Leashed to Lust 4

By Kate Kanine.

Read the first installment here.
Read the second installment here.
Read the third installment here.


Part Twelve

“Candi…. I…” Debbi stuttered. She blushed and looked away.

Candi’s face was flushed as well. Although a pang of jealousy had run through her when she had watched Rex licking Debbi’s pussy so eagerly, she was more excited by the possibilities the situation presented. Seeing Debbi’s tight t-shirt stretch across her massive bust gave the brunette a wicked idea.

“It’s alright; I don’t mind you playing with Rexy. But look at him, Debbi. You made him so horny his balls are all swollen! I think you owe him a favor now.”

Debbi glanced down at the dog. Rex’s furry sheath looked stretched and tight as if his cock might snap out at any moment, and his back legs were practically bowed around a pair of big swollen balls. The German Shepherd looked hopefully from his Debbi to his mistress and back to Debbi again.

“But… but I…” was all Debbi could muster.

Candi stepped into the room and knelt on the floor near the bed. She placed a reassuring hand on Debbi’s knee and looked up at the busty blonde.

“What Rex needs now is a hot, juicy come!”

Candi’s voice was friendly, but it had taken on an urgent edge.

“You’d better take that shirt off unless you want it to get all sticky,” Candi husked. “C’mon Debbi, show Rex your breasts. He loves big tits.”

Debbi blushed and bit her bottom lip. She hesitated for a moment, then reached down and slowly pulled up the tight t-shirt. Her huge breasts strained as she rolled the shirt over them. A moment later, they tumbled free, bouncing on her chest like two enormous pink melons. They fell back down to their normal position, shaking and jiggling and finally coming to rest as Debbi tossed away the t-shirt.

Rex watched Debbi’s giant tits tumble free. He whined excitedly, and his boner sprang out of its furry sheath! Rex had been trained well. He knew that big bare breasts meant he’d get to fuck soon. The more Debbi’s breasts swayed and bounced, the longer and stiffer the dog’s cock grew. Debbi blushed even deeper, surprised but thrilled that her huge breasts had given the dog an erection.

To Debbi, the dog’s cock looked at least a foot long. It was bright red and throbbing, and the tip of his red cockhead flared out. The big blonde smiled at the dog and let her massive tits sway for his enjoyment. The dog’s animal lust was so evident it made Debbi shiver with excitement—as Rex stared at her breasts, the horny blond saw a few drops of pre-cum ooze from his cockhead and run sluggishly down his red prick meat, then drip onto the carpet.

Debbi reached up and took a huge breast in each hand, digging her bright red nails into them, and gently bounced them up and down—first as a pair, and then alternating them—left one up, right one down, left one down, right one up. The sight was truly mesmerizing to Rex—as Candi watched, his boner grew even stiffer. Using his prick like a leash, Candi guided the dog closer to the bed.

Debbi sat up and closed her legs—now that the big horny dog was approaching her, she began to lose her nerve. “Oh, Candi…. I don’t know about this,” she said, blushing.

“You don’t have to do anything, Debbi,” said Candi as the dog wriggled forward, “I’m gonna rub his cock a little, that’s all.”

Debbi arched her back and squirmed on the edge of the bed, her pussy beginning to tingle once again. Candi wrapped her arm around the dog and slid her other hand under him, fondling his cock and balls. His haunches rippled as he fucked through her fist. His amber eyes glowed, and his long red tongue was hanging out, dripping doggy slobber. Then Rex gave a little lunge and sprang up, his forepaws resting on the bed on either side of Debbi’s big hips. The dog’s hindquarters were taut and trembling. His hind legs were braced on the floor. And his mighty cock, fully erect now, loomed out in a meaty tower over Debbi’s belly. His tongue was hanging out.

“I’m gonna jerk the doggy off right onto your tits, honey,” Candi rasped, her voice husky with passion. “Then I’m gonna lick his cum off you.”

“Ooooh–yes,” Debbi moaned.

Debbi stared at his long prick. That long pole of cock was bright red, almost glowing like a light bulb. The tip was gaping open and she could see a few milky drops of pre-spunk glistening on the tip. The sight was causing the horny blonde to heat up all over again. Debbi thought that letting Candi jerk off a dog’s prick all over her was awfully depraved, but that only added to the wild thrill of the idea. Rex humped, his cock plowing the air impatiently. He loved getting his cock jerked off, especially if he could squirt his hot jizz on a big pair of tits—and Debbi’s huge pear-shaped breasts were even bigger than Candi’s! Debbi’s huge breasts and the thrill of a new conquest had excited the dog to the bursting point.

With an excited sigh, Candi folded her fist around the root of his cock. She bent his iron-hard prick down slightly and began to rub his cockhead against her roommate’s tits. Candi brushed Debbi’s stiff nipples with the glowing cock. Rex growled with pleasure and thrust forward, stabbing at Debbi’s nipples.

“Oooooo!…” Debbi moaned as the hard penis pressed against her tits. She was surprised at how good the dog’s hot cock felt on her nipples.

Candi’s eyes sparkled with lust. “Feels good, doesn’t it? Just wait ’til he creams you!”

Candi released Rex’s prick stalk, and his cockhead snapped up again. A ribbon of jism spun out like a suspension bridge made of silk, fastening his swollen cockhead to Debbi’s nipple. The whole tip of his prick-knob was slathered with pre-cum now. Thick drops oozed from the cleft and ran sluggishly down the glistening cockshaft. When Debbi saw that, she knew she wanted to feel him spray her breasts. The sight of that canine cum was driving her mad. She wanted Candi to masturbate the dog’s long penis all over her chest. She wanted to feel his sizzling cream jetting on her big nipples and spurting in her cleavage. She squirmed closer, and Rex did the same, shuffling his front paws on either side of the oversized blonde.

The dog’s swollen balls dragged over her soft belly, and the head of his cock bobbled against the underside of her huge melons. Candi rubbed his cockhead across Debbi’s tits, again smearing his canine precum into her stiff nipples. Debbi drew back for a moment, savoring the tingle on her nipples while Rex humped impatiently, plowing his cock at her tits. Debbi tossed her hair with a languorous sweep of her neck, then smiled down at Candi and leaned forward again.

As much as Rex loved feeling Debbi’s stiff nipples rubbing around his cockhead, the German shepherd was desperate to slide his prick between those huge boobs and fill that deep cleavage with his throbbing erection. Debbi thrust out her big tits again. This time, she squeezed them between her upper arms, and her breasts bulged out, impossibly bigger than before. The head of the dog’s cock pumped against them, trying to lever them apart, to fuck between them. Debbi squirmed, rubbing her nipples against the glistening tip again. Candi moaned and lovingly guided his cock between Debbi’s breasts, then slowly let go of the shaft as the dog eased his boner into Debbi’s cleavage.

Rex whined as he felt the hot head of his cock slide between her tits. Debbi moaned as she savored her first doggy tit-fuck, taking the dog’s whole throbbing shaft between her soft breasts. She began to squeeze her arms together rhythmically—with each squeeze, her breasts ballooned, and her nipples spread out. The dog’s cockhead swelled more, burning like a lump of coal as her boobs pressed against his prickhead on both sides.

She squeezed slowly, rubbing her tits around the dog’s stiff shaft. Pre-cum was trickling steadily out of her cleavage, and she should feel Rex’s penis twitching as it squirted. The dog thrust, fucking into her tits. Debbi was half-crazed by the joy of feeling a dog’s cock slide in and out between her tits. On the backstroke, Rex’s stiff boner popped free, and a hot jet of pre-cum hit the bottom of her breasts.

Debbi gasped, and Candi licked her lips in anticipation. For a moment, Debbi thought Rex had just come, and she was suddenly disappointed. She wanted to feel the dog’s joy juice, certainly, but she wanted to enjoy a prolonged titfuck on that cockmeat first. But Rex’s boner remained swollen and vibrant, and the big blonde realized that it had only been a little preliminary geyser that had hosed her boobs—there was a lot more of the lovely stuff to come. Rex’s hind legs danced, and he sprang forward, jabbing his cock frantically.

“Oooh, slow down, boy,” Candi soothed. “You can pump her big titties all morning!”

As if he understood, Rex slowed his pace.

“Ooooh, that’s it, Rexy,” Debbi hissed. “Fuck my big tits slow.”

Debbi watched through heavy-lidded eyes as Rex’s long red cock slid back into her cleavage. Her huge tits ballooned out as she pressed them together and squeezed them around his slippery shaft. Rex loved fucking big tits, and although eager to shoot his cum, he had learned to vary his pace to enjoy tit-fucking for as long as possible. Arching over Debbi’s chest, the dog alternated between long thrusts that drove his dick through her cleavage to withdrawing almost completely and jabbing just the tip of his cock between her globes.

Debbi’s bed began to creak as the chubby blonde and the horny dog fell into a rhythm. Long minutes slowly ticked by, the girl’s sighing with pleasure and the dog’s long boner making wet, slippery popping sounds as it thrust between those bouncy breasts.

Occasionally, the dog’s cock sprang free entirely, and he growled lustily while Candi rubbed the head of his long penis all over Debbi’s puffy areolas before the blonde wrapped her tits around his shaft again. He wormed even closer and was soon actually straddling Debbi’s big tits as he would a pair of plump buttocks.

Debbi’s eyes closed, and she moaned with pleasure.

“Ooo Rexy… Ahhhh!”

Debbi loved that her big tits made the dog’s cock so hard, and she hoped the German shepherd would come a lot! Rex thrust forward again, and Debbi twisted her breasts around his erection, screwing his prick into her cleavage. Below them, Candi cupped the dog’s bloated balls in one hand, squeezing gently as if trying to force the spunk out. The brunette’s other hand wrapped around the root of his cockshaft, holding him steady.

Then, eager to see his hot, thick load splatter her roommate’s tits, Candi began to frig his prick up and down steadily. Her fist rose and bumped against those jiggling breasts, then pushed back down to his balls. Rex was fucking frantically now, pumping through Candi’s fist and into Debbi’s cleavage. Debbi’s breasts were streaked and dabbed with glistening pre-cum, heralding the huge dose to come.

“Ummmmm,” Debbi purred, licking her lips. “Ooooo, fuck my big tits, you bad doggy!”

A glistening drop of pre-cum hung from one big nipple. Candi could tell that the powerful German Shepherd was almost ready to shoot his load. His hind legs were shaking wildly, and his slick shaft was quivering as he fucked in and out. His balls felt big and tight—ready to explode in her hand.

Candi quickly pulled her pet’s cock free of Debbi’s cleavage. She squeezed his swollen balls and frigged his prick stalk, and waited eagerly for his juice. Rex’s cockhead was only inches away from Candi’s big tits now as he fucked through Candi’s fist. Candi pumped back to the furry sheath of his prick, and his cock-knob flared out, pulsing and throbbing. The brunette dog lover licked her lips as she stroked him, and Rex began to tremble and whine with rising need. While Debbi squirmed and cupped her breasts, Candi jerked the dog’s cockmeat up and down vigorously.

Debbi stared down, watching the animal’s prick swell and ripple, waiting to feel his jism splash onto her hot flesh. She could feel the heat of his cock on her tits. Her nipples were tight and buzzing, yearning to be squirted. Rex lurched and growled, his hindquarters heaving. The dog’s cockhead was at the level of Debbi’s tits, and Candi repeatedly slapped the big blonde’s mounds with it, leaving thick trails of pre-cum on her large areolas.

“Ooooh! That feels so dirty, Candi! Cum for me, Rex. I want to feel your cream!”

Holding the big blonde still with one arm, Candi aimed the dog’s prick at Debbi’s breasts.

“Here it comes, baby,” Candi gasped as she felt the dog’s prick give a mighty twitch.

Rex let the exquisite feeling of his mistress’s soft massaging hands and the sight of Debbi’s heavy tits overwhelm him and grunted as the first giant wad coursed its way from his bloated balls up the length of his erection. Candi’s fist pushed back toward his balls, and the dog yelped as a jet of foaming white semen erupted from his piss-hole.

The first powerful jet splashed on the underside of one of Debbi’s giant tits, the thick cum running down her smooth abdomen. Rex groaned with relief as his boner spat three more big spurts up at the undersides of her huge melons. Candi’s hands were sticky with the copious liquid as rivers of cum crisscrossed Debbi’s soft belly.

Debbi wiggled her huge breasts from side to side temptingly. Rex obliged by pouring another abundant spurt onto her tits. There was so much of the stuff. It splattered her chest and trickled down her belly.

“Ooooo yeah, give me more! Debbi squealed.

Leering with lust, Candi aimed the dog’s twitching cock at her friend’s massive jugs. Thick ribbons of sperm coated Debbie’s breasts, leaving her gasping excitedly as she felt the forceful splatters.

“Oooh!” Debbi squealed as that steaming hot geyser spurted onto her tingling nipples.

“Aaaaaah!” Candi sighed ecstatically as if the squirting penis was her own.

Candi kept pumping, milking the dog’s cock to the bone. Her hand frigged up and down, pumping the fuck juice from his prick, and Debbi’s nipples teased the spurting cock-knob. Candi was whimpering at the mouth-watering sight of the feast she was preparing for herself.

Rex yelped as the last of his cum shot onto Debbi’s chest, followed by a trickle. At last, the brute was drained. He slowed, fucking erratically at Debbi’s breasts for a while, then stopped the movement and stood rigid, trembling with the aftereffects of his mighty climax.

Candi sucked his cockhead into her mouth and nursed on it hungrily, polishing his prick-knob as she slurped the last drops out. The doggy drew away, and his spent prick slid out of her lips, bobbing up and down.

“And now for dessert,” Candi whispered and began licking the warm doggy-jizz from her roommate’s boobs.


Part Thirteen

Late that night, Candi and Debbi shared a joint and made love in Candi’s bed. Their heads were still buzzing with the strong weed when they brought Rex into the bedroom. Trembling with excitement, Candi coaxed Debbi onto all fours in the middle of the bed. Debbi hung her head, swooning with lust. Her huge pale breasts jiggled and swung as Rex jumped onto the bed behind her. Candi held the dog’s twitching boner, guiding it to Debbi’s wet pussy, and he mounted the plump blond. Debbi squealed eagerly and bowed her back even more as Rex gripped her hips. At last, the dog strained forward and slowly sank his long boner into the busty blonde’s juicy cunt.

The bed squeaked and bounced all night. Minutes passed into hours. The thrill of this new conquest fired Rex’s lust, and he mounted Debbi again and again. Candi watched eagerly as Rex fucked Debbi, her long blonde hair wild about her face, her tan skin glistening with sweat as the horny German shepherd pumped her. Lust leaped over the barrier between species: Debbi’s big hips excited the dog as he gripped them, and he knew her huge breasts would be full of rich, hot milk for his puppies. Her human skin felt deliciously soft as he squirmed and thrust behind her, and her plump, curved body swelled his balls to bursting.

By the time morning light began to lighten the dark sky, all three of them had collapsed, the sheets beneath Debbi’s thighs stiff and sticky with so much doggy jizz.

Weeks passed, then months. Candi and Debbi became close friends and dance partners. Hugh said business had never been so good, and the Kit Kat patrons were amazed at how passionately the two girls danced together. Candi and Debbi became inseparable: They danced together, shopped together, and—unknown to everyone else—slept together.

Rex was in heaven. Almost every night, the dog was on between or beneath the two busty girls as they satisfied their depraved desires.

The girls loved to lick and suck his cock together, their tongues swirling and entwining around the dog’s long shaft as they teased long, hot splatters of doggy- cum out of his balls. They loved to let Rex lick their pussies side by side and then mount them one after the other, jumping up eagerly between their big thighs. But their favorite was for Rex to mount one girl doggy-style while the other knelt alongside, facing Rex, letting the dog slurp and slather all over a big pair of tits while he pumped.

But soon, even Rex couldn’t keep up with the lust of the two sexy strippers. As horny and insatiable as the German shepherd was, he was only one dog. One sunny afternoon, Candi and Debbi were skinny-dipping in a creek that ran through Candi’s secluded property when the brunette decided to broach the subject.

“Debbi, I’ve been thinking,” Candi said as the two beauties were sunning themselves after a swim. “We both really love Rex, and he really loves us, but I think we might be wearing him out. What do you think about…well…about getting another dog?”

Debbi smiled. She was glad Candi had raised the topic. As warm and generous as Candi was, Debbi had wondered to herself if Candi was becoming a little jealous or tired of sharing Rex. Although Debbi had initially been shocked by Candi’s confession of keeping Rex as her canine lover, it hadn’t taken Debbi herself long to fall under the spell of hot doggy cock.

Rex was an amazing lover, but the big blonde had already begun to think that she should get her own dog. Besides, there were still things she wanted to try that she still felt a little shy about—that she couldn’t quite bring herself to mention to Candi. Having her own horny dog would allow Debbi to explore and indulge in the depths of her new passion.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Debbi replied at last. “I love Rex, Candi. But sometimes I feel guilty like I’m stealing your boyfriend or something. That’s silly, isn’t it?”

Candi giggled. “Well, a little. But I know what you mean.”

The sun shone down on the ripples of the creek, and a warm summer breeze warmed the bodies of the two curvaceous swimmers.

After a while, Candi spoke again.

“I think I have the answer to our problem. A few years ago, there was a woman who used to work with Hugh at the Kit Kat. Her name is Cleo. Anyway, Cleo left the club after she came into a lot of money all of a sudden. She was the one who gave me Rex. She asked me to puppy-sit him for a few weeks, but I ended up loving him, and she let me keep him. But Rex is no ordinary dog.”

“You can say that again,” giggled Debbi. She cast an affectionate glance at Rex, who was dozing nearby, his belly turned up to the warm sun. Rex spent a lot of time sleeping these days.

Candi giggled. “No, no. I mean, he’s been specially bred. I think Cleo owns some kind of kennel or dog obedience school or something. It’s somewhere out on the coast, and I heard it’s beautiful. I bet she could help us.”

“Well if I could find a doggy anything like Rex, I’d be in her debt forever,” said Debbi. Even now she was thinking of Rex, how wild the big dog could drive her.

Candi winked. “In that case, let me take care of it.”


Part Fourteen

A few days later, Debbi woke up to find Candi sitting in the kitchen waiting for her. A full breakfast for two was spread out on the table. The big brunette’s face was flushed, and she smiled broadly.

“Debbi, guess what? I called Cleo yesterday, and we talked for hours. She was so glad to hear from me. Anyways, we’ve been invited out to her ranch for a week. She says she’ll let you have the pick of the litter—all we have to do is give her a hand around the kennels while we’re there. She says her place has plenty of room, Debbi. There’s a big mansion that overlooks the water, and there’ll be a few other guests there as well! Doesn’t that sound great?”

“It sounds fantastic,” replied Debbi. “When can we go?”

“I already told Hugh we need a break,” Candi laughed. “We leave tomorrow.”

The girls ate breakfast together and made plans for their trip, looking over a road map of their route and discussing what clothes to pack. Candi was excited that Debbi was pleased—who knew what kind of delicious trouble the two girls could get up to at a kennel?

Later that evening, Debbi left for work. It was one of the rare nights when the girls danced different schedules, leaving Candi and Rex alone for the night. It had been weeks since Candi and Rex had been alone together, and the plump brunette intended to make the most of it. As soon as Debbi’s yellow jeep disappeared down the driveway, Candi stripped off her clothes.

Candi led Rex into her bedroom, dressed only in a black lace bra and panties. Her plentiful curves bulged and jiggled, exciting the horny dog tremendously. Candi smoked a joint, blowing the smoke into her dog’s face and giggling mischievously while her dog snuffled and sneezed.

Then Candi laid Rex back and gave him a slow, elaborate blowjob—kissing his big balls lingeringly and slowly teasing his hard erection with her tongue. Both of them were high, and Candi’s juicy blowjob seemed to last hours. The plump brunette rubbed and tweaked her itchy clit as she pleased her dog. Her long hair swished and swirled over Rex’s belly as she sucked and licked. Both of them were lost in a haze of erotic passion that slowly spiraled upwards and upwards until they came together, Candi’s clit exploding as the dog’s twitching shaft filled her mouth with jet after jet of hot delicious cum.

Satisfied, Candi sank into a drugged stupor. The candles burned lower, and the moon slowly sailed across the starry sky. But Rex did not sleep. The dog lay next to his mistress, his animal eyes like yellow sparks in the night. The marijuana had affected him also, and his animal mind reeled with confusing but exciting images. In some way, the dog understood that mating with his mistress was unnatural, yet her willing submission and her soft, rounded curves excited him immensely.

As he lay next to Candi, the dog’s eyes feasted on her plump curves, and his cock grew hard again. Suddenly he wanted to mount this human bitch, to mount her and possess her completely, and to use her soft, smooth rounded flesh for his pleasure! His eyes flashed across her big breasts and wide hips, and he felt his erection harden like never before, thrumming and vibrating like a tuning fork. The dog growled in Candi’s ear, waking her. Candi lay silently. Blood rushed to her head as she realized Rex was wriggling closer to her body. Half awake now, she was struck by a new, even more kinky desire and gently bit her lip in her growing excitement. There was heavy doggy panting, and Candi heard the sound of Rex worming his way behind her, spoon-fashion.

Candi knew what she wanted: something so naughty she hadn’t told Debbi about it yet. She knew Rex wanted it, too. The dog’s penis was long, slick, and very hard. It was just inches away from her plump ass now, looming out like a hot knife over creamy butter. Candi wanted her dog’s long slippery cock up her ass!

Anal sex was Candi’s favorite. Candi remembered the first time she’d let Rex do it. Late one Saturday night, Candi had come home feeling especially horny and wanted to do something new and kinky with the excited dog. After letting Rex lick her pussy to a juicy climax, Candi smeared her tight anus with body oil and then got on all fours.

She drew her legs tight together and bowed her back sexily, her beautiful plump ass balled upwards toward the horny dog. Candi watched in the mirror as Rex hunched over her chubby ass, his long red cock stiff and pulsing as it sank into her virgin anus. Candi pushed her ass back onto Rex’s boner with that first thrust, loving the way her black garters and stocking framed her ass as his hot shaft disappeared between her big bottom cheeks.

When Candi awoke the next day, her bottom felt bigger and sexier than before, seeming to glow with an erotic heat that excited the plump brunette. Candi was thrilled by the novelty of this new perversion, and for several nights in a row, she dressed in her sexiest garter and stockings and let Rex pump and sperm her big ass before bedtime. Rex loved it! Every night the dog fucked her longer and came harder.

Candi learned to kneel on her bedroom floor and lean forward on the bed, her huge tits squashed against the red satin bedspread. That way, she could relax completely and turn her head to watch Rex bounce and jiggle her ass with his excited thrusts. This kinky position made Candi feel so slutty and submissive, and it drove the dog wild! Soon anal sex was a regular—and favorite—part of their bestial couplings.


Part Fifteen

Sweet pussy juice oozed between Candi’s thighs as her clit began to buzz. Her nipples grew taut with anticipation. She moaned quietly to let Rex know she was awake. Then, the dog came closer to her. His furry chest pressed against her back, and a moment later, she felt the tense heat of his erection against her buttocks.

Rex urged his furry body fully against the backside of the negligee-clad girl, his stiff cock poking into the warm crack of her big ass. Candi swooned with pleasure. It was thrilling to know Rex had woken next to her, and the mere sight of her naked form had given him another hard erection. But as horny as she was, Candi wanted to prolong the fun.

She moaned again as she turned her pretty face over her shoulder.

“Ooo, Rexy,” she sighed. “Your dick is so hot on my ass. Let’s do something naughty, boy.”

She smiled sluttily and rolled her hips, tormenting the horny dog. Maybe Rex didn’t understand Candi’s words, but her tone was unmistakable. Hearing his mistress coo so lustily, Rex growled with eager anticipation and squirmed even closer to the plump brunette. His forelegs grasped the girl, working around her torso until his paws clutched her tits. Candi squealed as her dog grabbed her, loving the feel of his rough paws.

“Aaaah yes, Rexy,” she husked, “grab my big tits! You’re making my nipples so hot. Do my big titties make you horny, puppy? Feel my nipples on your paws, boy?”

Rex growled again, and between them, his cock grew even stiffer. Having his paws wrapped tightly around Candi’s fleshy globes made his dick blaze with a tight sweet pain. Candi could feel a warm stain of precum spreading on her lacey underwear. Not wanting to waste a drop of canine love juice, she hooked her thumbs into her waistband and began pulling down her panties.

“Oooo… you wanna stick your doggy-dick up my ass, don’t you, boy?”

Rex was becoming desperate, but Candi couldn’t resist teasing him even more. She peeled off her panties, but slowly, slowly! Her wide hips rolled in a sensual dance as she worked the lacey underwear over her lovely bottom. Finally, with her creamy cheeks exposed, she squirmed back into her pet, massaging his boner with her plump buns. A bolt of erotic pleasure surged through the dog as he finally felt her naked flesh against his cock. It was all Rex could do not to lose control and eagerly splatter Candi’s ass with hot semen.

Candi was filled with carnal joy. The strong marijuana was still in her system, making each nerve tingle, each sensation more delicious, and the thought of being buggered by her dog even more kinky and exciting—the dog’s boner was so stiff and long, and her bottom so big and jiggly!

Candi reached back and caressed her ass, slowly tracing a sensual circle on one plush ass cheek.

“Oooo, Rexy!… Does my big bum make you horny?…” she teased. “Do you want to pop Candi’s bubble bum with your long boner?… You’re going to come a lot, aren’t you, doggy?”

She loved offering her ass to the dog and couldn’t wait any longer to feel his cock in her. Now Rex tightened his forelegs around Candi’s chest, his paws tugging her swollen breasts as he squirmed against her. The dog could feel the plump girl quiver with need as she pressed her ass hard back against his cock. With an excited growl, the dog hooked his top leg over Candi’s lush thigh to hold her still. The dog’s long boner was ticking feverishly now, and a thin stream of watery pre-cum leaped out to splash her big ass.

Candi gasped and shivered as another sticky stream jetted her bottom. Rex thrust forward, growling as he slowly squeezed his slippery cockhead up between Candi’s jiggling cheeks. He groaned with doggy pleasure and thrust deeper, urging his boner up into her deep bottom cleavage until the tip of his penis was against her tight rosebud.

Rex’s dick pulsed deliciously, squirting a hot jet of lubricating precum into the big woman’s anus. Candi moaned in a delirium of passion. Hot pussy cream was flowing from between her closed thighs now, and her nipples seemed to burst as she felt the slick heat of her dog’s cock work deeper between her fat cheeks. Candi wormed back against her dog and began groaning aloud as the hot wand of his cock pried open her anus.

“Oooo Rexy, it’s soooo good! ” she squealed. “Aaaah!… push your hot dick right up, boy!”

Candi’s tongue swirled around her open lips as she felt the dog’s dickhead squeeze through her anus. Her juicy rosebud squeezed, then relaxed, and the dog’s shaft began to sink in. Rex worked his slippery penis forward, jigging and wiggling, thrusting further into the delicious warmth of his mistress’s ass. Each lunge against her springy bottom excited the dog even more.

Candi swooned with pleasure as Rex’s hard cock sank deeper and deeper into her bottom. His cockhead throbbed like a hot nugget deep in her gut, and his furry loins tickled her cheeks. The dog squirmed and pumped, desperately working his hot boner in deeper. Candi moaned as she felt his swollen balls came to nestle against her juicy pussy. Holding Candi still with his paws wrapped around her big tits, Rex screwed his human bitch up the ass.

All tenderness between pet and mistress was gone now as he began pumping her. Turning her face again, a lust-drunk Candi urged her horny dog on while watching their reflection in the big ceiling mirror overhead.

“Oh yes, baby… Pump my ass! You love your boner up my fat ass, don’t you, boy?” she panted, watching their reflection through heavy-lidded eyes.

In her pot-buzzed mind, it seemed a very dirty porno was playing on her ceiling: on a rumpled bed in a candle-lit room, a dog and women were locked in a depraved bestial dance. The big woman lay on her side with a squirming dog mounted behind her, spoon-style. His long red doggy-cock, glistening in the candlelight, raced between her plump buttocks. The woman’s big ass jiggled with each eager thrust as she wound her cheeks around his slippery boner, working to tease a long juicy come out of her lusty pet. The swooning woman rolled her head limply as the beast jigged against her, her huge breasts clutched and squeezed by his paws.

Candi came back to herself as Rex slowed his pace, aching to cum but determined to make this sweet fuck last. The dog’s quick, shallow pumping blended into slower, deeper thrusting. Candi rolled her big hips, corkscrewing her ass back on the delicious probe.

It felt so glorious. The dog’s long boner was a burning wand deep in her belly, each slippery thrust stirring a dark, carnal lust within her soul. Her itching anus sizzled around the dog’s hard shaft, and every time his heavy balls slapped against her soppy pussy, Candi felt the hot creamy load she’d soon receive.

They fell into a lewd rhythm now, Candi’s anus well-lubricated by Rex’s copious pre-cum. The dog’s furry loins trembled as he gleefully pumped with long, deep thrusts. The reefer still affected the dog too, and to Rex, it felt as if every plunge into Candi’s jiggly ass only pumped his balls up further. Candi’s teasing had made them hot and swollen with creamy cum—hot and swollen for release!

“Oh, Rexy! You’re boner feels so good in my ass! It’s so hot between my cheeks!”

Candi loved coaxing her dog with dirty talk, knowing that her words excited her dog. In response, Rex fed her a lusty thrust, pushing his long erection in even deeper and holding the penetration to worm his cock around Candi’s belly. The plump brunette’s eyes fluttered, and she wailed with ecstasy.

Rex loved how his mistress squirmed and squealed when he held his dick deep, and it made his swollen doggy balls tingle deliciously. He jammed his boner in again and again until his balls came dangerously close to spilling over. Fighting the instinct for immediate gratification, Rex returned to his regular slow long thrusts, his slippery doggy cock pistoning in and out of Candi’s jiggling ass.

On and on, they fucked, the soft candlelight flickering, the bed squeaking in tell-tale rhythm. Candi watched in the mirror, and it now seemed to her a vision of an erotic hell where a demon beast clutched a plump witch in a lustful parody of love: Candi was the pagan slut who, with every thrust of her devilish lover’s penis became more and more deliciously doomed.

Rex was the demonic beast, delighting in the sweet torment of his captured prey. And it was only a matter of time until the demon dog, his lust inflamed by the witch’s plentiful curves, sank his fangs into her soft neck and urged his burning cock even deeper into that fat ass, growling with greedy victory and spewing his fiery seed into her very soul.

More lusty images flooded Candi’s mind as Rex continued to pant and thrust behind her. It was wonderful to please her naughty doggy! She loved feeling so hot and slutty with a dog-cock up her bum. Her hips wiggled, anxious to feel Rex pumping his hot cream. She rubbed unashamed at her clitoris. It was so good, the long hot penis in her ass, the swollen balls slapping against her sopping pussy, and hot rough paws on her bulging tits. Eagerly she bumped her bottom back into the horny dog.

Then Candi felt the dog’s thrusts become more erratic—now it was only a matter of moments until Rex creamed her ass! Just thinking about feeling those hot jets of doggy cum sent Candi over the edge. She scraped a knuckle across her clitoris and exploded. Bliss crashed heavily into her world, creating a panic of colored light as the ecstatic waves of pleasure rolled over her.

Behind Candi, Rex panted like a sled dog. Each thrust excited the dog more and more until that delicious feeling began to overcome him. Rex’s balls finally burst, and the dog yelped with erotic relief as he blew his load. The dog’s long penis twitched and flexed up Candi’s ass. She squealed as the dog released thick jets of doggy-jizz, feeling her dog’s cream deep in her ass.

“Ooo.. if feel it!” Candi wailed as Rex emptied his balls, and another orgasm crashed upon her. “Oooo!… Oooo!… Oooo!… So hot in my ass!… Oooo…do it, Rexy…cream my big bum!…

Rex stopped his thrusting, intent on pumping his seed. He growled and squirmed against Candi, his boner flexing with every squirt. Candi worked her bottom around in slow circles, her big cheeks and tight anus squeezing and kneading her dog’s cock and draining his balls down to the dregs.

Finally exhausted, the two parted and slept like contented lovers. As Candi drifted off, she wondered what excitement the next week would hold.


Part Sixteen

The following day was clear and sunny, perfect for taking a long drive. After a light breakfast, the girls tidied up the house and packed for their week away. What good luck it was that Cleo had invited them!

Cleo’s ranch was out in the country, so the girls decided to take Debbi’s jeep. The girls loaded their suitcases into the back, and Rex hopped in beside them, already anticipating a trip with the two beautiful women. After a few hours on the interstate, they turned off onto a smaller highway and through a quiet town. They stopped for a late lunch and then set off again. They were in the country now, and the roads became progressively rougher and more lightly traveled.

Soon, they found themselves on a single-lane gravel road that wound through wooded hills and then down into a deep valley between them. It was now late afternoon, and the low sun cast long shadows across the land. Just as Candi was beginning to feel that they might have taken a wrong turn, the girls found what they were looking for—a long, paved driveway with a life-sized sculpture of a dog on either side. A sign above a heavy gate read Ashbrook Kennels.

In another few minutes, they were past the gate and turning into Cleo’s drive. The drive wound further into the woods before ending in a large parking area where three dozen other cars were already parked side to side. Cleo’s ranch was on a wide cliff-top plateau that overlooked the water. A large old mansion sat just at the edge of the cliff, and nearby were a number of smaller buildings. Peering down far below the cliff, the girls could see a wide sandy beach.

“Oh my God, it’s beautiful,” exclaimed Candi. She scratched Rex behind the ears as the dog jumped down out of the back of the jeep. As pleasant as the road trip had been, Rex was happy to be back on solid ground. He sniffed the country air, wagging his tail happily.

“Candi, you made it!” a musical voice called out.

Candi and Debbi both looked up toward the house. Walking toward them was a tall, voluptuous woman dressed in a flowing white summer dress. She had long black hair that danced in the light breeze and eyes of deep brown that sparkled above strong cheekbones. She approached the girls with a smooth dancing gait, and everything about the way she moved and smiled suggested a sensuality that was almost lewd. Even Rex could sense that this female was unique.

“Cleo! It’s so good to see you again,” Candi laughed and embraced her old friend. Candi introduced Debbi, and the two women embraced warmly.

“I’m so glad you’ve come, Debbi,” Cleo said. “I understand you’re looking for a good dog like Rexy here.” Cleo bent and scratched Rex under the chin while the dog grunted happily.

“Um… yes, if you have one for me,” Debbi replied, blushing a little.

Cleo laughed gently. “Oh, you can pretty much have your pick of the litter. All it’ll cost you is a little time,” she said, smiling. “But we can talk about that later. Why don’t we get you settled in?”

The girls and Rex followed Cleo’s twitching hips as she led them up to the mansion. It was a huge Victorian-style house, a gleaming white wooden castle with tall turrets and extensive wings, all surrounded by a wide veranda. To the girls, it looked like a very expensive and exclusive hotel. Cleo opened the door and beckoned the girls inside.

“Do you like it? It used to be an old hotel. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it, and it’s perfect for when we have company.”

The inside of the building was decorated in dark wood and sumptuous fabrics, like an old-style gentlemen’s club or a high-class bordello. As Debbi and Candi looked around they saw several beautiful women, many with canine companions. Cleo led them up three flights of stairs and down a series of hallways. The beautiful hostess jangled a ring of keys and opened a suite door marked 26.

“Here you are, girls… home sweet home,” Cleo smiled.

Debbi and Candi gazed around the suite: a bay window looking out over the ocean, the natural view framed by heavy curtains and floral wallpaper on the walls. A fireplace was set in one wall, and across from it, a door leading into a side room. A large TV and VCR sat in a corner cabinet. In the middle of the room was a big brass bed, the room and the bed all beautifully decorated in deep shades of red. Rex trotted about sniffing happily until he found a spot in a corner to curl up and nap.

“It’s perfect!” Candi replied, looking about happily.

“I’m glad,” said Cleo, smiling broadly and inviting the girls to sit. “There’s a bed here and another one next door. There are two rooms, actually, but if you keep the dividing door open, it’s one big suite. If either of you want some privacy, you can just close the door.”

The girls peered through the side door Cleo had indicated and saw another suite just like the one they were in.

“You two are my special guests all weekend. If there’s anything you need or desire, just ask me or one of the other girls. You’re free to look around and do whatever you like—all I ask is that you stay out of the kennels unless you are working a shift there. Tonight, we’ll all have dinner, and you can meet the rest of the girls. At the end of the week, we’ll all have a party with some entertainment.”

Cleo put just the slightest bit of emphasis on “entertainment” and smiled knowingly.

“Don’t forget you’re among friends here, and we’re all going to have a wonderful week together. There will be a little work, of course. All our guests are asked to volunteer a little time. Both of you’ll be helping in the nursery.”

Cleo shifted in her chair and bent to pick up a small clutch purse she’d been carrying.

“I think you’ll even enjoy the work, girls. We raise some very special dogs here at Ashbrook Kennels. Dogs raised by friends for friends, you might say. All I ask is that you put your faith in me and follow my staff’s instructions. Everything we do here is to ensure a strong bond between our clients and their canine companions. Debbi, I’m sure you’ve seen how much Rex loves Candi. Wouldn’t you love the same thing?”

Debbi blushed and squirmed a little. “Yes—yes, I would, Cleo.”

“Good,” Cleo replied, smiling warmly at Debbi. The sexy hostess produced a small bottle of greenish liquid—it looked like some kind of herbal extract.

Cleo sat closer to the girls.

“Girls, this is a natural formula that was passed on to me many years ago. I can’t tell you what’s in it—that part is my little secret—but I can tell you it’s the reason we’re able to raise such lovely dogs here. The formula is quite safe, and the effects are long-lasting but not permanent.”

Debbi blinked. “Oh, I see. And do we feed this to the pups in the kennel?”

Cleo smiled.

“Not exactly, Dear. This formula is for you. It brings about a few hormonal changes that will allow you to help us in our very important work here. It’s the reason why our dogs are so obedient and well-bonded to us. And your reward will be your dog, which will be the most faithful and loving companion imaginable.”

Cleo gave a bottle each Candi and Debbi, and the busty girls peered at them.

“I’m sorry it tastes a little bitter,” said Cleo, scrunching up her nose. “But I think you’ll find the effect is worth it.”

Cleo gazed at Debbi and Candi’s impressive busts as the girls took the herbal formula.

“The pups are really going to love you, girls.”

Debbi drank the herbs and made a little face. Candi down hers as well.

“It was a little bitter,” the blonde giggled, “but if it helps me find a wonderful dog like Rexy, it’s worth it.”

Cleo patted the blonde’s knee and turned to Candi.

“Candi, I’d like to borrow Rex for a few days if you don’t mind. Now that he’s all grown up, he’ll make a fine stud for a few of my bitches that are in heat. I’ll send a girl around for him at dinner. Both of you will meet May and Mona at dinner—they’re my right and left hand around here. Later on, they’ll show you your duties.”

Cleo paused a moment, the reached back into her handbag.

“I almost forgot. Please wear these pendants for the rest of your time here—they’re to identify you as our special guests.”

Cleo gave both of the girls a golden chain necklace with a small gold key hanging from each. With that, the beautiful hostess rose to her feet.

“Girls, I’m afraid I can’t stay to show you around. We’re having quite a few guests this weekend, and I need to attend to a few matters. I’ll see you at dinner in a couple of hours or so, and you can meet the other girls. In the meantime, please make yourselves at home and feel free to look around the place. When you hear the chime, please come down to the dining room.”

With that, Cleo left the girls alone in their room.

Debbi and Candi flopped on the bed and admired their beautiful room. Then they squealed girlishly and hugged each other. Debbi explored the side room, putting her suitcase on the second bed within it before returning to Candi’s side, where the big brunette was peering into the bedside drawer.

“Debbi, look at this!” Candi said.

The bedside drawer that Candi had opened looked like drawer sized adult store: all kinds of porno magazines were in the top drawer, most featuring well-built women and men in all kinds of exciting poses. In another drawer were all kinds of body lotions, massage oils, and flavored lubes. In the bottom drawer were a riding crop, some fur handcuffs, a black sash blindfold, and a big pink jelly strap-on dildo. The dildo had an ejaculating function—when you squeezed its big balls, it squirted out whatever was in them. The package came with a pouch of gooey vanilla-flavored liquid reminiscent of cum.

“Oh my god!” squealed Debbi, “That’s so dirty! Look at this stuff!”

The big blonde started leafing through a magazine, her eyes feasting hungrily on the exciting photos. Candi picked up a bottle of pina colada-flavored lube and smeared a little blob on her fingertip. Catching Debbi’s eye, she licked her finger wantonly, twirling her tongue around the tip.

“Mmmm, tasty!” Candi giggled. “I bet it’ll be even better when I lick it off your pussy.”

Debbi blushed prettily, and the girls embraced.

“Oh, this is going to be so much fun,” Debbi whispered in Candi’s ear. What a romantic little suite. I’ve always wanted to make a big brass bed in it.”

Candi smiled and kissed her roommate passionately.

“Then maybe we should have a little fun before dinner,” she husked. “You lock the door, and I’ll wake up Rex.”


To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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