Janice’s Revenge

By Anon

Janice heard the knock at the door and, looking out the spy hole, saw it was her so-called friend Carol. She realized she still had no idea what to say to Carol, as she was very angry with her. Steve was her guy, had been for years, and that sneaky slut Carol had crept around, flirting, enticing her man away behind her back. She wanted to face this slut for sure. Ruth, one of Janice’s co-workers, had just happened to see Steve and Carol together on the north side of town. Of course, she couldn’t wait to get on the phone with Janice.

“She was all over him,” Ruth had reported. “And he didn’t seem to mind it a bit.”

Ruth understood how the sisterhood worked. Of course, Steve didn’t mind it. When some bitch practically waves her pussy in your face, a guy was going to reach out and get some. Especially when they look like Carol. He was not blameless here, and she would deal with him and his unfaithfulness separately, but this slut Carol must have worked overtime to get him to cheat so openly.

Janice was no slouch herself, and she sure didn’t need to be tutored on the finer points of pleasing a man. All the more reason to suspect Carol as the primary conspirator in this little drama. ‘A quick lesson on the finer points of private property was what she needed,’ Janice thought.

Janice had worked her anger up to a frenzied level, so she stopped. Her hand rested on the doorknob as she took a deep breath to gain a little self-control before she confronted her so-called friend. The image of Carol and Steve together was slamming through her brain. ‘Have they done it,’ she thought. ‘Well, not anymore, not after today, I can guarantee that.’

She and Carol had been friends ever since high school, but Janice felt no misgivings about pounding her ass into the floor if it became necessary. Carol should have known better than to cross a friend, to break the trust of the sisterhood. But not yet. First is the civilized approach. And if that didn’t work, then the uncivilized one.

She opened the door, and there was Carol. Sunglasses and a saccharine sweet smile designed to show off her dazzling and perfect teeth. The baggy sundress she was wearing did little to hide her petite and curvy figure, and Janice felt a rise in the angry temperature that she was trying hard to control. Mentally, she began counting to ten.

“Well,” Carol said, not bothering to hide the irritation in her voice. “Can I come in?”

Janice stepped aside, saying nothing, and Carol walked in like she owned the place. She tossed her purse on the couch and surveyed the living area with a contemptuous eye as Janice closed the door and followed her into the room.

Carol turned to Janice, saying, “If this is about Steve, well, then we can go ahead and get a few things straight without me having to waste my time. If you think I’m going to apologize for what happened, I’m not.”

Rock, Janice’s four-year-old German shepherd, suddenly trotted into the room. He always did like Carol for some reason and must’ve caught her scent. Mature and muscly, he came to Carol, sniffing her legs and then boldly moving behind to poke his nose through the fabric of her dress and into the cleft of her ass.

“Good God, Janice, call him off,” Carol said, stepping back, alarmed.

Big dogs scared her.

Rock wasn’t put off and continued to circle her legs, keeping his nose at her rump, his actions more intense as he attempted to find the smell that was exciting him. He tugged at the dress with his teeth, and when Carol moved away again, he uttered a low growl.

“Janice, get him away from me. He’s going to ruin my dress!” Carol complained.

Janice shrugged. “He smells something he likes, I guess. The neighbors have a couple of bitches in season, and it’s been driving him crazy lately. Bitches in heat always drive the men crazy, don’t they, Carol?”

“Oh, hardy-ha-ha. Did you lay awake all night to come up with that one?” Carol said as she gave Rock another shove away from her. “Ooohhh!” she cried as Rock gave her a particularly aggressive poke in the rump with his nose.

Startled, she stepped forward, only to be pulled back by another tug at her dress. Janice was surprised at Rock’s playfulness as he was usually well-behaved. She opened her mouth to call off the dog and then stopped. She was enjoying Carol’s discomfort. In a small way, it helped her feel better about the situation with Steve. And then it hit her. Revenge. Rock and revenge. Maybe, just maybe, she could teach Carol a lesson here. The vision of what she imagined burst into her head like a mini-explosion, bringing a devilish smile to her face as she watched Carol wrestling with her horny dog.

“Rocks gonna ruin that dress. Why don’t you take it off, then he might leave you alone,” she said to Carol.

Still dancing away from Rock’s advances and tugs, she turned to Janice with an incredulous look. Immediately, Rock seized the advantage with another strong poke at her ass. Carol jumped, clearly uncomfortable with the way the situation was developing. The damn dog would not leave her alone.

“What are you talking about? Take off my dress. Are you crazy?” Carol said, frowning deeply at Janice.

Rock expertly used his size and height against Carol’s legs, confining her to a small area of the carpeted floor, and she was beginning to tire. Janice thought the scene very amusing.

“Maybe he smells something on the dress. Did you spill anything on it today?” Janice said, knowing otherwise. “He’s going to tear it up otherwise if you don’t remove it. Carol is only us girls here, so you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing you in your panties.”

Carol blushed, saying, “It’s just that… Well, I don’t have any on.”

Typical! What do you expect from a slut? Janice shrugged, “I’ll get you a robe then if it makes you happy. Otherwise, keep it on and have Rock keep bothering you.”

Carol looked doubtful, but a few more pokes and prods from Rock and that low growling convinced her. She pulled the straps of the sundress down over her shoulders, and it fell to the floor, puddling at her feet. Janice looked at her, trying to see her the way Steve would. That perfect little body, creamy skin, and round breasts. Janice would give her that. Carol was a knockout. Steve always did have great taste in women.

Janice watched as Carol stepped out of her shoes and away from the dress, now completely naked.

Rock paid little attention to the dress on the floor, as Janice knew he wouldn’t. She watched with amusement as he moved straight towards the naked girl. Carol’s mouth opened wide as he stuck his wet nose into the dark bush between her legs and gave a tentative lick.

“My God!” she cried. “Get him away from me, Janice,” Carol begged, looking terrified.

She covered her pussy mound with both hands and stepped backward, but Rock quickly moved around behind her and put his nose in her rear again, swiping his wet tongue between the cheeks of her ass several times.

“Janice, please get him away from me! Please! You promised me a robe,” Carol begged.

No longer was her tone sarcastic. Now it was more of a plea. Carol turned this way and that, trying to avoid the dog’s probing nose and tongue, but Rock was there at every opportunity, effectively limiting her area to a few square feet of the floor.

Janice stepped forward, saying, “Here, let me help.”

Carol nodded, thinking Janice would grab Rock and pull him off her, but she didn’t. Janice jumped behind Carol, slid her arms under hers, and put her in a full nelson. This had the effect of drawing Carol’s hands away from covering her pussy and into the air. Then Janice pulled her backward, making her expose all of her pussy to Rocks’ excited tongue.

“Please, Janice! What are you doing?” Carol, her voice sounded feeble.

Carol whispered, “Showing you that if you want to act like a bitch in heat, I’ll treat you like one.”

Rock moved in front of the naked woman and extended his nose between her legs. Carol couldn’t fight it as Janice was too strong for her and so she closed her eyes and tried not to think about what Rock was doing to her. The last thing she should do now looks like she’s enjoying this. Then Janice would win.

Instantly sensing this new advantage, Rock moved in and quickly had his nose between Carol’s legs. His long tongue snaked out through the hairy patch. Carol kicked out at him, but he couldn’t be budged. Instead, he pushed himself even closer, burying his snout between her legs.

“Janice, please!” Carol struggled in her grip.

She’s trying to fight the first wave of excitement building within her as Rock’s rapidly moving tongue inadvertently begins stroking across the more sensitive areas of her pussy. ‘This can’t be happening,’ she thought. The tongue hit her clit, and a spasm shuddered through her body. Suddenly, Rock was gone, and Carol could feel tremors running through her body at the sudden stopping of the intense sensation of the dog’s tongue.

Janice laughed, “That’s a good bitch.”

She let Carol go pushing her down onto the floor on her hands and knees. Then, something cold and wet touched her rump, and she jerked up on her knees, raising her ass high as she did so. Immediately, the tongue was back between her legs, stroking and prodding. Rock had moved around behind her and was back between her legs, his tongue moving between the cheeks of her ass and down between her legs to lick her wet pussy again.

Carol tried to scissor her legs shut, but the dog’s snout was between them, and her efforts only served to confine his tongue to a smaller area, giving him greater success at stimulating her now swollen clitoris.

“Oooh,” she moaned, unaware that she was doing so.

Waves of sexual excitement were building within her, and without realizing it. She slowly leaned forward, placing her palms on the floor on her hands and knees. Involuntarily, her legs parted slightly, giving Rock a little more access which he eagerly accepted. His tongue continued its rapid assault between Carol’s legs, slurping and sliding from the woman’s now dripping pussy, to the crack of her ass and then back again.

Janice watched in amazement at Carol’s gradual change. ‘Am I going to let this go all the way,’ Janice thought. ‘Maybe she’s learned her lesson?’ She looked at Carol, naked, on her hands and knees, and then at Rock. She noticed his glistening, red cock protruding from its sheath, growing longer each passing second as he went about his task of readying the naked woman for breeding. Seven inches and thick, it very literally symbolized his need and desire.

‘Am I?’ Janice thought, watching the dog’s intense tonguing of the naked woman. ‘Yes, I am,’ she thought. ‘All the way. Rock deserves it after all this work. And Carol certainly does,’ she said to herself with a smile. ‘If Carol wants to act like a bitch in heat, she deserves to be fucked like one.’ She settled back on the couch comfortably, a fascinated expression on her face. She took out her cell phone and began to film it.

Carol was wilting under the constant tonguing of her ass and pussy. Thoughts of stopping the dog were dim in her mind as the sexual stimulation to her clit by Rock’s constant licking continued. She felt the place she found herself in totally humiliating, knowing that Janice saw all, yet seeing no way to stop it now.

Low moans escaped her lips as the first wave of an impending orgasm began building within her. Her wrists collapsed, and her upper body lowered itself to the floor, resting on her forearms. Her face lay on the carpet, and her hips began a slight swing, rhythmic to the dog’s constant tongue.

Janice watched in amusement as Rock, now unhampered, began a focused tonguing of Carol’s pussy. She could see his long, pink tongue flick out, over and over, occasionally penetrating and probing. She watched as Carol’s ass began swaying, noticing the naked woman’s legs moving further apart. This fascinated her more than anything, knowing that Carol had no control over what was happening. Knowing that Rock was working toward getting the woman spread and ready to his satisfaction. And when he did.

Janice continued watching as Carol’s legs now began to be spread forcibly. The widening of her thighs brought her ass and pussy lower to the floor. Within moments, under Rock’s tireless licking, Carol’s legs were spread to their limits.

Rock steadily lapped the dripping juices from between the woman’s legs. Carol no longer cared about the place she was in. The utter humiliation of it all was behind her for the time being. She knew she would never be able to look Janice in the eye again, but for the moment, she was on the edge of one of the most incredible orgasms she had ever felt building within her. That tongue! Carol wanted to be fucked in the worst way, and she didn’t care by who or what.

Suddenly, Rock stopped his licking and backed up a few steps from the quivering woman. His penis was stiff and extended, ready for mating. He strolled around Carol, stopping to sniff a bit here and there.

‘She’s completely ready now,’ Janice thought. She stared at Carol’s humble place before her. Her upper body was wholly lowered to the floor. Her cheek against the carpet, low moans are escaping her lips. Carol’s ass jutted up in the air, and her legs were spread so wide that she was fully exposed. Janice could see the tight, brown hole of Carol’s ass and the dark fur that surrounded her pink, dripping pussy. Spread and ready!

Rock returned to his place behind Carol, sniffed at the exposed parts a bit, then placed his forelegs upon her back and began moving his hindquarters close to the naked woman’s ass.

Carol felt the paws upon her back, scratching and scrambling for purchase. It hurt a bit, but she didn’t care. She needed a good fucking in the worst way now. The fur of Rock’s underbelly caressed and tickled her ass and upper thighs as he moved in close for his prize.

Feeling entranced by what was about to occur, Janice left her position on the couch and moved closer to the action, kneeling a few feet away from Carol and Rock. ‘My god,’ she thought. ‘He’s going to do it. And I’m going to let him.’ She stared as Rock made a few tentative thrusts with his cock, seeking his target.

Carol gasped as she felt the dog’s penis brush against her and began moving her hips to find the hot shaft that would satisfy her need.

Janice’s unwavering gaze was fixed upon Rock’s penis as it sought Carol’s love hole, and she watched in amazement as its thick tip finally found the entrance. Rock moved his rump in closer, and the entire length of his cock slid deeply into Carol’s sopping, red cunt. He began pumping furiously, in and out of the hot pussy.

A low, keening sound began coming from Carol, and her hips moved against the dog’s thrusts, trying to achieve deeper penetration.

“Oh god!” Carol cried as her orgasm approached rapidly.

Her hips began moving quicker due to the dog’s rapid thrusting. Sweat dripped from her face. Janice had never seen a woman who looked so utterly slutty as Carol now did in her union with the dog. She watched as spasms began to rack the woman’s body, the orgasm starting its ascent, running through the naked slut like a berserk locomotive. Sexual waves of pure pleasure slammed hard into Carol’s body, and her mouth opened, a scream of pure pleasure erupting.


Janice grabbed the slut by her hair, lifting her head from the floor. She covered Carol’s mouth with her free hand, trying to stifle the screams and moans. No sense letting everybody in the neighborhood in on what was happening.

Rock’s pumping became more frenzied as he approached his orgasm. Silently, he pleasures himself with the naked woman, and moments later, long, ropey strands of dog cum spurted into Carol’s pussy. Gravity and Rock’s continued pumping forced some of it back out, and the cum dripped from between Carol’s legs and onto the carpet below. Gradually, the dog’s pumping and thrusting slowed. His needs met, for the time being, he eventually came to a stop but remained perched atop Carol, his penis firmly entrenched within her cunt.

Janice waited a few minutes and then carefully began trying to disengage Rock from Carol. At first, she couldn’t pull it out. Rocks doggy dick was stuck inside her pussy, and Janice remembered dogs knot their bitches to stop them from getting away while they pumped them full of their cum. Janice laughed. Poor Carol knotted to a dog. It was just too sweet.

Carol was strangely quiet and now and then moaned. ‘The bitch was still having fucking orgasms,’ thought Janice. ‘Maybe it’s the pressure of all that dog cum trapped inside her?’ She pulled on Rock again, and Carol yelled out in pain.

“No, just leave it. He’ll slide out when he’s ready,” Carol begged.

“If that’s what you want, bitch,” Janice said coldly and sat back down, watching the spectacle.

Over ten minutes passed before Carol moaned as the cock slid out of her vagina, and when she was free, she collapsed to the floor in a trembling heap. Cum gushed from her used cunt like a fountain.

“Good boy,” Janice said.

She patted Rock on the head. Then Rock wandered out of the room toward the laundry where his drink and food bowls were. Back in the living room, Janice surveyed the woman on the floor, a wet puddle between her legs and getting larger by the moment.

“Get up slut!” she said, prodding Carol’s thigh with her foot. “You’re getting dog cum all over my floor.”

Carol, unaware of her surroundings at the moment, opened her eyes. With a rush, it all came back. ‘I let myself be fucked by a dog right before Janice,’ Carol thought. ‘Worst of all, I enjoyed it.’

“Janice, I-I…” Carol stopped, not knowing what to say.

“I don’t think Steve will have much interest in you anymore, Carol,” Janice said. “Not once he finds out what a dirty dog fucker you are.”

Carol’s face reddened. “J-Janice, please. I’ll do anything. Anything you want. I’ll leave Steve alone from now on, I promise. Just don’t tell anyone about this.”

“Anything, eh?” Janice said with an evil grin. “You know Carol. I’ve tried to find Rock the right mate for a long time. He needs a real special kind of bitch. The type of bitch that is also a real slut, and I think you’re just the cunt I’ve been looking for.”

Carol stared at Janice wide-eyed and mouth agape for a moment. Then she said, “No, anything but that! Please, I’m not like that. I don’t do dogs.”

Just then, Rock walked back in and straight up to Carol sniffing her cum soaked pussy, and then started licking away his spunk. Janice stood there watching her dog and said to

Carol sharply, “Spread your legs bitch, so that he can get in there.”

Carol complied, then leaned back, closing her eyes as the constant licking of her pussy started to inflame her lust once again.

Janice laughed, saying, “Oh, I think you are the kind of girl who does dogs, and from now on, Rock is the only cock you’re fucking. Do I make myself clear, bitch?”

Carol opened her eyes. They were glassy and distant. “Yes, Janice. Alright, I’ll be Rock’s bitch,” she murmured.

Janice patted her head, “Good girl. If you’re a good bitch, I’ll let Rock’s friends fuck you too. Since I know how you like to parade that pussy around to any dog on the street.”

Carol moaned loudly, making Janice laugh. This day had turned out better than Janice had imagined.





*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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