Growing Old Disgracefully

By Diane O’Dwyer.

I’m asked how I got ‘into’ dogs, or they ‘into’ me, so here it all is, why they still excite me.

Despite years since I had full sex with a dog, I still dream about it regularly. I’ve been divorced for several years now, but in my marriage in the eighties and early nineties, my husband and I were active swingers. We experimented with all kinds of kinky sex. I was bisexual, liked threesomes, and eventually, our sex games led to me letting a dog fuck me too.

I was only in my twenties, around 27, I’d guess. But I think Kim left a lasting impression on me!

We were friends with a swinging couple we’d had a foursome with about two or three times before, staying at their house. Until that night, we’d had no idea they’d also let their dog into their sex life. Likewise, we were the first couple, but not the last who they shared their secret kink. They lived about a hundred miles from us, so we’d stayed over quite a few times for weekends when Carol’s son was away, staying with his Dad, her first husband.

The dog thing all started after one swinging weekend. After an hour’s session with each other, we were just relaxing over a few drinks, smoking strong dope, and still lying about almost naked. It was by now around midnight. Everyone was chemically relaxed, taking a break from having kinky group sex and passing around one intense smoke if you get my drift (setting this scene)

Carol’s wife had just thrown a toweling bathrobe around herself. I had just slipped on my T-shirt, probably because I’m pretty embarrassed about my small breasts. Carol had gone through into the kitchen to get some ice for the JD’s and Coke we were all drinking, and Kim, their Golden Labrador dog, somehow managed to get past her into the living room. She tried in vain to get him back in when she returned to the room with the ice, but she gave up and sat down when Kim took notice of her commands whatsoever and just went around in turn fussing and greeting everyone in the room.

I noticed that he had a good sniff at the boy’s naked, now limp bits before they pushed him off. Carol and I had already licked each other in a sixty-nine, and both of us had also been well bonked by each of the boys in turn, meaning both our vaginas were still pretty ‘damp,’ shall we say? Their dog suddenly went across and began to sniff at her and then moved up to start sniffing at her naked crotch, too, and she quickly turned away her legs into the side of the chair and pulled the robe back around herself stopping him from doing this to her.

My husband Paddy jokingly remarked, “Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.”

Mike was a bit drunk. He laughed back to Paddy. “Oh, she’s bloody tried it alright. Don’t you worry about that? Her bloody dog now sees more of her crack than I do.”

Carol had been fending the dog off but looked up, surprised at her husband’s lewd remark, and stopped, staring at Mike quizzically. She seemed to be almost asking him if he wanted her to carry on and let the dog do this to her, given other people were present and watching? She seemed to be almost asking permission.

Mike whispered something to Paddy, who grinned like an idiot. Mike just nodded across to his wife, and she parted her legs instantly and let the dog get straight back between her legs. She even held herself open for him to get at her clitoris, just as she had done for my probing tongue earlier. Carol adored oral sex. It was blatantly apparent that Kim must have licked her before right from the start. The dog was well trained. He was licking away at her frantically, and she was enjoying this immensely.

This sexy sight soon re-excited the ‘jaded’ boys again, and after watching Carol enjoy the dog’s sexy attentions for a few minutes, I too caught the bug and started to idly stroke myself slowly with my fingers. When the boys saw this, they got me to lie back on the rug and open my legs. As I did so, the dog tried to get at me too, but I pushed him away in shrill protest, so they held him back, but then they prompted Carol to get down from the chair and go onto her knees to lick at my vagina instead, but still made sure she had her bum stuck high in the air for the dog. They then let him loose behind her again. He began to lick her crack hard from the back. At the same time, she was busy doing the same thing to me. Carol got into this scene, licking me frantically, which was exciting. I am bisexual and love a woman licking me.

I then heard Kim start to whine, and suddenly the dog’s head appeared above hers several times as he kept jumping up on her back. I realized with a shock her dog was unsuccessfully trying to mount her, obviously trying to have full sex with her. The next minute her husband had come across, coaxed Kim up onto her back, and then helped the humping dog get its penis up into his wife’s opening. She suddenly grunted and moaned, and I realized from her reactions that the dog had clearly gotten its cock into her and was now screwing her properly.

Once Kim got it home, there was no stopping him. He was panting and drooling away above her head, still buried into my crotch as he humped away at her hard and fast. I couldn’t believe it. I laid back in amazement. I was here, with Carol moaning into my bush in time to the dog’s furious thrusts while my face was inches away from the drooling mouth of her Golden Labrador, who was right up to his balls inside her. My God, she was being screwed hard by her dog. It didn’t take me long to come at the thought of all that was going on above me.

She soon moaned and had to stop trying to lick me as she came hard herself. She was a very noisy lover. She squealed as she climaxed, banging back hard onto the dog’s shaft for several minutes until he collapsed spent over her back and lay still locked deep inside her, no doubt coming too as Carol eased back and forth onto him, but slowly now, shuddering all the time she gently rocked back on his swollen cock, now wedged deep up inside her.

A few minutes later, Kim got down from her back. His penis came out with a noisy plop and hung down below him. It was ridiculously swollen up and still coming, spurting it out in thin rhythmic squirts onto their sheepskin rug. Carol had undoubtedly brought him off, he was still rampant, but he looked confused as he stood there panting, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, staring at this grossly swollen cock underneath him. It was funny.

Mike hurriedly put him back into the kitchen and then helped his wife back up onto the couch, still looking decidedly groggy as she sheepishly pulled the bathrobe around herself and gulped the whiskey and Coke that Mike handed to her. She looked at me, somewhat embarrassed when I asked if she would be ok.

“I guess so. I don’t know what came over me,” she started to reply, but Mike interrupted,

“I do. I know what came over the pair of you! The bloody dog did look.”

He guffawed at his bad joke as he pointed to both our legs, which were, as he’d said, still sticky wet with the dogs come. This made us both feel ten times worse. We both nearly died of absolute shame. Somewhat subdued at his lewd remarks, we both just took our drinks and went upstairs. Carol was embarrassed as she used the shower first and then into their main bedroom. Whatever we did downstairs, we had always slept with our partners, alone in our separate rooms. That was the agreement.

The boys stayed up and had a few more drinks. I suspect they watched the homemade movie I heard about later that Mike had made of Kim screwing Carol because when Paddy came up, I was half asleep. Still, he was rampant again and talking about the dog screwing Carol right in the open air in their secluded garden. Paddy made love to me several times more that night, fantasizing about me trying it on with Kim. Carol with Kim made a huge impression on him.

That’s when I felt jealous. If this turned him on so much, I wanted him to see me doing it to turn him on. not someone else. I was also curious when I saw how much Carol had enjoyed the sex with her dog. When I first made my first conscious decision, I had to have it off with a dog myself if it was that sexy. Even the thought excited me as Paddy screwed me hard.

The boys went off to play golf the following day, and Carol and I had a chance to talk. She was more than a little sheepish, still trying to play down the dog thing and imply that she only did it for Mick and didn’t enjoy it herself.

“Come on, Carol. I was there. Jesus, you nearly raped the bloody dog once he got it in you. There’s no way you can say you faked that.” She seemed almost on the edge of tears, so I changed my tone quickly. “Sorry, Carol. Look, it’s nothing to do with me. But hey, if you enjoy it, what the hell, neither of us are dyed in the wool Lesbians either. We both know the show is mainly for the boys but what the hell? We both enjoy it too, don’t we?”

“I just feel such a bloody slag,” Carol confided gratefully. “I was mortified the first time it happened and riddled with guilt. Now? Jesus, I just can’t get enough of it. Hell, it’s so bloody sexy. You’ve no idea how swollen up he gets as he comes in you.”

When I started to get more curious as to why, how, and what made it so sexy, I got some explanatory answers, and, after the second bottle of wine, when the guys came home, we were half randy and tipsy, to say the least, giggling about Carol’s description of Kim’s tennis ball-shaped Willie. The boys were soon convinced that we were making love when they came in. We weren’t. We were drinking wine and discussing Kim’s sexual prowess but pretended to be necking with each other as they came through. Mick made a joke about us two having worn the dog out when they were out and carried on without him.

It sort of went on from there. After a few drinks, we all discussed Kim and the action the night before. Mick and Carol came clean and admitted Kim had been screwing her for about two years now and had gotten more experienced. I noticed Paddy was well excited by his newfound kink. I could see his ‘bulge.’

He suggested that as they were tired from all that golf and walking the course, the dog could take both their places and fuck us first. They brought Kim in, and it sort of all went from there. Once their dog joined in our ‘foursome,’ the ice was broken. It soon became an ‘all in fivesome’ in every respect; their bloody dog seemed insatiable, even after Mick coaxed him onto Carol’s back again. All three of us watched as Kim screwed her hard and furiously again. It was blatantly obvious how much Carol was “into” her sex games with Kim.

She came noisily again. Although the dog seemed very quick, as soon as he had come in her and got off, he didn’t lose interest; he still went around licking everything sexual in sight, including his cock. Because the boys, totally excited by their “sex show” of Carol and the dog coming together, started fucking the pair of us again, he eagerly joined in, licking Mick’s cock as it pumped in and out of my pussy and Paddy’s as he fucked Carol next to us. He even went behind them and licked the boys swinging balls, sexy, they said.

It ended with me getting my first taste of a dog’s hard cock inside me. “Come on, Di. He wants to screw you too now,” Paddy had croaked.

I protested, but I didn’t mean it. It was a token refusal. I had heard Carol whimpering with pleasure, and I wanted to know why it felt so good for her. She had climaxed harder with the dog than she had with the boys. He pleaded with me a second time, and I was over onto my knees and offering myself to that dog like a bitch on heat before he had finished the sentence. I soon found out.

Kim messed about, and Paddy wasn’t much help, but Carol came over to help. My cunt was still soaking from her husband’s come, so as she egged him onto my back, it was easy for her to guide his cock into me. It was gaping. As soon as he felt the heat of my cunt around his cock he went berserk, and I suddenly knew what all the fuss was about. This guy was some wild fuck! I loved it too, and I climaxed too quickly, as soon as I felt the dog’s come splashing inside me. It felt so disgustingly exciting, so dirty to realize that this was a dog, not a man’s hot come. I could feel it spurting up into me. Not only the boys but even Carol was playing with herself, watching me enjoy it as I moaned and came hard, thrusting myself back hard onto their dog’s swollen penis, just as she had done twenty minutes earlier.

I nearly fainted. It was a hell of a climax, heightened by the sheer thought of what I was doing, being fucked d hard by a dog as three people stroked themselves watching me do it! I think that is what made me find it so sexy. I had drunk a lot of wine, but in the cold light of sober dawn the next day, I could hardly believe what I’d done. Not only had I willingly let myself get fucked by a randy dog but worse, I’d shuddered and come hard onto its cock as it screwed me. My God. Indeed it couldn’t have just been the wine. What the hell were we all smoking?

I was mortified and guilty when we got back home stone sober the next day, but I got over it in just a few days, especially when I found out how sexy it had all made Paddy feel, watching his wife screw with an animal. He wanted to go over and over it again and again in pillow talk. We often talked to each other when making love, but now the dog sex aspect seemed to take us over. We both remembered how sexy it had been while we whispered ‘dirty talk’ to each other, details of how my “greedy” cunt just loved a big cock, any hard cock, even dog’s cocks!

We fantasized further about me bringing three stray dogs off the street while he was at work and letting them all fuck me one afternoon, one after the other. He fantasized about coming home later, wanting to screw me but finding my gaping cunt running wet with come from the three dogs!. Just the thought made him come. It was nonsense and fantasy, but it took us both over for a while, the idea of what an excitingly filthy slag I’d been, not by letting myself get screwed by a dog, but worse, knowing well that I’d wanted it and loved every minute!

It sort of completely took over everything else. I have no idea why but I do know it did. All this “dirty talk” was doing wonders for Paddy, but if I was honest with myself, now I had got over the shock of how dirty I had been, and it excited me a lot. Deep down, I wanted more than just talking about it. I wanted to feel a dog do it to me again. In less than three weeks of all this dog sex fantasy, it was finally innocent little me asking him shyly if he would borrow his brother’s Alsatian from the pub, just to see what he might do if we teased him sexually. (I wanted desperately ‘feel’ a dog’s hot penis come inside me again, not just keep talking about it like Paddy did.)

He pretended to his brother that we had prowlers at our cottage and borrowed Duke from the pub for the weekend to help ‘guard’ us. He guarded me alright. I was so excited that I even played with him to see how big it was in the car on the way home. Paddy was rampant, watching me drool over the dog in the back seat. I even tore my pants apart and tried to get Duke to lick my cunt. Paddy nearly crashed the car and told me to stop it now in case a trucker looked down into the car and saw me offering my bare cunt to a dog. (Much later, we did this on purpose, on quiet motorways, but that’s another story)I did stop but stroked Duke’s furry shaft gently home. It felt big and had a strange hard “bone,” unlike a man’s cock. I’d had a dog’s cock deep inside me but never touched one before. I was fascinated by it. It felt hard, even when soft. So weird.

We were both so excited that Duke was up on my back within ten minutes of us getting home and Paddy closing the curtains. He didn’t show any interest in licking my cunt that first time. He looked puzzled, but Paddy reached under and jerked him for 30 seconds as he suddenly got hard and became very sexy. Paddy got me to lay over the couch, lifted him onto my back, and guided his penis against me. He messed about for a bit, but once he felt the heat of my vagina touch his penis, he got it up into me and rammed away at me like a maniac. I loved it. I was moaning away as he fucked me fast and furious. When he collapsed over my back and lay still, I could feel his hard penis swelling up, huge inside me, twitching and spurting.

It made me shudder, feeling how hot his come was splashing into my cervix, much different to a man, hotter and thinner and far more of it, almost like someone urinating inside you, not coming. I came very quickly too. I lay there just rocking back on his cock while Paddy watched me, finally getting me to suck his knob as he came to. While Duke was still twitching, I could feel him still spurting hot, wedged up deep inside me.

He finally dislodged and dropped down off me, his red member swollen and hanging below him, still dripping with his come. It looked huge., much bigger than Kim’s had been and thicker than Paddy’s was.

Paddy remarked it was no wonder I had enjoyed it. It was about five times bigger than when he first slid it up into me. It was. It had swollen to about the same size and shape as a standard coke bottle. Duke did it again several times over that weekend. Paddy couldn’t get enough of watching me have sex with him, and I didn’t say no once. Duke was a quick learner. He didn’t need lifting on my back the second time. As soon as he saw my bare backside, he thrust his hips, trying to get at me. I must have been a good dog screw because he couldn’t get enough of me. My poor vagina was red and sore when Paddy took him home early Monday morning with a silly satisfied smile in his eyes, happy. Me too. I had the same light in mine.

From that day, I was converted. I adored being a dog’s bitch. It’s so naughty, primitively dirty, and just straight raw exciting SEX. I had sex with perhaps another half a dozen different dogs over the next eight years. Mostly I loved it, except for once, a giant English Mastiff who frightened me to death (he got his lump stuck just inside me and dragged me around backward after him, even the woman owner couldn’t stop him tearing me a little, it hurt like hell, but strongly even that didn’t put me off or stop me doing it again, I crossed off Mastiffs and Great Danes from my little black book.

The smallest dogs to screw me were two Poodles and just once (believe it or not) a Yorkshire Terrier. This little chap made a surprisingly good job of it. He got it in me missionary style, over my belly as I lay supported on cushions. Once we got it incorrectly, his little cock did a pretty good job of exciting me because while small, he did it so quickly, hammering away into me as if his life depended on it. Even though he swelled quite a bit, I was big for him. His little red cock kept on slipping out, squirting all over me as he rubbed it up frantically against my lips and clitoris, desperately trying to push it back into the heat of my ct. It was different from a bigger dog’s cock but still immensely stimulating. Little Sam was a very enthusiastic “licker” too, no doubt why the breed remains a firm favorite with single middle-aged women.

Mostly I was willing to with just about any dog who would mount me. I would see a different breed on a lead in the street and couldn’t stop myself from wondering if it would be me, given a chance? I would even whisper it to Paddy. I became so enthusiastic that eventually, Paddy got jealous! He started it all off, then couldn’t handle it when I liked it as much as he had. Typical chauvinist male attitude.

He started saying things like I couldn’t come with him, only on a dog cock, that I was a slut and bitch, etc., etc. These insults made me feel terrible, like a pervert. Things had gone badly wrong, mainly through the content swinging. We eventually stopped having sex at all, and we finally separated. Paddy started living with a girl much younger than I was. He even told her I was a pervert who preferred to have sex with animals rather than men. I was mortified, so guilty and bad about myself. I wanted to crawl under a stone for a while. Eventually, we divorced, but I was off sex altogether, even solo sex, by this time. I stopped even thinking about it. I shut it out.

After our divorce, I felt terrible about letting all those dogs fuck me. I told myself that I had only done it at Paddy’s insistence. I blamed him for making me do it, but it wasn’t true. (Hell, I once even had sex with one dog when he wasn’t there.)

I felt like a pervert because I thought I was the only one who got sexually excited over male dogs. Eventually, I contacted a female author called Nancy Friday. She had a lot to do with me regaining my self-respect after I read a book of hers called My Secret Garden. It cured me, not of dogs but of my guilt over them. With the internet, I had suddenly realized that thousands of other women had done it too before and after me and (judging by videos you now see on the internet) enjoyed it too!

Either way, it makes me feel better to know I’m not in a minority of two or three. What the hell, whatever, it was lovely. It still makes me come to remember what I used to do with the dogs or imagine I’m still doing it again now. What’s wrong with that? Now, after seeing other stories like this on the internet. You guessed it, I’m well over my old guilt inhibitions, and I’ve thrown away my sackcloth and ashes. I enjoy watching the dog videos and playing with myself while watching them.

When do I use a vibrator in bed now? Film idols? Sorry, Tom Cruise, but it’s far more likely to be Rin Tin Tin than you that I invariably imagine over my back fucking me senseless.

Worse, if I stretch myself (another of my kinks) and then forget the vibrator, I often use a coke bottle because it’s so hard, and the odd shape feels so swollen with a bulge at the end (similar to how a larger breed of dog feels inside you). (Pretty cheeky for an old lady, aren’t I?)

I think I’d do it again if I had a dog. I’m sure I would, even though I’m in my mid 50’s now. I can’t have pets because I travel so much. I often work in Belgium for a week, so it would be impossible to have one.

The nearest I had come to dog sex in the years since my divorce was that I once let a younger neighbor’s dog lick me when she went out. It was a very young dog, a red setter and a bit excitable. She didn’t know it, but her confidential tale of how he sometimes got naughty and tried to jump up and “bonk” her leg may have embarrassed her by telling me, but it had made me feel quite excited!

“God, his red Willie even pokes out when he gets horny with people,” Jenny confided in me. “John thinks it’s funny, but it is dead set embarrassing when people are here. The Vet says not to worry. He’s an adolescent dog. He’ll just grow out of it. I just wish he’d hurry up.”

A few weeks later, when I revisited her, Jenny said she needed to go and see a solicitor in the nearest town, quite a few miles away, but the baby was asleep in his cot, and she didn’t want to wake him and make him grumpy by putting him in his car seat. I casually said I could volunteer to stay and listen to the baby monitor until she returned. She accepted my offer gratefully, telling me to just throw Benjie out into the yard if he started getting giddy. Almost as soon as she had driven off, I looked at Benjie and wished he would. I wondered if I would dare do anything sexy with him. Was my mind racing? What would he do? I was so excited, but I didn’t even know if dogs naturally fancy women or the ones I’d had were perhaps trained to do it? I didn’t know if he would do anything or not, or even if I dared encourage him to.

I was a bit frightened actually. I needn’t have worried. As soon as I experimentally hiked up my skirt and showed him my damp patch, he was straight into it, licking away at it for all he was worth before I could pull my pants aside. I stood up to make sure the lounge blinds were on semi-closed and, on the way back, slipped my pants off and put them into my handbag. Benjie was at me again as soon as I had parted my legs, and it felt lovely as he licked away at me for all he was worth. Suddenly he started prancing too, and I realized he was jumping up because he wanted to screw me. He thrust his pelvis and tried to hump my leg as Jenny had described he did to her.

I admit I would have loved to go over on my knees for him and let him screw me correctly, but I daren’t let him. He seemed far too excitable. In the end, I was just curious to see if his shaft would come out properly and how big it was, so I slid down in the chair a little and, sliding my hand under his belly, held his penis. He started pumping my hand, and his shaft did come right out of its sack, but it was only small, like a thin hard pencil. It made me incredibly sexy to be holding this young dog’s hardening penis. It was thin but really hard.

By sliding my bum down further in the armchair, his little hard pencil was now actually jabbing right against my vaginal lips, and once or twice it did slip just inside me. This excited me beyond belief, especially as the heat of my cunt made him even more excited, and he now started spraying thin watery come all over my bush and legs in hot frantic spurts. Frightening of making a mess on her lounge suite, I hurriedly pushed him down and grabbed a tissue from my bag to clean myself off with, and he lay on the floor licking himself as I did.

After a minute, he stood up and came back, but this time Benjie was much calmer. He licked my legs so gently that I stopped wiping and lay back to let him. He gently licked his come off my legs and, as I spread them for him, licked at my open vagina again, slowly this time, and it felt much more relaxed and nicer. I laid back, parted my legs, and let him get to all of my sex. I enjoyed it immensely, and a few minutes later, it worked. I shuddered and climaxed, making my lips gape apart with Benjie’s probing tongue. I almost shrieked as I got my release. My best come for several years, forget fingers.

I didn’t know we mature ladies could still come like that in our fifties. Bless HRT. I cleaned up and put my pants back on. When Jenny returned, she asked me if the dog had behaved himself. I said he had. (Had he just!)

I remember thinking as she said it that if Jenny wasn’t letting Benjie do that to her too, then she damn well ought to have been. What a waste., I nearly kidnapped him. That was my last journey into the depths of depravity. However, I still think about my previous adventure, including trying to babysit Benjie again one of these days without any luck. I have decided that if I ever manage to board him with me for a weekend, I will let the randy little bugger bonk me senseless. I have already done it a dozen times with him mentally. All I need now is the dog off Jenny before this HRT stops working and wears off.

I’m sure I will. Someday soon, I hope, I want to grow old disgracefully. The next time I’m alone with a dog in private with time, I’m offering him my naked cunt to do as he wants!

Remember this story the next time you see that old dear on a train with her knitting on her lap.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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