Knotted with Love

By Miss Kitty.

It was a summer night during my college years when I had my first sexual experience with a Dog. And I can assure you, once you go to dogs, you can never go back to enjoying human cocks.

I had my first sexual experience at a very young age. I turned out like my mother. A nympho with a very curvy body, big boobs, bigger butts, and a tiny waist. I had a pretty face and gorgeous wavy hair to boot.

My mother was very young when she gave birth to me and didn’t know who my father was. She had a wild life and used to leave me at a neighbor’s house every night. He was an old man in his sixties and gave my mom gifts and food on different occasions, and I liked him a lot.

He was my first man. He used to invite his friends over as soon as my mom would leave, and they played naughty games with me. One of them was me getting naked and sitting on a table, spreading my pussy wide, and letting them look into it. They called it playing ‘doctor.’ Another was one of them hiding small things in my pussy and the others guessing what it was by putting their fingers in and out of it. We watched porn together, and I ended up sucking their cocks and swallowing their cum. I did it of my own free will. I wanted to suck their cocks dry, so I did.

Everyone around my age was having sex with their boyfriends, so why not me? The only difference is the age gap which I was okay with.

He used to lend and share me with men I didn’t know. He wouldn’t let them use protection as I wouldn’t say I liked how it felt. As a result, I got pregnant once and had to go through an abortion as I didn’t want to be like my mother. After that, I wanted to take pills, but grandpa (the man I was talking about) wouldn’t let me. He was angry at me for not continuing the pregnancy. So I continued to have unprotected sex.

So one day, he took me to a party, at his friend’s house (with a pool), during my summer vacation. There were lots of them, and I was the center of their attention. I had to wear a tiny bikini, and I also lost track of that at midnight. After having a wild gangbang party, I had Cum all over my body. On my breasts, my belly, in my ass, in my hair, in my mouth, on my face, just everywhere. Cum was dripping out of my pussy as the last cock slipped out. There were at least fifty of them as it was the most fertile time of the month for me. I started crying like a baby when I thought of the possibility of going through an abortion once again.

Suddenly someone proposed that we take a birth control method but only the most natural way, as these old men were also against pills. He told everyone that he knew a birth control method that was the most harmless and would work for sure. I just had to have more sex. With a Dog!

I was amazed. So It’s possible to fuck a Dog? Suddenly everyone around him agreed that they had heard about it too. Dog cum can kill human sperms, they said. So I believed them.

I felt my pussy throbbing again. With all that wild thrusting, it was already a little sore. But I agreed in the hope of experiencing something new.

They made me lay on the corner of the bed, my legs and pussy wide open, and brought the Black German Shepherd the house owner had.

It had a red cock with a pointy tip and giant balls. I licked my lips without noticing, and everyone laughed out, saying, what a thirsty whore I was. Of course, I couldn’t drink his cum. I needed it inside my pussy.

After they led the dog to my pussy, it kept thrusting into me wildly for a while and then stopped moving inside me. He started cumming, so I kept lying on my back while rubbing my nipples.

The old men around me kept laughing at me and calling me names, while a few of them occasionally shoved their dicks in my mouth and made them swallow their cum. I did suck every last drop of their jizz, but I was in no situation to pay attention to them. I was enjoying every moment of the dog’s dick.

After cumming for a while, I felt like the dog’s penis grew bigger, pushing me to my limit. I wanted to get up and see what was happening there, but a few old men pushed me back and pinned me down. “Here comes the real part, honey. Don’t get up!” they said.

After one of them checked where my pussy was connected to the dog’s penis, the old men around me let my hands go.

I wanted to wash up, but I realized I was stuck with the dog’s penis. The dog suddenly twisted its body and turned around, with his dick still inside me.

I started panicking as I didn’t know what was happening. I felt like the base of its penis had a ball, the base that was bigger than a gorilla’s fist!

I wanted to get away as I was scared, but they told me they couldn’t do anything as we were stuck together. ( I didn’t understand they were pranking me) I started crying like a baby, which made some of them laugh, and others kept jerking off to my situation.

I begged for their help, and they agreed with the condition that I would only drink their dick milk for two days straight. I wouldn’t eat anything else during these two days. I liked the idea very much as I am a cum thirsty whore.

So they went straight to the action. A few of them held the dog while a big fat black old man had my waists from the other side of my head as his dick dangled on my face.

They kept pulling as the dog kept screaming. I was crying as well, as it hurt a lot. I wanted to be free, but at the same time, I loved the sensation. It was pain and pleasure at its max.

At that time, I suddenly realized that although I was telling them to separate us, I was squeezing on the dog’s meatball very hard. “Ahh…ahh… No! don’t take him away. Please don’t separate us….” I kept moaning and screaming. I was going crazy with all the sensations.

It made everyone laugh, and they kept jerking and yelling, “Tell us exactly what to do bitch! Pull him out or not….” I kept moaning, “umm…Yes! Yes! I mean, no. No!! Ahh…hmm…ah….” I felt like we could stay like this for eternity.

They kept pulling, and I kept holding him tight, so the pain was intense. Suddenly they pulled very hard, and it popped out of my pussy. I whimpered in pain and pleasure. It could injure my vagina or the dog’s dick, but somehow nothing happened to the dog, and I had some pain.

I started crying. “Why did you take him out? I feel lonely down there. Put him in back.” They were making fun of me, and one of them showed me the knot and explained everything. “See this huge thing? Do you think you can take it back?”

I started throwing tantrums like a baby and said I wanted him back. So they forced it in my pussy once again. I cried in pain, but as soon as he came back in my pussy, I wrapped my legs on his back and hugged him on my bare breasts.

But one of the old men had a wicked idea, so they forcefully pulled him away from me. I tightened my vagina immediately. “No! don’t take him away!” But they didn’t listen to me. They forcefully pulled him out and pushed the knot in, repeatedly, until he went limp, and I almost fainted.

Next, they brought a giant Bulldog and did the same with it. I was begging them to take it out for a moment while still holding it in tightly, but I would want them to pull it out the next moment. We kept playing tug and draw all night long until I fainted at last.

I was still pregnant and had to go through an abortion even after all that.

After that fantastic experience, I became addicted to dog penis. Or more like being knotted. It’s not only about physical pleasure but emotional satisfaction as well. Knotting gives me a feeling of security that my ‘man’ will never leave me.

I still fuck men, but nothing can beat a Dog Knot. I think I will get married to a dog someday.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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