Life as a Bitch
I went into the bedroom to find a nice bikini to put on. I could only find some that were pretty thin and very little to them. That’s about all Dave bought for me. He was always so eager to show me off. Well, what does it matter? There is no one to see me but Jake, our neighbor, and he has already seen me in the buff and more anyway. So I put one on and went out to lay in the sun.
I couldn’t help but think about how I ended up in this shape as I lay there.
Dave and I were very happy together, only married two years ago, and things looked up. He had a good job, and we bought this place in the suburbs, thinking it would be a good investment. The place was nice; only one other house was next to us, and Jake owned that. He was the first to move in here, a single older man with a few kennels in the backyard that he kept dogs in. Once in a while, he had a couple of massive dogs that he kept loose. Those, he said, were his breeders and his bread and butter.
There was already a nice park built in the back, with grass and trees and the start of a playground. The rest of the development was just marked off and empty lots. The developer had run into money problems and had stopped.
Dave made good money, and I didn’t have to work. I was a single, stay-at-home wife. I got to know Jake pretty well. He was all I or Dave had to talk to for neighbors. Things were fine until Dave got this inheritance. Now we had more money than we could ever spend. Dave quit his job and stayed at home, too. But for nothing else to do, along with the drink, came the sexual demands.
At first, it was fun; nothing was taboo, and everything was about sex. He kept me naked just about all the time, and we must have done or tried everything in the book. He would invite Jake over without warning me more than once, and I would end up surprised by the visit and be naked. Dave kept trying to get me to stay like that in front of Jake, but I couldn’t. I would run to put something on. This would make Dave mad. Jake would just smile and not say anything one way or the other.
I would look up from giving Dave one of his demanded blowjobs and see Jake standing there more than once. I got used to it a little but still got up and left the room until after Jake would go, no matter how much Dave would insist that I come out and be cordial.
As time went on, Dave’s drinking became worse, and so did the kinky sex. Now, it was to the point I was getting a little scared. It was getting way out of hand. Dave was starting to get very rough and demanding. The crowning point came one night when Dave was drunk and had me lying on the couch and was determined to get this wine bottle inside my pussy. I shouted and screamed at him to stop, but he would slap me and push harder on the bottle. It was painful because I felt like I was being stretched farther than nature ever intended. I looked down just as the round center of the bottle slipped inside. I saw Dave give another push. I screamed and passed out.
I woke up in the hospital with Jake sitting beside the bed. He said he had to knock Dave out to get him off me. He could see the end of the wine bottle just sticking out. He didn’t know what to do, so he called the police.
After my second day in the hospital, the police showed up. I didn’t press charges on Dave, and he was released. I never saw him. I did get divorce papers in the mail. I got the house, money, car, and all the belongings. I never saw Dave again.
I must have dozed off in my thinking and started dreaming about Dave. I could feel his tongue on my pussy, something I liked, and he used to do a lot of before the drinking. It felt so good. I reached up and started squeezing my breasts and pulling on my nipples while he licked my pussy. I was so close, and it felt so good. It had been so long, months since sex was this good. Even as good as his tongue was when I came, I could feel the moisture shoot onto my thighs.
I opened my eyes and reached between my legs for Dave’s head when I saw it was one of Jake’s dogs! I bolted upright. Jake was standing there with a smile on his face. I wasn’t sure what to say. My top was up around my neck, and my bottom was pushed off the side so that my pussy was bare, and his dog was still trying to lick my pussy.
“I was sitting over there grooming Devil when I saw Spike come over here. I didn’t think anything about it for a minute or so. But when I arrived, I saw that you were enjoying yourself. And it has been a while since I saw you smile or even really saw you out, so I left well enough alone,” Jake told me.
He pulled his dog back while I tried to get my bikini back in place.
“Anne, there is no need to be modest around me. Remember, I have seen it all plenty of times and more.” Jake smiled.
I was unsure of just what to say. ”Well, that was then, and this is now. Your impression of me in the past must already be made, but I am not really like that. Dave kind of pushed that on me.” I told him.
“I am sure he did, and I never thought it any other way. But I have seen enough to know you are very sexual and did enjoy a lot of it as much as Dave, if we are, to be honest here. Don’t get me wrong. I think you are one of the nicest people I have ever met. But I know you enjoy the sex I have seen too much. I think nonetheless of you for it. Dave was the luckiest guy in the world and the world’s biggest fool, forever parting with you. But then the liquor and the kink got to his head, and now I suppose his foolish pride if he has got out of the bottle,” Jake said.
I wasn’t sure how to take that, but I felt there was some kind of a compliment in there. After all, I always did like Jake, and he has seen me more than once in compromising situations. Dave has even offered to share more than once. But Jake never took him up on it. At the time, I wasn’t sure if I was glad about that or hurt that maybe he didn’t find me attractive. But he is 20 years older than I am.
I stood up, and his dog tried to come back over and go back to work between my legs. I smiled and told Jake he needed to keep a tighter leash on his dogs.
He smiled back and told me he would if that was what I wanted. I wasn’t sure if he was implying anything, but I let it go.
We talked for a while, and he told me it was nice to see me out again and maybe get back into life. He was thinking of stopping over and checking on me, but he thought I might want to spend some time with my thoughts, so he didn’t.
I must admit that I always liked Jake. He was friendly and a perfect neighbor. He was even pretty good-looking for an older man. I wondered why he never married. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, we had agreed to meet for supper at his house. He would supply the meal if I did the cooking. It sounded like a lovely evening, and I was looking forward to the company, so we agreed.
I went inside and decided I needed a shower. I had to wash after Jake’s dog had messed me down there. Of course, a lot of it was me. I was unsure about how I felt about that. I didn’t particularly like the fact that a dog had done that, but I guess I was so horny didn’t pay attention. But I must admit it did feel good. I am not sure I would do that again. But I did enjoy the cum.
I decided I had time to nap before returning to Jake’s for dinner. The sun and the orgasm seemed to have drained me. I woke up a couple of hours later, got up, and went to the closet to decide what to wear. Dave had got rid of most of my regular clothes on one of his sexy moods, and most of the things I had were either short, revealing, or not appropriate for a typical evening out. I put on a skirt that was still a little short and a peasant-style blouse with elastic around the neck and midriff. A bra would have been too noticeable, so I left it off, but I did put on a pair of panties, although even those were thongs!
After a quick check (in the mirror), I decided I looked good enough, probably a little sexier than I wanted.
But who knows, maybe turning Jake on is kind of fun. After all, it has been a while, and I am ready. However, he is a lot older. I wondered why he never joined in anything when offered in the past. Well, enough on those kinds of thoughts tonight. It is just two lonely soles enjoying a nice dinner.
I headed over to Jake’s house with a bit of spring in my step for the first time in a long time. Even before Dave got into the heavy drinking, we didn’t go out much. So, I looked at this as my first time out in a long time. Even though it was just with Jake, the neighbor, he was still friendly enough and fun to be with.
When I knocked on the door, I could hear his two dogs barking and charging for it—way before Jake got there. Jake was telling them to behave and sit before he opened the door.
“Damn woman, I always knew you were a knockout, but I have to say you look fabulous,” Jake told me.
That made me feel good, and I couldn’t help leaning in and kissing him. “You sure know how to make someone feel good,” I told him.
He opened the door wide enough for me to step in, and when I did, both dogs came running up. They both recognized my smell and stood there for a minute. Then, all of a sudden, one of them pushed his face under my skirt and gave me a good lick.
That got my attention and surprised me.
“Don’t mind them. It’s just their way of getting to know a female, something they don’t get enough of,” Jake said.
“Well, one of them got to know much more about me than I was willing to let him know,” I told him.
“You didn’t mind all that much, did you?” Jake said.
Now, it was my turn to blush. I didn’t want to admit that it was good. I just didn’t know what to say. He knew I had enjoyed it, but I was asleep when it started. That is not the kind of thing I wanted to get into.
“I can put them in the bedroom if they will bother you.”
“No, that’s alright. We can see how it goes.”
He grabbed my elbow to guide me into the house when he stopped and turned me to face him. First, he looked into my eyes and smiled, and then he looked down and said, “Did anyone ever say you have a fantastic rack?”
“Well, aren’t you quite the flatterer? But I think you have seen them before and in all their glory. It must be that this is the first time you have seen them covered in a while,” I joked back at him.
He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss this time. It wasn’t on the cheek. I pulled back when he was done and looked him in the eyes.
“This is nothing that I expected tonight. You have caught me by surprise.” I smiled at him.
“I am sorry. Maybe it’s just that this is the first time I have had such gorgeous company in… I can’t remember how long. And to think you came here just makes me feel special and reminds me just how long it has been since I have had female companionship,” he said.
Again, his dogs broke the mood when I felt two heads going under my skirt and a pair of long tongues working their way around my panties.
I looked at him and cocked my head, and told him his two dogs seemed out of control.
“They are like all men, just trying to get to know you,” he laughed.
“I am starting to feel like a lamb being led to slaughter here,” I smiled back at him.
“Devil, Spike, go sit down!” he shouted at them.
They reluctantly went over to the couch and lay down. Jake put his arm around my waist and led me to the kitchen.
“I can’t have them spoiling the mood before getting a nice home-cooked meal. My first Ina long time,” he joked.
“Oh, so that’s what this was all about. I thought you had other ideas,” I joked back.
“Well, one thing at a time,” he smiled and led me into the kitchen.
“I got two of the nicest steaks I could find and some vegetables. I didn’t know what you wanted, so there are several options. I went ahead and peeled the potatoes, and then I thought maybe I shouldn’t have if you wanted to bake them.”
“That’s fine; since you peeled them, we can have mashed potatoes if you like.”
“I like anything I don’t have to cook,” he laughed.
I got a pot to put the potatoes in to boil and set them on the burner to cook. I couldn’t help but think about how this evening had started. Sexual innuendoes. I have always thought Jake was a good friend and neighbor and was probably Dave’s best friend. Dave used to enjoy embarrassing me by putting me in a position where Jake always saw me naked or even doing something more. At first, I was very embarrassed by Dave’s little games, but I will admit that I enjoyed the exhibitionism after a while. And after a while, I often wondered why Jake didn’t do something of some kind. And I did owe Jake a great deal, maybe even my life. But how did the evening start like this? Not that I wouldn’t mind going to bed with Jake; I was just surprised to hear him say some of the things he did tonight after all this time.
I saw Jake rubbing their head, scratching his dogs’ ears, and staring at me.
“A penny for your thoughts?” I asked.
“Well, I will admit I have quite a few right now.”
“Let’s hear them. We have been through a lot as neighbors, and there isn’t much to hide anymore, is there?’
“Well, for one, I always knew you were a wonderful woman, and now, to have you alone in my kitchen cooking for me makes me feel lucky and special.” He said.
“Well, aren’t you the charmer,” I told him.
“I also feel guilty because you might be vulnerable right now, and I wouldn’t want to take advantage of that. You should be out on the town with some nice young man your age.”
“If I wanted that, I would do that. But now, Dave left me with more than enough to get by for a while. At some point, I suppose I will have to find a job, but I can get by for a while if I watch my funds. As for male companionship. I don’t think I am ready for something long-term or a commitment.”
Jake got up and came up behind me. I felt him put his arms around my waist. He leaned down to kiss my cheek. I turned up to kiss him back, and his hands just kind of rubbed my breasts. He felt slightly uncomfortable, but I smiled and asked if he was trying to turn me on. When he saw I wasn’t complaining, he cupped and squeezed them. I didn’t resist just leaned in and gave him another kiss on the cheek.
“You know one of my favorite fantasies has been to have a topless waitress and, even better yet, a topless cook,” he joked.
“Well, it is your house and your rules,” I told him. I was starting to get turned on and even enjoying being a little submissive. Of course, I have always been submissive. That’s how I fell for Dave. His domineering ways.
I felt Jake grab the bottom of my top and look into my eyes. When he saw I wouldn’t stop him, he pulled my top up and over my head. After he took it off, I turned to face him, and he just stared at my tits for a minute, then reached up and started squeezing them. I was getting wet now.
“ I hate to say something that would stop this, but you will not get your home-cooked meal if I don’t get this meal going.”
He reluctantly let go of my breasts and went over and sat down. I put some vegetables in a pot to cook, too. After that, there wasn’t anything to do for a few minutes while the potatoes and vegetables were cooked, so I asked Jake what he wanted to drink.
“There are some beers in the fridge unless you would rather have some wine or something,” he told me.
“No beer is fine. I’ll get you one while you supervise. After all, I am here at your beck and call as a cook and topless waitress.”
“Oh, this will be an enjoyable evening,” he joked.
I will admit walking around in front of him in just a mini skirt, and topless had my nipples hard, and I know he noticed. I went to the fridge, got two beers, and returned them to the table. When I leaned over to set him in front of him, he again grabbed my breasts and, this time, pulled one to his mouth. I just stood there, slightly leaned over, and let him. It felt so good. And then, out of nowhere, I felt another one of those long tongues going up between my legs. This time, I jumped as it scared me.
Jake saw what was happening and said, “Why don’t you just let them get familiar with you? Then maybe they won’t bother you so much.”
“I can’t do that knowingly and willingly. It’s not right!”
“Who says it’s not right? Do you know how many women in this world use a dog for daily satisfaction?” he asked me.
“It’s just not the normal thing. If people knew, they would put them in jail or something.”
“That’s probably why you don’t know about all the women who do. Someone else sets the standards and norms and uses them to judge others. But who are they to say what someone else enjoys.” He said.
“What are you trying to tell me here?” I wasn’t sure where this was going and felt embarrassed, so I returned to the stove. The potatoes were starting to boil anyway.
He got up and came up behind me. The next thing I know, he is leaning down, talking in my ear, reaching under my skirt, and pulling my panties down.
“ Let them get to know you the natural way animals do, and they might leave you alone. Besides, I know you didn’t find it that unenjoyable this afternoon, did you?”
I was extremely nervous but also enjoyed that he didn’t ask. He just took my panties down. He reached down to remove them entirely, and I just stepped out.
I was afraid to look at or turn to him, fearing that he might see something in my face. But I don’t recall being so turned on for someone in a long time. First, he had me topless, jokingly, but now he just took my panties off so his dogs could sniff me. That’s kinky, and I don’t know why I got so wet.
After he sat down, I started to mash the potatoes, and then I felt the first dog. I don’t know if they were just curious and now not being told no. Or if they could smell my arousal. But there was that long tongue again. This time, I froze but didn’t say anything.
“Spread your legs. Let him get in there to know you.”
I did. I spread them a few inches wider.
“More. You might even enjoy it.”
I spread them more. And as I did, the other dog suddenly came from the front. When both tongues started in, I had to grab the counter. Two of those large tongues going at me were more than I could take. It had been several months without sex, and they were about to send me over the moon.
I was having a hard time standing, and it didn’t take them long before I did cum. I had to practically lay on the counter and hold my legs open for them. My legs were too weak to hold me up.
“ok, ok. You proved your point. But if you don’t control these guys, we will never get supper,” I told him.
“Devil, Spike. Sit, boys, sit.”
They went over by him and sat down while I tried to finish the potatoes and start the steaks.
I didn’t want to do cooking right now after that great climax. But I was too embarrassed to tell Jake how much I enjoyed it. Although the way I laid on the counter for the climax, I am sure it was pretty hard to miss.
The dogs must have got a new smell because they got up and started sniffing around the stove.
I cooked the steaks while the vegetables were also done. So I put everything on plates and served Jake, and we sat down to eat. This time, the dogs were going back and forth, trying to get a sample of the steaks. But after a while, they gave up, and I felt another nose under my skirt. I told him to sit this time, and surprisingly, he obeyed.
“I should get them a bitch. I had one for them for a while, but someone offered me some good money, so I sold her,” he said.
“I thought they were breeding dogs. Don’t they get plenty there?”
“It’s not like you think. They do when that comes along, which is only about once a month and sometimes longer. And because they haven’t been ‘drained’ in a while. Normally, I have the owner leave them here for a couple of days to get the job done. Whereas if they had a bitch once in a while, they would probably not be as excited and get the job done in one day. And I wouldn’t have to feed and care for another dog for two or three days to ensure the job gets done,” he told me.
“I didn’t know that. I just assumed that once they did it, that was all there was to it.”
“No, they are just like men. Don’t Your quick shooters normally get the job done?”
“No, I guess not.”
We finished our dinner, and I got up to pick up the dishes and put them in the sink to wash. But he came up behind me, put his arms around my waist, slid them back up to my breasts, and squeezed. Getting my nipples hard again!
“I asked you over for dinner. The deal was I supply the food, and you cook it. Dishes were not part of the deal. I will throw them in the washer later. Let’s go in and sit down, drink a beer, and see what’s on the tube,” he said.
So I turned, kissed him, and followed him into the living room as we sat on the couch. He started to put his arm around me and then stopped.
“Stand up a minute.” He told me.
So I got up and stood in front of him. He reached around me, undid the snap and zipper on my skirt, and let it fall to the floor.
“The way you are, it looked more like an apron; we don’t need it right now. Besides, it has been a while since I looked at something as nice as you. It has been years since I have got to be this close to anyone,” he said.
“You told me you thought you needed to get a bitch for the dogs. What about one for yourself?” I asked.
I sat back down beside him, waiting for his answer. Immediately, the dogs came over again. I wasn’t sure I was ready for this, and I was trying to decide whether to tell them to scram or not.
“Slide down on the couch a little and spread for them. It seems to be something we all like anyway.”
I gave him a funny look.” You enjoy this too?”
“Of course, I enjoy watching. The look on your face when you cum is plenty of satisfaction.”
I was hoping by now it would be him between my legs, but the dogs were starting to do their thing, and with both of them trying it, there wasn’t enough room, so he told one of them to sit. That let the other one in. I didn’t cum as fast this time, but it was still pleasurable.
After I came, the dog started whining and dancing about and wouldn’t go sit down.
“He wants more,” Jake said.
“Like what more? What do you mean?” I asked.
He just looked at me and smiled. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what he meant. So I leaned over and, for the first time, tried to feel his cock.
“What about the master?” I asked.
“I knew we would get to that. It is embarrassing, and I am sorry for letting you think there might be more. I have a slight problem. I can cum, with some work. I just can’t get or keep hard enough for penetration. I had an accident some years ago, and there is just no repairing it.” He told me.
I could see some sorrow on his face. He wanted to say more but was holding up for some reason.
“When I saw you cum with Devil today, I thought maybe I could enjoy your company, and both of us enjoy ourselves, and maybe get you connected with Devil or Spike again.”
“You said you could cum. I can help you with that, and I think I know what you mean or need.” I told him.
I got on my knees between his legs and reached for his zipper.
“You sure you want to do this?” he asked me.
“I wouldn’t be here on my knees if I weren’t,” I smiled at him.
“You could make a good bitch. You Know that!”
I just looked up at him and smiled. I pulled his cock out. Too bad something so big and so nice can’t get that hard. It would be a real women pleaser. I took him softly in my mouth and used my tongue. I could feel him starting to get hard. About that time, he slapped my ass a couple of times.
“Spike, here, boy.”
I knew what that meant, and I thought, why not? I can’t complain about the pleasure they give.
Jake was just starting to get hard enough to suck. He wasn’t hard, but enough that I could work my mouth up and down on. I felt Spike starting to lick my pussy again, and just like the other times, it felt good. But he didn’t lick long. All of a sudden, I felt him on my back. Jake quickly grabbed my face in both hands and pulled my face up to look into my eyes.
“Relax and enjoy this. I know you will just forget for now who is back there. By now, you can’t be offended by them. Let them get off and get you off. You need this as much as they do.”
He had no longer said that when I felt something scorching slide into my pussy. And it didn’t stop. I hadn’t paid much attention to their cocks, but it didn’t stop coming in.
I felt the dog put his front legs around my waist, and then he shoved. My god, he was bigger than any man I felt before, or else it had been too long for me to remember how deep one went. I spread my legs more to give myself to him completely. Jake was right; I needed and loved it so far.
Once the dog was completely inside me, I returned to sucking Jake. I could feel the moisture coming out the end of his cock, and I could taste it, so I knew he was aroused. Even though he wasn’t hard. I worked on him with my mouth and tried to concentrate on making him cum. But the dog was going at some jackhammer speed, making it hard to focus. I had never been fucked so hard and so fast. I was just starting to enjoy it when I felt something large trying to enter my pussy. It felt good, but what was going on? I stopped sucking and looked up curiously at Jake. He saw my confusion.
“It’s his knot. When he mates and ejaculates, his knot locks into the pussy to seal it, so his discharge stays where it is supposed to.”
He had never said that when I felt something like a softball force its way inside. I couldn’t help it. I pulled my head up and moaned. I had never felt so full and yet so alive and eager. This was far different than Dave and his wine bottle. This was very hot and slippery and slid deeper into me. I felt the dog pulling harder on my waist. Then I felt the cum. It also was so hot. Sometimes I couldn’t feel when Dave would cum inside me, but there was no doubt about it with this dog. I came again immediately.
After the dog came, I expected him to pull out and get off. But he stayed for a few minutes. Then I felt him a tug. It felt like he was turning my pussy inside out.
“Spike. Stay. It will take a little time for his knot to go down. While you wait, get back to work on me. I am close.”
I returned to sucking Jake and putting my all into it. But it was still kind of hard to concentrate when my pussy was so full. Now and then, I could feel a slight tug from Spike trying to pull out. But now, I felt Jake put his hand on my head. He started to cum about the same time I felt Spike pull out. It was enough to put me over the edge again. I swallowed jakes cum and let him go soft in my mouth. I started to look up at him and smile when I suddenly felt a tongue on my pussy again.
“Now it’s Devil’s turn. You should know what to expect. Although he is just a little bit larger.”
Without having Jake’s cock in my mouth, I could feel and concentrate more on what was about to come. Devil was the bigger and stronger dog. I felt his powerful grip around my waist. This time, I even noticed the hair scraping on my back. Before I had too much time to catch, I felt him at the entrance to my pussy, being already fairly open from Spike. His sudden entry took the air out of me for a moment. His was big and filled me immediately. I came just as I felt. I am sure he entered my womb. I could feel the hair on his legs rubbing against my thighs. And just like Spike, he worked at jackhammer speed. It felt so good I couldn’t concentrate on anything but the feeling in my pussy. I was totally out of everything until I felt Jake pulling my face up and trying to talk to me.
“You now belong to us as the local bitch. Isn’t that right? That’s what you want and need, don’t you?” he stared into my eyes.
I could barely focus on his words but knew he was right. I just nodded my head. It was hard to concentrate on anything but Devil’s movements in my pussy, and I was close to cumming again. I heard Jake trying to say more, but now I was starting to feel Devil’s knot and couldn’t concentrate. Jake saw this and waited.
When I felt the knot enter, I started cumming. I don’t know how many times I had cum tonight, but this had to be the best. I felt myself open to receiving him, and I wanted all of him inside me. I felt him grip me harder and try to push more in. But I had all he could give. I must have blacked out for a moment as I woke with my face in Jake’s lap again. I could feel Devil shooting inside me. It felt so hot. I don’t know if I was just unable to cum anymore or if I had never really stopped since his knot entered. My body didn’t exist for anything right now except my pussy. I was so out of it.
When Devil finally stopped and held a grip on me, I realized more about what was happening around me. That’s when Jake pulled my face back up and looked into my eyes.
“Now that you are officially our bitch I will expect you to dress and act like it. You will only wear short skirts around here with no panties for the boys, so you are more available for them. I will expect you to let them have what they want anytime. Except for the day before, they are scheduled for a session, and I will let you know a day ahead of time. As for me, I want you to wear nothing but tube tops, so I can have access to those wonderful tits of yours while you suck me when I want. Is that understood?” he said.
I could only nod in agreement. Being a bitch for them seemed to be everything I wanted right now.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.