A Whale of a Week

By Unkown

Water, the basic element of life.

Four years had passed since Allie got her university papers on the subject of marine biology and joined the South Australia Marine Biology Research Organisation. SAMBRO has been funded by the United States, Australia and the European Union. Only nominally. The organisation had funds for only a small-scale research facility in South Australia. Most of the organisation only did research work on the mainland, but Allie and two other members kept up the facility.

A young lady, Marcia and a middle-aged man named Tom. They had saved a hurt Killer Whale from a long line fisher’s trap. The fisherman had used over strong cable as the line, and the orca had cut himself pretty badly while trying to escape. The orca was carried to the research laboratory’s fence tank with a helicopter and was taken care of.

When Allie first attempted to clean the orca’s wounds, he just swam away and tried to get away from her as she cleaned his wounds. After the pain from the wounds had gone, he began to act more freely. She called him Moby, after her favourite fictional whale. Allie had been watching him now for about two weeks, feeding him and sometimes checking his wounds. They had almost healed, leaving just a few scars from the cable cuts. She had to dive into the tank to do this, and at first she was terrified.

Nobody else would agree to go into the fence tank with Moby. However, the orca seemed to be just curious and excited at something new broke the daily rhythm of swimming circles in the tank. Moby was always fed an hour before she dived into the tank, just in case. Allie slowly stepped into the chilly water as she didn’t want to distract the orca. She remained almost motionless next to the ladder, and the orca swam up to her with a single whip of his tail. Moby swam around her, looking at her once in a while. Then she moved around the orca to see if he was well. The orca just remained calm as she swam around him.

She looked into his eyes. They were pecan brown, staring at her. He looked into her eyes Her beautiful, clear blue eyes Slowly and carefully, as if in fear of breaking her, the orca closed in the last half meters. His rostrum pushing into her face, her cheek met his rostrum. She felt a sudden rush of excitement and warmth as his beak touched her nose. She slowly rose her hand and touched his beak. Again she felt a warm feeling in her hand, as if she had touched a warm cup of tea. She was eye-to-eye with a killer whale. He saw the fear in her eyes the respect in her eyes the basic instinct she saw the attraction.

For an eternity, they looked at each other, the seawater around them moving small clouds of mud from her footprints. Her brown hair waved in the seawater to the rhythm of the waves. Her sudden feelings toward an animal. A wild animal. A predatory animal. A killer whale.

She climbed up the ladder, and the orca swam away as if disappointed. She sat down and took a silent moment drying herself with a towel. She then explained the condition of the orca to Tom and Marcia. They agreed to let him go. She was shocked. The only thing in the world she had ever had such feelings for, was going to be taken away? She could do nothing but just be silent. She knew that they didn’t know of her feelings toward the whale.

But they wouldn’t have understood her. They already had each other She had seen them making love in Tom’s room, peeking through a slit in the doorway after having heard some noise. She just sneaked away to her room and looked at her class picture. Every man Allie had known was just a jackass, after her beautiful body, but for nothing more. She had lost her faith toward men after an incident in the university. The man she met had been nice, having only dump her after a week because of another woman.

She couldn’t sleep that night. She walked to the edge of the tank. She laid herself down by the edge of the tank and peered down into the quietly splashing water. She spent that night at the edge of the tank, watching into the water.

Next morning they arranged plans to set him free. Allie dove into the water, and swam to the fence tank gate. She unlocked the gate and opened it. The orca swam to the gateway in a quick burst. He stopped as he saw her. She looked into his eyes and pointed at the gateway. He did not swim away. He just stared at her, as if thinking if she was crazy. He didn’t want to leave. She was here. He didn’t want to leave her.

She relaxed and felt happy. She closed the gate, swam past Moby, feeling his body against hers, and swimming to the ladder. After she climbed up, she explained them in a quick burst of lie that one of his wounds hadn’t sealed and she wanted to collect more medical data on him. Marcia frowned, and Tom explained that they had planned to take a week of vacation from that day on. She smiled. She told them that it was okay, and that she could run this show by herself for a week. They agreed with her plan and went to pack.

She walked to the tank and said, “Are you happy now?”

She got a splash of the tail for an answer. A week without them means a week with Moby!

As Tom and Marcia left, she walked to her room and put on her swimsuit. She walked to his tank and dived in. He responded immediately by rushing to her, and knocking her over in his glee. They swam next to each other. She hugged him. He was quite shocked at first, being in close contact with a human, but then calmed down and began exploring her body Her arms, her head, her back, her legs, her stomach, her breasts.

She felt a rush of heat as her nipples began to harden. She slowly removed the top of her swimsuit and brushed her breasts to his chest. His rubbery smooth skin was working wonders on her breasts. Her nipples became rock hard as she eased him to a more shallow part of the tank. He nuzzled his rostrum against her perky breasts.

He slightly stuck his large, muscular tongue out and began to gently lick her nipple. She gasped as he tickled her nipple with his tongue. He thrashed his tail from the water and roughly prodded his beak between her breasts, nibbling her chest playfully with his jaws. She massaged Moby’s fins with her hands. The orca was in a state of bliss. His entire eight-meter long entity rushed with adrenaline.

She moved her hands to massage Moby’s belly, and the orca rolled over on his back. She climbed on him, massaging his belly with alternating soft and hard strokes. He gasped, his mouth open in joy. She moved her mouth down to his, and pushed her tongue down into his jaws. She found his tongue, and played with it with her tongue between the orca’s teeth. She removed the bottom of her swimsuit and felt a gush of water on her pussy lips.

She turned around on the orca, that now she was facing the orca’s tail and moved her pussy to his open mouth. Her vagina was rasped by his soft skin. She felt small pulses of ecstasy from her pussy as it rubbed up his skin, which grew into waves of pleasure as she got her cunt to his mouth. He tasted her juices at once and nabbed at her genitalia. He pushed his tongue down her canal of flesh and tasted her again. She tasted sweeter than any food, sweeter than anything in the world. He pushed his tongue deeper and rubbed the top of her cavity. She arched her back in a spasm as his tongue quickly rubbed her clit by accident. She felt on fire.

She wasn’t completely passive either. The orca extracted his penis out of his genital slit. She was surprised by the size of it; six feet long, somewhat knife-shaped and pink, just like a dolphin’s but bigger. She grasped it with her hand. She rubbed its length and felt it pulsate with his heartbeat as he began to harden. He was engrossed with her touching his penis. The texture of the penis was like the rest of his skin, smooth and rubbery to the touch, but firmer. She cautiously took the tip of his penis in her mouth.

Moby felt that all right and responded with reflex by tightening his grip of her cunt. She felt a tooth of his pushing at her clit. She screamed in the orca’s cock and swallowed more. She could not possibly take any more as she was starting to get choked up by the massive size. She orgasms as the tip of the tooth repeatedly poked at her clit as the orca’s tongue rapidly flicked up and down in her slit. Her orgasm washed through her body and blurred her vision.

She screamed in the orca’s cock as she withdrew her head and raised to vertical position. She swam in confusion to the ladder and leaned at them to regain her breath. Her breasts pushed against the stainless steel ladder, and suddenly his beak pushed against her butt. The orca moved his beak around her ass, getting a feel of her buttock’s firmness. She was amused by his actions, but surprised again when the orca swam up her body, to her shoulders.

Unlike cow’s (female orca’s), Allie is more relaxed and more subservient, and lets Moby lead the way. She turned around in the stainless steel ladder and pushed her breast against his body. He swam up her body, as she felt a sudden prod in her lower belly. She looked and saw his member erect, swivelling and waiting. His cock rubbed at her belly a couple of times, until he probed all the way down to the lips of her love tunnel. She looked into his eyes and he looked into hers. They exchanged thoughts.

Both wanted it to happen, she begged it to happen, and he was going to force his way with her. With a wild slash of his tail, he rammed the 12 inches of his dick inside her soft little pussy. She screamed in pain, which was overcome by delight as she felt his member penetrating her inner lips. Moby slashed his tail again, and the penis sunk another half-inch inwards. She pressed his head down to her tits, but he wasn’t distracted from his mission. He would pierce her with his long, hard cock. Slowly.

She felt another inch penetrate her in a combination of ecstasy and feeling of being stretched to the limits. She felt at his cock with one of her hands, and nibbled at her right nipple with the other. Then again, another push. An inch slipped inwards. Now, almost five inches were inside. It felt easier now, as his penis had advanced further into her pussy. She felt an inch and a half penetrate her. She didn’t feel anything uncomfortable anymore, just his long thick member stretching her canal wide open.

Then Moby stopped pushing, as his pole had met the end of her little pussy. Five feet awaited entry to the crowded vagina outside her lips. He held on to her with his large flippers and started to vigorously thrust his tail back and forth, sending spasms through her body. He would mate with her, mate like an animal, and she would be his female.

The penis thrust in and out of her vagina. The walls of her pussy stretched in and out as he violently pushed his rock hard cock in and out of her. She felt a small bit of pain. He pushed in further, all the way into her womb, and she screamed. The rhythm of his merciless pushes had begun to accelerate. The member slid in and out of her cunt, and she felt as if she was in heaven. The black and white body of the orca is having his way with her on the surface of the water. She felt her clit being stretched around every time his cock rammed in her pussy.

A rush of seawater sprang forth inside her abused vagina as his member spasmed outside her cunt. Then, she felt her eyes lose sight and her body explode as he rammed his massive cock in completely. His penis had pushed all the way into her womb, and the telephone pole was spasming in his heartbeat. This triggered her orgasm into an incredible climax. She screamed the names of a thousand gods as her body was split into two. Her pussy was filled to the brim. She held on to him tightly and squeezed.

Her tight little cunt spasmed like the world was coming to an end. His member pulled out for five inches in a whip of his tail, and then trashed back in. He squealed and shuddered and began to thrash uncontrollably for five minutes as she screamed in ecstasy and his member pistoned in and out ten times a second, spewing his thick, warm orca sperm inside her pussy, filling her up to the max. Semen flew from the sides of her round-stretched pussy as Moby’s cock rammed in for the final time, spewing a final burst of hot orca sperm into her pussy.

She fainted for a few minutes and woke up, floating on the surface, having clung to the ladder with the orca lying motionless next to her. She had a coat of semen over her. He opened his eyes and slowly moved his tail once. His now withered member pulled from her cunt and let a gush of water wash his semen from her pussy. Her hand slid easily inside, but her vagina was numb all over.

She looked into Moby’s eyes, and saw love. As their heartbeat slowed to a normal pace, she climbed down to the tank to give him a kiss on his forehead for good night. She loved him too.

After walking to her room, and writing a new chapter in her diary, she tried to sleep, but she couldn’t. She gathered her bedroll and walked to the tank. She fell asleep next to her lover, trying to collect enough strength for the next day of the week!


The End.

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