Mind Controller Chip 1

By One-red.

I had spent all morning interviewing micro neurology graduates to assist in decoding brain waves to control computers rather than using a keyboard and mouse. I thought I would whittle it down to 2 or 3 candidates. But the only suitable person was a fairly plain girl about 23 who probably had a fairly good figure if she didn’t wear such ill-fitting clothes. Her name was Sue she seemed very shy.

After a couple of weeks, we started to get on well enough, and she was very good at what I needed her to do. After two months, we had a prototype that stuck on the back of the neck with a couple of Elastoplast. It consisted of very fine wires that just pierced the skin hooked up to a small computer chip. It felt a bit sore to start. Then the device emitted a pain-blocking signal. We connected it to the computer, and after a week of decoding our brain waves, we were able to type by using our thoughts. It only did lower case letters, no numbers, and no punctuation. At best, it was about as fast as a slow typist.

We tried to think of other uses for it.

What if we made two and saw if we could communicate with each other?

How would we decide who transmitted and who received it?

We could have a wristband that you pressed to talk.

OK, we would need to set them both to receive and analyze the waveforms first.

After a hectic week, we had two prototypes. These had Velcro wrist bands. And a large wound dressing to hold the chip on the back of the neck.

We started analyzing the waveforms. We started by sticking a sharp object in the back of our hands to find the pain signals. We found we could increase or decrease these from the slightest touch being agony to a quite serious pinprick not registering at all.

Alongside the pain waves, we found the triggers for anger. We wound Sue up to high, and I told her to slap me. She seemed to enjoy that. My anger signals shot through the roof. I wound pain and anger down as far as they would go, and we did it again. I felt no pain and no animosity. We assumed Sue’s would be the same. I didn’t really want to hit her.

Over that week, we found an assortment of signals that were the same for Sue and me. Not sure what all of these did. Then we found the triggers for Reluctance and Inhibition.

While Ben sorted out the software for the chips, I made the wristbands. I was adding sliders to control any four signals. Which signals they controlled would be set in the computer.

We decided that one slider would return everything to normal, one would cover inhibition, and the third would cover one of the unknown signals.

We put on the neckbands and switched them on, then strapped on the wrist bands. As they booted up, there was a small buzz in the back of the neck. OK, turn the reset slider off. And turn the other two to ten percent. It felt a bit strange. As Sue’s head turned from left to right, I could feel signals change.

I started talking to Ben, but he seemed to know what I would say a fraction of a second before he said it. This was weird.

OK, turn the reset on.

It seems we were feeling the same effect.

“OK, Sue, you are a timid person normally, aren’t you? If I asked you to strip naked, you wouldn’t do it, would you?”

“NO, definitely not.”

“Would you be prepared to turn your inhibition up to see how that works slowly?”

“You want me to keep turning my inhibition signal up until I strip naked for you.”

“It’s just you and me. I want you to try your hardest not to do it. When you start removing your clothes, I will stop.”

“I don’t know. I don’t really feel comfortable doing it.”

“That’s the whole point. If you asked me to strip naked, I would go without the inhibitor. We need to try something you wouldn’t normally do.”

“OK then, but you strip off. First, I don’t want to end up stood there naked on my own.”

I couldn’t believe Ben was getting naked. Wow, his penis is quite large. I hadn’t seen one since I was about sixteen. I have led a very sheltered life.

“OK, I am turning it to twenty percent.”

I tried to send a signal for Sue to strip. Nothing.

I kept winding it up until I got to sixty percent. I don’t know why but I started removing my top. Then my skirt I was stood there in just my bra and knickers. I wouldn’t go further.

“OK, reset. How did that feel?

“Weird, I just didn’t mind stripping, but that’s as far as I wanted to go. I see you enjoyed it.”

I was staring at his erection.

“Whoops, sorry,” he said.

“That’s OK. It’s massive.”

“No, it’s about eight inches. That’s not huge. OK, do you want to get dressed or try a bit further. Let’s just check the waveforms. Then we will continue.”

I couldn’t believe I was sat in my bra and pants next to a naked man checking waveforms. “That’s strange. My inhibition levels have not returned to normal yet.”

“That’s OK. We will check the decay levels when we are done.” We returned to where we were at sixty percent. “OK, seventy percent.”

Then Ben signaled me to strip again. Not sure how this worked. I knew Ben wanted me to strip, but I wouldn’t do it till I received the signal from him. I quickly removed my bra. As I removed my bra, the signal from Ben got stronger. I could see his dick twitching. Then I removed my knickers. I was stood there completely naked, and I didn’t care. This is something I would never normally do. Ben got me a chair and signaled me to sit.

“Open your legs,” he said. He reached over and pushed the slider up to eighty percent. As he pushed the slider up, so my legs parted. “OK, reset. Well, that was nice. How do you feel?”

“Weird, I’m sat here naked with my legs open, and I don’t care,” I said.

“You have switched your inhibitor off, but I am still sending a signal to open your legs. Try to close them.”

“Wow, that’s weird. I can override you, but I can’t really be bothered.”

“Would you like me to make you orgasm to check the carrier waves for sex?”

“I’m trying to say no, but you can if you want. Don’t put your dick in me, or I will be annoyed.”

“I’m not going to.”

Ben reached over and turned off the reset and turned the inhibition to eighty percent again. Then he came round behind me and put his arms around me. He cupped my left breast. And with his other hand, he started rubbing my clitoris.

“How’s that?” Ben asks.


Ben turned the unknown slider to sixty percent and continued with my clit. “Any change?”

“I don’t think so.”

I slid the slider to ninety percent still nothing. Ben was starting to make me orgasm. I slid the inhibition to one hundred percent. I thought I was going to explode when I orgasmed.

“That’s too high. you don’t need it that high yet.”

“OK, reset.”

I was still buzzing. I think the unknown slider is probably endorphin release.

“OK, Sue. Has anyone ever gone down on you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Oral sex. Has a man ever licked you down there?”

“No, why? Do you want to? I would love to.”

I had a bit of a fumble with a boyfriend when I was younger, but he mostly just fingered me then stuck his dick in me. After that, I spent too much time studying to have a boyfriend.

Ben pulled me up from the chair and lay me on the couch with my bum on the edge. He turned the sliders up to eighty percent and climbed between my legs, and draped my legs over his shoulders. I couldn’t believe how it felt. And the thought that someone wants to lick me down there. Pretty soon, he gave me an even stronger orgasm. He then reached over and reset the sliders. Then he reset his.

The loss of connection was strange. All of a sudden, I was back in the real world. I was completely naked, and a naked man had just given me the most amazing orgasms. This wasn’t me at all.

I just want to take a blood sample then we can check the waveforms. I wandered over naked to the lab Bench and put a blood sample in the analyzer. It would take a few minutes. Then I went to the laptop to look at the waveforms. They were very complex, so I sent them to the printer. Ben was stood behind me, cupping my breasts all the time I was at the screen. I was in no hurry to move. It felt quite nice. It was bizarre Ben’s dick was sticking in my back, but he had not tried to fuck me.

“Do you know you have a beautiful body? We should go and get you some sexier clothes next time we are in town.”

It was a good hour before I felt normal again. I still didn’t mind being naked. Perhaps my inhibition levels would remain where they are. The blood test came back. It looks like it was endorphins—the body’s own heroin. So we knew what that slider was for.

We disconnected all the gear and packed it all away. I was just going to get dressed and go home when Ben took my hand and led me up to his bedroom. I don’t know if it changed my brain waves or the endorphin, but I just followed him. I didn’t mind when he carefully lowered me into the bed. He showed me how to 69. That felt really nice. I didn’t even care when he ejaculated in my mouth. He turned me around and pulled the covers over us, and kissed me.


I woke in the morning, not sure where I was. I turned and saw Ben and realized it had not been a dream. I reached down and held his penis, which was already rock hard. I carefully climbed astride him and slowly slid his dick inside me. I had managed to give myself an orgasm and collapsed on him before Ben opened his eyes. This was the first real dick I have had inside me.

“You’re not done yet,” he said, spinning me over and fucking me.

It was another hour before we got up.

“You should move in. It would be more convenient for you. And probably more fun.”

I realized we would be going a lot further than this before we were done.


The next day I moved my stuff in and handed the keys back to my landlord. We went into town, where Ben picked out some new clothes. Then he picked out some underwear for me.

“Oh my God, I’m not sure I will be able to wear some of it,” I said.

We got back to the lab, and Ben made me try on all of the clothes. I didn’t think twice about stripping in front of him. Pretty soon, he had an erection again. He brought the neck patch and controllers out.

“Put these on. I need to see what level we need you on today.”

“You know you can fuck me without.”

“I know, but we need to test it over extended periods.”

I put the band on and turned the settings to eighty percent as per yesterday. This seemed way too much, and I turned it down to fifty percent. It looks like your baseline is up by thirty percent. He then instructed me to lay on the bed, and he proceeded to lick me. I quickly orgasmed and quickly followed by two more. He turned the endorphin slider to ten percent and did it again. I had another orgasm, but it was a while before I could come again. ”

“Well, it looks like that’s not just endorphin; it also changes your recovery time for your orgasms.”

Over the next few weeks, we split the waveforms down further. The endorphins were close to the orgasm control, and it turned out most of the waveforms had multiple variations. In the end, we hooked into food, drink, sleep, toilet, rest, pleasure, pain, sensitivity, submission, domination, inhibition, anger, and lust. We found that the endorphins could be used to give you an energy boost if any of the settings dropped below a pre-set minimum. We spent an amazing couple of weeks trying sex in various settings and without the chips. I can’t believe I have missed out on all these years of sex.

Once we had got as much data as we could, Ben said, “I am off to the guy who builds the chip. I may be away for a few days.”


I was pretty much rattling around the house and lab with nothing to do. Then I wondered if the chip would work on Ben’s dog. He was a big soft Alsatian called Shep. I clipped the hair on the back of his neck and attached Ben’s control chip, and switched it on. The light came on, and the fine wires wound into the back of his neck. He started barking, then he was fine.

I went to the computer and checked his settings. I told him to eat and to sleep. He did these without any problem. I set his submissive levels at 50. and anger at about 10.

I really enjoyed oral sex and wondered if I could get Shep to lick me. I felt really nervous about this, so I put my chip on and set my inhibition to full. I set my orgasms to about 2 minutes and my lust to about 50. I was only going to let him lick me for a few minutes to try him out. I removed my jeans and knickers and lay on the settee with my arse on the edge. I didn’t know whether to turn my inhibition back down a bit I was actually getting excited.

I put my wrist strap down and put on the one for Ben’s chip. As it connected, I felt the usual buzz, but then things felt a bit weird. Obviously, Shep’s waves were slightly different from mine.

I turned Shep’s lust and domination up a bit. I signaled him to lick me. I could see he was a bit confused. I turned his inhibition up and signaled again. Then he came over and started licking me. Wow, that felt good as I got excited that fed through to Shep, and he started licking like a demented dog. Within a few seconds, I was coming. Shep started lapping at me even faster. Then as he continued, I orgasmed every 3 minutes until I was ready to collapse. Then the endorphins kicked in, and I started orgasming again and again. I was as high as a kite by now. I knew I couldn’t take much more e, so I pressed the reset button I had programmed to sleep.

Shep pulled away and lay down. Within a few seconds, he was asleep. I left the collar on him to keep him that way for now. I connected the charger led to him where he lay. And I removed my chip and put that on charge.

I made myself a coffee and sat down, checking the recording of the waveforms and the settings. I was just starting to relax when my endorphins kicked in again. Oh my God, I was as high as a kite again. I reset all my settings and set myself to sleep for 2 hours.

When I came round, I felt a lot better. I waited a couple of hours to make sure none of my settings kicked in again. Then I set my settings to where they were. I set the maximum number of endorphin shots per hour and the maximum per day. The last thing I wanted was to become addicted.

I planned what I was going to do next.


After a good night’s sleep, I went down to the lab and realized Shep was still asleep.

When I saw him laid there, I knew I would get him to fuck me sooner or later. I woke him up and removed his chip patch. Then I fed him.

I checked that both chips and wrist bands were fully charged, I put Shep’s patch on, and then mine. It was a nice warm day, so I removed all my clothes rather than get them messed up and sat on the sofa. I checked all my settings. I turned my inhibitor up to a point where I was comfortable thinking about having sex with a dog, then added another ten percent. I set my submission at sixty percent. Pleasure and sensitivity I set to seventy. I set pain very low. I didn’t want Shep to do me damage because I couldn’t feel pain. I set my lust to fifty. And I checked my endorphins were set fairly low. I didn’t need to be orgasming every two minutes.

A few weeks ago, we had altered the wristbands. There was no transmit button now, as if we both tried to transmit at the same time. We got feedback. So whoever wore the wristband transmitted. Once I had completed my settings, I took my wristband off and put Sheps on to check his settings. I left Shep’s settings where they were from yesterday. I put Shep’s wrist ban on the sofa and re-fitted mine.

I signaled Shep to lick me. He was straight in between my legs in seconds. Not sure if he remembered from yesterday or if he was becoming conditioned. After I had orgasmed twice, I plucked up the courage to signal to Shep to mount me. He placed his feet on either side of me and started ramming his dick against me. Then all of a sudden, he was in me. It felt amazing. Then he started pumping away in me. I very quickly orgasmed this made Shep quicken the pace. He started licking my breasts. This really made me tingle. It seemed to excite him more.

Just when I was about to orgasm again, something weird happened. I had the buzz in my head the same as when Ben had control of me. I looked around, and there was Ben’s strap wrapped around his leg. The Velcro must have caught in his fur. I pressed the reset slider, but nothing happened. I think the feedback loop in the electronics was overriding the controls. Shep started going crazy. We were both connected and transmitting, and my orgasm was feeding back to him. I could feel him orgasming. The more he enjoyed it, the more I did. I had to get the strap off him before I lost control of him and myself.

I grabbed the strap and started to tug at it. All of a sudden, I felt severe pain. The strap was tangled in his hair, and as I caused him pain, it amplified back to me. The more I tugged, the more tangled it got and the worse the pain was. All I could do was stop pulling and press the strap down till it was comfortable for both of us. Shep had gripped me tight round the chest, and as he pulled me to him, he was catching the sliders on my side. Every time he rammed in me, he would push the sliders to one hundred percent, and as he pulled back, he would pull them to zero. My head was bursting. As he rammed into me, I would get a quick shot of endorphins. I realized I had wrapped my legs around his back legs, and every time he rammed in, I would pull him in as far as it would go.

Then we both started to orgasm. Shep’s knot rammed into me. I didn’t know what that was. All I knew was that I was stretched to bursting. The pain was terrible. At least he had pulled the sliders to zero.

Then I felt his semen squirting inside me. My sensitivity was set fairly high, and I could feel every squirt. We lay locked together for some time.

Why did I set myself as submissive and him as dominant? We would probably be linked for four or five hours before the chips went flat.

Then Shep pulled me off the sofa with his knot, trying to pull out of me until we were both laid on the floor. He eventually pulled out and lay at the side of me. Shep decided he needed to lick his sore cock. I couldn’t stop myself. It was as if I was him. I crawled over and took his sloppy cock in my mouth. The damp connection between my chip a couple of inches from my mouth and the chip on the back of his neck seemed to amplify our connection. Shep thought this felt nice, the more I did as well, and I tried to ram as much of his cock in my mouth as I could. It felt amazing.

I eventually took all his cock and the furry sheath in my mouth. I couldn’t get enough of it. I don’t know how long we lay like that, but his cock grew in my mouth until it nearly choked me. I think the self-preservation instinct in my brain overrode the pleasure center, and I pulled myself off him and back on the sofa. I tried to clear my head to try to think about what to do. If I could get to the computer, I could reset both chips. I could barely stand. I crawled over to the computer, but I only got halfway before Shep mounted me again.

As soon as he touched me, I wanted him inside me. I turned back to the sofa and lay over it while he mounted me. Oh my God, I was orgasming again. and then again. Each time was making Shep pump faster. I was exhausted, and I think I passed out. I think the endorphins must have kicked in while I was out as I woke as high as a kite to Shep, still pumping away. Eventually, we both orgasmed and lay there locked. He eventually pulled out. I lay there for a while, trying not to think of licking his cock as this would have signaled to him.

Then I thought of food. Suppose I could get him to want food. I could probably get to the laptop on the way past.

Then he thought of food. I felt the taste of food. I was suddenly starving. He got up and headed for the kitchen, and I followed him on hands and knees. I could hardly stand from the fucking and the endorphins. When I stopped to get the laptop, he signaled me to come. I couldn’t resist. I got to the kitchen. The only thing I could reach was a packet of biscuits on the counter. I rammed two in my mouth, but Shep knocked the packet away and pushed me to his bowl. I couldn’t think straight; I was starving. OH, dog food. I got a can from the cupboard and opened it. I spooned some into the bowl.

Then Shep started eating. I got the feeling that this is my favorite, all of a sudden, it was my favorite too, and I started spooning the dog meat into my mouth. I started cleaning the tin out then I licked the bowl. I opened another tin, and we ate that between us. Then he started licking my mouth, and I started licking his. He wanted his tongue in me. I opened my mouth, and he slid his tongue in, licking around my mouth to get the taste of the meat. The connection between my chip and Shep’s must have only been a couple of inches, and the connection was off the charts. Shep seemed to be forcing his tongue as far as possible in my mouth to try to get to the source of the signal. Then he lay on the floor and slept. Thank heaven for that. By the time we wake up, the batteries may be flat. Then I slept as well.

Shep’s endorphins must have kicked in when he fell asleep as he quickly woke up again. When he woke up, I started to come round too. I got the feeling I needed to shit, and Shep was crouching in the dog litter. I went and knelt at the side of him and did the same. When we had done, I realized there was no toilet paper, and I had a dirty bum. Shep must have felt this and started licking me. I got the signal that Shep wanted to lick his bum. Oh God, no. I couldn’t stop myself. I crawled down between his legs until we were in a 69 position and started licking him, and he continued licking me.

Shep was enjoying the taste of me, then suddenly, I was enjoying the taste of him. We fed back on each other and were licking each other for about fifteen minutes. We were both spotless by the time we finished. Then Shep turned round to me and stuck his tongue in my mouth again, trying to reach the pleasure signal. And I was doing the same to him. I couldn’t think of anything else to think about to distract him. He had slept, had food and water.

I didn’t really want another fucking I was exhausted. Looking at the time, we probably had another hour left. He lay back down, head to the toe next to me. I got this urge to put his penis in my mouth again. Not sure if this was me thinking this was better than fucking or if it was Shep. But before I knew it, I had all his penis in my mouth again. Pretty soon, he was hard. Then he started licking me. Oh my God, he was making me orgasm again, and pretty soon, he started knotting in my mouth.

I thought it would break my jaw. His dick was wedged in my throat; I can barely breathe. Then I was coming again. this made him start bucking in my mouth then his semen started squirting down my throat. I thought if I could keep him in my mouth for another fifteen minutes, it would be over. Then I heard a little buzz, I looked up, and the light on Shep’s chip was off. I thought mine would go off shortly. I pulled away from him. The connection between us was gone. I crawled over to the computer and managed to switch off the patches.

Then I collapsed half on the sofa. I removed my chip, and I think I passed out. As soon as I fell asleep, the endorphins kicked in, and I was wide awake. NO, I need to rest. Three times I tried to sleep, and three times they kicked in. Oh my God, I’m going to end up addicted to the stuff. I went to the computer to turn them off, but my chip was flat. I would not be able to reset my baseline settings until it had charged. After another half hour, it was charged enough to use. I stuck it on the back of my neck and set everything to normal for the time being. I then removed the chip and put it on charge.

Then I finally collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep. Shortly after, I was woken by Shep mounting me from behind. Oh my God, I should have reset him when I did mine. He must have pulled my legs off the sofa and mounted me. He was still set to dominant, and he was going to dominate me. He pumped away for nearly an hour. It felt nice, but it was just sex. He made me orgasm a couple of times. I think I was too exhausted to do more. When he did, I reset his chip, removed the control strap, locked him in the yard, and went to bed.


The following morning, I was up early. I hadn’t slept well. I had had the weirdest dreams all night. I started making breakfast, and all I could think of is doing my favorite dog food. Oh my God, how long does this conditioning last? I went to the lab to check the reading from yesterday. I tried to concentrate, but all the disgusting things I did yesterday kept coming back to me. Thinking about it made me feel ill, or that might have just been the dogmeat. I went and got my patch, applied it, and slowly turned my inhibition up until I didn’t care about the memories. I sat and had a couple of cups of coffee as I checked the readouts.

I hadn’t got a proper time out of events, but you could see the feedback kick in. Anything set to zero stayed there. But everything else was multiplied as the signal was passed between Shep and me. It went from 20 percent for me to 30 percent for Shep, then back to me at 50 percent until nearly everything was 100 percent.

I got Shep’s breakfast for him and let him in. He came and nuzzled my arm. I don’t think he knew what had happened yesterday. After he ate his food, I thought he would try to mount me. But he went and lay on the floor. I noticed his dick was popping out the sheath. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I had the feeling that I wanted to suck it. I knew I would have to sort a safe way of having sex with Shep, or it would drive me mad.

I turned my inhibition to 100 percent and stripped off and went and lay at the side of him. I started playing with his dick, and then he started licking me. Then I slid his dick in my mouth. Pretty soon, I was orgasming. Shep’s dick was hard by now, so I went and lay half on the settee. Shep looked a bit puzzled, then his memory must have kicked in, and he mounted me.

I had a couple more orgasms before he knotted in me. Well, that was quite nice, but without the connection, it didn’t satisfy my hunger.

I would have to see if I could alter the control program to make it safe to connect to him again. I set everything I didn’t need to zero. I set domination to 60, sensitivity and inhibition to 70, and set lust to 90. I set the endorphins to 10 as I knew that would quickly ramp to 100 but kept the time settings as yesterday. They would wind up to 100 percent but would only be a quick shot now and then (hopefully). I set Shep’s the same as yesterday but set him too submissive. I then set the computer to reset Shep after one hour and make him sleep. I charged the chips. I did mine via a long lead as if I took it off. I would get the feelings of revulsion again.

I made myself some lunch and rechecked the settings. I put the computer on the table at the side of the sofa and Fitted Shep’s Patch, and switched him on. Then I put Shep’s wristband on me so that I could change a couple of his settings if needed. I sat naked on the sofa again and commanded Shep to come. He came straight away, but he seemed nervous. I got him to lick me, but he wouldn’t mount me. I was looking at the readings. He didn’t like being submissive. After all, he was a guard dog.

So I changed the computer settings to make the submissive slider into the dominant one. I set the slider to about 20 percent and commanded him again. He was straight on top of me fucking me to a couple of orgasms, and he then pulled out of me and lay on the floor. I found I could speed him up or slow him down. I could turn his dominant slider to one hundred, but it didn’t change anything. But again, there was no connection. Shep was just about to mount me again when the computer kicked in, and Shep pulled out and went to sleep. So that works anyway. Feeling fairly satisfied, I had a shower and got dressed.

I knew I would have to put in the settings we had if I was going to be satisfied. I turned off the urge to eat drink shit. I didn’t want to be licking his arse or eating any more dogmeat.

This meant I didn’t have a diversion option, but it would only be an hour so that I would be OK. I felt very nervous. I was about to give command of my body to a dog. I set Shep to 100 percent dominant and myself to 100 percent submission, and I set our inhibition to 100 as well. I checked that everything was charged and then reset the computer timer. I put my wristband on and then strapped Sheps on, being careful not to trap his fur.

I sat on the sofa, deciding whether to go ahead with it or not. Finally, I pressed start on the computer.

My chip was still switched on, and as Shep’s booted up, I got that familiar buzz. Shep came straight over to me. I think he remembered the buzz from yesterday as we connected. As he approached me, I got the urge to part my legs. I spread them, and the urge was still there, and I parted them as far as I could. Then his tongue was inside my lips, then the first of the feedback started, and I orgasmed within seconds. Shep was licking away, feeding off my pleasure. As I orgasmed for a second time, Shep mounted me, his dick ramming against me until it finally found its mark. The wet connection between us once again amplified the feedback, and I started coming again.

I got the feeling that Shep thought he owned me, which I suppose he did. He pumped away for a few more minutes. Then he started to lick my lips, followed by the urge to open my mouth. Shep’s tongue was forcing its way to the back of my mouth to reach the source of the pleasure. Then I found I was doing the same, then I felt the feedback kick in again, and as Shep pumped into me, I felt a quirt of endorphins each time he rammed home.

I managed to glance at the computer screen, and everything was off the chart. I was as high as a kite again. I couldn’t get enough of him. Oh my God, I was orgasming again, and I could feel Shep knotting in me. Then I felt his semen squirting inside me. Then I collapsed. I felt myself passing out with Shep still locked inside me. I knew I wouldn’t get another endorphin shot for over two minutes.

When I eventually came round with a jolt as the endorphins kicked in. Shep was laid on the floor, and again he had dragged me with him. I half expected to get the urge to lick him again. With the feedback connected, Shep got this thought and echoed it back to me. The signal bounced back and forward, being amplified all the time until I couldn’t fight the urge and slid over and took his cock in my mouth again. The more I licked and sucked it, the more we both enjoyed it. I must have laid there sucking him for at least ten or fifteen minutes. Then he started to get hard again. I got the urge to fuck again. I crawled up and started to climb on the settee. I had only got halfway when Shep mounted me again. As soon as I felt his dick stretching my insides, I started to orgasm. Then Shep pulled out and went to sleep.

Shit, I am going to have to do something about that for next time.

Oh God, I’m already thinking about the next time.

I reset my settings except for the bit of inhibition to keep the memories of yesterday at bay. I then connected my patch to the charger via a long lead to charge it. I didn’t want to remove it any more than necessary.

I connected Shep’s patch to the computer via one of the long USB leads to monitor his baselines and switched Shep’s patch to sleep for a couple of hours. He would also recharge from the laptop. I removed both of our control straps. I realized if we were both going to be transmitting, we didn’t actually need them. I could do that globally from the laptop. As long as I set a cut-off time, I would be fine.

I decided to alter some of the background settings on my chip to see if I could put in some extra safety measures. I removed my lead from the charger and plugged it into the laptop.

“POP.” All of a sudden, there was a flash inside my head. I was connected to Shep then I felt the sudden urge to sleep. I couldn’t think what was happening. I quickly pulled the USB lead out of the computer just in time. I was about to fall asleep. We would still be asleep when Ben came back or starved to death. I had to think of how I was going to put a safeguard in.

I couldn’t send the sleep command to Shep, or it would feedback to me, and I would sleep.

I made some dinner and had an early night.

The next morning after breakfast, I woke Shep, fed him, and put him in the yard.

Then I sat looking at the charts from when we were connected via the computer. The only way I could disconnect us was to send a 100 percent food signal and make sure the USB leads would not reach the kitchen. I turned the laptop round with the USB ports facing the kitchen and shortened the leads so that they pulled out about halfway there. I found a couple of flat batteries to put in the patches. The USB lead would power them, but they would soon run flat when we disconnected.

I changed the software to allow dual transmitting and put in the food called after thirty minutes. I put both patches on us, connected both USB leads to the computer, and pressed start. The buzz started as usual then there was a flash of light in my head. It felt as if I was Shep and me. I assume he was the same. Shep bounded over to me. I think he could tell the difference as well. There was suddenly a strong signal to open my legs. I instantly complied, stretching to the extreme. Shep looked down at my legs then it was as if I was telling myself to close them. Shep looked puzzled, and he repeated this twice more. I think he realized he controlled my body. He leaped up on me and stared into my eyes. It felt as if we were staring at ourselves. I thought he was going to mount me, but he didn’t.

He had an itchy bum and needed to lick it.

Oh God no

I rapidly had the urge to lick him. I couldn’t stop it. I lay him on the sofa and stuck my tongue in his bum, and started licking him. Then I saw there was some dried poo in his fur. I started tugging at that with my tongue and teeth. Eventually, he was happy that the itch had gone. Then he jumped off the sofa and commanded me to crawl onto it. I lay there. Then he commanded me to open my legs then he was inside me. I was orgasmic as soon as he was fully in me. This started to send him wild. I was just about to orgasm again as he pumped in me when I got the sudden urge to eat.

This signal echoed back and forth between us until we couldn’t fight it. He uncoupled from me and went to the kitchen, closely followed on hands and knees by me. Halfway there, the leads pulled out, and the connection was almost lost. We still had the Wi-Fi signal from each chip, but that was not as strong. I started spooning out his dog meat when my battery went flat. I still had the urge to eat and had eaten a couple of spoonsful of the meat before I could stop.

OK, well, that sort of worked. I would have to put a chain on Shep so that he couldn’t get to the kitchen. This would separate us until the chips went flat. I would have to replace the dog meat with something I could eat. I think I was becoming a complete submissive. I couldn’t wait for Shep to fuck me again. I no longer cared what he made me do.

I disconnected the USB cables to make sure the patches went flat. And got a chain from the garage and locked it to Shep’s collar and the radiator. He would be able to reach just past the point where the cable pulled out. I set the computer timer to three hours. I needed to see how I felt with him having complete control. By that time, I would have had enough, but I wanted him to carry on forcing himself on me. I was turning into a complete slut. I ate a couple of biscuits and had a cup of coffee, and checked everything was ready.

I connected Shep’s patch to the computer and then mine, and I pressed start on the computer.

Once again, there was a flash, and we were in each other’s heads. Again Shep came over to me and commanded me to open my legs, then lay down more so that my bum was off the sofa. Then when he had adjusted me until I was just where he needed me, he made me part my legs.

Then Shep was straight inside me without any foreplay. He looked into my eyes, and all of a sudden, I could almost see myself. I could almost sense him saying, take this bitch. Then his tongue was in my mouth and mine in his.

Oh God, my readings were through the roof as I had my first orgasm and quickly followed by my second. It was driving Shep wild. I could feel my cock inside my vagina. I could feel my semen squirting inside me. The endorphin dose was far too high; I was as high as a kite. I could feel Shep’s was too the feeling echoed back and forward between us; I thought my head would explode. We continued fucking for about an hour. Then he had me lick his cock again until he was hard.

This went on for another hour, then all of a sudden, there was a flash and a bang. It felt like lightning had hit the house. Shep was very shaken by this, and the terror started feeding back, driving Shep wild. I thought he was going to fuck me to death.

Shep continued using me until it was getting dark. In my foggy state, it took me a while to work things out. The computer should have stopped us by now. I think the lightning had crashed the program. I could see the power was still on.

Fuck. I still had about 12 hours or more with Shep before Ben got home.

Oh my God, Shep will kill me.


To be continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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