Knotted Again (Gay Zoo)

By Cloud2299.

This story follows on from My First Knot.


Knotted Again…

Three days later, I was still walking a little funny. I could almost feel Thor’s knot in my ass when I would clench my muscles. My balls ached and were many different shades of black, blue, purple, and green. I even had to call out of work for a couple of nights. Between the dog’s abusing my asshole, and John abusing my balls, I was in bad shape.

My asshole had gaped open all of the days after having such massive intruders inside of me. My cock refused to get hard. My knees were wobbly when I would stand. And I had deep scratches across the right side of my face from being dragged across the porch by Thor. All in all, I felt more like I had been in a terrible car accident than just getting fucked really good.

But, I was on the mend. I returned to work with some bullshit story about falling down to explain the visible scratches and noticeable limp. Life was returning to normal.

Until… Friday night.

I got home around the usual time. I had just sat down on the porch and cracked a cold beer open when I got a text.

It was from John. “Hey, bitch. You better get ready. I’ll be over in five… And I’m bringing a friend.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck , and fuck! I had almost forgotten the pics and videos John had taken of my predicament. And bringing a friend? How could he tell anybody about what had happened? Fuck! I did not want to do this. My body did not want to do this.

I thought about jumping in my truck and just leaving, but I took too long thinking about it.

John was already walking across my yard. Leading the biggest damn dog, I think I’ve ever seen! WTF?

“Hey, bitch. I told you I was bringing a friend. This is King. He belonged to my buddy but they had to get rid of him. He kept trying to mount their teenage daughter every time she walked into the room. I told him I would take him. I knew somebody that loves dogs. So here we are. Now, why are you not ready?”

I just sat there, staring at him and the dog dumbly. I didn’t know what to do or say.

“By getting ready, I meant naked and on all fours. Do it, bitch! Now! Strip! And remember, no talking! Bitches don’t talk”.

I groaned as I realized that as long as John had those pics, this was going to be my life. Reluctantly, I eased out of my chair, onto the floor, and began stripping my clothes off.

When I was completely naked, John walked closer, “That”s better, bitch. This was your one freebie. From now on, when I say get ready, you better goddamn be ready when I get here. Else I’ll have to work on those balls with my boots again. Now be a good bitch and present your ass”.

I lowered my head and stuck my ass higher in the air as John walked around me, leading King and letting him sniff me all over. As they passed by my head, I looked up on time to see King’s furry sheath and massive balls dangling between his legs. His sheath looked much bigger than Zeus’s, or Thor’s did. Oh my! This was going to hurt. I could also see the red tip of his doggy cock starting to peak out as well. It seems like somebody was getting excited!

John completed his walk around me. “I was just checking the damage from the other night. I should’ve seen your bitch hole after I finished with it. Damn thing wouldn’t even close! Now you just stay right there and be a good little bitch. Let’s see if King is picky about the bitches he mounts.”

I sat there trembling, partly nervous and partly excited, as King walked up and stuck his snout right in my crack. My cock sprang to life for the first time in three days! I was instantly rock hard.

As King continued to snuffle my crack, John noticed my raging hard-on. “Well, well, well. It looks like somebody has been looking forward to this. You’re just a horny little bitch, ain’t ya? Don’t worry, I think you’re about to get exactly what you want”.

King started licking my ass. His tongue was so big that he was getting most of my cock, my balls, and my asshole with every lick. Oh God, it felt good! I moaned and rocked my hips back to meet his tongue. My cock was already starting to ache. Throbbing constantly underneath me and beginning to leak precum onto the porch below.

King stopped licking and pulled his head back. I made a sound that was almost a whine as he did. His tongue was immediately replaced by fur scraping along my back. He was so tall that he didn’t even have to jump up on me, just walk over me! As his cock got closer to me, I could already feel his hips bucking and squirts of precum shooting out of his cock. This dog was horny and ready to fuck!

King didn’t miss a beat. He walked up to my back and shoved his already growing cock up my asshole in one smooth motion. I felt his furry sheath at the base of his cock bump my asshole, and his huge balls slapped against mine.

I let out another moan. I didn’t even care that John was standing there watching. This felt amazing. King was definitely hung better than either of the pits. I would soon find out how much better. First, as soon as his cock bottomed out in my ass, King started jackhammering my bitch hole like nothing I had ever felt before. He would pull out all the way to the tip, and then shove his meaty cock as hard as he could back into my waiting hole. This dog knew what he was doing, for sure. I guessed I wasn’t his first human bitch.

After about five minutes of King pounding my ass like there was no tomorrow, his cock was getting too big to slide in and out of my hole. That’s when I felt his knot begin to swell also. He pounded his knot right past my sphincter and into my ass before it got too big. Now fully engulfed in my asshole, King lets out a low growl and stopped moving. His knot was rapidly expanding inside of me. It’s long passed softball-size and is still growing; I could feel his cock getting bigger too. It felt like he was all the way up in my bowels. Looking back between my legs, I could see his cock bulging out of the stomach. It was fucking huge!

I was already past this being uncomfortable. It was starting to hurt as King’s expanding cock and knot tried to rip me in half. That’s when my first prostate orgasm hit. I never touched my cock, but cum just started shooting out onto the porch. My asshole was contracting, trying to expel this monstrous intruder, but I knew we were entirely tied until his knot deflated a lot. I wasn’t going anywhere. My balls contracted as they pushed out copious amounts of cum through my cock. My prostate throbbed and spasms from the intense pressure of King’s massive knot. My vision blurrs and I whimper as if a bitch in heat and then King begins to shoot hot jets of doggy cum deep into my bowels. I could feel every spurt burning through my guts like hot water. He gave another low growl as his seed began filling me up. I was his bitch now.

As my orgasm subsided, King turned around on me until we were butt to butt, and started a not so gentle tugging on my asshole. He was almost dragging me across the porch with his huge cock and knot. However, John had a firm hold on his leash, keeping him in place.

“Damn! You took that monster cock like a pro, bitch. But I’m not gonna let you have all the fun”. With that, he pulled his sizeable engorged cock out of his pants and shoved it in my face. “Suck it, bitch, and no teeth either. I feel a scrape, you’ll pay for it.”

I’ve never sucked a cock before. I didn’t even really know where to start, and its really hard to think straight when it feels like a watermelon is shoved up your ass. However, it’s not as if I was in any position to argue or run away. So, I tentatively stuck my tongue out and touched the tip of John’s throbbing cock. It didn’t taste too bad I guess. Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth wide and slowly began to take his cock into my mouth. He didn’t have it slow, though. Grabbing the back of the head, he buried his cock to the hilt in my throat. I was choking and gagging, but he didn’t let up.

He held me on his cock until I thought I was going to pass out. My vision was getting dim from the lack of air to my lungs when he finally pulled out. I almost emptied my stomach right then, but John had other plans. He immediately shoved his cock all the way back in my mouth again and then started skull fucking me like a madman. Cock all the way in my throat, cock all the way out, and back again. I began to time small gasps of air as he would pull out, and concentrated very hard on keeping my teeth covered when he would shove back in.

“That’s a right bitch. You love dog cock up your ass, so I’m gonna use your mouth. You like it too. I can tell. That’s right. Now suck it bitch!”

John was very vocal as he force-fed me his cock. This whole time, King was still buried in my ass, always shooting hot doggy cum into me, filling up my stomach from the rear end.

That’s when King decided that he was ready for a walk. He started trying to drag me with his large knot stuck in my ass. John was having none of it though. He tightened his grip on my head and started fucking my face even harder. His pubes were crushing my nose and his low-hanging balls were slapping my chin on every thrust. King continued to pull on my asshole putting even more pressure on my prostate with his humongous knot. I felt another prostate orgasm starting to build. I also felt John starring to stiffen up in his thrusts, becoming jerkier. His balls tightened up.

‘This is it,’ I thought. ‘He’s about to blow a load right down my throat.’

However, I was wrong. At the last second, John pulled his cock out of my mouth and sprayed cum all over my face screaming,” Eat it…Eat my cum, bitch!”

Therefore, I kept my mouth open and tried to catch as much as possible. King, sensing his opportunity, practically leaped off the porch before John could grab his leash, dragging a very startled me with him! I let out a startled cry as I was yanked backward. Losing my balance, I hit my head on the steps, making my ears ring. His knot twisted and pulled in my asshole. His giant cock probing around in my guts and my prostate orgasm hit, all at the same time.

So I’m being dragged by my asshole by King, while cum is spurting out of my cock, my body is convulsing and shuddering like I’m having a seizure, and I have John’s cum all over my face mixing with the blood starting to flow from where I hit my head. I dug into the ground enough to slow King down while John caught up and grabbed his leash. Apparently, he had dropped it while fucking my face.

With King stopped, John turns him around and has him drag me back onto the porch, where the rest of John’s cum landed when I was yanked off his cock. My eyes rolled back in my head, and my toes have curled up from the intense orgasm I just had. The second one of the night. I finally calmed myself to regain some kind of sense and get my knees and hands back under myself. I could barely hold my own weight, I was so wobbly.

I looked down between my legs and saw that cock had softened and started to shrivel, as were my balls. They were trying to draw back up inside me. And I had my cum splattered from my knees to my chest.

Back on the porch, John stopped King so that I was face level with the spilled cum.

“I said, eat it, bitch, you missed some. Now lick it up, or else!”

So, I dutifully began to lap his salty cum up off of the porch, almost gagging the whole time.

Now, I’ve been knotted with King for at least 45 minutes by this time. My asshole hurt, my guts hurt. My stomach hurt. Now my head hurt. His cock hadn’t softened any, as far as I could tell. At least he had stopped cumming. I still felt like he was about to split me wide open, though.

“Well, it looks like King still isn’t done with you, bitch. I think I’ll sit down and watch the video I just took of you sucking my cock.”

Therefore, he sits down and starts watching the video he had just taken of me. Meanwhile, I’m still dangling by my as from King’s enormous chunk of dog cock. The pressure is intense! Every time his heartbeats, I can feel his cock throb against my prostate, slowly building up another orgasm. This will be my third orgasm tonight, and I have yet to touch my own cock even. As the orgasm builds, my soft cock slowly rises back to attention. My balls are aching something fierce from all of the abuse just three days ago and from cumming twice already tonight. However, they start rolling around in my sack, getting ready to expel more cum, if there’s any left.

Right as the wave of orgasm is washing over me, I also feel King’s knot slip a bit. My body starts shaking violently and thrashing around on the end of his cock like some sort of sock puppet. My abs is sore and aching from all of the spasms. My arms and legs completely give out, and I collapse once again, suspended by my convulsing asshole wrapped around King’s massive knot. My balls draw up and push three little spurts of cum out of my straining cock. However, the orgasm isn’t over yet. My body is still twitching, and my eyes rolled back in my head. I am moaning and whimpering like a true bitch in heat.

That’s when King’s cock softened a bit more and slipped again. He was still too huge to come out of my abused asshole, but he was trying. My sphincter muscles were trying to expel him, as well.

My orgasm finally subsided and I began taking long, deep breaths trying to get my body back under control. I finally stopped shaking and weakly pushed myself back up on all fours…

Therefore, I’m on all fours with King’s massive knot lodged almost painfully deep in my bowels. John is watching the video of me sucking his cock while he’s slowly stroking himself. And King is starting to get fidgety. He is ready to lie down and clean himself, but he’s still stuck inside my asshole, so he turns around and starts dragging me by my ass across the floor. His knot twists around inside my guts and puts new pressure on my already tortured prostate and on my painfully stretched sphincter.

We’ve been tied for about 30 minutes now, so we are both ready for this to be over.

John stands up and walks over to look at our point of union. “Looks like the swelling is starting to go down, Bitch, you should be free soon. But, I gotta go before the wife starts wondering what’s keeping me.”

Getting down on his knees in front of me, John grabs my hair, pulls my head to his, looks at my eye level, and tells me. “Take real good care of King. He’s a good dog; he just likes fucking people too much to be around most people. Therefore, here’s the deal. King is going to live here with you. Any time you are home, you are to be naked. Any time King wants to fuck, you’re gonna be a good bitch and let him fuck. I’m taking your spare key here so I can come to check on you two anytime I want. If I come in and he’s horny but you’re not letting him fuck you, these videos on my phone go viral. Nod if you understand, bitch.”

What could I do? I slowly nodded my head, agreeing to my fate.

John stood up and started for the door. “That’s a good little bitch.”

After stopping to scratch King’s ears, he left and locked the door behind him, leaving me impaled on King’s cock in the middle of my living room.

I sat there on hands and knees, for at least another ten minutes, with my ass on fire and my stomach cramping from King’s massive knot lodged in my intestines, thinking about how my life had come to this.

I went from a mostly straight guy in his 40’s, just trying to get by in life, and now, since I just had to let Zeus fuck me that one time, I was King’s full-time bitch, and John’s cocksucker. My life was officially starting to suck.

Then I began to wonder how often King would want to be serviced, and how often John would pop in to check on us. That’s about where I was when King’s massive finally shrank enough to dislodge from my aching asshole. It still hurt like hell when he popped out! I heard and felt a loud pop as he exited my sphincter, and immediately felt a massive torrent of doggy cum come flowing out of my ass.

King was quick to lap it all up and then laid down in the corner to lick himself clean. I fell forward on the floor from sheer exhaustion, gasping for breath.

Out of curiosity, I grabbed my cell phone, got back on my knees, and snapped a couple of quick pics of my asshole.

My hole was huge! It was gaping open at least two inches wide! No matter how hard I clenched, it wouldn’t even come close to closing.

“My God…” I said aloud. “How big is your knot, King?”

Hearing his name called, King lifted his head, but didn’t bother to answer me. You see, I never got a good look at his cock before he slammed it up my ass.

Well, it didn’t matter either way. I needed to get myself cleaned up so I could find some food for me, and, since it was morning now, get dressed and head to town to get food and such for King, too.

I dragged myself to my feet and headed to the shower. Looking in the mirror in the bathroom, I noticed the fresh blood on my head and figured I had better clean that up too.

From now on, I thought to myself, King would only be fucking me indoors where there weren’t any steps or concrete to hit me head-on.

I cleaned up as best as I could on wobbly legs and fixed some breakfast. Smelling the food, King came to the kitchen to investigate. So, I made him some bacon and eggs, too. I figured what the hell?

After we ate, I went to town and got everything needs for a dog and headed back home. While in town, I bumped into one of my ex-girlfriends. We talked a bit and actually up exchanging numbers with a promise to call or text later. We ended our relationship on good terms; we were just at different points in our life at the time.

I got home and unloaded the car, only to go inside and have King start sniffing my ass and pushing his body against me.

I looked at him and said,” Surely, you’re not horny again. We just fucked like an hour ago, and I need to get some sleep before work tonight”.

He just whined a little and kept sniffing my ass.

“Well, damn. I guess King is horny again,” I said aloud.

I put the dog food and such away, and sighing resignedly, began taking my clothes off. King got very excited and started jumping around and trying to knock me down, all the while sniffing around my ass.

Undressed, I assumed the position on the floor. Facedown, ass up.

King wasted no time mounting my sore, loose, over-fucked ass. He thrust his cock into me in one hard, fast motion. All the way to his balls, then he began to jackhammer my ass like there was no tomorrow.

This time he pounded my ruined asshole for a good ten minutes before his knot began to grow. I felt his knot popping in and out of my loose ass as he fucked me like a porn star could only dream of fucking. Finally, his knot grew too big to come back out of even my stretched sphincter, and we were tied.

Knotted again…Fuck! My asshole was burning! However, my cock had already risen to granite or limestone hardness. ‘This time,’ I thought, ‘I’m cumming the way I want to.’

Therefore, before his humongous knot could stimulate another prostate orgasm, I reached between my legs and began furiously jerking my cock. I was determined to cum before the involuntary orgasms started.

It didn’t take long. Less than two minutes after King tied me, I was spraying cum all over the floor as I jerked my cock mercilessly. My balls retreated ao far that it looked like I didn’t have any. My abs and stomach muscles contracted violently. My sphincter clenched King’s knot so hard that he actually whined and tried to dismount. But, it was no use. We were well and good tying.

I don’t know how long we were tied this time, but I came three more times with King’s ungodly huge knot up my ass. All from prostate stimulation, no touching of my cock at all. When he finally started to shrink, I grabbed my phone and recorded his knot popping out of my loose asshole. It was fucking huge! His knot was at least the size of a cantaloupe, and his cock had to be somewhere around 12 inches long and 3 inches across!

I had never seen a cock that big!

The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot has remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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