Knot-Knot: Who’s There? (Gay Zoo)

By knot4dog137.

This is how I obtained my lover. I came home from work, It was a cold California evening with the temperature around forty-five degrees, and the sun had just set, meaning it was going to be freezing by morning. I made dinner. My infamous Thai fried chicken was just regular fried chicken with a bit of peanut sauce, ginger, coconut, and Thai pepper for flavoring and served over jasmine fried rice. Well, this is not a cooking show so let’s get on with the tale.

I ate my meal and decided that I had better go outside and prepare my plants for a possible freeze. I got my tools, went outside, and made little shelters to keep the cold off my heat-loving plants and a tiny heater and fan to protect my small orange tree. I was busy working when I thought I saw a large form moving across my yard. My neighbors all had cute little dogs, so it wasn’t one of them. I live in the middle of a reasonably large city, so I didn’t think it was a mountain lion or a deer, but it was large and coming toward me. I had a flashlight and aimed toward the sound of its movement. I saw a huge Great Dane looking back at me.

It turned and began moving quickly toward me. I am afraid of large dogs, but Great Danes, for some reason, never seem to scare me and, in fact, turn me on like crazy. This one was no exception. It was a solid indigo color that shone dark blue in the direct light of the flashlight. It was a male, and its body was as high as my waist, and its head, when raised, reached my shoulders.

In the city I lived in, dogs were in serious trouble because of the lease laws if they were found wandering out by their selves. He had a collar on, so he wasn’t a stray. Somebody was missing a precious animal. The dog started rubbing his head in my groin, which instantly gave me a hard-on, but I was thinking on a higher level and saw the phone number on his tag and called the number. I got a message saying he was out of town. Leave a message, and he will be back early tomorrow morning.

I left a message and decided I would have to have a guest for the night. I brought him inside and was amazed by this dog’s size and beauty. I petted him on his head and body and was shocked to see his cock slowly coming out of its sheath. The wicked thoughts raced through my mind, but because I expected a call from his master, I put my lust on the back burner. I got a call from his master, Stuart, and he asked me my address and if I could take care of Stony until he got back around noon tomorrow. It was Friday night, so that would be no problem.

My state of mind went from being wholesome to wanting to give some hole to this beautiful animal. I would have him all to myself for over twelve hours if he could be made interested in human-canine sex. I stroked his body all over except the sexual areas. Stony loved it and licked me with his long wet tongue. I removed all my clothing except for my T-shirt and socks.

When my naked butt was exposed, he turned and pushed his long cold nose and then that hot tongue inside my ass cheeks. I looked at his undersides and saw his penis beginning to leave the sheath. I touched it lightly with my hand, and it swelled quickly. I wasted no time and took a firm grip on his growing cock. It was enormous, easily ten inches already, and red with purple veins covering it.

I had to have it, and soon I had over half of his hot organ in my mouth. He began almost immediately humping my face. I placed my hand firmly around the base of it; otherwise, I wasn’t sure I would survive a full-face fuck with the size of this organ and the power of his muscular thrusts. I was getting what I wanted the taste of his sex and a gentle spray of his pre cum on my tongue. Some dogs have a taste that is not pleasant, but Stony tasted sweet and salty to me, with a hint of the metallic taste one finds in blood.

I did not want to have him reach orgasm in my mouth, so I let go of him. I moved my knees around to place my ass in front of his face. He pressed his huge face into my crack, rimming my asshole with his long, wet, rough tongue. I loved the slurping sound as he pushed it into me. My cock, which was already rock hard, was aching with desire. It was wet and dripping with my sexual juices. He must have smelled the sex on it, for he briefly stopped his work on my ass and gave my man’s organ a once over with his tongue.

I thought Stony might be sexually innocent, but that was not the case. He jumped on top of me, knocking me down onto the floor, and slamming my backsides with his stone-hard dick. He hit the inside of my cheeks, and it hurt when that mighty organ missed my hole. His legs tightened first over my shoulders and then firmly and tightly around my chest. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck, and his breathing was loud, hot, and wet. My whole being was trance that I didn’t even realize that his cock had found my sex hole.

Oh, the pain as that gigantic rock-hard rod drove without mercy with the power of a hundred fifty pounds of sexually powered dog muscles. I screamed for the pain to stop, which it did, and I was suddenly lost in the pleasure of the fuck. He drove forward so fast that I didn’t have time to prevent the bulb of his knot from getting into my ass canal. No, there was nothing I could do. I wasn’t going anywhere, and I bit my tongue as the softball size knot sealed his cock inside. I put that out of my mind as I visualized that long red dick inside my ass, rubbing my insides, lubricating it with his sex juices. I was feeling so full. My mind was thinking of being rushed to the hospital with an ass ripped open by his knot and torn apart by the rapid thrusts of his humongous-sized prick.

Stony was lost in his lust, and as he filled my rear with his sex, he dripped hot saliva onto my back. He was grunting in his beastly way as I groaned in return in my human way. Then it happened his knot was fully engaged, and I was locked in sex with this wondrous beast while he had filled me with his seed. I could feel the flood of his orgasm invading me. His pounding slowed and stopped, and his head collapsed onto me. I could still feel his muscles moving with slow spasms. I came three or four times just feeling him and rejoicing our union.

I was in paradise, for I was mated to the most beautiful animal with whom I would ever be. I desired from that moment on to have Stony as my only lover. I was complete as I had ever been, and from the soft moans, Stony gave, I felt he was feeling the same. For many minutes we were one, and he continued feeding my body with his love juice until finally he was depleted, and his organ popped sadly out from me. I had a load of his cum leaking from my ass, and he gently licked it clean. I was happy but very sore. He then licked the small puddles of my sperm and washed my cock with his tongue before retiring to clean himself.

I got dressed, petted my magnificent lover, went to the bathro0m and cleaned myself, went into my bedroom, and got into bed. I was tired and sore from my encounter with Stony and wanted to see to heal and maybe dream about this wonderful night. I was almost asleep when something jumped onto my bed. Stony lay down next to me, pressing that beautiful body against me. I put my arms around him, looked into his deep dark eyes, pulled him close to me, and fell into a deep and contented sleep.

This is just the start of my adventures with Stony. I cannot believe how this dog worked his way into my life. Against all odds, he seemed determined to be my mate, and I am thankful for that. Our path was not easy, but fate cannot be changed. So be patient as I get ready for the rest of our story.


Knot-Knot: Stoner Boner…

Well, I had breakfast with Stony. I boiled some chicken breast, cooked some bacon, and gave him a water-filled bowl. He ate and downed it all, and then looking at me with those deep dark eyes, he came over and jumped up on me. He was ready for another session, and so was I, but his owner would soon be here, so there was no reason for us to start something we might not have time to finish.

I pushed him down, but he didn’t want no for an answer, and I soon had him on top of me with his face in mine, trying to push that tongue into me. I was quickly French kissing with his tongue filling my mouth. I was feeling his juices entering me and my juices filling him. I released his tongue, looking downward to see his penis hanging out, fully erected. Like the rest of him, it was so beautiful, and with him on top of me, it was almost in my face.

I could not resist it and decided to give him and combination of hand and blow job. I took it in my hand and lowered my head, taking his tool into my mouth. I only allowed about four inches in and quickly started stroking it like it was my own, which I wish it were. His paws tightened upon my shoulders, and he was humping my hand with the force he had fucked me with earlier. He was getting into it, and I could feel him forcing his prick farther into my mouth with every thrust of his large muscular body. I loved the sound of the suction of my mouth as his cock moved inward and outward in me.

I suddenly felt the hardness on the outside of my hand and saw the hard bulb of Stony’s knot trying to get inside my hand. It was at least three inches across. I could not believe that thing had been inside of me last night. As it pounded against my hand, the sexual instincts of the dog were told it was where it needed to be, and my mouth was now being hit with wave after wave of his salty dog cum that I drank like the finest wine. With my other hand, I was jerking my penis and rubbing it against the soft fur of Stony’s back legs. I was getting even hornier feeling the veins of the vast canine cock on my tongue and the sides of my mouth. His sperm was entering me so fast that I was having trouble swallowing it fast enough. In my mind, I saw the headline ‘Man drowns from Dog Orgasm Story at Eleven.’ The flood continued, and my body became soaked in the overflow leaking from my mouth. I could smell the sex in the air from it and the musty smell of Stony’s body, and then the other smell of my cock erupting up onto Stony.

I sucked hard again on his sex inside my mouth and pulled his cock out of me. He bathed me in wave after wave of his sweet cum for five minutes more until it finally subsided, and he got off me. I got some paper towels to clean up the mess in the kitchen and sprayed the room with an air freshener to remove the smell of sex. Stony set out cleaning himself, and I removed my cum soaked clothes, took a shower, and cleaned my mouth of the scent of dog sex.

In about an hour, we looked utterly respectable, with me sitting in my favorite chair and him resting by my feet. As Stony slept, I watched TV and drank a cup of coffee, dreaming whatever dreams dogs dream. My phone rang about half an hour later, and Stuart said he was coming to pick up his dog. I almost started to cry, realizing that I would never see Stony again, but how wrong I was. Stony and my story were only beginning.


Knot-Knot: You’re Screwed…

Stuart arrived at my place in his Ferrari and looked at me like I was a bug he wanted to step on. “Where is my dog?” he shouted, and I saw Stony no longer next to me.

I invited Stuart in search of Stony, finding him hiding in the bathroom. I led him out, and when he saw Stuart, all the life in him seemed to leave him.

“You, bad dog, you make me waste my time. You, stupid mutt, come on, let us get home.” Stuart screamed angrily at Stony. “Thank you for taking care of him. Let me know if you want payment for the inconvenience, and I will write you a check.” He spoke to me in a calmer voice.

I said, “It was no problem. He was a good and well-behaved dog. He was no problem at all. It was a pleasure having him here.” “Well, have it your way. It was funny when I took the mutt for a walk the other day. I had a real job getting away from your house. I thought you had a bitch-in-heat here. He was getting all excited.”

“Wish I could have had a customer who needed to have been breed with him because he would have fucked her crazy. Damn, dog cock was hanging down to the ground even in the cold. I think I was even looking good to him.”

“I hope he was still as horny next week because I got some big appointments. They will pay for my vacation in Paris next spring. Well, thank you. Someone might have gotten a valuable dog there. He worth over ten thousand dollars and could be worth even more in a dog show,” he replied, and then he grabbed the dog by his collar, placing a heavy leash on it and pulling him roughly toward the door.

I could see why Stony ran away. Stuart did not seem to have any affection for the dog. If it weren’t for the money he could get for himself and his seed, he would be in a pound. Stony looked back at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen. I looked in horror as he yanked the collar with the leash and choked him to make Stony go with him. I wanted to run and grab that lease from Stuart and take Stony back into his house.

The following hours were some of the worse of my life. I couldn’t eat or sleep. I knew Stony wasn’t happy with Stuart and the Stuart looked at Stony only as something with which he could make money. Stuart owned Stony, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I wish I could buy Stony from Stuart, but I know I wasn’t rich, and Stuart would want a fortune for him.

If I knew it, I tried to think how much money I could get to make him an offer, but I would only afford a few thousand dollars. I just went to bed and prayed that Stony and I could somehow be together.

I awoke the following day to a phone call from a hysterical Stuart. “Have you seen my dog? Tell me you have seen him.” He was crying, but not because of the loss of someone he loved. I think I will call the police. I want that dog killed.”

“Did Stony attack you? I don’t believe it. He is so gentle for such a big dog. Are you hurt? Did he bite you or scratch you?” I asked him.

Then the voice on the phone grew quiet and in a weak, nervous voice. “It was much worse than just an attack. That damn animal raped me.” Stuart started crying. “I got home with him, and because it was so cold, I decided to let him stay in and not put him out in the yard.

“I had been traveling up from Long Beach and decided to have a nice shower and then take a nap. Stony wandered into my bedroom and was standing near me, looking at me as I undressed to take my shower. I bent over to get some clean underwear out of one of my drawers.

“Suddenly, as I was bent over, he jumped quickly onto my back with such force that it knocked me out momentarily and to the floor. I came to him in unimaginable pain and found he had forced his cock into my ass. I tried to get him off and to pull his horrible thing out of me, but I know that male dogs lock themselves to their bitches, and I was Stony’s bitch. There was absolutely nothing I could do with that knot firmly fixed inside me.

“I know what my dog could do sexually, and I didn’t think I would survive that. I could feel all his seed pouring into me, and I admit that I stupidly thought he wouldn’t be as good at mating later this week. I looked back at myself and saw blood and sperm leaking inside me. He jumped off me and turned away, so our asses faced each other. I know he wanted to hurt me because he tried moving away from me, yanking my ass muscles with his knot. I screamed in agony every time he did that, and he did it harder each time.

“This went on for what seemed like an eternity. Most likely, it was twenty minutes, and then his knot began to shrink and popped out of my rear, setting off a flood of his sperm from my cruelly used ass. Instead of cleaning himself off, he came over to my head and pissed over it. He was marking me as his. He was saying I was no longer his master to the world.

“Then he went to the door with a flap to go outside to his yard. He then found his secret exit and was gone. I had given him the best food and a wonderful home, and this is how he treats me.”

Then he began crying again.

I spoke then back to him. “Did you ever show Stony any love or affection, or was he nothing but a thing to make money for you?”

“No, why should I love him, for he was nothing but a dumb animal. What does an animal know of love?” He replied abruptly back at me.

“Stony needs love. He couldn’t take being treated like an object, and he finally rebelled against you in the only way he could think of.” I answered back.

“Well, if you think ‘love’ is what he needs, you take that monster and see how you will love him when he rips you apart. I don’t want him around me ever again. If he shows up at your place, he is yours. I will sign the papers, and you can have him.” He screamed at me.

Little did he know that that was just what I wanted. I hated that it happened this way, but Stuart was a cold and empty man, and Stony was a warm and loving animal. As Stuart said those words, I saw Stony entering my yard and walking rapidly toward my house. Next, we will tell of the beginning of our love affair.


Knot-Knot: Other Door…

I looked out at that huge beautiful dog coming toward my door. He was walking faster and faster the closer he came to it. He was almost running so fast I was afraid he would smash into my door, which with his size, speed, and strength, would probably do more damage to my door than him. I quickly opened the door, and Stony applied his brakes, sliding into my house.

His tail was wagging so fast that if you could harness its energy, you might be able to supply the electricity to run a large city for a year. He was as feisty as a puppy; in reality, he was not much older than a puppy. Stony was three years old and the most beautiful dog I had ever seen. He was deep black, but in light, his body’s covering reflected deep blue patterns. He weighed over a hundred and forty pounds, and when on all fours, the top of his body was level with my waist.

He didn’t stay on all fours very long, for he jumped up on me from the front so he could slobber me entirely with his long wet hot tongue. I know what his owner had said about what he had done, but if you saw this playful, happy, and clumsy dog, you wouldn’t think it was possible. I was feeling happy, playful, and clumsy. I danced with him with his massive front paws over my shoulders around my living room. Oh, the first dance with my lover.

We danced for a couple of minutes and saw his cock beginning to emerge from his sheath. I decided that dancing might be raising other thoughts in his canine brain. I wanted to be with him again, but we will do it later. I just wanted this wondrous beast next to me for a while, just to hold and feel him. Just the thought that this could be mine made me the happiest man on earth. I knew his master who said I could have Stony wasn’t sincere.

I decided to take a little nap, but I had to tell my friend about my adventure. I went to my bedroom, got undressed down to my undies, and found that I was being followed and watched by a shadow. Stony had followed me just like a shadow and jumped into bed as soon as I did. At that moment, I decided to change Stony’s name to Shadow. It was a perfect name because he did follow me like one and because of his color.

I was still tired from the excitement of having this wonder so close to me. I was in bed with Shadow, his head lying across my stomach, and I reached for the phone. I had to tell my best friend, Larry, about Stony.

Larry was my only zoo and gay friend, and we had done some crazy things together. He had a small farm and a lot of different animals to love. Now, however, he got a beautiful Shetland stallion pony, and he has been so involved with Frisky that our adventures in zoo events had died out. We still talked and told each other our problems, dreams, and innermost secrets.

Larry was very successful in the movie business, and we used to make little gay bestiality videos which were infinitely better than any I had ever seen quality-wise. When I was horny, those movies were an absolute delight to me. I told him he should sell them, but his real goal was to make a blockbuster movie, and being a gay bestiality porn producer would undoubtedly ruin his real career goal.

I have ten that he made and gave me where I was the star with such animals as a donkey, various dogs and horses, a bull, a goat, and a boar. Some were short, and some were almost an hour long. He used several cameras and edited them, making them very professionally done.

As soon as I told him about Shadow, he said we would have to make a movie with my wonder dog. We continued talking for about an hour, and then he said he was going to Hollywood to work on a major film in the spring.

He said this would be his big break, and he would be down there for almost a year working on this film featuring some significant stars.

We said that he could work with me next weekend and we would make the best gay man dog film ever made, and I would have Shadow and my love to watch and remember forever. I said, of course, that I would love to make my Shadow a star.

I said goodbye to Larry, hung up the phone, and started scratching Shadow behind his ears. He loved that and moaned a little sound of pleasure as he dozed off into doggy dreamland, and I soon was fast asleep myself.

We were both tired, but I think Shadow was more tired after all. He had three full-scale canine sex sessions in two days. We slept for about two hours. I was awakened by the feel of moisture on my undershorts. Shadow had them inside his mouth and was sucking and licking them, attempting to get at my hardening dick.

What an excellent way to wake up. I love getting a little head from a beautiful dog. I wondered how he learned this and why he was now deciding that he wanted my penis.

I took my underwear off, and Shadow was on my dick faster than anything. I was amazed as my cock disappeared into that huge dog’s mouth. It was so hot and moist.

He began sucking on it gently, and I could feel his tongue massaging the bottom of my shaft. He looked up at me with those big brown eyes as if he was searching for a sign of approval. I took my hand, stroked his head’s top, and moaned in pleasure.

I was rapidly reaching the point of no return when he let go of me, got offing it, and positioned himself, so his backside was in my face. His tail was slapping the side of my head, but my face was looking directly into Shadow’s butthole.

My hands almost immediately went to his groin and began rubbing his cock, throbbing and stirring to life. My eyes were focused on his asshole, which was opening and closing like a camera’s lens. I had never been this close to a dog’s anus, but Shadow’s was beautiful, and my cock thought so, for it wanted to get into it.

I know Shadow was offering himself to me. Was he telling me I was the Alpha, or did he want us to be equal partners in our affairs? Anyway, he got up, jumped out of bed, but stood with his ass facing me with his tail in the air.

He was offering himself to me. I didn’t know how to react. I had always wondered about fucking a dog in the ass, but I thought that was a human thing. Dogs wouldn’t like that type of sex. Shadow was very much doing that. He turned his head, waiting for me to get out of bed and down on the floor with him. I was rock hard just thinking about it. I wasn’t sure if it would be able to enter a dog’s rectum, and if it did, wouldn’t it be painful to him and unpleasant for me?

I got down on the floor and put one finger inside his asshole. He moaned in pleasure, and my finger could feel the moist heat of the dog, and his muscles contracted tightly around my finger. I knew then that this would be very gratifying for both of us.

Nervously I climb over him, pushing his tail off away from us. I am my swollen cock toward the tight opening that initially seemed impenetrable to my human penis. Still, suddenly like a pair of lips, it opened up, welcoming me inside its warmth.

My hands gripped Shadow’s completely erected dick, and as I pushed in and began humping him, he also started humping my hands with his organ.

I have had many human asses, male and a couple of females, but I had never felt anything compared to this. It was hotter temperature-wise than any ass I had ever had. I could feel the muscle of his backside and his anatomy made it seem like my cock was being massaged by a most talented hand.

The dog-humping cock was causing his muscles to squeeze and release my organ. I had an enormous ejaculation into him, but his muscles held me so tight I would not pull out of him.

Then Shadow’s organ began to climax at the same time. I could feel his cum pushing its way up through his massive, pulsating cock. I was through in a few seconds, but Shadow’s penis was spraying out showers of his sperm for over ten minutes. The floor under us now had a small lake of his seed.

He seemed not to allow me to escape until he was happy with what he was doing. I was released and went to the bathroom to clean up and make supper for us. Shadow, of course, followed me into the bath and laid down on the floor. He was soon giving himself cleaning, and I finished the cleanup of his orgasm on the bedroom floor.

He got up and followed me everywhere I went. My Shadow goes in and out with me. I then thought, what will I do tomorrow when I go to work? I thought that he might go crazy inside the house, and I did have a backyard that had a ten-foot high wall around it and no neighbors around, just the park were most likely his former master had taken for walks many times.

We ate our supper, and I told Larry to prepare the film because we would have one fantastic movie. My Shadow and I played together, and I had to start teaching him when it was our private times when he could be a lover, and the rest of the time, he was to be just a friend.

The week went well, and I did tell Stuart that his dog was with me and was not acting like anything but a good dog. Oh wow, how good a dog he was. Ha. Ha. He told me if I wanted him, he would draw up the papers and bring them over during the week. It was pleasant except for the meeting I had on Wednesday with Stuart. That and my movie with Shadow, I will tell in the next installment.


Knot-Knot: Lights Camera Action…

Shadow was an angel regarding how he behaved during the next few days, except when Stuart dropped by on Wednesday. He acted like a child expecting to be hit or spanked for something he hadn’t done. He came running over to me for protection. He was so pressed against me that you would need a crowbar to pry us apart.

I disliked Stuart, even if he was young and handsome. He was plain and simply a jerk. “So are you his bitch yet? I am wondering if you gave him some sex drugs so you could use him for stud. I am tempted to have his blood tested to see what was in him when I brought him back home on Saturday.”

“Whatever the case was, I never want to see that creature again. Here are the papers I have signed ownership over to you. If he turns on you and fucks you to death, I wash my hands of it.”

“I think he should be put away. I don’t think sex offenders should be allowed to live. I put in the papers and the breeder’s website that I recommended he must never be used for stud because of a medical condition and that he be neutered to prevent him from producing any offspring with the same condition.”

I had made up my mind that I would not respond to anything rude that he might say, but I did say, “You can test the dog for any chemicals you want. I don’t plan on using him as a money-making stud service, Shadow. My name for Stony is going to live his life in a loving environment which will prevent him from doing the thing you said he did.”

“He has been happy these past few days, and I plan on making sure all the rest of his days are as pleasant as possible. Thank you for the papers, and if you ever want to see Shadow, I will gladly let you see him.”

“Well, I hope you will be happy with your new dog. I see no need to see him again. I wish you good luck with him. Good night, Mr. Smith.” Stuart spoke as he walked out the door giving Shadow a nasty look as he went out the door.

Shadow seemed to know something good had happened and that Stuart would no longer be part of his life. He came over to me, nuzzling against me and licking my hands. He also knew that he and I would be partners, dogs, men, friends, lovers, and mates for as long as we lived. I looked down at him, and I swore he was smiling.

That night we made love, real love for the first time. Yes, there was sex with sucking and fucking, knots and hard-ons, and lots of orgasms, but that night was our honeymoon, and it is private, and I won’t go into details about it.

I will tell you about the movie show that we made later. Larry called the next day and was getting the set and all his cameras and sound equipment set up for the start of shooting.

“Please try to refrain from lovemaking for a couple of days so we can give a good performance on Saturday and try to do it right I don’t want to have too many takes,” Larry said. “It is supposed to be near seventy degrees and sunny on Saturday and Sunday, so I plan an outdoor setting.”

It was tough for Shadow and me to keep our cocks in their sheaths. I found it necessary to take cold showers sometimes with and without Shadow. I have to admit the cold, wet smell of a large dog doesn’t turn me on, and it was an excuse to keep him out of my bed for a while.

We did play and behave like just a regular guy and his dog. We played catch and took little walks around the neighborhood. I spent time reading, watching TV, and on the computer with him always by my side. It was the longest but most beautiful two days of my life.

Larry called at about seven on Saturday morning and said, “Get dressed and come over. I’ll have breakfast ready and be all set up for the shoot. I can’t wait to meet Shadow and make him a star.”

I got dressed, found an old brush from when I had longer hair, and brushed Shadow’s short hair. He loved that and looked like a statue, not moving a muscle while I stroked him, except for his pecker, which was peeking out. I think he thought this was a sexual device. I’ll have to try it later, but we have other stuff to do for now.

We went outside and motioned him into the back seat, and left the window open so he could get the end of his nose out. This was our first ride in the car, and Shadow filled the whole back seat. He pulled his nose in from the window when I started the car, positioning himself such that he began licking the back of my neck.

I told him to stop, and he did. I was surprised by how quickly he obeyed. I seldom gave an order to stop, but he knew exactly what I meant. We drove the twenty miles into the country to where Larry’s farm was. I don’t know what it is, but there are a few things dogs love more than riding in a car with their faces out the window.

We reached the farm and approached the house. I was greeted by some of his animals, some of which knew me very well, if you know what I mean. Patch his Pinto stallion ran from across the field with a two-foot-long cock to wave hello.

Larry came out from inside and waved hello. He was a handsome man, almost twenty years older than me, and still sexy. We would have been lovers if we didn’t love animals so much. We used to have sex with each other once in a while, but usually, it was in combination with some zoo activity.

Larry made steak and eggs and his killer country-style potatoes and cheddar cheese biscuits; for Shadow, he made an Alpo omelet. If he doesn’t make it in the movie industry, he could make it as a chef. Shadow and I gulped down the food like we hadn’t eaten in a week.

Shadow jumped up on Larry and gave him a big doggy lick and kiss as a thank you for the meal. Larry petted Shadow’s head and then cleaned up the table. He told us to go out into the backyard and check out the set he had designed for our movie.

I saw it and was amazed by it. He had flowers and potted palm trees all around a large mattress covered with glittered sheets that looked either like tiny diamonds or snow. He had mirrors around it angled so that all the activities on the mattress would be reflected.

Scattered around the mattress were at least ten small cameras, and several pinhole cameras would capture the action looking up from the mattress. There were tiny microphones around the set to pick up all the sounds Shadow and I would make.

He came out with his computer from which he could aim and adjust the cameras, sound, and lighting. He told me to strip down and put on flesh colored t-shirt. He had Shadow and me move to the center of the mattress, and he started playing some beautiful yet erotic jazz music as background.

“The story and the action are all yours. Do whatever you want. I will let the cameras roll, and when you are finished, I will edit it and have the movie finished for you in about two weeks. I will save as much as possible of the new film so you can have those to enjoy,” Larry spoke. “So light, action, cameras, and I will sit back watching two beautiful creatures showing their love for each other.” He added.

We moved into the center of the mattress, and I began petting Shadow increasingly erotic way. I think I had a bit of stage fright and that Shadow was a bit nervous about this behavior in the presence of Larry. We were at it for about five minutes, and neither of us had an erection.

Suddenly Shadow turned and placed his ass near my face. I let go of his cock and began fingering his butt hole. Almost the instant my middle finger pushed into his ass, his cock pushed out of its home. I could hear a little gasp from Larry as soon a ten-inch big red veiny cock was hanging down.

My ample but smaller cock soon felt the blood rush into it. I move up and over Shadow’s backside dry, humping his rear and holding his beautiful love stick tight with one arm around him. My other arm was beneath me with a couple of fingers massaged by my dog’s anal muscles.

I did think that this was kind of weird doing sex with all this stuff around. I had had sex with animals before, and when you reach the point when your lust takes over, you forget about the filming. What was different today was that this was not just a sex act; to me, it was an act of love.

I put that out of my mind as I removed my fingers, grabbing my cock and aiming it at the hole my fingers had just left. Shadow’s asshole pulled my cock into it like a vacuum cleaner. I was pushing in and out like crazy. Larry said later that I looked like I was riding a wild bronco.

I never thought I would like it or even think of anally screwing a dog, but it was rapidly becoming a favorite. The heat and the tightness of his love channel and the feel of his hot furry body beneath you drove me to sexual heights I couldn’t believe. I played with his cock a little, but I wanted that monster inside me fully loaded.

I pushed into him until my balls were pressed against his hot body. I then pulled outward from him until only my cock head was inside him. I repeated this going faster and wilder each time. Shadow looked back at me so into this fuck that his tongue was hanging out from his mouth, and he was drooling like a fountain and whimpering like a puppy.

His insides were beginning to tighten against my rock-hard cock. His doggy senses knew I was reaching orgasm, and he didn’t want to lose the feel of my cock inside him. His asshole muscles squeezed down very hard on my cock. His muscles acted upon me like I had a knot like his. I seemed locked into him.

He allowed me to move a couple of inches out, but when I did, he tightened his internal muscles upon my shaft almost painfully hard, and the only release from some of this pressure was to push back deep into him.

The pressure of my cum to explode out of me was unbelievable, but the grip was too strong upon me. I usually would have an orgasm within six or seven minutes, but I was still under his control after almost twelve minutes.

My heart, at this point, was beating at over two hundred or more beats a minute. I was fucking him, but he was the master. My reward for doing what he wanted was finally to have been released. His muscles relaxed, and I exploded in wave after wave of ejaculation. I collapsed on the ground near him, having him over me, licking my sperm-covered organ dry.

As he did this, I knew his hard-on was draped across my face. What choice did I have? Of course, I opened my mouth and pulled that beauty as far into me as I could take it. I only wanted a taste of his sweet juices, which tasted like fine wine. He tried to get his knot into me, but that was not where I wanted it.

I wanted Shadow’s beautiful body on top of me. Its weight pushes me down as his ten-inch penis plows into me. Letting go of his cock and got up on my knees. Shadow needed no instructions as he jumped onto my backside, but he wasn’t going to make it easy for me.

Instead of just finding my hole right away, he decided to whip me silly and punch my tender inner cheeks with that glorious bat swinging between his legs. Though it was still morning and we were under a canopy, I had never felt Shadow as hot as he was now. God, I wanted him so bad, and I tried to grasp that pendulum and start the fuck clock ticking. When I touched it, he growled playfully, saying not now. You’re not ready for it yet.

He enjoyed making me suffer as his sex toy play with the exterior of my hungry ass. I say to you right now, do not think that dogs are not intelligent creatures. He knew what he was doing. By denying me what I wanted, I wanted it all the more. He knew when he would plunge that sex needle into me, giving me the high I wanted and needed.

We remained like that, with him continuing his game with me for about seven minutes. I soon realized that there were two sides to this story. Shadow’s pecker was longer and harder than I had ever seen it. He needed to be in my ass as much as I needed him to be there.

Two can play at this game, and I moved one of the hands blocking the entrance to my ass. Then after a couple of failed attempts at penetration Shadow let out a cry of surrender, and so did I. He placed his legs tightly against my shoulders, resting his head atop my head, and in one wild thrust, slammed his monster cock into me.

I screamed in agonizing pain and then infinite pleasure. He pounded in and out with a ferocity I had never felt before. It was so intense I was being pushed all over the mattress. I knew his knot was pushing its way into my anal channel. I knew that nothing I could do would stop it, nor did I want it to stop. It was the size of a baseball when it broke through into me, and it swelled, I thought to twice that size.

He still kept humping me. His front paws dug through my t-shirt and into my flesh. I think Shadow knew that and did let up on his grip. I could feel his hot breath over me, and the constant drops of his hot saliva flowed into my hair and onto the ground below. He grunted in pleasure louder and louder until the humping slowed down and stopped.

He had been cumming ever since he got on top of me, but what had been a trickle was now a river. They say a dog’s knot locks him inside, but no matter how tight that might be, his sperm leaked out of my asshole.

It never stops being a miracle how amazing it is when a dog and a human are locked in the act of love. I knew that this was being filmed, but I couldn’t stop the tears of pure joy I was experiencing from flowing down my face.

I lost all sense of time. I could hear his moans, his breathing. I could feel the way his muscles were moving instinctively in their mating mood. I could feel his heartbeat in his cock and the throbbing as his seed continued flowing into me.

I could smell the odor of sex, human and canine, all around me. I could see flashes of his body as it moved slowly on top of me. I could feel the connection, not just physical but emotional and spiritual, between us. We were not just man and dog, but something new and wonderful.

When we were joined, any slight adjustment of his penis inside me, possibly because he rubbed against my prostrate, caused me to orgasm. I was exhausted, but the wonder of it all gave me strength.

I cried like a baby when finally Shadow was drained, and his cock popped out of my ass with a river of his love, sadly leaving me. I grabbed and held him for a couple of minutes until he felt the need to clean both of our male members.

He laid down on his side to complete his cleaning after wiping my cock clean. I laid down myself resting my head in the middle as he licked himself clean. I fell asleep to the rocking and awoke to find his tongue giving my cum drenched ass a little doggy spit polish.

Finally, Larry came over to us and said that was incredible. It is our way of life, so repulses a shame, people. That was so passionate and beautiful. It wasn’t just sex. It was real love between two of God’s creatures. I will make you a movie that, in a sane world, would be a true joy for all to watch.

This is where this chapter ends. Next, we will watch the movie and the further adventures of Shadow and me.


Knot-Knot: Cum On In…

The rest of the day, Shadow and I rested. I was in great pain because the sex with Shadow had been a little more intense than I had thought. I could barely sit down my asshole burned like someone had set it on fire, and when I had to empty myself of some of the love I had received, I cried out in pain.

I was in pain, but an inexperienced person might have wound up in a hospital or worse. Even with the pain I had this time with Shadow. I will remember the pleasure over the pain over time. Well, onward with the story.

I talked with Larry for a while. Then he just showed us his love pony, Frisky. He was a beautiful animal. He was almost gold and had a lovely long dark brown mane. He was, according to Larry, exactly 12 hands or about 4 feet tall. I could see how easily Larry might have fallen for him, especially when you looked into his big dark eyes.

When Larry entered the stall, Frisky moved quickly to him, rubbing his head against Larry but looking unfriendly toward Shadow and me. Larry ran one hand through the pony’s mane, and the other hand stroked and patted the side of his body.

This attention made the pony happy because we soon saw two feet of pony dick hanging below him. I was impressed, but Shadow looked at that and was, I think, embarrassed by its size. I don’t think Shadow was sure what to make of Frisky. I don’t think he had seen a horse or a pony before.

Larry and I laughed as Shadow started sniffing at Frisky and, in canine style, moved in to sniff out what kind of dog this was. Frisky was not interested in having his butt examined by this animal and snorted and gently jerked his leg backward, scaring Shadow away.

Larry spoke, “Frisky doesn’t want to be probed by a stranger’s tongue or nose. Maybe after they get to know each other, he might like it. I don’t think there is much chance of anything happening between them. Isn’t it wonderful that we both have our soul mates?”

“I know that Frisky has made me very happy, and I hope I will make him happy too. I think from watching you two in action that the same is true with Shadow and you.”

I responded, “Our lives are not easy trying to obtain a love that society says is wrong, but when you do find it, you know without any doubt that it is so very right.”

“When you find that special one, all the pain of your existence vanishes in the presence of that love. I hope we both find happiness with what has been given us.”

“Tim, I have a favor to ask of you. You know I am going to Los Angeles in early March. While I am gone, I have people taking care of my animals, home, and ranch. I would like you to stay here and oversee them.”

“I trust them with my property, but I want my animals to be watched over by someone special. I know you have Shadow, but if you still want to fool around with any of them, it would be fine with me, even with Frisky.”

“I suppose I believe that if you fuck the husband, you have all the rights to his mate, and if you get fucked by the husband, his mate has all the rights to you. Don’t worry. I am not going after Shadow. I am too old to be handling anybody but Frisky. On the other hand, you are young, and so is Frisky, and he might need a little release while I am gone. If you don’t want to house sit for me, I have other people who will. You know that I just trust you more than anyone other people.”

I loved Larry’s place, and of course, I said, “I would proudly do it for him as long as (kiddingly) that I liked my movie. As far as taking care of his animals sexually, I don’t think that would be possible. Shadow was all I would and could handle.”

“Great, because I am going to make you the greatest movie in which Shadow and you ever will star,” Larry replied with a grin.

We had a great meal and talked about general stuff. He told me about his mentor, who had a large tract of land with hundreds of different animals sexually into humans and each other. Hearing of his adventures with the beast-man and his special friends was terrific.

Larry wished he had been into making movies at that time because they would have been spectacular ones. He showed me the photos of his time there, which were just plain incredible. It was so sad how some bigoted group had forced beast man’s place to be closed, and all those loving creatures were eventually killed.

It was about nine when we decided to leave and get some sleep. I kissed Larry good night, said thanks, and Shadow, with a big wet tongue, gave him some sloppy licks saying the same thing. We then left the house. I loaded Shadow into the car, and off we went.

With my sore ass, I later decided to take a few days off and recuperate. Sleep was difficult with Shadow cuddling with me naked, but I slept pretty well until he decided that my butt hole needed a little cleaning.

Usually, I would have loved that, but even the gentle moist licking of his rough tongue where his monster knot had done such damage just a few hours ago was wreaking havoc on me. I wanted nothing going in or out of my manhole.

I did want Shadow sexually but not that way. It was time to change the plan from anal to oral. Up to now, oral has been mainly a secondary movement. Now keeping Shadow happy and having the mass of canine flesh horny and hot with me, I needed to make new plans.

I turned around and positioned my mouth over his sleeping pecker. It wasn’t a very sound sleeper, and now that it was awake, it wasn’t going back to sleep for a while.

I soon had over ten inches of thick red and veiny Dane cock, wanting to make my mouth its party zone. I smartly placed my fist around his cock in front of the area where the knot would swell. This made his massive prick more enjoyable as it pounded relentlessly into my mouth.

His cock head still was trying to see if it could deep throat me. I swear I still had ten inches of canine penis slamming against my air passage. He was spraying the roof of my mouth and tongue with plenty of his rich sweet, and sour seed.

My hand was sore by the thrusting of his body trying to get his softball size knot inside the fuck hole. Finally, Shadow was content to rest. “Agauhbgggggggg.” I gagged as his continuous sperm-spraying cock stopped me from breathing for a moment.

The quantity of his seed was amazing. This might be an excellent diet idea. Canine sperm are high in protein and low in calories. It fills you up while giving you a workout. After a twenty-minute dog sperm-flavored throat wash, his ejaculations began to end.

Shadow then rearranged himself such that his beautiful butt was in my face. I know that he enjoyed getting fucked in his ass. I, however, wanted our affair to be one of the equals. If I didn’t let him fuck me in my posterior, I wouldn’t allow let me to enjoy his.

He looked depressed, but then he spotted my rock-hard cock looking like it needed some assistance. His big head dropped down upon my throbbing prick. At first, he just licks it like it was candy. Slowly his massive mouth had managed to engulf it.

I was a bit nervous because he had enormous sharp teeth that could easily harm my privates. Luckily, they became like a seatbelt holding my cock securely because it would be in for a bumpy ride.

My cock no longer was a candy treat.

Shadow began to suckle it like it was his mother’s teat. I was feeling how a woman might feel at nursing a baby. Shadow was whimpering like a puppy, and my penis fed his hunger. My cock was harder than hard. It was painful yet still was a whole wonderfully different type of oral sex.

I knew then and there that I would never again think of Shadow as just an animal. He knows, as well as any human, how to give and receive pleasure. I knew from that moment that this amazing being so large and powerful had given me this incredible pleasure. While acting like a little puppy, he was getting his desires fulfilled.

I know that by performing with him, I was showing him how to enjoy a sexual encounter as both more than just breeding and more than just pleasure. I knew as I was utterly lost in sexual euphoria.

Shadow was learning all the secrets to giving and getting in our relationship. There would be mainly variations on the theme. I know the variety would keep our love going for a long, long time.

I came like a sex-starved maniac which under Shadow I was. My cum exploded in his mouth, and he swallowed it like a man finding water after a three-day journey in a burning desert. We licked each other’s cocks clean and fell asleep for a couple of hours.

For the five days my posterior needed to rest, we started to perfect our oral techniques. Then we sent back to anal slowly, with me trying to avoid the knot for a couple of days. Our love and lovemaking continued to grow and get stronger.

We were so busy that we didn’t realize that over two weeks had passed until Larry called and said the film was ready and that it was in 3D.

Tomorrow Shadow and I will see our film called ‘K9-3D A Zoo Love Story.’ To be reviewed next week.


Knot-Knot: The Show Begins…

The next day Larry arrived at my house at around 11 am with a box filled with stuff. There were several carefully labeled CDs, several pairs of 3D glasses, including one oddly designed pair, and a bottle of champagne with glasses. I am always glad to see him, but I was excited today.

Today we will see Shadow’s and my love movie. It was a Beastiality porn flick to an unenlightened world, but it would be a masterpiece in a sane world. Shadow was pleased to see Larry and almost knocked him down when he saw him.

“Be careful, Shadow, I have spent two weeks watching you in action, and you are tempting my morals with your affection. I have had some erotic dreams involving you, your lover, my lover, and myself. My hands and Frisky’s backsides are sore from that movie making.”

“Tim, if you are going to watch this movie, I suggest you wear very loose clothing and have me on the other side of the room from Shadow and you, or you both may be sexually assaulted by an old man.”

Let me get it set up on your system, and you close the curtains and get the refreshments. I have 3D glasses for all of us, even Shadow. I am not sure if they will work with him, but he is the star and part of the audience, so we will try my special canine glasses,” he said.

As I turned to close the blinds, I noticed that Larry wore a loose pair of gym-like shorts and only a t-shirt. The only time I had seen him in shorts was when the temperature was in the 100s or he was coming in from a swim.

I closed all the blinds and went to my room to get myself a pair of loose-fitting shorts and then get some beers and chips for us, a bowl of water, and some doggy snacks for Shadow. When I entered the living room, Shadow wore his 3D glasses and looked like an extraterrestrial being.

He was already sitting in the love seat I had just bought. My recliner was beginning to break from the weight of a 180-pound man and a 160-pound dog sitting in one place. The sofa was too large and comfortable. I would fall asleep with a large dog blanket or a large dog positioned over me, wanting some heavy-duty loving when that wasn’t my plan.

A love seat seemed to allow us to sit and maintain a PG rating; when we wanted an XXX rating, we had other places to perform it. Well, we were on the loveseat, and Larry was sitting stretched out on the sofa.

“Dog and humans, I announce the world premiere of K9-3D, a love story starring Shadow Dog and Tim Smith in a passionate display of love between a dog and a man. It was directed and produced by Larry Robins. It was filmed in Technicolor and 3D for your viewing pleasure. Get comfortable, place your 3D glasses on, and enjoy the show.” announced Larry.

The light came on my 55-inch TV, and the first shot was a full body view of Shadow, which the camera made appear as the absolute perfect dog. He stood frozen like a Greek statue of a god in the effects of 3D. His every feature leaped out of the screen, almost able to be touched.

Everything in this shot appeared to show him, as all I can say, as a sex symbol. His black fur glowed iridescent with the deep blue patterns moving about like the Aurora Borealis.

The cameras focused on his most sexual areas. His noble head seemed to be looking at your face to face. His eyes drew you into them like a trap from which there was no escape. The front of his face was so close you wanted to touch its cool blackness. His mouth looked so close you would swear that you could feel his breath on you.

It showed his main sexual areas in a general way, letting you view the back portion and his groin both in 3D such that one is drawn almost hypnotically to them, and yet it seemed more as if you are on tour looking at them.

This presentation of Shadow at the start of the movie gave me such a raging hard-on that my loose-fitting pants could not hide it. I started quickly to see Larry sporting an erection, and Shadow himself showed a nice piece of blood-filled dick.

Next, the camera focused on me. I give Larry a genius with a camera. I am not a bad-looking man, but he made me look like an Adonis. He made every part of me, especially my genitals, my ass, and my lips, perfect in every way. I have blue eyes, which he made into the color blue of the shallow sea around a coral reef on a tropical island.

My hard-on stayed the same, but both Larry’s and Shadow’s were at full staff. If this was just the movie’s beginning, what shape would we be in when we got to the sexual shots? We might have to stop the film just to relieve ourselves.

Shadow on the screen moved, presenting his back region to me, raising his tail to invite me to fuck him. His ass became the camera’s focal point on the screen, and his raised tail looked as if it would whip your face. The screen soon showed a pulsating asshole opening and closing, drawing you into its grasp.

The cameras showed my reaction, and my hand became full of 3D erect enormous Great Dane prick and human fingers in 3D disappearing and emerging from that pulsating hole. The sounds were stereo of the cock flapping and the asshole suction upon my fingers.

They were there when I got on Shadow and started humping him like some horned-up dog(which I was), and the rustling sound of my body pushing against his hairy body and the sloppy sound of my hand on his pre-cum moistened penis. I suddenly saw the cum dripping off from a five-foot-long 3D dog penis coming out of the TV at me.

When I finally entered Shadow, the sound of my fucking sounded almost like a washing machine, but it was canceled a lot by the sounds of pleasure coming from both of us. I think of all the sounds I heard in this movie, the moans of my dog’s pleasure receiving me sexually was one of the best.

Watching this for whatever time this was taking was too much. I found myself rubbing my throbbing dick and saw Larry was doing the same. I noticed Shadow watching this, not understanding the movie’s concept, but knowing what he saw made him horny.

I decided what the hell and went to Shadow and started whacking him off, but I also went to Larry and, with the other hand, gave his cock some strokes. Then hell did break out. Suddenly, Larry was sucking my cock, and he joined my hand to help jerk off Shadow.

We turned it off while we did our stuff to avoid missing the movie. I enjoyed Larry. It was good sometimes just to feel a human touch upon you in a sexual way, and Larry was always special to me. His mouth could still do things few humans or animals were capable of doing. Shadow was pleased being pleasured by two talented hands.

I shot my load quickly into Larry, who came along with me, but a dog is not done so quickly. We both continued for quite a while, taking turns letting Shadow cum all over our hands. Larry always, as I remember, loved the taste of animal sperm and licked both of our hands to get some of it.

He told me that he would not touch his manholes, my lover’s love tool. I told him it would be all right, but he said it would not be right since he had just sucked mine. This ended the discussion and the episode. The three of us, relieved sexually, return to our seats to watch the rest of the movie.

The movie started looking up at my balls and hearing them slamming against Shadow’s asshole and sounds of passion coming almost continuously from Shadow and all this leaping out at you in 3D. As you watch, you get the same erotic sounds and visual effects from a camera looking downward, showing me on top of Shadow and my naked backside thrusting into and out of my dog’s tight butthole.

The movie showed my butt fucking of Shadow from several cameras as the event continued toward its climax. The detail was so enhanced that one could see Shadow’s muscles responding to the pleasure he was receiving. It even showed Shadow’s eyeballs rolling back into his head as it became too intense for him to handle.

When I came in Shadow’s ass, the whole shot was blurry because my body must have shaken so hard it must have moved suddenly from the platform on which the movie set was staged. After I withdrew from Shadow, I saw leaping out of the screen a five-foot dog tongue cleaning up a rapidly deflating human penis.

The scene where Shadow began humping me and wildly whipping my rump with his massive prick drove me wild as a couple of cameras caught the whole length as a 3D image and the spray of his almost never-ending ejaculation, including one which sprayed one of the cameras.

When he finally got into my ass, we saw his organ coming out of the screen and disappear back into it as he savagely tore into my rectum. It showed the part of his cock where his knot was growing as a two-foot wide blob trying to get inside my foot-wide ass crack and the force of his pounding, which finally forced his knot into my tight manhole.

The sounds and supple action were the main draws as the locking of his knot connected us. The mighty grunts as the powerful Dane’s seed flooded into me and my cries of overwhelming pleasure as I felt him fill me with it. I was amazed by the way his body shimmered at the joining.

Every part of this mighty beast was utterly lost in the primal lust of mating. His eyes were glazed over. His mouth drooled saliva. His muscles hit tiny spasms, his breath would become rapid and irregular, and strange murmurings came from his mouth. To most, this might seem tedious, for there was no real action, but to me, this was the best part of the movie.

That huge canine penis popped out of me when he was finally finished. One was greeted with a five-foot long dog dick glistening in sperm coming at you like a battering ram.

I cried at the beautiful way Larry had captured our lovemaking. It continued in the tender way we acted after the sex was over, and he showed the world that this was not just sex but an act performed by two creatures in love. It occurred to me then that great as this movie was, it would never be seen by anyone but me, Shadow, and the closest of friends to protect Larry’s career.

The next chapter will bring you to my house, sitting at Larry’s place. This part will see great adventures and perils for Shadow and me.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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