Isabella at the Races


Isabella cheered along with the crowd as the horses crossed the finish line. Felicity had invited her to watch her and Trooper race. While Trooper had not won, the thrill of the competition had Isabella all charged up. She clapped and cheered as the winning jockey and his horse posed for pictures. Felicity and Trooper drew a crowd for coming in second, and for her family’s reputation of raising champion racehorses. The winner of today’s race, Dawnbringer, was one of theirs; sold to an oil baron from Saudi Arabia so his son could play at being manager.

“Isabella!” Felicity waved to her to come up and be in the photo. Isabella went up and stood beside Trooper and smiled for the cameras. She hoped her attire wouldn’t betray her status. Unlike the other ladies in their Givenchy and Chanel dresses, she had made hers herself. She wore her black halterneck dress with a red beret and birdcage veil. For some added classiness she pinned a red cloth rose to the midriff section.

“Michael!” A booming voice was heard over the din of the reporters. A Saudi Arabian man in his forties or fifties stepped up and shook the winning jockey’s hand. “I’m glad to see my family’s money has a not gone to waste.”

“Sayed Basara,” Felicity whispered in Isabella’s ear. “Heir to the Basara conglomerate of petroleum products.”

“Thank you, sir.” The jockey replied. “And it’s Marco.“

“Come, let’s celebrate.” Sayed clapped a hand on the jockey’s shoulders and led him away without any indication he heard the correction.

“I have to clean my tack first.” Marco protested, gesturing to his horse.

“Your tack will still be hereafter,” Sayed said, not taking no for an answer. “And I have people for cleaning. It is not something my championship rider should worry about.”

Sayed waved at some workers, who immediately went and led the horse away. Felicity’s people led Trooper away so she could be free to keep up appearances in the clubhouse. Isabella slipped away while the crowd followed the winner and the runner-up. Going around to the stables she watched the horse crews remove their saddles and give the horses a cursory wash down before leaving for the clubhouse.

“Is free food and expensive booze enough to get you away from your duties?” Isabella thought as she watched them leave.

Isabella approached the stables that held Trooper and Dawnbringer. “Hello there.” Isabella stroked Dawnbringer’s muzzle. “You’re the real winner here, aren’t you? Not that jockey Marco or that puffed up buffoon Basara.”

Isabella quickly looked around before entering Dawnbringer’s stall. “You are simply magnificent.” She said while stroking his flank and body. She stroked once against his sheath and felt his hard shaft inside it. Thinking about his hard cock got her heart racing. She stroked her hand back up his body and hugged him around the neck. She nuzzled her face into his fur. It was still slightly damp from his wash, but she could feel the warmth of his body. He smelled faintly of sweat and musk.

She ran her fingers through his mane and kissed his cheek. The horse turned slightly in her direction. Isabella took the opportunity and kissed the horse on the lips. Somehow he knew what she wanted and licked her lips with his big tongue.

Isabella couldn’t help herself any longer. “Has he told you about me?” she asked Dawnbringer and glanced at Trooper in the neighboring stall. He was already erect from looking at Isabella’s naked body. She slipped her dress off and hung it on the stall door. Her panties came off next, which she placed carefully on the water trough.

She ran a hand down his side and down his flank. She could feel the large, hard muscles that made him a champion runner. She felt his sheath again. She could already feel the girth of his cock through the thin membrane. She got underneath Dawnbringer and rubbed his sheath gently, getting more and more excited as she watched his cock grow.

“Magnificent indeed.” She said, eyeing his endowment. It came out semi-hard, curving toward the floor. Isabella lightly licked the horse’s large, veiny member. She started at the tip, where she could smell his muskiness the most and went all the way up to where it joined his balls. Then she went back to the tip and licked around his hole while she gently jacked the horse off. Isabella felt the horse getting harder in her hands. His cock head started swelling and flaring out, and his precum was flooding her mouth. She wanted so badly to suck him off and be drenched in his cum, but she had other urges to satisfy.

She closed the lower portion of the stall gate, bent over, and braced her hands against it. The horse reared up and hooked its forelegs on the door, its weight shaking the entire thing.

“Oh!” Isabella gasped when his legs slammed down on either side of her head. Despite her experience, a small part of her still found the power of a horse frightening.

Dawnbringer shuffled up to line his dick up with his mare. Isabella felt him poke around the top of her ass crack and slide over her back. She reached back, gently grasped his cock and guided him to her pussy. Once he felt the warm wetness of her quim, he thrust forward spearing the girl with his cock and lifting Isabella up on her toes.

Isabella grabbed the door as Dawnbringer pulled out slowly. She braced herself while he adjusted himself one last time. The horse thrust hard into her again, pushing against the door despite her preparations. Dawnbringer fucked her like a horny teenager – hard, fast and relentless.

Underneath him, Isabella moaned with pleasure. She felt the tingling of an orgasm already. It quickly built and flashed through her entire body. She arched her back, and her body spasmed, shaking the door along with the horse. She panted as the orgasm left her and her legs quivered in the afterglow.

Isabella caressed herself just under her belly button and felt the bulge Dawnbringer’s cock made in her every time he thrust in.

Isabella felt another orgasm building already. She braced both hands against the door, ready for when her body took on a mind of its own. Dawnbringer continued fucking her hard and fast shaking the stall door with the force of his lovemaking. She heard him whinny loudly above her and felt his dick pulse inside her. His first spurt filled her up and pushed her into her second orgasm. While she was cumming, he kept pumping his juice into her. His jism sprayed back out of her stuffed pussy and splattered onto the floor.

Once he was done, he pulled out, and Isabella dropped to her knees; weak from her orgasms. Once she was rested, she got up and was about to unlatch the stall door when she heard voices outside the stables. She quickly hid in the corner, hoping they would just continue walking past.

“Good race, Felicity,” Marco said.

“Thank you, but the prize was won by the better rider.” She replied.

“Perhaps, but I think it was the better horse that won; no offense to Trooper.”

“None taken.”

“Mr.Basara takes better care of that horse than me.” Marco sighed nodding at the horse.

“I’m sure Mr.Basara understands the importance of a good rider as well as a good horse.”

Marco shook his head. “At the UAE Derby, he deemed the stables insufficient for his horse and brought in a luxury trailer for him. But since he had already paid the stable fee he canceled my hotel reservation and ordered me to sleep in the stables instead.”

Marco gestured at Dawnbringer as they walked into the stables and let out a huff of air. “Is it weird to be jealous of a horse?”

“Just a little bit in this case.” Felicity smiled.

Marco sighed again. “Riders are supposed to have a bond with their horses. Mr.Basara won’t even let me clean him myself.” He furrowed his brow and examined something on the floor in front of Dawnbringer’s stall.

“What’s this?” he said, picking Isabella’s dress up from the floor. “Is someone here?” he said aloud.

Recognizing the dress, Felicity took it from Marco’s hand. “It’s mine.” She said. “I was going to change here after washing Trooper. It must have fallen down.”

“Oh.” Marco shrugged. “Alright then. See you at the next race.” He waved goodbye and walked out of the stables.

Felicity closed the doors after him and went to Dawnbringer’s stall. Sure enough, she found Isabella crouching in the corner beside the door wearing only a sheepish smile.

“I can’t believe you would do that here,” Felicity said. “People know you’re my guest! I invited you up for the photo!”

“I’m sorry.” Isabella apologized as she got up. “You know I can’t help myself sometimes.”

“Well, you certainly got Trooper all riled up; among others,” Felicity replied, mockingly scolding her.

Isabella looked around at the other horses, whose cocks were at different levels of erection and just shrugged.

“Don’t think you’re going to get off that easily. Move those hay bales under Trooper.” Felicity ordered.

Isabella complied. By the end of her task, she was sweating from the exertion.

“Now bend over on it,” Felicity commanded while taking her clothes off. “And put his cock inside you.”

Isabella did as she was told. Trooper started fucking her already. Felicity laid down on the bale in front of Isabella and guided her head between her legs. Felicity moaned as Isabella ate her out.

“This is just a start.” Felicity panted. “I’ll decide when your punishment is over.”

The End.



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