Love In The Night (Gay Zoo)


When I was sixteen, I was very active sexually. It was a Friday night, and I snuck out when everyone was asleep. I went across the street to the local swimming hole.

It was a large pond surrounded by woods and pastures. On the far side of the pond was a pavilion and upon the opposite side were a couple of concrete block buildings. One was a concession stand with changing rooms, and the other building was a set of bathrooms.

I went into the women’s changing room and selected the back stall. Then I set my gym bag down, started stripping my clothes off, and folded them neatly upon the bench. Then I took out a tube of WET sex lubricant and walked naked out into the night.

My cock was rock was rock hard in anticipation of what was to come as I crossed over to a pasture in the back where several of my horse friends were set out cropping grass. I petted them for a while and then guided one dark brown pony over into an area that had many trees growing. Once there I lifted her tail to the side and started playing with her pussy. As I ran my fingers through her pussy, I worked first one, then two, then three fingers into her. Her juices were really flowing when I stopped and lubed up my cock. Her tail raised, her legs spread as her pussy winked in anticipation as I positioned myself behind her and slipped my 9 inches into her warm and waiting love tunnel. As my cock sank into her I reached around her furry hips and grasped her tits, one with each hand, I could feel milk seeping out into my hands as I worked her. She must have foaled not long ago for her tits to be giving milk.

I started to move in and out of her slowly. The only sound was my ball sac slapping against her skin and of my cock squelching as moved it in and out of her. I could feel this pony moving back into me as I would thrust as deep as I could into her.

Little grunting noises started to come from her as I started to move faster. Her pussy walls started clenching and unclenching me. I loved it when my partner was getting as much pleasure as I was.

As we stood there making love in the night, our movement a rhythm that was common throughout history, I could feel myself building to a climax. Suddenly I felt her pussy clench me tightly as she started to cum and gush heavily upon me. I rammed into her as deeply as I could go. Gobs of cum suddenly spurting from my dick deep into her womb.

We stood there with me slumped upon her rump, spent, my hands just gently kneading her milk covered tits as I spurted jet upon jet of cum deep into her. As my cock went limp, I pulled out of her and knelt upon the ground behind her. Spreading the moist, soft lips of her pussy with my hands, I started to lick her pussy clean of my cum.

It tasted sweet and salty. I licked and sucked her pussy as I cleaned up my delicious cum from her. I loved the taste of cum mixed with her juices. It was a heady flavor.

After I had knelt there, licking her for several minutes just slurping away at her delicious horse pussy, I stood and placed my fist at the entrance to her pussy. I worked it side to side as I slowly pushed it deeper and deeper into her pussy. She started to clench and unclench my arm as I suddenly came to the entrance to her womb.

I knew that her womb would spread wider as I drove my fist more firmly against it. Suddenly my fist was in her womb. My whole forearm was in her to my elbow. I spread my fingers and felt the walls of her womb. She was completely mine as I closed my fist and pumped my arm in and out of her. Fist fucking her and driving in and out of her pussy and womb. As I drove my fist, I found myself wishing I had a cock this big. To be able to please her fully. To be able to put a foal in her womb.

Suddenly she was standing shakily upon her 4 legs as she started to orgasm as I had never seen a horse do before. I pulled out my fist and drove my now hard cock into her completely loosened pussy. I fucker roughly this time with abandon. Driving my prick as deeply as I could go as she continued to cum all over me.

Suddenly I froze. My cock twitched as I started to shoot my load into her. I came and came in an orgasm like I had never had before. I stood there and came. Eventually; I pulled my limp and flaccid self out of her. I licked her pussy clean of our cum. Then I picked up my lube and stumbled back to the pond. I stopped and cleaned myself up in the water then went back to the changing rooms.

Along the way, I met a neighborhood dog I knew. Carlo was a large mastiff lab mutt standing at 5 feet at the top of his head with dark brown fur and wide, friendly eyes. He was a friendly dog, and I had often played with him.

I did not think much of it as he followed me into the women’s changing room. I put away the lube and grabbed a towel to dry off. I sat on the bench. Exhausted.

As I sat there, Carlo came up and startled me by licking my cock and balls. I had never had a dog lick me like that, but it felt so good I let him continue. I just sat there as Carlo licked me hard again.

Suddenly I felt his tongue working my ass hole. It felt really wonderful, so I got down on my knees and rested my head and shoulders upon the bench as this huge dog continued to lick my ass and balls.

I don’t know how long I lay there with that tongue working me. It felt wonderful feeling his tongue work in an out of my ass. I had never felt so good. Suddenly Carlo lunged over me; put his paws around my waist tightly, and grabbed my neck with his jaws. Growling as he did so. I was frightened. I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed with fear as this big friendly dog was suddenly dominating me.

I felt something poking me, and I tried to look. I could just see his humongous dog cock poking at me. He growled again as I was looking at his dog cock. Oh no, I was about to get butt fucked by a dog. A huge dog.

I found myself getting strangely turned on by this and felt myself getting even harder. The thought of Carlo fucking me and making me his bitch was somehow turning me on. My lube was right there, and I could just reach it. I squirted some on my ass, dropped it, then grabbed his cock and tried to guide him into my virgin ass. It wasn’t difficult, and suddenly I felt it pop past my sphincter as he didn’t give any consideration for his bitch. Carlo just wanted this bitch, and now that he had his cock in he was going to fuck it.

He started pounding me hard and fast. At first, the pain was excruciating. Even with the lube. But as he continued to pound me it started to feel good. His cock going deeper and deeper into me.

“Oh! Yes! Fuck me, my master! Fuck me!” I yelled.

He growled as he slammed his huge animal cock in and out of me. I had never felt so good.

“Oh yes! Make me your BITCH! MASTER!”

Suddenly I felt his huge knot pressing against my ass. I wanted him now. I wanted that knot inside me in the worst way. As Carlo rammed and pounded at my ass his knot finally slipped into my hungry ass. Filling me completely as I started to feel him squirt his cum into me. It felt like my master squirted gallons and gallons of his seed up my ass as I just lay there and let him use me like the bitch he had made me.

My cock was so hard. And I noticed That the lights were on as Carlo started to climb off of me. His knot was still inside of me. He faced away as he tied me. That’s when I noticed that a large black policeman was standing there watching me get fucked in the ass by my master. He had a smile on his face, and he was clapping his hands.

As he came forward and grabbed Carlo with one hand and put his other on my back, he said, “Easy son. Easy now. Let him rest and come apart now.” He patted & rubbed my back.

“Please don’t tell my parents. PLEASE?!” I cried. I was suddenly shaking in fear.

He continued to rub my back, “It’s O.k. son. I won’t tell anyone. Not a soul. Don’t tell anyone but I have two Great Danes at home myself. I fuck them every chance I get.”

Carlo’s knot popped out of me, and gobs of cum started to spill out of my ass as he went to a corner and started licking himself. The officer sat on the bench as I cleaned myself up. I sniffed, “Really?”

“Really.” He said. “How long you been fucking dogs?”

I smiled weakly at him. “This is my first time with a dog. Usually, I fuck horses.”

“My name is Charles. What’s yours?” he asked.

“Mik.”, I said.

“How do you feel about sex with guys Mik?” he asked, “Do you like girls?”

“I’m Bi. I like guys, girls, and animals. I love sex.” I looked at his swollen crotch. “Since you’re not telling. Can I blow you?”

He smiled, “Sure if you really want to.” He started to unzip his pants. “I’d like that.”

I reached out to help him and grabbed a monster. He was huge. Three inches in girth and twelve inches standing at attention. Dark as chocolate. “Like a candy bar. Umm good.” I took him in my mouth as far as I could.

“My goodness! You almost have me swallowed. Slurp my cock! Oh man!” He lay back on the bench as I slurped and sucked on his cock. I would take it out of my mouth and lick it up one side and down the other. Then I would twirl my tongue upon his huge cock head like a lollypop and then plunge back down as deep as I could go. I worked his cock for a good 30 minutes. By the time he started spewing cum in my mouth, I was sucking all 12 inches of him down to his pubic hairs on my lips. He tasted fantastic, and I managed to swallow all of it. I fucking drained that cock.

As he lay slumped on the bench, he said, “That was the best blow job I have ever had. Yes!” He kissed me hard and tongued me very deeply. “Where did you learn to suck dick like that?”

“I learned by sucking my cousin. He has a huge cock that is as wide as you are but not as long. That and a few others around the neighborhood.”

He took out his card, “Here. I’m off tomorrow. You want to meet her at about noon and have some fun?”

“Sure!” I said, “I’ll be here.”

He got dressed and left. Giving me a sound kiss with a deep tonguing that promised more fun. “I will see you tomorrow young man.”

The next day he meant me at the pond. He picked me up in his pickup and took me to his place in the country. It was a beautiful place. Quiet and secluded. I could see 2 black Great Danes in the dog run he had. I followed Charles over as he opened the gate.

They were both well behave and affectionate. Their tongues hanging out and their tales wagging. “This is Big Lou, and she is Ma Bell.” He rubbed their heads as he introduced them as he led us into the house. He pulled a couple of beers from the fridge and offered me one.

“So, what do you want to do first?” he asked as he sat on the sofa.

I stood and looked at him. “I want to see you naked,” I smiled.

He stood up and said, “That can be arranged.” And started Pulling of his clothes. I watched as he slowly undressing revealing a toned and tight body. He was clean shaven and had a military haircut. His cock was already standing up in all its glory. Gosh, it was a tree trunk standing there. My mouth was watering.

“You’re beautiful,” I said as I stood there.

He set down his beer, came over to me, took my beer and set it down. He then started to undress me as the dogs sat and watched. “I want you in the worst way Mik.” He stopped to kiss me as his fingers dug into my naked ass cheeks. “You gorgeous hunk of white ass!”

He picked me up and carried me into his bedroom then laid me on the bed. He laid down with me, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies. Kissing and touching for what seemed like hours. He put lube on my hole and positioned me on my back with a small pillow at the lower part of my back just above my ass. Then he raised my leg up over my waist with his strong arms on either side behind my knees. He reached with one hand to position his swollen cockhead at my hungry bung hole. “I’ll be as gentle as I can Mik, but I’m pretty big.”

I kissed him again and said, “Give me that monster all the way to the hilt my lover. I want it all. Fill me with your seed. I’ve been fucked by men and horses. I know I can take you.”

And with that said he commenced to push his cock into me. Gently he applied more pressure until his cockhead pushed past the opening of my ass. I could feel him starting to fill me as he slid gently up my colon. I was feeling fuller and fuller as he slid his cock deeper into my man pussy. He finally rammed it all the way in.


He smiled and commenced to fuck me as hard and as fast as he could. I quickly found myself in heaven as this man proceeded to use my body as a receptacle for his monster. Fucking me harder and faster with each stroke, it was wonderful watching him as sweat began to form on his face and body. The strain upon his face as he drove in and out of me, I was in ecstasy and m my own cock was straining.

“Oh yes! Fuck me! Keep Fucking me. Make your bitch! Fuck me, master!”

He continued to pound into me, “That’s right my little pussy. Take my meat! You’re my bitch now. You will be mine from now on. I will please you as you will please me!” He started to cum in me. I could feel him cumming inside me in great geysers as he filled me with his seed. I screamed.


My dick shot streams of cum between our stomachs and all over our chests. He continued to fuck me as his cock drained into me. I had never felt that kind of orgasms before. As we wound down, he let go of my legs, and we proceed to cuddle and make out. His tongue moving wildly in my mouth, I still felt his cock inside me as he slowly deflated from our intense lovemaking.

“Talk about an intense orgasm.” I said, “I have never cum so hard. You are awesome!”

“Ditto my bitch. Ditto!” He squeezed my cock. “Let’s get cleaned up a little and take a nap. Then we can mess with the dogs. I love to see you get fucked by a dog. It was all I could think of last night.”

“All I could think about was your monster cock as it spurted gobs of your cum down my throat.” I smiled, “You taste wonderful.”

He slipped out of me as he went to the bathroom to clean up. I got up and followed him into the shower. We washed each other thoroughly, and by the time we were done, we were both hard again. We didn’t need a nap.

As we came into the living room, Charles asked me, “Can I watch you fuck Ma Bell first?”

“Is that what you want to do? Just watch?” I smiled as got my WET out and called Ma Bell over while Charles called Big Lou to the couch to sit with him.

“Yep. I want to watch. I trained Ma Bell to fuck missionary style, so I want to see you take her as a woman. She’ll do doggy style too of course, but I have a craving to watch you take her like she’s a woman.” He sat rubbing his cock with one hand I got Ma Bell to lay upon her back. I rubbed her stomach as she rolled onto her back with her paws in the air. She did look kind of human to me; lying there in all her glory.

I lubed my dick, and then put some on her pussy and rubbed it around. She squirmed in pleasure as I rubbed he dog pussy. Then I wiped my hands and proceeded to slip my cock into her. My cock slid right into her as I positioned myself on my hands and knees, so I just went to town. We started slowly.

Gently moving in and out of her. As we spent several minutes silently fucking. Charles just watched as Big Lou licked on his cock. I did notice that Charles was playing with Big Lou enormous doggie dick now.

“Oh ya! That is so hot. Just watching you fuck her like that.” He got down on his hands and knees facing me. Grabbed my lube and applied some to his butt. “Big Lou. Mount!”

Big Lou didn’t waste any time. He quickly mounted his master. His giant doggie cock found his man pussy on the first try. “Oh yes!”

Big Lou started to pound Charles ass as only a dog could. This huge Great Dane made Charles look helpless as he took his mate.

We just watched each other as we fucked our doggie masters. I was moving faster, grunting with each thrust of my cock into her slippery pussy. The squelching and slapping sound of my ball sac a matching movement to the sound of Big Lou’s balls upon Charles ass cheeks.

“I’m getting ready to cum,” I said, feeling myself beginning to tighten, sweat beginning to run down my face and body. We had been going at it for about a half an hour now.

Charles was covered in sweat just as I was. “Hold it. Keep fucking her. Just hold it in.”

I continued to pound her pussy. I felt her tightening in preparation to an orgasm. “She’s going to cum!”

“So’s, he! Oh! He cried, Now!”

Ma Bell howled as she clenched down hard on my cock. My jism started filling her. I was squirting uncontrollably as I filled her womb. Sperm started flowing out of her pussy as I just laid upon her.

Charles had a look on his face of rapture and cum squirting in jet after jet from his big black cock. It was positively vibrating. Boing! Cum was flowing out of his ass as Big Lou continued to pound him, howling all the way.

I pulled from Ma Bell and lay by her side as she licked my mouth and face. I found myself Frenching a Dane and enjoying our tongues swirling together. What a great day.

After Big Lou had managed to pop his knot from Charles ass; we took another shower. But this time we were so tired we crawled into bed and fell asleep together. When we woke up a few hours later, it was to find the dogs sleeping with us. Not a bad way to wake.

Charles cooked a few steaks on the grill in just an apron. We sat and talked as we ate. Just enjoying each other’s company. We talked of our fantasy’s and our conquests. We had both led an interesting sex life.

As it turned out Charles liked all flavors too. He had had sex with many a guy and woman who wanted to avoid a ticket in his law enforcement job.

At one point, he left to make a phone call. When he got back, he had a huge grin on his face, “Guess what.”

“What?”, I asked.

“I am going to make your dream come true!”

“Which one? I have so many.”

“You remember you said you wanted to fuck a woman with both a dick and pussy?”

I nodded

“Well, I know one. That’s who I called. And she wants to fuck… I mean meet you.” I

I grinned at his Freudian slip as Charles continued, “She and a girlfriend are on their way over. You up for another fucking and being fucked Mik?”

“Oh yes! My dick gets hard when the wind blows!”

To Be Continued…



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