Daughter Catches Mama with the Dog

By Deana Michaels.

He pulsed.

Throbbed. Twitched.

I trembled here as I studied it. I moved before it, crawling completely beneath him. I trusted Blackie. He was a good horse. I stared at the tip of his cock. Why was he so hard? Because he smelled me. I was so wet. My musk must be leaking out.

My virgin pussy clenched as I reached out and touched it. I gasped at my audacity. It was so bold of me to do something so lewd and sinful. I shuddered, my heart beating so fast. If anyone caught me kneeling before the horse and his mighty cock…

His dick was so warm. He twitched in this absolutely fascinating way. I loved it. I stroked up and down him. I loved how he neighed as he did that. It was exciting having him doing that. I wanted to stroke him until he erupted.

He would shower me in his seed. That would make a mess.

I licked my lips. What if I used… my mouth.

My English friends and my cousin all talked about cock-sucking (and fanny-licking). I knew the basics of it. My breathing quickened as I held her. I licked my lips and leaned forward. My mouth touched her spongy cock.

The precum spilled over my tongue. It was a wonderful flavor to taste. I stroked up and down his mighty cock, using both my hands to fist this magnificent dick. I was such a lewd and depraved hussy for doing this. Just a loose woman of poor moral character.

I couldn’t help myself.

Ma would be apoplectic. Pa would shun me. The whole village would shun me.

I worked my hands up and down his shaft while sucking on the tip. My friends described swallowing boys’ dicks, but that was impossible. I could suck on that slit, though. Just suck on where all his seed would come from.

His cum.

That salty flavor suffused my mouth. I felt so utterly depraved here. I whimpered as I stroked up and down him. I pumped away at his shaft as I suckled on him. I wanted to have all of his passion spurting into me. That would be perfect.

I did have such lower morals.

My tongue stroked up and down his slit. I loved gathering his precum. The juices soaked my tongue each time I did it. I loved it. I wiggled here, savoring the way he neighed. He whinnied as I swirled my tongue around him.

His neighs filled the stall as I suckled harder on him. He had to be getting closer to his climax. I worked my hands up and down him, my arms burning. My heart pounded in my chest. I suckled with all my might on that dick, my cheeks hollowing.

Please, please, Blackie, I thought. Cum for me. Fire all that jizz.

I stroked my tongue up and down his slit. That was so amazing to do. He neighed louder. He had to be close. My fanny dripped juices. My cream soaked through my bush and ran hot down my thighs. It felt so wild.

He whinnied and his cock pulsed.

His cum shot into my mouth.

The force of his ejaculation caught me off-guard. My head snapped back as the thick and salty seed filled my mouth. More splashed across my face. I gasped as I shoved my mouth back over his cock as the spunk dripped from me.

He unloaded more and more of his jizz. It shot to the back of my throat. I gulped it down as fast as I could, loving the thick and hot cream melting to my belly. My heart thundered as I enjoyed how good he tasted.

He had so much.

Blackie overflowed my mouth. Cum spilled down my chin.

He neighed and stamped his hoofs as I swallowed all that jizz. I gulped down every drop I could. He erupted one more time. I quivered in delight as I savored that last salty blast of his seed in my mouth. My fanny clenched.

The idea of him… ravishing me filled my mind. It was such a wanton thought. I quivered at the sinful thought. It was mad. Only something a true harlot would do. To mate with an animal. A beast. I was such a harlot.

I licked my lips, gathering more of the cum that spilled down my cheeks. I shuddered as I scooped up the jizz as it trickled down my face. I brought my fingers to my lips and sucked the salty delight off them, moaning as I did. I had to get cleaned up before—

The barn door opened.




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