Fox and Hounds: Parts 9 – 16

Ken L. Master (

Fox and Hounds Parts 1-8 Read Here!
—Part 9: A Surprise Visit Makes Her Late For Dinner—

As she stepped back into the bedroom wrapped in a towel, Linda was flabbergasted to see the Great Dane stretched out on the carpet; the big dog sprang to his feet as the naked teenager skidded to a halt, the bedroom door already closed at her back. The half-drugged teen thought that she must have left her door cracked open, and wily Prince had nosed it wide enough to slip in. Before she could move, the waiting animal bounded across the room and shoved his muzzle under the towel and up between her smooth, damp thighs.

“Oh my god, no, it can’t be,” she whispered as the big dog’s tongue flicked over her damp bronze pubic bush, “no, Prince, no please…”

The big Dane’s rumbling growl confirmed the suntanned teen’s suspicion; Prince was obviously determined to try licking her snatch without Sally’s permission and had no intention of letting her get away. While Linda stood paralyzed with indecision, ingenious Prince stepped forward and planted his huge forepaws between her ankles, forcing the surprised blonde to shift her feet apart as he sat on his haunches. The instant her knees opened, the heavy Great Dane wedged his shoulders between them and widened his stance.

Still high, unable to shift gears between fear and fascination, Linda stood helpless in the middle of the room, legs spread on either side of the big dog, balancing awkwardly with her freshly washed pussy spread wide over his gaping jaws. Prince wasted no time in settling in for some prolonged tonguing of the succulent teenage snatch; his hot panting huffed against Linda’s glossy rust pubic bush, sending shivers over her flat belly, making her pink nipples stiffen instantly.

The excited Dane’s drool slathered tongue washed up between the agitated teen’s shivering thighs, slithering from the back of her twat forward, spreading her sensitive lips and flicking over her exposed clitoris on every stroke. Trapped spread legged with the big dog lapping her contentedly, Linda groaned in stoned disbelief when she felt her crotch warm and her snatch buzzing with increasing excitement minute by minute. The Harlequin’s diligent licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and juices flowed down onto his probing muzzle. The defenseless blonde beauty found herself breathing hard and straining up on tiptoe each time the tenacious Dane’s velvety tongue lathered over her clit.

“Aaahhhh, god no, please, Prince, please don’t do that,” Linda whimpered aloud, shivers crawling over her belly and up across her round jiggling tits, “they’re waiting for me to come downstairs for dinner, I can’t stand for you to do that, I don’t want Sally or Deni catch me with you doing this, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Linda squirmed even as she pleaded with the Dane, recalling Denise’s whispered promises about how she would start to crave that delicate slick tongue, the brunette fondling and stroking her to sweaty frenzy while describing a canine playmate lapping her dissolving snatch. The sudden graphic memory of her own gentle doggie masturbation made goosebumps stand out on Linda’s shaking breasts and her nipples crinkled into erection.

Closing her eyes, the naked teenager gave one soft moan of lust and dismay, then slowly began twitching her hips from side to side, swiveling her increasingly libidinous ass in circles, sliding the flickering dog tongue around her dripping pussy. As Prince lapped zealously at her bronze-curled bush, the lovely teenager reached down and spread her lips with one hand, stroking the Dane’s head with the other.Responding to her encouragement, the eager dog extended his maneuvers, licking up across her bush onto her twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch with deliberate lapping.

“Mmmmmmm, oh yeah, that’s good big dog,” she whispered hoarsely, scratching Prince affectionately behind the ears, “I didn’t want to believe Denise was right but I might as well admit it, this is just too fucking good, Prince, I should have believed her the first time she suggested it. Go on baby, do it to Linda real nice, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes.”

Leaning forward over the big dog, Linda patted and massaged the slavering Dane’s neck and shoulders, moaning faintly each time the warm tongue tip lapped over her clit. As she bent down further and kneaded her way down his back, Prince pulled his dripping muzzle momentarily from between her legs and licked the panting girl across her quivering tits; Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the wet rough tongue stroked over her rigid pink nipples. Cradling her goosebumped tits in her hands, she held the soft mounds steady and the Great Dane licked her swelling areola until the electric tingling of stiffened nipples made the excited teenager weak in the knees. She stood up, gasping for breath, lifting her drool glistening tits away from the dog’s rasping tongue; Prince instantly shoved his muzzle back between her spread thighs and began working at her snatch.

Slowly, the anxious runaway crouched down right where she stood, holding her legs wide and pussy spread to the eager Dane. As her snatch dropped lower and closer to the rug, Prince craned his neck and finally lay down amicably between her ankles, never breaking the maddening tongue performance on her dripping twat. The sighing teenager rocked back, propping herself with her hands and lowering her ass to the carpet, then leaned back on her elbows watching the big dog working enthusiastically between her sleek thighs.

Purring in mounting ecstasy, the over stimulated blonde lay flat on her back and raised her knees, eyes closed, rolling her sensitive nipples between thumb and fingers, listening to the sticky lapping noises at her slit. Laying between the naked blonde’s ankles, Prince gave a low, contented growl as he realized her ass was now also wide open for his eager licking. Tits heaving as she panted for breath, Linda moaned aloud as the Dane’s broad velvet tongue spread the cheeks of her ass and flicked softly over the sensitive ring muscle. Her erect pink nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched as she got closer and closer to coming on the dog’s incessant licking.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now Prince, go on baby, do it all over me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Linda felt like her pussy was slowly dissolving under the accomplished animal’s tongue; bolts of slow motion lightning roared from her yearning clit and shot up her spine, exploding inside her brain. Back and belly muscles straining, thighs and calves shaking, the moaning teenager lay squirming in ecstasy on the fluffy carpet while the ardent Great Dane panted and lapped at her melting rust bushed cunt. The gasping teen wriggled and heaved frenziedly on the floor until the big dog finally clamped heavy forepaws over her widespread thighs, pinning her pulsing snatch steady under his unrelenting tonguing.

Rubbing and squeezing her swollen nipples with both hands, the frenzied blonde wailed through clenched teeth as Prince clenched her spread cunt and electrified clitoris rigidly in place for his flawless awesome licking. The orgasm was so powerful it seemed to short out her thoughts, leaving nothing but the stupefying red-hot excitement of coming and coming as Prince’s fantastic tongue danced over her spasming snatch.

The Great Dane displayed no intention of giving up her dripping pussy when she had finished coming. While the shuddering blonde haired captive lay dissipated and panting, the big dog simply moved his paws off her thighs and rolled onto his side, switching to a slow and indolent lapping at her spread snatch. Heaving herself up onto her elbows, Linda stared down at the contented animal licking away at her cunt; when she glanced down at the sprawling dog, she was astounded to see Prince’s enormous cock sticking from the sheath in a red pink doggie hardon. Watching the big dog cautiously, the aroused teen licked her lips, then slowly bent her right knee and slid her foot closer and closer to the quivering doggie erection.

Prince whined softly and licked her a bit faster as Linda’s ankle slid slowly over the length of his cockhead; the blonde beauty’s blue eyes widened when she felt the hot slippery dick twitching against her foot. The ardent Great Dane never stopped lapping her crotch as she gently massaged her instep along the length of exposed cock. After a little careful maneuvering, she was positioned to caress the Dane’s erection lazily with her bare foot and ankle, and Prince obligingly lapped her clit in exact rhythm with her motion. After a few minutes, the big dog’s cock was standing out full length from the smooth sheath; Linda giggled as he wriggled sideways and opened his back legs to give her better approach to his pulsing hardon.

“You like that, huh big boy,” she whispered soothingly, engrossed by another of Denise’s insidious whispered fantasies, “you dig that on your cock, yeah. Well I’ve got an idea you’ll like a lot more; just take it easy, big dog, and we’ll see if we can’t make it even better.” With one rapid twist, the half-hypnotized blonde raised one leg, rolled sideways and spun on her hip before the excited Prince had a chance to growl. She wound up positioned head to tail with the big dog, crotch still spread to his velvet tongue, now able to reach his belly and haunches with both hands.

“Now, pretty boy, we’ll see how you like having some action that won’t quit,” she chuckled, “let’s see if Linda can make you a little crazy, too.”

The reckless runaway began casually caressing the Dane’s side and chest, hands sliding lingeringly over the big dog’s ribs and down onto his taut belly, inching closer and closer to the dog’s red pink erection. Prince whined enthusiastically and wagged his tail as he felt the teenager girl’s teasing hands stroking nearer to his cock; the closer she moved, the more earnestly he licked at her humming clitoris. Panting hard as the amazing tongue lathered at her snatch, Linda finally reached and tantalizingly ran her index finger down the animal’s long red cockhead.

It worked exactly the way Denise and Sally had told her; Prince gave a yelping growl and lapped avidly at her cunt as he felt the girl’s first feather light touch on his bare doggie dick. The Dane’s tail thrashed and his back legs instantly spread wide as he felt Linda slowly wrap her sweat-slippery fingers on his dick, and she sighed as she stroked meticulously up and down the length of the animal’s pulsing red shaft. Gasping and giggling, the astounded teen pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her drool soaked blonde bush, then reached down and deliberately wrapped slippery fingers around the big dog’s long cock.

Propping her head on her right arm, the fascinated teenager watched wide eyed as the big dog’s sides began twitching while she leisurely explored jacking him off. She was perversely enthralled by the texture of the hot smooth cock in her hand, and tried different rhythms and pressure while Prince quivered and whined at her cunt; the Dane’s enthusiastic licking and slavering at her pussy left no doubt he was elated at her caressing his cock. Prince growled approvingly as she tightened her grip and pumped harder at his slippery dick; Linda snickered when the sparse bristly hair at the base of his cock sheath tickled her little finger at the end of every stroke.

“Oooh, now that’s real good, big dog,” the captivated teen crooned softly, “yeah, that’s real good for you, isn’t it baby? You like Linda playing with that pretty pink boner, don’t you Prince boy?” She hissed softly between her teeth, feeling the big dog’s cock swelling in her fingers as she massaged between his legs and said, “well Linda likes it too, lover dog. Yeah, big boy, that’s fine for both of us then, you just keep on doing that to me and I’ll practice doing more of this to you, won’t that be nice?”

Overwhelmed by the endless skillful lapping and the sweltering animal cock between her fingers, Linda lost all sense of time; her world contracted to the feel of the dog’s slick red erection filling her hands and the warm heavy balls she fondled. After some fascinated research with the thick twitching cock, Linda discovered exactly the right rhythm to make the Harlequin lick maddeningly perfectly at her steaming snatch; closing her eyes, she rhythmically jacked off the enthralled animal, groaning as his slippery rough tongue frolicked over her pulsing clit.

Shattered by the exquisite lapping at her dripping pussy, shuddering with horror at actually fulfilling one of the brunette’s whispered commands, the panting teenager slipped into a twilight zone of overwhelming lustful sensation, captivated by the swollen heat of the satiny dog dick in her hand and the animal’s desperate whining.

Linda never even noticed when the door to the darkened hallway swung slowly open and Denise and Sally slipped quietly into the room. Lost in a writhing erotic preoccupation, the enthusiastic teenager stroked and milked delightedly at the throbbing Great Dane dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy beside her. Gasping for breath and dripping sweat on the dog’s quivering belly, the enthralled blonde never looked up as the brunette and the redhead came over and casually sat down on the couch, watching her every move with delight. The golden haired teenager and the big dog whined and moaned in unison as each enthusiastically manipulated the other nearer to explosive coming. Linda felt the hot lump in Prince’s cock heave as the Great Dane commenced a gasping growl; she opened her eyes as the dog’s swollen dick turned fiery red.

Before she understood what was happening, Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, and the astonished teen burst into
shrieking giggles as he began shooting surprising hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved beside the panting blonde, viscous jets squirting up the amazed girl’s arm, splashing over her rigid pink nipples as she fervently pumped his throbbing hardon.

The Dane’s mewling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the lovely blonde teen’s spine and her cunt abruptly throbbed into volcanic coming as Prince spurted pungent come on her tits. Linda trapped her screams deep in her throat as the big dog lapped frantically at her spasming pussy; shaking and wailing in ecstasy, the creaming teenage beauty avidly masturbated the whining Dane, milking squirts of animal come as she twisted and jerked under his tongue. By the time the shivering blonde let go of his cock, Prince’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on his back.

Linda’s gasping chuckles turned to groans as the Great Dane returned to working her snatch the moment she released his dick. Her explosive orgasm left the twitching teen too limp to even attempt to move when the big dog started lapping at her still humming clitoris. Each caress of the scalding velvet tongue sent fireworks rocketing up from her snatch, and within minutes the exhausted girl was pulsing on the edge of another mind blowing orgasm. She reached feebly back between the Dane’s legs to try for his sticky cock, only to have Prince instantly clamp his hind legs shut, trapping her hands before she had any prospect of stroking him off. Gasping and moaning, the red haired captive lay trapped and writhing, clutching the excited dog’s dick and heavy balls, pleading softly for release as he licked and licked at the aching but responsive young cunt.

“Prince, you bastard, please please, I’ve got to get away from it for a while, you’ve got to stop that,” she babbled, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand any more, you’re making me crazy, please cut it out…” The determined Great Dane merely shifted sideways slightly, still disregarding the shaking girl’s futile pleading, his wide tongue washing maddeningly over her vibrating clit.

“God, god, please please stop for a minute, you fucker, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me nuts,” Linda gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Prince, you brainless sonofabitch, please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…” As she tried again to manipulate his cock, the big dog twisted sideways one more time, still keeping his hind legs clamped tight over her clutching fingers.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, not again, please don’t do that,” she wailed again, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her come splashed jugs, “I can’t stand for you to do that again, we can’t keep doing this any more right now, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhh ” Linda’s choked whisper broke off as the second thunderous orgasm roared up her spine.

She pulled her hands off the Dane’s crotch and mindlessly rubbed her stiff nipples, tanned body heaving under the big dog’s relentless licking. While she clutched at her sticky tits, Prince gave another sideways wiggle until his slow wagging tail was actually brushing in her hair. Linda opened her eyes to find the Great Dane lying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his enormous red pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips.

Still lapping maddeningly at her dripping pussy, the massive dog affected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt her gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick. Half-insane from his insistent tonguing, Linda reached and ran her hands up the Dane’s thighs while Deni’s perverse suggestions whispered in her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, the overwhelmed runaway leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince yelped encouragingly and curled sideways at her face, tonguing urgently at her spasming snatch.

“Okay, big dog, I get the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “I guess either I come across for you or you just keep going until you drive me totally crazy right here, is that the story? All right, you merciless fucker, you already got me too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.” The panting runaway carefully leaned over the hot doggie hardon, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s pulsing balls. “I don?t think fucking Denise needs to know this part;” she sighed softly, “well get ready for it, lover pup, it’s Linda’s turn now…”

Mesmerized by her own continuous creaming and shivering with forbidden fantasies, the frenzied blonde runaway slowly leaned down and ran her tongue hesitantly down the length of the Dane’s quivering cock. Prince gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty teen’s tongue slide over his dick; Linda gasped as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips. The half-crazed teenager didn’t realize just how effective her doggie hand job had been for the aroused animal.

Captivated by the unexpected silk-smooth warmth of the animal cock, the panting blonde pulled back the hairless sheath to display every inch of Prince’s glistening hardon and hesitantly licked her way back up the length of the big dog’s red pink dick. Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged to the tip of his cock; Linda lunged back too late from the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive spurt in her open lips.

The mortified teen gave a gasp of horror and froze in panic, poised over the animal’s throbbing cock; Sally and Denise leaned forward eagerly as the dog’s squirting erection pumped directly into the paralyzed blonde’s open wet mouth. Linda gave a choking moan as warm animal come splashed across her tongue and down her throat. Prince thrashed and kept coming as the girl swallowed convulsively over him, fur standing up along the length of his back, lapping frenziedly at her open cunt. The redhead and the brunette smiled in satisfaction as shattered runaway swallowed again and giggled crazily over the big dog’s dick while Prince thrashed and rolled beside her, his pulsing cock spurting across the blonde’s taut breasts and dripping off Linda’s erect nipples.

The sweating blonde jerked bolt upright in horror as Sally and Denise applauded loudly; she scrambled to her feet and shrieked in mortification and dismay as the women stood up and continued clapping with wide smiles of approval. Linda was petrified with embarrassment and shame as the brunette and the redhead pulled her into a close embrace with the big dog panting at their ankles. The redhead caught her by the wrist, turned Linda’s face toward her and gave the blonde a long and thorough kiss through the splashes of hot animal semen. Linda closed her eyes and gasped in surprise as Sally’s tongue darted into her mouth; the redhead held the teenager in place for a long minute, working her tongue deeper between the blonde’s come-wet lips.

Sally kept the girl locked motionless by the kiss as she trailed her fingers slowly down Linda’s cheek and over her collarbones. Linda’s eyes flew open as she felt the redhead gently rubbing the Great Dane’s warm come over her nipples; Sally’s green eyes locked on her and she held the teenager’s gaze, watching the look in the blonde’s eyes while she casually fondled the girl’s left breast. The redhead dropped the Linda’s wrist and reached up to stroke the teenager’s right nipple; her soft fingertips circled the blonde’s sensitive areola, spreading sticky animal semen over the sun-browned buds until they began to stand up against her touch.

Linda couldn’t look away from Sally’s stare, and the redhead winked at her as she felt the blonde’s nipples stiffening under her fingers. The teenager felt the redhead’s lips smile through the kiss, and she gave a tiny moan when Sally chuckled deep in her throat, tongue squirming in the girl’s mouth. Denise watched approvingly while the redhead rubbed and stroked Linda’s wide areola until the blonde shivered and broke out in goosebumps, her face flushing red with embarrassment.

Sally kept rolling the teenager’s stiff nipples between thumb and forefinger until they were crinkled and fully erect, standing up stiffly against the woman’s touch. Linda was breathing hard and her forehead was still beaded with sweat; her come-sticky tongue twitched and then moved hesitantly against Sally’s, responding to the woman’s passionate kiss. Sally broke off the steamy kiss and stepped back with a wicked laugh the moment she felt the teenager’s reaction, leaving the mortified girl standing flushed and panting with her nipples swollen hard.

The redhead licked her lips and said, “Well, well, we wondered what was keeping you from getting downstairs for dinner; what a nice surprise this is for Deni and me, lover.” She turned and started toward the bed, adding, “Come on, baby; it’s time we had a little talk, good girl.”

“Watching you rolling around there with sweet Prince really made me so hot, babydoll,” the brunette whispered, trailing kisses up Linda’s neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I was ready to come myself just seeing you wiggle around and do him like that, honey,” she added, drawing her nails delicately over the captive blonde’s tingling nipples, “and I really am glad sexy Princie is the one you decided to break in with. You just carry on with what you were doing and let Sally and Denise watch you romp with him, okay?”

“Oh god, Deni, don’t even try to make a joke about it,” the red-faced runaway wailed urgently, “I can’t believe something like this even happened, I feel so dirty and miserable and ashamed. How could you both just sit there and watch me, you could have stopped him, you could have done something to make me snap out of it before I–I–”

“Snap you out of it, angel you must be kidding,” Sally said with a smile, “we’ve been waiting to see if you really have what it takes to fit in around here, and finding out you’re ready to do some first class doggie cocksucking means a lot.”

“Easy, good girl, take it easy, relax,” the brunette added with a big smile, “I told you before to just let yourself go for it, you already know about how your part of the program works. Of course you want to learn to suck these big cocks, that’s really why you’re staying here instead of trying to run away, angel. Besides, how will you ever show the younger boys what to do unless the experienced ones teach you how to do it first?” Linda’s eyes glazed with shock as the terrible impact of the brunette’s words sank in; she felt weak in the knees and her face went deathly pale as Denise chattered casually away about the two women’s horrifying plan.

“Oh my god, Denise,” the blond whispered pleadingly, “you won’t make me…you can’t really mean it. Oh Sally please, I’ll do anything you want, anything, just please–”

“That’s exactly right, angel, you will do anything we want,” the redhead interrupted softly, “and Deni just told you what that’s going to be. Let me make it clear for you one last time about what you’re going to be doing while you’re here, lover. Mick and Rex and Prince are going to fuck with you until you learn just how a big dog likes to have it, sucking, fucking, whatever they want from you. Denise and I will watch and help and instruct you until you do everything right for them, however long it takes for you to learn. Then as the younger boys mature, you’ll teach them how to fuck you until they’re perfect at it.”

“Easy, good girl, don’t be so tense,” the brunette chimed in, “you’ll love working out with our pretty boys, believe me, Sally and I will make sure you learn to love it. Honey, these big dogs are going to fuck you until you can’t get your breath, you can’t imagine how good it is. Prince’s big dick is so hot and slick you won’t believe it, baby; once you get some real doggie fucking you’ll think everything else is second class, lover.”

“Denise is right, baby, it’s addictive,” Sally said, staring into Linda’s panic-widened eyes, “once you’ve felt that furry belly over your back, you’ll never want to give it up. You can actually feel the cock swell up inside you before they come, it’ll blow your mind.”

“You’ll understand in time, angel, really you will,” the brunette whispered softly, ?it just takes a little time to admit it to yourself. It took Sally and me a while to understand, years ago when we first started Fox and Hounds. You’re going to love doggie licking and doggie-dicking, baby; Sally and I had to found out by accident, and it took us months to face the truth and then to admit it to each other. All women love animal cocks, it’s just that we’re not allowed to know it or admit it; you’ll go crazy for that hot doggie dick and you’re gonna love sucking them and fucking them, you’ll see.

“Oh Jesus, please, Denise, Sally, no more, please no,” Linda whispered pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “You can’t really want me to do this kind of thing, I can’t just stay here and let you tell me to do awful shit like this,” she continued as the redhead and the brunette led her quickly over to the bed, “Please, please don’t ask me to do it any more, don’t let him do that to me again, it’s too awful to even think about, please, please don’t…”

The teenager choked back her tears as the redhead silently pressed her back and down onto the mattress while the eager Harlequin clambered up over the foot of the bed; the brunette fondled and stroked the trembling girl lasciviously, giving her brief kisses that interrupted Linda’s desperate begging as the animal settled in place between her legs.

“Now there, isn’t that better, baby, it’s much more comfortable to be on the bed with one of these big lovers, huh” Denise whispered to the babbling blonde, running her fingers lightly over the frantic teenager’s hard nipples. “These pretty boys really love eating your sweet pussy, honey girl, and Sally and I know you’ve never had anything as wonderful as this serious licking in your life. How about if we just stay here and keep you company while he gives you another treat; Sally and I want to watch him make you wiggle and sweat.”

“Oh yeah, all right, pretty boy,” the brunette crooned to the big dog, reaching over to spread Linda’s pubic bush wide for the eager Dane, “Pretty Linda won’t stop you and I know she really can’t wait for you to do her again, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to her real good, good boy.”

There was no way the overwhelmed teenager could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Linda collapsed limp on the heaving waterbed, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Understanding that the quivering blonde couldn’t refuse the redhead’s whispered instructions, the big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and began a slow motion washing of the teenager’s bare pussy. His tongue languidly flicked between the gasping runaway’s delicate inner lips and slid over her exposed clitoris while Sally and Denise held the girl’s hands at her sides and Denise petted the panting Great Dane approvingly.

Within minutes, Linda was moaning through her teeth and writhing against the redhead’s gentle grip, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed under the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her pussy responding automatically to the exquisite torture of the dog’s velvet tongue. Linda’s crinkled pink nipples were now achingly hard and her belly muscles spasmed as she got closer and closer to coming on the unrelenting doggie licking.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good for Linda, Prince, go on baby, do it nice for her now, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Denise hissed through clenched teeth, watching the pulsation building in Linda’s aching snatch, “Do it now, Princie, yes yes yes, pretty Linda can’t stand it, big dog, this pretty girl is gonna cream all over you….”

Powerless to escape the bestial licking, Linda clenched her fists against the women’s grip, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as Deni encouraged the big dog and waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even though her thoughts clamored with shame and total mortification, Linda’s hips rolled automatically back and forth under Prince’s lingering ceaseless licking, magnifying the sensation of each slow stroke.

Despite her resolve not to give in to the incredible sensation, the desperate runaway felt her drool wet ass tighten with every flicker of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. She whimpered in despair as she found herself actually stretching her legs wider for the big dog, straining with the tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, Linda, come now, baby,” Denise whispered hoarsely in her ear, watching the struggling teenager in delight, “I can’t believe how much you love it, go ahead and do some more for us, good girl.” The captive blonde’s tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come on the big dog’s constant skillful licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Linda, go on baby, do it for Denise now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes, yes, yes,” the brunette panted, seeing the orgasm pounding in the writhing teen’s throbbing snatch, “please do it now for us, angel, mmmmmm, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, we’ve gotta have it all now, come all over for us, angel girl.”

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow motion lightning striking her clit and running straight up her spine. The orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as the huge Harlequin’s incredible wide tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde lay squirming between the redhead and the brunette while the massive Dane continued panting and lapping at her melting bronze-bushed cunt.

“Mmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno,” she shrilled as the redhead and the brunette smiled down at her in delight, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm….”

Her whispered pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage Deni to pet and praise the heavy dog, who immediately burst into wanton lapping at the helpless girl’s spasming crotch. Linda’s brain exploded into an immense red-hot fireball of orgasm and frenzied panic as Prince’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt.

Tears slid down her face and dripped down onto her neck as the frantic teenager squirmed on the mind boggling orgasm. Howling and whining as the women kissed her and fondled her heaving breasts, she goggled up in stunned disbelief as Denise and Sally watched the panting dog make her come, petting the eager animal, rubbing his ears and neck and whispering praise as he snuffled and drooled over Linda’s dripping bronze bushed pussy.

The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shuddering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking. The shivering blonde was speechless when the redhead and the brunette moved back from either side of her and climbed off the bed. The hapless teen watched in stunned amazement as the big dog floundered up at Sally’s command and squirmed around head-to-tail with, laying down into sixty-nine position.

Linda couldn’t believe it was happening until Deni leaned down and whispered softly, “You might as well go ahead and try a little more tongue on his dick, sweetheart, Princie knows you’ll cave in and give him some more head if he keeps licking you like that. Sally and I are leaving now, so you can either stop, or do whatever you want, angel. Just pretend we weren’t ever here, baby, go ahead and do what you really want to do and forget about everything else,” she added, laying her hand on the back of the blonde’s neck and gently massaging her head down toward the reclining animal’s spread back legs. “There’s no sense trying to convince yourself or us that you don’t want to do it, baby, you know you liked it and Prince knows you liked it and we know you liked it, we saw it all.”

“Well, Prince boy, now you’ve done it,” the brunette crooned to the waiting animal as the women started toward the door, “you just got Linda started with something that isn’t done yet; your lover-girl isn’t satisfied yet, not by a long shot. Denise knew Linda better than our good girl thought, I just knew our pretty runaway would really like playing with that big handsome cock of yours, good dog, and I don’t think she’s ready to give it up yet, okay?”

“Denise is telling you how it’s going to be, angel,” Sally chimed in with a smile from the doorway, “If you expect to stay here, you’re going to have to earn your keep anyway, but it’s good for you to find out you can enjoy it. No, don’t try to deny it, angel, you’re only a half-step away from licking that big cock again and you know it; you’ll enjoy it more and more as you get better at it, you’ll see. You might as well give in and accept it now, baby, you’ll be right back down on his dick again sooner or later and loving every minute of it.”

Linda glanced down from the redhead’s smile to the Great Dane and slowly reached out to stroke his slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as Denise and Sally stepped outside and locked her in with the waiting animal. The overwhelmed blonde closed her eyes and slowly sighed, “All right you motherfucker, but if you think you’re getting anything besides jacked off, forget it; you just lie back and please stop licking while Linda gets you off some more.” The lovely blonde curled slowly around and laid her head on the waiting Harlequin’s thigh, keeping her mind blank as she wrapped both hands on the animal’s quivering erection.

“You don’t have to lick or move or do anything, lover pup,” she whispered, “I’m just gonna work on your slick beautiful dick till you can’t keep it up any more.”

Through the rest of the night the mesmerized teenager stroked and fondled the big dog’s cock, clutching his nuts with one hand and caressing and stroking his heaving belly with the other while she pumped the whining animal through one orgasm after another. At first the Great Dane licked her snatch excitedly when he felt the girl’s constant hands on his dick, driving the entranced blonde to prolonged multiple orgasms that made her give purring screams while she watched the creaming dog in perverse fascination.

As hours passed, the delighted animal knew the hypnotized runaway wouldn’t let go of his erection and the big dog simply lay on his side in ecstasy, panting hard over her spread pussy while Linda jacked him off obsessively. Bewitched by the constant bestial hardon in her fingers and the maddening tongue on her body, the delirious teenager stroked the shivering dog through orgasm after thrashing orgasm, giggling in amazed delight when the Dane’s cock began squirting hot come over her sweating body.

In a flash of perverse inspiration, Linda rolled Prince onto his back and then knelt straddling his shoulders, crouched down over his upthrust cock with his muzzle thrust between her tan thighs. Shivering in ecstasy as his tongue washed over her inflamed clit and between the cheeks of her squirming ass, Linda cradled the Dane’s cock in both hands, pumping rhythmically on his spurting dick as he whined and lapped beneath her. The delirious runaway roused from her orgasmic trance sometime before dawn, Prince whining in ecstasy so loud Linda was afraid Sally and Denise would wake up.

Linda was covered with gummy Great Dane semen from nose to belly; she remembered rubbing pungent come luxuriously over her swollen tits, feeling it drip from her stiff nipples while she clutched Prince’s enormous pulsing hardon and massaged the animal’s hairless balls with her other hand. The big dog lay twitching and panting for breath as the sweating blonde slipped into the bathroom to shower off come and dog drool. She wrapped in a towel and was about to go downstairs for something to eat when she saw he was still panting hard, his still-swollen cock sticking out from the drool wet sheath.

Linda climbed carefully on her knees in bed beside the big dog and enthusiastic Prince instantly rolled onto his back, his thick red erection thrust up at the entranced runaway. Giggling hysterically to herself, the mesmerized teenager leaned over and deliberately held her tongue a half-inch over the sensitive tip of the big Dane’s dick.

“Okay, good dog, maybe we’ll try giving you just one little lick, just as sort of an experiment,” Linda murmured in horrified fascination, gripping his genitals in both hands. “But you have to be still and be quiet, good boy,” she added in a whisper, drooling down onto the waiting animal’s twitching erection, “I wouldn’t want Deni or Sally to know we decided to follow those instructions after all.” Sighing in ecstasy, the blonde rocked slowly forward, sliding the animal’s throbbing cock into her mouth.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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