It would be rude to say no, right?

By DexJ.

Hey! I’m Emily. I was unsure if I should write this down or not. They say that writing about the traumatic experience might make it easier to move on. And moving seems to be the difficult part. I cannot really blame anyone else except myself on this one. I could blame the animals in the story, but it would not be fair since they just acted out of instinct. To make some sense, I need to take this story several weeks back. But trust me, I try to be brief.

I have always been shy, maybe introverted if you prefer. But it is not like that I do not enjoy my time with other people. In fact, some of the best memories are from times when I was able to get over my fears. But that is the tricky part. How do you get over the fears? I have this odd fear of not being successful. And it is so bizarre! I know that failure would not be the end of the world, but my head just makes it a big deal. I do not dare to try something if I am not fairly confident that I will ace it. So that is why I have opted out from many events and parties or making a move with a guy I liked. The last one on the list hurts the most. After all, I am quite a good-looking girl. I am 25 years old, 174cm tall, and I weigh 54kgs. And I got decent assets that boys appreciate; a kind face with perky B-cup breasts and butt that looks great with skirts. I also wear glasses, but what I have heard, those do work for me.

Anyway, I thought that I had found a solution to my problem. I heard from my friends about self-hypnotism. It is basically made for relaxation, but it can also help you kick out bad habits like smoking and, in my case, fears of messing up. And more I read about it online, the more I got interested. The effects of self-hypnotism seem to vary between different people. For some, they did absolutely nothing. That group seemed to be people who had a strong understanding of their selves, and they were generally very confident regarding everything. And that made sense. Why would you need to convince yourself to do something when you generally feel that you are doing the right thing. On the other spectrum, some people were open to external influence, and they were generally trying to improve themselves. As you might guess, that group of people was able to benefit from self-hypnotism quite a lot. And I felt quite strongly that I belonged to the latter group.

Exercises to self-hypnotism were quite easy to manage. Quiet were the most important requirements for this to work. As important was to understand what the person wanted to achieve. I wanted to be able to take calculated risks in my life. By calculated risks, I mean items that I might enjoy, but I was too afraid to say yes, like going on dates and such. In the past, I’ve always felt rude when I’ve said no, and I do not want to feel that anymore. I will not bore you with all the different exercises there are, I am sure you can find them on the internet. But let’s just say that it involved all the usual ones like close your eyes, breathing exercises, reaching out with all different senses, etc. If you have time, please check out, preferably after you have reached the end of this story.

I repeated the exercises daily. And I thought I was getting more confident as the days went on. It is hard to describe. It was like… before you couldn’t choose between going left or right. Maybe at right, you get hit by a bus? Maybe at left, there is a robber? But after time went by, you casually chose left because the robber is probably better than getting hit by a bus. Do you know? With a robber, there is a better chance of getting out alive. It is a certain level of risk management.

Little by little, I started to apply this to my life. I chose evening out with friends rather than staying alone at home. I chose dinner outside rather than ordering in. I chose to say yes rather than saying no. And saying yes vocally and non-vocally is what got me to this mess and why I am typing this down.

My friend, Elysa, asked me to look out for their two dogs over the weekend. I’m not really a fan of animals, even after all the exercises. However, as it came naturally for me nowadays, I said, “I would love to!”

Dog sitting was supposed to easy chore. They had to be fed and walked twice a day. Other than that, they were fine on their own. And if things started to get out of hand, I was supposed to command them to the bedroom and lose a key for few hours. Since Elysa and her husband lived out of town, we decided to stay at their house for the weekend. A vacation of sorts. I was financially in a good place, so I did not bother to ask for money. But as good hosts, they had filled the fridge with food and beverages. They even pointed out from a map application where I could find cute boys if I felt the need to go outside. So all and all, it was quite a decent deal for me.

I arrived on Friday evening. I was there early enough to drink coffee before saying goodbyes to my friends. The dogs were already taken care of for the evening, so I could basically relax and start my weekend. I emptied my bags to a guest bedroom and returned to the kitchen to contemplate what I should do. When I sat down on the kitchen bench, I decided to have a quick, 15-30 mins workout before starting to relax. I’ve noticed that even a quick workout on Fridays makes weekends feel more… well, more everything. Elysa had old school benches as kitchen seats. Do you know those long wooden ones? I dragged one of them to the living room and did my thing. Few sets of abs, few jumps, few push-ups, and no breaks. A short but effective way to get the blood pumping. And now I could in good conscience enjoy myself.

I wiped the sweat to the towel and threw it on a bench. And after that, I poured myself a well-earned drink and got relaxed. I did not do my usual self-hypnotism exercises. In fact, I had not done them in several days. Life has been great this month, and I need to thank my newfound attitude regarding life for it. However, I feel that I might have been even too susceptible to other people’s suggestions. I felt that I have acted on the whims of others without actually thinking about what I want. I guess it is what I wanted, but there are some valid concerns as well. Last weekend I left the nightclub with two total strangers to have coffee in a bad neighborhood. Everything went okay, and nothing happened, but that was still a stupid decision from my end.

Just before that event, I had my first lesbian experience. I never considered a physical relationship with a woman before that night. But before I could say no, I was already performing my first cunnilingus. I remember thinking that I do not want to do this, but at the same time, I just dove deeper and deeper into her until she exploded on my face. And when she offered to return the favor, it would have been rude to say no. Right? I don’t know. I do know that I left quickly after my own somewhat forced orgasm. I was quite afraid of what I would have done if she (or someone else at the party) would have asked me to do something else…

Either way, weeks ago, I trained to say “yes,” and now I try to figure a way to say “no.”

Clearly, I am nailing it since I accepted this dog sitting gig. Yeah! That is right. I was here to watch the dogs. The dogs which I had not seen after Elysa shortly introducing them before. I think she called them Anatolian Shepherd dogs. I have heard about German Shepherds, but the dogs clearly looked nothing like German Shepherds. They had named the dogs’ Sarge and Blaze, and before you ask, I do not know the history behind the names. Their breed was known to be large, but that comment did not make them justice. They were both at least 65kgs and well trained. Elysa warned me not to pick a fight with them. Warning that was relatively obvious to anyone seeing these two creatures. She told me that they might be stubborn and strong-willed, but they did take orders as long as they were given firmly and clearly. But just in case, I should make two trips outside when walking them. Even Elysa’s husband had difficulties handling both of them if they gave him an attitude.

My concerns regarding intimidating dogs were short-lived. They were absolutely fantastic animals, and they seemed to love me. They licked my face while I giggled. And then I scratched both of them until they surrendered and exposed their bellies. AND THEN I SCRATCHED THEM SOME MORE! We had fun with a proper introduction, and I was sure that we would be best buddies until Sunday came. I left the boys on their own and resumed enjoying my evening in the living room. I took a sip from my drink. Alcohol in the drink made me feel warm and fuzzy. The area around Elysa’s home was really nice and quiet. I started to feel that this might be a fun trip after all. Maybe I avoid nightlife altogether. Some silent, alone time might be exactly what I needed to relax while I learn to say no now and then.

Even though it was not needed, I still took Sarge and Blaze outside, separately as Elysa had recommended. I ended up walking quite a long time due to dogs wanting to check one more light post. It would have been rude to say no. Right? Either way, 1.5 hours later, both dogs have had their evening walk. I had sipped my cider(s) while walking through the suburbs, so I got a relatively nice buzz going on. However, cute boys can wait until Saturday evening. I need some me-time.

After pouring a new glass for me, I gave some water to the dogs. They are good boys, and we got quite familiar during our walk. They were playing around and trying to hop on their hind legs and leaning to me. It was funny, but as I said before, they were not small dogs. I almost lost my balance a couple of times, but I was able to handle their affection. I took my glass with me to the bathroom. I wanted to wash before going to sleep. I was sweaty from the walks, and I probably started to smell like dogs already. I took my time under the warm water. I was in no rush since I had a glassful of vino and a whole night for myself.

Drying my semi-long brown hair has always been a chore. This time I got lazy, so I ended up tying them with my towel. I looked at my nude body from the mirror. I feel a certain level of pride while letting my hands slowly explore the smooth skin. My fingers touched my shaven pussy, and I blushed when some lewd thoughts crossed my mind. My ‘yes-yes-yes’ attitude combined with reduced inhibitions of consuming alcohol had clearly some effect on me. Little did I know how big of an effect it was. I decided to continue exploring my thoughts a little later.

I was in the process of leaving the bathroom, but I couldn’t find a second towel to cover my exposed body. Elysa probably doesn’t stock the guest bathroom as often as she does with their own bathroom upstairs. Since I was alone and I liked myself bare naked, I decided to walk out as I was.

It was by no means cold outside of the bathroom, but it was definitely cooler. AC made sure that the temperature difference could be felt outside of the bathroom. I got goosebumps, and my nipples reacted by hardening as soon as I entered a corridor leading to the living room. I walked to the common areas coyly since I wasn’t 100% sure if the windows were covered or not. Luckily they were. The dogs were finished with their water and greeted me before reaching the living room.

Their affection did not feel as great now as I did not have clothes protecting my naked body. Sarge reached as high he could by standing on his hind legs. The sudden movement and weight of the dog stopped me in my tracks. He tried to reach my face with his long tongue, but instead, he hit my bare breasts. That sent electricity through my body. I was already aroused when I exited the bathroom, so my body welcomed the accidental licks to my sensitive nipples. I was going to push the dog off to find something to cover myself with, but it would have been rude to say no. Right? I felt conflicted…

Sarge had a field day on my upper body. I do not know why. It might’ve been the shower gel that I used, or maybe it understood what effects those licks were having on me. No matter the reason, I did enjoy the treatment Sarge was giving me, and I was quite content that I had decided to let him continue. Suddenly I felt Blaze’s nose hitting my exposed pussy lips. I yelled no and moved my hands to push the big dog away. But Blaze wasn’t doing anything wrong, and it would have been rude to say no. Right?

“Wait, what are you thinking, Emily?!?”

“Yes, it is wrong! Letting dog sniff your pussy is not alright.”

“Push the mutt away from your pussy, push the other one from the 2nd base, and go get yourself covered.”

But instead, I moved my hands to keep Sarge balanced. It must be difficult for him to stand on his back legs.

Since my hands did no longer prevent the access, Blaze resumed his exploration of my nether regions. After several tentative sniffs, Blaze suddenly licked the sensitive pussy lips of mine. Wild conflicting thoughts were running through my mind when I felt not only my nipples being licked but my pussy as well.

“What is happening?”

“Why cannot I stop this?”

“Move away, you stupid moron, just push and walk away.”

But I did none of those things. Instead, my body tried to give a better angle for Blaze to bury his tongue. I took a small sidestep to spread my legs for the curious dog. It would have been rude to say no. Right?

Blaze was very pleased with my actions. He now had unrestricted access to my most private parts. The parts quickly became moist with the dog’s saliva’s assistance and my own heat. Loud slurping sounds filled out the hallway while Blaze tried to lick my pussy dry. Luckily for him, that goal was doomed from the start since my body had no plans to stop producing the nectar out of my cunt.

Sarge had noticed that Blaze had hit the gold. He could smell the sweet aroma of aroused 25 years old girl’s pussy lips. The erect nipples were fascinating, but there was something better to be had. The large dog occupying my breasts suddenly pushed off from me and landed on Blaze, located under Sarge. The violation of my body came to a halt when both dogs dropped suddenly on the floor.

“This is your chance, Emily!”

“Move away now!”

I started to run away to the living room to find something to cover myself with. I felt my wet and hot cunt dripping pussy juices while I dashed forward towards the kitchen. At each step, I could feel my heat trickling from my cunt down on my trained thighs. It took mere seconds before both dogs were once again on me, pushing and probing. They could smell a bitch in heat, and they were not letting me get away before having their curiosities sated. And I had every intention to allow them to do just that.

‘What? NO! Do the exact opposite,’ my mind screamed.

I saw the towel on the bench, which I had used after the workout.

“Cover your body with the towel, Emily!”

And I think I had every intention of actually doing it. That was until I got tripped by the dogs who were fighting whose turn it was to lick my glistening inner thighs. I fell on my knees and hands just next to the bench. The towel covering my hair got loose and dropped as well. I stared at the dropped towel, and I felt a wave of stupidity fall on me. Why in hell was I rushing for a towel when I had one on me already? I had no time to contemplate my own idiocy when I felt a tongue on my backside. After a few rapid licks, I felt a long one reaching from my pussy lips to my butthole. I turned my confused head around and saw that Sarge had won the battle of my pussy. He was slightly bigger than Blaze, so he had been able to push his rival away from the prize.

I realized that I was practically presenting myself to the dog. This cannot continue anymore. I gathered my strength, and I started pulling myself back up by taking support from the bench next to me. I was able to pull my upper body on the bench. Now that I have supported my body, I can help Sarge spread my ass cheeks with my hands.

“I can do what? Don’t pull your cheeks! Pull yourself together, woman!”

I paid no notice on my mind and gladly proceeded to spread myself further for Sarge. It would have been rude to say no. Right?

His rough tongue was stimulating my young backside from my wet pussy lips to my tight anal ring. Every so often, Sarge was able to reach my clit with a long tongue of his. This tongue tornado was driving me nuts. I mean, nuttier than my conditioned mind already was. I started to moan under the overwhelming pleasure which was emanating from deep inside me. It was quiet at first, but it got stronger at each passing minute. The excitement had taken control of my being, and screaming in my head had become faint. I had taken a calculated risk, and that decision is now giving me great enjoyment. Exactly as I had thought while doing the self-hypnosis exercises.

My pussy reacted in a very predictable way. I was producing more and more cunt juices for Sarge to suck. The wetter I got, the harder Sarge licked mine behind. His agile tongue was driving between my labia and reaching the top of my incredibly sensitive clitoris. Each lick was sending new shocks through my body. My swollen pussy lips were welcoming this foreign invader with a level of acceptance that was scary. Sarge pushed his head hard on my backside. I could feel how his nose was applying pressure to my virgin asshole. And more crucially, I could feel how his tongue was forcing its way inside my most sacred sanctuary. My sex gave up its feeble struggle and allowed Sarge to lap nectar right from the source.

I could feel the tongue exploring my vaginal canal. The pleasure was indescribable. It did not take long for the pressure at my cunt to reach its peak. I climaxed suddenly and violently. My body convulsed under the waves of pleasure while I was moaning my lungs off. Sarge was merciless. I did not realize how physically demanding the orgasm was or how sensitive it made my pussy. It just kept going with his violent lapping. On the contrary, Sarge actually accelerates his efforts.

That sweet, sweet nectar was flowing faster than ever before. Sarge had to hurry to be able to lap everything. And that attributed to my 2nd orgasm, which came as a total surprise for me. I had no time to recover from the first one when my body went through another set of uncontrollably shakes. Subconsciously I tried to pull away and escape over the bench, but I could only pull a short distance. The orgasm was just too stimulating for me to focus on anything.

I got a short reprieve when Sarge found out how much of my juices had dripped to the floor. My lungs welcomed the break. I had moaned quite a lot while being forced to orgasm. I panted loudly while trying to make sense of my conflicting thoughts. I looked up, and I saw Blaze, who I had completely forgotten. He was standing at the other side of the bench right next to my upper body. He was clearly unhappy that Sarge had forced his way to my backside. He was whining for being an outsider.

I did not want him to feel bad, so I tried to pet him. He moved closer to me, and I was able to see the tool Blaze is carrying at his loins. When I saw his cock, my eyes got fixated on it immediately. As semi-hard, it was clearly at least 15cm long. Even though it was not participating currently in violating a 25-year-old brunette, it was undoubtedly sensing the lust in the air. I had never seen the erect or semi-erect dick of an animal, and in my own excitement, I found the cock hypnotizing. Pun intended.

Now that the orgasms had subsided, I was able to think again. But the over-thinking never really got me anywhere. I used my arms to reach the purple veiny prick in front of my eyes.

“Stop, Emily! You need to stop this!”

“Please, do not degrade yourself further!”

“You have to get away!”

But I was sure that I could ease the pain of sweet Blaze. He just wants a woman’s touch. I reached for the cock and grabbed it from the base. The cock looked enormous at my hand. I stroke it gently while scrutinizing it with my eyes. I fondled the cock from the point to the base. I wondered if it got even bigger, and I became keen to find out. The cock was oozing pre-cum, and it made the cock easy to stroke. Blaze was clearly happy about the new events. He was barking happily, and I was somewhat willingly doing something which nature did not mean to be done. Unexpectedly Blaze reached with his forelegs to the bench. Blaze caught me by surprise, and his cock accidentally hit my face. It was obviously not his fault, but some warning would have been nice.

His cock was now right at my face. Jets of pre-cum was being shot at my face and my body. Some of it landed at my lips, and I found the taste intoxicating. The situation made me wonder if he wanted me to suck it? I know the boys I’ve been with liked it.

“No, Emily. It doesn’t think about it all. It is a stupid dog. Leave it be and get up before you regret it.”

I mean, Blaze did lick my pussy, and he was very open about it. I mean… it would be rude to say no. Right? As the final step in this self-humiliation, I guided the eager cock into my willing mouth. There was no way around it, nothing forced me to suck the cock of mutt, but I was doing it anyway. If any of the windows were open, anyone could have seen how I was gladly participating in bestiality. Nothing could be said to explain my degradation if someone would have seen me.

The pointy cock slid to my mouth very easily. The taste of pre-cum very quickly filled my senses. I kept sliding the tool in and out of my mouth with all the skills I had learned during my few experiences. I tried to take as much of the veiny dong inside my mouth, but I was nowhere close to the base. To my discredit, I did not try too hard because of the gag reflex. Under the huge dog, I could still feel its excitement while I caressed the head of his dick with my tongue. He didn’t whine from displeasure anymore, but instead, his enthusiasm was obvious.

Suddenly I felt Sarge behind me to start the second round. He must’ve cleaned the floor already, and he was ready to return to the source. And his vigor had not slowed down. He clearly wanted to make it obvious that he meant business. Once again, he pushed his nose against my tight anus while his tongue started invading my cunt. The tongue darted between labia before beginning its assault inside of me. Sarge was pushing itself as deep as it can be possible can from that position. I felt myself being pushed forward.

I might’ve been able to control the situation, as much I could control anything at this point, but at the same time, Blaze adjusted himself as well. He did not want to lose to Sarge again, nor he wanted to lose my warm mouth, which was in an excellent position. I felt like falling forward uncontrollably and then suddenly stop jerked my head downwards over the bench. Blaze readjusted himself to a position where it was more natural for him to mate. His forelegs landed on my back, and in one smooth movement, he pushed his body forward. This resulted in having his cock being shoved down my throat in all its glory.

This woke me up. All the self-made conditioning was dispelled when I felt the cock invading further than I had previously allowed it. I was now wide aware of my predicament. I tried to push Blaze away with my arms, but I could not move the gigantic animal at all. I’ve never had anything that big in my throat, and my body tried to eject the invader by coughing. But I soon understood that I was not in control of the dick. The only thing that I could do was focus on relaxing my throat and pray that Blaze stops. Biting the cock might encourage Blaze to do something drastic.

Tears formed in my eyes due to my throat’s minor pain and the massive humiliation I felt from my previous actions. How could I be so stupid that I would cheapen myself of being such a slut? I allowed the dog to lick me to orgasm, and I licked and sucked willingly another dog’s cock! And that cock was now embedded deep inside my throat, making me fear for my life. Blaze did not allow me to accommodate the situation.

It started moving its loins with the pace which would have made my past lovers jealous. The cock was surprisingly flexible to move in and out of my throat with such ease. I could not move my head from its position because being face fucked hard and Blaze standing on my back did not help. I was also scared if changing the angle could cause some damage. I was quite literally at his mercy, and I had to allow him to use my body as he wished.

Blaze was howling at the top of me. I felt his drool falling on my back and then flowing down at the side of my body. He was still shooting pre-cum from his cock. Some of it went down to my throat while rest I could taste inside my mouth. I felt completely disgusted. I could not believe that I would willingly taste the dog’s pre-cum, let alone start sucking the dog’s cock on my own volition. But my ordeal was just starting. Sarge was becoming confident regarding the readiness of the bitch before him. He was certain the bitch now knew him well enough to allow him to mount her without biting him. The situation was still slightly confusing for intelligent Sarge. Sarge’s mistress did not allow this kind of behavior, but bitch in front of him was clearly giving the signals of being in heat. And that was something Sarge knew how to handle.

I had not paid attention to my own arousal. My front-end violation had taken my focus away from Sarge, who was lapping my sensitive pussy and tight asshole. So when the oral assault which Sarge was giving me ended, I did not take any notice. But when I felt Sarge mounting me, my mind started to race. It took me mere moments to realize what Sarge tried to accomplish. The cock invading my mouth was a good reminder about the unnatural urges of these animals. And a short moment after my own realization, I was able to feel a new cock sliding on top of my moist cunt. For a fraction of a second, I had forgotten Blaze, and I tried to scream for protest. But obviously, only an unrecognizable mumble could escape my lips. Two dogs were basically holding me in my place. There was next to nothing I could to try to push Sarge from his position.

Previous few adjustments had pushed my body quite far on top of the kitchen bench. My supple breasts were swinging in the harmonized motion of Blaze’s loins. My position on the bench forced me to keep my ass up. This stance had previously enabled good access for Sarge to lick my juices between my legs. Now I could feel his paws on me and his loins humping frantically behind me. I could sense that he had trouble finding the mark due to his cock sliding over my pussy lips. The rough movement kept grinding my sensitive clitoris, which was arousing me further. Just like his brother, he kept shooting pre-cum from his cock in hopes of lubricating the bitch properly.

But I needed no such help. The constant oral violation I’ve experienced has pushed my body to a new level of arousal. Even if I had not thought about it, my pussy was more than ready to be penetrated. The cock kept sliding furiously on top of my cunt, and I was relieved that I could feel the tip further and further away from my pussy. It was not likely that he could force his way to my exposed pussy from his current position. However, eventually, he will be able to drive me crazy from that constant grinding.

I turned my attention from my backend to my front end. My jaw was starting to hurt from the huge cock Blaze force-fed me. I could have sworn that his cock was still growing in the middle of this perverted activity. The tool was reaching deeper and deeper inside my sore throat. A couple of times, I tried to push the dog with my hands, but Blaze was too strong to care. I resided in the fact that he would not end his movement before he himself was done. Since Blaze loins were smashing into my face, I’ve kept my eyes mostly shut. However, I did open them to see what was hitting the entrance of my mouth and the tip of my nose. Something ball-shaped was being formed at the base of the dick. I did not know what knot was, but I was sure that it wasn’t something that I could take inside of my mouth, especially if it were still growing.

Instinctively I started to protect my face with my hands. I could not prevent Blaze from using me as his fuck toy, but I could prevent the ball from breaking my face. I grabbed the knot with both hands, and I hoped that I could keep it from progressing past my lips. The knot kept growing at my hands slowly but surely.

Since the forced deep throating had taken a while, saliva and cum had been forming in my mouth. Some of it was escaping past my lips, and I was drooling the mixture down my body. But it’s not like I could have prevented my body’s soiling since swallowing was difficult in my current situation. Even though I hate to admit it, I’ve gotten used to tasting pre-cum in my mouth. Suddenly I felt that something was happening. The movement of his loins had become somewhat forced, and cock in my mouth felt like ready for something. He was going to cum!

Torrents of doggy sperm were shot to my mouth and throat. The sperm was much thicker and hotter than the pre-cum that I had tasted so far. And most alarmingly, there was a lot more of it being erupted from his cock. Blaze was still trying to fuck my throat but with much slower movement. Having slightly longer breaks between thrust, I did my best to swallow the disgustingly thick substance as much as possible. But there was just too much of it being pumped in my mouth. A lot of the cum erupted past my lips, and no small amount erupted through my nasal cavity. My throat, mouth, face, and body were quite literally soaked in the sperm, which was still being pushed to my mouth.

Clearly, I couldn’t fight for my dignity anymore. That was long gone. Now I had to ensure that I could breathe through the obscene amount of doggy sperm. While I was basically fighting for my life, Sarge had started the process of readjusting himself. The tip of the cock was no longer tickling my stomach, but it was hitting in all the wrong places. To make matters worse, my own arousal and swollen pussy lips were ready to guide another monster cock into my body. When I felt the first thrust of the penis at my labia, I knew that I would lose another battle. Tears from my eyes got mixed with cum which had erupted from inside of my mouth. I was going to be fucked by a dog.

A couple of missed jabs later, the tip of Sarge’s cock entered into my warm and welcoming cunt. When Sarge understood that he had found its mark, he pushed further. Pre-cum and my pussy juices ensured excellent lubrication, and the first 10 centimeters of doggy cock were shoved inside of me. I reacted by trying to scream, but I started to cough instead. Pulsating cock and torrents of cum prevented any vocal objections quite dramatically. I understood my mistake immediately when coughing forced more cum through my nose. It felt as unpleasant as it sounds.

Sarge was laser-focused on what he was doing. Thrust by thrust, he was pushing deeper inside my inexperienced pussy. Nothing as wide and long had ever entered my pussy before, and since I couldn’t feel his loins on my body, I could only fear how much further he would be able to reach. It was like a hot poker, which was repeatedly being pushed in and pulled out from me. The first moments were the longest, and the pain was unbearable. The cock was expanding my tight hole to accommodate its ever-growing size.

The violent tool had reached my cervix and was pounding at the entrance of my womb. I was still sure that Sarge had more cock to be embedded, but my body simply could not allow access further. This did not slow down the eager canine. On the contrary, it needed to get deeper if it wanted to push the knot inside of me and inseminate as it was his plan.

I’ve never been with two men before, so I had never experienced being so full of cock as I was right now. Not only is my cervix being pounded endlessly by gigantic cock and with the pace that I could not understand, but for a while, I have been doing my first ever deep throating with relative success. It was unbelievable how much my throat was able to take. I was sure that one could identify the outlines of Blaze’s cock through my throat. I was anticipating the moment when he would pull his thing out from my abused mouth.

I mean, how much doggy sperm can those balls even store? Luckily I did not need to wait until he had emptied his sack to my stomach. Since the knot had not forced its way to my mouth, thank God, nothing was preventing Blaze from removing himself from me. Obviously, I was still clueless regarding the function of the knot. I was just happy that I did not need to break my jaw during the face fucking.

Blaze exiting from me was as sudden as it was when he had entered. After few tentative steps with his back legs, he pushed his body from the top of me. The gigantic, still pulsating cock left my throat and mouth. It was still pushing out his seed when it was fully removed from me. Without delay, I spit out all the remaining cum from my mouth. Even though I had swallowed a massive amount of doggy sperm, I still had quite a lot residing in my mouth. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the monster cock hanging from my blaze.

It must have been over 20cm long, and that was without the great big ball at the base. And I had taken that all… A distinct moan escaped my lips while I was contemplating. While I was sucking the beastly cock, I had not noticed that my body had started to betray me again. For a while, I had been moaning against the cock embedded in me. But now the cock is gone, I could hear the sounds coming from my lungs.

Without even thinking about it, my body had started to enjoy the wild fucking of Sarge behind of me. I was now moaning quite loud, and my body was clearly trying to fuck him back. My cum covered face got blushed from shame. I tried to force my body not to enjoy the assault I was being forced to go through. But I could not prevent the slut in me from moaning under Sarge’s attack. I did not know when the pain of being penetrated had subsided, and I had started to enjoy the skills of my other lover. The constant throbbing at my cervix did still send shivers through my spine, but my screwed-up body found pleasure even from that. Sarge was no smaller than Blaze before him, and I was able to feel every part of him inside my steaming vulva.

The living room has transformed into the pit of bestial lust. I reached out with my senses, and I was equally delighted and disgusted with what I felt. Sounds of my lustful moans and squishing pussy echoed in the otherwise silent house. The taste and smell of a thick patch of doggy seed at my face and mouth were intoxicating. And most sensitive parts of my body were in the process of being brutally brought closer to the next climax. My body was overwriting any protest my mind was giving. The flesh wanted… no, it needed to explode.

I could feel pressure building deep inside my vagina. The constant stimulus, which I’ve been subjected to for the better part of an hour, was reaching its boiling point. My vaginal muscles started gripping harder on the invading dick. I did my best to push back against the cock which was wildly exploring my cunt. The climax started slow. My moans were breaking into screams of pleasure while my body got stiff and clamped down from the anticipation. Waves of pleasure from deep inside my vagina started to wash over my body. My mind and body exploded and shattered from the mind-numbing orgasm.

I was bucking my hips against the cock, trying to invite it further into my exploding body. In the midst of overwhelming pleasure, my body did its best to open up further. Determined fucking combined with uncontrollable orgasmic spasms, sufficient lubrication, and plain luck, resulted from Sarge being able to force just a tip of his dick to an extremely tight cervical canal. When he felt a chance for further penetration, he pushed as hard he could and was able to shove his cock past the cervix to my virginal womb.

Immediately at least 10 centimeters of previously unburied cock was suddenly pushed inside my already filled cunt. I gasped for the air when I learned a new meaning of being filled. I might’ve been in pain if I had not already experienced extreme pleasure from never-ending climax.

Sarge had finally reached the ‘balls deep’ depth inside of his bitch. Sounds of exciting canine panting were second only to my post-orgasmic moans. The full length of his 23-25cm long cock was now pounding hard inside of my pussy. His balls were smashing into my delicate clitoris, which was making me fear how hard I would be cumming next. I already knew that the previous orgasm was not the final one. Sarge obviously had strength left, and he would stop when he was ready to stop. And that was unlikely before he had emptied his heavy balls inside of my cunt. Just like Blaze had blown had emptied his own inside my throat and mouth. I felt that I had forgotten something important when I suddenly felt more pressure at my vaginal entrance. That is when I remembered the huge ball that had formed at the base of Blaze’s cock.

Sarge was indeed ready to impregnate me, and his body was making preparations to make sure that his seed stays where it is supposed to say. He was doing his best to push the knot inside my strained pussy. I tried to grab it with my hands, but I had very little luck trying to reach my pussy from being pushed so far over the kitchen table. I could only brace for the impact. The forceful knot was stretching my pussy hole to its limit. The knot must’ve been at the size of a tennis ball, and Sarge was merciless in his attempt to force it inside of me. I was sure that my sore pussy could not handle any further violation, but just like as with my cervix, my abused body gave in. Little by little, the knot was being shoved inside of me. When I was sure that I could not take it anymore, the knot popped into my pussy. I screamed from pain and pleasure.

Even when the knot had popped into me, Sarge continued his pounding. His shaft was fondling my vaginal walls, the tip of the cock was exploring my womb, the balls were swinging against my clit, and his knot was hitting my G-spot. I felt so full. It did not take long for Sarge to understood that he had his member safely secured. That made him slow the speed of thrusts. I’ve had good 30 minutes to learn about dogs’ anatomy, and I think I figured out the ball at the base of the cock. And I got the confirmation for my theory just moments later when I felt his cock starting to pulsating and getting stiffer. I was about to receive my second supply of dog sperm, but this time inside my filled vagina.

Copious amounts of hot canine seed begun to paint the walls of my womb white. I could feel every jet of cum being shot in me, and it felt insane. Even though I had already climaxed a couple of times, I erupted to earth-shattering orgasm when the first drop of thick and hot cum entered me. I had no control over my body. The orgasm was hitting me too hard. I was thrashing against the kitchen bench and screaming in animalistic pleasure. Which was only suitable when being fucked like an animal. All that thrashing around just enhanced my climax. The knot which prevented my escape kept scraping itself against my G-spot. The pleasure was overwhelming, and I did my best to stop it.

It was becoming painful. But there was no way out from this situation. My helplessness was intensified by my mind, which kept reminding me that it was a disgusting dog who had turned me into a dirty slut, and there was no redeeming myself. The humiliation made me teary-eyed, but that was overshadowed by my whore-like behavior under the power of my orgasms.

In the following minutes, my orgasm subsided, but my arousal did not. Sarge had been pumping his seed inside of me all this time, and that felt too good for my sensitive body. I do not know why but he had decided to push his weight from my back and take a new position behind me by having his butt against mine. I guessed it was a dog thing. The knot was still very firmly keeping us locked, but I was glad that I wasn’t being pushed nor fucked hard against the kitchen bench. In fact, Sarge had pulled me back from the bench when he decided to move ass to ass. We were so tied to each other that I had no choice to follow him.

Luckily, he did not try too hard to pull hard. I was quite sure that the knot was not going to allow him to exit any time soon. I was resting on my knees, but I was still supporting myself from the bench. I just had to wait here until Sarge would shrink enough. I had not no idea how long that would take.

I was panting while I was recovering from the experience. I opened my eyes, and I saw the floor being soaked by cum of Sarge and my pussy juices. I looked further down further between my legs, and I saw how the cum that had escaped the knot was running down my legs. It was no surprise since Sarge was still pumping boisterous amounts of cum inside of me. As a matter of fact, by touching my bloated cum-filled tummy, I was sure I could feel him erupting inside of me.

Glistening sweat ran down my red face. The taste of doggy cum came back to my mouth when salty sweat mixed with cum hit my lips. Images of the last hour came crashing down to my mind, and I started to sob. I was so ashamed of my behavior. I was a smart girl, and I should have known better. I will burn all the information about self-betterment at home when I get out from here. The taste of cum also reminded me about Blaze. He had been licking his cock after pulling it out from my sore throat. He reacted when I observed him and stopped what he was doing.

‘Crap! Why did I have to pay any attention to him,’ I thought?

Blaze got up and came next to Sarge and me. The doggy cock which had invaded my mouth was once again hanging next to my face.

‘Why in the hell did I sucked that willingly?’ I contemplated in shame.

Blaze was watching our unholy union. It was like he was figuring something out. He braved himself closer and started to lick our disgusting copulation. Neither Sarge nor myself could do anything to prevent his perverted studies. I could move his tongue moving from my pussy entrance closer to my asshole. He was spreading his saliva all across my bottom, and I almost laughed from disbelief.

‘Does this night never end? You already fucked my mouth until you came like a firehose. Can’t I catch a break?’ I thought in silence. ‘Well, it’s not like he can make this situation any worse. When Sarge leaves, I will get the fuck out of here.’

I could not have been more wrong. I might have found my will during the ordeal, but my body still had its urges. The great Anatolian Shepherd literally walked over my crouched body. His cock was insultingly resting on my back when he took his position on top of me. Blaze began to lick my puckering asshole while being on top of me. He did not mean to lick my ass, but since my pussy was filled and only limited drops of cum and pussy juice could escape the knot, his attention was turned to my virginal anus. A quiet but delightful moan escaped my cum soaked lips. I have been in constant arousal because of the impregnation attempts of Sarge, so my body welcomed every and all effort for the next sweet release.

Blaze was determined with his beastly endeavor. His saliva was working its lubricative magic on my tight asshole. He would not have had any luck if my body was not so receptive for pleasure. His tongue was washing over my ass, trying to find any weakness it could take advantage of. Every few moments or so, he tried to push his meaty tongue into my ass to have a taste of my anal cavity. Little by little, my sphincter gave in and allowed more and more access for Blaze. I’ve never had anything entering my butt, and I found the feeling exciting. I know it was wrong, but my body did not listen to me. If I had not been licked, fucked, and forced to cum over and over again in the past hour, not even a tip would have entered my untouched asshole. But as it was, my body was willing to sacrifice even the final part of my innocence in the altar of lust.

The tongue slithered further inside of my asshole. It was nimble, and the sphincter gave in with surprisingly little resistance. Blaze savored the taste of my rectum, and all the while, he kept spreading his lubricating saliva at my anus. In few minutes, he was able to tongue fuck me with relative ease. Lapping was driving me crazy, and I was once again moaning loudly. I had not noticed that the fat cock residing on my back had once again started to pump out pre-cum in wild anticipation. It was slowly started to pool on my back, and a small adjustment sends the liquid to stream down towards my shapely ass cheeks. My trained cheeks funneled the pre-cum down to my receptive anus.

Unconsciously I was pushing my butt back to Blaze’s tongue. I was trying to match the motion to enhance the anal tongue fucking. My first anal orgasm was building up, and I had once again forgotten the shame and dignity. But suddenly, my tongue left my anus for good. It seemed that Blaze had enough. I grew frustrated over being denied of climax. I was so preoccupied with my anger that I did not notice Blaze turning around my back and positioning himself between Sarge and myself. He was standing on his hind legs on top of Sarge’s and my copulation. Since I had been pushing my ass up for a while now, my ass was presented in a very typical position, made for mating.

My eyes were shot wide open when I felt his cock jabbing at my taint. It tried to push his dick to my puppy-making hole, but since it was filled by Sarge already, my thin flesh between pussy and asshole was guiding it up north. In a panic, I tried to clamp down my asshole, but it was close to hopeless. After a couple of missed jabs, Blaze hit the loosened back entrance. Only the tip of his giant cock got past the sphincter, which I was doing my best to keep shut. But the tip was all it took for Blaze to know that he had found a hole he could use to satisfy his urges once more. Just like before, the cock shot out a ridiculous amount of pre-cum to lubricate its way further.

I was too tired to provide any sort of challenge for an assertive dog. I felt the pressure and pain that the ramming cock was causing to my rectum entrance. All it took a single doubt to relax my muscles. The pointy tip crashed through the lubed sphincter to my warm rectum, and the rest of the cock followed. I cried from the pain of being double penetrated for the first time in my life. The previous experience of being fucked from both ends was nothing compared to this. I felt like being split in half. Blaze’s cock filled my rectum in just after a few thrusts. The tightness of my hole was making Blaze frenzy and making him push harder and harder. His panting sounded disgustingly randy, and I could feel his tongue lolling next to my cheek. The same tongue he had just moments ago used to pry my ass open. This somehow made the situation more obscene.

Sarge had been calmly waiting that the knot would shrink enough for him to be freed from the bitch. But he started to feel some unease due to Blaze’s frenzy. Not only was Blaze’s movement of loins causing some minor pain to his cock, but additional pressure inside of the bitch was disconcerting. Sarge started to pull his cock from me, which caused me to scream. I could not be pulled under Blaze so that I couldn’t be dragged with Sarge’s cock. Sarge noticed this very quickly and stopped his pulling. Instead, he started to tug gently to loosen our union. This was making me see stars. The knot was touching my G-spot, and it felt fantastic. The pleasure inside my pussy was overwriting the pain in my ass. Although the lessened pain might’ve been my own ass getting accustomed to giant dog cock invading my brown hole.

Blaze had buried his cock as far up to my ass it could. And that meant he was ready to pick up the speed. It was slow at first due to the tightness, but it did not take long for my ass to loosen the grip. It also helped that Blaze was bringing his own lotion by shooting his pre-cum deep to my rectum. Sarge’s tugs were matching the movement of Blaze. When Blaze pulled his cock back, Sarge tugged against my G-spot. And when Blaze shoved his giant dick deep in my ass, Sarge released the pressure. They were pushing and pulling in perfect harmony, which made me think they really figured this on the fly.

Rough spasms started to ravage my body for a who-knows-how-long this time. I was lucky that Blaze pinned down since I had no control of my body when I started cumming. My eyes rolled back while my toes curled when waves of pleasure erupted from deep inside of my abused body. I’ve now been fucked and fondled so long that I was on the brink of losing consciousness. I was screaming, but no voice came out. I gasped for air after a while because my body had forgotten to breathe while cumming so hard. The orgasms which were running havoc through my body were somehow deeper. I couldn’t figure out if they were because of the double penetration or being brought so far over my body’s limitations.

During my orgasmic-bliss, the knot in my pussy had shrunk in size. My loosened cunt was now expanding due to Sarge focusing on pulling himself out from the bred bitch. I could no longer say that did I feel pain, pleasure, or just numbness. But I did understand that I would be freed from one of the dogs soon. I could hardly hear from all panting the gross pop which resulted from Sarge finally pulling out. I did not need to hear it to know it. I could easily feel when the longest thing in my cunt ever was dragged out from me. Copious amounts of doggy seed gushed out from my pussy, flowed through my clit, and down to the floor. Warm sperm on my sensitive clit just heightened my climax further. So did Sarge, who immediately started to lap the juices that were gushing from me.

Blaze was ready for his 2nd cumming of the evening. While I was cumming my mind to oblivion, he readied himself to push, soon to be forming a knot to my ass. Removal of other knot had opened some space inside the rectum for Blaze to have a decent chance to shove his own tennis ball in me. His thrust was filling my rectum, and he was now fucking me with an animalistic pace. More and more dog sperm was being pushed out from my pussy at every thrust to my former virginal booty. I could no longer take support from the bench. I simply had no strength left in me. I fell on my arms and panted on the floor. I opened my eyes, and I saw the disgusting, messy puddle which had formed under me. Sarge’s long meaty tongue could not lap everything, so the pool was still growing.

Pressure on my sphincter alerted me way too late. When my orgasmic mind realized what was going on, it was already too late. When my hands reached Blaze’s loins, the damage was already done. The ball-shaped appendage was too far in the process of being pushed itself through my tight anus. Once again, the numbness had to make room for pain. I was sure that my asshole would rip from the violent event. So instead of fighting eager Blaze, I surrendered and helped him in. First, I spread my cheeks as far as I could, and when that did not do it, I used my hands to push the ball in. It must be better than letting Blaze grow even larger and then force himself through my sorry anus.

Suddenly, the pain subsided, and Blaze fell forward with his cock embedded deep inside my ass. The fast-paced fucking continued even after securing the knot. I am not sure if Blaze did not realize that he had embedded himself in me or just test the knot. To be honest, I was too tired to care. It took mere seconds for the knot to grow double its size and prevent any chance of removal until Blaze was done with his fertilization plans.

I knew what to expect next. I had experienced the hot and thick seed in two of my other hole, which had been violated today. Even though it was not the first time for Blaze today, he still discharged a profuse amount of doggy sperm inside me. I was quite drenched in cum inside-out. My ass, vagina, and tummy were filled with sperm. My face and breasts had quite a thick layer of cum, which had started to dry. It was quite impossible to be any sullied any further.

During the next 15 minutes, I was orgasmed once more by Sarge while we were waiting for Blaze to reduce in size. I had time to meditate on what had transpired. I used my hands to carefully test my pussy. Soreness prevented more throughout the study, but what I could feel had been stretched beyond what I had imagined. Sarge’s cock had been awe-inspiring as its own but knot had made it like some odd perverted battering ram. Even after all this waiting, it was still oozing the warm sperm of Sarge.

I was waiting in dread of Blaze pulling out from my ass. I began to feel the toll of the past two hours, and I feared that I was no longer warmed up for the final obstacle. Luckily for me, I was able to avoid tearing of my ass. It was probably the right to call that I had helped him in before, at least physically. Psychologically I did my best to ignore the shame that I felt. I did not hurry Blaze to leave too soon. And Sarge had left my pussy alone a while ago and put his focus on cleaning his massive tool. After 20 minutes from his ejaculation, Blaze finally shrank enough to exit my ass. I could not control my asshole after the cock was pulled out. And that meant an unreal amount of sperm was released from my bowels to the already filthy floor. I allowed Blaze and Sarge to lap the excess from my gaping asshole before trying to get up myself.

I’ve been so thoroughly fucked by those animals that it took me a while before getting up. I used the bench as support, but I still fell few times before getting up. I knew that I still had an obscene amount of sperm inside of me, and it would probably flow from me when I got up. But I was still ashamed to my core when I felt that I had next to no control to prevent the flood. But I did not care about the mess. I just wanted to get to shower, then to bed, and sleep this nightmare away.

The warm water felt purifying. I tried to scoop the seed from my body as gently as I could. My asshole was stretched so wide open that two fingers were easily able to enter through my sphincter. It made it easier to clean myself but let’s be honest. It did not feel great. I went to bed and fell deep asleep almost immediately. Tomorrow would be a better day.

I woke up 10 hours later. No matter how much I cleaned myself in the shower, I could not get everything out. I found my sheets sticky with dried cum. Guess I have some cleaning to do later. Every part of my body hurt, but I still dressed up and left to get something to eat. Then I remembered that those fucking beasts were probably outside. I could not accept what they had done, nor could I accept my own disgusting behavior. But there was no staying in forever. I had to eat. I opened the door and exited the guest room. Both dogs quickly greeted me joyfully at the common area. They were trying to jump on me, clearly indicating that they would like to repeat the performance from last night. Automatically I started to remove my pants.


It would be rude to say no. Right?


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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