
By E.J.

Victoria pulled under the awning and shut off the car, leaning back and letting out a long, tired sigh. Everything hurt from her feet up to her throbbing head. She looked through the windshield at the window of her townhouse, and suddenly all her pains seemed to disappear.

At the window looking out was the cutest, most adorable Great Dane. His big brown round eyes were bright, and his happy tail swished through the air in anticipation of her arriving home from work and coming through the door. He started panting and ran his thick, long tongue across the glass, leaving a long spit trail.

“My sweet boy,” she whispered and fished out her house key. She made the short steps to the door and unlocked it, laughing when she heard the heavy breaths and sniffing at the bottom of the door as he eagerly awaited her entry. She cracked the door, and suddenly it was pulled from her hands as Buck wedged his massive head through the door. He immediately started licking any part of her that was accessible and did so until she had gotten inside and shut the door.

“Down, boy!” she squealed as he reared up, throwing his front paws over her shoulder and enthusiastically licking her face.

She laughed, trying to push him off, but he was determined to get his affection felt and shoved his tongue between her lips, scouring the inside of her mouth. She sputtered and managed to push him off.

“Dammit, Buck, get down!” she yelped as she wiped her hand across her lips. “Hold on and let me get settled,” she said, keeping her hand on his head to stop him from jumping up and giving her an unwanted tongue.

He followed her, his tail thumping the walls and furniture as they made her way upstairs. She kicked off her shoes and socks in the bedroom, followed by unzipping and slipping her slacks off. Buck left her alone to sniff her shoes and socks, making his way to her tossed slacks. She took the opportunity to unbutton her blouse and left it on the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed, still in panties and bra, watching Buck inspect her clothing for stray K-9 smells.

“I didn’t cheat on you with another dog, buddy. I had to work so I can buy you the fifty-pound bags of dog food you eat weekly,” she said and laid back on the bed. She sighed deeply, letting the soft comfort of the mattress ease the throbbing in her head. She felt Buck brush against her hanging legs and then felt the wetness of his tongue as he licked her toes. Closing her eyes, she let him take his foot fetish as far as he wanted and enjoyed his massaging licks.

“Oh boy, that feels good. Thank you, buddy, for trying to make Mommy feel better,” she muttered, enjoying his tongue as it ran between her toes, across the top of her feet, moving up to her ankles, and even farther up her calf.

She began to moan as his wet massage continued up her legs and finally past her knees. The licking stopped, and she raised her head, frustrated.

“Come on now. You can’t stop there. I already know what you can do with that big, wet tongue,” she said as he stood between her knees, staring at her with his big brown eyes.

She grabbed the waistband of her panties, shoved them down her legs, and kicked them off, followed by her bra being tossed. Buck moved in, and his hot pants warmed her exposed cunt as she waited expectantly for him to continue his wet massage. She whined, and her body shuddered as the first, long wet lick ran across her soft lips, parting them. Vicky spread her legs farther, allowing him to push his muzzle closer and savor her cunt.

“Oh, my big, gentle puppy. You’re always so sweet and soft,” she moaned as he lapped at her moist folds.

Buck shoved his wet, long tongue deeper into her snatch, tasting her wetness and feeling her cunt spasm around his tongue as he probed. She moved her hands to his big head and pushed his muzzle back, looking at him seductively.

“Mommy wants you to fuck me, stud. I want all of that big dick deep inside me,” she groaned and guided him up until his long legs, and big paws rested on either side of her chest.

She glanced around her legs to see if he was ready and shivered. Buck was ready and proudly displayed his massive, veiny purple cock, already dripping.

“Oh fuck, give it to me, boy, give it to me now,” she panted, scooting down so that her cunt lined up with his thick cock.

Moving her lean legs up and crossing his hindquarters, she pulled him in until she felt the burning tip of his leaking cock split her lips and slip gently inside.

Buck felt the same thing, and once his tip entered her cunt he thrust hard, shoving all ten inches deep inside her womb until his knot bumped against her wet lips. She cried out in pain and passion as her cunt stretched around his tool and prepared for the jackhammer. She wasn’t disappointed, and Buck quickly began slamming his cock in and out of her cunt machine gun fast. He panted like a racehorse, and his drool dripped onto her face as he bred his bitch. His eyes glazed over, and at that moment, he had only one purpose: to impregnate her and fill her tummy with future puppies.

Vicky reached up, pulling his head down, licking the drool from his chops, and shoving her tongue between his open muzzle, tasting him. His hot breath blew across her face as she kissed him passionately. She took his wet tongue into her mouth and let out a muffled cry as she sucked on his tongue and came. Her climax slicked his pounding dick even more, finally letting his fist-sized knot push inside her. Her battered lips closed around his knot, and Buck slowed his thrusting, eventually coming to a complete halt.

“Oh baby, give it to me. Fill Mommy’s womb with your hot seed. Oh, I want it so bad,” she moaned.

Her nerves fluttered in anticipation of his release, and finally, as the first, strong shot exploded inside her, she climaxed again. She humped his knot as her cunt flexed and pulsed around his spurting cock. The waves of ecstasy washed throughout her body until she relaxed, panting, and drained.

Buck stood over her, the glazed eyes gone, and now the playful puppy eyes were back staring at her intently. She reached up, rubbing his head and scratching behind his ears. He dropped his head, licked her face, and she kissed his wet nose.

“So, how was that?” she asked, grinning widely. “It was good for me if you just want to know.” He cocked his head curiously and licked her forehead. She relaxed, enjoying the warm bliss pumping into her from between her legs.

Her eyes snapped open, realizing she must have fallen asleep. She was pulled down the bed by her pussy as Buck backed up. She yelped and tried to grab him, but he pulled her off the bed, where she hit the floor with a solid thump. He stood there as she lay on her back, her hips curving up underneath his crotch and her legs crossed over his back. She had no idea how long he had knotted her, but the throbbing soreness in her pussy made her think it may have been a while. He turned his head, looking down at her lying underneath him.

“Hey, it’s up to you, buddy. You’re the one with the big knot shoved in my puss.”

He let out a long sigh as if saying ‘whatever bitch’ and turned back to wait.

A short time later, Vicky could feel the inflated knot start to lessen and slip from her sore cunt. A minute later, her hips hit the floor as Buck popped free. He hopped onto the bed, and she could hear the loud licking as he cleaned his cock. She shoved her hand down, covered her pussy, and managed to stand and shuffle to the bathroom. She moved her hand and relaxed, listening to the stream of spent puppy cum pouring from her filled womb as it drained into the water below.

She leaned over and peered into the bedroom. Buck was lying sprawled on her bed, snoring loudly. Typical male, she thought sarcastically; bust a nut, time for sleep. Vicky wiped herself and flushed, stepping into the shower and letting the hot water relax her even more. Hell, maybe she was the one that fucked and then was ready for bed.

She wrapped a towel around her nude frame and went to bed. She dropped the towel and slid underneath the covers. Buck grunted and kicked but maintained a constant snore. She shook her head and closed her eyes, hoping for sleep.

Vicky cracked her eyes and noticed the early morning sun lit the room. She felt Buck’s leg twitch and looked over at him. He had his big tongue flopped out of his muzzle and was still snoring, although not as loudly as the night before. Buck gave a leg kick, jarring her fully awake. She looked at her beautiful sleeping giant, thinking about the reaming he had given her the night before. She reached between her legs, feeling her sore, battered cunt, figuring it would be a few days before Buck would get this pussy again. Her eyes moved down his heaving sides until they reached his huge, protruding cock jutting from between his legs.

“What the hell?” she whispered, looking at his hard tool.

Precum was dripping and wetting the sheet underneath. Buck kicked again, and she watched his dick swell and drip more precum. She smiled wickedly when she realized he probably was dreaming about fucking some wet and warm hole. She didn’t know if he was fucking her or some furry bitch in his dream, but his cock needed immediate attention.

She quietly slid from underneath the covers and moved her head down to his hindquarters. Vicky flicked her tongue, tasting the saltiness of his precum. Wanting more, she moved closer and closed her lips around the dripping tip, sucking it gently. She shoved a hand between her legs and played with her clit as she teased her stud’s cock with her lips. The more she playful sucked the tip, the more watery and salty reward she got. She stopped, looking up at his face. His eyes were still firmly shut, and his snoring still rumbled from his snout.

Feeling frisky and wanting to see how far she could take it while he slept, she slipped her free hand between his legs and behind the furry, swollen sheath. She softly rubbed it until his knot popped out, slipped her fingers behind his burning, swollen knot, and gently tugged it.

Buck kicked and let out a grumbling snore, and she froze, not wanting the experiment to end. His cock throbbed in her mouth while she waited until hearing the rhythmic snoring again. Sliding her lips farther down his burning shaft, she lightly kneaded his bulbous knot waiting for his load. Buck gave another involuntary kick and suddenly started receiving her prize.

A copious amount of hot, watery cum spurted into her mouth, making her swallow rapidly to keep it from dripping. Her fingers moved faster over her clit until she stifled a moan and shivered as the orgasm rippled across her body. Buck continued to pump her tummy full of his sperm between clamped lips as she shook from the orgasm. All the while, he kept snoring while she drained his large nuts dry.

Ten minutes later, he was drained, and she removed her lips when his cock started receding into its furry home. She moved back and laid against the pillow, having a warm belly and the satisfaction of knowing she’d sucked him off and drained him dry without him even knowing. She closed her eyes again, enjoying the sound of his heavy breathing as she drifted off to sleep.

Vicky awoke suddenly from Buck smashing his body against her back. She was lying on her side, facing away from him; apparently, he had woken up horny. She felt his burning, hard cock slip and slide across her bare butt, trying to find a hole. He hooked his leg over hers, pulling himself tighter against her naked body.

“No, boy! Stop!” she shouted, trying to scoot forward and away from him.

Maybe giving him a sleeping blow job wasn’t such a great idea, she reminisced, feeling his thrusting cock slip between her ass cheeks and poking her puckered asshole. That was all he needed, and he hurriedly tightened his grip, pushing his cock fully inside her clenched sphincter.

“OH FUCK!” she shouted, trying to buck him off and finding out maybe she wasn’t as big and strong as she thought.

He shifted, pushing himself on top and rolling her on her stomach. His heavyweight and thrusting waist kept her immobile under him while he bred her asshole. She whined loudly, feeling his thick, long cock rapidly probe her burning and throbbing asshole. His drool dripped into her hair as he grunted, breeding his bitches tight little hole.

He had never felt this hole, and he liked it a lot. His big cock reamed her little hole until it stretched and gaped around his thrusting cock. The burning pain in her rear was too much for Vicky, and she sobbed quietly, just wanting it to be over. She lay limp underneath him as he took her anal virginity, grunting and drooling like a wild animal.

She stopped sobbing and suddenly reanimated, trying to get him off her, when she felt his knot press urgently against her ripped anus.

“Get off!” she yelled, hoping he hadn’t gaped her ass wide enough to fit his knot. He stopped, and she briefly started to gain hope. Then he dropped his head and felt his hot breath against her ear. A low, grumbling growl emanated from her cute, playful puppy, turning him into a fearsome beast. She froze, and he resumed his thrusting. She buried her face into the covers and whimpered each time his swollen knot slammed against her asshole, desperately trying to plant it so he could cum.

She was crying freely now, having given up hope that he would stop before he knotted her. All it took was a final shove and loud grunt from above her, and her burning anus finally accepted his knot. He stopped thrusting, and she quit crying, knowing he would flood her anal cavity with his hot, plentiful cum in a few seconds.

Like clockwork, she felt his cock swell inside her a few seconds after stopping and releasing the torrent of his canine cum, filling her bowels.

Buck went limp, exhausted, and plopped heavily on top of her. She struggled to breathe as the heavy dog rested on her back. Between the lack of oxygen and the pain in her rear, she thought she might pass out and almost hoped she would until the rape was over. Gradually the darkness closed in around her, and thankfully she passed out.

Victoria awoke to wetness being dragged across her cheek. She opened her eyes slowly, trying to remember where she was and why her butt hurt.

Buck shoved his face in hers, licking her again. She pulled back and rolled onto her back. His tail wagged as he gave her another wet kiss. He lay next to her, watching her slowly remember what had just happened.

Everything came back to her at once, and she scrambled off the bed and ran to the toilet, flipping the seat up and vomiting. The pain and imagery of the rape and the betrayal from her best friend and companion were just too much, and she grew sick. After emptying her stomach, she turned and sat on the toilet. Her asshole throbbed and burned as her best friend’s unwanted cum dripped from her bowels. The one good thing was that he managed to pull out without her being awake, escaping the pain of removal.

She rested her head in her hands, quietly sobbing, and after a while, she wiped her face and peered into the bedroom. Buck was lying in the corner of the bedroom, curled in the fetal position. He was staring at her sadly. His big brown eyes were moist and wet, almost like he was crying with her.

Her heart broke to see him so sad. She realized, without a doubt, that he didn’t mean to do what he did and had just gotten caught up in the moment. No matter how many human traits she gave him, he was still just an instinctual animal at heart. If it feels good, do it, and he didn’t understand that he was hurting her.

She remembered all the times when she came home tired and stressed and how he would comfort her either by licking or just laying his big head on her lap. She loved him dearly, and she knew he loved her too.

She sighed, got up, entered the bedroom, and lay on the bed. Buck didn’t move but stayed on the floor, waiting to see if she forgave him. His tail started thumping on the floor when he saw her look over at him. She gave in and patted the bed for him to join her, and he did, snuggling against her and laying his big, beautiful head on her shoulder. She gently caressed his back as they closed their eyes and slept peacefully, surrounded by warmth.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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