
By knottyvixen.

Master had been training me for quite some time now as a puppy. Today he said it was to be a special treat. He was going to show me off as his special pet. As we arrived at the ranch, Master explained that it belonged to His very good friend. What a beautiful place, I commented as I looked around. There was a very large sprawling house and three large barns. Just before Master knocked on the door, He reminded me I could not speak. I was, after all, only a puppy.

A very tall, handsome man answered the door. “Great to see you again, Tom,” he said to my Master. “Come in, come in.”

As we stepped through the door, a pretty young blonde greeted me and started to lead me away. I looked nervously at Master. “Go with her and do as she tells you,” He said.

She leads me through part of the house and into a large room, telling me to sit briefly. The room had only a small couch, so I sat down. Looking around the room, I saw leashes, collars, and many different restraints hanging from hooks on the walls. The blonde turned her back to me as she opened a closet door, digging around and pulling things out.

“You are going to love this,” she said, smiling over her shoulder at me.

I still had no idea what would happen, I had thought we were attending a party as we often did, but there didn’t seem to be any others there. ‘Perhaps we are just early,’ I thought. I had been ordered not to speak so I couldn’t ask the blonde. As the young woman began pulling things out of the closet, she told me to stand up and remove my clothes. Standing there naked, she came to me with her arms full of what looked like a corset and many straps I couldn’t quite identify.

Holding the corset up, she said, “This should do nicely.”

It was a beautiful rust-red leather corset. As the blonde laced me into it, she started talking about how much I would love this, not telling me what ‘this’ was. I was beginning to get very nervous, and as I sometimes do, I forgot myself and asked what ‘this’ was. She looked at me curiously and laughed, not answering my question. She worked in silence after that, reminding me I had not followed orders and wondering if she would tell Master that I had spoken to her.

She finished with the corset, which rode low on my hips and reached up and around my breasts but did not cover them, and it was laced very tight. I felt like I could hardly breathe.

“Hold out your hands,” she said.

I did, and she slipped on a pair of fingerless gloves. Soft and warm inside, they had tough padding on the outside, forming into the shape of puppy paws. My carefully polished red nails stuck out of the finger holes. Similarly shaped and padded kneepads run up my legs and settle on my knees.

“On your fours now,” she said. “We are almost done. From this moment on, you will not get off your fours until your Master tells you,” she said as she stepped back into the closet and rummaged through a chest sitting on the floor. Walking back to me, I saw she had a red horse hair tail in her hand. “A present,” she said, and I obediently turned and presented my ass to her.

This was nothing new, as Master always had me wear a tail when I was his puppy. I whimpered, though, as after she lubed me quite well, she began to insert the plug the tail attached to. It was a bit larger than I was used to, but as the blonde gently worked it into place, that whimper turned into a soft moan.

She laughed. “That’s a good girl. You like that, don’t you?” she asked, petting my head. “One more thing, and then I will take you back to your Master. You will make a gorgeous Irish Setter with your beautiful red hair.”

With that, she brushed out my hair and pulled it up on each side with a long barrette, giving me the effect of long red floppy ears.

“There now, don’t you look like quite the impressive Irish Setter,” she said, and she began petting my head again.

She stood up and straddled me, reaching under to fondle my breasts and pinch and twist my nipples. They were already hard, but she managed to make them harder.

“Can’t let you go to your Master without being prepared,” she said as she stepped away from me. “Heel,” she said, and I moved into place near her left leg.

As we started for the door, she took a large black leather collar and matching leash from the hook nearest the door. As we moved down the hallway, we passed a mirrored wall section, and I stopped, stunned at my appearance. I looked as close to being an Irish setter as a human could get. The young woman stepped back to me and, with a sharp slap to my ass, ordered, “Heel.”

I yelped and quickly moved back into place as we continued down the hall. Upon entering the study, the conversation stopped, and all eyes turned to me.

“Here, Missy,” my Master called. I quickly moved to his side, trying to hide behind his legs, which got me a nasty slap to my arse. He ordered me to “Sit.” I sat obediently beside his feet.

Our host, Mike, his name I later learned, complimented Master on his Irish setter bitch, and Master offered him the opportunity to inspect me. I was given the command to stand on all fours and present. Mike ( our host ) steps up and starts stroking my head. He tells me I am a good puppy as his hands fondle and stroke my breasts. Suddenly he pinched my nipples extremely hard, and I let out a yelp. Still, unfortunately, it sounded too much like a word, and that is when the blonde chimed in and told Master that I had spoken to her in the wardrobe.

“Really?” Master said. “I am disappointed in you, Missy. You will be punished. Bring me a muzzle,” Master told the blonde girl, and off she went immediately to do his bidding.

She returned momentarily with what looked like an oversized ball gag, the ball having holes in it, presumably so my breathing wouldn’t be hindered.

“Now you won’t be able to defy me by speaking again, Missy,” he said as he locked the gag. “Mike, do you have a kennel where I can lock Missy up to think about her disobedience?” Master asked.

“Of course I do,” Mike responded. “I also have a nice cane to reinforce her punishment if you want to use it.”

“I think I will let you use the cane on her, Mike,” Master replied. “Let’s take her to the kennel barn then, and we will see to her punishment.”

It was all I could do to whimper through my muzzle at the thought of being caned by someone other than my Master. With that, Master asked for and received a leather leash attached to my collar and led me out the door, following Mike out to the kennel.

It was a very large barn with over a dozen kennels, most occupied with various breeds of large dogs. There only seemed to be one empty kennel, which I assumed would be mine for the next few hours. Instead, I was led to the center of the barn, where various benches were most easily recognized as spanking benches. Still, there were a couple that were somewhat different. All were padded and had places to attach leashes or other attachments. Still, the different ones had reverse-angled tops on them, so when someone was bound to one, their chest and shoulders would be lower than the rest of their body.

I was led and attached to a regular spanking bench. I immediately started to whimper, almost dripping by this time. I was so wet. I had endured more severe canings from my Master, but I could feel the welts rise with each stinging impact of the cane and was near tears when he finally finished my punishment.

“Now you will go into your kennel while we enjoy our barbeque, which you could have been a part of had you not been disobedient. While reflecting, listen; you will see that the other dogs here do not know how to speak. Therefore neither should you.”

With that, he removed my muzzle and locked me in my kennel. My kennel was small, but it had fresh, clean sweet-smelling straw, a water bowl filled with clean water, and another bowl that appeared to have bits of beef jerky, my dinner. My stomach growled at the thought of the food being prepared for my Master and his friend, scraps of which Master would have hand fed me from his plate.

What seemed like an eternity later, I could see when the door to the barn opened. It had gotten dark outside. The cute little blonde came and took me out of my kennel. The blonde attached the same leather leash to my collar and started to lead me to the benches in the center of the barn. Not thinking, I started to move towards the same bench I had been bound to earlier, and that got me a sharp slap to my ass and a barked “Heel” from the little blond.

I quickly moved beside her as she led me to one of the slanted benches. She indicated I was to lift and drape myself across the slanted bench so that my ass was high in the air. After positioning myself on the bench the way she wanted me, she put thigh cuffs on me and attached them to the legs of the bench, holding my thighs wide apart. I was exposed, and she took advantage of the situation by playing with my clit and finger fucking me till I was about to explode.

“Do you want to cum?” she asked, and I whimpered and vigorously nodded my head, trying to move my hips back against her hand. She laughed and slapped my ass again. “Not yet, you are a sweet little bitch, but I won’t disappoint my Master that way,” she said as she moved her hand away, leaving my thighs smeared with my juices and me almost desperate to cum. “We have to finish getting you ready for our Masters,” and she brought another muzzle to put on me.

This one was very different. It was a bit like a penis gag but had a leather-worked dog’s nose and muzzle on the front side, which looked like a real dog’s face. The blonde girl continued locking me onto the bench by attaching my wrists to the bench and, finally, using a short-length chain. She attached me firmly to a ring set on the floor. I was immobile. The blonde left me that way while telling our Masters I was ready.

The other dogs were going crazy, barking and growling in their kennels, and it finally dawned on me what might happen. I was in a panic. Master and I had discussed this possibility long ago. Still, we never thought it would happen because the topic had never been brought up again. I didn’t want this, did I?

Master and Mike arrived a short while later, laughing and talking as they entered the barn. “She looks good on the breeding bench, don’t you think, Tom,” Mike said to my Master.

My thoughts were running wild at this point. I didn’t want this, I was whining and whimpering through my gag, but not much sound was escaping, and I couldn’t move. I could barely nod my head. Master stepped up behind me and began tracing the welts still clearly evident on my butt cheeks.

“She looks very wet,” Master said as his hand slipped to confirm I was wet. “She is very wet and ready to be bred, Mike,” I heard Master say. “Would you like the honors?”

“Thank you, Tom,” he replied, and I heard a zipper being unzipped. The tension immediately left me as I realized they intended to ‘breed’ me, not what my wild imagination had conjured up. Mike stepped up behind me, and I felt the silken head of his cock trace the many welts on my ass. Then, suddenly without warning, he slammed his huge cock into my dripping cunt and began stroking me hard and fast. I let out a low soft moan, it felt so good, and I needed to cum badly.

“Do you want to cum, little bitch?” he asked. I moaned again, louder in response to his question. I was almost there. “Not this time, little bitch,” he said as he came deep inside me, flooding my hot cunt with his cum.

He pulled out immediately and told Master what a good little bitch I was and that he had enjoyed fucking me. Master had been standing in front of me, slowly stroking his massive erection while he watched his friend fuck me. Now it was his turn, he said as he stepped behind me and rammed his cock in my dripping pussy. I knew Master would let me cum. I tried to push back against him as he slid in and out of me, but I couldn’t move. I needed to cum desperately, and Master seemed to sense this, but then Master always did.

Again I heard,” Not this time, little bitch,” as he pumped my pussy full of hot cum. “Very nice,” Master said to Mike. “I need one of these benches.”

“I have an extra one right here for you. We’ll load it up in your car,” Mike responded.

I was deciding whether or not I liked this bench as they were taking it out to Master’s car, and finally decided it was quite nice and I had enjoyed it also.

Master and Mike returned and sat in the chairs the little blonde had put in place not too far from me. “Let Duke out,” I heard Mike say, and the sound of a kennel being opened somewhere behind me sent me into a panic.

I was trying to scream through my gag. I didn’t want this, not really. Suddenly, the shock of something very cold and wet shoved up against my swollen pussy lips sent me into a stunned silence. Without warning, a warm wet tongue began lapping at my pussy, cleaning my juices. I came instantly, and Duke impaled me with his tongue, trying to get all my juices. After he finished licking me, he tried to mount me.

Having done this before, he found the entrance to my cunt quite easily and began pounding me with a speed and fury only a dog can match. His cock began to change, swelling to huge proportions. I knew what was happening. I had seen enough videos of it, always fantasizing it was me. The dogs in the film were fucking. Duke slowed his thrusting and stopped, staying inside, pumping me full of hot dog cum. When he tried to get off me, he was stuck, and as I realized we were tied, I came, long and hard, whimpering and moaning into my gag. Fifteen or twenty minutes later, he was finally able to get down.

I heard Mike say, “Let Damian out.”

‘Oh my God, another one,’ I thought. Again, another cold nose and long flexible tongue began to work their magic on me.

After several dogs, I lost track of how many. I heard Master tell the little blonde to clean me up and put me back in the kennel for the night. She came with a bucket of warm water and gently wiped all the cum from my cum soaked pussy and legs. The blonde girl followed that with a warm soapy washcloth and a douche to clean me completely. She removed the corset, my paws, and the butt plug and left me in just my collar.

“Do you need to potty?” she asked.

Wearily I nodded that I did. The blonde girl released me from the bench and led me outside into the cool night air to a thick, soft patch of grass to relieve myself. Back inside the barn, she pulled a padded table out into the open, gave me a glorious massage, and put me back in my kennel, where I found a bowl of food and leftovers from their dinner. I ate ravenously and was just finishing when Master returned.

“You were a very good little bitch tonight, pet. Tomorrow I have a special surprise for you,” he said, kissing me goodnight and locking the kennel door. “Your Master requires your attention inside,” he said to the little blonde as he attached a leash to her collar and led her out the door.

The next day Master and Mike arrived at the barn early, with the blonde following with my bowl of breakfast. While I ate, Master and Mike talked quietly and moved from one kennel to the next. I finished breakfast when they finally arrived at my kennel, and Master led me out.

“We’ll take two dogs, Mike. You know which two I want. Missy, you may say goodbye to our hosts and get in the car. It is time to go home.”

I said my goodbyes and thanked them for everything. I only had a short wait in the car when Master arrived with the only two dogs that had tied with me the night before.

With a grin, he asked, “How do you like your surprise?”

I was delighted. Besides being very sore, the previous night had been like no other.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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