
By amber.

It was more than twelve months since the young woman had moved next door. In all that time, we hardly spoke, just the odd good morning, how are you? The garden looks good, that sort of thing.

Not at all an unattractive woman, Helen, I found out her name, looked about 5’4”, probably carrying a few more pounds than she should, but she still looked good when she trotted off to work in her too-tight pencil skirts and 3” patent shoes with bare brown legs. Her clothes all looked rather threadbare but clean and tidy. Oh, I’d love to have done more than pass the time of day with Helen.

I found out via neighbors that she was 42 and estranged from her husband for reasons unknown. She had moved here and taken on quite a large mortgage even though her job was risky.

This all changed one Friday morning when I was taking my dog Sabre for his morning walk, something we did together twice a day. I saw a white van with two men turn up outside my neighbor’s front door. Both men wore smart suits and looked very official. I watched them knock next door, and within a few moments could hear Helen crying in apparent distress.

Me, well, I’m Peter or Pete, 59, a widow of four years. Losing my Mary had changed my life completely, not just the daily company but the sex oh, such wonderful sex. I eat at the pub three nights a week now, for the company more than the food the pub offers, I can cook, but the food, however good, is not so tasty when eaten alone. Ours had been a good marriage in every way if you know what I mean. I’d re-learned what my right hand was for since she went, and I’d also ordered a lot of porn on the internet in the last three years.

Back to that fateful morning, can I help? Here was my opening gambit as I approached Helen’s door. She looked drawn and weary and also speechless. We took the meeting indoors, where It took a few minutes and a lot of insistence to find out that the men were bailiffs and Helen was behind on her mortgage payments and a cluster of other bills. The bailiffs, I could see, were not very happy with my interference and, after a thirty-minute discussion about financial rulings, found themselves leaving with a cheque for a quarter of the bill. They were a lot less happy. Helen was still speechless and amazed at her next-door neighbor, an accountant, not just getting them to accept the mortgage interest and other bills but also paying the £500 necessary from his own pocket.

It took me quite a time and a hot cup of tea to calm her down and learn more about her problems. It turned out she had taken out a large mortgage when leaving her husband, and three months ago, she had been made redundant and realized the job market was not going to be very helpful.

I made more tea and chatted with her for quite a while, changing the subject as much as possible. By the end of our little chat, she had agreed to be my cleaning lady on an ad hock agreement; she would come in three times a week to clean and do a little extra food when she cooked dinner, thus keeping me out of the pub.

After just a few visits, I’m sure Helen knew what effect she was having on me. She found short flared skirts easy to clean but over firm thighs on whole show when she was at work, a sight to behold for this old man.

It was only a few weeks before Helen admitted that although the money was beneficial, she would soon be back in trouble without more work. This seemed an opportunity not to be missed, so I went for it. Helen looked aghast as I spoke. Don’t you realize your sat on a fortune, Helen, an absolute fortune? I, for one, would pay to look at your body, let alone touch it. At first, I thought I’d gone too far, her face red with anger, yelling out her objections, calling me a filthy pervert, then total silence and the shuffling of feet.

Two hours later, we had come to an arrangement and knew much more about each other’s history. I’d told Helen how Mary had been a very willing and sexy lady while being a great wife and provider, and we had done many different things behind closed doors, although I didn’t go into full detail.

Helen admitted to me, like Mary, she couldn’t have children, but for her, it had been the end of her marriage. Her husband had wanted children, and as it was her fault and he made sure she knew it, for the last six years at the end of the marriage, they had not shared a bed, and she was sure he had other women.

I asked her about sex and blushing bright red. She talked about Big Jim. I was a bit slow on the uptake before realizing this was a rubber friend much needed during the last few years, and after much prompting, she admitted it was to her BIG. Like me, she never went into detail, but her mind was racing. She and her husband had only ever had vanilla sex, and after looking online at stories and pictures, she knew she wanted more.

The arrangement. Initially, she was nervous, but she agreed she would clean slutty for me to double her pay and see how it progressed.

That day I provided her with a parcel containing an outfit for the first visit. I also asked her to apply makeup to suit the outfit. Two days later, the knock at the back door; Helen stood in a raincoat and 4” black high heels. She pushed passed me to enter quickly. Once in, I could see her makeup thicker and blacker than any street whore. When she shyly took off the coat revealing the outfit I had given her, she had an immediate effect, a French maid’s outfit last worn by Mary, a Mary who was a size smaller than Helen, she was bursting out at the seams her tits, and in particular, her nipples erect and firm.

All morning her face was glowing red, either with embarrassment or excitement, alongside an inquisitive Sabre. I followed her from room to room, enjoying the view. The only fault I found was that her panties were a little old-fashioned, covering too much and nowhere as sheer as the maid’s blouse, but that didn’t take anything away from her ass. It wobbled nicely, and her arse crease stood out even in those knickers.

The arrangement continued like this for the next couple of visits Helen showing off and me getting harder and harder, then over a coffee, I told her more of my life with Mary, particularly the sex side.

I also started to plug her more about Big Jim and how she used it. After lots of giggling and blushing, we finished up with her agreeing to bring it around on her next visit. I’m not sure who was more excited.

The next day Helen arrived in her raincoat, pushing quickly into the kitchen and at the same time pulling a fat 8” rubber dildo from the folds of her coat. She giggled as she waggled that fat monster. I took it from her and looked directly into her eyes I held the base to her mouth “lick it Helen” she licked the base knowingly and then watched as I stuck the suction pad on the kitchen table, it wobbled wildly when I released it. Looking Helen in the eye once more I spoke forcefully “there is just one more thing those panties need to go now” I offered her a tiny sheer white thong, turning her back to me she completed the transformation in seconds.

The next minute she stood, her duster ready for cleaning “dining room windows today, Helen, you’ll need these,” I announced forcefully, directing and following her with a short, lightweight three-rung step ladder with a high support bar. She opened it wide, stepping right up to the third rung, knowing she’d show me her near-naked ass.

A sight for any man to behold a size 12 ass squeezed into an almost see-through size ten panties. As she maneuvered herself this way and that on the steps, the little string affair slid around her firm globes. Suddenly her legs stretched upward and rested on the window sill. Immediately the panties rode to one side her pussy and anal ring shot into view. Helen felt a cool breath hit her womanhood. She enjoyed showing herself to Pete and knew there was no turning back.

Pete got a full view of that full swollen cunt. Helen’s labia petals were opening and looked so wet and inviting, a dew drop of her juices forming along her slit. Her foot slid along the sill right to the end. I was right below her, breathing in her sex odor and taking in the view as she bent, opening herself still further. Her breathing was heavy and labored. She was ready, and it showed.

I took the bull by the horns. “I think big Jim needs you, Helen,” I spoke quietly and firmly while taking her calf and upper leg to steady her as she dismounted the sill first and then the steps.

She moved before me, head bowed, a blush across her cheeks. I knew there in front of me was a submissive young woman. “Hands flat on the table legs nice and wide.”

Once again, I spoke firmly. There was no going back for Helen. I pulled big Jim from the table, ensuring she saw its firmness as I lifted it behind her. “Do you want this, Helen?”

A thin smile crossed her lips and a slight nod of her head.

She wanted it, and I was going to give it to her. A startled moan escaped her lips as I lined it up with her cunt and introduced the first four inches. I wasn’t stopping, pulling back halfway, then pushing the entire length home. There was a cry of anguish. Her legs wobbled then spread wider and wider, accepting her rubber lover pushing back, gasping for air, obscenities exploding from her lips.

“Harder, ram it up me, fuuuuuck, yes, faster.”

Big Jim was covered in her fluids, running the length of the dildo, dripping down her firm white thighs.

Thirty minutes and what must have been four orgasms at least, she’d begged me to stop after two but begged me to continue after three. Only when her knees finally gave way did I stop. During that time, she’d screamed, mumbled obscenities, and purred like a Cheshire cat.

“Anything, do anything. I’m yours. Please use me.”

No complaints were heard when my fat wet finger stroked her crinkly bumhole. I swear she pushed back as I went into the first knuckle.

When she recovered, I led her toward the living room. At the same time, I let Sabre into the kitchen and threw him the sticky mess of a dildo. He smelt, licked, and devoured Helen’s sweet fluids. When he’d finished, the giant wolf hound sat in the doorway watching as I lay Helen across the specially designed coffee table face down. She then lashed her wrists and ankles to the table legs, two oversized cushions under her belly pushing her holes high and open. Helen was so excited, her tummy churning. This was what she’d wished for during the last few years. She was scared, but now she was willing to do anything.

I held up before her eyes another dildo’s much larger than hers, fully fourteen inches long and four inches round, too big Helen gasped in shock. “What is it, Pete? Please, no, much too big.”

Helen didn’t realize she would be fucked with a giant replica of a dog cock. Helen felt the heavy rubber monster across her back, tracing a path across her burnt plum down to her enlarged clit, then back across her lips before slowly entering her eager twat.

Oh, she took it, and she loved it. Inch after inch opened and stretched her willing cunt, and she screamed, but this was not in pain but in lust. “Please, Pete, never stop. So full. God, yes.”

It all disappeared right up to the big ball at the end. Helen would know soon enough about the knot. Pete left that massive member firmly embedded in Helen, the end resting precariously on the coffee table, moving round to Helen’s head, pants quickly removed.

“Suck me, Helen,” he barked. “Suck my cock.”

Her eyes shot open. She looked up at him, then down at his cock. She saw it was rock hard with pre-cum dripping from the pee hole. A smile crossed her face as her mouth opened wide, licking and sucking on that fat 9” piece of meat. She had longed for years to take a cock in this way to have sex like this. She felt lost in lust.

Then she felt something abrasive between her legs, lapping at her. She panicked, trying to look behind her. “Shush Helen, we’ll look after you.”

She smiled at him again, taking his cock into her throat.

The dildo started to work its way out before falling to the floor with a heavy thud. Helen felt empty and cold down there, and Pete knew it. Reaching over and slapping her slowly across her ass was an indication for Sabre and this big dog, a well-trained dog. No second invitation was needed. Front legs up on the table, pulling at Helen’s waist, his large red dog cock was probing to find Helen’s sopping cunt. He hurt her a little as he pounded, and then somehow, without guidance, he was home, well, at least three inches, and with one more push, he was fully home.

Helen was panicking. She realized it was Sabre. A dog was fucking her. “No, please, I can’t, you can’t, we can’t, oh,”

She tried to get away from Sabre, but her ropes prevented her. Then she was overtaken. Her cunt was on fire, a dog cock giving her pleasure she had never experienced before. Every inch throbbed inside her. It was like a jackhammer pounding her so fast. Ramming into her so deep at breakneck speed.

Helen could feel it growing inside her, stretching her beyond anything she had ever known. She would later find out she had taken a six-inch diameter knot and 10” of dog cock, and a gallon of hot dog cum. Hot was not the word. His roasting concoction of slimy dog spunk brewing inside her cunt held there by his knot, and she loved it.

It was entirely fifteen minutes before Sabre’s dog cock began to shrink. Only then did he slide from her cunt. She felt exhausted, her mouth gasping, with spunk dripping from that hole, Pete had cum in her mouth while Sabre had defiled her, and she had hardly noticed. Pete showered her slowly and gently, Helen was very quiet, and Pete was concerned she was too quiet. Had he gone too far?

Thirty minutes later, she lay across his lap in a fluffy dressing gown and spoke for the first time. “That was filthy and perhaps disgusting, but it was the most exciting thing I have ever done. I felt like a slut and loved it.”

They talked for what seemed like hours until Helen fell asleep. She’d loved Sabre fucking her his size, his fur on her skin, even the scratches on her hips. In the future, she wanted Pete and Sabre to fuck her, eat her, and to eat them do everything to her she had read about over the last few years.

Pete’s mind raced as he carried Helen to his bed. He looked down on her as she slept. Oh, he had found the ideal replacement for his long-lost Mary, and his filthy plans would be set in motion tomorrow.


Pete was sitting at his computer, thinking about the events of the last three months. A short video of Helen, his 42-year-old next-door neighbor, was on the screen. How many of us as seen our near-naked next-door neighbor making love to a cucumber?

Helen is very submissive, and although she had a very sheltered life sexually, she has moved on rapidly and with so much pleasure. For those who have not read chapter one, I’m Pete, 59, and I started helping Helen financially when she lost her job. I’d be a lying shit if I didn’t admit there was an ulterior motive.

For the first three weeks, we continued as we’d started, Helen doing my cleaning in her most provocative outfits before performing lewd sexual acts either with me, my dog Sabre, or solo like the videoed cucumber show.

She certainly wanted to make up for a lost time, unlike when I’d got my wife Mary to try new things like anal it was always a bit of a battle. Helen was so relaxed. From day one, I was fingering her rosebud, and never once did I get any objections, licking boring my tongue up her anal passage was greeted with moans of lust and much clit wringing.

Helen smiled back at me when she first lowered herself to her hands and knees. The fingering preparation and anal lube certainly did the business. After stroking my cock across a sopping cunt several times, my bell end glided into her widening rectum. I did want to do it slowly, but the slut pushed back so hard. “Fuck me fuck my arse hard.”

We did. Balls deep, tugging her hair, spanking her hard and as fast as her backward thrusts, my cock couldn’t have got harder sliding up that velvet tunnel gripping me so tight. Sweat poured off us, flying across the room in a steady spray. Helen kept pushing back, fingers wringing her clit like a small cock. “Fuck yes,” she screamed. “Harder fuck my arse. I’m your slut. Do it.”

I tried hard to prolong it, but we both felt it building up.

“Fill my ass, Pete. Fill me with cum.”

She was begging me, her orgasm reaching its peak with mine.

We lay there afterward, sticking to each other, two naked, sweaty bodies. Helen twisted across me, giggling like a schoolgirl. “It’s dripping out of my crack,” she laughed without embarrassment. I knew she was referring to my spunk from her arse. She looked at my softening cock. “Did Mary do this?” she asked.

Leaning forward, she took my shitty cock between her lips, cleaning every inch. Her eyes were smiling up at me. “I read about this,” she announced after her cleaning job was done. “So filthy. How naughty am I, daddy?”

I could only smile.

Once more, she surprised me, guiding me to my hands and knee’s she lay underneath me, caressing and kissing around my cock, balls, and upper thighs. Then she was behind me, her tongue searching along my crack before darting into my arsehole, god it was amazing, having come less than thirty minutes before my cock was again rock hard. Helen continued rimming my arse while using her hands to fondle my balls and wanking my cock to the most toe-tingling superb orgasm.

That was the first night that she stayed over. Starting that night, we began talking more freely about wants, needs, and fantasies.

Helen asked, and I told her about Mary, but it was some weeks before she saw the photos and videos we had done over many years. I answered every question she asked, and she wasn’t too surprised to hear about the outfits we’d used for photo shoots or the fact Mary had fucked herself many times with dildos and dildo substitutes in both her cunt and ass. The animal sex was no surprise, but the amount and assortment surprised her.

Helen’s ear’s pricked up with this revelation and even more so when she found out about the number of men who had fucked Mary and the pain she had subjected herself to.

One morning she watched me sorting through the bills with a worried frown. “Are we OK, Pete,” she asked.

I admitted paying her mortgage was a bit of a problem. “We’ll have to sell you to my friends,” I laughed.

Thirty minutes later, she sidled up to me. “I’d like that, Pete.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Fucking all your friends. I want a cock in my mouth when you fuck my bottom.”

And so our lives changed completely. Helen looked through some of Mary’s early pics with my then-workmates. Her outfits were nothing like we had the choice now, but what she saw gave Helen many ideas.

Dave, a bloke from the pub, was the first, and Helen relied on her maid’s outfit to start her new career, and what a start. Dave sat with me in the lounge when Helen came through from the hallway. He’d never met her and didn’t know she was my neighbor. She looked incredibly filthy. The black slutty makeup looked like she’d applied it with a trowel, the skimpy maids outfit pushing up her full tits while showing her fishnet-covered legs right up to the apex of her ass cheeks. The six-inch CFM shoes pushed that arse even higher.

She served the beers while Dave and I admired the view. When she bent to put the beers on the floor, she bent at the waist, her freshly shaved pussy and puckered anal ring on the whole show, and from the front, her big tits frothing over the top of her outfit, trying to break free. She eventually sat down opposite Dave. She leaned back into the sofa, the short skirt of her business riding way above her stocking tops, showing three inches of the firm white thigh. Then she lifted one leg and rested her heel on the edge of the seat, knowing her open cunt was on full show.

She looked directly at Dave, then at the bulge in his chinos. “I think you need help with that, Dave. Am I right?”

He nodded weakly.

I watched her kneeling between his legs, releasing his cock and smiling up at him, then across at me before lowering her bright red open lips and taking every inch right to the back of her throat. The only disappointment was how quickly he came filling Helen’s eager mouth with cum, but she didn’t stop sucking gently until she had Dave on the rise again.

Then we shared her for over an hour. We started in the lounge and finished in the bedroom. Dave fucked her arse a first for him and was blown away when she licked him clean. Then he watched while I had her ankles by her ears fucking her as hard as I could, and she still begged for more.

“Get her on your hands and knees,” Dave shouted. “I’m going to fuck that mouth again.”

Helen was a messy maid when we’d finished with her spunk pouring from every orifice, a big satisfied grin across her beautiful face.

It was Frank, Malcolm, Alan, and Thomas two days later. It went like this for a few weeks, and then Helen started to mention videos of Mary with multiple men.

The following weekend I was checking in with a group of men, my regulars, plus a few others. There were eleven of us, two more than I’d planned (Dave had brought his two sons).

The room was pretty cramped and noisy until Helen walked in from the hall. God, she looked unbelievably eye makeup, deep green and so thick like it had been put on by a plasterer, false lashes, ultra-long bright red lipstick. A pair of 6” red platform shoes and silver nipple rings make her nipples poke your eyes out. She wore nothing else, her skin shimmered in the room’s light, and she radiated pure sex.

I’ll tell you what she told me about the experience the following day. I had only watched in admiration while everyone but me used her. I just videoed and photographed the majority of her first gang-bang.

I could hear the noise coming from the lounge as I went down the stairs, god I felt so excited about what I was about to do, excited wet, and very, very scared.

The silence when I entered the room could have been cut with a knife. I knew it was down to me to break the ice. Within seconds I recognized the men I knew and pinpointed my first victim. The action began.

Oh, I felt filthy for the next three hours, and I loved it. I started to strip Owen when I was down to his pants, and I looked up at the others.

“Am I the only one going to get naked here?”

No invitation was needed by the time I had Owen’s relatively small cock in my mouth. Naked men surrounded me. They kissed my neck and rubbed my tits, pulling gently on my nipples. Fingers traced down my spine. I spat the cock from my mouth.

“I don’t want to make love. I want to fuck and fuck hard.”

We did that, and more than three cocks were vying for my mouth after they’d forced me to my knees. Something wet was up my pink-lined back passage while I felt a hand full of fingers opening my cunt. The feeling when the first cock rammed home, I didn’t know whose, and I didn’t care. Mini ripples were constantly going threw my body. I was tightening and releasing my muscles to make his ride and mine more enjoyable. Someone had my tits in his mouth, dragging on my nipples, and two cocks were fucking my face. They dragged me onto their cocks, getting them halfway down my throat.

“God, we’ve only just started, and you bastards almost had me passing out.”

There was no let-up. The second one had finished. They were barged out of the way to be replaced by some other horny bastard. When I told them I was tired on my knees, they turned me onto my back, and that’s when two of them fucked me up my cunt while the others screamed and shouted. My cunt was stretched over two cocks so tight, so full, and I wished it was three, DP another first.

They both pulled out before they’d cum, the first one lay on the rug, and some of the others lifted me onto him, my cunt devoured his cock, and my mouth devoured the second one. I felt so turned on and couldn’t believe how hot this was making me, and I knew I wanted more.

Reaching back, I found my asshole. I slid one wet finger into the opening, slowly moving it around while I continued to fuck the cock below me, his good-sized cock sliding in and out with deep hot strokes. My arse began to relax, and I pushed a second, then a third finger into me until I was pumping into a much looser hole with three fingers.

I grabbed the cock in my mouth. “Come and fuck my arse,” I screamed at him. “I want double fucking.”

He moved behind me and slowly eased first the head of his hard cock past my tight ring, then his full shaft inch by inch, pulling out and then pushing more in the feeling of tightness and having two cocks in me. God, it was intense, and I loved that you and the others were watching, egging this filthy whore in me to do the nastiest things.

I loved the way that you were the filthiest, my lover, all the time videoing and taking pictures encouraging me to take another cock, to go and suck clean the cocks that went up my arsehole, to lick their balls and assholes so they’d be ready for more, you were becoming the filthiest voyeur there. Dave and his sons shot spunk into my face, coating it and my tits in their slimy cum, then watching me. At the same time, I rubbed it in and fed myself on it, to the amusement and excitement of all watching, who started adding more and more cum. Another bigger cock attacked my anal ring splitting my arse in two and making me gape like a common whore. We’ll never know how many times I was fucked that night, but I was begging for more when they were all leaving.

I was covered in sweat and spunk, and the house stank of sex, all I could say was, “More, please. Pete, bring them back to fuck me some more.” I remembered this clearly.

I realized Helen meant what she was saying. Even after the fucking she had received and all the bruising and bites on her tits, belly, and thighs, she still wanted more. I pulled out her mating bench.

“You want more cock? That’s what you’ll get. Come on, get up here. Is it what you want?”


She was ready the same night she was insatiable. I half lifted her across the padded leather bench, swollen tits dangling on each side. I fastened the new leather cuffs and left her there while I brought down Sabre.

Sabre smelt Helen’s sexual state as he moved through the lounge. If dogs could smile, Sabre would have been wearing the biggest grin. He moved in behind Helen in seconds, sloppy rough tongue finding his target swiftly. Helen moaned as he lapped furiously at her all around her arsehole and cunt lips forcing that big tongue passed her swollen lips high into her gaping hole. This wasn’t going to be enough for Sabre.

He roughly jumped up on her back, claws scraping across her hips, his cock bouncing and repeatedly buffeting against her thighs and bum cheeks until he found his target. Helen screamed out loudly as every inch disappeared. It wasn’t with pain. It was pure pleasure as Sabre jackhammered into her body time and again. I watched as his fat cock disappeared time and again. Her lust was at its highest.

“Fuck me, Sabre. Fuck me harder. Harder, harder.”

Her eyes were in the back of her eyes. Sabre’s knot was now fully home, and he was filling her belly with hot dog cum. That’s when I offered my dick to her panting lips. I’d never been harder or more in need. She took it eagerly, sucking me hard to the back of her throat. We came together a few minutes later, me filling her mouth, Helen squirting all over her dog lover repeatedly. It was twenty minutes later. Sabre slipped from her stretched cunt and sidled to the corner of the lounge. I slowly untied Helen and led her upstairs, where I helped her shower and get into bed.

The gangbangs continued on a regular monthly basis, including Sabre, and three months later, Helen and I got married. That saves us a mortgage on the property next door, and we still get some great tips on gang-bang nights. It may not appeal to everyone, but I was married to a filthy slut who loves cock. I feel like a fortunate man for the second time in my life.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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