Lauren Puts on a Show

By knottygirlkayla (

Lauren is a friend of mine who has shared many of her adventures with me. She was inspired by some of the stories she read here and decided she wanted me to write about her many escapades. While a few details have been changed, for all intents and purposes, the stories I write about her are true. If the feedback is good, we hope to share more with you.


Lauren and her friend Kati had already been at the party for a while when they hit the dance floor. A few rounds of beer pong had them both feeling frisky. Lauren scanned the dance floor and was surprised to see a familiar face since the party was actually at a neighboring school. She recognized Alex from a previous fling she had a few years prior.

She motioned to her friend, and they both made their way over to dance with Alex. Soon the three were grinding on each other, putting on quite a show for everyone else in the room. Lauren and Kati were both wearing short jean skirts, and when they leaned back on Alex, anyone that bothered to look down could see the girl’s clit piercings on display.

The alcohol combined with the pulsing beat of the music was having quite an effect on the trio. Kati leaned over and whispered in Lauren’s ear, “I can feel his cock rubbing against my ass.”

Lauren replied, “You should try it.”

“Right Now?”

Lauren leaned in even closer and gave Kati a deep kiss. Then she grabbed her friend’s hand and began to lead her away from the dance floor.

“Let’s move over to the couch,” she suggested to Kati and Alex.

Soon, Kati, had her legs spread and was bent over the side of the couch. Alex was rubbing her pussy sliding one then two fingers into her dripping snatch. Lauren, not wanting to be left out, got on her knees and unzipped Alex’s jeans and pulled his nine-inch cock out and began sucking it. The partygoers looked on as Kati started to moan in ecstasy, watching, as her inhibitions became a thing of the past. Soon her juices were running down her legs, and the smell of sex was filling the room. Lauren took the huge cock from her mouth and looked up at Alex.

“Fuck her like you used to fuck me.”

Alex wasted no time and slid his cock into Kati’s hungry pussy. She was a sight to behold, bent over the arm of the couch, getting fucked in front of the crowd. Lauren didn’t want to be left out, so she hiked her skirt up and laid on the couch. Kati took the hint and began lapping at her friend’s wet pussy. She’d never gone down on Lauren, but the thought had crossed her mind a few times before. And considering the situation it seemed like a good time to try.

He was still thrusting in and out of Kati, using his entire length to satisfy her. And she was more than just satisfied. She was in heaven. She slid two fingers into Lauren’s inviting asshole while she continued to lick her wet pussy. Lauren squirmed from the pleasure her friend was giving her. Alex could sense Lauren’s impending orgasm. He’d seen her make that face before. So he knew this was the time to act. He asked the Lauren as she began to heave with an orgasm,

“Are you ready to get fucked?”

“God, yes! I need your big cock in me!”

“I have a better idea.”

Alex whistled, and his plan began to unfold. Lauren had told him of some of her kinkier exploits over the years, and he wanted to see this one first hand. And no sooner had the last echoes of the whistle left the room, than Tex, the host’s German Shepherd, came trotting into the room and right up to the couch. Lauren didn’t hesitate. She began rubbing the dog’s belly, paying extra attention to the furry sheath covering his doggy cock. She looked up at Alex and asked, “Do you want me to…”

She didn’t even have to finish. Alex began nodding his head and grunted out a, “Fuck yes,” before she was able to get the entire question out.

Soon Tex’s cock was fully erect and starting to squirt a little pre-cum.

Lauren got on all fours facing Kati, and soon Tex was right behind her licking her pussy as if he’d done it a thousand times. Kati was in shock. She knew Lauren had a wild side, but she’d never imagined that her friend would do something like this. Kati opened her mouth as if she wanted to ask a question, but all that came out was a moan as Alex began to thrust even harder into her pussy. Lauren saw her friend with her mouth agape and decided to fill it with her tongue. The two girls kissed, teasing each other with their tongues, and moaning into each other’s mouths. Lauren could feel Tex’s tongue start low, right on her clit and then slide up parting her lips and pushing into her waiting pussy.

Then it happened…

Lauren felt Tex stop licking, and an instant later, she felt his paws wrapping around her waist and his cock between her legs. His first thrust missed the mark and slid between her ass cheeks. The second thrust was too low but made Lauren moan in pleasure anyway as his cock hit her clit, and then slid down. The third thrust was right on target and slid right into her pussy.

Tex paused as he used his front paws to pull himself closer to the eager bitch beneath him, then in a flash, he was burying his thick cock deep in her pussy. She cried out in pleasure, and the onlookers began to cheer for the girl and the dog. Alex was thrusting into Kati as fast as he could, but he couldn’t match the pace of Tex fucking Lauren. His scalding hot cock was going in and out of Lauren’s pussy at a blazing pace. Kati was amazed at what was happening just inches away from her. She was overtaken by the moment, and she reached up and grabbed Lauren’s head and pulled her closer, and soon they were kissing passionately again.

After what seemed like an eternity of fucking, Tex began to slow down and soon he had his knot shoved right against the entrance to Lauren’s pussy. He began thrusting forward again, trying to tie with his bitch. And a few thrusts later, he was all the way in. Lauren cried out in pleasure and pain as the huge piece of muscle stretched her pussy to the limit. She could feel the tip of his dick pushing against her cervix. She could feel every throb of the giant member, every squirt of the hot pre-cum. Then with a howl, the dog began flooding the young girl’s womb with his seed. Jet after sticky jet of the salty liquid was filling her pussy.

At the same moment, Alex was emptying his balls into Kati and filling her with his thick cream.

Soon everyone was motionless, save their labored breathing. The crowd had grown silent, no doubt in awe of the rare sight they had just witnessed. Tex was the first to break the awkward silence. With a growl, he began pulling away from Lauren, attempting to break the tie he had with her. After a couple of quick tugs, his bright red cock sprung free, and Lauren cried out one last time. She rolled over on the couch and looked up at her friend. Kati didn’t say a word, she just crawled forward until she was staring down at Laurens gaping pussy. Without hesitation, the two girls began to lick the sperm from each other’s pussies. Lauren spread Kati’s pussy wide, allowing Alex’s thick cream to ooze slowly into her mouth. Kati had her head down between Lauren’s legs, eagerly lapping at her friend’s pussy, enjoying the mingled taste of girl cum and dog cum.

And as quickly as it had started, it was over. The girls stood up and fixed their skirts, Tex ran off, presumably to go clean himself in private, and Alex stuffed his cock back into his pants. After a few more shots of tequila, the girls were out front waiting for their cab, giggling as they thought about what they’d just been a part of.

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot has remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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