Forcefully Satisfied

By Snake.

I felt the car slow to a halt. My eyes were blindfolded, and my world was pitch black. I felt the driver get out of the car and heard him crunching gravel as he walked around to my side of the vehicle. I whimpered, terrified of what was going to happen to me. Suddenly the passengers’ door opened, and I felt a huge hand grab my upper arm and begin to pull me out of the vehicle. I stood where he placed me, too scared to move. The man closed the car door, and then I felt him standing behind me. He took both of my wrists and tied them behind my back. The man moved close to my ear and whispered that I would not be harmed if I did what he said.

The man pushed me forward. The gravel was crunching under both of our feet as we walked. He kept his hand in the small of my back, guiding me. Suddenly I felt the absence of gravel and felt weeds slapping against my calves. It had started as a beautiful summer day. I had on a pair of tight-fitting shorts and a halter top. My long black hair cascaded down my back, warming me more than I wanted. I had thought about putting it up in a ponytail earlier, and now it didn’t make much difference. I would most likely be dead soon, or so I thought.

In the distance, I could hear dogs barking furiously. I could tell that it was more than just two or three dogs, and I could tell by their barks that they were huge. The more that we walked, the louder the dogs became. The man never said a word. He kept his hand in a fist placed in the small of my back and propelled me forward. I began to smell the dogs as we approached even closer. They were becoming more and more frantic.

Suddenly the man put his two giant hands on my shoulders and stopped me. He told me not to move from where I was, and he whispered again that I would not be harmed if I cooperated in every way. I felt his hands leave my shoulders and heard him walking away from me. I heard a gate creaking open, and the dogs were going wild. My heart was racing, and my knees began to shake as I stood waiting, too terrified to move.

I heard the man come back to me and lead me inside the opened gate grass and weeds were still slapping at my calves as I walked inside what seemed like a fenced enclosure. The man walked me to the middle of the enclosure. The dogs were barking furiously, and the man yelled at them to shut up, and they quieted after a few more barks. I could tell that the dogs were pinned up somewhere because they were not coming close to me and investigating, and it was pretty apparent from their behavior that that is what they wanted to do precisely.

Suddenly, everything was quiet, and I could hear the dogs panting, but I couldn’t hear the man. Suddenly I felt him slip behind me and untie my hands. He told me not to take off the blindfold if I wanted to live, and then I felt him stand away from me.

The man whispered in a very stern voice, “Take off your clothes.”

I wanted to grab the blindfold from my face and run, but terror kept me glued to the spot.

This time the man yelled, “Take off your clothes now!”

I reached up and moved my hair to the side. I untied the halter top from the back of my neck, and I slowly pulled it up over my head. The man grabbed it from me, and I heard his breathing become more labored. The man moved his hands to my breasts, and he cupped them, kneading them. He bent over and took one of my nipples in his mouth, and he began to pull at it with his teeth. He then sucked my hard nipple into his warm mouth. A small moan escaped my lips as my body enjoyed what my mind was terrified of. I could hear the dogs panting behind me. A sudden outburst of barks would intermittently, followed by the man yelling at the dogs to shut up.

The man moved his hand to the breast that he was not sucking on. He took my hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and he slowly pinched and rolled my nipple, still sucking and pulling at the other side with his lips and teeth. Suddenly he stood away from me and told me to take off the rest of my clothes. I reached down for the elastic of my shorts, and I began pushing them down my hips along with my panties Both my panties and my shorts rolled down my thighs. As I pushed them down, I rolled them down to my ankles, and I felt them pull them away from me. I could sense that the man was staring at me.

He reached out, cupping my pussy mound with his huge hand. He massaged me for a short time. His breathing was beginning to sound like the pant of the dogs. The man moved his hand to my arm and guided me to some padded sawhorse. The man took one of my ankles and tied it to one leg of the sawhorse, then he spread my legs wide and tied the other ankle to the other side. He tied me securely but not tight enough to hurt me. I could tell that the man had taken every precaution to keep me from being harmed.

My ankles were tied securely to each back leg of the sawhorse. I heard the man stroll around to the front. The man took one of my wrists and bent me over the padded sawhorse while tying my wrist to the front leg. He then moved to the other side and tied my remaining appendage to the last leg of the sawhorse. I was completely vulnerable and open. The man walked behind me, and I felt him run his hands up and down my bare ass.

Then I heard him sucking on something. I figured that it was his finger and that he was getting it wet. I felt him move his wet finger to my pussy lips. The man groaned as he moved his finger to my clit, and began to rub. I closed my eyes tight, trying not to react to his touch, but I heard a moan escape from my lips, my own body betraying me. The man moved his middle finger down my slit and found my pussy opening. He slowly pushed his finger inside of me and began to fuck me.

I could feel my pussy getting wetter as he pushed his finger in and out of me. I felt him begin to work a second finger into my tight pussy, stretching me. The man was panting as he moved his fingers in and out of my warm cunt. I felt him move his thumb to my clit and rub as he slowly finger fucked me. I began to tremble, and another moan escaped from my lips as I felt my body reacting to the man’s indulgences. My pussy was sopping wet and very hot. Suddenly the man pulled his fingers out of my pussy and moved away. I heard the dogs begin to yip, and I heard a gate open.

After a short while, I heard the gate close, and I heard the man talking to a dog and telling him to behave. I could tell that the man was holding the dog back. I became terrified. I didn’t know what was happening, and I could only imagine as my sense of sight had been taken away. The man began speaking to me. He told me that he would let the dog go, but not to worry, the dog was not going to hurt me. I heard the man fooling around with the leash. Suddenly I felt a cold nose sniffing at the back of my thighs and then my pussy and asshole. The dog was in a frenzy as he began to lick from my swollen clit up against my slit and to the rim of my asshole. The dog’s tongue was huge and rough, and each time he licked, my pussy lips would open from the pressure. The dog stuck the nose of his muzzle between my ass cheeks to impale my pussy with his tongue.

I felt his tongue slithering deep into my pussy. He lapped at my pussy walls, making my cunt very wet and ready for him I felt the man move his hands down to my pussy and open my lips with his fingers. The dog found my clit and licked at it hard, the roughness and warmth of his tongue driving me crazy I felt my body begin to convulse, my pussy constricting as wave after wave of orgasm racked my body. I felt my thick cum being lapped up quickly by the dog, his tongue darting deep into my pussy, and licking the cum frantically from my cunt walls.

As I tried to catch my breath, the dog mounted me. I felt his soft underbelly on my back. He wrapped his front paws around my hips and stuck them through my thighs. The dog was humping me. I could feel his precum shooting against my thighs and ass. The dog moved his hindquarters closer to my ass and continued to hump the tip of his dick, hitting against my flesh, searching, probing. Suddenly I felt the tip of the dog’s hot cock entering my pussy entrance. The dog slammed his hindquarters into my ass, and his entire cock was jammed into my tight cunt. I gasped as the dog entered me.

He held me tight with his front legs, slamming his hindquarter into me harder and faster as his cock stretched my pussy wide open for him. The dog was shooting his pre-cum inside of me as he humped his huge dick all the way into my cunt. I moaned over and over my head, hanging down the tip of my hair ends brushing the ground and waving back and forth as the dog humped harder and faster I could feel the dog’s knot at my pussy entrance.

Felt the dog put his chin on my shoulder and pull back as he thrust his cock forward. The dog’s knot stretched my pussy opening as it had never been stretched, and there was no escape for me. With a final thrust, the dog’s knot slipped into my pussy. His knot was hot and pulsating. I felt his dick and knot begin to swell. The dog stopped humping now that he had his entire dick inside me. I could feel the dog shooting his hot cum deep inside of me. His knot and dick were so swollen he couldn’t withdraw from me.

I heard a zipper unzip, and I felt the man grab a handful of my hair. The man pulled my head up, and he began to rub the head of his dick against my lips. I opened my mouth compliantly, and the man pushed the head of his dick into my mouth as he held my head up with my hair. I could feel the dog still shooting his hot cum into my pussy as the man slowly began to fuck my mouth with his hard dick. I gagged as he pushed his dick down my throat, thrusting his hips forward and back.

The dog’s knot had swollen so much that it hit against my clit as it pulsated. The man continued to fuck my mouth with quick deep jabs. I heard him moaning and panting as he pushed his dick farther and farther down my throat. I felt my pussy betray me yet again as another orgasm was about to assail my body. My pussy began to constrict on the swollen dog’s cock and knot.

I heard the dog whimper as my pussy closed on him tight. My pussy squeezing his cock caused him to come harder, shooting his cum against my cervix as wave after wave of spasm constricted around his hard swollen dick. The man had taken my head between his hands, forcing his hard dick all the way down my throat. My eyes were watering, causing the blindfold to become wet as he ground his dick base between my lips, his shaft buried deep in my throat. I tried to swallow, causing my throat muscles to squeeze his cock. I heard him moan as his warm cum shot deep in my throat.

I repeatedly swallowed, trying to gulp the cum shooting in my throat. The man finally pulled his dick out of my throat, and I gasped for air. My head hung back down as the dog was still tied to me. After a short time, I felt the dog’s knot and dick begin to subside, and the dog pulled out of me. I felt his cum gush out of my pussy and run down my legs. The dog licked the cum from the back of my legs and my pussy.

The man was walking in back of me again, and I heard him snap the leash back in place. The other dogs were still panting and yipping at different intervals. I heard the gate open and then closed. The man came behind me, and I felt him gather the remaining dog cum from my pussy and thighs and run it up to my asshole. He was lubricating the rim of my ass with all the leftover cum, and I begged him to stop. The man laughed and said, “I have been waiting too long for this to stop.”

I heard him walk away from me, and the gate opened once again. I knew what was about to happen, and my heart was pounding in terror. I heard the gate close again, and I heard the unsnapping of a leash, just like before. I could feel the dog’s warm breath on me as he sniffed at my pussy and asshole. His tongue was so very wet as he began to lick me. I felt his drool running down my thighs as he pushed his huge tongue deep into my cunt.

I could tell that this dog was much bigger than the other dog, which frightened me even more. The dog ran his sopping tongue up to my asshole and pushed it inside me. I tried to pull away, and there was no escape. The dog didn’t take long to mount me. He was so heavy and powerful.

He wrapped his front paws around my hips, mimicking the other dog, and stuck his front paws through my thighs. His entire body covered me as he began to hump his hindquarters into my thighs and ass. I felt the man reach down for the dog and guide the tip of his cock to the tender rim of my anus. I screamed as the dog slammed his hindquarters into my ass and impaled my asshole with his huge dog cock.

The dog’s thrusts were so powerful that he slammed the entire sawhorse forward as he fucked my tight ass. I cried and moaned as I felt my asshole being raped by this huge dog. He was already shooting pre-cum deep into my anus and stretching my asshole as far as it had ever been stretched. The sawhorse was being slammed forward with every thrust.

I heard the man walk around to the front, and I felt him breathing as he bent down and held the sawhorse in place, giving the dog even more leverage. The dog’s knot was slamming at the rim of my anus as he humped me harder and faster. My ass was being lifted with every thrust. Finally, I felt the rim of my asshole give, and the dog’s knot slammed deep into my anus. He began to swell instantly, and his cum was hot as it shot up my ass.

I repeatedly moaned with pain as the dog’s cock and knot grew bigger inside my tight anus. The dog stopped humping mercifully, but his cock and knot kept swelling. The man came around in my back again, and I could feel him reach under the dog and me.

The man found my clit and began to rub it. I screamed for him to stop, and he laughed, rubbing my clit even harder and faster. The dog continued to bathe me with his cum deep in my anus. My body was trembling from the pain and ecstasy of having my clit rubbed. I knew that my anus would constrict on the dog if I came, and I was terrified that I would be in even more pain.

But my body betrayed me, and I felt my body begin to orgasm yet again. Spasm after spasm, my pussy squirted cum. My asshole closed tightly on the dog’s cock and knot as I tensed from my orgasm. The dog was whimpering and yipping as he felt my asshole squeezing his swollen knot and dick. He shot load after load of hot cum deep into my anus.

I collapsed against the middle bar of the sawhorse and tried to catch my breath. The dog stayed tied to me for what seemed an eternity. Finally, his dick and knot began to shrink, and I felt his dick plop out of my asshole. Gushes of his cum rolled out of my anus and down my legs. The dog had moved off of me, and I could breathe easier with the lifted weight off my back. The dog began to lick his mess up, and I fainted from exhaustion.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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