Fox and Hounds: Part 6

Ken L. Master (

Read Parts 1 to 5 here

—Part 6: Job Training Earns Pool Privileges—

Linda woke up late the following morning; Sally and Denise had let her sleep in as a reward for her enthusiastic performance on the living room sofa. The brunette and the redhead didn’t say a word about her skipping breakfast when the humiliated girl finally got hungry enough to come downstairs for brunch. Linda was so consumed with avoiding references to their evening seduction that she instantly accepted Sally’s invitation to smoke some more dope before spreading her legs for another session of animal licking and then strolling down to the kennel after lunch for more doggie masturbation.

The pretty blonde was overcome with relief and gratitude at being able to avoid cross-examination and made up her mind up to perform with the dogs suitably to keep the women from coming up with other ideas. Linda discovered that each succeeding trip to the kennel was easier than the one before. With her nervous system humming with drugs, Linda walked placidly on her chain with the women, and opened the dog pens before Sally even told her.

The redhead rewarded the obedient girl by letting her pick which animal she wanted to masturbate first, and Linda found to her surprise that she was more and more intrigued by the differences in the big dogs’ reactions to her increasingly skilled manipulation. The well-trained blonde fondled the dogs’ cocks docilely while Sally and Denise watched and gave more and more perverted suggestions. The compliant runaway tried to focus on the animals while the women kept fondling her breasts and stroking skillfully between her legs as she masturbated the animals.

Linda was becoming completely accustomed to jacking off the insatiable animals by now and smiled with fulfillment while they howled and exploded pungent come over her body and onto the floor. Denise and Sally sponged the sticky dog come off the submissive blonde each afternoon and watched the naked girl sunbathe and splash in the pool afterward. After a few hours of relaxation, Sally spread a blanket by the pool while Denise led the dogs out of the kennel, and Linda scampered dutifully over to the waiting animals.

The hapless blonde found she was perversely excited by the dogs’ apparently perpetual hard-ons and their endless reserves of come; it seemed impossible that the animals could keep on howling and creaming for her after so many hours of her skillful masturbation. The absorbed runaway wondered if it was possible to tire out the big dogs and worked hard every afternoon to try and conquer even one animal erection before dinnertime.

While the dogs and the watching women clearly enjoyed her efforts, the teenager didn’t succeed. The animals kept coming constantly in her hands and Linda had multiple orgasms from the women’s constant erotic manipulation; when Sally and Denise finally let her up and led her inside for dinner all three of the big dogs were still stiff and ready. Linda was yawning and nodding off by the time they finished dinner and the women sent her to bed immediately after she finished dessert. Fresh air and swimming, her own ferocious orgasms and hours of playing with hot doggie cock had left the girl exhausted and she slept late the following morning.

The next day the blonde’s training schedule was the same, and the day after that, and after that. Every morning after a late breakfast, Denise and Sally dressed Linda in stockings, high heels and lace, and made the captive teenager pose before the huge mirror while one of the dogs lapped her into squirming, screaming frenzy.

Some days the hapless blonde stayed in the chair, and the brunette and the redhead masturbated on each side of her as the animals licked the writhing teenager into orgasm after sobbing orgasm; some days Sally ordered the girl to stand with Rex or Prince sitting between her spread legs, petting and praising the dog lapping at her dripping snatch for hours until she collapsed in a shuddering sprawl in front of the mirror.

For variety, Sally occasionally made the captive blonde lean forward over a table with her legs spread and kissed the moaning teenager passionately while Prince or Mick licked her pussy and ass from behind until she screamed into the redhead’s open mouth.

Every afternoon after lunch she was given more dope and led back to the kennel for another lesson in animalmasturbation. As the days passed in the kennel and beside the pool, Linda became an adept at jacking off the big dogs; the shattered teenager obediently smoked more drugs and ultimately started masturbating the animals zealously for hours without any instruction from Sally or Denise.

The captive teen had become wholly accustomed to having her hands full of animal cock, and giggled exultantly at the women when Mick or Rex or Prince began yowling and spurting hot come through her fingers. The blonde discovered that she was really beginning to feel self-satisfied kneeling with her legs spread so the brunette and the redhead could fondle with her pussy while she masturbated the howling dogs.

Every other evening, the redhead and the brunette brought Linda into the living room after dinner and fed her shortbread dog bones, and they watched the videotapes of the blonde’s performance with the eager dogs while Denise licked the girl into a squirming frenzy. Linda adapted to the standard routine, watching herself perform with the Shepherd, Dane and wolfhound, eating her biscuits and reciting the command words when Sally paused the tape.

Each lesson review ended the same way, the blonde watching herself in repeated slow-motion orgasms on the screen, chanting Stay, Strip, Still, Spread, Watch, Speak, Pet, Feel, Stroke while she masturbated Sally or Denise, who fondled her breasts as the other one went down on her until they all came together.

Denise was sitting in front of a pile of papers and a ledger book when Linda walked into the living room for lesson review that evening. As Sally turned on the TV and put in the tape, the brunette jumped up from the table and gave the surprised teenager a prolonged and enthusiastic kiss.

“Congratulations, baby, you’re really doing great,” the brunette said with a smile, “I’ve just been going over the books this evening and Sally and I want you to know that you are really earning your keep here at Fox and Hounds.”

“What are you talking about, Deni?” the startled girl asked in confusion, “I don’t get it. I mean, you’ve told me over and over that I have to keep the big dogs happy and I guess I’m kind of getting used to doing that dirty stuff, but why congratulations, what’s going on?”

“Why, I mean your earnings, angel,” Denise replied with a smile, “I’ve been keeping track ever since you got here, and you passed twenty grand today. That’s just really great; we’re going to have a little celebration for you tonight.”

“Earnings, what earnings, twenty grand what?” the baffled teen asked hesitantly “what in the hell are you talking about, Denise, what gives?”

“Why, the earnings from your internet videos, sweetheart,” the woman responded with a smile, “surely you didn’t think all that wonderful footage of you with the puppies was just going to waste, did you? You’re starting to develop a fan club, angel, there are more orders pouring into the web site every day.”

“Oh my God, no, please no,” Linda gasped in appalled mortification “you can’t be serious, Deni, please tell me you’re kidding me. It’s a joke, right, you’re just teasing me, please tell my you haven’t really been selling those, those, pictures of me…”

“Guess again, baby,” Sally answered, laughing. “You’re a hot item right now, Linda,” the redhead continued, “the DVDs and tapes sold like hotcakes the first time you were in front of the mirror with sexy Rexie, and the new ones are moving faster every day.”

“Oh Jesus, no, no no no,” Linda wailed in horror, “you can’t be doing that, not showing my face and everything, you can’t be letting people watch me do that horrible shit, that’s terrible, I’m already so mortified and disgusted I could die. How much of that filthy stuff have you got out there, my God, how far will that degrading perverted shit spread, how could you do something like that to me? My God, what if some of that filth gets back to someone who knows me, they’ll think I’m making pornography.”

“You are making pornography, angel,” Denise replied in a sultry whisper, “and you’re getting better at it every day. I told you, there are cameras everywhere, baby, and I mean everywhere–in your room, here in the living room, in the kennels, out by the pool, everywhere. You’re creating a whole video series, Linda, and it’s going to make a fortune before you’re through. We’re calling it ‘Linda Just Loves Animals’, and it’s a kind of documentary, baby; people are always intrigued with corruption stories. Sally and I were sure there would be a big market waiting to see a sweetheart girl like you get turned on to animals, and it turns out there certainly is.”

“The best part, of course,” Sally continued, “the reason that you’re selling so well, is that people know it’s not just acting, it isn’t the same old porno where professional chicks pretend something they don’t really feel. With your videos, we made sure people know it’s real, you’re really getting animal dick for the first time, and this is really the way you are. People understand they’re actually watching you starting to like working those big dogs step by step, lesson by lesson, and the further you go, the better it gets and the more the whole series is worth.”

“People can’t wait to see what you’ll do next, sweetheart, everyone wants to see pretty Linda’s next act. Now come one over here, Linda,” the redhead concluded, “we’ll look over today’s tapes, and you can help us out with this project, you get to pick out the best shots. Come and sit down here right now, baby, and you decide how you want people to see you doing it with the pretty boys. Watch close, angel, and think of your public; remember all your fans while you’re watching and try to think of what they’re all waiting for.”

“Oh, it’s all right good girl, really it is,” the brunette added as Linda sat sobbing in front of the television, “you just do your best and don’t worry about the details. I’m editing your videos and I’ll make sure you look real pretty for everyone. They’re marvelous films and you’re going to be a big star, you just get better and better every day, and you’re enjoying yourself more and more every day. You know it’s true, and it shows splendidly in the tapes, you’re starting to appreciate what you’re learning and you’ll end up adoring those doggie dicks more and more as time goes on. Sally and I know what’s best for you, angel, and you’ll find out how right we are as you keep doing more with the pretty boys.”

“Denise is absolutely right, sweetheart,” Sally finished, “you’re into it and you’re going to keep on going, and the further you go, the more you’ll love it, the more you’ll want those hot doggie hard-ons, and the more you’ll want people to see you getting them.” The smiling redhead handed Linda the pipe and a lighter, adding, “you might as well smoke some dope and relax, angel, you’re gonna do it anyhow. You can either smoke it yourself or we’ll help you again, it’s really up to you.”

Mechanically, the stunned blonde lit the pipe and took a deep drag of the hypnotic mixture; she held her breath as the heavy sweet smoke punched into her chest. Linda felt her pulse racing and her ears ringing as she sucked in another hit of the powerful dope.

“There’s a reason they call it bestiality, Linda–because it’s the best you can get…” Sally turned on the television again as Denise slid to the floor and knelt between the blonde’s knees; the blonde eagerly sucked in another hit of dope as the brunette leaned forward against her snatch and Sally started the videotape. The redhead quickly stripped naked as the first pictures flickered onto the screen; Linda watched in amazement as the woman pulled a large purple vibrator from a drawer and settled down on the couch beside her. The hapless blonde stared as Sally slid the head of the humming battery dick down against her brick-red bush, and then gasped in surprise as Denise’s tongue flickered over her own spread slit.

The redhead lay close beside the captive teen, sliding the dildo slowly into her rust-curled pussy while the brunette continued lapping the girl’s exposed clit. Sally masturbated deliberately beside the gasping blonde while Denise gently licked the girl into her first sweating orgasm as the videotape wound on; the panting redhead reached over and fondled Linda’s stiff nipples as the girl writhed into climax, and Linda moaned in mortified ecstasy as she realized her orgasm had made Sally come beside her.

The blonde lay shivering on the couch, watching herself creaming on the screen as the women quickly traded places, the redhead delicately kissing the girl’s dripping slit while the brunette cuddled close and started toying herself at Linda’s side.

Denise and Sally kept swapping positions as the tape went on and on, licking the helpless blonde through
orgasm after shuddering orgasm and masturbating beside her as they watched the girl performing with the animals on the screen. By the end of the videotape, Sally made Linda slip the vibrator into her, and writhed against the teenager’s hand while Denise slowly sucked the captive blonde’s throbbing clitoris. They were all dripping with sweat and come when the women finally pulled the twitching teen off the couch and helped the half-fainting girl up to her room.

After the mortifying session with Denise and Sally and learning that her performance was being sold as pornography, Linda collapsed into bed shattered. The brunette and the redhead made her choose new scenes from her lessons every night from then on, and the humiliated teen fell asleep with a feeling of perverted accomplishment and expertise, never realizing that her passive obedience was moving her closer to new instruction in obscenity.

On Friday morning Linda didn’t wake up until late in the day; as she showered and brushed her hair, she wondered why Deni hadn’t gotten her up for breakfast. The bemused teenager had just shrugged into a nightie that barely reached her bush when Sally stuck her head in the door and told her to come downstairs to the kitchen for brunch.

As they finished lunch, Sally looked over at Linda and said, “It’s another beautiful day, sweetheart, it’s sunny and warmer than yesterday; would you like to come outside with us and play by the pool today, good girl?”

“Oh, Sally, can I, I mean can we?” the blonde exclaimed, clapping her hands, “can I really? Yes, please, I’d like that a lot; I love to swim. Is it all right, Denise, please say yes.”

“Of course you can, good girl,” the brunette answered happily, “you should work on that allover tan and have some fun. I’d love to see you playing by the pool, baby; a good girl needs plenty of sunshine and healthy exercise.”

Sally and Denise hustled to clear the lunch dishes and get ready to go outside; Linda waited impatiently in her bedroom until the women returned for her. She ran over from the windows and gave Denise a big hug as the brunette opened the door; as she stepped into the hallway, Linda gave Sally a quick kiss on the mouth. The redhead licked her lips and said, “Well, well, another sweet kiss from Linda, what a treat for me, lover.” She turned and started down the hall, calling, “Come on, baby; walk, good girl.”

Linda was not surprised when the redhead opened the front of the desk and pulled out the six-foot leash again. The blonde stared quietly at Sally, and her eyes dropped as the redhead responded, “When you go out for a walk you wear a leash, good girl; we’ll take it off for you to swim.” She approached the resigned teenager and handed Linda the snap-link.

When the blonde looked at her in confusion, Sally pointed to her collar and said, “Put it on, good girl, you know how to fasten it.” Denise and Sally watched as the teenager slowly reached up and clipped the chain to her velvet collar. Linda followed the redhead numbly from the desk, her eyes fixed on the silver chain stretching from her neck to the strap around Sally’s wrist.

As they passed through the French doors and went onto the flagstone patio, the blonde came to an immediate stop, waiting for Sally to order her to strip again. When Sally didn’t speak, Linda glanced at her in surprise, then shrugged and looked toward the French doors; the redhead looked at her with a smile, gave a gentle tug on Linda’s leash and simply said, “Come on, good girl, walk.”

Outside, the sun-warmed flagstone patio felt delightful under Linda’s bare feet and the air was filled with the smell of the honeysuckle and lilacs and the heavy fragrance of magnolias. The teenager’s embarrassment and humiliation quickly dissipated as the women led her across the soft lawn toward the huge flagstone-bordered pool. Bees were buzzing energetically around among the flowerbeds and lilac and other flowering shrubs scattered around the yard while fragrant blossoms nodded in the warm afternoon breeze. The perfectly manicured lawn was soft and clean-feeling under their feet, and Linda stopped thinking about her near-nakedness as the women led her to the chairs and lounges by the pool.

When they reached the umbrella table and grouped chairs, Sally tugged once on the leash and again said, “Stay good girl.” The teenager froze beside a lawn chair and looked at the redhead in bewilderment. Sally’s eyes sparkled as she stared at the blonde and quietly ordered, “Strip, good girl.”

Linda had thought she was getting used to the demands of her captivity, but the constant reminder that these women made her strip naked on a leash was more than the blonde could bear. She glanced anxiously at Denise, but the brunette only nodded and said, “Watching you swimming and splashing naked in the sunshine will be pretty for us, angel; now do as Sally says, sweetheart, you know the rules.” The teenager winced as the redhead tugged once more on the chain and commanded, “Strip, good girl.”

Linda gave a slow sigh of resignation and slipped out of the lacy tunic; the false security of their cheerful lunch and swimming invitation disappeared the instant she slipped the thin nightie off and stood naked in the collar and chain. Sally held out her hand and waited silently until the blonde handed her the wisp of lace; the redhead draped it over the back of a chair and said, “All right, good girl, sit.”

Linda obediently sat in the nylon-mesh chair, and the redhead immediately dropped the leash down between the blonde’s sun-warmed tits. Denise and Sally sat down to a bottle of wine at the nearby table as the brunette said, “You can take that leash off when you’re ready for a swim, good girl. Just tell me or Sally when you’re ready.”

Sighing in frustration, Linda leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes; the afternoon sun was broiling hot and she could feel her sensitive nipples stiffening from the heat. Half-asleep, the suntanned runaway stretched her long legs and drifted into a sunwarmed daydream; dozing off in the sun, imagination working overtime, she was about ready to ask for a swim, but fell sound asleep sprawled in the chair.

Denise got up immediately and headed for the kennel at a jog; Sally watched and whispered encouragement as Rex the Shepherd trotted over to the sleeping blonde, sniffing cautiously at the sweating teenager. The big dog stepped soundlessly between her spread legs and sat on his haunches directly in front of her, tongue hanging as he sniffed at Linda’s sun warmed bush. The Shepherd’s hot panting huffed over the sleeping blonde’s crotch, steaming against her thighs and snatch. Linda moaned softly and twitched in her sleep, sleek tan thighs spreading wider as she shifted in the chair.

Rex sat quietly with his dripping muzzle inches away from the teenager’s spread bush, snorting softly and panting furnace hot breath over her snatch. When the drowsing blonde had remained motionless for several minutes, Sally whispered in approval and the big Shepherd leaned slightly forward and licked delicately between the sleeping girl’s legs. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the sweltering dog tongue rasped over her snatch, but the velvet touch of the Shepherd’s tongue was not enough to wake her. The sweating blonde sighed in her sleep as Rex started a slow steady lapping at her pussy, tail wagging, drooling on the teenager’s frizzy brick pubic hair. The massive dog panted and slavered over the dozing teenager’s warm snatch, and her cheeks flushed as aroused doggie saliva saturated her crotch.

Within minutes, Linda began breathing faster and her nipples stood up stiff; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. When her quivering pussy began dripping into her drool soaked bush, Rex began licking harder and faster at the delicious crotch spread open in front of him. Linda was dripping with sweat and panting for breath as the Shepherd’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down onto her dripping clitoris.

The spread legged blonde made a soft whimper in her sleep and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; her sun-browned nipples were standing up and her tits were covered with goosebumps when Rex shifted his stance and stepped on her bare foot. Linda’s eyes snapped open on the huge Shepherd lapping enthusiastically at her saturated and thoroughly inflamed snatch.

“Jesus, what are you doing here, Rex,” Linda gasped, reaching to shove the big dog’s shoulders, “get away from me, stop that ” She stopped talking and shoving, freezing in place as Sally ordered sharply, “Be still, good girl, you let Rexie go. Still good girl.”

“Stop it, Rex, no, no, now back up, down, off,” Linda whispered desperately, hoping to get the big dog to move out from her spread thighs, “I said go, now get back, get down ” The instant the sweating blonde tried to move, the redhead reached over and picked up the leash strap; Linda stopped instantly, locked in place by the redhead’s unspoken command. She sat back submissively and Rex kept up the maddening lapping, tail again wagging contentedly as he slurped the teen’s dripping red-haired pussy.

“That’s right, good girl, take it easy,” Denise said with a smile, “you let Rex make you happy. Sit, good girl.”

“Rex, you mustn’t do that, please get away, Sally please make him stop it,” Linda whispered, “get down, get back, get the hell out of here, I can’t stand it, you mustn’t do that, go, go go go…”

The Shepherd ignored her pleading and continued lapping her bush and thighs. As the gasping teenager started to lean forward in the chair, Rex gave one rumbling bark and Denise snapped her fingers and motioned for the girl to lie back down; Linda collapsed back in the chair, trembling and helpless as the big dog instantly returned to his eager tongue job.

“Rex, you big bastard, please please get away from me, you’ve got to stop that,” she pleaded, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The Shepherd ignored the shivering blonde teen’s desperate pleading, his wide tongue stroking maddeningly against her twitching clit. “God, god, please please stop, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” she gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Rex, you sonofabitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

The big dog soundlessly continued lapping and snuffling over the trapped teenager’s steaming crotch, ignoring her whimpering, pleading and threatening. The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her bush made the captive blonde shiver with revolted desire while Sally’s total domination kept the guiltily aroused girl obediently still in the chair.

The sweating runaway lay defenseless, weeping speechlessly with the excited Shepherd standing between her trembling thighs. After twenty minutes of skillful licking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to plead with the watching women anymore. When Sally silently held out the pipe, the desperate blonde reached up instantly for another hit of the lesbian’s dope.

Linda sucked in hit after hit of the powerful drug while the slavering animal continued lapping slowly at her throbbing snatch. As the smoke reached her brain, the blonde slowly lay back with a relaxed smile and slowly reached down to rub the big dog’s ears.

“Now you want to spread your legs real wide for him, good girl,” Sally commanded in a hoarse whisper, “open up and give him some room. Spread, good girl.”

The captive teenager submissively spread her long legs wide apart and nearly screamed aloud as the big Shepherd lunged forward again and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. His skillful lapping parted the blonde’s drool soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue.

“Aaahhhh, please, Rex, no more, please no,” Linda whispered, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically in the chair as the Shepherd’s hot tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her sensitive lips deliciously and skating over her clit like oiled silk. The big dog gave a contented rumble deep in his throat and wagged his tail faster as he lapped delightedly at her open snatch. Moaning and shaking, Linda dropped her head and wept silently as the eager Shepherd lapped delicately at her melting pussy. The panting runaway realized she had been taken by the women again, manipulated into complete subservience to the animal licking eagerly between her legs.

Linda suddenly realized that Sally and Denise had always intended giving her to the big dog; the brunette and the redhead’s invitation to the pool was a setup to see her sweating with a canine master tonguing her until she screamed. With a burst of final mortification, Linda remembered Deni telling her there were cameras by the pool, too; this new degrading chapter would also end up on video, and if Denise edited the tape right, people were bound to think Linda was volunteering to do it.

‘People will watch me smoking that shit,’ she realized numbly, ‘and think I’m just like this, that I’m wanting this filthy bastard licking me. But maybe that’s the truth, ‘ she thought in confusion, ‘Deni says the dope doesn’t make you do things you don’t want to, maybe this is the way I really am, maybe I do really want it.’

Sensing the girl’s humiliated capitulation, Rex sat lounged on his haunches between her shaking thighs and started lapping her open pussy as fast as he could lick. In seconds, the overstimulated teenager was panting for breath and arching up out of the chair, the continuous licking at her clitoris making her writhe against his tongue.

“Oh shit, all right, big dog,” she gasped hoarsely, abruptly spreading her long legs wider for the eager Shepherd, “I can’t stop it and I can’t stand it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to me, good boy.” Linda’s crinkled pink nipples were now achingly hard; the overwhelmed runaway gave up her last shred of resistance, raised her knees, wedged her heels at the front edge of her chair and leaned back as she got hotter and hotter on the unrelenting doggie licking.

“Oooohh, Jesus, it’s, that’s good, that’s really good, Rex, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch, “do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Linda thought her hypersensitive pussy was about to light up and start glowing; she imagined the first flickers of orgasm like flashes of heat-lightning over her furnace-hot snatch. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as Rex’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde sat rigid in the chair while the massive Shepherd continued panting and lapping at her melting bronze bushed cunt. The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking.

Linda was stunned and horrified when she looked up and saw Denise leading another big dog up from the kennel while Rex was still lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Obviously excited by watching the helpless teenager giving pussy beside the pool, Sally and Denise were simply going to replace the Shepherd with another animal, have the big dogs rotate and keep licking no matter how Linda begged and pleaded.

As the shaking blonde put her legs down and tried to ease her knees closer together, Rex sat up and clamped his forepaws over her legs; the powerful dog easily shoved her thighs farther apart, holding her snatch wide open and keeping her pinned inescapably in the chair. When she reached feebly toward the paws locked over her thighs, Rex snarled angrily without ever breaking the maddening rhythm on her sensitive clitoris.

There was no way the desperate girl could control the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Linda collapsed limp in the chair as Denise led Mick the wolfhound over. The blonde looked up at her with tears rolling down her flushed cheeks as the brunette tugged the Shepherd back and let the wolfhound step up between her thighs. Sensing that the quivering blonde had no chance to resist, Mick gave a contented rumbling growl and started slowly devouring the teenager’s bare pussy, his tongue rhythmically stroking her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris.

Within minutes Linda was moaning aloud and shivering in the chair, begging as her snatch heated to the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were a tangle of panic and shame and lust while her pussy dripped eagerly onto the expert wolfhound’s delicate tongue.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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