Viagra Dog


I’m forty-five but my husband is fifteen years older. He has retired and we live on a farm in upstate New York. Our sex life was always good, but lately he has slowed down and has developed erectile dysfunction. He has a prescription for Viagra which works well for him.

An hour after taking it, he always gets a good hard-on. I still go down on him, but he won’t do it to me anymore, not that I blame him. It’s because now that I’ve started menopause my periods are irregular and I’m often spotting. This has turned him off to putting his tongue down there. Oral sex is something that I really miss, I used to get my best orgasms that way. Anyway that’s how this whole thing started.

One day when my husband had gone to town, I was out by the pool. I was wearing my white bikini. I’m no kid anymore but I’ve kept my figure pretty good. My breasts are large and although they sag a little, my husband says that just makes them sexier.

I felt a wetness and noticed that I had spotted through my bikini bottom. I knew I should get them off and in the wash before the stain set. I headed for the laundry room in the basement. On the way I ran into Rocky. He’s our Rottweiler.

He walked right up and stuck his nose in my crotch – something he had never done before. “Well,” I said, “Hello to you, too. I can see that a little blood doesn’t bother you like it does some men.”

As I continued on to the laundry room, he followed closely behind.. When I got to the basement I took off my bottoms and started to run water over the stain. I was leaning over the tub. At this point Rocky again stuck his nose in my crotch, only now I didn’t have anything on from the waist down. His tongue licked between my legs.

“Bad dog,” I said.

He backed off looking confused. He had startled me into dropping the soap. As I squatted down to pick it up, he came forward. As my knees split wide open, he stuck his head in and licked me again. The previous lick had perked up my clit and this one hit me right on the buzzer.

It had been awhile since I had felt that sensation – a tongue on my pussy. It made me realize how much I had missed it. Without thinking of the consequences I stayed in the squatting position, hoping for another swipe of that big tongue. Rocky quickly obliged. It felt wonderful.

Knowing that I was alone, I then decided to go just a little further. I reached down and spread my pussy lips apart – exposing my swollen clit even more. I was rewarded by another hard lick. Rocky obviously enjoyed the taste of my menstrual juices. By now I was also lubricating – and the smell and the wetness made Rocky more excited.

There’s a couch in the basement and I walked over and sat down. I perched on the edge and spread my legs. Rocky had followed me over and immediately buried his nose between my thighs. He went at me with a vengeance now. His big tongue licked faster and faster. I felt myself getting closer and closer – felt the pleasure reach an unbearable level.

“Oh, good dog!” I whispered hoarsely. “Mamma’s almost there, keep going.”

Then I started to cum, and every nerve in my pussy is throbbing. “Oh God, yes,” I moaned loudly.

After I recovered my senses I scooted back out of reach of his tongue. I couldn’t take any more stimulation just then. I relaxed and enjoyed the warm feeling left over from my orgasm. I feel an incredible affection for Rocky just then.

“Such a good boy. Yes, you are,” I said.

Encouraged by the praise in my voice, Rocky then put his front paws on either side of me on the couch. As he stood up I could see that he had a huge erection. On previous occasions I had seen his penis come out of its sheath but never like this. Before it had looked small, now it was at least seven inches long and quite thick.

As I looked at him, I remembered some gossip about a girl in my high school who used to go all the way with the boys. Not just one guy – but several at a time. They used to call her Gang Bang Betty. The rumour was one time after the Johnson brothers had finished taking turns on her that she let their German shepherd do her also. I never knew if it was true or just a rumour, but I had always wondered what could make any girl so horny that she’d let a dog fuck her.

Now I understood. I was considering doing the unthinkable. I knew that it was perverted, but after what I had just done, it didn’t seem like such a big deal to take the next step. But I didn’t know if it’s really possible, could Rocky actually fuck me?

Determined to find out, I pulled my knees back to my chest and scooted forward. Rocky’s cock was bobbing around, tantalising me near my pussy but not going in. I reached down and grabbed him behind his knot. I figured that if he growled I would let go.

He didn’t growl, instead he started humping. But a handjob for him wasn’t what I had in mind. Holding his cock in place I slid down further to meet it. His prick was bright red and warm to the touch and it’s poised at the entrance to my cunt. At this point I hesitated and thought about what I was doing. I would be crossing a threshold. Being sexually liberated is one thing, I thought. But this is perversion – bestiality. Even the Jerry Springer Show doesn’t talk about something like this. If people found out instead of Gang Bang Betty, I would be ‘Dog Fucking Debbie’.

“But, hell,” I said to myself, “Betty’s mistake was doing it when somebody else was there to see. I’ll be all alone for at least another hour.”

Besides, I rationalised, lots of women use a vibrator or a dildo so how does their sliding a battery operated cock inside of them differ so much from what I’m thinking of doing? Instead of a machine I’d be using a flesh and blood cock. It’s more natural, I told myself. And I’m sure it’d feel better.

The ‘Will I or Won’t I’, question is getting me worked up. I’ve always enjoyed being a tease and this delay is tantalising both me and Rocky. Watching his cock grow bigger and listening to him whine in frustration told me how much he wanted me. By now I was sopping wet in anticipation of what might happen. I hesitated for just a moment longer and then made up my mind.

“Okay, Boy, here it comes,” I whispered.

I slid Rocky’s cock into me. The act of ‘doing it’ is incredibly erotic. “Oh my God,” I moaned.

It feels so good. It’s warm, very warm, and as the walls of my pussy gripped it, the dog’s cock seemed to grow even bigger. If I had thought of using his prick as a dildo, I soon found out that this isn’t what Rocky had in mind. He intended to fuck me good and hard. He started humping with his hindquarters. I lost my grip on his knot and I feel it pushing against my outer lips. It’s up against my clit and each push sent a jolt of pleasure through me. Instinctively I started humping back against him. We went at it as fiercely as any two dogs fucking.

I’ve had three babies, so my pussy is not small. I imagined that with one hard lunge he might actually get his knot into me. It was taking a chance but I wanted to go all the way now, to experience a real dog fuck. I want his knot inside of me.

I pushed back against him as hard as I could and feel an instant of pain as my cunt stretched to accommodate the full size and length of his swollen prick. As soon as he was completely in, he stopped humping and stood still. His cock began to spurt, and I can feel every gush. His cock is warm, but his spunk feels actually hot. It’s like nothing I had ever felt before.

His knot is so big it made my clit bulge out. I reached between my legs and began to masturbate. All the while he continued to ejaculate inside me. I feel as if I must have a quart of dog cum inside me already. There’s so much even the plug of his knot couldn’t keep it from dribbling out. I could feel it leaking out around the edge of my pussy. I wetted my finger in his leaking cum and rubbed my clit with it.

He’s licking the side of my face now, but I’m so aroused I barely notice. I’m getting closer and closer to cumming and all I can think about is how my pussy is filled with dog cock. His prick jerked and shot another spurt and it pushed me over the edge. I bucked up and down with the force of my orgasm and howled like a bitch in heat. The best fuck of my life.

After my orgasm subsided, I lay back on the couch and rested. After what had to be at least ten minutes, Rocky’s cock deflated enough for him to free himself. I heard a slurping sound and felt it pull out.

A rush of dog cum gushed out of me and spilled onto the floor. Rocky moved back and started to lick my pussy again. This is something no man had ever done for me, it felt wonderful. I reached down and petted him on the head as he continued to tongue me for several more minutes. Then he lay down on the floor and began to lick himself.

That’s how my husband found me, asleep and curled up naked on the couch with Rocky on the floor nearby.


Several months have gone by and that basement couch has become a special place for Rocky and me. If my husband wonders why I always take a nap on it after he goes to town, well, he hasn’t asked me yet. If he ever does maybe I will tell him the truth. Letting him watch the dog fuck me might work even better than Viagra.

The End.



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