Beast Gangbang (Gay Zoo)

By Cumming26.

Read the prequel to this story here.


It had been around one year and five months since I could have a dog pound the living daylights out of me. My friend’s dog, ‘C’ (his choice of name, don’t ask), a Half German Shepard Half Golden Retriever, had fucked me the last time I dog sat. I was fortunate enough to get spit-roasted by two dogs on two occasions. However, as I sat in my living room wondering when my dry spell of dog sex would finally end, I received a knock on the door.

It was my neighbor, Mrs. Frankson. She told me she needed someone to watch her Beagle, ‘Tom.’ My ass immediately began to throb in pleasure since it still remembered being fucked by Tom, so I automatically and enthusiastically said, “Of course.”

Mrs. Frankson snickered a bit since she not only knew about Tom and me but was the one who trained him to fuck people, but then asked another question, “Well, I know Tom isn’t going to be a problem, but we’ve gotten a new dog since then and was wondering if you could watch her as well?”

“Wait, you got ANOTHER dog?” I asked, wondering what kind of dog they had when a beautiful Husky came around the corner.

Mrs. Frankson said, “Ah, here she is now. This is Ginger.” The dog immediately began sniffing and licking me, to which Mrs. Frankson said, “Well, it seems she likes you.”

Before I could even laugh at her antics, my phone began to ring. It was my friend, C’s owner. He was in a panic. He asked me if I would mind watching C for about two months. His new job was sending him overseas, and he didn’t want to leave C in a shelter or worry about crating him to take him with him. My eyes Lit UP, and I told him that C was MORE than welcome to stay at my house for as long as needed. He told me he would drop C off in about two hours, so please stay home if possible. I told him I had nothing planned for today besides housework, so please bring him by.

By then, my cock had gotten quite erect, and Mrs. Frankson was blushing. I didn’t notice her staring at me until after I got off the phone with my friend, and she asked if I was in a good mood. I quickly apologized when Mrs. Frankson suddenly palmed my cock and teased me. She had told me that she didn’t mind one bit. Mrs. Frankson was only in her late forties, yet she didn’t look a day over thirty. Big E-cup tits, nice soft ass, cute stomach, she took care of herself, yet everything went white when suddenly we hear, “Hey, does he mind??”

It was MR. Frankson, her husband. “No, he doesn’t mind. I’m just ensuring he knows how many days we will be away.”

“Days?” I asked

“Oh,” She realized. “Right. Well, you see, my husband is having surgery and will most likely be admitted to the hospital for at least three days. We wondered if you wouldn’t mind watching our dogs for that long?”

“No, not at all,” I told her.

“Thanks, dear,” she said.“We’ll be back in a few days. Take care.”

I couldn’t believe my luck. Not only did I have Tom for a few days, but my friend was going to leave C here. By this time, Tom was wagging his tail in anticipation and barking to head inside. Mrs. Frankson had told Tom to stop barking, which he listened to and quit, then helped her husband load the car and took off.

I finally took Tom and Ginger into the house, and they began to sniff everything in sight. Tom then got on the sofa, and I noticed he had begun to get erect. Unfortunately, I told him I couldn’t do anything until C arrived. If I had begun fucking him, not only would my friend find out what C and I had been doing, but I would probably piss off C to no end.

Tom just stood there barking for nearly an hour. All the while, Ginger had begun to sniff me more and more. I couldn’t read what she was thinking. Ginger sniffed my head, my legs, my boots, and any and everywhere she could. I thought she was trying to initiate something, but every time I petted her, she wandered off, so I let her be.

Tom kept trying to get me to fuck, but I kept telling him to wait. Although I don’t know if I could wait any longer. Tom’s cock had gotten quite hard, and just as I was about to grab that delicious dog cock, my friend knocked on the door. I had told Tom to wait there, and surprisingly he listened.

It was him and C. Boy, were they glad to see me. When I opened the door, C ran up and licked my face. My friend laughed as he handed me all of C’s stuff.

“Hey, sorry about the last-minute thing,” he said as he piled everything onto my front porch.

“Don’t worry about it. C and I get along pretty well,” I said.

‘Especially when he has his big cock buried in my ass,’ I thought.

“Well, hey, thanks again,” he said as he loaded the last of C’s things out. “I’ll be gone for only two months. If anything changes, I’ll call you and let you know.”

“Alright,” I told him as I waved goodbye.

With that said, he pulled out of the driveway and was off. And the instant he was out of sight, C put his nose into my ass and began huffing deeply. I could feel him panting from outside my jeans, and I nearly came right then and there, but through sheer willpower, I resisted and brought him and his things inside the house.

It was then that C noticed both Tom and Ginger, he and Tom sniffed one another, but Ginger ran off, I still couldn’t figure out what was up with her, but then again, I didn’t pay it any mind. When I finished unpacking everything and putting it away, I noticed C and Tom standing behind me, wagging their tails in heavy anticipation. Well, I was not going to make them wait any longer.

I had peeled away my clothes, and no sooner did I do that. C knocked me down and began licking me everywhere. Tom soon followed suit, and I was in pure ecstasy. My favorite dogs licking me all over prepared me for an afternoon of animalistic pounding that would leave me sore for weeks. I nearly came right there. But C, knowing me as he does, began to nibble on the tip of my hardened cock and brought me down. He then resumed licking me with Tom, and every time I nearly came, C would gently bite me and restrain me from climaxing. Somehow I could tell that C wanted to make the most of our first day together and didn’t want me to waste anything.

So I laid there being teased to near climax over and over again by C and Tom for what felt like forever when C suddenly drove his cold, wet nose into my ass and began huffing again. The contrast between his hot breath and cold nose made me see stars, and once again, I practically came. However, this time it was Tom who came over and started to nibble on my hard cock, bringing me down from the brink of cumming. It was bliss and torture at the same time. I had been so close yet so far away.

C kept huffing my ass when he suddenly stopped, and before I could even wonder why, he licked and lubricated my ass. I very nearly came when Tom grabbed my cock in his mouth sideways and began to put more pressure on it, practically feeling like he would bite it off. I wanted to cum so badly, but they constantly kept me at bay. Sharp teeth on my cock, ready to snap at a moment’s notice, while a soft, wet, flat tongue kept exploring the crevices of my ass. I was begging them to let me release at this point because I couldn’t take much more of it.

As soon as they had me practically screaming and begging to let me cum, C stopped eating out my ass and began to turn me over. Tom finally let go of my cock, but before I could grab it for much-needed release, C knocked me to my knees and pushed my face into the ground. As I managed to get my face out of the floor, I saw that C’s cock was fully erect and dripping with sweet juices. I tried to grab his cock, but Tom nibbled on mine instead and made me lift and yelp.

And as soon as that happened, C took full advantage and thrust his cock down my mouth and into my throat. There I could barely breathe with a big dog cock in my mouth and another dog nibbling my cock. As C started pounding my mouth, Tom began to lick my testicles and ass, trying to enter me desperately.

I wiggled and shifted my body. All the while, C pounded my mouth mercilessly and maneuvered me into a position where Tom could finally enter me. And without missing a beat, Tom had plunged his cock straight into my awaiting ass. Once again, I had been turned into a dog’s fuck toy for their leisure, and I loved every second of it.

Tom and C pounded at me for nearly ten minutes when they each let out a howl and shot their cum deep into me. And the instant they came, my cock found its much-needed relief and shot out cum so hard I nearly blacked out from the pleasure alone. That’s when I felt the two of them begin to knot in me, and it was heavenly. There I was, being spit-roasted by two dogs yet again, trying to breathe and keep from passing out from pleasure.

We stayed there for nearly twenty minutes when they both popped their knots out of me and began to clean me up. I had thoroughly enjoyed being fucked by Tom and C, yet something was in the back of my mind.

“What had happened to Ginger?”

I looked around and couldn’t find her. I started to worry. Since I was responsible, I needed to ensure she was in the house. No sooner did I turn my head did Ginger appear before me. I was a little embarrassed, seeing I was covered in C’s and Tom’s Cum and had a small pool beside me. But I stayed still to see what Ginger would do.

Tom and C were a little bit away from us, resting from their orgasm, when I heard a lapping noise. It was Ginger. She had started to lap up my cum from the floor and wagged her tail unbelievably fast. I guess she liked the taste because no sooner had she finished licking up all of my cum from the floor than she had begun to lick my cock, still dripping with cum, and gently caress my testicles with her tongue.

I couldn’t believe it, I had just finished being a bitch for two male dogs, and now I had a genuine bitch licking every crevice of my cock and testicles. I was once again seeing stars.

All of a sudden, Ginger stopped and began to stare at me. I stood there wondering what she was thinking when she turned around and practically pressed her pussy into my face. Ginger then proceeded to lap at my cock, getting me harder than I thought possible. She was better at using her tongue than C or Tom!

The more she licked, the less control I had, and that’s when she felt my nose hit her pussy and began to grind herself right on my face. So I grabbed her hips and started to lap at her burning hot pussy, digging my tongue in as deep as it could go. We went at it like this for nearly 15 minutes when she suddenly stopped and tried to grind herself on my engorged cock. She had a bit of trouble putting it in at first, but once I got on my knees and met her at her level, she caught onto the signal and impaled herself on my cock.

The heat and tightness were like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was all I could do not to drop to the floor from pleasure alone. At this point, the only thing keeping my body up was Ginger pounding her pussy away on my cock, trying with all her might to milk me dry, panting all the while. However, I wasn’t going to let her have all the fun.

Once I gathered enough strength, I grabbed her hips, clenched as tight as I could, and rammed her with all of my might, causing her to pant even harder, lift her head and push back with even more force to get my cum.

There I was, being on the giving end of fucking my first female dog, and all I could think about was giving as good as I was getting, and boy, did she give good. I didn’t know if she was in heat, simply got aroused from the smell of cum, or was trained well, but we both were thoroughly enjoying it, so I didn’t care. Yet just as we were getting even more into fucking each other, I noticed something as I turned my head while resting on her back. Tom was still resting off his climax, yet C was nowhere to be found. I wondered where he hurried off to when suddenly I felt a familiar wetness caress my anus. It was C’s masterful tongue.

C dug his nose and tongue into my ass and followed Ginger’s rhythm. I was setting when she suddenly barked, and C immediately stopped. I had never seen any dog give C a command, So I was slightly shocked. I thought she told C to stop until she had gotten hers, but that thought was quickly thrown out the window when all of a sudden, C grabbed MY hips and rammed his diamond-hard cock into my ass.

I couldn’t believe it. Not only could I get spit-roasted between two male dogs, but NOW I was sandwiched between fucking a female dog’s hot, wet pussy and having my ass fucked by a male dog’s rock-hard, hot cock. I was ecstatic as Ginger and C began to fuck me in perfect rhythm. There was only one problem, my mouth and throat felt empty.

Fortune had been on my side that day because no sooner did I think that did Tom come next to the 3 of us with his cock hanging out hard as a rock. Being that Tom was a Beagle and shorter than C or Ginger, I couldn’t just get him into my mouth, but I noticed that the sofa was about the right size to prop him up. So I used all my willpower and strength to shimmy the 3 of us next to the couch, trying desperately not to cum before we all enjoyed my body. It was only a few feet away but it felt like it may have well-been miles. C didn’t want to stop pounding my ass, nor did Ginger wish to stop drilling herself on my cock. They didn’t make it easy.

Luckily after about five minutes, I managed to get the three of us to the couch, and Tom quickly got up and rammed his cock in my mouth and down my throat.

I was nothing more than a fuck toy for both male dogs and a humping post for the female, and I loved it. We all began to fuck in perfect rhythm, and just when I thought, it couldn’t get any better. Something happened.

All three dogs let out a deep howl of pleasure. C and Tom’s cocks knotted up in me like never before. I could barely breathe, and my ass felt like it was being ripped in half. Ginger squeezed my cock so tight I thought she would tear it off. But as soon as the pain hit, it was immediately replaced by pleasure, and we all came.

Tom filled my stomach, C filled my ass, and I filled Ginger with so much cum I thought we would die from dehydration. I don’t know how long we all stood there cumming and cumming and cumming. Still, eventually, C and Tom popped their knots out of me, and Ginger finally released my cock from her pussy, and all of us fell into pure bliss.

I couldn’t believe my luck. Not only was my dry spell over, but I couldn’t even imagine ending it like that. Yet once my head began to receive blood again, I heard something I never anticipated.

“My, My. I leave for a few hours, and look what I find.”

As I turned my head to see who it was, I was nearly mortified to see Mrs. Frankson standing in my living room. I didn’t even know how much she had seen, never mind how she got inside in the first place. All I could do was stare at her and wonder what to do.

“So,” Mrs. Frankson said, smirking as she noticed all the cum splattered in the living room. “Would you happen to have an explanation for the cum, or was it just from the four of you fucking like crazy?”

“Well, you see,” I tried to explain, yet before I could, Ginger and Tom went over to Mrs. Frankson and began wagging their tails.

“Awww,” she cried in the typical baby-like voice owners talk to their dogs with. “Did mommy’s little doggies have fun fucking the neighbor?” She looked at Tom. “Was he a good bitch? Was he?” Then she looked at Ginger. “Did he fuck you good? Did he?”

That was when something hit me. Mrs. Frankson had said earlier that day that she would be out with her husband while he was having surgery and that they wouldn’t be back for a few days. So why was she here?

“Why are you here?” I asked, hoping to get some explanation on why she was back

“Oh,” she said. “Right, I forgot to mention. My husband told me to head home. He will have the doctors call me when he’s out of surgery. He wanted me to make sure Ginger was alright.” She then stepped closer, slipped off her shoe, and started to play with my cock and testicles with her toes. “But I’m surprised and a bit mad that you fucked Ginger first.”

“Ahhh,” I said as I tried to hold back a moan, still extra sensitive to pleasure. “First?”

“That’s right,” she said, putting more pressure on her foot movements. “My husband nor I have gotten the chance to fuck her, and here you are fucking her as she belongs to you.” She parted her big toe from the rest and slowly stroked my cock. “I think you owe me some apology. I wanted to be the one to fuck her while my husband fucked me.”

“I’m—” I said, trying to gain some composure, “Sorry for—”

Then Mrs. Frankson lightly stepped on my testicles which immediately shut me up. “I don’t want an apology with words,” she said as she bent down and grabbed my cock with a vice-like grip. “I want to join in on the fun.”

Mrs. Frankson then reached into her purse and pulled something out. It was a pair of what I assumed were sexual restraints for cocks and testicles, which she then began to put around the base of my cock and my testicles.

“I should say that I want to join the dogs in their fun.”

After she put the restraints on me, she then began to suck my cock. I couldn’t believe it, I was getting a blowjob from Tom and Ginger’s owner, yet I didn’t realize the extent of her punishment until she started to suck even harder and faster. With those ties on me, she kept getting me harder and harder, and it was right around when I felt like cumming that I knew something was wrong. I felt my cum staying in one place as though it was stuck. As I tried to slip the restraints off of myself, Mrs. Frankson grabbed my testicles and began squeezing them pretty damn hard.

She took my cock out of her mouth and said, “This is a punishment, sweetie. You don’t get to cum until all of us cum first.”

She grabbed me by my cock, threw me onto the sofa, and sat on me, lifting my legs in the air.

That’s when the real punishment began. Mrs. Frankson called C over in the sweetest voice she could and told him to dig into his bitch, which he took full advantage of and dug his nose and tongue into my ass as far as he could get it once again. At this point, all I could see was her ass and part of her back when C dug into me, and once again, he sent me to the moon, seeing stars in my eyes.

C dug his face deeper and deeper, and my cock got to a hardness I didn’t even think was possible. The worst part about it was that every time he dug deeper, I wanted to cum, but those damn ties held everything in and back. By this time, Mrs. Frankson had turned her head to see how I was doing, and she noticed that I was rolling my eyes in the back of my head.

She said, “Tom, come here, baby,” to which Tom immediately replied. She then grabbed his cock and started to get him hard. Mrs. Frankson asked, “Do you want to cum, Tom? Do you want to Cum?” All the while still stroking him. Tom barked happily, to which Mrs. Frankson responded, “Okay, boy, let’s make this bitch of yours finish you off, huh?”

Before I could even protest and beg her to let me cum first, she rammed Tom’s engorged cock into my mouth, where he instantly began to fuck my face, and Mrs. Frankson tightened the restraints.

“Oh, I bet you’d love to cum right now, would you?” She said as she started back at me. “Don’t worry. I won’t just let you not cum. You’ll have to do it when I say so.”

I could barely breathe or see, and at this point, I felt that my cock was on the verge of literally exploding.

“IF you can hold out until then, I promise to make sure that when you cum it feels so good that you pass out.”

At this point, I knew I didn’t have much choice. So gathering my strength, I muttered, “Uh Huh,” with Tom still pounding my mouth and C still eating my ass.

Mrs. Frankson then looked back around at C and told him, “Okay, sweetie. I think you’ve lubed up this bitch’s ass enough. It’s time you tear it in two.”

C must have liked this game because no sooner did she say that did I he him pant and bark happily.

I then noticed that Mrs. Frankson got off my chest, kept my legs up, and helped C get onto me. C had fucked me plenty of times in doggy style, but this was the first time he fucked me on my back. Honestly, I was extremely turned on at the thought of it. Once she had C on top of me, she guided him into my ass, and that’s when she fell back.

“Oh my,” she said. “He must love pounding you. The second he felt your ass on his cock, he plunged that thing into you so hard I ended up on the floor.”

C knew every spot in me and where to hit, how hard to do it, and how long to do it for. I never wanted to cum so badly.

“You boys can’t have all the fun,” Mrs. Frankson said as she got up. “You’ve got to include us girls in it, or else we’ll be mad.”

She then whistled for Ginger, who showed up almost immediately. Then Mrs. Frankson took Ginger’s nose and guided it to my testicles, which she began to lap up in a frenzy. I needed to cum. I honestly thought I would die from sperm backup at this point.

‘When is she going to let me cum? Damn it, I need to cum,’ I kept thinking.

Luckily no sooner had I said that did Mrs. Frankson hover over me. “Don’t worry, sweetie. You’ll get to cum in a moment. Still, since you’re getting fucked in the ass, it’s only fair that I get it as well.”

That was when she removed all her clothes, got back on my chest, and slowly put my diamond-hard cock into her tight, blazing-hot ass. She moaned harder than Ginger did as she put it in, and then C, Tom, and Ginger all began to move in rhythm. They must have fucked me for about twenty of the longest minutes of my life when I noticed that C and Tom began to knot inside me. They began to cum in me harder than I had ever felt them, and I began wondering when it would be my turn.

That was when Mrs. Frankson began riding my cock with her ass even harder and said, “Are you finally ready to cum in my ass?”

Words I had been waiting to hear for what seemed like an eternity. I couldn’t move as I was full of dog cock, but Mrs. Frankson felt my cock get even bigger and took it as a yes.

“Then cum in my ass!”

She then released the restraints on my cock and testicles. And as soon as she did that, I exploded with cum, pumping what felt like two gallons of my sperm into her ass.

Mrs. Frankson then moaned louder than I have ever heard a person moan and screamed, “Cum in my ass, that’s right cum in my ass.”

I nearly blacked out when I felt some of my cum leak onto my testicles, to which Ginger, still licking, immediately lapped up and nibbled, and that sent me into another orgasm cumming for everything I was worth into Mrs. Frankson’s asshole.

The only thing she could muster was an incredibly loud “OOOOOOOOO,” and as the two of us came.

My mouth and ass tightened around Tom and C so hard that it sent them howling toward the moon. I don’t know how long we were there cumming, but I do know that I did blackout. When I finally came to, Mrs. Frankson was lying next to the dogs looking at me.

She said, “Welcome back,” which made me blush.

I didn’t think she would make me black out from cumming, but she did.

“Damn,” I said. “That was unbelievably great.”

“I figured you’d like that,” she said as she petted the dogs. “Me and my husband do things like that a lot. A few months ago, he did something like this to one of the girls we like fucking.”

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, Why’d you choose to do this to me,” I asked

“Well, I know you like the same things I do,” she said. “Plus, my husband and I agreed I could have fun alone while he’s in surgery. And said after all you’ve done for Tom, I should at least see how good you were.”

“And?” I asked, a bit curious to know.

“I haven’t had an orgasm like that since I was gangbanged by twelve German shepherds,” she responded.

“Wow,” was all I could muster

“Yep,” she said as she came closer. “My husband won’t be out of surgery for another few hours. What say we have a little bit more fun?”

I instantly nodded, and we all continued our fun for the next few hours. We are fucking one another and using up all our cum as much as our bodies let us.

A few days passed, Mrs. Frankson had picked up her husband from the hospital, and I had to return Tom and Ginger. But the time the five of us spent fucking each other was the best possible way I could have imagined ending my dry spell. Hopefully, it would keep going that way since I still had ‘C’ for a few more months.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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