
By Skylara.

Kasey Aarons was negotiating with Gary Peters. She had some experience in this matter and guidance from some friends, but she was less experienced than the businessman she bargained with.

Gary looked at the slender escort as they sat in the coffee shop. She was very attractive, about 5’8″ with long brown hair, and wore a low-cut top that highlighted her deep cleavage and large, rounded breasts.

Through the thin material, he could almost make out the outline of her nipples. Her face was pleasing to him: nice high cheekbones, good complexion, pouty lips, and big hazel eyes. She had a habit of licking her lips frequently, indicating her nervousness and inexperience in bargaining. She appeared to be about 25 and healthy-looking, with a fullness about her but not at all fat. Her waist tapered down behind the table, where she sat across from him.

He was a little surprised that he had gotten the price down to this level, but he would be satisfied no matter where it ended. He knew she was young and not experienced, and his confidence helped press the matter home.

“OK, you are looking for $500 for the night. I think that’s fair,” he whispered so as not to be overheard in the shop. “But I would like to offer you $1000 –from 7 PM to 7 AM on Friday. What do you think?” He puffed out his chest.

Her chest momentarily heaved, and her mouth dropped slightly. Kasey recovered quickly and tried to appear unflustered. Like it was the type of offer she was used to receiving, but it was not. She started to talk, then stopped, then started again. “Um…what do you expect for $1000? I’m not going to let you do anything that hurts or is painful….”

“Painful? No. But I ask that you do everything I ask of you. If it’s not dangerous or painful, you must do as I ask.”

“Do you expect me to have sex with you? Is that what you are paying for?” she asked.

“Well, of course I am,” Gary replied. “You don’t think I’m just paying for your company, do you? I was hoping you could accompany me to a social affair and return to my place. And we will have sex, I can assure you. Don’t act so innocent and tell me that for the $200 you usually get for the night. You aren’t screwing and blowing some guy… I’ll bet they can even come all over your face and tits.”

Kasey opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it. She stood up and said, “Well, don’t be so sure. Let me think about it, and I’ll call you later. She turned and walked out. Gary called after her, “Don’t take too long – I’ll wait until four today, then I have someone else lined up!”

He admired her ass in the tight jeans. She had the type that moved nicely back and forth. He knew she would call him.

Kasey couldn’t help but smile. This guy was smart, and he was right. A $1000 was about four weeks’ pay for her. She worked a day job since she finished college, but the pay wasn’t good. She was desperate for money to help make ends meet, so she joined an escort service she saw online. That was only six weeks ago. The lady who ran it told her that she was only supposed to go places with guys – or women, whoever hired her. She was not to pay for anything and was not expected to do anything extra, although the woman said, smiling and winking, that the real pay was for the highest level of service.

Kasey understood that to mean she would be required to fuck her employer. When they told her they would double her nightly fee, she was willing to. So $100 became $200, and $200 became $400. She was now asking between $400 and $500, and this guy, Gary, had offered her double that right off the bat. The best part was that the escort service only knew about the original fee. Kasey was required to split that with them.

Of course, Kasey waited until 4:01 PM before calling Gary. She didn’t want to seem too anxious. His phone rang once, and then he answered it. “I knew it was you,” he said once she identified herself. “Be ready at 7 PM. I’ll pick you up in front of the coffee shop where we met today. Wear a gown because this is a formal affair. Wear something…sexy,” he finished.

“I was already planning on it. Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed,” she answered.

At 7 PM sharp, Friday evening, Gary pulled the Caddy rental car up to the curb where they were to meet. No one was there. He didn’t think he’d been stood up, but she was nowhere in sight. At about 7:10, a cab pulled up in front of his car, and Kasey stepped out.

She wore a purple gown that hugged her magnificent body. Her breasts looked huge as they somehow managed to stay inside the gown. The slit down the front to her tight belly was wide open, revealing that Kasey wore no bra.

Her young age and the individual cups of the bra held her in place. It was a wonder that no nipple was showing. She stood next to the cabby’s window, looking at Gary until he realized she expected him to get out of his car and pay the driver. He jumped out of his car quickly and paid the driver.

“You were supposed to be here at seven,” Gary said after the cab had pulled away.

“Well, I wasn’t,” she answered, “do you want me to leave?” She knew the answer before she asked the question.

“No, no, I wasn’t suggesting that. I just thought that you understood the deal. You’ll do everything that I say,” he said sternly.

“Well, you haven’t paid me yet. I want to make sure you understand the deal,” she shot back.

“C’mon, let’s get in the car, and I’ll pay you. I don’t want to do that on the street. I’ll give you half now and the rest later.”

“No, all payment is upfront,” she said. “I don’t want to get ripped off.”

He was going to answer but then thought better of it. He took $1000 out of his wallet and paid her. “OK, great. Now I’m yours, honey.” She ran her hand down his face.

Gary drove to the affair, which happened to be a business meeting of clients. It was at a large art gallery setting the night’s theme. Everyone was in black ties or gowns. He and Kasey fit right in. They walked through the crowd, Kasey playing the part by walking close to Gary, allowing him to put his arm around her as they strolled.

It was hard to resist sliding his hand into her gown to grab a breast, but he did. They stopped where two couples were talking. “Hey, Gary. Who is this with you?” one of the men in the group asked. “Oh, this is Kasey,” he answered smoothly. He introduced her to the group. “So, where did the two of you meet?” one of the women in the group asked her.

“Oh, we met at a coffee shop, believe it or not,” Kasey answered smoothly. She was experienced at this banter and found that the truth was usually the best policy – to a point. The women in the group looked at her jealously.

She was 15 years their junior and looked very good in her gown. The men would steal glances at her and were thinking how Gary was now, a pretty cool guy. They had yet to learn of the paid relationship. Gary was impressed at how well Kasey handled his coworkers and clients at the affair. At about 9:30, Gary said it was time to go. He had made a great impression with Kasey on his arm, and that alone was worth the money he paid her.

The valet brought his car around the front, and he and Kasey got in. “You did great tonight, thank you,” he said to her.

“Well, that’s my job,” she responded. “It didn’t come cheap.”

“That would be true if it were the end of the night. But the night is just beginning for us. I am looking forward to getting back to my place and fucking you good. You are so hot-looking,” Gary said plainly. After all, he had paid for the night.

Usually, Kasey would start bargaining at this point, but the deal’s details had been clear upfront. She hoped he would continue his generosity towards her and double her fee. She turned to him and smiled sweetly, remembering that a smile was more likely to get her paid than a negative comment. And, after all, she knew what she was being paid for. Gary was nicer than other guys she had provided escort service to.

They arrived at the entrance to an underground garage next to a high-rise apartment building, and Gary pulled into it. He parked the car, and they walked to the elevator, which they took to the 9th floor. This was the top level of the building, it seemed. They walked out into the corridor and down the hallway to 9F. Gary unlocked the door, and they walked inside.

His place was furnished very tastefully, and a professional decorator’s hand was evident. The front door opened into the living room, and two steps led down to a short walkway headed into the kitchen. As they entered, a large dog entered the room. He was beige to brown-haired and well-behaved. He didn’t bark, run, or jump at them. He walked up to Gary and sat in front of him.

“Kasey – Thumper, Thumper – Kasey,” he said by way of introductions. The dog sniffed a bit at Kasey but showed no other interest.

“Nice dog,” Kasey said, gently scratching his head. He was a handsome, muscular dog with a shiny coat, and as he walked away from her, she noticed he was not neutered. He had a large set of balls in a tight sac between his hind legs.

They moved inside the living room, and Gary pointed to the couch. “Have a seat,” he offered, motioning that she sit down. “What can I get you to drink?” he asked.

“Vodka martini,” she answered.

He walked to the bar, made her a drink, and poured himself a bourbon. He clinked ice cubes into his glass. He sat on the couch, not right next to her, handing her the martini. They both sipped their drinks. “I’m the kind of guy that loves to know the details and always learn more about pleasing women,” Gary started. “When you have sex, how do you like it – hard and fast, or slow?”

“Whatever you like,” Kasey said. “I’m yours tonight.”

“I know that, but I want to know your preference. Also, do you think a long cock is more important or a fatter cock for your pleasure?”

“I like it anyway,” Kasey answered noncommittally. “So anything you have, anything you do, is fine with me. If you like to cum in my mouth or face, I get off on it just the same.”

“Well, I can see you’re easily pleased,” Gary said. “I am just trying to become a better lover.”

“OK, if you want to know my preference, I like hard, fast fucking with long, fat cocks,” Kasey told him bluntly.

“Well, thank you, that helps,” Gary ended the conversation.

“I have been wrestling with the choices in my head,” he continued. “So I think I’d like you to remove your top.” Gary motioned to Kasey that she should pull down her top and expose (what he knew would be) lovely tits.

“You don’t want to help me?” she inquired. “No, just want to look for now,” he answered. He stood up, watching her, and sat in the chair across from her. Kasey pulled off the cups covering her breasts and lowered them. Her breasts did not disappoint.

Gary was treated to large areolas placed right where they should be. When erect, her nipples would point straight ahead and slightly upward. Her breasts were large and round, yet somehow defied gravity. He could sense their soft, firm feel, which he would have. He wanted to take this slowly and enjoy it.

“You like my tits?” She asked. “Some guys think that they’re my best features.” She lay back seductively on the couch while sipping her drink.

“I think they’re great,” Gary replied. “I want to take my time and enjoy them.”

Kasey waited a bit and then gently rubbed them with one hand while sipping the drink with the other. Her hand squeezed and kneaded the soft flesh, forcing Gary to keep his seat. Kasey used her finger to trace her nipples one at a time seductively. Then she pinched them until they were both erect, as Gary had pictured. Her nipples were, in fact, fatter and plumper than he had imagined. Finally, unable to stand it any longer, Gary stood up and grabbed her by the hand.

She put her martini glass down on the side table. Pulling her upright out of the couch, he reached behind her and pulled down the zipper holding up the gown while pressing his body against her great tits. He squeezed them tightly against his body, the nipples pressing like two erasers into his chest. He wanted to grab them to feel them against his hands but did not.

Once he had unzipped the gown, he stepped back, letting it fall to the floor. He grabbed her hand, leading her out of the living room. They entered a room that was half office and half gym. Clad only in her panties, Kasey was led to sit down on a wide, padded bench. It was a weight bench that Gary used to work out on.

“Lay down,” he half asked and half told her. She did, and he walked around her, admiring her thin waist, tight abs, and back curve while she placed her legs on the floor. Kasey didn’t know how Gary was going to do it. Was he going to rip off her panties and fuck her on the bench? Was he going to go around to her head and force his cock down her throat?

Gary continued to circle her, her tits defying gravity as they sat on her chest, nipples erect. Gary took off his shirt, and Kasey saw that he had a nice hard chest. This wouldn’t be too bad, she thought. She had to remember to insist he put on a condom.

“So, how will you take me? Just make sure you put on protection first,” she finished thoughtfully. Gary didn’t answer her. From a nearby table, he picked up a long scarf. It was nylon or something, sheer, black but long. He told her, “Scoot your ass to the end of the bench.” Kasey complied, and Gary wrapped the scarf around her lower abs and then under the bench, wrapping her several times. She was, in effect, tied to the bench, although she could easily unwrap the scarf.

“Close your eyes,” Gary commanded as he picked up a second scarf of the same material, although this one was shorter. He blindfolded her, then stepped away. “How do you feel? Do you trust me?” he asked.

The combination of the silky scarves and the blindfold was exciting. She had to admit. She felt another scarf being wrapped around her neck and started to panic. But it wasn’t tight, just restrictive. She couldn’t lift her head off of the bench. “Now I’m going to handcuff you to the bench. I don’t want you to panic, but it is one of the reasons that I doubled your fee for the night.”

“Thanks for telling me. OK, go ahead.”

Gary took a pair of handcuffs with a long chain between them and cuffed her left wrist, bringing the other cuff through the leg of the bench underneath her ass and bringing it back up to cuff her right wrist. The chain length forced Kasey to extend her arms toward her feet. But it was not painful. Now her ass was on the end of the bench. Since she was tied to the bench, she had to raise her legs to prevent her back from stretching in the wrong direction and aching. Gary observed his work.

Kasey was tied to the bench with her ass at the very end. Her legs were held in the air to ease the strain on her back. To finish his work, he did not strip off her panties. He had been waiting to see her pussy and ass and was not disappointed. Her pussy was closely shaved and smooth, with a triangle of hair at the top. Her lips looked soft and pouty. Below that, her ass was rounded, and she had a small, puckered asshole.

“How do you feel?” he asked her.

“Ready for your cock. Make sure to put on a condom,” she answered.

“If I fuck your pussy or ass, I will,” he assured her.

“Oh, then you’re not ready yet? Because if you leave me like this, my legs will get tired.”

“I’ll make sure you’re OK,” he told her.

Sticking his head out of the room, Gary looked down the hallway and saw Thumper. He motioned to his well-trained dog to come into the room. The dog walked in and sniffed the air. Smelling female sex, excitement crept up on him, and the pink tip of his cock peeked out.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Kasey asked. “I don’t hear anything.” The blindfold gave her reason to become a little more than curious. A bit of anxiety crossed her face, evident in her voice.

“Don’t worry, just getting ready,” Gary replied. He opened a box on his desk and pulled out a large feather. “First, let’s see how you like this,” he said.

He ran the tip of the feather around her pubic triangle, down her slit, and then up her body across her taut belly and between her tits. He continued by running it around her beautiful tits and then circled the left areola, finally zeroing in on the nipple. He repeated this on the right side. Goosebumps rose on Kasey’s body, and her nipples fattened and firmed up.

“Oooh – that’s giving me goosebumps,” she said in a purring tone.

He continued to use the feather, now running it back down her body and concentrating it on her inner thighs and pussy. Kasey moaned with anticipation and squirmed against her bonds.

She parted her legs slightly to allow the feather to touch her where she wanted to be touched. Still squirming, she said, “Ohhh, ummm, you’re making me horny.”

Her pussy lips were puffing up and relaxing. “Ooohh, I need your cock down there to scratch my itch,” she pleaded, wanting to get on with this so he could cum and she could leave.

“Soon,” Gary said. Looking at the dog, he said, “Lick,” in a commanding voice. “Wha…?” Kasey asked, but the dog darted over to her and stuck his warm, wet tongue on her pussy, and started to lick. Kasey responded by squirming on his tongue. It took a few seconds for her to realize it wasn’t Gary’s tongue on her.

“Who is that? What’s going on?” she asked, startled.

“Don’t worry, honey, we’re just getting you warmed up,” Gary said.

“We? Who’s ‘we’?”

“Why Thumper and me, of course. Don’t you like his tongue? You seem to. Don’t worry. He’s experienced and won’t hurt you,” Gary answered.

“You’re letting your dog lick me? Kasey asked, startled with a hint of distaste in her voice.

“That’s why you make the big bucks,” Gary answered. “And it looks like you’re enjoying it.”

It was true. Kasey was squirming, and the dog’s tongue had gotten her wet. It was sliding between her puffy pussy lips as the dog knew he would soon taste her nectar. “Ass,” Gary commanded, and the dog’s tongue slipped a little lower to her asshole.

“Aaahh,” Kasey said softly, spreading her legs slightly to give the dog better access. He pushed his tongue into the tight ring of muscle and tasted her the way a dog does so he would know her scent. “Ooooh,” Kasey squealed, rocking back and forth on the tongue to the best of her ability. It WAS good. And the tongue probed deeper into her. She could feel the heat several inches inside. She spread her legs a little wider still.

“Pussy,” Gary said, and the dog pulled his tongue out of her asshole and started licking her pussy a bit harder, pushing his tongue easily inside her and scooping out her honey.

Kasey wanted to grab her legs so she could pull them back and apart, but with her hands cuffed below the bench, she had to do the best she could, her legs now resting up and to the side of her body, totally open to the dog. Thumper drove his tongue deep into the woman, pulling out her fragrant juices and scraping her clit on the way out. He repeated this over and over again, Kasey wildly thrashing against her bonds. She humped towards the dog’s tongue, sending her into the wild throes of ecstasy.

Then she felt it – a deep welling inside of her core that started as if butterflies fluttered around her but quickly linked to the pleasure in her pussy. She moaned out, “Ohhhhh! Aaaaaaaaah!” and came, a warm flush engulfing her body.

She wanted to grab the dog’s head and pull it deep inside her but could not. She realized her body was sweating, beads forming, and her pussy was saturated with her cum and his saliva that ran in rivulets down to her anus and onto the bench, finally running to the floor below.

Gary said two more words, “She’s yours,” to the dog, and Thumper leaped up onto the woman between her legs. His body landed on her midsection, pushing out some air with an “Oof!” But she instinctively pulled her legs back and out as she felt his weight on her pubic area. She felt something warm, wet, and soft, realizing it was his cock. But it was only the head and leaking fluid on her little patch of hair.

They both squirmed around, Kasey not caring if this was a man or a dog (never having thought about fucking a dog before, but horny as hell and needing a cock), and Thumper slipped in between her hot pussy lips. She pushed towards him the best she could, but never having fucked a dog before. She was surprised that the dog pushed back and entered her deeply. She let out a little yelp and squirmed to get comfortable, for it felt like a hard bone was shoved into her. And indeed it was. Thumper slid easily into the lubricated pussy and then thrust several times rapidly in succession, forcing his way through her cervix.

Kasey’s eyes opened widely underneath the blindfold, and she froze for a second when she realized this would be different from a man. But her instinctive drive to fuck the dog’s cock allowed Thumper full penetration, and after a few yelps, the feeling changed from pain to pleasure.

The dog’s cock got fatter and, with each rapid thrust, impaled itself deeply into the woman. The walls of her pussy grabbed hold as they did with any cock shoved into her, and the feeling of flesh on flesh rather than flesh on a condom made their connection sizzle.

Gary pulled the blindfold off of her to let her finally see her lover. He had grasped her legs to lock them together, his head above her chest, his tongue sticking out as he panted from the effort.

A rush of pleasure engulfed her, and she came for the second time before she knew it. Now the sounds she heard were of wet sex, the sliding of his cock halfway out of her, then rammed back into the hilt, pushing the air from her lungs. “Oooh! Oh shit!” she screamed, experiencing a pleasure she had not known.

Gary untied the scarf around her neck, and it felt great as she reached up and took the dog’s tongue into her mouth, tasting his saliva and not caring what Gary thought. He quickly unlocked the handcuffs, and she grabbed her lover’s hind legs and pulled him into her.

This was not surprising to Gary because Thumper had done this a dozen times. Kasey felt the heat inside and realized the dog had cum in her. She had never felt a guy cum, but the dog’s cum seemed hotter. It was also getting very tight for her pussy, and she didn’t know what was happening. The dog was not coming out of her as before, and she had to work hard to get him to slide in and out of her.

She quickly realized they were somehow locked together and felt tremendous pressure at their connection. Usually, Thumper’s knot did not enter the woman the first time. They had to fuck him multiple times to learn how to tie and to stretch enough to want to. But Kasey had no choice. Thumper was tied inside her, squirting his seed into her like crazy.

Her head swelled and seemingly exploded as the next orgasm crashed down upon her. She weakly wrapped her legs around the dog’s back and lay still, totally exhausted, the dog still cumming strongly into her womb. Something was pushing at her lips, and she opened her mouth before she realized it was Gary’s hard cock.

He grabbed her tits and was not disappointed with them, squeezing and kneading her breasts and nipples. It only took a few pumps, and then he came. Kasey, too tired to argue, swallowed all of his white, sticky emissions. He pulled his softening cock from her mouth and pumped it with his hand to leave a little sticky residue on her right, then on her left nipple.

“W-when will this end?” she asked him as she panted.

“About 15 minutes,” he replied. Thumper’s tail froze and twitched for a few seconds, sending another load into Kasey.

About 20 minutes later, the dog turned and dismounted, pulling on his cock until the knot crested from her pussy with a load of cum. He stood there for a minute while his body continued to shoot his seed into her, then stepped away, his long, fat cock popping from her hole.

Gary untied Kasey from the bench, and she lay there exhausted.

An hour later, she was cleaned up and about to leave. “So, when do you want to see me again?” she asked Gary.

“I don’t know, maybe that’s it. You were great, but I can move on.” Reaching into her purse, Kasey took half the money he had given her, $500. “Here,” she said, offering him the money. “I want to pay you for the privilege of fucking your wonderful dog. Say, Sunday night?”

He looked at the money and then looked at her in wonder.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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