Gone to the Dogs: Part 1

By Randy Howard.


“Shiyit, Jasper. Your ol’ cock gets any harder, gonna bust right outa your jeans!”

“It doesn’t have to bust outa nothin’!” The boy grinned, rubbing his massive erection through the fabric of his bib overalls. “I’m gonna let it out, Maybelle-you want to take a good suck?”

“If you suck my pussy first.”

“Sure. Shuck out of those clothes.”

Donna Dolan heard the two clear voices coming through the hedge that bordered the country lane and stopped, shocked. A pretty girl of 22, her auburn hair cascaded in soft curls over her shoulders, and her generous breasts swelled against the fabric of the light sweater, nipples showing clearly.

“You skin down, too,” said the girl.

“Okay, I’m doin’ it.”

Her fist clutched the small bunch of wildflowers she had gathered until the heads nearly fell off. Donna swallowed against the dry throat as the two people continued to talk. She glanced down the lane. Her car is out of sight, almost a mile away and around a curve. Nor could she see Susan, her 13-year-old sister.

“How ya like ol John Peter?” the boy asked.

Face burning, Donna moved nearer to the hedge and found a place where she could peer through. A small creek paralleled the lane, widening into a swimming hole a hundred yards across. The boy, no more than 17, stood on the bank, his overalls about his ankles. He wore nothing else, his fingers cupping his balls while his eight-inch cock pointed straight up at a 45-degree angle.

Donna swallowed again at the sight of the male sex organ as the boy released his testicles, letting them drop in the loose sac. He is almost six feet tall, and his balls hung a third of the way to his knees.

“Purty, ain’t it?” asked Jasper.

“For a boy,” said Maybelle, shrugging, as she stripped out of her blouse and kicked off her shoes.

She shoved her jeans down her hips, revealing a worn pair of blue panties, which did nothing to hide her generous black bush. Her bra came off. Next, her heavy breasts falling, her huge nipples rouged red amid her mahogany brown areola.

“You like my titties?” she asked, lifting them.

“I sure do!” said Jasper, stepping out of his overalls, which he abandoned as he moved to take Maybelle’s breasts in his long, bony fingers. The boy’s tanned deeply on arms and back, but he is white where the bib of the overalls cut off the sun’s ray. He bent to suck in one of her massive teenage breasts.

“Oh, shit. Don’t bite, you bastard!”

“Yummy!” Jasper slobbered, moving his tongue across to the other mound as Maybelle’s fingers touched his arms. “Good breasts. I love to suck breast!”

“Ohhhhhh, yeah. Bite ‘em, Jasper!”

Maybelle sighed as he nibbled at the swollen erection of her nipple, which is almost as large as her thumb. Her eyes closed as she countermanded her original order to the boy, the two youths standing oblivious to the world around them, unaware of the woman less than fifty feet away. Jasper turned sideways, his head working at the breast, his cock banging against Maybelle’s thigh.

“Ohhhhhhh, shit. Shit. Suck!”

For a moment, Donna’s eyes closed as well, her head falling back in just the same way, the flowers dropping from her fingers as he touched the shoulders of an imagined male … a male who would service her as Jasper is servicing Maybelle. She could feel the itch starting in her pussy again, the one that

She could be satisfied only with the biggest vibrator in her collection. No, even that wouldn’t be enough. She needed a cock. A big cock, like Jasper’s!

Donna’s fingers were working the fabric of her skirt up her thigh until she could feel her own naked flesh. Eyes still closed, she slid her fingers across her thighs, almost to The fabric of her own panties. They were much nicer panties than the cheap dime store things Maybelle had discarded. Donna’s asshole clenched tight, released again, working in fucking rhythm against a big, beautiful, wonderful, throbbing cock . . .

“Oh. Shit. Goddamn it, Jasper, get that no good hound the fuck outa here!” Maybelle implored. Donna’s eyes flew open again, and she peered through the hedge to see a mournful hound nosing at

Maybelle’s crotch. A long, limber tongue darted out across the oozing bush, and Maybelle gasped again, moving back. “Bastard!”

Jasper laughed. “Shit, Maybelle. 0l’ Fuckhead just wants to taste your pussy.” “Well, I don’t want him to do it. Jasper. Get him away from me!” she replied.

The dog followed her in the retreat, and the boy nearly doubled over in laughter until his cock slammed against his chest as Fuckhead tried to mount Maybelle’s leg.

“He just wants to fuck you!”

Maybelle kicked out, her bare toe catching the hound in the side. Fuckhead turned away with a mournful howl of protest, and Jasper’s laughter turned into clouds of rage. He moved closer to the girl.

“Goddamn, Maybelle. You had no call to kick him!”

“I’ll fuckin’ kill him!”

“Yeah? We’ll fuckin’ see about that!”

Suddenly he grabbed the girl, his hands twisting her around until Maybelle’s back is against his belly. Jasper’s cock banged up against her ass is flattened between them. The girl tried to twist free.

“Damn you. Bastard!”

“Shut up, bitch. C’mere, Fuckhead. Do you want some of this pussy? C’mere an’ get it!”

The hound hung back, distrustfully as Maybelle tried to kick back at Jasper, slam her elbows into him. He released one arm long enough to slide his hand around her front, grabbing and twisting the nipple of her left breast as hard as he can.

“O ww www!”

“Hold still, bitch. Goddamn it, my dog wants to fuck you. C’mere, Fuckhead!”

He twisted her back along the grassy bank, lifting her from her feet and bending backward. Before Maybelle realized what Jasper had planned, the boy slammed her down again, off-balance. She fell to her knees, his cock pushing at her ass hole as he captured her wrist and twisted that up between her shoulder blades.

“Owwwwwww. Please, Jasper. You’re hurtin’ me!”

“I’ll more’n fuckin’ hurt you, bitch. Shut up an’ hold still. C’mere, Fuckhead. You dumbass dog!”

Jasper moved around to Maybelle’s side, bringing up one knee and bending the girl across it as the dog came closer, still wary. Maybelle’s pigtails of dirty blonde hair fell beside her face, which is contorted with pain.

“Take a good taste, Fuckhead!”

The teenager’s asshole is completely exposed, her dark pubic bush barely concealing the raw gash of her cunt. Donna noted with a corner of her mind the disparity between head and pussy, her own fingers busy working across the swollen mound of her cunt. Hairless, it felt smooth beneath the nylon fabric of the panties and is burning hot. She swallowed again and again. She worked a finger under the elastic band and stroked across her sweating pubic flesh.

Just as Donna’s finger slid across her own slit, the dog’s tongue darted out again, touching the mound of the helpless girl on the other side of the hedge. Maybelle gasped again, outraged.

“Jasper. Please, don’t let him do that!”

The boy gasped against her struggles and managed a chuckle, his cockhead pushing against the dangling mound of the girl’s breast.

“He’s just suckin’ your pussy. You said that’s what you wanted.”

“I want you to suck it. Not a dog!”

“Fuckhead’s good at pussy suckin’. An’ fuckin’ Ask Maw!”

He laughed again and reached beneath her to grab the breast, kneading it until Maybelle gasped again, this time from the sensation. The boy released the mammary, held her against his leg with one arm across her back, reached with the other to stab his finger down her slit.

“Come on, Fuckhead. Good pussy!”

The hound seemed to agree; it licked at Maybelle again, its long ears dragging against the swollen asscheeks. Then the animal rose, its front paws sliding over her buttocks to her hips, Fuckhead’s back arched to bring his cock into position to enter her cunt.

Donna swallowed, unable to believe her eyes. The dog’s cock, dripping wet, is already three inches out of the protective sheath. It is a bright inflamed pink, coming to an absolute point, a point that stabbed into the girl with the thrust when he moved against her.

“Jesus. JESUS. Damn you, Jasper Jorgenson. Damn your worthless scrawny asshole. DAMN you!”

Jasper laughed again. “Cuss some more, Maybelle. In just a minute, you’re gonna be beggin’ for more. C’mon, Fuckhead, ride her. Ride her!”

The dog’s cock slipped out of the girl’s soaking entrance again, and the animal maneuvered around to a better position for his attack. Then he stabbed, and a long howl burst from Maybelle as he began to pump against her.

“Owwwwwwwwww. Ohhhhhhhhhhh!”

“Good, ain’t it?” demanded an excited Jasper, the boy switching hands that held her prisoner to rub at his cock. “Sweet pecker!”

“Bastard. BASTARD. I’ll KILL you!”

“Shit. You’ll suck my pecker!”

“No. No, I won’t!”

“You’ll do anything I goddamn tell ya to do just to get some more of Fuckhead. Yeah-Fuckhead’s fuckin’. Take her, boy. Take her!”

The animal ignored the words coming from the two youngsters, concentrating on keeping his cock sliding in and out of the hot young female organ. Maybelle gasped against him and suddenly tightened down on the slippery shaft after it feels free and banged her thigh before he got it back again. The girl arched her back across Jasper’s knees, her knuckles doubling against the ground. She bit her lip; stabbed her ass back.

“Ohhhhhh. Oh!”

“You love it!” yelled a delighted Jasper. “Goddamn, I knew you wanted it!”

“Bastard!” she moaned softly. “Oh, Christ. Ohhhhh!”

“Harder, Fuckhead. Pump her harder, boy!”

On the other side of the hedge. Donna is hunched over, her fingers stabbing beneath her panties to dig, claw, at the sopping walls of her cunt. God. She had to get inside, fight that terrible itching, that terrible burning. She had to have something in her cunt, even if it is only her own fingers. Oh, God. Why can’t I have a cock. What did I do to You that made You refuse me that simple pleasure? Everybody fucks. Why can’t I?

God didn’t answer, but suddenly Donna ripped her panties down from her hips, kicking them off. They sailed a dozen feet away, caught in the top of the hedge, the crotch soaked from her spendings. Now she pulled her skirt up over her hips, trapped it there by pressing her elbow against her side while her other hand dug into the moist passage of her cunt!


She gasped aloud, but on the other side of the hedge, Jasper, and Maybelle didn’t hear, too intent on their own pleasures. Maybelle pushed back against the hound again, trying to impale herself on his slippery, skinny shaft. Her eyes were tight as she concentrated on squeezing the animal’s prick within her cuntal walls. She gasped, felt the burning pressure of Jasper’s cock against her flesh. Suddenly she reached down and grabbed it.

“Shiyit. Watch out, you dumb bitch!”

Jasper nearly dumped the girl to the ground, trying to protect his cock from her raking nails. But Maybelle had him prisoner now, her other hand flat on the grass, gasping as she worked against him.

“Shit. Shit. Let me suck you!”

At her begging, the boy laughed again and then maneuvered himself around until he was kneeling before her. Maybelle supported herself on both hands now, her breasts hanging against the grass as she tried to force her ass back around the fast-pumping dog cock in her pussy. Fuckhead is penetrating, but not deep enough; she wanted more. She wanted Jasper!

“Ah, ah, ah. HAH. Ahhhhhhhhh!”

Gasping for breath, the girl raised her face and saw the swollen shape of a young male cock above her vision level. Jasper’s balls were drawing up tight in their sac now as he became more excited. A clear drop of liquid gold welled from the opening in the head of his cock, and he rubbed his thumb through it and along the shaft.

“You want to suck it? Here it is!”


“I ain’t a cocksucker, at least!”

“You suck pussy. You fuck your Mother!”

“Sure, I do. And you fuck Pa. Now you’re gonna suck your big brother’s nice big juicy cock. C’mon, Maybelle-get them sweet lips up here!”

“Oh, shit. Give it to me!”

Maybelle reached up to grab her brother’s cock shaft, Jasper sinking back onto his heels. Now he worked closer to her, worked his knees beneath her until they shoved at the top of her breasts. She could reach him now. She took his cockhead between her lips, sucking greedily. All the while, the dog kept fucking at her.


Maybelle twisted suddenly from her brother’s cock as Fuckhead gave one final shove, held himself tight against her ass for a minute, pumping out his seed. Then the dog fell away, moved several feet away to turn around twice and flop down, his head on his paws.

“No good fuckin’ bastard!”

“Now, what’s the matter with ya?”

“Fuckin’ animal come in me. I don’t want no goddam litter of puppies!”

Jasper started laughing harder, his hands flat against the slope of his thighs, his bobbing cock wet around the head as he threw his head back. He shook with mirth as the outraged Maybelle stared up at him, still on all fours.

“What’s so goddamn funny?”

“Dizzy cunt. You can’t have no goddamn puppies!”

“Yeah? What makes you so fuckin’ sure, know-it-all? Clarence Koster said in school last month he knows a woman over to Porterville had a goddam litter of Great Danes!”

“Garence Koster doesn’t know shit when it falls outa his own asshole. Shit, if people could give animals babies, an’ animals people, ol’ Clarabelle’d have one heap of funny kids by now. I have been fuckin’ that ewe since I was twelve years old!”


“Cunt. C’mon, Maybelle, stop shittin’ around an’ suck my cock!”

Maybelle reached beneath her belly to rub her hand across her pussy, which is spilling juice. Now, Jasper moved closer to her again, holding his cock down and sliding the wet ahead across her face. She started to turn away, but he caught the back of her head, rubbed his cock against her lips.

“C’mon, Maybelle!”

“You might say please, you bastard!”

“All right, dammit. Please suck my cock!”

Donna could see the girl hesitate, see Maybelle’s asshole flex again. The teenager rubbed her palm across her burning nipple-bent to suck her brother’s cockhead into her mouth again. Jasper gasped in pleasure.

“Oh, yeah. Yeahhhhhhhhh. You suck good!”

Maybelle mumbled something and moved down farther, letting it slide into her throat. God. Donna’s eyes widened in astonishment. The eight inches were slowly disappearing. Now there are only two inches of the flaming red shaft . . . now only one . . the pouting lips moved into the bush and pressed tight against the boy’s groin!”

“Ahhhhhhh. Good!” moaned Jasper. “Good!”

Donna is breathing harder, her fingers stabbing as deep as she could reach. But it wasn’t deep enough to ease the aching void . . God. She wanted that cock. It is just such a cock she saw in her dreams almost every night. . . Randy Palmer’s cock, when the high school football hero caught the frightened twelve-year-old Donna out behind the school playground late that September evening.

“Well, what the fuck you looking at?” Randy said.

Randy is taking a piss, but his cock stood hard when the stream stopped, and he started to work it in his fingers, laughing with the three boys with him. They were all eighteen. Donna tried to slip away in the darkness, but one of them saw her near the school bus, ran to catch her.

“Please …” the frightened girl said.

“We do as we please!” said Randy. “Let’s fuck the nosy little cunt, boys!”

Donna struggled, but two of them held her arms while the other two stripped her naked. Her breasts were the size of teacups, her young pussy already hairy. She gasped as the boys stabbed a finger deep, found no barrier.

“Christ, she ain’t even got a cherry!”

“Yes. Yes, I do. I’ve never done it!” she cried.

“Well, there’s always a first time!”

With that, Randy slammed into the frightened young girl, penetrating her completely. The boys gasped in amazement as their cocks, in turn, slid all of the ways into her bottomless cunt. Sobbing, Donna tried to push them away-tried to pull their heavyweight down against her as they fucked into her with all of her strength.

“Oh, yes!” she cried. “Oh, yes. FUCK ME!”

Remembering that night ten years ago, Donna tried to stab her fingers in as deep as Randy’s cock had reached. God. She needed cock. Since the night of the rape, she had never dared take another man, rejecting even casual dates, but in her dreams, she relived that wonderful fucking moment!


On the other side of the bush, Jasper heard Donna gasp out the words as she slammed her hand deep into her own cunt. Startled, the boy pushed Maybelle away, leaped to his feet. He moved to the hedge, where the voice was coming from and peered through the small gap.

“Sonofabitch. Maybelle. Look at this cunt!”



Jasper’s startled exclamation cut through the sexual fog trapping Donna. She gasped at the sound of his voice, and her hand flew away from her cunt, spattering droplets of her fuck juice. She froze in horror as she saw the eyes staring at her through the gap in the hedge.

“Well, what the fuck you lookin’ at?”

Jasper’s words were exactly those spoken by Randy Palmer on that long-ago night. Donna blanched with fear, her hand slowly falling.

“Oh!” she stammered. “Oh . . . ah .. .”

“Bitch. Get a fuckin’ eyeful, didn’t ya?”

Her ears, her whole face, is flaming as Donna tried to move back, away from the naked boy on the other side of the hedge. Then she spun, started to run. Oh, God. Her car is so far away. Would she be able to reach it before Jasper found a hold through the hedge?

The boy is chasing her, his still-hard cock flopping up and down between his legs, his bare feet pounding along the grassy ground. Suddenly the hedge broke, a small grove of trees spilling out to the edge of the lane, and he darted through them.

“Hold on, you fuckin’ cunt!”

His arm is out like a traffic cop twenty feet ahead. Donna skidded to a stop, reversed field, panic lending strength to her fleeing feet. Jasper cursed again, started after her, and caught her by the time she reached her original spot. Her discarded panties were a pale blue marker in the high branches of the hedge. He grabbed her wrist, spun her around until she fell to the ground.

“Bitch!” he cried.

Before Donna could draw breath, Jasper yanked her to her feet, twisted her arm behind her back, started marching her to the end of the hedge. She gasped in pain.

“You’re hurting me!”

“I’ll fuckin’ kill ya if you don’t shut up!”

They moved through the trees, toward Maybelle, the young girl waiting with hands on her hips, a glare on her face. She sneered as Jasper threw Donna to the ground at her feet.

“Shit. What we gonna do with her, Jasper?”

He rubbed his mouth and grinned. “Teach her a lesson in manners, Maybelle. Fuckin’ city cunt. Gets her kicks watchin’ us fuck around. We’ll give her a good taste of it. You still want your pussy sucked?”

Maybelle smiled with an evil little expression that made her pretty face ugly. “Sure. And I got some nice dog cum up inside me to be sucked out!”

“Yeah. You heard Maybelle, cunt. Suck her pussy!”

“Oh, no!” Donna shook her head, supporting herself on her hands and staring up at the naked teenagers. “Please, I can’t.”

“You fuckin’ ass better!” he threatened.

Jasper doubled a fist, moved closer. Donna cringed away, and Maybelle’s naked foot shot out, catching her beneath the chin, knocking her flat.

“Ow. Oh, please,” she said.

“We do, please!” said the boy.

“Shit, Jasper,” said his sister. “You gonna let the bitch keep her goddam clothes on? She saw us naked. Why the fuck is she any better’n us?”

He grinned again. “Right on, Maybelle.”

Suddenly he leaned down, caught his rawboned fist in the neck of Donna’s expensive sweater, and ripped with all of his strength. The cashmere resisted, the tight collar sawing at Donna’s neck. But Jasper’s strength is too great; the wool parted, ripped down completely.

“Ohhhhh!” she cried.

Her breasts pushed the ripped sweater aside, flopping generously. They weren’t as big as Maybelle’s doughy mounds, but they were well-shaped, the nipples almost as large as the other girl’s. Donna caught herself, her burning nipples hurting against her palms. “Please!”

“Shut up, cunt!” said Maybelle. “Strip her bare ass, Jasper. Rip up her clothes so’s she’s got nothin’ left to wear.”

“Yeah!” Jasper bent down, ripped open the zipper at Donna’s skirt’s side, and used both hands to continue ripping the fabric. Donna’s ears flamed with embarrassment. Why in the name of God had she chosen this day to go naked beneath her skirt and sweater?

“Not bad,” said Jasper, staring at her curves. “Shit, she’s got it all over you, Maybelle.”

“Yeah?” Outraged, the girl swung her legs over Donna’s face. “Well, let’s see how Miss Bitch likes havin’ my pussy juice all over her face!”

She sat down, not attempt to be generous. Her ass slammed Donna’s breasts, making the trapped girl grunt in shock as the sopping cunt moved over her face. Maybelle ground her groin against Donna’s features, burying her nose, her eyes, her mouth, her juices coating her cheeks and dripping down the side of her chin.

“There, bitch. How ya like pussy?”

Donna couldn’t breathe. She tried to batter Maybelle off her face, but the girl is too heavy for her. Maybelle twisted her ass, grinding her pussy over Donna’s features, the helpless girl’s nose sliding up the bottom of her cunt passage.

“Suck me, bitch. Suck my pussy!”

Jasper laughed, doubling over again. Choking, he wiped his eyes.

“Jesus, Maybelle. You’re gonna fuckin’ kill her. Give her a chance to breathe.”

“Why the fuck should I?”

“Cause I don’t intend to go to jail on no goddamn murder rap. How the fuck we know she ain’t got someone else with her?”

Maybelle wrinkled her nose in thought and lifted her ass from Donna, peering down at her between her soaked thighs.

“How ‘bout that, bitch? You alone?” she asked.

Donna thought frantically. Where is Susan? She had to keep her out of the hands of these two maniacs and agree to anything they wanted. Let the boy fuck her-suck the girl’s cunt. Do what they wanted, and they’d let her go!

“No!” she gasped. “I mean, yes-Pm alone. Please, let me go!”

“When we’re good an’ fuckin’ ready,” said Jasper. “You gonna suck Maybelle’s cunt right, or do you wanta choke to death inside her pussy?”

“I. .. I’ll do it.”

“She ain’t all the way naked yet, Jasper.”

“Shit, she’s only got her goddamn shoes on, Maybelle.”

“Yeah, but that’s more’n we got.”

Disgusted, Jasper bent to tug the offending footgear from Donna while Maybelle lowered herself over the girl’s face again. She came down more gently this time, and Donna looked straight up into the gaping maw of her cunt, a heavily fringed black bush. She saw raw, little currents of juice running along the soft walls. God, it looked like the cunt of an experienced woman, but Jasper said Maybelle is his little sister!

“Suck my pussy, bitch. Eat it out!”

There is no time for further thought. Donna’s hands went up to cushion Maybelle’s fat thighs as the girl lowered herself into position over her face. Maybelle grunted and wiggled her ass against the camp stool of Donna’s arms, and her helpless prisoner took a deep breath and stabbed her tongue through the maw of the dripping cunt.

“Deeper, damn you. Make me feel it!”

Revolted, Donna closed her eyes as Maybelle’s weight settled a trifle farther. Her nose is outside, but her mouth is pressed against the top of the slit, which spread out against her face. There’s a ‘pop’ as Maybelle’s cunt settled against Donna’s chin, and the sticky walls were forced open.

“Suck, damn you. Suck!”

The stink of the girl’s unwashed cunt is overpowering, but Donna refused to let her stomach revolt. Her tongue moved out again, slid over the erect cocklet of Maybelle’s clit, bending it backward. The girl sighed in pleasure at the contact.

“Oh, yeahhhhhh. Suck my clit, cunt. Suck it good!”

Donna concentrated on the little organ, taking it between her lips and then between her teeth, nibbling down to the bottom of the shaft as her tongue rubbed over the nubby end. Maybelle couldn’t sit still, her ass wiggling back and forth against Donna’s hands as she gasped again and again in pleasure.

“Yeah. Yeah. Oh, shit. Suck me!

Donna is doing just that, to the very best of her ability. Her tongue moved deeper, Maybelle hollowing her belly and forcing her passage to open wider. The soft walls gave before the darting, stabbing intruder as Donna shaped her tongue into a round rod. The root of her tasting organ ached as she forced it as deep into the teenager’s pussy as it would go.


Maybelle’s eyes were closed, her head falling back, one pigtail dangling behind, the other just barely in front. Her fingertips were splayed along her thighs as she rubbed her cunt against Donna’s sucking face, gasping in breath and gasping out the moans of her pleasure.


Jasper watched his sister’s pleasure, his fingertips gently holding his own swollen shaft, which is aching with the need to be buried in a cunt. He watched the two girls working, Donna’s tongue drawing constant moans from Maybelle, and is jealous of their pleasure. Shit. He brought Maybelle here to get some quiet fucking of his own. Goddamn, he wanted his cock buried in her!

“Maybelle. You no good stupid bitch!”

“What?” Her eyes popped open, glazed. “What the fuck you want, Jasper? Don’t bother me!”

“Like fuck I won’t. You started to suck my cock. Now get to it!”

He straddled Donna’s head, his feet touching the helpless girl’s ears, his legs between his sister’s knees. He presented his cock to Maybelle, rubbing it constantly as she stared at it.

“Suck it, damn you!”

“Shit. You fuckin’ crazy?”

“Suck it, or I’ll knock your goddamn teeth down your stupid fuckin’ throat. SUCK!”

Maybelle looked up into her brother’s eyes, saw he meant everything he said. Frightened for herself now, she ground her cunt down against Donna and leaned forward to grasp Jasper’s hips with her hands. His cock is so hard it stood almost straight against his belly.

“Shit, Jasper. I can’t suck . . . ohhhhh. Shit. I can’t. Not like this!”

The moan of pleasure came as Donna’s teeth caught the soft wall of her cunt, bit down around her clit, capturing it completely. Maybelle nearly lost her balance, would have fallen but for her hands on her brother’s hips.

“Oh, shit. Shit, Jasper!”

“You gonna suck, Maybelle?”

He doubled a fist in threat, and she bit her lip. “Oh, shit. All right. Bastard!”

“Just shut up and suck my cock!”

The boy leaned forward, pushing his burning erection down against his sister’s mouth until Maybelle could suck it in. At first, she took only the head, her tongue laving the burning glans and sliding across the opening, licking away another drop of pre-coital fluid. It is acrid, but she ignored the bitterness as her hands moved around Jasper’s ass, and she concentrated on balancing over Donna.

“Yeahhhhhh!” Jasper sighed in pleasure, his back arching away from Maybelle as his groin shoved forward. He watched his cock disappear between her lips, into her hungry mouth, sliding back into her throat. “Oh, yeah!”

Maybelle made a noise as she gobbled down on him, took all he had to throw at her. Her own eyes were closed as she sucked at the burning shaft of her brother’s cock, gasping against it when Donna’s tongue, aching but looser now, stabbed farther than before into the seeping walls of her pussy.

“Oh, yeah!” said Jasper, pleased when Maybelle impaled herself completely at the moment of gasping. “Oh, yeah, Maybelle. Suck your ol’ brother. Shit, you suck better’n Maw!”

Maybelle clutched anxiously at her brother’s buttocks, one finger working between the cleft, almost down to his asshole. She sucked against his throbbing erection, holding it all of the ways into her throat, breathing around it and through her nostrils. This is thrilling, a cock in her throat and a tongue in her cunt, but two cocks would be better!


Jasper tried to fuck against Maybelle’s face. He thrust deep into her throat, pulled back against her hands. He succeeded in pulling an inch or so of his prick from her lips and stabbed it back in again instantly. His belly jumped as he tried to fuck her, pushing against his sister as hard as he could, thrusting and pulling until Maybelle could no longer control his cock with just her mouth.


Jasper slammed half of his eight inches into the back of Maybelle’s throat-knocking the girl completely off balance. She rode backward. Donna cannot support her, her cunt slipping from Donna’s mouth and face as she fell heavily against the older girl’s breasts.

“Shit!” cried Jasper as his cock pumped dry against the air. “Goddamn it to fuck!”

“Bastard!” yelled Maybelle, losing her balance completely as she slid down the bottom slope of Donna’s breasts, hurting the girl, as she too flopped against Donna’s belly. Her cunt spilled juice down Donna’s body.


Donna gasped for breath as Maybelle fell from her, but now Jasper, furious, is dropping flat over her face, stabbing his cock, wet with Maybelle’s saliva, into her mouth. He rode all the way down, slamming past the barrier of dangling uvula and into her throat, cutting off Donna’s breath completely.

“Agghghhhhhh. GAGGHHHHHHH!”

Donna tried to fight free as Jasper’s balls fell over her nose, squashed on either side of it. The boy’s hands pushed Maybelle back-then caught at her hips, holding her in place over Donna’s belly. Now Donna knew new pain from her thighs as Maybelle leaned back against them, drawing up her own hips to let Jasper bury his face in her cunt as he fucked into Donna’s mouth.

“Oh, shit. Shit, Jasper. SHIT!”

“Yahhhhhhh!” Jasper slurped his tongue through the moist walls, through the puddle of cunt juice forming as Maybelle’s body formed itself into a soup bowl. He came away just long enough to gasp again.

“Good. Hot pussy. Good!”

Maybelle’s head fell between Donna’s legs, her hands clawing at the grass as she pushed herself up against her brother’s mouth. Blood rushed to her head, but she could not escape, her ass soaked with Donna’s cunt spendings, gasping for breath as she tried to grind her cunt against Jasper.

“Oh, shit. Suck. SUCK!”

On the bottom of the pile, Donna’s hands beat at Jasper’s hips as the boy continued to thrust deep into her throat. But he is beyond feeling the annoyance, even when she raked at him with her claws. His cock rode all the way out until the cockhead battered against the girl’s teeth as he tried to fall in again. She tried to twist free, but there is no escaping the cock, the weight of his body.

“Hold still, you fuckin’ bitch!”

Jasper cried the command, coming up from Maybelle’s cunt to slam his knees against Donna’s head. She saw red from the blow, her ears ringing with the pain, but she is trapped again. There is no escaping his cock; she had to let him slam down into her throat again.


Jasper cried out his triumph as he dove back into Maybelle’s cunt, his voice cut off as her cunt walls sucked in his lips, hollowed his cheeks. Jasper rode all the way down into Donna’s throat again, then came back, the girl’s teeth raking his cock flesh until the rim of the glans is captured, held from escaping completely. In that brief instant before he fell again, Donna managed to breathe in oxygen through her nose, and then his pelvis slammed her face, cutting off breath, bruising her until nose and cheekbones were aching from the force of the blow.


“Cunt!” he cried, coming up for breath. “CUNT!” He dove down again, came back up. “OH, SHIT. HOT CUNT. OHHHHHHHH, FUCK. SWEET FUCKIN’ SHIT. YEAH- HHHHHH!”

Donna wanted to gasp, too, but there is no chance. She wanted to cry out against this terrible thing they were doing to her, to protest this outrage, to scream at them until they . . . they … oh, dear God. She wanted this. Cock. Cock in her mouth. She wanted Jasper’s cock, no matter what she had to do, to take, to have it!

Maybelle’s ass is vibrating up and down as the girl tried to thrust up against her brother, constantly gasping for heated breath. There is an ache in her shoulders, in the back of her head, but she ignored it, punishing Donna without knowing what she is doing, without caring. Her brother’s tongue is sliding deep into her cunt, scooping up her constant orgasms to gulp them greedily into his throat until his belly must be filled with her spendings.


Jasper is beyond answering, his whole body aching with the strain of fucking Donna in the mouth, not in the pussy. He is covered with sweat, scattering droplets of it each time his body slammed against his helpless prisoner’s face. The boy pounded into the young woman, sucked with all of his strength against his young sister, trying to drill his cock completely through the back of

Donna’s head until he felt the explosion starting, erupting, coursing through his gut. His testicles began to tingle, to ache, to swell as they worked with his prostate to force out his seminal juices.

“Oh, SHIT. SHIT. I’M . . . COMIN’!”

Maybelle heard him scream, wrapped her thighs around her brother’s head to hold him a prisoner as he slammed down one final time and blasted his cum deep into Donna’s throat. It coursed into her belly as he held his breath, smothering himself against his sister’s sweet, burning pussy…

To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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