Fox and Hounds: Part 14

Ken L. Master (

Part 14: Investing In a Partnership

Shivering with anticipation, the suntanned blonde got to her feet, gently slipped the vibrators out of her dripping snatch and throbbing ass and tossed them on the bed. Ignoring the Harlequin whining urgently at her feet, Linda went to the armoire and pulled out her fanciest garter belt, black silk and lace, with lace-edged velvet ribbon-straps.

The horny runaway quickly pulled on the sheer black stockings with a spray of tiny black rhinestones up the ankles. The teenager’s fingers were trembling with desire so urgent she could hardly handle the snaps as she fastened the stockings to the garter straps. She took a quick glance outside and broke into a wide smile when she saw Sally and Denise lying naked beside the pool, sound asleep in the warm afternoon sun.

Slipping on her prettiest black satin heels, Linda stopped just long enough to kneel down and lick the waiting Great Dane back to full erection and then headed downstairs with the big dog trotting at her heels. The girl slowed to a quiet walk as she came out the French doors and walked across the patio on tiptoe when she saw that the brunette and the blonde were still dozing in the sun on air mattresses.

Denise was snoring softly, laying face down with her arms at her sides; Linda chuckled softly to herself as she looked down at Sally, sprawled on her back with her legs spread and one arm draped across her eyes. Eyes sparkling in anticipation, the voluptuous runaway silently spread out a towel at the blonde’s feet and crouched carefully between the woman’s ankles, ordering Prince with a whisper to lie down beside her. The excited girl’s nipples are already stiff as she reached out and gently laid her hand on the inside of Sally’s sleek thigh.

With one sinuous writhing, the desperately horny blonde rolled sideways on her hip and raised one leg, before the panting Dane or the sleeping redhead could move. Linda shifted and carefully edged forward onto Sally’s air mattress, lying on one hip between the woman’s legs, her own crotch spread to the big dog’s velvet tongue and now able to reach Sally’s belly and crotch with both hands. As soon as he realized Linda was keeping her legs open for him, the Harlequin scrambled close beside her, thrust his muzzle between her spread thighs and began lapping slowly at her exposed pussy. The eager teenager’s breath hissed between her teeth as the devoted animal’s tongue crawled over her clitoris; she leaned slowly forward over Sally’s hips as the dog continued tonguing expertly at her slit.

“Now that’s good, Princie, that’s a good good boy, don’t stop licking Linda. All right, pretty girl, we’ll see how you like having some action that sneaks up on you real slow,” the eager runaway whispered to the sleeping blonde, “let’s see if Linda can make you a little crazy before you wake up, lover.”

She began gently caressing the redhead’s stomach and thighs, hands sliding slowly over the woman’s ribs and down onto her taut belly, inching closer and closer to the red pink clitoris. Sally whimpered eagerly in her sleep and twitched her ass as the teenager’s teasing hands stroked nearer to her clit; the more enthusiastically the slavering Harlequin licked at Linda’s humming clitoris, the closer she moved to the sighing redhead’s snatch. Panting hard as the amazing tongue lathered at her snatch, the lust-crazed teenager finally reached out and teasingly rubbed her index finger over the woman’s hot pink clit. Sally gave a moaning whimper as she felt the girl’s first delicate touch on her dripping brick furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited blonde pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her own drool soaked bush, then reached down and deliberately stroked slippery fingers over the dozing redhead’s hot clit.

Sally shivered in her sleep and her long legs instantly spread wide as she felt Linda’s exploring fingers on her snatch, and the teenager sighed with satisfaction as she stroked carefully up and down the moaning woman’s open pussy. Head propped on her right arm, the eager teenager watched the sighing redhead’s sides twitch as the blonde carefully experimented, jacking the woman off gently, trying not to wake Sally up until she was actually coming.

Linda was sexually enthralled with the feel of Sally’s hot smooth clit in her fingers and tried several different strokes on the woman while Prince quivered and whined at her cunt; the Dane’s excited licking and slavering at Linda’s pussy left no doubt he was delighted at having two women writhing in sexual heat around him. Saliva flooded the blonde’s tongue as her fingers slid gently inside the redhead’s cunt and she licked her lips again and again while the ecstatic Great Dane’s whining wavered in her ears. The freckled redhead sighed contentedly as Linda positioned her fingers methodically and stroked harder at her slippery snatch; Linda giggled when the damp rust-red hair around Sally’s clit tickled her little finger at every stroke.

“Oh my god yes, all right, I’m gonna take it all, pretty girl,” the teenager whispered hoarsely, straining to spread her long legs wide for the eager Dane, “You won’t do anything to stop me and I don’t ever want to stop any more, we’ll go ahead and do whatever you want, I want to do it all to you, I promised you I’d be a good girl.” Her nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the incessant licking. Sally’s juices soaked the redhead’s bush and the eager runaway used the wetness to masturbate her even faster,with gentle rabbit quick flicks of her circling slippery fingers on the woman’s exposed clit; the unconscious redhead was writhing in ecstasy, panting in abrupt deep gasps, moaning in prolonged rumbling groans of lesbian pleasure.

“Ooohhhh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Princie, go on baby, do it for me loverpup, and don’t stop licking your good girl. Ahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Linda hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch while she played delicately with her nipples, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, lover girl, I’m gonna cream all over….”

“Aaahhhh, please, Princie, again, please don’t stop doing that,” the gasping blonde begged again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff-nippled tits, “I can’t stand for you to do that any more but I can’t stop doing this to Sally right now, please please don’t stop doing it to me, it’s too much, oohhhh, no, aaahh ”

Linda choked off as another thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she pulled her hands out the redhead’s crotch and mindlessly rubbed her rigid nipples, tanned body heaving under the Prince’s relentless licking. While Linda clutched at her own sticky tits, Sally gave an arching wiggle in her sleep, her wet pussy instinctively seeking more attention, shifting until her slowly thrusting bush was actually brushing the girl’s blonde bangs. The hypnotized runaway opened her eyes to find Sally’s hips pumping with legs spread wide, the woman’s pink clitoris only inches away from the aroused blonde’s quivering lips.

While obedient Prince lapped madly at Linda’s dripping pussy, the twitching redhead made another quick arching thrust, moaning urgently as she felt the teenager’s gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Half insane from the Harlequin’s insistent tonguing, Linda reached up and ran her hands down the woman’s sleek thighs while depraved urges flooded her brain. Caressing the moaning redhead’s crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman’s quivering clit; Sally moaned softly and twitched on the soft mattress, sleek thighs spreading wider as she shifted her hips.

Linda lay quietly on her side with mouth inches away from the redhead’s snatch, whispering softly and panting furnace hot breath over the sleeping woman’s clit. When the sighing redhead remained invitingly motionless, the eager blonde leaned slightly forward and gently licked at the delicate skin of her inner thigh next to her bronze bush.

Sally’s breath caught in her throat as the ardent runaway’s hot tongue slipped over the thin skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch, but the velvet touch of the careful blonde’s tongue was gentle enough not to disturb her. The sweating redhead sighed again and slowly rolled her head as Linda kissed lingeringly on the woman’s curly rust-red pubic hair. The excited teenager panted and slipped her tongue around the dozing redhead’s snatch and Linda’s cheeks quickly flushed glowing pink as Sally slowly spread her crotch wider.

The entranced blonde closed her eyes and gradually dropped her head until her tongue was only a half-inch away from the woman’s genitals; she kept salivating over the throbbing clit, panting hot breath over the dripping slit. She leaned over the woman’s glowing clitoris, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed slit while she played with her exquisitely sensitive nipples. Linda panted in furnace hot bursts over the writhing lesbian’s pussy, dripping a thin line of slaver as she fondled the woman’s glowing pink clitoris.

Spreading her sweating thighs wide around Prince’s tongue in her pulsing ass, the sex-maddened runaway began rocking slowly back and forth, rhythmically squeezing her buzzing clit, drooling up and down the redhead’s vagina, panting on her clit, jacking the woman off feverishly until she was keening continuously in ecstasy.

Fascinated, the hypnotized blonde worked the gasping redhead slowly toward orgasm, feeling the minute changes in the hot knot of the woman’s clit and skillfully fingering her slit in response, keeping her from creaming too early. Sally’s cunt was hot-pink and throbbing, shivers rippling over her bobbing, stiff nippled tits; sweat rolled down Linda’s forehead, falling onto the redhead’s clit while her own curly bronze pussy dripped down to mingle with Prince’s drool in a spreading wet spot on the towel between her knees.

The redhead was breathing fast and her nipples stood stiffly erect, swelling as she got hotter; the woman’s freckled stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. Linda breathed in the musky aroma of Sally’s hot pussy mingled with the rich fragrance of the redhead’s perfume and Prince’s clean fur; glistening drool dripped over the gasping redhead’s twat and the back of Linda’s lightly-clasped fingers, trailing back onto Sally’s brick-curled bush and rolling down over her sleek freckled thighs. When Sally’s quivering pussy began dripping onto the mattress, Linda began licking harder and faster at the delicious crotch spread open in front of her.

Mesmerized by her own approaching orgasm and shivering with illicit fantasies, the frenzied teenager slowly and deliberately ran her tongue over the warm button of the red-haired beauty’s dripping clit. Sally gave a low moaning gasp of pleasure and writhed luxuriously on the mattress as she felt the pretty blonde’s tongue wash over her snatch; Linda gasped as the redhead’s slick warm clit pulsed against her lips while the eager Harlequin’s tongue flickered over her cunt.

Fascinated by the silk smooth warmth of Sally’s dripping clit, she gently kissed up and down the busty redhead’s red pink snatch, spreading the woman’s rust-furred lips to expose Sally’s pulsing clitoris. Sally was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the girl’s tongue lathered over her bush onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down onto her dripping clitoris. The long legged redhead moaned and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; her tits prickled up with goosebumps when Linda reached up and spread her cunt lips wide open.

The sighing redhead gasped as the blonde’s head lowered again and her slavering tongue stroked over Sally’s totally exposed pussy. Within seconds, Linda’s the eager lapping parted the shaking woman’s soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the gasping runaway’s slippery probing tongue.

Sally’s belly shivered as Linda put tantalizing brief licks and kisses on her clit, fondling her brickred pubes with one hand and rolling her slippery tongue exquisitely slowly over the woman’s clit. The gasping redhead’s satin slick snatch in her mouth was a hypnotic sensation for the pretty blonde; she settled on her side with a satisfied sigh and gently sucked Sally’s hot clit into her trembling lips. With eyes closed and both hands holding the woman’s rust-curled twat, Linda drifted into a sensual trance, tongue curling around the hot joy-button while she sucked gently at the slippery snatch.

Prince laid his head on the panting teenager’s thigh and kept lazily lapping at her spread pussy as Linda nursed the redhead’s pulsing clit. The Dane shifted to occasional brief licks at her sensitive clit as Linda fell into a daydream of gentle licking, moaning softly with her eager tongue washing the busty redhead’s snatch. Linda giggled around the throbbing pink button when the writhing woman’s wiry pubic hair ticked her nose; Sally whined in her sleep when the panting blonde started rolling her head slowly back and forth, flicking her tongue tip around the woman’s throbbing clit.

While the moaning teenager fell deeper and deeper into trance with the sensations of the lesbian blowjob, the Dane kept leisurely licking her spread twat; Prince’s hot tongue washing over her steaming pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of the redhead’s clit.

Hypnotized by the hot clit between her lips and the animal lapping between her legs, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the woman’s slick pink vagina under her tongue and the melting hot pussy she fondled. Lost in a writhing sexual trance, the excited blonde kissed and licked delightedly on Sally’s throbbing snatch while the red-haired beauty quivered and groaned with ecstasy.

The long legged redhead made a soft whimper and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms stood up and her tits were covered with goosebumps when Linda shifted her weight and her knee knocked against Sally’s bare foot. Sally’s eyes snapped open, focusing on the panting runaway lapping enthusiastically at her saturated and thoroughly inflamed snatch.

“Jesus, when in the hell did we get started on this, angel,” Sally gasped, reaching to stroke the blonde’s shoulders, “I thought you were inside–I mean, I thought you wanted to be left alone–give me a second to wake up for this angel, I don’t want to miss anything about fucking around with both of you, please hold on for a second baby, please!”

Linda stared wickedly up at the woman, took a deep breath and said slowly, “It’s time for me to get some real dick now, sweetheart; this pretty boy has been waiting for hours now and I want to give him some while I lick that pretty pussy of yours. Back up, Princie; Linda’s gonna do all fours, good boy.”

Linda smiled and slowly rolled to her hands and knees and waited eagerly as the panting Prince padded up behind her; her breath caught in her throat as she felt the Harlequin’s sudden hot panting at her ass. Totally focused on the redhead’s pussy, Linda never even noticed when Denise awoke and rolled over on her side, watching with a delighted smile as the blonde knelt over Sally’s spread slit. The eager runaway gasped in excitement as the big dog moved in from behind and sat between her spread ankles, and then casually thrust his muzzle between the cheeks of her ass. The kneeling blonde nearly fainted at the intensity of the warm liquid tonguing at her ass.

Sally rose up on her elbows and stared in fascination while the Harlequin lapped delicately between the cheeks of the moaning runaway’s ass, dripping saliva down the insides of her thighs. The watching brunette sat up and gave the redhead a thumbs-up and a wink as the girl bent slowly down between Sally’s spread thighs.

“You be still for your good girl, you know what’s coming,” Linda whispered, leaning down over the redhead’s twat and giving the woman a quick wink, “You were right, Princie really is an ass man, lover, so why don’t you just take it easy and watch this one happen. Easy, big girl.”

Sally straightened up further to stare again at her and was gawking at the kneeling blonde in fascination when Linda turned and looked over her shoulder at the big dog and quietly ordered “All right, Prince, now it’s time to mount up, you get to mount Linda right now, good dog.”

Linda moaned in ecstasy as Prince reared up, climbed over her back from behind and mounted her like Lassie; the big dog’s front legs slid down on either side of her shoulders, holding the already wriggling girl solidly in place underneath him, crouched over the waiting redhead’s spread pussy. The astonished redhead’s eyes brightened as she realized that the runaway’s ultimate commitment to animal fucking was finally happening.

The ecstatic blonde stopped whispering to the woman beneath her and writhed up urgently as the Dane’s hot smooth belly settled on her back; she arched up enthusiastically under the Harlequin’s heavy haunches, twisting underneath the excited beast. Her eyes widened in delight as the slender tip of his smooth cockhead zeroed in at her dilated and dripping ass.

Her well-lubricated hole squirmed closed on the first inch of the Dane’s cock, and Prince gave an approving whuff over her shoulder. His hot belly arched off her back as he made the first powerful hump against her slippery ass; Linda whined frantically against the redhead’s clit as the narrow end of the dog’s dick slipped easily into her drool-slick hole. Feeling the ring muscle iris open under his thrust, the big dog instantly shifted his back feet forward, arching his back in classic dog-fuck posture over the frenzied teenager.

“Aaahhhh, yes yes yes please, Prince, oh Sally you were right, I needed it there first, please do it like that, good boy,” Linda whispered harshly between the redhead’s legs, muscle spasms jerking her belly and shaking her taut tits, “I can’t stand to be without it, you mustn’t please you mustn’t let me do without it Sally, please please Princie, do it just like that for me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Linda tried to keep her hot ass relaxed as the Dane slowly humped her again to settle his hot cock in deeper; she bit her lip to keep from screaming as she felt the big animal’s thrusting dick easily sliding into her gratefully responding ass. The hot shaft widened behind the narrow tip, and the blonde’s sensitive asshole twitched and dilated as Prince’s strong thrusts spread her goosebumped cheeks. Denise crept silently around behind the panting runaway and stared in delight as the animal’s massive cock slipped deep into Linda’s wet ass.

Sally stared down at the teenager in delight as Linda stared straight into the redhead’s green eyes and commanded, “Now fuck Linda, big dog, she wants you to fuck her in the ass, good boy, fuck Linda real pretty for Sally.”

Linda cried in ecstasy over the reclining woman’s brick-red bush as well-trained Prince began dicking her asshole devotedly, stroking his hot cock into her so deep the sparse fuzz of his cock sheath rammed against her ring muscle on every thrust. Writhing in sensual trance under the massive Harlequin, the suntanned teenager burst into short panting groans as Prince began bucking energetically on top of her; Linda felt the big dog’s hairless nuts bumping and tickling down at the slit of her pussy.

The long-legged blonde grunted each time the Harlequin’s distended dick stroked deep into her, feeling like a warm velvet snake slithering easily up her ass. Her breath caught in her throat each time the prickly cock sheath rubbed exquisitely on her pulsing asshole. Already excited at the thought of Sally watching every stroke of the aroused animal cock up her ass, the dog’s rhythmic dicking quickly ignited the gasping blonde and her wide nipples throbbed as chest fur rasped over her arched back.

Linda’s grunting sobs changed to deep gasping sighs as her ass cheeks started throbbing around the big dog’s skillful dick. As the exquisite slick penetration stimulated the blonde’s squirming ass, the ring muscle pulsed wide open, taking the full length of Prince’s swollen shaft. With the hot slick cockhead completely engulfed, the teenager’s hole clamped down, and then surged into rhythmic spasms against Prince’s thrusts.

“Oh shit Sally, that’s incredible,” she gasped harshly, spreading her long legs wide for the eager Harlequin, “all right, big dog, don’t stop now, I don’t ever want you to stop anymore, go ahead and do everything you know how, do it to me, good boy.” Linda’s crinkled nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched as she got hotter and hotter under the unrelenting doggie dicking.

Linda hung her head and shivered as waves of pleasure rippled over her ass and flashed down her tight thighs and up her back. The suntanned teen felt the pulse racing in her steaming snatch and shivers raced over her heaving belly as she responded to the Dane’s prolonged screwing. Slowly, the pretty runaway settled forward, pillowing her face on the gasping redhead’s spread pussy with her ass thrust up and back for the Dane’s hammering dick.

The shivering blonde squirmed her ass back against the heavy dog as he humped forward, jamming his swelling dick into her; her arms and tits burst into goosebumps as Prince whined ecstatically, his dick submerged in her sleek spasming ass. Panting for breath, Linda began licking the redhead’s melting snatch in perfect synch with the obedient Great Dane’s eager dicking. The big dog continued rhythmically humping and growling over the crouched teenager’s steaming asshole, obeying her whispered commands and instructions.

The smiling brunette moved forward and stood beside the steadily humping Dane, petting his shoulders and stroking his back as he drilled the gasping runaway. The incessant pumping into her dilating hole drove the ecstatic blonde frantic with desire while the Harlequin’s massive weight kept her pinned on all fours over the moaning redhead’s dripping twat.

“Oooohh, Jesus that’s good, Sally that’s really good, Prince, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the animal’s hot organ swelling in her clamping ass, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, you can fuck me like a big dog forever…”

After forty minutes of Prince’s devoted dicking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even whisper instructions to the big dog anymore. The shattered blonde crouched over the redhead’s bush under the devotedly fucking Dane, weeping silently as she licked Sally’s throbbing clit with the dog stroking strongly between her trembling thighs, moaning on the woman’s dripping pussy as the hot cock speared into her grasping, squirming ass.

The enslaved teenager was panting too hard to scream as the Dane thrust continually into her again and again, his slippery cock stroking her totally open, twitching rectum. Every second, his satiny smooth cock knot split the shaking blonde’s soaked cheeks, leaving her delicate pink hole and throbbing ring muscle dripping and yearning for more of the slick probing hardon.

The big dog’s wavering growl took on a note of frenzy and the blonde’s steaming snatch pulsed into accelerating pre orgasmic throbbing; grunting with surges of increasing pleasure, she hovered over the writhing redhead, drooling and lapping the moaning lesbian’s clit in rhythm with Prince’s steady dicking. Linda held her index and middle finger alongside the redhead’s slick joy-button, varying the pressure on Sally’s clit while she used her tongue-tip to wring low shrieking groans of anguished pleasure from the writhing redhead.

The Great Dane’s skillful dicking held the groaning girl only inches away from coming herself; her thigh muscles were clenching spastically and the ring muscle of her ass was squirming, dilating and clamping in increasing rhythm.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, more, please please make your good girl come now,” Linda moaned pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you’ve just got to keep doing it to me, please please do it slow to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically on all fours as the Harlequin’s hot cock sheath rasped her open hole, spreading her cheeks wide and sliding into her hot rump like a velvet poker. The big dog seemed delighted now that her ass was totally open for him, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail slowly as he labored over the gasping blonde. Moaning and shaking, Linda crouched eagerly over the redhead’s steaming pussy and dropped her head onto the moaning woman’s thigh, crying hysterically as the eager dog humped maddeningly at her dilating hole.

The long-legged blonde was completely hypnotized, wrapped in programmed obsession with the animal dicking skillfully into her ass. With a flush of total confidence, the pretty runaway suddenly realized that she and the big dog could go on for hours, she knew she could last. If Sally would only relax and let her go on licking, the well-trained animal would keep on fucking Linda in the ass until she finally started screaming against the redhead’s spread slit. Responding to the quivering teenager’s urgent bucking, Prince shifted his haunches higher between her shaking thighs, his pink erection splitting her open asshole, fucking as deliberately and enthusiastically as he’d been trained to.

The overwrought teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, writhing and twisting under the inescapable cock, her buzzing crotch driving her wild. She reached back between her legs with one hand, fingering her swollen clitoris; she caught the big dog’s heavy nuts and rubbed the hot globes against her gaping pussy.

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved; it was like slow motion electricity starting in her ass and running straight up her spine. Her screaming need for the orgasm was so fervent it short circuited her brain, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of being fucked and fucking back as the Dane’s incredible dick slithered into her pulsating ass. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde was stupefied with desire while the big Dane continued panting and pumping at her melting hole.

The indolent doggie fucking seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering runaway exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the giant dog’s exquisite dicking. Obviously electrified by the feel of the panting blonde’s squirming ass, the huge Dane seemed determined to keep on dicking no matter how Linda reacted. The dog’s powerful haunch muscles easily shoved her taut buttocks farther apart, pushing her ass wide open for the animal’s stiff cock.

“Now, Prince, now good boy, please,” she moaned, “oh goddam, don’t stop, please big dog, let me have it, please do that more, do it forever, aaahhhh, I can’t stand it any more, please give it to me, break Linda’s back pretty boy, oh god, help….”

“Suck me off now, good girl, do it for me now” Sally whispered huskily, “you want to suck Sally’s pretty clit now, good girl, please lick me right now.”

Linda gave a harsh moan of pleasure, her head bobbed as she sighed in ecstasy, and the tip of her drooling tongue washed lovingly over the groaning lesbian’s red hot clit. Sally gave a single harsh scream as come spasms surged out from her clit; Linda instantly lunged down to the woman’s pulsing snatch, catching the first explosion of orgasmic juices on her probing tongue. She sucked the blonde’s throbbing pubic slit completely into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the slippery lips as warm juices splashed into her mouth.

Prince whined and fucked convulsively as Linda clamped her ass tight and bucked urgently against his dick, hair standing up along the length of his back while the girl lapped frenziedly at the screaming redhead’s open cunt. The Great Dane gave one thunderous bark, his haunches heaved convulsively and the massive come load surged down the length of his dick and into the moaning blonde’s ass. When the Harlequin jammed his swollen cock deep into Linda’s ass and locked up over the shuddering blonde’s back, Denise slipped quietly away from the pool and headed toward the kennels at a trot.

The pretty blonde shrieked hysterically on the writhing redhead’s snatch, swallowing her gushing juices while Sally thrashed and rolled beneath her. The teenager massaged the woman’s hot snatch with both hands, jacking Sally off with lips and tongue, curling her tongue on the lips of the brick bushed snatch to coax desperate groans from the panting woman. The feel of Prince’s hot semen gushing into her ass was a trigger for the teenager’s long delayed orgasm and the girl sobbed with delight as her pounding pussy exploded into convulsions of ecstasy under the Harlequin’s skillful cock.

Linda settled forward on the writhing redhead’s pussy, keeping her lips glued to the gushing snatch, sobbing each time the Great Dane spurted animal come deep into her clamping ass. Sally laid her hand on the back of Linda’s neck, holding the girl’s tongue tip twitching on the button of the redhead’s pulsing clit, sliding her hot slit against the blonde’s open mouth and running the ecstatically sobbing girl’s tongue over herclit. Linda laid her cheek on the redhead’s shivering inner thigh and pursed her lips against the woman’s throbbing clitoris.

Swallowing the mouthful of the redhead’s hot juices, the delirious blonde jammed her mouth against the redhead’s spasming clit and sucked avidly, fondling the woman’s throbbing pubes and feeling the woman’s spread snatch pump against her lips. Sally’s frenzied clitoris kept shooting lightning up her spine and the ardent runaway carefully controlled the redhead’s orgasm to prolong the woman’s creaming, nursing her clit in rhythm to her own mounting pleasure, moaning with delight and bucking back against spurt after hot spurt of sticky dog semen.

Their frantic come seemed to last forever, and Sally was shrieking in ecstasy when Linda finally took the last trickling squirt from the Great Dane’s dick. The big dog’s sides heaved with labored breathing and the frantic teenager was gasping for air and giggling hysterically as she raised her mouth off the screaming redhead’s gushing pussy.

The panting Dane clambered off the shuddering teenager’s back and a sudden flood of animal come gushed from her ass as the big dog’s swollen cock pulled out like a cork. Linda collapsed face down while still kneeling between Sally’s spread legs, moaning and breathing in deep sucking gasps with her ass thrust up and sticky dog come running slowly down the insides of her thighs.

Sally scooted slowly back away from the moaning teenager with a satisfied smile, leaving the half-conscious girl in a warm puddle of snatch juice that slowly soaked into the panting blonde’s hair. Linda was still struggling to raise up onto her elbows as Denise walked back across the pool apron with Rex trotting at her side. The brunette winked at Sally as the redhead stood up from the air mattress and caught the eager Shepherd’s collar.

Denise stepped around Linda and then slowly eased down in the redhead’s place, lying back and sliding toward the gasping teenager until her auburn bush was nearly brushing the girl’s come-soaked blonde bangs. The hypnotized runaway opened her eyes to find Deni lying before her with legs spread wide, the woman’s pink clitoris only inches away from the aroused blonde’s quivering lips.

“Stay there, good girl, stay,” Sally whispered, leading the German Shepherd closer to the kneeling teenager, “you did just fine, angel, but you need to give Deni and Rex a chance now. Just stay right there, sweetheart, and let your big boy get in position,” she added as the anxious Shepherd strained toward the waiting blonde. “All right, good boy, Linda’s all yours,” the redhead concluded, releasing the big dog’s collar, “now mount up good dog, mount up and fuck pretty Linda”

Instantly, the aroused Shepherd lunged forward and reared up, arched over the gasping teen from behind and mounted her like a bitch; the big dog’s front legs clamped down around her ribcage, clutching the hapless blonde tight against his haunches. The lust-crazed blonde squirmed under him and writhed eagerly backward as the animal’s hot furry belly settled on her back; she arched up enthusiastically under the Shepherd’s heavy haunches, twisting frantically underneath the excited beast.

Rex’s swelling erection slipped straight into the moaning blonde’s dripping slit, and the big dog gave an approving bark as he jammed the pulsing boner deep into the eager teenager. Linda uttered a harsh scream of ecstasy as the Shepherd’s animal erection split her wet pussy, and her crotch instantly shivered into pre-orgasmic throbbing around the dog’s hot cock. The overwhelmed teenager groaned and shivered uncontrollably as the huge Shepherd lowered his head over her shoulder and began stroking deep into her dripping snatch.

While Linda moaned and shivered under the Shepherd’s dedicated animal dicking, Denise made another slight forward wriggle, spreading her legs wide and arching her hips until her damp brown bush was actually brushing the girl’s blonde bangs. The ecstatic runaway opened her eyes to find Denise’s pink clitoris only inches away from her quivering lips.

While obedient Rex stroked madly at Linda’s dripping pussy, the brunette gave a quick scoot forward, moaning urgently as she felt the teenager’s gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Half insane from the Shepherd’s insistent dicking, Linda ran her hands up Denise’s inner thighs as insane urges flooded her brain. Caressing the busty brunette’s crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman’squivering clitoris; Denise moaned imploringly and began thrusting slowly at the blonde’s face, masturbating against the shivering blonde’s tongue as the big dog humped Linda’s spasming snatch.

“Okay, babydoll, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the woman’s slippery clit, “I asked for it all, and I guess this is the final lesson. I get to go down on you and sweet Rexie drives me crazy on your pussy, is that the story? All right, you beautiful bitch, you and Sally already got me well-trained and I’m too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over the hot pussy, wetting her lips as she fondled the moaning woman’s auburn snatch.

“So get ready to work on my report card, ladies,” she sighed softly, “cause pretty Linda wants to try and earn a gold star today. How about this, Sally? Lick, good girl, lick”

Mesmerized by the big dog’s continuous dicking and shivering with conditioned fantasies, the frenzied teenager deliberately ran her tongue over the bud of the auburn haired beauty’s quivering clit. Thrilled by the brunette’s pleading gasps of encouragement, Linda slowly kissed her way around Deni’s pink snatch, spreading the woman’s furred lips to lick her throbbing clitoris. Denise gave a moaning gasp of praise and Sally applauded as she watched the pretty blonde’s tongue wash over the brunette’s snatch; Linda sighed as the brunette’s hot clit twitched against her lips and the Shepherd’s throbbing erection hammered at her cunt.

“Oh, Denise, Sally, My God, this is real real good,” she sighed, drawing her head back and from the panting woman’s vagina, “you bitches and those sweet fucking puppies got Linda started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought I’d say it could be so goddam good, but you were so right, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this. Let’s go real slow, lovers, we’re gonna have a lot of fun this afternoon, you’ll see?”

Denise’s pale belly shivered as Linda put tantalizing licks and kisses on her crotch and thighs, fondling her dark pubes and rolling her slippery tongue slowly over the woman’s exquisite clit. The gasping brunette’s satin slick pussy under her mouth was a hypnotic sensation for the pretty blonde; she settled into position with a sigh and gently sucked Denise’s hot clit into her trembling lips. Fondling the woman’s curly twat with both hands, Linda drifted into a sensual trance, tongue curling around the hot joy-button while she kissed lovingly at the slippery snatch.

Rex laid his head on the panting teenager’s shoulder and kept diligently stroking at her pussy as Linda nursed the brunette’s pulsing clit. The Shepherd whined encouragingly in her ear and humped eager at her melting slit as Linda sank into a seductive dream of contented licking, moaning softly as her eager tongue washed the brunette’s warm snatch.

Linda giggled on the throbbing pink button when the writhing woman’s thick pubic thatch tickled her nose; Rex whined happily when the panting blonde began rolling her hips back and forth, grinding her dripping pussy on the shaft of his throbbing cock. The moaning teenager fell deeper and deeper into trance on the lesbian blowjob as the Shepherd kept dicking her spread twat; Linda’s hot tongue crawling over her dripping pussy kept Denise moaning deliriously under the gasping teen’s eager expert licking.

Hypnotized by the hot clit between her lips and the animal humping between her legs, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the Shepherd’s slick pink erection jamming her vagina and the melting hot pussy she fondled. Lost in a writhing sexual trance, the excited blonde kissed and licked delightedly on Deni’s melting snatch and groaned with ecstasy, muffling her moans by shoving her wet mouth against the brunette’s spread pussy.

The girl roused as Denise thrashed on the air mattress, sobbing ecstatically Rex erupted into rapid eager fucking at Linda’s dripping clit. Linda groaned with satisfaction when she felt the brunette’s furry cunt throbbing and her hot clit pulsing under her tongue.

Denise gave a single harsh scream as come spasms throbbed from her clit; Linda plunged her mouth on the woman’s exploding snatch, catching the first surge of orgasmic juices on her probing tongue. She sucked the brunette’s throbbing clitoris into her eager wet mouth, moaning on the slick button as warm juices flowed over her questing tongue. Rex whined and bucked as the moaning blonde bucked back against his dick, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at the blonde’s open cunt.

The pretty blonde giggled hysterically on the dark woman’s pulsating snatch, rolling her head back and forth while Denise arched and rolled beneath her kisses. The teenager massaged the woman’s clamping ass with both hands, jacking Deni off with her lips and tongue, curling her tongue on the lips of the dark bush to coax the last moans from the panting woman.

Twisting and writhing on all fours, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the big dog as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping animal cock. Every time she heaved forward under the animal humping at her snatch, Linda’s eyes locked on the brunette creaming in front of her, staring back into Linda’s face as she arched up for the big dog’s deliberate dicking. Linda’s grunting moans changed to deep gasping sighs as her ass cheeks started throbbing in rhythm with the big dog’s skillful dicking.

The exquisite slick penetration stimulated the blonde’s pulsating snatch and her lips split wide open, taking the full length of Rex’s swollen shaft. With the animal’s hot slick cock completely engulfed, the teenager’s spasming pussy clamped down, then surged into rhythmic spasms against Rex’s thrusts. Jamming her mouth on the brunette’s gushing snatch, the frenzied teenager screamed against the woman’s spread pussy, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The excited German Shepherd hammered hard at the creaming blonde, jamming his throbbing erection full length into her gaping snatch, growling with satisfaction, his drool-slippery tongue washing maddeningly over the shuddering runaway’s sweat-dripping back.

As the frenziedly creaming blonde shrieked and babbled against the brunette’s dripping cunt, Sally stepped forward over Denise’s head and stood facing Linda and Rex. The teenager stared up over the brunette’s quivering belly in amazement, and Sally looked down at her with a smile as the redhead slowly knelt down over Denise’s face. Spreading her knees outside the brunette’s shoulders, Sally leaned forward and lowered her hips as Denise raised her head and shoved her tongue into the redhead’s ass; Sally quickly stuffed a pillow under Denise’s head and then sat up on the brunette’s face, looking down straight into Linda’s eyes while Denise eagerly licked the redhead’s spread ass.

The sweat-drenched blonde could hear the writhing brunette’s muffled moaning and the wet lapping of her slavering tongue between Sally’s spread cheeks. The teenager gave a sudden giggle as she realized Denise was tonguing into the redhead’s ass in rhythm with her own licking at the brunette’s dripping slit. Linda stared up over Deni’s auburn bush as Sally reached down with one hand and began fingering her own clit in sync with the brunette’s lapping in her ass.

“Oh shit Sally, that’s beautiful,” Linda gasped harshly, thrusting her ass back against the eager Shepherd, “all right, big dog, go ahead and do it to me, good boy, let’s see if we can all come together.” Linda’s nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched and spasmed as she got closer to her second hard come under the unrelenting doggie dicking.

“Oooohh, Jesus that’s good, Sally that’s really good, Rex, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the animal’s hot organ swelling in her clamping snatch, “do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, you can fuck me like a big dog forever…”

Linda lowered her head and licked Denise’s clit, shivering as waves of pleasure rippled from her throbbing ass down her tight thighs and up her back. The suntanned teen felt the pulse racing in her steaming snatch and shivers raced over her heaving belly as she squirmed in ecstasy under the Shepherd’s prolonged screwing. Slowly, the pretty cheerleader settled forward, pillowing her face on the moaning brunette’s crotch with her ass thrust up and back for the Shepherd’s hammering dick.

The shivering blonde squirmed her ass back against the heavy dog as he humped forward, jamming his swollen dick deep into her dripping pussy; her arms and tits burst into goosebumps as Denise whined ecstatically, her tongue washing deep into the redhead’s dilated ass. Feverish from the unrelenting animal dicking, Linda was just building toward another incredible orgasm when Sally’s voice said, “Now slow down, good boy, slow down now, Rexie”.

The hot cock stroking strongly in and out of her steaming snatch made the impatient blonde frantic for more, and the teenager groaned in dismay as the Shepherd abruptly shifted to indolent slow motion humping, just when she was really eager for some more hard fucking from the big dog.

“Oh god, Rex, don’t stop now, Sally don’t tell him to do it slow, please get it on, step on it,” Linda begged while Rex humped tantalizingly at her wriggling rear, “I can’t stand it, Sally you’ve got to make the pretty dog do better for Linda, go, go go go…”

The Shepherd ignored her pleading and kept dicking infuriatingly slowly in her dripping slit as the gasping blonde squirmed and thrust her ass backward at his cock. Sally’s chuckle ended in a sighing moan as she continued masturbating with the writhing brunette’s tongue up her ass.

“Rex, you big bastard, please please get a move on for me, you’ve got to either fuck me hard or stop that,” she pleaded, belly shivering as she arched her back, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me insane, Sally please make him cut it out, please…” The smiling redhead totally ignored the shivering blonde’s desperate whispered moaning, watching with glittering eyes and stretching forward to pet the huge Shepherd approvingly as his warm slick shaft stroked lazily against Linda’s willing ass.

“God, god, please please fuck me now, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, he’s driving me nuts,” she wailed to Sally as the dog maintained his deliberate leisurely dicking, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Rex, you sonofabitch, please please please do it hard for Linda, aahhhhh, Jesus?? The desperate blonde broke off as the writhing brunette arched up and shoved her dripping pussy against the teenager’s open mouth.

The big dog continued rhythmically humping and growling over the trapped teenager’s steaming ass, ignoring her frenzied pleading and groaning. The inescapable lingering pumping into her spread pussy drove the helpless blonde frantic with desire while the Shepherd’s massive weight kept her pinned on all fours over the squirming brunette. After another ten minutes of Rex’s devoted slow-motion dicking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to beg the groaning redhead or the big dog anymore.

The shattered blonde crouched powerless under the diligently fucking brute, writhing silently with Rex stroking slowly between her trembling thighs, moaning onto the brunette’s clitoris as the hot slippery cock speared into her grasping, saturated pussy. The enslaved teenager was panting too hard to scream as the Shepherd jammed leisurely into her again and again, his slippery cock stroking her totally open, spasming vagina. Every second, his satiny smooth dick parted the shaking blonde’s dripping lips, leaving her delicate pink clit throbbing and yearning for more of the slick probing hardon.

“Aaahhhh, please, Rex, more, please please make your good girl come now,” Linda moaned pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me, please please don’t do it that slow to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically on all fours as the Shepherd’s hot cock knot jammed against her open hole, spreading her pussy wide and slapping into her hot ass like a velvet-covered hardball. The big dog seemed satisfied to keep fucking slowly now that her hot pussy was totally open, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail slowly as he labored over the gasping blonde. Moaning and shaking, Linda crouched obediently under the panting animal and dropped her mouth onto the brunette’s spread snatch, crying hysterically as the eager dog humped maddeningly at her melting pussy. The long-legged blonde was completely helpless, trapped into overwhelmed obedience with the determined animal dicking skillfully into her slit.

With a burst of total panic, the pretty runaway suddenly realized that the big dog would go on for hours, she knew he could last. If Sally just watched and let him go, the well-trained animal would keep on fucking her ass until she started screaming out loud over Denise’s pussy. As irelishing the quivering teen’s powerlessness, Rex shifted his haunches further between her shaking thighs, his pink erection splitting her cunt wide open, fucking as slowly and deliberately as he’d been trained.

The overwrought teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, writhing and twisting under the inescapable cock, her buzzing crotch driving her wild. Sally reached down between her legs with one hand, fingering her swollen clitoris; she stretched forward and rubbed the panting animal’s head and ears while he fucked deliberately into Linda’s gaping pussy. The dog’s powerful haunches easily shoved the shuddering blonde’s taut buttocks apart, pushing her aching slit wide open for the stiff cock.

“No, Rex, no, please,” she moaned, “oh goddam, stop, please big dog, let me go, please don’t do that anymore, aaaahhhhhh, I can’t do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help….”

There was no way to escape the obstinate animal dicking diligently at her ass; Linda crouched desperate and yearning under the determined beast, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks and dripping onto Denise’s bush, squirming backward against the giant Shepherd’s pumping hardon. The big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and kept up slow motion balling at the frantic girl’s dripping snatch, his distended shaft stroking between her delicate inner lips and sliding easily in just an agonizing half-inch from the ardent blonde’s throbbing clit.

Linda was moaning aloud into the brunette’s dripping slit and arching off the bench, loins pounding as her snatch dripped and screamed to come under the dog’s unrelenting dicking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her asshole clamping automatically to the exquisite tyranny of the Shepherd’s velvet cock.

Helpless, she let her head drop to the brunette’s satin-smooth thigh and clenched her fists around the edge of the air mattress, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping ass. Even as her thoughts clamored with desire and obsession, her hips slid mechanically back and forth under Rex’s languorous fucking, intensifying the delirious pleasure of each lingering stroke.

Linda felt her drool wet ass tighten with every thrust of the sensual dog cock between her shivering thighs; she moaned in submission when she realized she was actually spreading her legs wider for the Shepherd, tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Denise made a constant muffled groaning as she buried her tongue up Sally’s ass while the redhead stared into Linda’s eyes and continued masturbating. Gasping, the panicked blonde slid into a red haze of desire as spontaneous crotch reactions took over; she realized she was babbling to the dog as she got closer and closer to a volcanic ass-centered come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, please please please big dog,” she cried fervently, “I’ve got to have it now, please go ahead and do it to me, good boy.” Her full hard tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come at last on the interminable dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, oh Sally please,” she screamed onto Denise’s melting pussy, feeling the redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, lover, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, big dog, please Sally, Rex, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you. Fuck me now, Rex, fuck me hard, big dog, please, please fuck me, fuck me fuck me…”

Twisting and writhing under the panting animal, the sweat drenched blonde shrieked incoherently against the brunette’s throbbing clit as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his chest as Linda’s tight spastic pussy clamped hard around his dripping cock. Jamming her tongue into Denise’s spread pussy to keep from screaming again, the frenzied teenager clutched at the mattress, rolling her head from side to side, tonguing frantically at the brunette as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The enthusiastic Shepherd suddenly hammered at her gushing pussy, his scorching hardon jamming maddeningly against the soft ridges of the shuddering teenager’s throbbing G-spot. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her pounding snatch straight up her spine to crash into her stunned brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly and panted desperately for breath as Rex pumped and labored over her saturated crotch.

“Please fuck me hard, good dog,” she howled hysterically, thrusting her hips up and jamming the Shepherd’s swollen cock knot hard against her pulsing hole, “come on now, Rex boy, fuck Linda, please fuck Linda real hard.”

Denise arched up in squirming orgasm against the desperate blonde’s tongue, screaming in ecstasy with her tongue jammed into the shivering redhead’s ass. Sally’s pussy began gushing onto her fingers as the redhead started coming on the brunette’s face; the redhead quivered and groaned as the creaming brunette’s tongue squirmed deep into her spread ass. Sally laughed at the teenager’s frantic pleading and said, “All right, good girl, you beg real pretty for us, you can have it all now. Good boy, Rex, fuck Linda real hard, big dog.”

The Shepherd gave a fervent bark and diligently started hammering rapidly at Linda’s dripping slit; the obsessed blonde screamed in ecstasy against the brunette’s pussy as she felt the slippery animal dick spearing deep into her. Linda discovered that pressing her shoulders onto Denise’s thighs made the hot doggie cock dig in even deeper than before, his fat knot actually spreading her lips and shooting prickling electric sensations through her inflamed clit. Tightening pectoral muscles turned her full tits to taut globes, sliding her suntanned nipples against the come-soaked towel beneath her; she felt the ring muscle of Denise’s ass clench as the first slow spasm of approaching orgasm pulsed through from her cunt.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now, go on Deni, come hard for me; now come on Rexie, fuck Linda real hard good dog,” she cried through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, fuck me like you like it, fuck me like a bitch in heat, lover dog.” Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde begged “Do it now, Denise, come on you bitch, mmmmm, fuck Linda, unnh, oohhh, fuck hard, fuck me real hard, I can’t stand it, big dog, you’re gonna make Linda cream all over….”

Rex began whining eagerly as the contractions of her seething snatch clamped down exquisitely on his swelling cock. Feeling the hot animal come load bulging at the base of the big dog’s dick drove the inflamed blonde wild; she rolled her hips voluptuously, grinding the animal dick onto her clamping pussy while she moaned and lapped furiously at the brunette’s spasming slit.

“Oooh, that’s really really good, big dog,” Sally crooned hoarsely, “yeah, that’s real good for you too, isn’t it baby? You like eating Deni’s pussy and getting fucked with that big pink hardon, angel,” she chuckled, watching the big dog pounding his cock into the screaming teen’s slit, “well I guess you know Deni and I like it too, lover girl. Yeah, good boy, that’s right, you just keep on dicking her and she’ll keep doing it right for both of us, sweetheart.”

Absorbed in sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and slavered enraptured on the brunette’s throbbing clit while the big dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her legs. She was ready to scream again when Rex began writhing on top of her, yelping eagerly, and then launched into unrestrained high speed dicking at her spasming snatch. Linda felt the big dog’s bristly balls throbbing and the bulge at the base of his cock swelling against her sensitive lips; she clamped her ass tight as Rex rammed the long dick deep into her hot wet pussy.

Rex gave a low wavering howl as the come surged down to the tip of his cock; Denise instantly thrust her hips hard against the teenager’s squirming tongue as the first explosive jet squirted into Linda’s burning cunt. Linda bucked backward, jamming the Shepherd’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet hole, begging for the slick hardon as warm animal come spurted into her.

“Aaahhhh, please, Rex, do it now, please don’t ever stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff nippled round tits, “please don’t stop now, good boy, I’ll keep doing this with you forever, sweetheart, please please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, aaahhhhh ”

Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; Denise sensually ground her clitoris hard against the teenager’s velvet tongue while Linda’s lean tanned body heaved under the big dog’s unflagging dicking. Rex shivered and bucked convulsively as Linda fucked frantically back underneath him, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at her hot spasming ass.

The sweating blonde moaned deliriously against the brunette’s gushing slit, clamping her hot pussy around the throbbing hardon and drawing out squirt after scalding squirt while Rex thrashed and creamed inside her and Denise screamed her orgasm into the redhead’s spread ass. Sally shuddered into prolonged coming, her ass clenching around the groaning brunette’s probing tongue while the redhead urgently stroked at her throbbing clit. Linda’s spasming pussy couldn’t hold the amount of jetting come the howling Shepherd kept pumping, and spurts gushed back out from between her swollen lips, dripping from his bristly cock sheath.

The moaning teenager milked the long dog erection with her clenched pussy, bucking his back legs off the floor with her hips, grinding her squirming ass hard back against the squirting length of his dick to coax the last sticky spurts from the panting animal. As the satiated beast finally shifted some weight off of her, the exhausted blonde strained desperately back toward his withdrawing dick, her come-dripping pussy and puckered pink asshole pulsing for more of the animal hardon.

“Oh, that’s good Rex, good boy, that’s wonderful, good dog,” she sighed, gasping for breath, “Now you can slow down, big dog, you slow down, okay?”

The Shepherd instantly shifted to slow relaxed humping, his warm slick cock sliding effortlessly in and out of the submissive blonde’s dripping slit. As a matter of fact, Linda thought deliriously, this big fucker is probably used to doing it for hours and hours, the way you always hear about dogs screwing. Viscous animal come crawled slowly down the flexing curve of her wriggling ass and oozed over Linda’s thighs; a frantic switch of her hips jammed the dog’s dripping dick back into her sticky hole.

Breathing hard, the delirious blonde thrust and wriggled beneath the Shepherd, whispering “Go slow, Rex boy, slow down lover pup, slower, fuck Linda slower.”

The dog slowed down and slowed again, then stood statue still, quivering all over as Linda writhed and wiggled on his immobile cock. She moaned and giggled against the gasping brunette’s throbbing pussy as she rocked back faster at the big dog, switching her ass teasingly against the whining animal’s throbbing dick and chanting, “Still, Rex, be still good boy, still, good dog, be still,” each time the Shepherd started to hump.

Rex whined imploringly in her ear but she commanded him to be still and the massive dog obediently stood dead stationary on top of her while she clamped her ass tight and fucked back onto his rock steady erection. Linda heaved and bucked under the motionless animal until she felt the torrid swelling at the base of his cock; the Shepherd’s whine turned to a low yowling as the giggling teenager fucked harder and the pressure of hot come built inside his aching dick.

“All right, big dog,” she cried, spreading her legs wide for the impatient Shepherd, “I can’t stand it either sweetheart, go ahead, fuck hard big dog, do it hard, fuck Linda real hard, good boy.” Her stiff nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she started coming again on the suddenly ferocious dicking.

“Oohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, fuck me, do it hard for Linda, don’t stop good dog, aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed against Denise’s swollen clit, feeling the orgasm pounding in the brunette’s dripping snatch, “do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Rex’s cock pulsed convulsively, shooting sudden hot spurts of doggie come; Linda was afraid she might pass out as the big dog’s shuddering animal orgasm blasted into her brain. The big dog writhed and heaved, sticky jets squirting up into the writhing teenager’s spasming slit and splashing out over her hot ass cheeks while she bucked avidly back at his throbbing hardon. Denise’s round tits bobbed with her panting and her thighs and calves cramped as the humping Shepherd trembled and twitched, both of them starting to come volcanically on the animal’s astounding dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she sobbed, feeling the redhot orgasm spasming back and forth from her ass to her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, don’t stop big dog, we’ve gotta have it now, come on big dog, you come hard baby, cause Linda’s gonna come and come and come for you….”

Rex’s howling bestial orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the moaning blonde’s spine and her snatch exploded into overwhelming coming as Rex kept spurting scalding come in her hole. Denise screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as she tongued frantically at Sally’s
spasming ass; the redhead burst into harsh moans of ecstasy, jamming her fingers into her gushing pussy and grinding her ass on Deni’s probing tongue. Shuddering and sobbing against the brunette’s spread pussy, the creaming teenager kept bucking and thrusting at the yowling Shepherd, milking jets of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick.

When the shivering blonde finally collapsed forward and pulled away from his blazing cock, Rex’s sides heaved with hard panting and the hair stood up all across his shoulders and down his back. Linda lay gasping and groaning underneath the big dog, delirious with the intensity of their astounding orgasms. The redhead quickly stood up from the shivering brunette, and Denise helped Linda up off her knees, half-carrying her to a narrow bench as the blonde staggered weak-kneed across the pool apron.

“Oh sweetheart, what a good good girl you are,” Sally whispered huskily, hugging and kissing the still-quivering runaway while Denise rubbed the shivering girl’s hard nipples, “you were so pretty with them, baby, and it was beautiful how you made us all come so good. What a perfect little doggie fucker she is, don’t you think Denise?”

“Absolutely, Sally,” the brunette replied, leaning down to lick and suck the exhausted blonde’s areolas, “pretty Linda is definitely the finest, sweetest little bitch we’ve ever had, and today just proves how much she loves dog dicking and hot pussy. I told you, you were made to be an animal lover, sweetheart.”

“You just lie back here and relax, lover,” the redhead added, pressing the gasping teenager down onto the bench, “while Denise goes and gets Mickie for you, okay? Oh yes, angel,” she continued as the brunette hurried toward the kennel, “Just slide down here a little till your ass is right at the end of the bench, that’s right. Now you can spend the whole day fucking the big dogs, and Deni and I will take turns petting the pretty boys while the dick you and you suck us off.”

Linda was exhausted, confused and still too overwhelmed to speak after she finished a late night snack and Sally and Denise shooed her up to her room immediately after she finished. Memories of the long day laying beside the pool, ferocious orgasms and the shattering
recall of hours of hot dog cock sliding into her gushing pussy or jamming into her clamping ass with Denise and Sally grinding and twitching against her tongue kept Linda awake until dawn and left the girl haunted and hollow-eyed when Sally and Denise woke her late in the day.

The blonde’s training schedule was the same brain-numbing routine of orgasms and animal masturbation in the morning, lunch and bestial fellatio by the pool, followed by hours of overwhelming canine dicking with the brunette and the redhead watching until they all went inside for dinner.

The women woke her up next morning and watched her do it all again, and again the day after, and for days after that. As the training sessions passed Linda became more and more thoroughly absorbed in sucking and fucking the big dogs and licking the eager lesbians; after a week, the enthralled teenager was licking and screwing the women and their animals zealously for hours without any instruction from the redhead or the brunette.

To be continued…



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