Kane’s Cum Bucket Bitch 5

By DiscipleN.

I screamed and ran for my house. Each stride spurted cum out of my well-used cunt, leaving a slime trail. Kane growled once, leaped up, and snapped at the ugly intruder. Scranton shrieked and disappeared behind the fence.

Connie met me at the sliding glass door. Now too late to catch Kane’s cum from my dribbling hole. She carried a bowl.

“The neighbor saw me!” I cried. I didn’t have to suggest that Scranton would call the cops.

“Get in here, you stupid, stupid cunt!” Connie grabbed my mussed hair and dragged me to my bedroom. “Where’s your longest coat?”

“Ow! On the rack by the door.” I whined. My eyes were tearing up. My life was going to be ruined!

She hauled my naked, cum dripping ass to the door and had me throw on my coat. “You’ve got one chance to nip this screwup in the bud, Silvia.” She was worried enough to say my proper name. “But you have to follow my lead. This isn’t a doggy fantasy anymore. If you don’t want your life to become a police procedural, don’t even think of going against me.”

I shook my head. “No, uh, Ma-am.” I was so used to submitting to Connie that I gave in completely, trusting my future with her demented schemes.

Without further words, she led me outside. I surveyed the street frantically as we walked quickly to Scranton’s house. Connie ignored the doorbell and pounded the door directly. “This is your lucky day, Mr. Jones!”

We had to be too late. He’d had plenty of time to dial 911. The only response we’d get would be police sirens.

The door opened by a crack. One brown eye stared out. “Take that foul harlot away from my home!”

Connie either hesitated or planned her pause. She replied after a dozen pounding heartbeats. “I hear you’re a religious man, Mr. Jones.”

“Absolutely, I was just about to call the police.” The door opened a little wider. His other eye and the rest of his pocked face appeared.

But he hadn’t, not yet.

“You have every right, Good Sir.” Connie set her hook. “I would call them myself, but I remembered a line from God’s book.” She did hesitate then. “I don’t recall the exact words, but it was about instructing evil in the proper way of His kingdom on Earth. I beseech you because this harlot is fortunate to have a neighbor with Christian mercy and authority. Teach her the right way, and save her from bestial deviltry.”

Connie thrust me closer to his wild stare. “Show him your sin and beg him for salvation!” She tugged at my long coat.

She wanted me to expose myself? What the insane fuck!

My shock-fueled delay earned me a smack on the back of my head. “Submit, Harlot, and beg!”

My hands took to unbuttoning my coat. Scranton’s eyes widened more than humanly possible when my naked lower half appeared. Cum stained the hairs hiding my pudendum. I opened my coat wide and sank before him to my knees. Rough concrete scraped them. “Please, save me, Mr. Jones. I’ll do anything! I have fallen so low. If your love of Christ can rescue me from the vile sin, you witnessed, have mercy and teach me the proper way of love.” I not only got the hang of Connie’s con, but I also elaborated passionately.

Did my submissive, erotic nature fuel my new passion? Probably, but not by the facade, I turned to Scranton Jones. The arousal ripped from my senses returned by submitting to Connie’s scheme.

“I-I should call the police.” His voice wavered. “I don’t trust you.” Yet his eyes were glued to my naked crotch.

“At least show us the mercy of hearing our story.” Connie tried. “Of course, a slut like her shouldn’t be allowed to soil your home. Let us speak in your yard. We’ll go in through the front gate if you will.”

“I suppose that would be – favored by The Lord.” The man closed his front door. I tucked the coat flaps around me, and Connie led me around his home and through the gate. His backyard lights flooded the fenced yard. We met Scranton exiting his back door. Fortunately, Flufflepuss wasn’t with him.

Connie barked, “Prostrate yourself, Slut, before the only hope you have of saving your soul.” She ripped the flaps out of my hands and displayed my half-naked body to my pious neighbor. His cheeks were as red as his skin tone allowed.

I sank again to my knees in pee-stained grass. But Connie grabbed my hair and toppled me backward! My coat struck the brown grass. My legs splayed forward, opening my sex to Scranton’s full view! “Beg him!” She demanded.

“Please, Mr. Jones, I’ll do anything!”

Scranton’s eyes flipped between my cum drenched hair and Connie’s grateful expression for several seconds. She and I managed to ignore the apparent tent growing in his trousers. “God forgive me. I am weak!” He reached for his belt buckle. He told Connie, “You go around front. I’ll dismiss her after her lesson.”

Connie snorted a laugh. “She may need more than one.” Then she strolled around the side of Scranton’s house.

What? She did what? “Connie!” I began to panic. She was supposed to protect me!

“Hush, Sinner! Harlot!” My righteous neighbor pulled apart his belt, unbuttoned, and unzipped, standing before my splayed legs. I didn’t dare close them or even shrink away. I had promised to do anything.

At that moment, I turned religious. I believed that Connie was right around the corner, waiting for her chance to rescue me from the now lust-filled man. I closed my eyes.

“Look at it, Harlot!” Scranton demanded. My eyes opened without my permission. His hard cock stood four inches into the open air. His balls were surprisingly big for his shaft. It was pretty thick, maybe a bit wider than Kane’s. “This is a man’s implement. This is what a woman needs, to put a baby in her, under the sanctity of marriage. We aren’t married, but I will sin for your sake, as The Lord sacrificed himself for ours.”

Scranton dropped to his knees. His hands reached out and tore my shirt. “All of you were born in sin, Harlot. I might as well expose all of you – to strengthen your lesson. His grubby hands pulled up my bra. My tits splayed left and right as he shook me.

“If I put a baby in you, and you dare threaten its life, I will turn you in for bestiality.” His cock inched forward, the rubbery head parting my cum soiled grove.

Please, Connie, please do not forsake me! I grimaced under Mr. Jones’ fervent body. I could feel his heat threatening my skin. I should push him away. Run! Let the state incarcerate me for life and rescue my abused Kane.

Perhaps Connie would save our alpha from that fate. She cared more for him than me.

“A man fucks a woman. Got it?” Scranton thrust his hard penis into my cum soaked cunt. “I’m gonna pump out all that sin and wash it away with a man’s seed.” He started slowly, probably to prevent slipping out. He couldn’t fuck much more than two inches into me. “Oh, I’m a fool and weak.” He prayed to heaven above. “Forgive me, Great Lord!”

I hadn’t had a man inside me for a couple of years. I had fucked men who were smaller than Scranton. If I wanted to enjoy his slow rutting prick, I would have focused on how its girth spread my vaginal opening. Tapping his hairy balls, hairier than my sex, against my taint, would have been a bonus sensation.

All I could do was weep. It felt awful! It lacked the energy and punch of Kane’s animal tool. I missed the alpha’s tight forelegs, scratching my bare sides. Scranton was a terrible lover, but he didn’t care. I think he was already approaching an orgasm, hardly ten seconds into my ‘lesson.’

I cried under the man’s pathetic humping, his dick barely tickling my insides.

“Those better be tears of humility, Sinner. Know a man’s rod, and abandon the evil lust you have wallowed under.” He was serious. I think his righteous lecturing was getting him off as much as my cum oozing cunt. His cock did seem to be pumping out Kane’s semen.

Suddenly, I felt a new regret: I failed to protect the alpha’s seed, my responsibility. “No…” I pushed up at my holy attacker. “Please, no.”

“Shut up, Harlot! The lesson isn’t over yet.” He grunted a laugh then. “And I expect you’ll need more than one like the lady said.” That laugh was all he needed to spike his arousal over the net. His body reared back as much as he dared and thrust heavily into me.

“You don’t understand, Mr. Jones.” Connie appeared around the corner, holding out her phone. “Who is taking the lesson, and who is giving it.”

Just as Scranton’s seminal bulb was ready to spurt his holy seed into me, Connie’s sudden appearance with her phone’s attacking lens, and her tone of superiority, robbed him of his orgasm.

“What the hell?” He scrambled off of me. “Put that thing away!”

“Not until you put yours away.” She snorted, continuing to record the horrible scene. “I’m sorry, Silvia, it was the only way.”


She wasn’t very sorry. After threatening to blackmail the neighbor with a video of him raping me, Connie never failed to tease me about being her bitch for one night. Closer to reality, when I wrote the five thousand dollar check she demanded her services, she became my pimp.

She did give me a day’s reprieve from my actual sins. “I’ll return tomorrow night, and you better be ready to atone fully for your gross disrespect of Kane’s cum!”

I slept at the foot of my bed, or did eventually, once my swirling shame and guilt surrendered to the day’s stress. Kane woke me up in the middle of the night. I let him out to pee, but he took my left hand in his jaws and led me outside in the cool air when he entered. I only had on a nightshirt. He refused to allow me to cover what was now totally his cunt.

He mounted me in darkness, and I sang out from multiple orgasms, fully submitted to his midnight lust. He even howled several times, significantly when his blood ballooned his rutting cock, and he twisted around to knot me. Boiling cum rushed into me, but I managed to duck the swing of his leg, allowing him an easier means to keep his cock in his bitch.

I held my hand between our legs to catch any spilled seed. Its heat reminded me of how Connie had saved me from a human’s colder cum.

We stood for long minutes as his genitals injected fiercely hot semen. My skin had goosebumps in the cold air, but the alpha’s seed warmed my insides.

When my hand hadn’t felt any drips for a minute, I carefully moved my hand to my face. Kane’s cum smelled as rank and as wrong as ever. Perhaps a minute in the air had taken any goodness from it. No doubt every sperm in my hand had died. I licked it with the tip of my tongue and instantly scrunched up my face. My stomach roiled inside me.

I watched my hand spill Kane’s seed to the Earth. Not only did I wipe my hand on the grass, but I also dug up soil and buried the dead sperm.

Abruptly, Kane pulled his deflating dick out of my cum filled pussy. In my head, I heard Connie rebuke me for wasting his seed. I clenched my loins to keep it inside for as long as possible. I didn’t dare move lest it squirted out.

Kane came to me with his dirty rubber ball. He wanted to play, I thought. But it was dark. I hadn’t turned on the floodlights. A shameful use occurred to me. I took the ball, wiped it on the grass, and pushed it against my cum weeping puss.

Getting up, I kept his cum inside with the improvised rubber plug. Kane hadn’t acted too put out at me for not throwing the ball. Perhaps he was sleepy after sating his lust.

We entered our home together. He trotted to the bedroom. I took the bowl that Connie had fetched earlier and squatted over it until the last of the alpha’s seed had dripped out.

I knew what I should do, but my stomach refused to participate. I wrapped the bowl in plastic and put it in the freezer.

Kane allowed me to sleep with him in the bed. He stood up and barked when I crouched down at the foot of the bed. Then he moved over, offering me room upon it. He spooned me with one foreleg dangling over my arm. I dreamed of Scranton Jones getting raped by my protector.


I woke up hungry. Starving! What I wanted didn’t matter. Kane needed to pee. I fixed his breakfast bowl. He returned from out back and took a shit on the newspapers. I took it to the trash while he wolfed down his food on the table.

When I reached the door, he was there, nosing me back into the yard. He had found his ball in the corner of the kitchen floor. Was he deliberately denying me food? Kane made me throw the ball for an hour.

Exhausted at a cellular level, I entered two paces behind the alpha. He strode off in the office’s direction, expecting me to begin working.

“Kane.” I pleaded, going to the cupboards. He paused and gave me a cautious look. “Let me eat? I took out a can of black beans and held it before the electric opener.

His eyes narrowed. His breath stilled. He made a sound deep in his throat that could be described as “Hmmph!” Then he trotted away.

I fixed myself a bean salad and warmed up a piece of leftover steak. However, when I took the metal pan out of the oven, Kane loped into the kitchen and barked! He jumped up on the table.

I ate bean salad, sitting on cold kitchen tiles. Kane’s fangs tore into the hot steak. Connie had warned me to prevent him from overeating. Was that even possible? Later, I would have to ask if she deemed me worthy of her ‘services’ that night.

Kane accompanied me to the bathroom while I showered. His head poked through the curtain several times to ensure I wasn’t trying to wrap a towel around my waist. He let me put on a bra and warm top in the bedroom.

I did accomplish a lot. Once more, I felt a strange energy fueling quality work. I entered a flow state that made hours speed by. Kane had to prod me with his nose to fix lunch for him. I had a pickle and cheese sandwich.

Returning to work, I feared that I would find dog shit on the printouts I had again spread over my chair. It was clean. Kane plopped down in the doorway and slept while I worked again.

He nosed me for attention sometime around 4 pm. I followed him to the door, but he suddenly turned back and leaped on the desk. Papers and the keyboard went flying, but he didn’t knock over the computer this time. My heart cringed when he hung his hairy butt over my chair and let go of two healthy clods. They struck and stuck to the printouts. If he ever got diarrhea, my expensive chair would be doomed.

Why was he doing this? He seemed fine with me working most of the day. I had proven that I would obey whenever he needed me.

After scratching on the desktop, he jumped down and trotted past me as if to bury his stinking plop, nosing my hand along the way. I followed. Didn’t he want me to clear his mess? The longer it steamed, the worse the room would smell.

Kane led me outside and found his ball. He brought it to my hand, but when I grabbed it, ready for a throw, he clamped his teeth on my wrist and dragged me to my hands and knees.

The alpha took me hard and fast. He made me cum quicker than ever. I was spinning with abject joy, feeling more owned and used with each fervent fucking.

He surprised me by twisting sooner than expected. I had felt his cock inflate along my quaking cunt, but it hadn’t yet shot his super hot semen. I fumbled, trying to help him turn ass to ass. His cock almost popped out, but my hand was there. Fresh cum scalding, I had difficulty holding on to his slimy prick and preventing separation.

Even Kane’s obvious pleasure from sexual release didn’t stop his expression from gaining a measure of disappointment.

Under his dismissive gaze, I attempted to push cum back into my twat. I only succeeded in releasing more into my wet hand. His unhappy gaze raked my guilt for nearly half an hour. His dick popped out of me, pulling away, and I crammed the rubber ball against the sticky tide.

Before I could drain his cum into the bowl from the freezer, he made me take away his stinking mess. My thighs clutched at the rubber ball as I walked like a zombie outside to discard the incomprehensible message he had left for me.

Afterward, he watched his cum drip out of my cunt into the frosted bowl. He looked puzzled. Humans did strange things. He was probably thinking. I was thinking the same thing about his recent office poop.

Drained, I returned to the office, hoping to finish some last-minute work before Connie arrived. I knew she wouldn’t waste time texting her ETA. Kane turned me around and took me back outside. I threw the ball for another hour. Kane barked and chased joyously!

When suppertime rolled around, I wasn’t sure if I should wait for Connie. Kane didn’t act concerned either way. He was always hungry, but he was surprisingly self-controlled for an alpha. I could only imagine that Connie was responsible for teaching him moderation in all things except cunt.

I thought about offering my cunt, but I chickened out. Was a lowest rung bitch allowed to initiate sex? Kane’s sharp ears saved me from that internal debate by perking up abruptly. He scrambled to the door, having heard familiar footsteps.

Connie ignored me when I opened the door. She entered and knelt to give the alpha a lingering, firm hug. “Is your bitch behaving better today?”

A television dog would have barked then, either with approval or disdain. Kane merely tilted his head and accepted deep scratching around his neck and behind his ears.

My trainer looked up at me, “Has he eaten?”

Self-confidence fled me. “I-I wasn’t sure- I mean, I was about to”

She shook her head at me, always disappointed. “Have you eaten?”

“Not yet. I mean, I had a sandwich at lunch and a salad this morning.”

“Hmmm.” She studied Kane. “I would have told you not to, except for yesterday’s unexpected distraction.”

Distraction? She had given my cunt to the next-door neighbor!

“Now, I’m telling you. Don’t eat anything that I don’t give you.”

“Y-yes, Ma-am.”

“When did the alpha last mate with you?”

“About two hours ago.”

“Did you keep his knot and protect his cum?” Her voice harshened.

“I-I tried- I mean, I did it better this morning, but this afternoon-”


Connie’s hand had bashed my cheek. “I don’t care what you ‘mean,’ Bitch! Did you hold and protect your alpha’s ejaculate?”

“No.” I almost said, ‘I mean.’ “Not very well, but I tried. I promise I’ll do better.”

She growled in the base of her throat. Kane added to her growl, ready to support the alpha female no matter what.

Desperate to sound less useless, I perked up. “I saved what I could! It’s in a bowl in the freezer.”

“Really.” She didn’t sound less disappointed. “Show me.”

We went to the kitchen, and I took out the frozen bowl.

“It’s not much, is it, for two matings.”

I hung my head. “No, Ma-am.”

“It’s better than nothing.” She took the bowl from me. Kane watched, continually puzzled by human triteness.

“Freezing wasn’t a bad idea, but we have to thaw it.” Veiled amusement underscored her words. A chill ran up and down my spine. “Down!” She waved her palm at the kitchen floor, from high to low.

I kneeled and dropped to my hands. Kane sniffed my crotch to ensure I respected his presence.

“You can’t warm this in the microwave. That’s too uneven. You could use a double boiler, but you’d waste what coated the pan.” Connie was building up to her next lesson. My heart cringed at every word. I hear slight cracking sounds. “Capture the bitch, Kane.” She gave the unfamiliar command calmly and repeated it. “Capture.”

I nearly jolted to my feet, which would have only earned a worse punishment. Kane’s sharp jaws clamped firmly around my neck, securing me solidly. My heart thumped with fear.

“No.” Connie’s voice grew close to my ear. “It’s best to warm it up where it belongs.” She pressed a piece of iced cum into my trembling slit with that warning.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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