Laura and the Thing in the Woods

By DarthCureis.

Laura was bored, it was the second day of summer vacation, and she had nothing to do. Her dad moved them to this Podunk house in the woods last year, and nothing was nearby. Just the woods and the dirt road to get to their house. Since her mom left them two years ago, it had just been Laura and her dad; he was way overprotective of her, especially since she started to develop.

Laura was a small girl, five foot, maybe getting up to 100lbs, soaking wet, short brown hair fell just over her ears in waves, her pale skin was marked with freckles, and she had small perky tits that were just barely bigger than an A-cup.

She was sitting on her front porch looking out at the woods, thinking about the things that were getting her down. She hated being so short. Her dad always kept things high up in the house, so she constantly had to climb on everything to reach them, like a toddler. She hated her small boobs. All her friends in school were bustier than she was, and she was constantly teased about it. But most of all, she hated that ever since boys started paying the slightest attention to her, her dad became obsessed with keeping her from interacting with anyone.

Looking out into the woods, Laura decided to explore and see what was out there. She started directly south of her house. The sounds of birds and insects were soothing to her. After about five minutes, she realized she should have worn jeans rather than the summer dress she had on. The dress only came down to the mid-thigh and was a spaghetti strap, so her legs and arms kept getting scraped by the underbrush, but that was a thought for next time. This time she was determined to explore the woods.

She spent about an hour walking when she realized she didn’t know how to get back home. She thought she had been going south the whole way, but she couldn’t see the sky to tell for sure. Shrugging her shoulders, she figured she would come across something eventually that would guide her, so she told herself she would keep walking in the same direction for one more hour before turning back.

Half an hour later is when she heard it. Some kind of rustling to her right. She stopped and stood as still and quiet as possible, hoping to get some idea of what was there. She stayed that way for a minute, then just as she was about to move on, she heard it again, and this time a small green something darted under a bush. Laura crept closer, curious at what it was. When she got close to the bush, she saw the small green something slither from under the bush. She was looking at one a few ways further. So she crept over to that bush, then again darted to another bush that was right up against a strange twisty mossy tree. Laura moved in one more time, her curiosity killing her now. She just had to see what this thing was and make all this walking worthwhile.

As she crouched down this time to find the thing that had been eluding her, something darted down from above her. It wrapped around her right leg and pulled her off balance causing her to fall to her face. She managed to catch herself just in time not to smash her nose into the ground, but whatever had a hold of her dragging her up into the air. Laura was hoisted up, dangling by her right leg. Now she was about half a foot too high to be able to touch the ground with her hands.

Frightened and confused, Laura started screaming for help. As she did, another vine-like tentacle wrapped around her left leg and hoisted it up. Now dangling by both legs, her dress fell over her head so that she couldn’t see anything. Laura struggled with her dress for a bit, trying to get it to stay down or up, but after a short struggle, she gave up, shrugged it off, and let it fall to the ground.

Looking around now, she saw that what she thought was a tree was a mass of dozens or hundreds of vine-like tentacles rooted in the ground like a tree. The green thing she was chasing after was one of those vine tentacles. This thing had lured her into its trap. Laura felt so dumb. How had she let this happen, she knew she wasn’t the smartest girl in her class, but this was ridiculous. She struggled, but the vine tentacles held her firm, she couldn’t even bend her legs, and she didn’t have the abdominal strength to lift her body. Looking at the vine tentacle tree, she saw it wasn’t moss on it like she first thought. Rather the vines tentacles that made up the tree trunk seemed to secrete an ooze-like slime. Unfortunately, the vine tentacles holding her didn’t seem to have that same ooze, or she may have been able to slip free.

Then finally, something happened. Two more vine tentacles reached out and wrapped around Laura’s arms. Her arms were held down, and she could barely even squirm now she was being held so tight. By now, she was starting to get a little light-headed from being upside down, but she didn’t have long to consider that because a larger vine tentacle from the trunk now reached out toward her. It slid along her left leg, and she felt the ooze that coated it on her leg.

Laura was whimpering, now terrified of what was going to happen. The vine tentacle slipped down her thigh and squirmed around her panties. After a very short time, her panties were soaked with the ooze, and it began to drip down her belly. At that same time, the tentacle slipped under her panties and ran along her pussy, then kept going across her taint, then across her ass hole, coating it all in ooze. Laura was now crying, dangling there helplessly.

Several more ooze tentacles now reached her and began exploring her body. One ran across her back, then came around and swirled around her tits. Laura shuttered at the feeling. Somehow even in this position, the feel of the ooze-covered tentacles caressing her tits was stimulating. At the same time, another tentacle joined the first one at her crotch, and a fourth started circling her neck.

Laura was quickly coated with the slimy ooze. It was running down into her nostrils and eyes. Her hair was soaking it up. With the ooze filling her nostrils, she was having difficulty breathing, and when she opened her mouth to take in a deep breath, the tentacle that had circled her neck moved lightning quick and slipped into her mouth. Startled, Laura bit down on the tentacle, but as soon as she did, the ooze-covered vine tentacle tightened on her neck. Choking, she stopped biting down on the tentacle, and it relaxed the hold on her neck and slipped deeper into her mouth, pressing into her throat. More ooze was running into her nose, and Laura had a harder time breathing. Finally, it reached a breaking point, and she accidentally breathed in the ooze. For a moment, she choked on it, but in very little time, as the ooze filled her lungs, she felt relief. Somehow the ooze filling her lungs allowed her to breathe easily. Laura relaxed, feeling a little woozy now and calmer. She briefly thought she shouldn’t be calm and relaxed, but that thought was pushed back into her head.

As Laura relaxed, one of the tentacles at her crotch that was oozing her up pressed its tip against her pussy. It pushed in and, with a pop, slipped between her lips. Laura wasn’t a virgin and wasn’t very experienced sexually, but she had lost her virginity this past year to a boy she thought would be her boyfriend before her dad shut it all down. He moved on when she couldn’t see him anymore outside of school. Now the vine tentacle pushing into her was much bigger than Peter had been.

It hurt like crazy pushing into her pussy, but as the ooze seeped into her canal, the pain didn’t lessen, but a sense of euphoria overcame her. Her pussy lips tingled, and a warm feeling slipped through her. The Tentacle in her mouth was also pushing deeper into her, now reaching her stomach, she wasn’t sure what it was doing in there, but it was squirming around. The tentacles around her small tits kept rubbing along and felt amazing as the ooze coated her nipples. The warm feeling was now seeping into her nipples too.

The vine tentacle in her pussy was twisting and wiggling deeper. It drove her crazy then the second vine tentacle at her crotch found her ass hole. Laura felt the pressure of the tentacle on her butt, which sent a rush of panic through her, and she tried to twist and squirm, but she was even more helpless now than before. The anal tentacle was twisting and pressing against her rosebud, and it popped into her ass with one final push. Now the pain of the intruder in her ass lit a fire in her bowels. Laura was screaming into the tentacle in her mouth. Trying to twist and squirm around but to no avail.

The anal tentacle pushed in mercilessly, digging deep into her bowels. At the same time, the tentacle at her pussy squirmed deeper too. Laura’s ass was burning with pain, the anal intruder was stretching her out, and she couldn’t believe it was able to fit inside of her, then after a longer time than it took for her pussy she felt the ooze tingling in her ass,, there must not have been as much room for the ooze to get into her ass and give her relief. Still, it was hitting, and slowly, the super full feeling of having all three holes filled began to be pleasurable. She still felt the pain in her ass, which hadn’t lessened at all, but the pain was also pleasurable, she didn’t know how to explain it, but she knew she needed more.

All three tentacles pushed inside her were squirming deeper when two new tentacles emerged from the ground. These tentacles were brown and rough and a bit narrower than the others. They slipped past Laura’s face on each side and made a straight line for her nipples. Each root tentacle had an oval-like head at the end, and when they reached her hippies, the oval head opened up like a mouth. The mouth snapped down on each of her nipples, sending a piercing pain through Laura. She felt a needle-like sensation in her nipples, and then they went a bit numb, and then the root tentacles retracted, leaving an inch-long thorn piercing each of her nipples.

Finally, each tentacle seemed to reach its endpoint and was resting inside her, her throat full, her pussy stuffed, and her ass stretched past its limit. Dangling there, enjoying the pleasurable pain that she was in and rushing with a euphoric sensation, she waited for something to happen. Eventually, her tentacles, she was now thinking of them as hers, began to move again. Starting with the one in her mouth, she felt a rippling sensation going through it and running down her throat as it dumped a fluid into her belly.

Then her pussy tentacle pumped something into her womb, and a large bulge was finally sent down her anal tentacle. When it reached her ass hole, it paused and the pressure built up against her. Finally, after endless pushing against her hole, the bulge slammed through her overstretched ass and was released into her rectum. Laura felt the bulge released, and some kind of round thing was left in her. Once that was done, all the ooze vine tentacled retracted, sliding out of her throat and mouth, her pussy, and finally, her ass.

As her mouth was left empty, her jaw went slack from the execution of being forced open, her pussy let out a low queef as that tentacle pulled out, and when the anal tentacle pulled out, it left her to hold gaping open. With her holes all empty, Laura slipped into unconsciousness.


When she woke, she was lying on the ground, and the sun was starting to set. Groggily she tried to get up, but her muscles were sore, and she flopped down on her first try. It was then that she realized how sore her throat was. Reaching it, she rubbed her neck but couldn’t tell anything from the outside. Then she reached down to her pussy, and it and her ass were aching. Laura’s fingers slid right into her pussy with no resistance. Moving down to her ass, she felt it was gaping open an inch or two. She tried to clinch it tight but only made a slight difference.

There was an uncomfortable fullness in her bowels. She managed to get up on her feet and squatted down, trying to dislodge whatever was in her ass. After several minutes of pushing, she gave up. It didn’t budge the tiniest bit. She then noticed the thorns pierced through her nipples, and she tried to pull one of them out with a shaking hand. As she pulled, a robust tingling heat spread through her tits and spread down her body, she kept pulling at it, but it seemed like a bulge in the middle of the thorn kept it from being pulled out.

She looked up and saw the tree or the vine tentacle thing. Laura scrambled to her feet, found her dress on the ground, and ran. She didn’t stop for ten minutes, then finally paused to catch her breath and put on her dress. That is when she noticed the bulge in the tummy, it wasn’t much, but still noticeable compared to her utterly flat stomach before. The thorns were pronounced through the thin material of her dress, but Laura didn’t take the time to think about that. It was dusk, and she had a long way to get home. Luckily her dad wouldn’t likely miss her. He barely saw her anyway.

It was slow going with the discomfort in her ass, and the thorns kept getting caught in her shirt, which caused a flush of pleasure through her. It took her half the night, but she eventually returned to her house. She slipped inside and into her bed, where she collapsed and slept.


It was late morning when she woke. Her dad would already be at work. She slipped out of the covers and pulled off her dress to re-examine her body. The thorns were still piercing her tits, and she tried again to push one of them through and out, but there still was some kind of bulge in the middle of the thorn stuck inside her nipple. She spent a dozen minutes pulling on the thorns in her nipples until the arousal and heat from playing with her now-pierced nipples were too much.

She dove one hand down to her pussy and stroked hard, quickly bringing herself to cum. Usually, that would sate her horniness, but this time she didn’t feel relief but was only more aroused. She reached down to her ass, which was still gaping open, and Laura dug three fingers as deep as she could. It felt amazing. She had never played around with anal, but feeling her fingers rubbing the inside of her rectum was terrific.

The next hour Laura spent playing with her ass, pussy, and nipples cumming over and over again. Finally, hunger overcame her. She made her way down to the kitchen and began cooking some eggs, she hadn’t bothered to get dressed, and she found herself fingering her clit as she cooked. She scarfed down the food and felt a rumbling deep down in her as she ate. After eating what would have been a lot of food for her usually, she was rather still ravenous. Laura returned and fixed a large sandwich and devoured that, along with a whole bag of chips and two apples. She laid back in her chair. Her belly now descended from food in addition to whatever happened to her.

After cleaning up, Laura made her way to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet, she tried again to push out the intruder in her anus, but again no luck. It didn’t budge at all. She was starting to worry about this thing in her ass, and now she was wondering if she would be able to poop. She just ate more in one setting than ever before, and now she looked a couple of months pregnant. She sat there on the toilet crying, not knowing what to do.

“You little slut,” Laura’s dad, Mike, called from the hallway.

Thinking she was alone, she hadn’t bothered to close the bathroom door.

“How did you hide this from me? I knew you were a little slut, and you got pregnant.”

Her dad barged in and grabbed her by the hair, and dragged her from the bathroom and into their living room. Laura was screaming at her daddy, saying she wasn’t pregnant.

“Do you think I am stupid? Of course, you do. My little whore of a daughter never listened to anything I said.” Mike threw her onto the couch. “Well, if you are going to be a whore, I will treat you like one.”

With that, her dad stripped off his pants, and his hard seven-inch cock sprang out.

Her daddy grabbed her by the hair and shoved his cock in her mouth, tears still rolling down her cheeks. She didn’t fight as her daddy face-fucked her. However, after only about thirty seconds of being face-raped, Laura began to get aroused, and something deep inside her squirmed. She started sucking on his cock rather than just being face-fucked. Laura didn’t know what overcame her when he pulled back, but she panted, “Daddy, please fuck me.”

“Little slut,” Mike said as he pushed her face into the couch and lifted her butt. Again he wasted no time and plunged his cock into her cunt. It offered zero resistance and slid right in. “Fuck you, stupid loose bitch. How much dick have you been getting?”

But it didn’t slow him down one beat. He pounded his daughter’s cunt. Laura was in a state of bliss, she had never had a thing for her daddy, but she was so horny that she felt like any dick would do. She pushed back against her daddy’s dick wanting more and more.

“Ahhh. Yeah, take my cum, you pregnant teen slut.”

Her daddy pushed deep in and held her hips tight as he filled her cunt, and as he did, something squirmed deep in her womb. Laura felt it move down towards her cunt then.

“What the hell?”

Something had attached itself to his dick. Her dad pulled out of her, and a long tentacle was latched onto his cock. It had fully engulfed his shaft and was now at the base of his cock. As her daddy pulled out of her, the tentacle came out of her pussy. It was eighteen inches long, leaf-green, and two inches wide. He was screaming and started tugging at the thing to get it off of him. As he did, he fell to his knees, screaming in pain. Teeth or needles were injected into him all along his penis. He ran to the kitchen to get a knife to cut the thing off him.

Knife in hand, he grabbed the tentacle thing and pulled it out straight so he could get a clean cut, but as he pulled on the tentacle, a wave of ecstasy came over him. He felt the tentacle in his hand, but he also felt the tentacle, too, like it had become a part of his body. Mike sat the knife down and grabbed the tentacle with both hands, stroking it. As he did, he seemed to gain more and more sensation through the tentacle, and it also started to stiffen until it grew hard. The length didn’t change. It was still a solid eighteen inches, but it was not a rock-hard eighteen-inch tentacle dick, and it felt amazing.

Meanwhile, Laura was gazing at her dad in amazement and lust. She crawled over to her daddy and started liking his new tentacle dick. This drove her daddy over the edge, and he grabbed Laura with both fists by the hair and shoved his cock down her throat. With ease, he drove all eighteen inches down, and Mike proceeded to ram his cock into his daughter’s slutty mouth. When he came, he filled the tentacle with his cum. It rippled, and it drank it down. Mike collapsed down on the ground, mentally and physically exhausted.

“What the HELL is going on.”

Laura collapsed next to her daddy and told him everything that had happened. They both sat on the floor, backs up against the wall, speechless. Laura was gently stroking her belly, which somehow looked a little bigger still, and Mike was playing with his tentacle dick.

“So you have some kind of tentacle tree baby in you?” Mike said.

“I guess so. I don’t know what to do, daddy,” Laura said with a slight sob.

They sat there talking about options, but oddly neither of them brought up the rough rape that Laura’s dad had just done to her. They hadn’t figured anything out as the evening grew on, but both were hungry. Mike got up and fixed some burgers. Laura ate four burgers that night. They were both completely nude, and I did not see any reason to change that. When they were done, Mike felt discomfort in his dick and started looking around the tentacle to see if he could figure out what was happening. Seeing him in distress, Laura laid a hand on his tentacle dick to try and help, and when she did, it immediately reacted.

Mike felt his daughter’s hand on his tentacle dick, and the sensation was electric. He immediately knew what was wrong with the discomfort he was feeling. The Tentacle was hungry again.

“Keep that up, baby girl.”

Laura needed no more encouragement, she briefly thought of wondering what had come over them to make them act like this, but that feeling quickly dissipated as she placed her second hand on her daddy’s tentacle dick. It was now getting hard again and starting to stick out at its full thick 18”. Drool was dripping from Laura’s mouth, and she immediately dropped to her knees to take the tip in her mouth.

Mike grabbed his daughter’s head and shoved hard, thrusting the entire length of HIS 18 inches down into his daughter’s belly. He pulled out and repeated this several times. He was still amazed that his cute little girl was such a slut, and with that thought, he pulled out of her mouth and pushed her head down to the floor, burying it in the carpet. Mike lifted his daughter’s ass in the air and thrust his tentacle dick into her cunt. Pushing in her slit was so moist and eager that it was sucking him in.

Laura’s mind was dazed as her daddy pushed her down and plunged his stiff snake into her. She was overwhelmed by the orgasmic thrill of her daddy’s thrusts. Somehow he was able to bury that huge tentacle balls deep into her. He pounded her little cunt repeatedly till she felt him push in and hold her hips as he grunted. She supposed he was cumming, but she didn’t feel any different inside from it. Instead, the tentacle sucked his cum down.

Mike slid out of his daughter and looked down at her. He was overwhelmed with a strong desire to protect and care for her. He had never been very nurturing, but now all he could think about was making sure she was fed, tended to, and of course, well fucked.

Mike called his office and told them he would need to take some emergency time off. He spent his time ensuring that Laura had everything she needed, cooking, keeping her warm, getting enough rest, drinking enough, and of course, fucking her every chance he got.

Laura was the happiest she could ever remember being; her daddy was cooking four meals a day for her, eating ungodly amounts of food, and chugging water like crazy. She was often cold as well, and her daddy would snuggle her to keep her warm, which always led to an intense sex craze. Her throat and pussy were easily fucked three to four times a day each. The other odd thing is that she hadn’t had to take a shit since the tentacle tree impregnated her. The thing that was in her ass seemed to grow each day. In fact, with each day that passed, she looked like she was another month pregnant.

On the morning of the sixth day, daddy was about to wake Laura by shoving his tentacle dick in her cunt when he was shocked by what he saw. Growing out of his little girl’s ass were four pale brown tentacles, only protruding out about three inches. They were latched onto her skin and didn’t budge at all. The sight only made him pause for about 30 seconds, then he shrugged his shoulders and pounded away at his little daughter’s pussy.

By day eight, the tentacles had grown enough so that one had circled each of her legs, and the other two were now slithering up and encircling her breasts. By day nine, Laura was huge. Her belly was extended to look nine months pregnant. After lunch, Mike had Laura lying on the kitchen table on her side, ready to fuck the hell out of her when she screamed.

“Daddy, something is happening,” Laura screamed.

Mike took a second look and noticed that the four tentacles growing out of her were now writhing.

“I need to be outside, daddy.”

Laura didn’t know how, but she was sure she needed to be outside in the dirt.

Mike lifted his baby girl in his arms and rushed her outside towards the back of their house, “Where should we go, princess?”

Laura pointed firmly to a shady corner of their lot where no grass grew and was constantly muddy. Her daddy took her there and laid her down in the mud. Laura lay there on her back, then instinctively rolled onto her hands and knees, now covered in mud, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered to Laura was what was to come.

The four tentacles released their grip on Laura and dug into the mud. They seemed to root down into it then Laura felt it. The thing that had been growing in her bowels began to move, she could feel every little movement, and there were so many. It was not a single large mass but a tangle of smaller things that had grown into a knot in her. They were now unraveling, and she felt each one squirm in her. She grunted and cried out in pain as the knot of tentacles in her ass tried to force its way out.

The pressure was building up on her little hole, and finally, her pucker was gaping beyond anything that should have been humanly possible. Laura was now screaming and cumming all at once, and the tangled mass of tentacles popped out, followed by a waterfall of smaller tentacles.

Mike had no idea what to do here. All he could bring himself to do was pump his tentacle dick. He was jacking himself off, and when he saw that mass of tentacles pop out of his little girl, he came so hard in the tentacle. That was when he felt the needle-like thorns piercing his dick holding the tentacle on to him release, and the tentacle slid off. Mike collapsed and passed out.

Laura was still screaming as the last tentacle slipped out of her ass and collapsed face-first into the mud. Her gaping ass hole was vulgarly pointing up to the sky.

When Mike woke up, the first thing he noticed sitting between Laura’s legs was a squat bushy mass of tentacles forming into a miniature tree. A new tentacle vine tree was planted and ready to grow up to rape future unexpecting girls right here in his backyard. Mike was hard just thinking about it. Then he looked down at his daughter. Her ass was still gaping open. He knelt in the mud next to her, stroked her ass, and gently shoved his fist up her ass.

Laura moaned in lust, “Ohh, yes, daddy,” as she opened her eyes and glanced over her shoulder at him.

Mike slipped an arm under her body, and with his other embedded in her ass, he carried her to the shower, and they cleaned each other up.

They watched the tree grow and kept it fed with lots of cum. Mike and Laura fucked each night, waiting for the tree to be big enough.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website.

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