Horse Surprise


Lisa was recently divorced, and at the age of twenty-five, it was all she could do to keep the farm she was left with in working order. There were so many chores to do, feeding and watering the livestock, managing the bills, almost more than she could take care of, but she was determined at things were coming together.

The morning had started out like any other. After breakfast she went out to the barn, fed the cows and chickens, and was tending to the horses. She had been brushing them all down, and was getting ready to turn them back into the pasture when she got the urge to pee. Since she was the only one on the farm, she often went to the nearest corner to relieve herself, and today was no different.

Lisa was just finishing peeing and was still in the bent over position rising up when all the sudden, she was knocked forward on the bales of hay. One of the small horses called ‘Star’ had wandered over mistaking her bent over ass for a mare. Star tried to mount her, his hard pole of a dick was waving around beneath him, slapping Lisa’s pussy lips, trying to find the entrance.

The wetness from her urine provided little lubrication, but it was enough for the massive head of Star to find the opening of her sex, and he thrust forward, driving the first few inches of his cock into her. Lisa tried to scream out but was so winded that the words wouldn’t come out. Star lunged again, his cock penetrating further into her violated pussy.

It was more than Lisa had ever been used to, and since she hadn’t had sex in months, she surely wasn’t used too much at the moment other than her vibrator. However, that couldn’t prepare her for the shear size of the cock now inside her. She cried in pain, her pussy straining to accommodate Star’s invading cock. He thrust again, sending more of his throbbing member into her. Since Star is only a yearling, he didn’t last too long, and started shooting streams of horse cum into Lisa’s vagina.

Again and again the semen shot forth, filling Lisa’s pussy to its limits. Eventually leaking around the massive cock, past her labia, and down her thighs, where it dripped to the ground and began to puddle.

Star’s dick slowly withdrew and swung free with a loud “Plop”. Its semen gushed freely out of Lisa’s abused pussy. Several of the other horses had heard the commotion, and had gathered round. One of them called Harry, an American Saddlebred horse about four years old, came up behind Lisa sniffing the sexual aroma coming from between her legs.

He was already hard from watching the yearling fuck her, and he soon mounted Lisa before she could regain her senses. She tried feebly to move, but was only knocked forward again by the force of Harry’s cock as he thrust it at her pussy. The cum from Star acted like lubricant, making the passage easier. He was bigger than Star, and Lisa’s pussy stretched tight around him. He thrust again, almost splitting her apart.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee,” Lisa cried out, her eyes filled with tears.

Harry thrust again, getting eleven-inches of thick horse cock inside her now. Though her vagina was straining terribly to accommodate this monster cock, her vaginal walls were young and strong, and gripped it forcefully, refusing to split open. Harry continued, in and out, trying to gain further entry. But Lisa’s vaginal walls were being strained enough, and would allow him no more.

Even with all the pain she was enduring, Lisa began to feel the beginning of an orgasm. Her body had adjusted to the size of the invading member, and was now responding to the other sensations it was receiving. Each time Harry drove in and out, the entire length of his shaft would graze Lisa’s clit, sending powerful waves of ecstasy through her.

She was now able to concentrate on these feelings growing in her body, and after just a few more hard thrusts from the horse she exploded in her own orgasm.

Lisa cried out, “Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss, yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss, aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee,” and even bucked back to meet Harry’s thrust for thrust, as her orgasm consumed her.

Feeling her muscles tightening around him with such force, Harry let go, spewing his own seed inside her. He lunged again, his sperm flooding Lisa’s pussy, squeezing past his cock, and shooting out of her vagina, running in rivers down her legs, where it puddled with the Star’s cum.

Harry finally pulled free, and horse semen flooded out from Lisa’s pussy. She was beginning to feel sexually satisfied again, even if it was by her horses. When she seen the last of her male horses called Billy, a ten-year old Tennessee Walker, making his way towards her she felt happy. Billy was the first horse she had ever owned and she loved him for his gentle personality, and his powerful cock that hung proudly beneath him. She always admired his cock.

Billy’s cock wasn’t as long as the others, but it was by far the thickest. She had already been stretched by the other two horses, so she felt ready to take his massive member. The orgasm she last experienced had broken her, she wanted, no -needed – this huge horse cock inside her. She has to prove to herself she could be more than satisfied.

The immense animal straddled her. She rose up on all fours, weakly. She presented herself to him for the fucking of a lifetime. Billy eased his way forward, until his cock head found its goal. He thrust forward, knocking Lisa into the bales of hay. She gasped, It was more than she had expected.

Billy bucked forward again, driving himself further into her. She clenched her teeth and her face contorted, fighting the pain her vaginal walls were feeling. Her breath was extremely hard and fast, and she had to adjust and do it fast. Billy thrust again, and Lisa was suddenly full, she had accepted all his girth. She marvelled at the human vagina, being able to stretch so much.

He began to set up a rhythm, back and forth, in and out. Lisa soon adjusted to the rhythm, and began to push back herself, proud the she had accomplished the task. When the rhythm of the two became synchronised, she even reached back and massaged her clit, rubbing for all she was worth. Then it happened, the horse above her snorted, and she fell forward, his cock swelled bigger than before, and he shot a powerful stream of semen into her.

The last thrust had done it, she had accepted it all up to that point, but when he swelled to cum, he stretched her past her capacity and tore her. Lisa cried out to the top of her lungs in agony, but Billy let loose with another stream of semen, up into her broken vagina. The horse cum was stinging now, as it entered the fresh tear in her flesh. Her body went limp, unable to move from the strength of her orgasms. She could do nothing more than to lie there and let the horse finish cumming inside her.

When Billy finally finished, pulling out and walking away; Lisa lay there a motionless, sobbing, and broken creäture. When she began to move she looked around and noticed the large pool of cum she was laying in. It was mixed with her blood from her last fucking. She was extremely sore now, her stretched vagina aching from the punishment it had suffered. Blood was still dripping slowly from her vagina. She couldn’t stand, so she slowly crawled, clawing her way back to her house.

Once inside the house, she made it to the bathroom, and filled the tub with hot water. Once the tub was filled she crawled into it and let the hot water bring her battered body back to life. She examined herself slowly, and found that her wounds were only minor. As she lay there in the bath, recovering, she began to think about her experience. She relived every detail. This was her first encounter with the horses, but no, it would definitely not be the last.

The End.



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