Meating Jeff (Gay Zoo)

By azbibottomcd.

Background: I am in my mid 50’s, fairly non descript, 5’10” 210 lbs, single, bisexual, white guy that works construction with a dad bod. So in other words not what many look for as a hookup or FWB.

One of my nieces is a daytime bartender at a small but fairly busy neighborhood bar. I really do not drink very often but she and I have always had a good relationship because I am her favorite uncle so I stop in about once every couple of weeks to see her.

A couple of weeks ago I stopped in on a Friday afternoon and I always get a warm hug from her and we talk for a moment before she goes and grabs me a rum & coke. I sit down at the end of the bar and start sipping my drink while chatting with her when time allows. The bar is starting to fill up so as I am finishing my 2nd drink and deciding to head home she bounces over and asks if I would mind talking with one of her regulars that is thinking of doing some remodel work. So I said yes but any drinks from here need to just be coke so I don’t have too much and unable to drive home.

A guy about 45, good looking and fit, around 5’11” just about 180 lbs, but not gym rat cut, comes over and introduces himself as Jeff and sits downs buys my next drink and we start talking about his possible remodel and what he would like to do to his house. I ask if he is married, which kinda startles him and asks why that would matter? I said I won’t talk details with just one part of a couple because I won’t be put in the middle if any disagreements over details comes up during the project. He just grins and says that he fully respects that but, No he is single again and has no intention of getting married a 2nd time. I laugh and tell him I am in the same boat as him about that then.

My niece comes over and asks if we need another drink and he immediately says yes to another round for us. She goes to get them and when she brings them back she winks at me to let me know that it is just soda again. At this point he clinks his glass to mine and says “Cheers to new friends” … I laugh and take a drink.

As he leans forward in his seat to put his drink back down his left hand slips onto my right thigh and lets it linger…. I don’t even act like I know its there and he just smiles a little and moves it away.

My niece comes back over and says she is getting off shift, so I settle for my drinks and tell her I will linger for a few minutes and walk her out as I am needing to leave as well. I then give my business card to Jeff and ask him to give me a call so I can come by and look at his house and get a better idea for what he wants done. He says great but asks if I am busy the next day, saturday, and if I would be able to come by and talk out the details? I told him to call me in the morning and I would be happy to.

As I walk my niece out she tells me that she was glad I stopped in because he had asked her a couple of times for my number after she told him that I did remodeling work a few weeks ago. She said he kept saying that he was looking forward to doing some work in his master bathroom…. I found out the next day JUST what he was talking about lol

Shortly after I get home I get a text saying that he enjoyed talking with me and was looking forward to tomorrow so we can start working together in his house, hmmm innuendo much?? lol I just respond with saying that I enjoyed the time and look forward to stopping by the next day.

In the morning he calls and apologizes that he forgot he had to run a few errands and won’t be free until around 4, but if I wanted he would grab a couple of steaks and grill dinner for us after talking business. I said sure why not…. free steaks that I am not cooking!!

He laughs and says great! See you then! I will text you the address. When I get I go to the maps site and google it… WOW! Big house in a very nice area, good for him!

As it was getting closer to time for me to leave I decided that if he was going to thro so many hints/flirts at me I would grab a shower and get all cleaned up and cleaned out before leaving to meet him. It wasn’t until I got out of the shower before my anxiety started creeping in and making me 2nd guess, but finally I said what the hell and got dressed in a pair of denim shorts, a shirt and shoes.

When I got to his house he greeted me at the door with a loose t-shirt on, a pair of baggy shorts, and bare foot. He invited me in and started showing me around the house with tour and introduced me to his 2 dogs. Mutts he called them saying they were a mix of pitbull and a black lab. He got them as pups about a few weeks after his ex left him and hasn’t gotten them fixed yet but were extremely affectionate and not aggressive at all. This last part they proved by coming right up to me and one licking my hand while I was petting him and the other waiting his turn.

As we were walking around and talking I kept thinking to myself that I would not change a thing about his house if it was mine because everything looked to be in good taste and well thought out. I said as much and he said that his ex was the one that chose all the colors and details and he was just tired of it always reminding him of her since he hadn’t had any relationships in the last year and a half since she ran off with the contractor that did the work. I said that I understood that as my ex left me for my best friend and then several years later did the same thing to him.

It was at this point that he threw his arm around my shoulders and said we were birds of a feather. As his dogs kept circling around us it was kind of a slow tour through the house and at this point we got into the master suite and it was fantastic and very well furnished with a king bed, nice dresser with a 60″+ tv on the wall and was large enough that he had a couch with a big built in leg rest in there as well. I asked about it and he said sometimes when he can’t sleep he likes to just kick back and read or watch the tv and the couch is more comfortable for that than on the bed.

As he showed me the master bathroom and the shower he was thinking of redoing he patted my lower back and moved a little apart…. I guess that was a cue to one of the dogs to come up behind me and start sniffing my ass which startled me. He apologized for Apollo startling me and I just laughed it off as being caught off guard and said it didn’t bother me. We started going over what he wanted to do and all I could think was that his shower was built perfectly for having sex in and wondered if I was going to find out. I guess I was quiet for a few moments too long so he asked what I was thinking…. and I told him that it was an awesome shower and almost a be a shame to tear it out and rebuild it because I didn’t know if I could design a better one. He chuckled and said that he would have to think long and hard about not replacing it with something better. At this I caught a glimpse of his shorts and damn if there wasn’t a nice sized bulge showing a little bit.

He then suggested we go back out to the kitchen and have a beer and start the steaks. We threw on a college football game and talked sports for a while letting the meat temper and get ready for the grill and enjoyed another beer and played with the dogs. When got up and started the grill I noticed he was still bulging and even a bit more than before.

As we started to eat he grabbed another round for us and I made the remark that I don’t generally drink much because I have a rule to not ever drink much or smoke and drive. He laughed and said that he had plenty of room for me to sleep it off so I should enjoy the night.

We got done eating and went back to the living room and talked sports and watched some more of the next game. I got up to use the bathroom and when I came back he had a bong sitting there and asked if I wanted to share, so I absolutely did! One thing is that when I smoke I lose most of my inhibitions and get extremely horny, but I didn’t tell Jeff that…. yet!

After my 2nd rip of his really good stuff I lean my head back to relax closing my eyes and that is when he made his move reaching over and running his hand up my thigh and onto my slowly hardening cock. I didn’t move at all which he took as a sign to go further and turned to me moving his mouth to my ear asking if I was feeling good? mmm hmm most definitely was my answer… At that point he moved his lips to mine and started to kiss me gently but the pot had already started working on me. I reached around his head with my left arm and pulled his him deeper onto me and we started in passionately kissing and making out. He was working me over through my shorts and I reached over to find out what he was hiding (barely) in his shorts. OMG What I found made me moan around our twined tongues…. he was about 8 inches and really thick. Up until now I haven’t had the pleasure of anyone even close to his size and that made me wonder if I would be able to let him take my backdoor.

My ass was tingling and my cock was starting to drip a little, but so was his as I reached inside his shorts and started playing with him and the dribbles…. at this moaned and pulled his mouth away so I brought my fingers up to lick them clean savoring his precum on my tongue before reaching back down and stroking his now almost fully hard length. He completely let go me and just leaned back moaning while enjoying my stroking. All of a sudden he said that if I didn’t stop soon he would be blowing a load already… so I did the right thing, slid off the couch and kneeled between his legs while tugging his shorts off. I then took in the sight of his thick member as I slowly lowered my mouth down to it so I could lick his head and taste even more of his sweet cream. I was approaching nirvana I thought so i slowly lowered my lips and swirled my tongue all over his cock stroking the base with one hand at the same time enjoying myself (and Jeff) immensely. As I was bobbing up and down his cock sliding it in and out of my greedy mouth he finally put a hand on my head lightly forcing more and more of him into my mouth all the while one hand of mine was cupping and squeezing his balls trying to milk as much precum out of him as I could.

I was only able to get about 4.5 inches into my mouth but this was really encouraging me to take more but I was not able to get more than about another inch in before gagging and pulling back off. He quickly apologized and I laughed saying that I was loving him taking charge and being more dominant… after that I started back to sucking him and he started moning even deeper while grabbing my head to control my actions causing me to moan around his cock which caused him to grab my head tighter, his balls twirled a bit and all of a sudden his cum started gushing right into my throat. He started to let go of my head so I reached a hand up and pushed his hand back on my head and he got the idea to entwine my hair and start bouncing my head on his cock while he was cumming ….. I loved it and tried to swallow every drop but some dribbled out. As he was finally spent he let go and I pulled my mouth off, finished swallowing and proceeded to lick the dribbles clean before sliding up his body and with what little of his cum was left I shared it with him in a deep kiss. That just blew him away and he loved it.

I moved to sit beside him again and we just relaxed in the afterglow of a fantastic blowjob. A few minutes later I reached for the bong, reloaded it and smoked another long rip handing it to him. I decided to make him take a deep rip so while he started to inhale I reached over and started to stork him again finding that he really had barely gone soft at all…. this caused him to inhale really deep and I used my other hand to squeeze his balls… after about 30 seconds or so I let go of them causing him to let it out, but I leaned over and we shotgun shared his rip for another couple of minutes.

When we parted he said he had never done that before and I laughed saying I hadn’t either but it just seemed the right thing to do at the time.

As we let the pot do its work we sat there and I asked him why his ex left him and he said it was because when he would get stoned like this all his inhibitions disappeared and he didn’t have a filter for his thoughts and desires. One night she got him incredibly stoned and then after the 1st round of sex she asked him what his most hidden fantasies were and to share them with her….. He told her that he was leaning towards being a bisexual top and wanted to have sex with her and another guy. He said looking back she frowned a little but actually agreed, they set it up and had a great night or so he thought… until 2 weeks later when she served him divorce papers say that she could not ever be with a man that was bisexual or gay. That was that and since then, he hasn’t been with another person sexually.

I asked him why he approached me. He said that he was a regular at the bar and had seen me in there every once in a while and slowly got my niece’s confidence and finally got out of her that I was bisexual but very shy about interacting with other guys… she is the only family member of mine that knows this about me. He laughed saying that one night a few months ago he told her the story of what happened to him and his wife. She then told him that he should talk to me about the remodeling work he wanted done. SO she knew….I would have to thank her sometime.

I reached over idly playing with his cock again, amazed that he really wasn’t losing his erection at all to speak of. While slowly stroking him I remarked on this and he said that it was a bit new to him but that he had always had been able to stay up for long lengths of time when stoned and he was real stoned right then.

About then since I was still clothed I told him that I needed to go out to my car and get my duffle bag I brought with me so I would be able to put on clean clothes in the morning and such, which surprised him. When I came back in I suggested we go into his bedroom for more fun and he said that he actually thought that I might leave when I went outside… NOT A CHANCE! I asked him to give me a couple moments before following me in. I have dentures due to childhood illnesses that ruined my teeth and I wanted to take them out so I could really give him the blowjob(s) of a lifetime.

When I was done I walked over to the shower and turned it on as he walked in asking me what I wanted next? I simply said that I wanted him to “take charge, dominate me and have me be his total sex and cum slut so he could fulfill my fantasies into reality” This caused him to laugh saying that nobody had ever asked that of him before but he was willing to try his best.

He then proceeds to smack my ass, eliciting a small yelp from me and tells me to get into the shower. Damn that got my 5.5 incher harder than ever before, so I reach over grab his cock and pull him into the shower behind me. His cock felt so good in my hand… all I could think was “I wonder what he will tell me to do?”

As we step into the shower and let the steaming water pour all over us, I couldn’t seem to let go of his cock as we get to kissing and making out again. He pushes me back a bit and grabs the soap handing it to me and tells me to clean him from head to toe. I step around behind him scrubbing his back letting the spray rinse it down him and start kissing him as I slowly move my way down cleaning him as I go. rinse and kiss, paying a lot of attention to his ass cheeks just enjoying making them quiver with my lips. As I get down his legs and soap them clean he turns around so I start from there going up because I am already kneeling, I slide my mouth over his cock head flicking my tongue around and over the delicious cock head in front of me causing him to inhale sharply.

I continue soaping his legs moving my hands upward cleaning him as I go and release my mouth so I can soap his balls and cock clean he grabs my shoulders pulling me up which is good since I am now scrubbing his stomach and chest with soap getting him to moan softly the whole time. As I slowly finish cleaning him he spins me around to face the wall taking the sponge and soap and starts scrubbing my back clean while one hand is squeezing my butt causing me to moan like crazy. Then all of a sudden he smacks my ass…. HARD! “YES, please more!” and he just laughs and does it again on the other cheek. “Oh God, YES!” At that point he scrubs those exact spot really hard with the sponge making me moan with pushing my butt at him. His soapy thumb slips down and pushes against my tight little hole really making me moan….

I put my hands on the wall at this point and push back to him causing his thumb to slip inside me … “Oh yeah, more Jeff, MORE! Please, more??!”

“Do you like that? You want more huh?”


All of a sudden he pulls his thumb out and pushes 2 fingers in slowly causing me to bend over more. He then smacks my ass again and again while sawing those two fingers in and out… DAMN it feels so good.

As the water is cooling off he slowly pulls his fingers out and tells me to dry him off. I grab a towel and start toweling him dry marveling that I think his cock has gotten even bigger and harder. When we are both dry we go back out to the living room refill our drinks and I grab the bong and start heading back to the bedroom. He jokingly ask where Iam going and said that I am not done having fun with him and that he still has to fuck me. He then says that he has not ever had a lover that let him fuck their ass because of his size and also that he doesn’t have any condoms.

I tell him that he is larger than any of the 4 or 5 guys that I have had before but that won’t stop this tight bitch from getting barebacked by him. He says okay and that when I get to the bedroom to close the door since he is going to let Apollo and Hermes inside for the night.

I go into the bedroom, sit down on the couch and I must have hit the power button on the tv remote…. well, well, it is a smart tv with internet setup so I when it comes on it is already set up on a porn video site. I do a quick search for big cock anal compilation and start a movie before he walks in.

I am lighting up the bowl when he walks in and notices the movie playing. With a smile he turns to me and walks over stops right in front of me, telling me that he likes my movie choice and that “I need to put his cock in my mouth and make sure he is as hard as possible”. Gladly! I set the bong down while still holding the smoke in and lean forward slowly sliding down the length of his cock letting my breath out through my nose looking like a dragon. Before I knew it his hands were on my head and I had him deepthroated. DAYUM! He tasted so good! He held my head still for a few seconds and then took over the action for me just fucking my mouth slowly at first and then faster and faster not ever quite causing me to gag but making me give the deep throat blowjob of a lifetime… I was in total heaven and I think he was too.

All of a sudden he stopped, pulling me completely off his slick dick and told me to get on my knees, bend over the couch and assume the position as he was going to fuck me! Just what I was waiting for!

I spun around quick causing him to laugh and then he smacked my ass again making me moan. I didn’t see any lube there but he was soon spreading some on my hole and slipping first one then 2 and slowly getting a third one inside me… smacking my ass the whole time with his other hand. I felt him move closer and move my knees further apart and all of a sudden his fingers were gone but I felt his cock head pushing against my tight little rosebud and it slipped in… “Oh God you are so tight!”

“Please go slow?” I asked.

He laughed and just smacked my ass again while pushing deeper into me…. stopping every little bit but always smacking my ass when sliding further and further inside. I felt so stuffed and full and asked if he was all inside… he said “No only about half way.” then smacked me again and leaned hard into me making me grunt and moan at the same time. I won’t lie, I hurt from his size, but it also felt so damn good!

He stayed still letting me adjust to him and relax so I could enjoy him even more. Then all of a sudden he started smacking both cheeks and asked “Are you ready to be a bitch for me?” “Are you ready to get bred like a bitch … like the tightest ass bitch ever because I am going to do just that!”

“Fuck me! Breed me! Make me your little anal cum slut bitch!!”

He slowly slid out till only the head was in me and slid all the way back in and then back out popping out completely making me whimper when he slammed back in picking up the pace smacking my ass all the while. He started going faster and faster making my ass quiver with each stroke in and out of his hard cock hitting bottom inside me and his balls slapping against mine. My own cock was wedged between the cushion and base of the couches footstool I was laying out across and I was grabbing onto the cushion ahead of me for dear life getting the best fuck of my life. This went on for a good 20 minutes before I felt my own dick to erupt causing my ass to spasm around his pistoning cock inside me.

“Oh fuck! OH FUCK you little bitch … are you ready for this?!?”

Before I could answer he pushed as deep as he could crushing me against the couch and just started spasming deep into my ass which had become like a pussy to him. As he was finishing he fell forward laying on me and started kissing my neck and biting my ear causing my whole body to shake and quiver into him.

He started to whisper in my ear that he didn’t think he had ever been that hard before nor fucked anyone like that and that he wanted me to be his fuck bitch as often as possible. I laughed and said that he could fuck me like that anytime he wants but right now I was probably going ot be walking funny for a couple of days.

As we laid there with him sexily panting in my ear he slowly softened inside me. I found nirvana.

All of a sudden the dogs started scratching at the door and he told me to just lay there and recover while he went out and calmed them down. He heard me whimper and I asked him to stay inside me because it felt so good. He chuckled, but said he would be back in a few minutes as it was still early in the night and we could have more fun still.


Shortly after, Jeff pulled out and went to see what was causing the dogs to act up I must have dozed off. I was still kneeling and sprawled across the footstool cushion when I was magically awoken by a tongue licking my asshole that was slowly weeping Jeff’s spent load while another tongue (say what??) was licking my legs clean of what cum had run down it. As I was coming back to reality I lifted my head so I could turn to see what/who was rimming me when I noticed that Jeff had slid onto the couch in front of me. I raised my head to look at him as he scooted down so quickly that his cock popped right into my mouth and placed his hands on the back of my head and started bobbing me up and down giving a blowjob to him once again.

It was at this time I figured out it was the dogs licking me clean , especially when the one rimming me all of a sudden was tongue deep inside me hitting my prostate JUST right causing my hips to lurch up and he went even deeper. WOW! That felt so damn good I didn’t want him to stop.

I heard Jeff say something and nothing. HUH? Then I felt the dog jump up on me and start humping but not finding my hole, until boom… he found it, sliding all the way in and start hammering me. I thought Jeff was wild earlier… nope, he had nothing on his dog. At the beginning he was much slimmer and not as long as Jeff but I felt him growing larger and larger the more he fucked me. After a couple of minutes he popped out and sprayed my leg with his precum and then mounted me again without pause causing me to whimper a little. I could feel him panting and drooling on my neck while Jeff was using my mouth as his personal knob bobber.

A little bit into this I felt the knot slamming against my hole making me wonder how big it was. Then it popped in and WOW!! It was already almost too big but he pulled it back out and popped it in again doing this a couple more times before it was large enough it couldn’t come back out tying me to him. He then turned up the speed and just kept fucking me as deep as he could go. His whole body started quivering and he was yipping a bit and then I felt it…. damn he must have been half way up to my stomach just pumping his cum deep into my guts with no end in sight. This made me orgasm myself causing my asshole to clamp down on his doggy cock and squeeze, milking even more out of him.

On top of all this, Jeff start flooding my mouth and throat with his load too! I had a rough time swallowing all of his load due to my own moaning and gasping from all that was happening at the same time… then it was over.

I felt Jeff lean forward and start scratching his pup and saying “Good Boy Hermes! Yeah you did great” “Stay, Stay….” as he was trying to pull out and couldn’t yet. He was starting to whine a little so Jeff kept petting him and holding him so he wouldn’t hurt me until his knot had shrunk enough to pull out. About 10-15 minutes of him panting and drooling on me he was finally able to slide his knot free with an audible pop making me wince a bit and moan again in pleasure.

As he moved away I heard Jeff say “Apollo lecken” and immediately felt his tongue cleaning my hole from the load Hermes left inside me. This made my own dick twitch again while still stuck into the couch cushion. While he was working me over with his glorious tongue cleaning, Jeff was changing positions ahead of me so that we could kiss and make out. Sharing the taste of his seed from my mouth to his via our tongues dancing with each other.

After a few minutes he moved away to whisper in my ear “That was the kinkiest and most sexually erotic thing he has ever been a apart of”.

I told him that I am glad and I loved it.

He laughed and just said “Apollo, montieren!”

The tongue immediately stopped and a moment later Apollo was on my back and with his first hump he slid right inside me!

Jeff was whispering in my things like: yeah baby, this is so hot, take him deeply bitch, fuck yeah, you whore, are you my slut ass bitch now?? and many more I was too busy to hear.

Apollo was at least as big as Jeff and growing but his knot was not even in me yet! How big could he be?? I kept thinking that until all of a sudden I felt his knot knocking on my little hole (that I thought had been opened wide by Hermes) Omg, it must be about the size of an orange! Omg it just popped in causing me to yelp and try, but utterly fail due to the couch, and move away. Nope, wrong move! Jeff immediately started kissing me again and Apollo nip my ear causing me to shudder deeply. When I do so, I popped his knot out, so he shoved it back in and nipped me on the ear again. So I shuddered and popped him out and he popped back in with this becoming a thing for the next few minutes while I could feel his cock getting even longer and thicker …. omg could I really hold so much of him in me…

BAM! his knot became so huge he barely got it inside me and get back out…. he stops for a second completely tied to me and then sets to start fucking me again at about 60 to 70 miles per hour, just jack hammering my poor abused ass-pussy making me whine, whimper and moan. I lost track of time, as well as how many times I orgasmed.

I just became a quivering and whimpering bitch to these 3 incredible fuckers!

I finally came back to my senses somewhat noticing that Apollo was slowing a little and whimpering some………. then it happened… I felt his balls go hot against my ass, and his cock got even hotter and started pulsing his cum load after load after load deep inside me just bloating me full. This all made me orgasm again and squeeze even tighter around his knot making him jump into me and causing him to start fucking me all over again for a few minutes all the while his cock was still twitching his cum into me, before having to stop from being tired.

Jeff must have been holding him from pulling out and petting him because he didn’t try pulling out more than a couple of times during what I learned later was over 20 minutes. His knot was then finally small enough to let us untie. Still not very small as it made me wince and it sounded like a balloon popping out of me.

Jeff let out a whistle and a “DAMN Dude!”


“His dick is still almost 10 inches long with his knot close to a softball in size!”, he said sounding amazed.

“No wonder I felt so damned full!”

“I bet I could put at least one if not both hands inside your ass-pussy right now with it being so open…”

“Seriously??” I said.

I turned my head to look at him and he caught my eye. All I did was wink and without breaking eye contact I felt his left hand sliding right in using all the cum inside me as the lube. I closed my eyes moaning in new pleasure as his hand slid across my prostate causing little electric shocks through my dick. I heard him oohing at that moment and then as his right hand started pushing inside me stretching me a little further open he leaned forward and started biting my cheeks and telling me how much of a sexy bitch beast I was becoming for him.

“Oh yeah, I am your bitch! Only yours! That feels so damned good and dirty!”

About this time I was almost delirious and he kept sawing his hands in and out alternating between them. Every time he slid a hand in or out he made sure to hit my prostate setting me on fire and getting me to jump a little bit as well. Finally I had to beg him to stop and he did so but only for a few moments leaving both hands inside me allowing me to stop twitching some.

When he did resume moving his hands he was a bit more reserved and after a few minutes slowly withdrew them causing me to gasp a little at the feeling of total emptiness. I just went limp again right there on couch, because after the last almost 2 hours (he later told me) of being fucked silly by him, both dogs, and then double fisted left me with no ability or energy to move or talk coherently. I summarily passed out.

I woke up with the intense need to pee almost bewildered as to where I was. Then my memories started flooding back and I moaned all over again from them. I looked around and found a clock as I was shakily getting to my feet and was astounded to see that it was almost 3 a.m. knowing that we got out of the shower around 8 last night.

As I made my way to the bathroom I heard Jeff lightly snoring and snuggled up in bed.

I felt so sticky and gooey from the waist down that I decided to grab a quick shower to clean up and used the hand held shower head to rinse myself out as well. After drying off I went back into the bedroom and cleaned up our messes, that the dogs hadn’t, as good as I could with a couple of towels so that it didn’t dry to a sticky smelly mess. Luckily Jeff had a good quality (fake) leather couch and had put a towel in the cushion where my dick had kept exploding from all the action earlier.

The bed looked so inviting especially as tired as I still was. So I went over and slid under the covers up against my new lover who was laying on his side. As I slid up against against him with my back to his chest he moved his arm over me and pulled me against him. This caused his cock to slide between my cheeks and his mushroom head pushed against my still tender rosebud. He seemingly never missed a beat with his light snuffle-snoring but managed to instinctively move his hips enough to slide the head right inside me… mmmmmm damn that felt good causing me to moan and push against him as tight as I could allowing more of him to slide inside.

As he didn’t move anymore and the exhaustion started to creep over me I fell back asleep in near complete bliss. The feeling of his cock inside me as I slept was near heavenly.

Several hours later as the sun was fully shining in the windows I slowly woke to the warmth of his breath and lips on my neck. I realized that he was also sliding his hard cock in and out of my well used ass pussy causing me to moan and meet his movements as much as I could. When I reached my left hand back and grabbed his ass he noticed I was awake and started moving faster and faster. I slowly pulled us over until I was on my stomach with him on top of me in a reverse missionary wearing a smile a mile wide from him pumping his meat in and out of me.

I could tell he wasn’t getting as deep into me as he had the night before, so I started pushing back against him until I gotten up to my knees and in the classic doggy position. Now he was able to pound me deep with his balls slapping against mine making me feel so good.

He slapped my ass a few times telling me to get ready… and then he pulled me deeper onto his cock as it started spasming and shooting his cum inside me, once again filling me as full as possible. This also caused my own orgasm, which squeezed even more out of him making him exclaim: “God your ass feels so good gripping my cock! I don’t think I have ever cum this much before!”

As he was finally softening some and slipping out of me I fell forward onto the bed. He slowly lowered himself to lay beside me just rubbing and caressing my ass. He leaned into me and nibbled on my ear before telling me to just lay there and relax for a few because he was going to grab a quick shower and fix us a late breakfast. When he got out of the shower and walked through the bedroom he smacked me on the ass again laughing and saying that it was my turn to shower and he would have food ready when I got done.

During my shower I started noticing just how used and abused my ass-pussy was. It was tingling form all the action I had received but that didn’t stop me from smiling ear to ear reliving some of it. Again I made sure I was clean outside and in so that I would not be dribbling all over the house. After toweling off I grabbed a pair of shorts he had laid out for me and walked out to find the smells of bacon and eggs cooking.

Walking through the house the dogs came to greet me and as I petted them I noticed they had no real interest in me other than as a person to give them scritches and pets. When I got to the kitchen I saw Jeff standing at the stove and walked up behind him, patting his ass, and told him “Thank you.”

He said: “Oh no, thank you. I didn’t expect to do everything we did last night and this morning but sweet Jeebus it has been great! You have made more than a few fantasies come true. DO you like being a cumslut bitch?” He then leaned into me before I could answer and we kissed a deep soulful kiss.

I walked over and sat down at the island and just watched him finish breakfast for us.

As he brought the plates over I remarked that it amazed me that Hermes and Apollo were so well trained and weren’t trying to nudge me or try anything.

He then told me that one of his good friends is a very accomplished dog trainer and had been working with them for most of the last year. She was the one that talked him into getting these two litter brothers. Since he had never had dogs before he agreed but only if she was to train them. So, she had trained them to not chew anything that was not a toy or a chew bone. To treat all visitors respectfully unless they were home alone. To limit their barking to only as necessary. AND then lastly she trained them to be gentle in their licking and mounting/fucking, this last one though, she had only confided in him a week earlier.

I asked him if she had told him why she did that.

He laughed and said that she told him she did it because she had caught them trying to hump one of her female dogs and noticed that they were the “best hung” dogs she had ever trained and it made her drippingly horny. He would leave them with her when he went out of town for business 3-4 days in a row every other week which left her alone with them a lot. Eventually she got them well enough trained that he could enjoy them with a willing partner. He just didn’t expect it to be with another guy.

I laughed and said that I had not ever expected to enjoy it either, but a dog’s dick has no care if it is a female hole or a male hole. It also seemed they didn’t care if it was a dog’s hole or a human’s hole either. This caused him to laugh and say that it sure seemed like all enjoyed it.

“So what about the words in a different language?”

He said that she always trained the dogs to obey commands in German so that there was a much lesser chance of a misspoken word being taken as a command for action or such.

While eating we got onto other subjects just making small talk and finding out more about each other. As it was sunday, we also had the tv on and were watching football games. We found that we both liked the same teams and more importantly disliked the same teams, laughing at each other about that.

After finishing our brunch we cleaned the kitchen together and moved into the living room to watch the rest of the games on his 88″ OLED tv which made it feel like we were right there in the stadium …. but better! The dogs came in, got some petting in, before Jeff told them “neider” and they laid down at our feet and promptly fell asleep.

We sat there watching football for a while and commenting on the games until I asked: “How is it that you basically stayed fully hard or close to it all night?”

He said: “I am not sure but I think it had something to do with the marijuana we smoked. When I went into the dispensary and talked with the manager that I wanted something special for the occasion she told me to wait a few minutes and she would be back with just the right stuff.” He went on saying: ” When she came back she had a big ole smile saying that this was a special blend she put together calling it ‘Up all night’ and that he would be amazed and so would his lucky Lady.” he got a good laugh out of that because she didn’t know it wasn’t for a Lady friend, winking at me.

I laughed saying that I bet she laced it with powdered viagra and that we would need to try it again just to be sure. He smiled and said that we would for sure in a little while.

I remarked that his ex was crazy to have left him when he had such a magnificent cock and was so damn awesome sexually. He smiled a little saying that she had always complained that he was actually too big and every once in a while it would cause her to feel “bruised from his girth and length” but it didn’t seem like that mattered to me.

I told him that he was by far the largest I had ever had, including dildoes or seen in videos.

How big and how many guys had I been with, he asked.

Well, I confided that I had only been with 5 guys until him, with 2 only being me giving blowjobs and of the other 3, I had blown them all and then got them back up for some backdoor fun. The largest had been about 6 inches long and about 5.5 inches around and he felt great inside me and lasted for a long long time. Then I asked him if he knew just how big he was? He said that when we got him back to full later on that I would have to measure him so we both knew.

As the afternoon wore on I found myself really enjoying his company and we found ways to make each other laugh and smile, just becoming friends as well as lovers.

We ordered pizza and when it go there the beers came out of the fridge and we started feeling even better. As the beer started hitting me I got up to use the bathroom while doing so he loaded the bong up. I decided to entice him fully and left my shorts in the bathroom so as to sit with him naked and be submissive to his desires. Noticing this he laughed and called me a horny bitch offering me the first bong rip, which I gladly accepted. As I held it in, I handed the bong to him and he lit up, inhaling a big rip for himself.

I reached over rubbing his balls causing him to inhale even deeper making him cough it back out. While he was coughing I moved my hand to his cock so that each time he coughed, it caused him to stroke inside my hand getting him harder and harder. He handed the bong back and I ripped another, enjoying the slight burn of the “special blend” noting that I was also hardening up and getting a lot hornier. As I finished the bowl I got up, cleaned it out and refilled it for Jeff to be able to enjoy some more.

When he finished his rip I couldn’t help myself and reached over to start playing with his cock through his shorts. As he kept getting harder, longer and thicker I remarked that he had too many clothes on. At this he told me it was my job to undress him. I stood in front of him, pulled him to his feet, then knelt down and slowly slid his shorts down his legs while looking up at him and maintaining eye contact the whole time. As the waistband came over his cock it bounced up against my chin, so I moved my head a little, parting my lips and slid him into my mouth little by little still watching his eyes with a smile twinkling in mine.

After a few moments of this he leaned sideways and reached for a tape measure from the side table handing it to me and saying: “Ok my slut bitch, since you wanted to know how big I am, it is time to measure me.” I groaned in pleasure as I slid my lips off him and grabbed the tape from him. I moaned when I saw that he measured a filling 8.5 inches on top from base to tip and then wrapped it around him to find that he was almost 7 inches around as well! Damn…. NO wonder he stretched me so much I could still feel it.

I let out a slow whistle and a very loud “DAYUM!”

He asked what the results were and I told him. He then said that that was why he had never thought that he would ever get into anyone’s ass and until his ex no women had stuck around for more than about 6 months at a time. I asked him then why he thought she had been with him for as long as she had if sex with him had been that uncomfortable. He said she rarely ever said that but he figured it was because he was pretty well off financially. Laughing that when she left she wasn’t entitled to much of it since he had her sign a prenup that she forgot about.

I just smiled at him and said enough talk… and leaned forward and started licking and sucking him into my mouth making him moan and groan, growing a little unsteady on his feet. I pulled my mouth off his member and told him with a smile that he should sit down before he fell down.

As he sat down he said that maybe since it was sunday evening and I would have to work the next day that maybe we should just not go any further. Too late for that, I laughed and told him that I sent a text to my employee telling him I wasn’t feeling myself and that I wasn’t going to make it to the jobsite the next day. He laughed saying that he had told his assistant the same thing figuring that he would need the day to recover from what we had already done. I told him to wait right there because I wanted to take my dentures out so that I could get as much of his cock in my mouth as possible and without teeth in the way. He told me to hurry as he wanted me more than he had wanted anyone ever before.

I had a surprise for him and put on a chastity cage while taking my teeth out. I had worn them in the privacy of my own home as well as out and about, trying several different styles and sizes until I found one that was the most comfortable for long term. So far the longest I had been able to control myself was for 4 days. Also I wanted to see if I could have an orgasm from sex while wearing one and I figured that Jeff would be able to provide that for me.

I walked back into the living room and up to Jeff who was facing away watching the last of a game. I started massaging his shoulders and neck getting him to relax even further. As I stopped he let his head roll back onto the top edge of the couch with his eyes closed while his right hand was petting Apollo who had jumped up on the couch to lay beside him. I took this time to enjoy another rip from the bong.

I told him to just keep his eyes closed for the time being and enjoy what was happening.

I then walked around in front of him and knelt between his feet, leaning forward so I could start kissing his nipples. While doing so I reached down and started fondling his balls causing his cock to twitch against my stomach. Slowly trailing kisses down his stomach until my lips found his mushroom head and slowly sucking it into my mouth while my tongue was toying with his slit causing a small bead of precum to slip onto my tongue…. cooing, I told him how sweet he tasted and that I enjoyed being his slut bitch. He responded by placing his left hand on my head and sliding me back over his cock nice and slowly letting me engulf him.

As more and more of him slid in I felt it opening my throat and he was moving my head up and down in just the right rhythm so that I neither gagged nor was unable to breathe. I felt like such a slut at this point and just relaxing into the moment of giving this big cock the blowjob of a lifetime.

Jeff was saying dirty kinky things to me egg me on to further heights keeping up a steady rhythm with my head when all of a sudden I heard him call Hermes over to me and command him to “lecken”. When his tongue connected to my ass-pussy I nearly jumped because not only did he lick, he slid it deep inside me. He must have had his mouth wide open because I felt his teeth grazing against both my balls and the top end of my crack causing me to shudder and moan around Jeff’s cock causing more precum to fill my hungry mouth. This caused Hermes to nip my ass cheek a little, basically telling me “to keep still bitch”.

He pulled my head up and mouth off his cock, leaned forward and started kissing me hungrily. In between kisses he said: “Hermes montieren” and as Hermes stopped and jumped onto my back he started kissing me again making me moan into his mouth as Hermes found his mark on the 2 hump and slid inside my freshly licked ass-pussy and start pumping away, growing larger and longer as he did so. I started feeling his knot thump against my hole and started pushing back against him reveling in the feeling of it hitting into me and trying to get him inside me before he got too big. All of a sudden Jeff pushed my head back down on his cock at the same time Hermes knot popped in the first time only to have him pop it back out and on it went for a few moments until he was inside and large enough to firmly tie this awesome beast inside me.

Hermes continued to fuck me while tied with me. I started feeling Jeff’s cock swell in my mouth and throat letting me know he was about to cum at the same time that Hermes stopped with one last thrust and began to fill me with his cum. I was once again sandwiched between two cocks both filling me from each end at the same time. As I was shuddering from Hermes, Jeff started cumming in earnest, flooding my mouth and I felt his cum sliding down my throat filling me up. This caused my ass-pussy to squeeze even more out of Hermes getting him to whine in pleasure from behind me.

Also, I was almost delirious with the need to cum myself but with the cage on I was not able to even with Hermes in my ass hitting my prostate just right.

Thankfully Jeff had a hold of his collar as he started to try and pull out from me with his knot still fully engorged within me. Many long minutes later of me kneeling and panting into Jeff’s crotch Hermes had shrunk enough to pull out.

Now Apollo was still laying on the couch but was getting a bit anxious and his cock had slid about halfway out of its sheath. As Hermes was now licking his load back out of me, I moved a bit so I could admire Apollo’s body and especially his slowly lengthening and hardening cock. Apollo rolled onto his back, lifting his left leg into the air and giving me better access. I reached forward and started sliding my hand up and down his heated shaft. Before I knew what came over me all of a sudden I took the opportunity and slid my greedy mouth onto his cock. He was so much hotter in my mouth than I expected. He was leaking precum like crazy and though it tasted different than Jeff’s I still enjoyed it. Swallowing it as it sprayed out into my mouth.

I noticed that he was trying hump me deeper into my mouth, but I also knew that I didn’t dare let him get his knot into my mouth or I would be in trouble. So I then grabbed his knot with one hand to keep it from happening. Jeff was also holding his hips down so that he didn’t force it into me. As I was able to get more and more of his cock into my mouth I began seeing and feeling just how big he truly was for myself. I had to reach around and grab his knot with both hands because it was growing to the size of a navel orange and his cock was as long as Jeff had said in front of the knot. Not to mention at least as thick as Jeff’s, amazing me that all that had been stuffed inside my ass-pussy.

I came to the fuzzy idea that if it took his knot being tied into a bitch for him to cum, then I needed to grip and squeeze it to get him to do just that. I started squeezing and releasing his knot to simulate that of being inside a bitch he really let loose with his load, flooding me deep into my throat with so much cum that I couldn’t swallow all of it and probably half dribbled back out around his cock. Hermes was right there to lick up the left overs as I released Apollo from my greedy lips he even started licking my face and lips clean, french kissing me as well.

When we finished cleaning Apollo up the dogs left us and went over to the corner to finish their own cleaning and take a nap on their beds. I climbed up onto the couch shakily and laid my head on Jeff’s lap drifting off to the smells of our sexual escapades.


The End.



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