“What do you want, you stupid dog?” she asked. “Can’t you see I’m trying to Jill off here?” She knew she would never be able to concentrate on her near-perfect masturbation session with Duke crying the whole time. She thought about kicking him out of her room but didn’t want to get out of bed. Determined to enjoy her orgasm in peace, she scooted her ass to the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide until her feet were dangling almost to the floor. “Here, you can sniff me while I finger myself.” Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she was aware Duke might do more than just sniff her…

Claire closed her eyes and moaned. She fingered her tight, wet pussy. Duke silently walked over to her, stalking his prey once again. He saw his master’s exposed pussy, smelled her sexuality with a million olfactory neurons, and gave her a long wet sniff. Sensing his owner wasn’t going to run away this time. He shoved his nose deep into her honey hole. He snorted her odor and began lapping at her pussy, licking the fingers that were in his way, trying to go deeper to get her juices as Claire toyed with herself.

Duke kept licking at her fingers and her pussy, and it made Claire pause. She was enjoying the strange sensations of Duke’s tongue very much. She made a fateful decision and slowly moved her fingers out of his way. Duke lapped her once, then twice, and knowing he had unencumbered access to her delicious, odiferous pussy, he began to feast on her cunt!

“Nnnnggghhh!” Claire exclaimed, feeling the exquisite tingling emanating from her pussy. Duke lapped at her repeatedly, forcibly attacking her tight teen twat and sliding his fat, wet tongue all over her hot, tasty pussy. His tongue hit her clit. “Ohhhhh, Duke!” she groaned. “Oh, my god!” It felt amazing!

Claire opened up her pussy with her fingers, needing to feel more of his hot, wet tongue against her hungry, yearning cunt. Her pussy was dripping and oozing with lubrication. Duke licked and slurped and then felt her vaginal opening with his probing tongue. This was what he wanted! He snaked his long, pink flesh inside of her, searching for more of her delicious feminine excretions.

Claire rubbed her clit. Duke licked her cunt and probed his tongue into her hole. Claire rubbed faster, moaning aloud, her fingers dancing around her hard clitoris. “Oh, good boy, Duke! Oh, shit!” Duke licked furiously, basking in her praise. Claire came. Claire came hard!

“Oh, Duke, oh Duke, oh Duke!” she exclaimed. Her pussy exploded, causing Duke to slurp at her entrance even faster and deeper! Oh, god! What a feeling! Claire pinched hard at her right nipple and then squeezed the left. Her titties tingled. Her other hand and two fingers bore down on her swollen clit. Duke’s tongue danced over her fingers, plunged into her hole, and licked his wide, wet tongue up and down her soaking wet slit. Claire’s pussy gushed, her thighs trembled, and her belly heaved as she came. Oh, what a cum! What a glorious fucking cum!

“Aaaaahhhhh!” Claire moaned. She felt like she would never stop cumming! As soon as one wave crested, Duke and his fantastic tongue triggered another! The first, second, then the third orgasm crashed over her. His tongue never stopped! Claire curled her toes, straightened her legs, and squealed. “Eiiiiiiieeeeee!”

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she panted as she came again. She was shaken by the force of her orgasms and by the sheer magnitude of them just by teasing Duke (and, of course, having his lovely, hot, delicious tongue lick her to orgasm)! One last wave softly washed over her, and then she was finished.

Claire clamped her legs together to keep Duke away from her sensitive pussy. He kept licking at her thighs, and when she rolled over, he determinedly licked and probed her ass-crack, trying to get more of her delicious juices.

Claire slowly opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and forcibly blew it out. “Shit, Duke!” she said, knowing this would not be the last time she and Duke played this new sexy game.

She slowly got to her feet and stood on wobbly knees. “Oh, what a good boy you are, Duke!” she praised, scratching his ears, petting his head, and sliding her hands over his back. Duke barked happily at her. Claire shuffled into the bathroom to clean up and collect her thoughts.

Duke had a final sniff of her pussy before she pushed him away. The door closed behind her. Duke’s large doggie dick was very hard, occasionally spraying his pre-cum. He whined outside the bathroom door, begging Claire for release.

© Copyright Undeniable Urges, 2020 (the year that will remain unspoken). Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Undeniable Urges, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


“Doug! You have to do something about this damn dog!” Darlene shouted.

Claire heard her mother yelling from the other side of the house in her bedroom.

“What’s Duke done now?” Doug asked, walking into the living room and finding his lovely wife, Darlene, and the family dog, Duke.

“He tried to hump my leg again!” Darlene said, shaking a finger at their handsome German Shepard, Duke, who looked sad and chastised. “I won’t have him displaying his obscene dog cock anytime he feels frisky! For god’s sake, he tried to hump my friend Tiffany the other day – he got his dick slime all over her new outfit! And when he’s not trying to hump my leg, he’s got his nose in my crotch!”

“Aw, honey, he’s just friendly,” Doug teased, trying to appease his wife. He scratched Duke’s head and then noticed Duke’s aroused condition.

“I won’t stand for it, Doug. Not one minute more! Get him laid, cut off his balls, or keep him outside in a cage!” Darlene said, her voice rising even higher.

“Aww, you know I can’t cage an animal! Duke’s part of the family! He can’t help himself. And I have two bitches lined up for Duke, but they haven’t come in heat yet.”

“Doug, if you don’t do something right now, I’ll cut off his balls myself!” Darlene screamed.

“Cut off whose balls?” Claire asked, walking into the room.

“Duke’s!” her mother exclaimed. “He’s trying to hump everything in sight!”

“Oh,” Claire said. She knew Duke had been trying to hump a lot of things around the house since she began teasing him. She once let him hump on her leg a few times, just to laugh at him, until Duke slimmed all over her leg, grossing her out.

“Well. I think it’s funny!” Claire giggled. So what if Duke was a little randy? She was randy, too. Claire knew his recent behavior was because of her. She had been teasing him all week, using her juicy teenage pussy to lead him about the house until both of them were very, very aroused. Then, she would let Duke lick her to orgasm, slurping at her pussy until she came. She liked to look at his hard doggy dick, knowing her sweet pussy had made him hard and so excited. She wished the boys at school would get worked up over her pussy like Duke.

“Has he tried to hump you too?” her mother asked.

“Well…, a little…., once or twice…, but like I said, he’s just a big goofy…” Claire began.

“Doug, he’s trying to hump your daughter!!” Darlene seethed. “That settles it! I’m not going to stand for it any longer! I’m calling the vet right now!” Claire’s mother picked up her phone.

“Darlene, I paid a lot of money for Duke!” Doug argued.

“Mom! You can’t hurt Duke!” Claire said. Besides, if her mother followed through with her threat, Duke probably wouldn’t want to play with her anymore, or lick her pussy, or get boners, or…,

“OK, I’ll see about getting some training for Duke, and I’ll call the other owners again,” Doug said, realizing his dog would be costing him even more money.

“When do you have any time for training?” Darlene asked her husband. “You work all day and most of the weekend. Why not give him away to somebody or just have him castrated?”

“Well…,” Doug said.

Seeing her father begin to waver, Claire spoke up quickly. “We can’t give away, Duke!” she protested. “And we can’t cut off his balls! That would be cruel!” She ran to Duke and held him tight.

“Claire, it doesn’t hurt him…, for long anyway. He’ll be asleep for the whole operation,” her mother said. “And when he wakes up, he won’t be so…, aggressive, and it will get rid of that thing…,” Darlene pointed her finger and twirled it in small circles towards Duke’s under-belly.

Claire looked where her mother was pointing. Duke’s dick had slid out of his sheath ever further. It was red and growing larger. Claire stood up quickly, knowing Duke was probably smelling her pussy or expecting her to play their new, sexy game. Oh no! What had she done? She had trained Duke to get aroused by human pussy instead of dog pussy!

“I’ll train him!” Claire said quickly. After all, she had taught him his bad habits, she should be able to un-teach him. “Please, mom? Please, Dad?”

“Well…,” her mother began.

“Great!” her father said quickly. I’ll call that kennel just outside of town. They offer obedience classes. I hear they are pretty good, too.”

Claire and Duke had their first training class that Saturday. The class was taught by the owner, Mrs. Hill, a stocky older woman with greying hair. She first lectured the group on general dog training concepts and then taught them how to control their dogs on a leash, making them walk around the yard. Mrs. Hill then taught the class basic commands like ‘sit,’ ‘lay down,’ and ‘stay.’ Claire was proud of Duke. He did very well.

After class, Claire waited until the other dog owners had left. She wanted to ask Mrs. Hill about Duke’s problem.

“Uh, Mrs. Hill?” Claire began and then delicately explained her situation, why she and Duke were there, and her mother’s threats. She found a sympathetic listener.

“So, your father never bred dogs before?” Mrs. Hill asked.

“No. Never,” Claire said.

“Amateurs,” Mrs. Hill scoffed under her breath. “First of all, if you don’t get them fixed, male dogs are going to get aroused. It is a fact of life. Your mother needs to understand this, or your father needs to get out of the breeding business.”

“But,” Claire said. “Can I train him not to get…, erections…, all the time?” Claire turned red from embarrassment.

“You can teach him not to hump your mother’s leg and how to behave around people, but he’s still going to get erections. The only way to minimize his erections and keep him from being a pest is to…,” she stopped abruptly. “How old are you anyway, honey?” Mrs. Hill asked.

“Eighteen,” Claire said, straightening her body and pushing out her breasts, trying to look older and more mature.

“Hmm, you look a lot younger, but I guess you’re old enough, especially if your father is serious about dog breeding,” Mrs. Hill decided. “Listen, honey. Dogs are like men. They have certain needs, and besides being more obvious, a man’s needs are often more urgent than a woman’s. You know what I’m saying?”

“I think so. You mean sex, right?” Claire replied.

“Exactly. So, if you want your dog to, let’s say…, be calmer? An experienced dog breeder knows you have to relieve his pressure occasionally. Understand?”

“You mean?”

“Yes. That’s what I mean. It’s part of the job. Ever watched the Westminster Dog Show? Those show dogs aren’t castrated because the winners have white gold in their balls. So, the owners have to keep them happy. So, sometimes they must take matters into their own hands, understand?”

“Can you…, maybe…, show me?” Claire asked. This would solve all of her problems! She could still play with Duke, and her mom wouldn’t be upset!

“Honey…,” Mrs. Hill began. “What’s your name again?” Mrs. Hill asked.

“Claire,” Claire said.

“Claire, there’s no way I’m going to teach an eighteen-year-old girl how to jack off a dog. You can search the internet or find a book, but I’m not risking my business for you. Now, if you want a part-time job this summer, come fill out an application, OK? You might learn something.”

“OK!” Claire loved dogs. This would be the perfect summer job!

“I think you have a real affinity for dog training. I’ve watched you and seen how your dog responds to you. He likes you. He likes you…, but you have to learn to control him and keep his nose out of your crotch, at least in front of people, sweetheart.”

Claire turned red from her head to her toes. ‘OMG! She saw Duke sniffing my pussy! I didn’t think anyone saw it! OMG! OMG! Does she know? I bet she does! OMG! I bet she knows I let Duke lick my pussy too!’ Claire was ready to turn and run away.

“You don’t have to say anything, Claire, and you don’t have to be embarrassed. I’ve been in this business for a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of things.” Mrs. Hill continued. “People love their dogs… I love dogs, too.” Her expression was blank, not giving anything away.

She continued, “You have to encourage good behavior and correct bad behavior—teach him there’s a time and place for everything. And you can train your dog to do other things besides the normal commands we went over today. You can also teach your dog…, what’s his name again?” Mrs. Hill asked.

“Duke,” Claire said.

“You can also teach Duke some ‘special’ commands,” she said, scratching Duke behind the ears. “Pick some obscure trigger word you wouldn’t typically say in normal conversations, like ‘Beetlejuice’ or ‘Rin-Tin-Tin.’ Then, it’s like teaching any other command: praise him when he does well, and correct him when he doesn’t.”

“Gee, thanks, Mrs. Hill,” Claire said.

“You’re welcome, Claire,” Mrs. Hill said. “I must return to work; I’ll see you next week. I expect you to practice with Duke every day until then.”

“Oh, I will!” Claire said.

“I have no doubt,” Mrs. Hill replied.

Claire quickly returned home and proudly showed her mother and father how much Duke had learned during his first training session. She made him sit, lay down, and heel, all to her parent’s amazement. Then, she proceeded to share some of what Mrs. Hill had told her about Duke’s erections.

“Well, he is a boy dog,” Claire’s mother said when Claire was finished. “I guess I can live with his little doggy dick sticking out once in a while as long as he stops sniffing and humping everything in sight.”

“I’ll teach him real good, Mom!” Claire said. She quickly explained how to correct his bad behavior to her mother and then took him outside for more training. “Come on, boy, let’s go outside!”

Duke heard Claire coming home from school Monday afternoon. He was waiting for her by the door, his penis already sliding out of his sheath. He knew when Clair came home from school, it was time to sniff and lick her sweet-smelling pussy. Even though his bitch didn’t let him mate with her, he still loved Claire’s feminine taste and odors. He knew he would soon breed her and fill her with his seed.

Claire walked into the house and greeted Duke. Duke tried to greet Claire by putting his nose up her skirt. But, oddly, his master scolded him. Puzzled, he tried again, only to again be chastised. Duke was confused. Whenever Claire came home at this time, day after day, five days a week, and sometimes on weekends when her parents were out, Claire let him smell and lick her sex.

“No, Duke,” Claire said, quickly stopping his naughty behavior again. She let him outside and watched him mark his territory. Duke hiked his leg over a flower bush and glanced back at Claire. Claire inspected his fur-covered penis, contemplating her next actions.

After letting him back in, she took Duke into her room. “OK, boy,” Claire said, let’s teach you how to behave.” Claire took off her panties. Duke became excited. But every time he tried to get his snout into her crotch, Claire corrected him. When Duke tried to climb onto her, Claire scolded him and made him sit down.

She waited.

Duke waited.

“Good boy!” she praised.

It was time to teach him the proper time and place to play with her pussy, like Mrs. Hill said. Then, when he was ready, she would try to ‘relieve his pressure.’ Claire had spent the entire weekend searching the internet. She had learned how to properly ‘extract’ dog semen. She also learned a few very naughty things girls sometimes did with their dogs.

She had thought quite a lot about his ‘special’ commands over the weekend. At first, she was going to use the word ‘pussy,’ as in ‘Lick-My-Pussy,’ since he was already used to hearing it, but decided it was probably better to start fresh. She knew what her special commands would be.

“Duke,” Claire said, getting Duke’s attention.

Duke cocked his head and looked at her.

“Do you want to play our special game, Duke? Do you want to play ‘Sniff-the-Bitch’ boy?” Claire knew a female dog was called a bitch, and since Duke thought she was a female dog, it made perfect sense. She put her cunt in front of his face. “Sniff-the-Bitch! Duke!”

Duke did want to play the Sniff-the-Bitch game. He sniffed Claire’s pussy and tried to put his nose up into her sweet teenage cunt.

“Good boy!” Claire praised. “Sniff it, Duke! Sniff-the-Bitch!” she repeated, letting Duke put his nose deep into her crotch. She let him around the house, encouraging him, but every time he tried to lick her pussy, she stopped him. “No! I said Sniff-the-Bitch, not Lick-the-Bitch!” Claire loved leading Duke around the house, teasing him with her feminine odor. She also loved getting her snatch licked and wanted him to know the difference between the two.

Claire finally led him into her bedroom and began to teach him his second command. She pulled up her skirt and put her wet cunt in front of him. “Good boy, now Lick-the-Bitch, Duke!” Claire let Duke lap at her steaming cunt. “Ohhh! Mmmm-mmmm! Good boy, Duke! Lick it, Lick-the-Bitch!”

Duke licked at Claire’s sweet, young pussy like he was starving. Feeling her knees weaken, Clair climbed onto her bed and called for Duke, patting the space beside her. “Up Duke. Up, boy!”

Duke jumped on the bed. He was excited. This was different! Usually, Claire made him lick her pussy from the floor.

Claire looked at Duke’s engorged dick. He was ready. She swallowed hard.

“Lay down, Duke.” Duke complied and then licked his exposed cock. Claire decided she wanted to inspect his doggy dick before attempting to jack him off.

“Hold still, Duke,” Claire said, noticing Duke’s excitement. She patted his head with one hand while the other rubbed his belly. Claire slowly inched her hand towards his cock. She ran her fingers along his hairy sheath. Duke flinched.

“Stay!” Claire commanded. “Let me play with your dick, Duke,” she said and then realized he didn’t understand her. “Hmmm,” Claire thought, she needed another simple command. Since she was teaching him to Sniff-the-Bitch, and Lick-the-Bitch, maybe she could teach him more ‘bitch’ words?

“Your bitch wants to play with your dick and give you a handjob, Duke,” Claire said softly. She touched his sheath again. “Maybe a ‘Bitch-Hand-Job?’ Would you like that?” she prompted while gently rubbing his sheath some more. He liked it.

“Mmmm, you like Bitch-Hand-Jobs, don’t you, boy?” Duke panted. Claire’s fingers touched Duke’s hairy ball sack as she repeated the words over and over. Claire tugged his sheath up and down, massaging Duke’s cock. “Your bitch likes giving you a handjob, too.” Claire realized by practicing sex with her horny dog; she was gaining experience for when she had sex with a horny boy. She wanted to get good at it.

Claire stroked Duke’s cock softly. Duke whined. His cock grew longer and fatter until it was fully hard. Claire slid her hand up and down his shaft, mesmerized by his obscene cock. It was so hard, purple, and pointed. Duke’s huge knot was fully exposed now, and his sheath was pulled back behind it. Intrigued, Claire came closer, wanting to get a better look. Duke’s knot was at least two or three inches in diameter. Her internet studies taught her what the knot was for. She tried to imagine what it would be like to get tied to a dog with his knot locked up tightly inside of her small pussy. She was getting hornier. So was Duke. Then, a thin stream of pre-cum squirted from the head of his cock. It splashed onto Claire’s face.

“Ewww! Duke!” Claire exclaimed. She knew about doggy-pre-cum, having seen it often while relentlessly teasing him. She had a towel with her, but it caught Claire by surprise. When she sat up, slippery stuff dripped down her cheek and lips. She licked it automatically. “Oh, gross, Duke!” Claire said, “I got your dog stuff in my mouth!”

Duke thought he was being punished and put his head down. Claire noticed it and petted Duke affectionately. “It’s not your fault you squirted your doggy stuff on me, Duke; it’s OK,” Claire said, still tasting the slimy discharge on her tongue.

Claire stripped off the rest of her clothes, realizing things would soon get messy. She spread the towel on her bed and sat on the far end. “Bitch-Hand-Job,” Claire said again while playing with his still-hard cock. She continued to play with Duke’s cock and balls. Duke stood up on all four legs as she stroked his big doggy dick rhythmically. The pre-cum shot from his cock and onto the towel, with some of it landing on Claire’s naked body. She caught the next squirt in her hand and used it to get Duke’s dick even more slippery.

“This is called a handjob, Duke. Understand?” Claire said. Duke didn’t understand but still loved his master’s hand on his dick. “Bitch-Hand-Job, Duke,” she said, then repeated it as she stroked him.

Duke began to make humping motions, sliding his hard cock back and forth in her hands. His motions brought him closer to Claire until his face rested on her shoulders. Claire then used both of her hands to jack off her dog, feeling his hard cock sliding between her fingers and palms. Duke was squirting a lot now. His warm pre-cum splashed onto her body, her hands, and the towel. Duke whined and began to hump faster. “You like your Bitch-Hand-Job, don’t you, boy?” She liked it too. She felt very sexy, jacking off her dog. Duke loved it. He had waited far too long. He whined again. He licked her neck affectionately. He humped faster, his body curling, and his tail held still.

“Do it, Duke!” Claire encouraged, “Shoot your doggy juice! You love Claire’s Bitch-Hand-Job, don’t you, boy!”

Duke gave out a loud whine. Claire felt his cock expanding in her hands. Duke came, ejecting his pent-up, potent dog sperm forcefully. Claire felt the hot, wet liquid splash against her body. “Ooooh, Duke! You’re doing it! You’re shooting your stuff! It’s so hot! I made you shoot your stuff!”

Claire was so turned on! She spread her legs on either side of Duke as his cock continued to erupt. Her stomach was soon drenched with his dog’s sperm. She aimed his spurting cock onto her breasts, first one and then the other. Then, feeling very wicked, she aimed his cock at her cunt. She felt the hot goo land on her pussy lips, crotch, and thighs.

“Oh, Duke! You have so much cum!” Claire couldn’t believe how much ejaculate was exploding from Duke’s penis. Squirt after squirt covered her body until she was soaked! She felt Duke get restless and noticed his cum-spurts slowing and then stopping. She felt his rigid cock in her hands. She ran her hands over his swollen knot, amazed at how large it had grown.

Claire was so turned on! She fell back onto her bed and began to rub his sperm all over her breasts, stomach, and cunt. She plunged her sperm-covered fingers into her snatch over and over.

Duke stopped licking his spent cock and walked over to Claire. He smelled his cum and began to clean his master. He licked at her body with his big, wet tongue. He licked her stomach, then her breasts, and finally, he licked her face. Claire kissed him back. She was so hot, she had to cum – now!

“Lick-the-Bitch, Duke!” she cried. “Oh, lick your fucking bitch, you wonderful dog!” Claire writhed on the bed, humping her fingers into her cunt. Duke either understood his master or was ready to lick Claire’s pussy again anyway. He positioned himself between her legs and began to slide his fat tongue up and down Claire’s cunt, tasting his cum along with her juices.

Claire bent her knees and spread her legs wide, giving Duke full access to her juicy slit. He drove his tongue deep inside of her as she groped herself with wild, sexual abandon. She ran her hands over her body, spreading Duke’s cum and painting her body with his sperm. Remembering the taste of his pre-cum on her lips, she impulsively plunged her slimy fingers into her mouth, sucking the dog sperm and her pussy juice from them. She felt so dirty and depraved, jacking off a dog and eating his cum! She did it again and again, wiping up his sperm with her fingers and sucking it into her mouth. It was all too much for her. She came.

“Oh, Duke! Yes! Lick-your-Bitch, lover!” Claire cried as her body exploded in an orgasm. “Nnnnnnggghhh!” she grunted as she came. “Lick your fucking bitch!” she screamed as another glorious wave washed over her. Then another! “Oh, I’m cumming Duke! You’re making me cum! Ahhhhhhhhhh!”

Duke continued to slurp her slit, massaging her clit, and work his tongue deep into her pussy. Claire pinched her cum covered nipples and felt a few final orgasmic tingles wash over her, leaving her drained.

Duke kept lapping at her pussy until Claire had to clamp her legs together. Duke then licked her cum soaked body, first starting at her thighs and then working his way up her torso and tender breasts. He finally smelled his sperm upon his master’s lips. Claire felt his prodding tongue and opened her mouth. She ran her tongue over Duke’s, French-kissing her lover.

Claire hugged Duke and lay down beside him for a while. Duke curled up to Claire as she caught her breath. She petted him lovingly for a long time and then forced herself out of bed to clean her room and shower before her parents came home.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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