Fantasy Becomes Reality

Nem Enforcer

Chapter 1

Leaning back in her chair relaxed, Joanna reached out to start the video she had just downloaded onto her PC. She had needed this all day and finally, it was coming. The computer monitor screen filled with bright colors, the image that of a woman stood alone and naked in what looked like the living room.

“Ok, is the camera rolling?” The woman asked someone just off camera, a male voice replied yes and the woman smiled “Good”

Joanna looked the woman up and down, she was slim, young, and attractive, not that Joanna was into women but she could appreciate a good-looking girl when she saw one. The girl on screen wiggled her hips as she turned around and showed off a very pert ass to the camera then back bending at the waist to let her firm young breasts hang. This was just the prelude anyway; the real stuff that Joanna was interested in was yet to come.

The show went on for about 30 seconds, the girl licking her lips and letting a hand slide down her naked frame, resting it on her pubic area and moaning softly. Joanna did the same, letting her own hand slide down her somewhat more mature body. She was also naked.

Aged 50 now, Joanna was not as perky as she once was but she still got plenty of attention when she got dressed up for an evening out. Her breasts were large and had not sagged too much with age and while she had put on a few extra, pounds as she had gotten a little older it didn’t take away from her sexiness if anything having more curves added to it she found.

The girl on the screen stopped her teasing and called the name ‘Tyson’ and within seconds, a black Labrador came trotting into view looking up at the naked woman and wagging his tail happily.

Joanna smiled and let her left hand find her pussy, the right slightly teasing her nipple, pulling it and squeezing, making it hard. The hand on her pussy made little circles over her clit just pressing in a little before her fingers moved down and stroked the lips and slid in between them. She was already feeling the moisture her arousal was giving.

On the screen, the girl had gotten on her knees and was fussing the dog, stroking its head and sides while talking sweetly to it, all the time her hand on the dog’s side moved closer towards its hindquarters. The dog just stood, its tail still wagging as the girl moved her hand and finally began rubbing the dog’s belly around his sheath.

Joanna slouched in the chair more and widened her legs allowing herself more access to herself, her eyes were fixed on the girl’s hand as it rubbed the sheath of her dog and the tip of his red penis began to show. As each rub caused more of the dog’s penis to protrude Joanna began to feel more aroused, she imagined it was her doing that and began to slide her index and middle finger a little deeper between the lips of her pussy making use of making little upward thrusts with the fingertips then she reached the knuckle.

On screen, the dog was excited now; his cock was fully out and looked big at least 7 inches, and hard. The girl was holding it in her hand and smiling at the camera that was moving around to get a better shot of what was happening. Joanna gasped as she watched the girl lower her head and flick out her tongue at the tip of the bright length of meat.

The dog jerked a little as the girl on screen licked again then moved her face closer and took the tip into her mouth, her lips closing around the hard cock before she slowly pulled them back and let the cock drop from her mouth.

“Hmm so tasty” she cooed to the camera before taking the hard cock into her mouth again, this time a little more went in and she began to suck.

Joanna groaned approval at what she was watching as she pressed her thumb hard against her clit and slid the two fingers deeper into her wet pussy before sliding them back. Her mind swam with thoughts of herself with a big dog cock in her mouth. Sucking it and feeling the heat, the texture, and the taste.

Watching closely, drinking in every second with her eyes, Joanna squeezed the muscles of her pussy tightly around her fingers as she thrust them faster, her other hand now joining in rubbing quickly on her clit as she watched the girl sucking the black dog’s cock like it was a lollypop.

Biting her lip so not to scream too loudly Joanna felt an orgasm approaching, she made her eyes stay open to watch the girl sucking the doggy cock as she felt the heat rise in her body and her muscles tremble, this one was going to be good.

A suppressed groan of pleasure filled the room as Joanna came hard, her pussy momentarily too sensitive to carry on giving it attention she pulled her hands away and arched her back letting the waves of pleasure wash over her like the sea.

The girl on video was not nearly finished, however. She had stopped sucking the dog’s cock and was now getting on all fours on the floor. Looking back over her shoulder she patted her ass cheeks with one hand, obviously a signal the dog knew well as he quickly went over and shoved his nose into the girl’s crotch.

Joanna now coming down from her orgasm watched and licked her lips, god she wished she was that girl, not only did it look like it felt good it sounded it too. The speakers were throwing out groans and gasps of pleasure from the girl on screen as the dog licked her pussy.

Joanna’s original wetness now had the added wetness of her orgasm and it was time for the main show on the video she was watching. The blowjob and licking were just the preludes and while it had given her a nice orgasm as she fingered herself watching now she needed more than just fingers.

Reaching to the little desk she had next to her seat she picked up the dildo she had chosen for this occasion, it was 8 inches long very thick. She would have preferred a real cock to slide into her right now, and if she had her way, it would be a real dog cock! However, she was alone and this would have to do.

On screen, the girl was now reaching back for the cock of her own, the dog’s cock. The dog had been thrusting but missing its target and now she needed to take matters into her own hand, literally. Joanna moved the tip of her dildo to the entrance of her pussy, parting the lips with it and just sliding the tip inside her wet hole as the girl did with the dog’s penis in the video. Both women shared a long sigh as a long hard cock filled their pussies.

The dildo slid easily into Joanna, her arousal added to the wetness of her orgasm made the perfect lube. She groaned as around 5 inches of it disappeared into her body, her pussy tingling with excitement as it was stretched and her mind telling her that it was actually a big dog cock that was entering her just like the girl she was watching.

The girl was indeed taking a big cock. The dog was thrusting hard and fast making her whole body jiggle but the sounds coming out of her mouth gave away her approval.

The cameraman moved closer and got a nice close up of the red cock thrusting in and out of the girl’s tight pussy and Joanna watched as the dog’s ball’s swung with each thrust slapping against the girl’s skin with a satisfying ‘thump’.

Joanna thrust the big, thick dildo in and out of her pussy in time with the dog, or as close as she could get, this dog really had some power in his hips to be able to pump that hard and fast! She rubbed her clit at the same time, and was more turned on then she could ever remember. Her whole body was jerking now, her breasts wobbled and her thighs jiggled as she felt herself trembling from another orgasm, the wetness coating the dildo as she carried on watching the girl be hammered by the dog and pumped herself with the thick object.

Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, she once more enjoyed the pleasure her body gave her, her skin now wet with sweat, her blonde curly hair matted to her head.

The dildo still firmly inside her pussy and the groans of pleasure filling the room from the video and her, Joanna opened her eyes and gasped as she saw the cameraman had moved closer and gotten a really good shot of the dog’s knot, a large red bulb pressed against the girls tight pussy lips.

“So hot… his cum is so hot!” the girl groaned out, obviously she was getting a good hosing down inside her pussy. The dog had stopped thrusting now and the camera picture just hung there on the knot as it delivered its load.

Joanna panted and slowly began to slide the dildo back and forth again, trying to imagine what it would be like to have her pussy stretched out by that large ball of flesh, if she had been in that position she would have taken it inside not let it just press against her like this girl.

The dildo slid faster back and forth, in and out. Glistening with the juice from the mature woman’s pussy as it came into the light given off the screen, her other free hand once more rubbing her clit and squeezing it between her fingers, her eyes never leaving the image of that knot as it jerked a little from time to time, obviously pumping more doggy cum into this girl.

It seemed to go on and on but all the time Joanna felt another orgasm nearing, she was tired and her arms burned from the constant movement, the constant thrusting of the dildo and rubbing of her clit but it was worth every bit. The video was ending now according to the timer and the girl’s moans had subsided as had the dogs knot a little. The camera stayed close however and caught the image perfectly as the dog pulled his cock out with a plop and a gush of almost clear liquid followed it out.

It was the dog’s cum. It was leaking out of the girl’s well-used and stretched pussy. A finger slid from between the girl’s legs and ran it’s away up the slit of her pussy, through the cum, scooping it up and rubbing it into her skin. Joanna felt herself cum once more.

Once the video had finished and she had come down from the heights of her pleasure Joanna went into the bathroom and ran a nice hot bath. It always relaxed her body to soak for a while after an orgasm or three and it helped her sleep at night. That was something she really wanted to do this night, in particular, tomorrow was a big day.

The plan was she would drive the 60 miles to meet with John. She had never actually met the man in person yet but she knew all she needed to for what was planned.

They had met on an internet forum, one that Joanna had only recently found but had signed up to right away. It was a forum dedicated to people who loved animals only there love went a bit farther than the usual kind one feels for their pets, indeed a lot farther. It was a forum for people who indulged in sexual activity with their animals.

Joanna had never actually had any kind of sexual contact with an animal before unless you counted some of her former men as animals and she had to admit there were a few who may fall into that category looking back. But no, actual dogs and horses and the like had never really registered as sexual objects until the last few years.

It was a chance find of a video online that had first turned her attention to the animal kingdom for possible sexual gratification. Feeling aroused but frustrated one night she had searched around and the link to a video had caught her attention when it turned out the ‘beast’ in the title was an actual animal rather than just a metaphor her interest had peaked. That was a few years ago now but the feelings of intense desire to actually feel what the girls on the screen did stay with her.

She did not know what had changed. Maybe she had, getting older had brought out new desires in her and maybe this was just one of them, a kinky new side she had long suppressed but now had found its way out. Whatever the reason, she was curious and extremely excited whenever she thought about sex with a dog.

Laid in the steaming, frothy water now she felt her body calm. She was still high on the last of her orgasms but it was a pleasant ache now she felt in her crotch radiating out. Gone was the need for sexual release but still there was the image of that big dog knot in her mind. She sighed and smiled.

Soon, hopefully, she would feel that too. The meeting had been arranged weeks ago. After signing up to the forum she had gotten a completely new handle on her feelings, the experiences of others that had been posted made her feel good. She was not the only one who felt like this.

The video section was her favorite area, mostly the homemade section that is where most of her viewing habits were found. Real women with real dogs having real sex. Such a turn on.

There were other sections too where people posted stories or generally chatted about the topic of bestiality, some even advertised themselves or their services. She had fought with herself for a long time about posting up that she was desiring to have her first actual sexual experience with a dog. Worried what kind of response she would get, after all this was the internet and not everyone is what they say. Finally, though she had taken the plunge and via posts and her profile let it be known she was more than just interested in being a member of the forum but actually wanted a real experience of her own. It had not taken long to get some responses. The first few PM’s had been cast aside, the tone of them not right; most likely, they were people looking to get pictures then never make good on delivery. However, one did seem genuine.

His forum username was ‘UK9John84’ and by the accounts of others who it seems had met him before he was genuine and a nice guy. Joanna had looked at the responses he had gotten on a ‘name and praise’ thread; there were at least three women who all agreed he was the real deal.

Over the course of several weeks of back and forth Private Messages, Joanna and John had gotten to know each other. He did not live too far away and was happy to help women with their desires. Or more to the point, his dog Rex was. Joanna felt comfortable with her messages to and from John, he was nice and happy to answer any and call questions, he also put no pressure on her for anything.

Finally, they had arranged to meet, she would drive up to his neck of the woods and they would have an initial meet up in a public place, see how they got on and if both were happy go back to see his dog and go from there.

That meeting was now less than 16 hours away and Joanna was feeling both nervous and excited all at once. She wasn’t a shrinking violate by any means but this was bold even for her, meeting a man she met on a forum and possibly letting his dog fill her with his hot sperm. Wow, that thought turned her on a lot.

Still, that was tomorrow and she needed to be ready, a good night’s sleep was what was required now. Getting out of the bath she toweled her body down, the feel of the warm material dancing over her skin made her shudder especially when it ticked her nipples and nicely shaved pubic mound. Wrapping herself in a bathrobe now she was dry she went to bed and tried her best to get as relaxed as possible through dreams of her pussy getting fucked by a large dog.

Continued on the next page (link below).


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