
By mattlobo.

Lauren was one lovely young lady. She stood five foot six inches tall and had blonde hair that reached to the middle of her back or her sweet pink nipples if the silky mass was brushed forward. And when it came to those lovely pink, almost silver-dollar-sized areola topped with tight pencil eraser-like nubs that sat perkily atop thirty-eight D breasts, there were very few words that could do them proper justice. Her breasts were works of art that stood proudly for all to see. If any of the renowned painters or sculptors of old had seen her, they would have tried to immortalize them forever on canvas, in marble, or even in gold.

Even as it was, several hundred guys had tried to get close to her and her lovely twins and her shaved valley when she was in high school. And the numbers grew into the thousands when she went to college. However, through it all, she never gave in. She simply wasn’t wired that way. Men did not turn her on; women did.

Along with everything else, Lauren loved to dress well. At times she could have been considered a tease, but when you stopped to think that other women also looked at how a young woman was dressed, it all made sense. Not only that, but she never led a guy on. Almost always, she let the person down gently though there were times when she had to speak her mind. But those were always the extremely dense males with extra thick outer cranial bone blocking common sense and the English language from entering.

All through High School, several of Lauren’s friends suggested that she should be a model. She contemplated it for a while, but her thoughts began to wander elsewhere as her beautiful set of 38Ds took shape. As she grew older, some other acquaintances suggested that she become an exotic dancer. Still, that scenario didn’t even begin to fit the template that she was already starting to build. The thought of guys pawing her for their pleasure was foreign and repellent to her.

Lauren’s parents were not wealthy, but they understood her desires. And they were exceptional providers also. They supported her in every way and were the first to notice that clothing struck her fancy. She loved to look good in what she wore, but she also loved to design. And she wasn’t frivolous or wasteful with anything that she bought or that was donated to her. Some of her friends had given her things they no longer wanted, and by the time she was done with them, they hardly recognized the revamped items. And on her, they looked hot!

When Lauren graduated from High School, it wasn’t hard for her to enter college. Her grades were impeccable. The only problem was that she wanted clothing design, and it seemed as though someone was blackballing her every step of the way. Every design school or private entity she tried turned her aside without looking at her creations.

The young blonde had her ideas of what would be stylish, and it was, but no one who was already established wanted to acknowledge her accomplishments. It was uncertain why they looked at her potential negatively; it was as though all they could see was that if she got a foothold, she would someday bury them. Through it all, Lauren never gave up. She knew what she wanted to do with her life. If it took years and a plodding start, so be it. She would realize her set goals one day.

At the beginning of Lauren’s fourth year of college, she had two dear friends, Amber and Jill. She trusted them completely. They were more than friends, they were soul-mates, and they shared each other’s passions in a way that drew them very close.

On holidays and weekends that the girls didn’t go home and see family, they shared the time. Lauren had her own place while her friends resided in a small two-bedroom home, but most of it was for convenience. The young blonde’s sewing hobby took up a lot of room, and the recently acquired watchdog that Amber and Jill had precluded her constant presence there.

On one particular weekend, Jill and Tammy asked Lauren to watch over Thor for them. He was a mutt when you honestly considered his pedigree, but he took after his father the most, and his sire had been a full-blood German Shepherd. Typically, the trio of beautiful babes would have gone to the planned event together, but Lauren had already backed out because of a prior commitment that kept her in town.

That was why she was asked to babysit for the animal, and she graciously accepted. After all, she practically resided there herself anyway. She usually slept at her own house and did her school work and designing, but she was at Amber and Jill’s place. And since the K9 had come to live there and he had been no trouble, she was happy to help her friends out.

The two young brunettes kissed Lauren and headed for their car. They were soon on the road and driving to what they hoped would be a perfect time, though memories of the previous passion-filled weekend still floated fondly in their memory. “I hope Laure will be okay with Thor all by herself,” opined Jill as she sat in the passenger seat.

“Ohhh… she’ll be fine,” offered Amber, “Thor is a pussy cat. He won’t be any trouble for her at all. You’ll see.”

Jill was silent for a moment but then looked at her friend seriously. “I hope you’re right, but I still think that we should have told her that Thor has become more than a mere watchdog to us.”

“I don’t know, Jill,” returned Amber. “I’m not sure that Lauren would be able to accept that Thor has also become our lover. Hell. Technically, she’s still a virgin. That tiny vibrator she uses or one of our fingers are the only things that even know what she is truly like inside,” she giggled.

Jill laughed at Amber’s analogy of the facts. Both of them had been with a guy and found it disappointing. But they knew that a man had never touched Lauren. She preferred to be with women and made no bones about it. The topic dropped after that and moved on to other things.

Back at Amber and Jill’s apartment, everything was moving along smoothly. Lauren had fed Thor and then put him out for a run in the backyard while she fixed her dinner. It wasn’t until later when she was ready to settle down and watch a video, that she remembered the dog and let him back into the house.

When Lauren entered the living room and walked to the entertainment center, she noticed that the DVD player was on. She wondered what her friends had been watching and soon found out when she hit the power button on the TV’s remote. The video was over, but the title and suggestive image on the screen said it all.

“Mmmmm…” she moaned softly as her hands roamed freely to her ample breasts or her instantly steamy valley below.

She wished she was with her dear friends for the umpteenth time. If she hadn’t promised Jeanette that she would seriously work on an outfit that had to be done by Tuesday, she would have been with them. She had made one other garment for this particular girl and had been paid very well for her time and efforts. And this time was to be the same.

The young blonde hit the play button on the DVD player and watched as ‘Girls Night In’ began to cue up. The story’s premise was what three young women could do to each other; it mirrored what Lauren, Amber, and Jill shared almost to a tee.

As the cast of characters and other credits scrolled by, Lauren stripped off her pants, panties, and bra, leaving only a long t-shirt to cover her torso. She then settled into the easy chair that faced the TV the best and rolled the bottom hem of the shirt upward until she had easy access to her upper and lower charms.

Lauren watched the TV screen as the characters there kissed, caressed, and eventually began licking each other’s pussies. It wasn’t hard to insinuate herself into the picture because one of the girls was a blonde, and the other two were brunettes. She spread her legs wide to accommodate her hand and the finger she began thrusting into her bare vaginal slit. What she sought now was that sweet release. Her eyes closed, and her mind wandered into its little world. She was close, but then it all came crashing down.

Lauren was so engrossed in what she was doing that she never even realized she was being watched. Thor had entered the room silently, drawn not only by her moans of pleasure but also by a very cloying scent. It was slightly different from what he was now very familiar with but was still similar. Lauren was within moments of her first orgasm when a wet dog tongue insinuated itself into the mixture. It was enough to throw her off completely. Her eyes instantly snapped open, and the sight before her shocked her.

“Thor, what are you doing?” she yelled more out of frustration than anything else. “You silly mutt scared me and made me lose everything.”

Thor had backed away slightly from what he was trying to do. Lauren’s harsh voice was not what he was accustomed to. He waited a moment and then tried to move in again. It became a see-saw battle between the animal and the human. She wanted to keep him out, but he always returned to the original scene of the crime. Little by little, he wore away at the young blonde’s defenses, and in the end, she relented. She craved the big ‘O’ and knew now that she wouldn’t get it if she didn’t allow him to play along.

Lauren began stroking herself again, and Thor joined in with his tongue. At first, her stimulus was mainly self-induced, but as the minutes passed, that all changed. Before she even realized it, the only thing she was doing was massaging her breasts and allowing the dog to do all the vaginal stimulation. She rocked her pelvic region upward to give him better access to her charms.

Moans and groans of pure pleasure escaped her being. “Ohhh… My… God…” she squealed as her first orgasm finally consumed her.

Thor backed off as Lauren trembled in bliss as wave after diminishing wave washed over her. What little training he had received from Amber and Jill, he followed even now. When his mate of the moment orgasmed, he was to leave off what he was doing and allow everything to return to normal before moving on. He waited patiently. Lauren basked in the aftermath of the best orgasm she had ever experienced. Even Amber and Jill had never managed to take her to such heights of ecstasy. She opened her eyes and looked at Thor.

“Oh… Babe, that was fantastic,” she murmured, assuming the intimate moment was over. “We are going to have to try this again tomorrow. And I promise I won’t tell your two Mamas about what you did if you don’t,” she giggled.

The young blonde reached out and caressed Thor’s head, ears, and shoulders, just like Amber and Jill usually did after their first rounds. He watched as she stood and then moved to the sofa where her clothes lay. He didn’t realize that she was merely reaching for her garments. All he saw was her backside, so he did what he usually did next; he pounced on her.

Lauren was bent over and slightly off balance when Thor hit her from behind. She landed somewhat unceremoniously with her knees on the floor and her upper torso resting on the couch. She was a bit shaken up but managed to land without bruising herself. “Thor, you silly goose, I don’t want to play right now,” she managed to fling over her shoulder as he tightened his grip on her. She still had no idea what his true intentions were until she felt the first hot poke of his burgeoning phallus.

When Lauren felt the first thrusts as they struck her inner thigh and brushed past her smooth mound, her eyes went wide. It wasn’t until then that she realized what Thor was trying to do. “Thor, you stupid Mutt, I’m not a girl dog,” she screamed as she tried to extricate herself from his grasp. She was very close to succeeding in her efforts to get loose when she felt the animal’s teeth on her neck.

Lauren immediately stiffened as Thor let her know exactly who the boss was at the moment. He continued thrusting at her in his quest to find the holy grotto, and for a few moments more, the young blonde thought that the worst of it was over. She figured that eventually, he would tire of what he was trying to do or perhaps even satisfy himself and cum all over her backside, so she settled down and waited.

Thor was unsure why he had difficulty finding this new mate’s hole. Usually, by now, he was in the hot pussy and racing toward the finish line, but this one was elusively different. He wasn’t one to give up quickly, so he continued. He released his hold on her neck and shuffled around a bit to see if that would make a difference.

When Thor released her neck, Lauren slumped into the cushion on which she rested. This allowed her vaginal mound to tip upward while the animal adjusted his aim. The young blonde was just beginning to comment on his actions so far when everything lined up perfectly.

“Hurry up and get this over with, you bastard,” she hissed. “I’m going to throw you in the backyard and leave you there until Amber and Jill return after this. I…”

Lauren never managed to finish the threat of also starving him before the unthinkable happened. She screamed as she had never screamed before, as Thor’s hard cock pierced her in a way that nothing else had ever done. What little bits of her hymen remained until this point were instantly blown away. She suddenly found herself impaled on a piece of hard, unyielding flesh at least three times the size she had ever experienced.

Lauren screamed for several minutes as Thor kicked his onslaught into high gear. She cried and sobbed as she was utterly possessed by the fiend that she thought had thought to be her friend. Eventually, her tears of pain diminished, and she began to experience other, more pleasant feelings. A fullness within her began to manifest itself in a way that seemed to wash away the harsh beginning and make it a dim memory.

Before Lauren realized it, she was panting with exertion but also pleasure. She didn’t necessarily like how things had happened, but now that they had, she was woman enough to admit that she was enjoying the moment. She didn’t realize that there was one more surprise in store for her, but she was soon to find out.

As Thor continued to fuck her, Lauren began feeling something being pushed into her and pulled out of her again. It continued this way for several minutes until she realized that it was becoming too painful for it to continue. The last straw happened to be on an inward thrust, and that was when she tried with all her might to clamp down on the invader with everything her pussy muscles could muster. It worked, and the pain ended. The feeling of being full engulfed her, and when she felt the animal begin his orgasm, it set hers off also.

Lauren had never in her life felt what she was feeling now. Shot after shot of hot semen entered her body. This was the first time a male’s seed was near her reproductive system. And the thought of it was mind-blowing. Strange DNA was coursing through her in an attempt to impregnate her, and if it had been human, she would probably be pregnant within a few hours.

As Lauren lay quietly beneath the beast that had indeed taken her virginity, she did not regret what had happened. It was almost as though she had stepped into a side corridor of her life and found a new vista before her, which was very beautiful and appealing. Minutes passed, and eventually, Thor released her. He even gave her several parting licks along her vaginal slit that felt very good in their own right as he gave the area a quick clean-up job. Slowly she arose and began walking toward the bathroom. She saw the dog in the corner licking himself just before she passed out of the room and into the hallway that led to the lavatory. Even now, as the blissful, euphoric state in which she was in diminished, she knew she would return.


When Lauren arose the following morning, the preceding night’s events were still very fresh in her mind. She reached under the long T-shirt and cupped her panty-clad mound. Even the slight soreness she felt was diminished by her memory of what it was like to have a hot doggy cock deep within her. She vividly remembered being raped by Thor, but the outcome had been like a soothing aloe. If he hadn’t torn through the last bit of her hymen, there would probably have been no pain.

When Lauren left the bedroom, she immediately put Thor into the backyard to do his thing. She then began preparing some ham and eggs with cheese for herself. Without even realizing it, she made a slightly larger-than-average amount. She smiled then as she looked at the dog’s dish.

Lauren had just finished cooking when she heard Thor barking to be let in. Typically, he knew that his food would be waiting for him as soon as he was allowed to enter. When the door slid open, he rushed in, but his dish was not there, and he stopped short. With as puzzled an expression as any dog could muster, he turned, cocked his head, and looked at the approaching human.

Lauren chuckled. The look on Thor’s K9 face was priceless. It was impossible not to realize what had just happened. “Sorry, Boy. I guess I do things a little bit different than what you are used to,” she commented as she reached for his dish sitting on the kitchen counter. “I hope you enjoy this and that it gives you strength for tonight,” she added with a seductive smirk as she picked up the dog food topped with eggs, ham, and cheese and placed it in its usual spot on the floor.

Thor, of course, did not question the added bits of flavorful human food. He wolfed down as much of it as he could find first. A few bits of dry chunky regular sustenance mixed in, but when you eat as a dog, there was bound to be a joining of the two somewhere along the line.

After Lauren and Thor had eaten, she again put him out in the backyard. She then left to return to her place and work on the outfit that she had promised would be finished shortly after the weekend.

When she arrived at her place, she got right down to business. Her day went well, and after only a few hours, she was surprised at the progress that she had made. She felt very relaxed and content even though she knew she had a deadline to meet. But then, at her current pace, she knew she would easily finish Jeanette’s order by early tomorrow.

Lauren took a moment to ponder why she was much more productive on this particular day than in the past. She could only come up with one conclusion. She had been fucked royally last night, which relieved all of her stress for some reason. It didn’t make sense because she and her friends had been involved hundreds of times sexually. And every one of them had culminated in very satisfying orgasms. Why was being fucked by Thor so different?

Lauren thought about that question for the rest of the day, but it didn’t stifle her creativity. She found that she could think about what she wanted Thor to do to her that evening and still accomplish her present tasks flawlessly.

When Lauren returned to Jill and Amber’s house, she wondered what they would think of her if she told them that she had been fucked by their dog and loved it. Even as she entered the house, she felt herself becoming wet with excitement. She was going to let Thor have her again. She needed to see if the second time was as good as the first, or had it been simply a novelty?

Lauren fixed a hasty meal for herself and fed Thor early so that she could return him to the yard for a while afterward. As bits of her supper heated in the microwave, she looked out the large sliding door and watched the animal as he lay there. He was positioned in a way that allowed her to see his groin area, and his furry sheath was a prominent part of it all. It was as though he knew she would be sexually looking at him, and he was affording her the best view possible.

Even as Lauren watched Thor, her hands seemed to roam by their own volition toward her sweet mound and the supple twin peaks. She almost decided to leave the food where it was in the microwave and just open the door and go out to him. She looked at the fence and then over the top to ascertain if it would be possible to have any privacy out there and instantly decided otherwise. At least three different homes had high enough windows to give anyone inside the rooms an excellent view of anything that happened in Jill and Amber’s backyard.

“Damn…” she swore under her breath.

She would have to wait a little longer to find out what it would be like to be fucked by a dog in the wild: or at least in the suburbs. Lauren turned away from the door and finished preparing her supper. It didn’t stop her thoughts about mating with Thor as soon as possible and perhaps even going out later that night to see if he would fuck her again in the darkest corner of the yard. As it was, by the time the food was gone from her plate, her panties were soaked, and she hadn’t even eaten much. She didn’t want to be complete when she allowed that handsome Shepherd to mate with her.

Cleaning up the few dishes she had used and ensuring that the kitchen was presentable seemed to take far longer than usual. But then, time is always relative when your desires lay elsewhere. In all actuality, it only took a few minutes. All she knew was that when she started playing with Thor that evening, she didn’t want to think about anything else. Eventually, everything was ready, and she finally called Thor into the house. She would not have had to say a word because as soon as he heard the sliding door open, he was up and moving like a bullet to get inside.

“A little anxious, aren’t we?” she chuckled as he turned to face her.

She smiled because she was sure he knew what would happen. Lauren walked giddily into the living room and stopped by the large stuffed sofa. She slipped out her shoes, kicked them aside, and simultaneously stripped her pants and panties. She saw Thor watching her and noticed that he seemed to be licking his chops slightly more than usual. He was anticipating what he would do to her even as she shed her clothes.

Lauren was now bare from the waist down, but she didn’t stop there. It only took a few moments to get her blouse and bra off, and then she sat on the sofa cushion as quickly as possible. Thor moved in and began licking her already moist pussy as she spread her legs wide. He had plenty of her essence to slurp up even from the beginning.

Pleasure-filled moans emanated from Lauren’s delicate throat almost immediately. Thor began thrusting his tongue into her heated core. Idle thoughts and wondering if it would be as good as before instantly vanished. If anything, it was going to be better.

Thor drilled his tongue into Lauren deeply, and it was easy for her to distinguish that he was hitting her G-spot repeatedly. She gently reached out to him and caressed his head and ears to show him that she was pleased with what he was doing. She cooed softly to him and praised his licking prowess. Even Jill and Amber didn’t perform as well as he was doing.

Lauren felt her first orgasm approaching quickly, and when it hit, she spasmed strongly. It forced her to momentarily push Thor’s snout away from her vaginal area, but she grabbed onto his neck and hugged him as tightly to her as possible. Even in that timeframe, she reveled in the feel of his fur against her bare skin and noticed something else. He smelled pretty good. She chuckled as it dawned on her that her friends had put cologne on him.

After her first orgasm waned, Lauren allowed Thor to lick her excited slit a few more times before gently nudging him aside. She smiled at him as she got on her knees near the sofa and supported the top half of her body on the thick cushion. Her breasts hung just over the edge this time, but she still would not have to keep all of the animal’s weight on her arms. It was something she wondered about; to be taken like a true bitch hefting the entire bulk of her lover as he filled her with his seed.

Thor needed no engraved invitation. As soon as Lauren was in position, he mounted her. There were no preemptory licks. He simply jumped on her back and sank his respectably sized cock into her on the first thrust. And the gasp that emanated from her was music to his ears.

“Oh my God…” gasped Lauren as nearly six inches of hot doggy cock sliced into her depths. She hadn’t expected him to enter her so abruptly, but she wasn’t complaining in the end. “Fuck me, Thor. Fuck me even better than you did last night, you big stud,” she finally intoned.

Thor’s pace this time was very similar to the night before. It wasn’t long before he was pumping her so fast that all she could do was pant. She felt every impact of his hard cock as it beat a steady rhythm against the end of her vaginal chute. And she was sure it was jostling several of her internal organs in a way they had never experienced before. Added to the stimulation her swinging breasts brought to the whole equation as they tried to keep time with her pounding, it meant only one thing; eminent overload!

Lauren’s second orgasm claimed her and her breathing became even more ragged. The onslaught didn’t stop there, though. Thor kept pumping his stiff shaft into her as though impregnating her was his life’s only priority. She was on the brink of passing out when his knot managed to slip into her one last time, and they were tied. She felt the first few pulses of his superheated sperm enter her reproductive system, but everything went black.

Exactly how long Lauren lay there was a mystery to her. When she awoke, Thor was lying serenely in his usual corner. It was obvious to her that he had been there for some time because he was no longer licking himself. In fact, except for a tiny rivulet running down her leg, she was pretty clean. She surmised that he had also cared for her while she had been predisposed.

“Damn…” she murmured, “I missed a lot while I was zonked.”

Lauren slowly arose from where she was kneeling. Her knees ached a bit, so she was sure she had been out of it for several hours. She remembered the night before and that Thor had remained tied to her for at least ten to fifteen minutes after he had pumped her full of sperm, so she guessed that she had remained in the breeding position for at least three hours. “No wonder my joints are a bit sore,” she groaned as she rubbed them. And it was at this point that she made a mental note to herself to be sure that she had a nice fluffy towel to use the next time.


As Lauren cleaned herself up a bit more, she chided herself again for passing out and missing almost half of what she would have usually experienced. She looked in the bathroom mirror at her reflection and was pleased with what she saw, and yet she wondered how she could do any different than what she had already done with Thor. The only thing she hoped for at the moment was that her tolerance of being fucked so vigorously would increase, and she wouldn’t continually lose it like earlier that night. And yet, she didn’t want the experience to become mundane either.

After Lauren left the bathroom, she went in search of Thor. He wasn’t too hard to find because he hadn’t moved since she had last seen him. Still naked, she drew closer to the large Shepherd and eventually got down on her hands and knees to finish her approach. At first, she wondered if her crawling toward him would entice him to try to mount her again, but her apprehension was unfounded because of his actions though she figured he was still tired out from their previous bout.

Lauren was glad Thor wasn’t all over her to mate with her again; she wasn’t too sure she could take another mind-blowing event so close to the first one. She wanted to cuddle up next to him and feel his fur against her skin again. Very carefully, she managed just that, and in the end, they lay side by side with her spooned against his back, her magnificent breasts resting near his shoulder blades.

Lauren caressed Thor and cooed gently to him. It would have been much more comfortable if she had coaxed him into one of the beds first, but she managed, and in the end, it satisfied her need to be close to her lover.

After a bit, Lauren called it a night and retired to her borrowed bed. She did try then to entice Thor to join her, but he ignored her, and it bothered her. She worried about it because his behavior didn’t precisely seem normal at the moment. She remembered the night before and how things had been; this was nothing like that. She was no expert on animals, dogs in particular: but something just began nagging at her concerning his present demeanor.

In the morning, Lauren showered and allowed her soapy hands to roam over her body as she did. When she was done, she began rinsing off. The hot spray felt good on her breasts, and the water that washed downward between the valley and over her flat tummy sloshed into her vaginal opening repeatedly. She could feel the heat; for a moment, it reminded her of Thor’s hot essence as he spewed it into her, but there was one detractor. The fullness of having his cock in her was missing.

After her shower, Lauren dried off quickly and got dressed. She gave her hair a very light going over with the blow dryer. It was enough to start the evaporation process but still allowed it to finish independently. She was soon entering the kitchen to get food for Thor and herself before dashing out the door to return to her place. With any luck, she would finish the outfit for Jeanette in a few hours.

Lauren grabbed Thor’s bowl and put the prescribed amount of food in it for a dog his size. When she was done, she was surprised that he wasn’t instantly there with his tail wagging and dancing like usual. Instead, he entered the room listlessly like someone who had been disturbed for rest after sleeping only an hour when they expected to get eight.

Lauren didn’t like what she saw but didn’t know what to do. She put Thor and his food on the back patio, hoping the fresh air would help him feel better. She knew at times that worked for her, especially if she had been cooped up in the house too long on a project.

She led him to the backyard and caressed him almost all over before closing and locking the door. After that, she gathered her things and left; she didn’t even bother getting herself any food. Her thought was centered on Thor, and she didn’t think about anything to eat until later when hunger pangs forced her to find nourishment.

Lauren’s creative ability was hindered this time because she was worried about Thor. She did manage to finish the outfit for Jeanette, thanks to the burst of energy she had gotten the previous day. She attributed it all to her relationship with the animal that first night; just as she blamed her current lack of enthusiasm for Jill and Amber’s K9 seeming ill, she felt responsible.

Lauren was glad when she was able to pack everything away for another day and head back to her friend’s house and check up on Thor. The car had barely come to a stop before she was out of it. She closed the door quickly and nearly ran to the house, letting herself in and not even closing anything behind her. Only the storm door closed because of its automatic system that functioned that way.

When Lauren got to the back door, she slid it open quickly and stepped onto the patio. Thor’s dish was still there; from the looks of it, he had not even touched the food. His water bowl was different, though. It at least looked as though he had been drinking from it.

Finding Thor wasn’t hard, but he was not where she had expected him to be. He wasn’t sitting in the sun or the shade of the tree. Instead, he was next to the porch in the shade and curled up on a bare spot of the earth as though it would comfort him better than anywhere else.

Lauren knew she was a bit clueless regarding animal behavior, but Thor’s demeanor had all her alarm bells ringing. There was no way his actions were in any way usual. She began walking down the steps to get closer to him when something a few feet away caught her attention. From the looks of it, there seemed to be a square morsel of meat sitting on the lawn, and its presence there was very suspicious. Not only that, but it looked pretty fresh.

The young blonde stopped in her tracks but immediately began scanning the fence line. She didn’t turn her head any more than she had to but allowed her eyes to pan the area and do most of the work. In one spot that was more open than the rest, she saw a shadow that she was sure didn’t belong, and even as she was watching it, the darkened area moved. Someone had been there hiding, and whoever they were, she felt as though they could be responsible for Thor’s condition; and it was not a good feeling to contemplate.

Lauren turned toward where Thor huddled after that and gently coaxed him into the house. She even got one of Jill and Amber’s comforters and placed it on the floor in the kitchen so that he would have a relatively soft bed of sorts on which to lie. After that, she washed his bowls and got him fresh food and water. Just in case he started feeling better.

After that, Lauren grabbed a zip-type baggie and a small but sharp knife from the cupboard for protection. She then went back into the yard and combed it thoroughly for any other bits of food that might have been tossed there. She was cautious as she searched the lawn area, constantly aware of where she was in case the owner of the shadow returned. She also used extreme caution in handling the three pieces of meat she found. She used cellophane wrap like a glove and put the supposed tainted material in the sealable bag. After that, she marked it with a pen in bold letters ‘poisoned meat, caution,’ before placing it in the refrigerator where it would not spoil until it could be checked by someone who knew what to look for.

Lauren was uncertain as to whether or not the morsels of steak were poisoned, but she felt that it would be best to an error on the side of caution after considering the circumstances. Once all that was accomplished, she called her friends and filled them in on what had happened so far, minus her and Thor’s sexual activity.

The girls were already an hour from home, and the news they received was very unsettling. After hearing what Lauren said, they broke a few speed limits and were lucky enough to get away with it. Forty minutes later, they were pulling into the driveway of their rental property, and there were no police cars with blue bubble lights flashing in their wake.

When Jill and Amber saw Thor, they cried. He tried to get up and greet them, but they quickly huddled around him and kept him where he was by petting and caressing him. Even as they loved on him the best they could, Lauren began the sequence of events again and tried to orate the whole scenario in a way that would allow them to imagine it as though they had been there. She did an excellent job of it all, but it was still an abridged version because she omitted her and the dog’s torrid affair.

One thing led to another, and before too long, Jill was making a call to the person that had given them Thor. She was a Veterinarian and a very close family friend of Amber’s. Her name was Anna, and when she learned about this particular German Shepherd needing a new home because the current owners could no longer tend it properly, she contacted the girls. And from there, the rest was history as everything turned out well for all involved until now.

After the call, it wasn’t too long before Anna showed up at Jill and Amber’s rental home. There weren’t too many vets that made house calls, but she was the family friend. Anna made an exception in this case, especially after hearing all the details. It wasn’t too long after she got there that she informed them they had better call the police because Thor had indeed been poisoned, as far as she could ascertain. And it was fortunate that he had not eaten more of the tainted meat than he did.

Things around the girls’ house became very hectic after that. The police did check things out and what they found was very enlightening. Someone was watching Jill and Amber’s place, and he had left some of himself behind on several occasions. He had not only been attempting to get rid of the dog, but he had also been trying to look into the windows to see what was available inside.

It all came down to an older guy already on the police radar for other things he had perpetrated against young women in this particular college town. They had never been able to pin him down on anything, but with what he had left behind outside Jill and Amber’s home, it soon became enough to capture him and put him away. He had watched the two young brunettes as they bathed and did other things. And it was fortunate that he had never seen them active with Thor; only each other. He even had pictures of them and several other female co-eds. And a few of the photo sets were of the girls that had been raped. It was surmised that Jill and Amber would have been next.

A week passed, Thor got better then, and Lauren got even more orders for her particular style of clothes. Jeanette had worn what the young blond designer had made for her to a party, and it had become an instant hit. And the fact that it had been hand-tailored for her was even a more fantastic novelty, one that sparked several girls at the social gathering to want something special of their own.

When Lauren finally made it over to Jill and Amber’s house, they seemed far more aloof than she had ever remembered. “Is there something wrong?” she asked them before too long.

“Yes, there is,” responded Jill somewhat harshly.

“We finally went through our home security tape,” interrupted Amber. “The one that was accidentally left on when you came to watch Thor for us last weekend,”

“And I’ll bet you might be able to guess what we found,” Jill accusingly.

Lauren immediately turned several shades of red. “Thor… he raped me,” she stammered.

“That’s not what it looked like to us,” said Amber, who only surmised what had happened.

The tape didn’t exactly show what had transpired between Lauren and Thor because the camera wasn’t focused on where the action had occurred. But they did have sound, and that was still somewhat revealing. In reality, they simply wanted to tease their friend and yank her chain a bit.

“Alright… I admit that I was watching the video disk you had in your DVD player,” explained Lauren as she hung her head slightly. “I began stroking myself, and before I knew it… Thor decided to play along. He licked me so well that I let him keep doing it until I came. I would call it quits after that, but he had other ideas. Before I knew it, he grabbed me and mounted me, and I couldn’t get away,” she continued with a bit of strain in her voice.

At about that time, Lauren lifted her head and looked at her friends. The huge grins on their faces told her a lot, but Jill’s filled her in even more. “He’s good… isn’t he?” she giggled.

“He’s the best we’ve ever had,” added Amber.

Lauren felt instantly relieved. Her friends were not angry or upset that she and Thor had somehow managed to find each other; they were thrilled about it. “How… how long have you two been letting Thor have sex with you?” she stammered.

“Since shortly after he came to live with us,” chuckled Jill.

“Yeah, I think we found out about his lecherous activities the same way you did,” added Amber. “Jill and I were having a little fun, and the next thing I knew, he was mounting me. He shoved his cock in me before I could even do anything about it; the rest is history.

“Yeah, and he was quite virile. He managed to take me the same night,” said Jill. “All I had to do was get on my hands and knees, and he did the rest. God… I swear that I have never been with a man that fucked me as well as he did.”

“Jill and both think that whoever had him before my Veterinary friend got a hold of him must have trained him to fuck women,” commented Amber.

Lauren was a little stunned by everything she was hearing. “Do you think that Anna knows what Thor is capable of?”

Amber shrugged her shoulders. “It’s possible… and maybe someday I’ll ask her. In the meantime, I don’t care. She knows how Jill and I relate to each other. She’s Bi herself, and we almost got into it on at least one occasion. A sudden emergency cropped up, though, and she had to attend to it. Her eyes said it all, though.”

Amber hadn’t worried about telling Lauren all this in front of Jill. Neither of them was jealous of the other. They only had one rule, be confident that you were with wasn’t infected in any way. And that was why they didn’t do anything outside their current triangle. They knew that they were safe if they kept it as it was.

After that, one thing led to another, and before they knew it, they were all sexually engaged in an informal triangle. It was while they were in the beginning exploratory stages that Thor arrived. He was feeling better by now and invited himself to the party.

Amber saw Thor coming as soon as he entered the room, and she guided him to Lauren’s pink snatch as soon as he drew close enough. He seemed only to be able to mount either her or Jill on any given day just yet, but both girls hoped he would get his old stamina back soon.

In the meantime, though, she wanted to see Lauren on the receiving end of Thor’s cock. She knew very well what Jill looked like when she was being fucked by their resident stud, and now she wanted to see her blond friend in the throes of his passion.

Lauren immediately felt the difference between Amber’s tongue and Thor’s oral digit. She also surmised that her friends would want to see him mount her. She knew that it would be different this time because, in a way, she would be performing for them. They were going to watch as their dog fucked her lights out. She was apprehensive about it, but she also knew it would happen.

Everyone but Thor orgasmed at about the same time, and it wasn’t until the last climactic ripples died down a little that the next step in their mini orgy took place. Lauren was prompted to get on her hands and knees and did so with minimal coaxing. With bated breath, she waited; it didn’t take long before she was mounted.

Jill and Amber watched gleefully as Thor began thrusting his groin at Lauren. There was little doubt in their minds when he connected because their blond companion shrieked loudly when he entered her. She kept crying out right until the time he was deep within her, and then all she seemed to be able to do was pant and moan.

“Damn… do I sound like that when he’s fucking me?” asked Jill of Amber.

Amber snickered. “Oh yeah… you sound like that when Thor sticks his bone in your sweet little pussy, Girlfriend. If you want to know what you look like when he’s in you, you must watch Lauren.”

Lauren thought she would be self-conscious that her friends were watching her, but she discovered it wasn’t the case. At the moment, she was getting her brains fucked out of her, and the only thing that she could do was ride with it and enjoy what was happening. It wasn’t hard to do because her senses were receiving so many stimuli that there was no room to think about anything else. In the background, she heard a garbled voice urging the animal to let her have it, and she wanted to tell Jill or Amber that their dog didn’t need any encouragement. But then it dawned on her. She was the one that was telling him to fuck her harder.

Lauren was blasted through her second orgasm and then her third. She didn’t even know when Thor managed to set his knot in her except for the fact that her tits quit shaking as violently as they had been. Hot sperm began shooting into her vaginal cavity and hitting the back wall with enough force that she could feel the first two doses of it. After that, her fourth climax engulfed her, and she remembered nothing more.

Lauren was no longer able to remain supported on her hands. She slumped forward onto her elbows with her forehead resting on her arms. Thor and his grasp on her hips kept her from falling, and all in all, it made Jill and Amber anxious for their friend for several moments. But then they finally determined that she was breathing okay, so they just watched over her until she awoke.

When Thor’s knot finally shrank enough to pull out of Lauren, he did so. A loud pop and a gush of fluids made the girls giggle even more at the sight of it. “Wow, he filled her up,” commented Jill.

“He sure did,” agreed Amber, “but I’ve seen just as much of Thor’s juices come out of your pussy, too,” she added.

“Really,” said Jill in awe, amazed at the volume of liquid lying near Lauren’s knees and running down her inner thighs. “It’s good that dogs can’t get you pregnant, or we’d both be as big as blimps by now,” she commented.

Amber said nothing but her thinking had been along those same lines, and her scenario was slightly different. What if a girl could become knocked up by a dog? She smiled. She was almost sure she would allow it to happen if it was possible. She had her doubts about ever having a baby, but becoming pregnant and having a puppy seemed to be something she would try if she could figure out how.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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