K9 Cop Whore

By Anonymous.

This is a story about a life-changing experience that my wife and I had a couple of years ago. Abby and I had planned a celebration after she lost a considerable amount of weight. She had reduced down to 110 pounds and looked great. I should describe Abby. She has long brown hair and big brown eyes. She has the cutest face, and her smile is contagious. She stands five and a half feet tall and has a body that won’t quit. Abby’s petite figure measures 34D-21-33. Despite her awesome assets, Abby is embarrassed to show off her shape.

Most of the time, Abby wore baggy pants and tops. Like many women, she did not feel that she was beautiful, despite my complements. I finally persuaded her to buy some sexy clothes for our night on the town. I requested that she get something that had a very short skirt and was skin tight. I also requested that she not wear underwear. She balked at this but finally agreed after I begged her.

On the day of our celebration, Abby went shopping. She called me at work to tell me about her new dress. She seemed very excited about wearing it for me. She wasn’t sure, however, that she would feel comfortable in public wearing such a sexy outfit. I assured her that she would be a big hit with anyone who saw her. I don’t think I convinced her.

The plan was to go out to dinner and then go dancing. I couldn’t wait to see Abby in her new outfit. She picked me up from work at 6:30. When I saw her, I was stunned. She looked like one of those glamour models. She gave me a shy smile when I whistled at her. She said, “I can’t believe I’m actually wearing this.” I said, “You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen. Abby was wearing a red dress that barely covered her privates. Her large breasts stretched the top to its limits. The dress was low cut with a full one-third of her breasts exposed. I said, “I hope those shoulder straps are industrial strength.” Abby giggled and said, “I hope so too.”

I continued to stare at her as she drove out of the parking lot. I noticed two bumps in the front of Abby’s dress. I was happy to see that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I glanced down at her legs and wondered if she was wearing panties. Abby noticed my stare and confirmed, “No, I’m not wearing panties.” I asked her to prove it, and she pulled her hem up slightly, revealing her neatly trimmed bush. Abby said, “I have to be very careful when I get out of the car or bend over.” I said, “I’ll bet.”

We headed to our favorite restaurant. The parking lot was full, and we had to park at the shopping center next door. I watched as Abby got out of the car. She held the hem of her skirt firmly. It was no use, however. If anyone had been nearby, they would have seen an eyeful. We walked in front of several shops as we made our way to the restaurant. Abby complained about the 5 inch high heels. Despite the awkwardness of the shoes, Abby caused heads to turn in her direction. She was quite a sight.

We enjoyed a great meal and a few drinks and talked about everything. I told Abby how proud I was of her. We talked about the looks she was getting. I think she was beginning to like the attention. I paid the tab, and we left. Abby asked if I wanted to drive, and I suggested that she drive. I told her that I wanted to just look at her. She blushed. We strolled to the car, and again Abby got plenty of attention. I noticed that despite the earlier difficulty Abby had with her shoes, her walk began to get sexier. I knew she was enjoying herself.

We got in the car and headed for a new dance club that we had wanted to check out. We talked about what we would do after dancing. Abby was playing it coy, but we both knew that a long session of lovemaking was in our future. We were so engrossed in our sexy talk that neither of us noticed the police car on the side of the road. We learned about it the hard way. Lights and sirens approached us from the rear. Abby said, “Oh, no! I think I was speeding.” I said, “Don’t worry. Just do as the officer says, and we’ll be dancing in no time.”

Abby pulled the car to the side of the road, and the police car followed. She rolled down the window as the officer approached. He approached cautiously, finally relaxing when he noticed that the driver was a woman. He walked up to the car door and looked at Abby. He had to stand back a bit to see into our low profile sports car. It was difficult to make out the officer’s features. His black skin and black uniform made him nearly invisible in the moonless night. It was clear, however, that the officer was a very large man.

The officer asked Abby for her driver’s license, and she handed it over. He looked at the license then leaned over to get a better look at Abby. I could tell from his expression that he was impressed with her. The growing bulge in his pants was a further indication. His eyes lingered on her substantial cleavage. He sniffed at the air then asked if my wife had been drinking. Abby nervously explained that she had had just a little wine with dinner.

The officer told Abby that he had clocked her going thirteen miles per hour over the speed limit. Before she could say another word, he asked her to step out of the car. Abby asked him why. He informed her that it was standard procedure for potential ‘DWI’ cases. Abby tried to assure the officer that she was not drunk. She told him that we had been talking and she lost track of her speed. The officer was not persuaded. He asked Abby again to step out of the car. I suspected that he just wanted to get a better look at Abby’s body.

The officer stepped away as Abby opened the car door. She held the hem of her dress as best she could and swung her legs around. Abby released her skirt and used her hand to brace against the car seat. The hem of Abby’s skirt slid up her leg as she quickly pulled herself to a standing position. She immediately pulled her skirt down, but it was too late. Abby’s quick movements getting out of the car had caused the elastic material of her skirt to slid high on her hips, exposing her bush in the process.

The officer’s eyes got wide when Abby bounced out of the car. He first noticed her large breasts jiggling in the tight dress. He then spotted the dark hair between her legs before she pulled down her skirt. The officer’s excitement gave way to seriousness. He accused Abby of using her body in an attempt to avoid a citation. Abby tried to convince the officer that it was an accident and that the dress was new. She explained that she had worn it for me for our night out.

The officer seemed to be satisfied with her explanation. He pointed to the white line on the edge of the shoulder. He told Abby to walk the line with her hands out. She gave him a pleading look. He gestured toward the line. Reluctantly, Abby began to walk the line. Her nervousness and her new high heels caused her to falter. As Abby fell, the officer grabbed her to break her fall. He managed to get a hand full of Abby’s tit as he helped her up. Once again, Abby’s skirt slid up her legs, exposing her pussy.

The officer told Abby that he would have to take her to the station, charged with ‘DWI.’ I got out of the car and asked the officer if that was necessary. I tried to explain that Abby was not drunk. I told him about her new outfit and how she was just getting used to it. The officer seemed to ignore my words. Abby pleaded with the officer. She explained how she couldn’t afford bail and didn’t want to spend the night in jail.

The officer told us to get in the car. He went back to the squad car and called in the case. We sat in the car, totally depressed. I told Abby I was sorry for getting her into this. She was near tears. She told me that she would die if she had to spend the night in jail. I told her we would get the money to bail her out.

The officer got out of the squad car and walked to Abby’s window. He told Abby that she would be charged with ‘DWI’ and for attempting to bribe a police officer with sex. Both of us were astonished at the last charge. It was completely out of character for my sweet wife to offer herself for sex with another man, especially a police officer on duty. We both politely told the officer that he was wrong about the bribery charge. He ignored our pleading, suggesting that saying more would only make it worse.

The officer proceeded to tell Abby the penalties for bribery. Abby was in tears. When the officer was finished with the litany, he offered Abby an alternative. I could not believe what he said. The officer said that he would forget all the charges if Abby would have sex with him. I couldn’t believe it. How could he ask her to do something like that? I was surprised he would suggest such a thing with me there. I let the officer have it. I threatened to go to the police, bring a lawsuit, and go to the press if he continued this blackmail.

The officer looked at me calmly as I had my tirade. When I finished, he pulled a small plastic bag from his pocket. The bag appeared to have a white powdery substance in it. The officer explained that if we did not cooperate, he would add narcotic’s possession with the intent to distribute to the charges. He made it clear that we would both be charged. I dropped my head in frustration. What a nightmare this evening had become.

I looked at the officer and asked, “Why are you doing this to us?” He replied evenly, “I like your wife. It’s been a while since I’ve had a woman. Your wife is about the best looking piece of ass I’ve seen in a long time. Hell, look at her.” We both looked at Abby. She looked down ashamed as he continued, “Her tits beg to be released from that skimpy dress. She can’t bend over or get out of a car without flashing her cunt. And her shoes, only a whore wears heels that high…” I interrupted, “I told you we are celebrating her losing a lot of weight. The outfit was my idea. If she wanted to get, anyone excited it was me, not you.”

The officer countered, “I’m sorry, my friend. Your wife has gotten my attention whether you like it or not, and I plan to put her hot sexy body to good use.” He paused, then added, “You know, I think she’s warming up to the idea.” I looked at him with surprise and asked, “What do you mean by that?” He gestured toward my wife’s legs. I looked down and noticed a stream of moisture glistening on Abby’s thigh. The moisture was undoubtedly leaking from her pussy. I looked back up Abby’s body and noticed two large protrusions caused by her rock hard nipples. I looked at Abby’s flushed face with a questioning look. Her expression answered for her. Abby turned away, blushing. I asked, “You want him to have sex with you?” Abby didn’t answer. I couldn’t believe it. No answer was as good as a ‘YES.’

Abby kept her eyes from both of us. The officer said, “Isn’t it true, baby? Your itching to feel my big hard cock buried in your cunt.” I saw my wife tremble with the officer’s words. Abby’s breathing was heavier now. The officer continued, “Tell me, baby. You want to fuck Officer Brown’s big black cock?” Abby’s head nodded almost imperceptibly. The officer looked at me and shrugged, “There you have it. The lady wants me to fuck her.” He turned back to Abby and said, “Go get in the squad car, baby.” She immediately left us and walked to the squad car, her butt wiggling sexily. She never even glanced in my direction. She opened the door and got in the front seat. I watched in awe as my once devoted wife made her choice. She had accepted the officer’s ultimatum. I wondered if the blackmail was really necessary. She was obviously in a state of arousal.

Officer Brown watched my wife with appreciation as she made the trip to the squad car. He said, “Is that a ‘Fuck Bunny’ or what? I’m gonna have one fine time with that body.” He turned to me and said, “If you like, you can follow me and watch your wife get nasty, or you can go on home. I’ll see to it that she gets home safe.”

I asked, “What makes you think she’ll get nasty?”

Officer Brown smiled and said, “I know her type. Once she gets going, she’ll do anything. The quiet, shy types are usually that way. You must not be giving it to her enough. She wouldn’t have gotten in the squad car unless she was looking for some satisfaction.”

I told Officer Brown that I would follow him.

I watched as the officer walked back to the squad car. I got in and started up the car. I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw the officer talking to my wife. Suddenly, Abby moved toward the officer and then disappeared below the dashboard. A chill ran down my spine as I realized that my wife was giving the man head. My sweet wife was sucking on the officer’s black cock. I was surprised to find that disgust was not what I was feeling. I was aching to see her take his cock to the root. I was painfully aware that Abby was doing for this stranger what she had always refused to do for me. After a minute or so, the squad car pulled onto the road, and I followed.

We hadn’t gone far when the squad car pulled into the parking lot of a warehouse. I followed the squad car around back, out of sight of the road. The officer stopped the car next to the warehouse and shut it off. Only then did Abby’s head appear above the seat. I was thankful for the floodlight that illuminated the parking lot enough to see a fair amount of detail. Officer Brown fumbled with something then got out of the squad car. He walked up a short flight of stairs to a door that he was able to open. He motioned for Abby to join him.

Abby opened the door of the squad car and got out. I was only somewhat surprised to see her dress gathered at her waist, exposing her tits and pussy. She walked slowly with a sexy swagger that suggested that her nudity did not bother her and that she was better at walking in high heels than I had thought. My wife glided up the stairs and entered the building, followed by Officer Brown. The door shut behind them. I hoped the officer had the courtesy to leave it unlocked. I got out of the car and ran up the stairs. I was relieved when the door opened. I entered and immediately looked for my wife and the officer. The warehouse interior was dimly lit. Around a corner, I found them.

Officer Brown told Abby to kneel down and pull his cock out of his pants. She unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his pants. She zipped him down and reached in his shorts to find his cock. She struggled but finally pulled out a large slab of semi-hard black beef. He must have been a foot long and still growing. Abby’s eyes showed admiration at the sight of his cock. Officer Brown ordered Abby to suck his cock. Abby did not hesitate to continue what she had started in the car. She stuffed as much of his sausage as she could in her mouth. She greedily licked and sucked the head. She licked his plum-sized balls.

Officer Brown grabbed my wife’s head as she furiously sucked his cock. He continued to grow as Abby sucked him. She tried twice to swallow his cock down her throat, but it was too large. Officer Brown’s cock stopped growing when it reached 14 inches. Abby held the thing up with both hands to inspect it. She had a look of awe on her face.

Officer Brown told Abby to stand up, turn around, and bend over. She braced herself against the wall with her hands. Abby knew what was coming, and she looked anxious. She looked around to see what Officer Brown was doing. Her hair was now in disarray after the face fuck. She had a wild animalistic look to her. He finished removing his pants and pulled his shirt off. He moved up behind Abby and nestled his cock against Abby’s ass. Abby asked, “Aren’t you going to use a condom?” The officer replied, “No, baby, your gonna take me bareback, skin to skin.” A concerned looked crossed Abby’s face as she said, “But I don’t have my diaphragm in. I think I’m ovulating.” I was stunned. I wondered if the officer would cut Abby some slack. Surely the officer wouldn’t want to get my wife pregnant.

Officer Brown continued to rub his monster cock across Abby’s pussy as he said, “Baby, I’m sorry, but I don’t have a condom. It’s either bareback or not at all.” It sounded to me like he might let my wife off the hook. Abby seemed to be pondering her situation. Officer Brown brought his hands around Abby’s waist then slide them up her sides. He grabbed two handfuls of Abby’s tits and massaged them. Abby moaned at his touch. She looked now like she was hungry for his cock.

Abby’s face showed pure lust. She said, “Put it in me, Officer.” Officer Brown asked her the repeat what she said. Abby repeated, “Please, Officer. Put your cock in me.” The officer began to taunt Abby by saying, “What kind of wife are you? You would let a strange man fuck you without birth control?” Abby looked the officer in the eye with a lusty look and said, “I don’t care. I want you to fuck me. I want your big black cock pounding my hole!” The officer complied immediately. He rammed into Abby about half the length of his cock. Abby gasped. I had begun to accept and even look forward to my wife, satisfying her newly found sexual passions, but I never thought she would risk getting pregnant.

Officer Brown began pumping Abby’s pussy hard and steady. She never took her eyes of the officer. She continued to beg him to fuck her hard. I was amazed at Abby. Usually, she was quiet in bed. This situation must have awakened a deep lust in her. Officer continued to pump Abby’s pussy. He had now managed to penetrate her to the fullest extent. It was amazing to see that huge black cock disappear between my wife’s white legs. I couldn’t believe how she took the entire thing.

Abby came twice as they fucked. Shortly after her second orgasm, the officer began grunting something to her. I couldn’t understand but she nodded. Suddenly, Officer Brown jerked his cock out of Abby’s pussy. She pivoted and knelt down. Abby opened her mouth wide as Officer Brown let a long cum string fly right into my wife’s mouth. She didn’t miss a drop. He then stuffed the head into Abby’s mouth and pumped two or three more cum strings into Abby. She swallowed, however, some of the slimy goo escaped her mouth and drooled onto her chin. When the officer had finished, she took the time to lick all the cum off her chin and his cock. I was shocked. She had never eaten my cum before. I guess it was better in her mouth than in her fertile womb.

Abby continued to lick the officer’s cock as she flashed him a grateful smile. Slowly, Officer Brown’s cock diminished in size. Abby asked, “When can we fuck again?” The officer gave an exhausted reply, “Baby, it will be a while before I can go again.” Abby looked greatly disappointed as she whined, “I’m still horny. Please fuck me.” The officer reached for his radio and said, “Time to call for back up.” Abby gave the officer a puzzled look. The officer chuckled and asked, “How many more men will it take to satisfy you?”

Abby’s mouth dropped open in surprise, “More men?” The officer added, “Why let that sexy hot horny body go to waste? You can get your fill of cock and my buddies will have a night to remember for life.” Abby pondered the officer’s words for a moment. Finally, she said, “What the hell. I’ve cheated on my husband already. More won’t make a difference. Besides, I don’t think I want to stop until my body gives out.” I don’t think Abby realized that I was watching. She probably thought that I had just gone home. I wasn’t about to spoil the show to come by letting her know that I was watching.

Officer Brown got on his radio and called for ‘back up.’ I continued to watch unobserved. My wife and the officer talked mostly about my wife. He complimented her on her perfect body for arousing men. She was surprised to know that she could have such a profound effect on men by simply dressing as she had tonight. He told her she could make a fortune as a stripper or even as a porn actress. Abby asked him how much he was talking about. He told her that with a body like hers, she could easily make six figures a year, maybe more in porn. She told him that she would have to check it out.

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the door. I ducked behind some boxes and watched three more police officers walk by, one leading a muzzled German Shepherd, or rather it was leading him, he yelled for Officer Brown. Who called to them as they marched around the corner. I knew when they spotted Abby based on the hoots and whistles. Officer Brown greeted his buddies and said, “Guys, meet Abby, a future porn star.”

Abby said shyly, “Hi fellas.”

One of the officers said, “Abby, you will go far in the porn business with that hot body of yours.”

My wife replied, “Well, I’m just thinking about it, but thanks anyway.”

Another officer said, “You think maybe we could sample that pussy of yours before you become famous.”

Abby stood up and said, “Guys, you can have my pussy, mouth, and even my ass until you can’t get it up any longer.”

The three new officers got out of their clothes in record time. They pounced on my wife like a tiger to its prey. They rubbed her and felt her and licked all over her body. Abby appeared in a deep daze as they stimulated her sex-starved body. She began to moan, “Somebody fucks me…Please, fuck me.” Two of the officers broke away to retrieve something from there pants. They moved back to Abby opening packets that obviously contained condoms. I felt relieved that I wouldn’t have to watch these men impregnate my wife.

Before the thought had left my brain, Abby said, “You won’t need those, guys. I want to feel your skin touching my skin.” Officer Brown shot Abby a look, and she smiled at him as she added, “I also want to feel your creamy sperm deep in my pussy.” Officer Brown looked at Abby with amused shock. The other guys thought nothing of it as one filled Abby’s mouth with a hard ten-inch cock, and another impaled her pussy with a similar tool. The third man pinched Abby’s nipples, and Officer Brown rested for his turn.

I watched as my previously devoted wife took on three black officers and one white officer with a Hispanic look to him. They fucked her for three hours, solid depositing numerous loads of sperm into her very fertile unprotected womb. If my wife was indeed ovulating, then she was almost assuredly pregnant after the onslaught. I watched her take several loads in her mouth and in her bowels. She seemed to have taken to anal and oral sex despite her reluctance to do so with me during our years of marriage. I was beginning to believe that she would make a fine porn star. I had never seen a woman act more slutty than my wife did that night.

After taking these men on for several hours, they finally began to show signs of exhaustion. It seemed appropriate for them to stop. It appeared that she was wiped out as well. Slowly the men got dressed. Abby sat down on her knees and was wiping her hand through her well-used fuck hole and repeatedly licking it clean like a wanton slut. Then she said, quite distinctly, “Do you think the cute little doggie would fuck me?” Officer Brown laughed a deep belly laugh and said, “Oh, you are one hot whore, aren’t you! Well, there’s only one way to find out” He grabbed the dog leash and pulled the shepherd over to her and ordered him to lay down. He looked down at Abby and said, “I don’t know much about these things, so see if you can make him hard.”

Abby crawled over to the dog and wrapped her hand around his sheath, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The dog just kinda laid there as his pink cock started to make an appearance. Abby touched it and cooed, “Oh, it’s hot and slimy.” then lowered her mouth to it and, without hesitation, engulfed it.

The officers laughed kinda nervously too, I don’t think they believed their eyes either. Abby continued giving the dog head for a while, then looked up at officer Brown and said, “I think he’s ready.” Officer Brown ordered the dog up and told Abby to get on her hands and knees like a bitch. Abby did so, sticking her ass high in the air. Officer Brown led the dog around behind her. He sniffed at her ass crack, gave a few licks then tried to mount her.

Officer Brown had to help him up, and Abby had to lower her ass some, but the dog eventually seemed to get the right angle, as soon Abby was moaning, and the dog was humping like greased lightning. Abby was moaning and carrying on, at one point I heard her say, “Oh, I’m such a fucking slut, OOOH this is sooo nasty I love it, this is soooo fucking good,” and then “OOOOh, OOOOh, Yesssss,” as she orgasmed hard. The dog fucked her for about 10 minutes then stopped moving. Abby started moaning again then was excitedly yelling that his cock was swelling up, and how she’s never been filled like that before, so on and so on.

She was a woman completely obsessed with the feelings being delivered to her cunt. After a little while, the dog somehow reversed his position, and they were ass to ass. Abby said with amazement, “He pumping his cum in me, Oh God sooo much, there’s soo much, it’s so big he can’t pull it out” then the rest was insensible moaning and noises as she orgasmed again. The dog seemed to take a dominant role and started walking around with his “Bitch” still attached to him, she seemed to love it and started rubbing her clit furiously while trying to keep her balance.

She finally lost her balance, and with a little shout from her and yelp from the dog, there was an audible “POP,” and she was free. She was positioned in such a way now that I was looking directly between her legs. Cum, a mixture of the men and the dogs, was pouring out of her gaping fuck-hole in rivers. It was run running down both her legs and pooling on the floor under her knees.

After everyone regained their composure, one of the officers who hadn’t completely dressed pulled off his T-shirt and offered it to Abby. She cleaned some of the cum from her legs, then Officer Brown pulled her to her feet and helped Abby on with her dress. She looked surprisingly presentable once her dress was on and straightened. Her hair still had that wild ‘Fuck Bunny’ look, however. I took the opportunity to leave before a potentially unpleasant meeting took place. Abby was dropped off about an hour after I got home. I spent most of that time mulling over what I had seen. I still had trouble believing everything I saw.

I was shocked by the fact that I’d gotten turned on watching her gang-banged by a bunch of strangers, without birth control. But I was even more shocked that the thing that excited me the most was watching her get fucked by a dog. I don’t know which is sicker, her doing it and enjoying it or me watching it and enjoying it? Abby arrived, I had expected her sooner. I learned later that the officers had gotten aroused once again as they watched Abby strut her sexy shape out of the warehouse. They all four took her on the hood of one of the squad cars. Their final tribute to her most fuckable body was to shoot their last load all over her face.

Abby’s cum-covered face greeted me as she walked through our door. She had made no effort to clean the slimy mess off until she saw me. With a look calculated to be as slutty as possible, my wife collected the globs of half-dried cum off her face and put them into her mouth. An audible purr came from her throat as she savored string after string of the slimy stuff. When she finished, she walked over to me and pulled my mouth to hers and forcing my lips open with her tongue, deposited their cum in my mouth, which strangely excited me. Then she said calmly, “Thank you for asking me to dress like a slut. It has allowed me to find my true place in life.” With that little speech done, she took me straight to bed, where she pushed my face right down to her cum covered thighs.

The next morning Abby and I discussed the events of the previous night. She was surprised that I had watched the entire thing. I asked her why she wanted them to knock her up. She told me that it sounded like the slutty thing to do. I reminded her that she would probably give birth to a black baby. She laughed and said, “Either that or puppies.” She told me that she still loved me very much and would like for us to stay together, but that she would understand if I wanted to leave her. I told her that I wanted to stay together. She did inform me that she could never go back to her former self. She admitted that she was a slut and that she liked it.

We carried on our lives mostly as before. The only differences were Abby’s prowl nights. About twice a month, she would go out, find and fuck as many men as she could find. Of course, Officer Brown and the company continue to stop by weekly or more and fuck Abby silly. Word spread to the other officers, and it seems that we entertain a small group of officers at each shift change. And of course, the daily visits from the K-9 squad. Abby also demanded that we get our own dog, which we have, and she wasted no time training him and is very wanton about it. I’m sure most or all of the neighbors have seen Abby drop to her hands and knees on the back patio and let Rex mount her like a bitch.

Though with all the police that are usually coming and going from the house, no one has yet to complain about the “dog fucking whore” as I overheard one of the neighbor women refer to her once. After about six months, she was pregnant. Tragically, the baby was stillborn. The doctor pulled me aside and asked how it was that my wife had given birth to a baby with obvious black features. I told him it was none of his business, and we closed that sad chapter of our lives.

On a more positive note, Abby starred in her first pornographic video recently. The sales of the video broke records assuring Abby a lucrative career in the business. One benefit of my wife’s new sexuality is our relationship. I now have a sex life that most men only dream of. Abby will do anything I want, anytime I want. If I want to tip the pizza man, I just point, and Abby will give him an expert professional blow job. We’ve had many adventures over the past few months. Maybe I’ll relate some of the stories in the future.

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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