Lisa and Prince

By Ebert O.

Lisa and I had lunch together every day. We’d known each other since elementary school and shared many secrets. We often played at Lisa’s house in the afternoon when Lisa’s mother was working. Innocent sex play resulted in us both losing our cherry to a dildo that Lisa’s mother kept in her bedroom. Besides the dildo, we learned to enjoy masturbating each other to orgasm. But, neither of us had yet been with a boy.

Lisa had a Black Lab – Shepard mix named Prince. We were both fascinated with his male apparatus and would pull back his sheath to look at his pointy pink cock. It didn’t take much to get him excited, and we loved to watch him getting an erection. But we never did anything more than that.

One day at lunch, Lisa told me that her cousin had shown her how to DO IT with Prince. A wave of excitement swept over me. I could hardly believe my ears.

“What d’ya mean ‘DO IT’!?” I asked.

“You know…. Let him put his doggy-cock inside me. Wanna try it?”

I looked at her incredulously.

So she added, “You can’t get knocked up. It’s doggy sperm.”

I looked at her and thought about it for a long moment.

“How did you do it?”

She knew I was interested and began to fill me in on the details. They did it in the family room. She put little socks on his front paws so that he wouldn’t scratch her. She used lots of lube so that it wouldn’t hurt. It was rear-entry doggy-position, of course. After answering my questions, she said the part she liked best was feeling his warm semen inside her. Hearing that, I was hooked!

Finally, she added the most important thing was the way her cousin helped Prince. She helped him get his dick in her cunt and kept him from getting his knot in her.

I wasn’t sure what a “knot” was, so I let it pass. But I was interested and told her I was game.

“Good. You’re gonna love it! This afternoon?”

I nodded.

When we got to Lisa’s house, Prince was waiting by the front door, as usual. Alone all day, he was excited to see her. She gave him some treats and petted him. This was the point where we would usually go up to her room for girly-play, and Prince would go back to whatever he was doing. Today, Lisa led us all down to the family room in the basement. We sat on the couch for a few minutes, petting Prince and getting him ready. He was a strong young adult and was easily excited. We rubbed his sheath until an inch or two of pink began to show. We had played like this before, and I wondered if he knew he would be fucking me in just a few minutes.

Lisa handed me a glass of whiskey. “Here. This’ll help you relax.”

I sipped as Lisa talked me through everything that was about to happen. She even told me his semen would feel hot because his normal body temperature was higher than ours. The whiskey burned going down, and I was starting to feel its effect. Lisa left me to finish my drink and continue getting Prince ready. He lay on his side, lifting his leg to let me play with him. She had two large towels, a washcloth, children’s socks, and a small child-size enema bottle when she returned.

“What’s that for? ” I asked, pointing to the bottle.

“It’s lube to make sure you’re ready when the time comes.”

Lisa waited patiently as I kept petting Prince and quietly talking to him, watching his pink penis getting ready for me. I was soon feeling pretty mellow from the whiskey. Lisa asked if I was ready. Even before I answered, she began unbuttoning my blouse. Being undressed by her was a wonderful blur of touching, kissing, and nakedness. Prince got up when I lifted myself to let her slip a towel under me. He paced back a forth, watching us. Lisa saw me watching him.

“It’s OK if you feel a little nervous. It was the first time. Just trust us. You’re gonna love it. OK?”

I assured her, “Don’t worry. I’m fine. I’m ready for it.” adding, “I want it!”

“OK, then. Spread your legs and let him taste you.”

This was it! Prince came toward me, and Lisa guided his head between my legs. The first lick was like nothing I ever felt before. But, he kept going, rocketing me into seventh heaven. The towel under my ass is soon soaked with his saliva and my juices. Lisa kept him at it until I had a wonderful orgasm. Then she gently pulled him away.

As I recovered, I watched her putting the socks on Prince’s paws. Prince, tail wagging, seemed to know what was coming. I surely did. Lisa folded the second towel and put it on the floor in front of the couch.

She kissed me on the lips, “C’mon. He’s ready for you.”

She didn’t have to tell me what to do. I got down on the floor, kneeling on the towel with my upper body angled down onto the low couch. I felt her fingers spread my labia and insert the tip of the enema-bottle. The cool lubricant filled me, then began to leak out.

As soon as she was done, she positioned Prince behind me, pulled up on his collar, and said, “Mount.”

His front paws landed heavily on the couch on either side of me. He started air-humping, trying to find my cunt. Lisa got hold of him and guided his cock into me. I felt Prince’s full weight on me as he grabbed my hips with his strong front legs and paws. This was not a lover’s tender embrace. Prince was raping me, forcing me to submit. It was scary and exciting.

This was the first time I had ever been penetrated by the warm flesh of a real cock. I felt it stretching me with each thrust. He was humping again – fucking me and trying to get his knot inside me. Lisa held it so it couldn’t go in, but in a way that made him think that it had. Once he thought we were tied, his thrusting gradually stopped, and he settled down, laying his big furry head on my shoulder. I lay there quietly, thinking we were done and enjoying the amazing feeling of his big doggy dick up inside me. It all happened so quickly. My heart was pounding.

Lisa whispered, “Be patient. Wait for it.” She paused, “OK. He’s starting to cum.”

Just then, I felt his feverish semen flowing into me. Lots of it. It felt hot, filling me until it was running down my legs. Lisa held him in me until he was done. Finally, she backed him away and withdrew his cock. Prince happily trotted over to his doggy-bed in the corner of the room and licked his cum-covered cock. I lay with my head on the couch as his still-warm semen continued to run down the inside of my legs.

Lisa asked, “Well. Did you like it?”


“Good!” she said, “Tomorrow’s my turn.”


Day 2.

Yesterday was special. The first time, I had something other than an inanimate object up inside my pussy. Lisa’s dog Prince fucked me. Getting filled with his doggy-sperm was mind-blowing.

Today, it was Lisa’s turn, not her first time, and I worried. Her cousin had introduced her to doggy-sex and taught her everything. I was sure her cousin gave her the same kind of mind-blowing experience I had yesterday. Lisa probably had pretty high expectations. Besides that, she was surely getting horny since it had been over a week since her cousin’s visit. Hell, I was horny, and Prince just fucked me yesterday.

When I arrived, Prince greeted me with his usual excitement and furious tail wagging. Then he put his wet snout hard against my already wet crotch until Lisa pushed him away. I guess he remembered my scent and what we did the day before. I certainly would never forget. But today was Lisa’s turn, and we all went down to the family room. All-day, I’d felt guilty and more than a little slutty about being fucked by a dog. But now, together with Lisa and Prince, that was all forgotten. Lisa and I sat together and talked about yesterday. Prince danced around in front of us. We played with him, ruffling the fur on his head and petting his silky coat.

Lisa reminded me, “He’ll do anything to please me — the main reason you got such a good doggy-fuck yesterday. But, he’ll obey you, too. Just be firm and reward him when he does what you ask.”

Lisa gave me some doggy treats for me to practice. Prince was a smart dog. He eagerly did his tricks for me the first time I asked and got a reward for each one. I saved a few treats in my pocket to be sure he’d obey me when it came time to mount Lisa. I sat down. He jumped up and licked my face. It took a few minutes, but we coaxed him to settle down on the couch between us.

Lisa talked to Prince as if he understands everything. He listened intently as she told him how much she wanted him inside her, then hugged him and kissed his face. We both continued to pet him and talk to him. Lisa went to get everything we’d need, telling me to start getting him ready. Lying on his side, I started by petting his chest gradually working my way down to his belly. Prince anticipated my destination by lifting his leg and rolling partly on his back as I got close. I brushed lightly against the soft fur on his sheath and watched his lipstick begin peaking out.

Lisa and I had played with Prince like this many times before, even though yesterday was the first time Prince and I went “all the way.” I took his sheath in my hand and started stroking. Lisa positioned the towels before sitting down again. She cradled his head on her lap, and his whole body relaxed. As I worked with him, his penis came out more and more. With still more attention, it grew in length and girth. Lisa had me pull his sheath back so that I could see his bulb — the ‘knot,’ she explained. He used to ‘tie’ a bitch.

She whispered in my ear, “Why don’t you suck him?”

I’d never done this before or even seen her do it, but I obediently bent down and very tentatively touched his cock with my lips. I circled his cock with my thumb and forefinger with Lisa’s coaxing and began taking it into my mouth. His hindquarters began to twitch, and his cock began to get engorged.

Lisa explained, “Once he gets the tip in and feels the bitch’s warmth, he humps like that to get his knot inside her. Then it grows until he’s ‘tied’ her. That holds her and seals her vagina. He fills her with sperm, and they stay tied long enough for it to do the job.”

Just then, he started humping. I got scared and stopped. His knot had grown to the size of a tangerine. I continued to hold his cock encircled by my fingers, Prince quieted down, and his knot had become smaller.

She went on, “So today, once you get the tip in me, he’ll be humping like that, trying to tie me. Let him penetrate me, but keep his knot out. Keep your hand in front of it just like your doing now.”

Then Lisa had me stroke Prince’s cock until his knot began to grow again.

“See how quick he responds?” she asked.

I nodded, and soon his bulb was even bigger than before.

“Once it gets THAT big, it’s safe. He won’t be able to push it in. That’s when you get behind it and hold it, like this.”

She moved my hand behind his knot, again making a tight circle with my thumb and forefinger. Prince began to whimper and move his legs.

“Hold his knot close to my pussy, so he feels my heat. He may keep humping, but don’t let him pull away. Soon he’ll think we’re tied, and then he’ll settle down and start filling me. You remember how good that feels!” She looked at me and smiled. “So, keep holding him ‘til he’s done. ”

I couldn’t forget how good it felt and was ready to relive the experience by watching Lisa gets fucked and filled.

Lisa bent over and kissed me, “Well. Are you ready? Let’s do it! I’m dying to get fucked. Undress me!”

Lisa lay back on the couch and closed her eyes. I released Prince and began undressing her. Prince paced the floor in front of her. I took off her already wet panties and made sure the towel was under her. She spread her legs, and he put his snout between them. He licked her cunt, her ass and stuck his tongue in both holes. She called out his name, squealed, and squirmed. I kissed and caressed her. In a few minutes, Lisa’s body shook, and she grabbed Prince’s head as her orgasm hit. When she was done, she shoved Prince away and held her legs together.

Undeterred, Prince danced around her. I slipped the socks on his paws. Four or 5 inches of pink lipstick hung out of his sheath. I got behind him and held him away to let Lisa get down in position. She anxiously squeezed the bottle of lube into herself. I moved Prince behind her and gave “the command.” He immediately mounted his mistress, grabbing her around the waist, and air-humped wildly. His bright-red cock was missing the mark and bumping her ass. I curled my arm around his chest, holding him, while my other hand reaching under for his cock.

As soon as I got to hold and aligned him with Lisa’s cunt, he drove it home, causing her to squeal. His cock slid in and out between my encircling fingers. I let him hump her for a minute or so. Then, as his knot grew bigger, I decided it was time, changed my grip, and held it against her. Prince was strong. I had to hug him really tight. But, wedged between Lisa and me, he finally gave in with a whimper and lay quietly on Lisa’s back, his face on her shoulder alongside hers. The seconds ticked by. Then, Lisa felt it.

“Oh, God. He’s cumming!”

Lisa’s pussy filled with Prince’s fever-warm semen. She groaned and called his name, saying how good it felt. I smiled, remembering the warm feeling. Soon, his doggy-semen was oozing out of her.

I waited for her to get as much as she wanted. Finally, Lisa’s body went limp, and I relaxed my grip. Prince pulled out, licked her pussy to check his work, and casually trotted over to his doggy bed. He curled up and licked himself as if nothing had happened. Lisa looked haggard as Prince’s cum ran out of her and down her legs. I sat next to her, tenderly holding and kissing her. Lisa dragged herself up and onto the couch where we snuggled.

I kissed her face, “Lisa. I love you. Thank you so much.”

She answered, “I love sharing Prince’s doggy love with you.”

I still had the itch and asked, “Tomorrow?”

Lisa said we should wait ‘til next week to keep it special.

Holding her in my arms, I kissed her lips, “Lisa, sweetheart, don’t you know I’m gonna be crazy horny by then.”

She flashed a wicked little smile, “Yeah. I know. Me, too.”


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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