Doggy Spit-Roast (Gay Zoo)

By Cumming26.

A friend had just asked me again to dog sit my favorite dog. The dog’s name is C (don’t ask, his choice), and he is a German Shepard/Labrador mixed with an 8-inch cock and a plum-sized knot. You can imagine how thrilled I was to hear him ask me to watch him for a few days while he was out of town. Normally I only get an hour or two to walk him, so I wanted to make the most of our time together, especially since I hadn’t seen him two months prior and he had JUST turned a full-year-old.

Once I got him, he started jumping for joy. My friend said he must be thrilled to spend some time with me, and right he was. So once he left, C immediately jumped on me and licked me everywhere he could. I knew what he wanted exactly, but since my neighbors were home at the time, I couldn’t very well just have him fuck my ass out in the yard, and I was damned if I was going to wait until night to get a chance to fuck him. I was aroused and couldn’t wait, SO we hopped in my car and went to a secluded park.

It was unbelievably hard to keep him in the back seat. At every stoplight, he tried to hop into the front and fuck me, but I told him he had to wait until we got there. About 45 minutes later, we finally got to our secret little spot, a secluded place in the woods with NO ONE around for miles. Once we got out of the car, he tried to mount me multiple times, but I told him he would get the chance, but first, we had to head away from the car.

Once we got to a nice spot, I immediately stripped out of my clothes, with C licking me in every crevice. God, the things he could do with just his tongue were amazing. Once I got my pants off, he started to lick all of the pre-cum off of my semi-erect cock, and got me instantly hard. He patiently waited as I put my clothes down and started to go wild. He knocked me on all fours and began to rim my ass, lubing it up with his saliva and ensuring he didn’t miss a spot. God, I felt like cumming as his tongue gently caressed my asshole and my testicles. But then he stopped. I looked back and wondered why when I noticed that he had a nice surprise for me right in my face.

Before seeing him last, his cock was only about 4 inches and had a superball-sized knot, but lo and behold, the cock he had in my face had been a very nice 8-inch long, nearly 2-inch wide cock and just begging to please. So I gently grabbed his cock with my mouth, and he thrust into my throat. I had never seen him thrust himself like that, but he rammed his cock down my mouth and into my throat, constantly panting and growling as if he were mad that he didn’t get to fuck his bitch in so long. My cock throbbed hard, and I was nearly about to cum. When he stopped and pulled his delicious cock out of my throat. I had been so close yet so far.

C began to lick my ass again, and when he got me begging for him to do something other than a tease, that was when the real fun began. He grabbed my hips, teased my ass, and then rammed his mighty cock into my ass with all his might. I had never seen him fuck me with such vigor. He wanted to ensure his bitch knew never again to let him store up so much cum. I tried to pull away to see what he would do, and he pulled me harder into him as if trying to tell me that there was NO way I would escape until he released all his frustration. God, I was so horny, and my cock wanted to cum so badly. As I tried to grab my cock to cum, he growled and put more weight on me. He didn’t want me to cum unless he had first.

He pounded my ass with his new cock for about 10 minutes then he gave me another surprise. As I felt him begin to cum into me, his knot began to grow and grow and grow. I thought someone had inflated me with an air hose and plugged up my ass, God, I wanted to cum soo bad, but I knew I owed him to let him cum first. His knot began to shoot his hot cum deep into my ass like a firehose, making us howl in absolute pleasure.

I must have stood there on all fours for about half an hour before I began to feel him get off and walk me around, panting for all to hear and parading around his bitch full of his cum. I was in a state of bliss because he began to pull out his knot once he finished parading me around. I couldn’t believe the size of it. I told him to wait a few more minutes for it to shrink, but he kept pulling, eventually freeing his plum-sized knot and making me cum so hard onto the ground.

As I lay there with my ass sticking in the air, C began to clean me off, ensuring he got all the cum off my ass which made me cum again. I then got onto my knees, trying to catch my breath. When he came around with his cock hanging out for me to see, I knew what he wanted. So I got on my back, edged myself closer, and began to lick off his cock. I may have been too hasty because he tried to flip me over as I did that. I got on all fours again for another round of ass-pounding. But then something happened that I didn’t expect.

As C pounded away on me, another dog, a Golden Retriever, had found us and caught us in the act. He stood there for about five minutes just staring at me. C then stopped fucking me and barked at the dog, I thought he tried to tell him that this was his bitch and to find his own, but I didn’t feel C knotting in me. To my surprise, the stray dog came closer and started to lick my face. He then began to lick up all of my cum from under me, and I could see he was getting aroused.

I was growing impatient, I had told C to please fuck my ass again, but he wouldn’t listen. C then got most of his body off my back and grabbed my hips harder, digging his claws in, so I would have no chance of getting away, not that I wanted to. As for the Retriever, I grabbed his cock and started to jerk him off. His cock then got fully erect, and he then mounted my front and started to thrust into my face. As I stood there on all fours, becoming two dogs cum dumps, I then knew what C had barked. He must have told the other dog to join in because C wouldn’t fuck my ass until the other dog began to fuck my throat.

I didn’t realize it at the time since the stray had a cock only about five inches, but he was a grower because, with each thrust, his cock started to grow in my mouth until it had entered my throat. There I was, being spit roasted by two dogs, and I couldn’t move and barely breathe. My cock had been SO hard, and I couldn’t even touch it to get myself off. God, how I loved being a dog’s bitch. As each of them fucked me, I could feel their hot cum pouring into my body, C’s big knot started to grow in my ass, making me scream in pleasure, but I began to wonder when the other dog’s knot would cum.

I didn’t have to wait long because the strays knot grew inside my mouth as soon as I finished that thought. It was HUGE. I had most of the Retriever’s cock rammed in my throat and had his knot in my mouth. I tried to take it out, but I couldn’t. It had grown big enough to use the back of my teeth as an anchor to keep it in, and I loved it.

Both dogs now stood there, each dumping cum into their shared bitch and panting as they came. I must have stood there for an hour when each dog began to pull his knot, playing a game of tug-of-war with my body. I came so damn hard as each tried to parade me around but couldn’t. They then began to shrink enough to pull out of me, and I collapsed on the ground swimming in pleasure. Both dogs then got in front of me, and I grabbed their cocks and started sucking them off. They tasted incredible.

The mix of all of our fluids threw me into ecstasy. The Retriever then went to my ass and cleaned off C’s cum, as C did the same in my front. Once I was clean, they began to mount me again, C ramming his cock in my throat this time and the stray up my ass. This continued for about another hour, and they switched after they knotted in me.

C and I stayed there for about five hours, and once they each finished finally dumping all the cum they had in me, I sucked them both off, receiving another mouthful of their delicious cum. Right before we left, the dogs knocked me on my back, C took his cock above my head, and the stray began to lick my testicles and ass. I then began to suck C off while jerking my cock as hard as possible. Once I came, both licked me off and switched sides again, allowing me to suck off the stray while C licked me. I came again, and they each licked me off, and the stray left.

Once we finished, C and I headed to the car, and he slept the rest of the day. My friend picked up C in two days, so I planned to make the most of it. But for the time being, I let him sleep.


After the first day of being a bitch for two dogs, C and the stray, my ass was sore. But I loved every second that C had fucked me. For the rest of the first day, he mostly just slept. Occasionally getting up to drink and then go right back to sleep. I knew I only had one day left to spend with him, and I was going to take advantage of the time we had left, so the next day I was going to make sure he left every single drop of cum he had inside of my ass and throat.

The following morning, I woke up with a throbbing erection. I couldn’t wait for C to notice and start licking me, making me get on all fours again. So I rushed downstairs to find him, but something happened. I couldn’t find C anywhere. I looked in every room in the house, thinking he might have gone to sleep in another, but nothing. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

At first, I thought my friend had returned early and picked up C, but then I heard something: My Neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Frankson. They had been laughing outside, and I wondered what was so funny, so I looked out the window and saw C playing in their yard with their Beagle, Tom. I put on some clothes and went outside, only to be greeted by the two.

They said they saw C in my yard and opened the fence to let him play with Tom. They were laughing as the two of them wrestled with one another. I laughed as well, trying to keep my cock from throbbing. I apologized for C getting out and told them I was taking him inside, but they had asked me something I had dreamed of for months. They said they would visit their grandchildren out of town and needed someone to watch Tom for them. I asked how long they would be out, and they replied late at night, possibly around 11 pm or even midnight, and asked if I wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on him since I am taking care of C.

I told them I would be delighted, and C stood next to me, panting and wagging his tail. He knew what I had in mind exactly.

So once the Franksons had left, I took C and Tom into my house, and C jumped over me, licking me everywhere he could. I wasn’t going to make him wait this time. So I tore off all of my clothes, and he immediately pushed me onto my back and began rimming my asshole. God, it felt so amazing. He then gently nibbled on my testicles, and I spasmed like crazy. But right when I looked at C, Tom came over and began to help him. Their tongues twirling in me made me cum hard enough to reach my neck, which Tom had run to lick off. I never expected him to do that so quickly. One of the Franksons had taught him well. But Then I began to wonder how well.

C must have known what I thought because as I began to calm down, he had used his nose to maneuver me onto my hands and knees and pushed me down, but not in his usual way to fuck me. No, he had put his front legs onto my back and pinned me down on my hands and knees to the point that I looked like a turtle. That’s when Tom began to relick my ass and gave me a surprise I will never forget. I looked back, expecting him to fuck my ass with a small doggy cock, but when I saw his cock, it was HUGE.

He had a cock as long as his little legs, and his knot was about 3/4 the size of C’s. Tom grabbed my hips and began to pound away at my tender asshole. I then knew that the Franksons had taught Tom very well because he would not stop thrusting into me with all his force. I couldn’t believe it. There I was, being pinned down by C while another smaller dog with a monster cock fucked my ass. God, I was so turned on.

Tom continued to pound me while C stood beside me, panting. I could see he was excited, so I grabbed his cock and began to jerk him off. And right as Tom had finally got his entire knot in my ass, the both of them began cumming with such force. C came over my back while Tom came so deep inside my ass that I thought it would fill my lungs. After about 30 minutes, Tom pulled out of me with such force I heard a loud pop. And C began to clean me off. Who knew such a little dog could fuck with such vigor.

After shouting Tom’s name and telling him to fuck me as hard as he could, C was jealous. I knew this because I didn’t even get a chance to get up when C mounted me and fucked my ass three times harder than he ever had. C wanted to ensure I knew I was his bitch and his alone. I could feel C’s cock drive deeper and deeper into me. He must have reached my lower intestine. And I tried to yell his name, C, pushed my face into the floor, growled, and fucked me even harder as if trying to take his anger out on me.

I had managed to get my face somewhat into the air when Tom had his cock staring me in the eye, So I opened my mouth and let him have his way. I couldn’t believe it. Not only did C fuck me with another dog yesterday, but he had once again spit-roasted me, and I couldn’t even shout his name. But as I sat there being gangbanged by the two of them, they each came into me. But this time, however, C had growled at Tom, and Tom pulled his delicious cock out of my mouth.

C then began to pull his full-sized knot out of me, I had begged him to stop because my ass couldn’t take the knot pulling out at full size, but C refused to listen. He kept pulling the knot, and I tried to walk with him, but to no avail. C pulled his plum-sized knot out of my ass with terrible force. I couldn’t believe the amount of pain, but as I looked to see what C was doing, he then came to my mouth, still cumming on the floor, and plunged his entire cock, knot, and all into my throat. C wanted to ensure I knew I was his and nobody would get to fuck me unless he said so.

So there I was, on all fours, as C began to relentlessly pound my throat while Tom stood there waiting his turn. C then began to cum even more pouring what must have been a gallon of cum into my throat. I stood there with my throbbing cock grabbed C’s hips, and began to help him thrust even more into me. I think he wanted to get my throat pregnant, I knew there was no way he could, but I was enjoying it. So I thought, why not at least help?

He finally stopped thrusting, and we stayed tied together for nearly an hour. C’s knot shrank and Pulled it out gently, allowing me to get some much-needed air. He then barked at Tom, and before I could even catch my breath, Tom had plunged his cock into my ass once again, only this time, C began to lick the head of my cock and began to punish me. Every time I came close to cumming, he would gently bite my cock, making me stop, and would continue to do this until Tom had finished cumming.

When Tom had pulled his cock out of me, C began to fuck my sore ass as hard as he could, continuing his relentless pounding. Tom came to my face and stood there with his nice cock throbbing. I tried to grab it, but C growled at me, and I went back to let him fuck me. C then barked, and this time, Tom mounted my face and fucked it with all his might.

I was once again spit-roasted by two dogs and loved every second. I grabbed my cock and began to stroke as hard as I could, waiting for the two of them to cum. As I felt their knots grow, we came in an orgy of pleasure. I didn’t even know we had that much cum left inside. But we stood there for about 45 minutes when they both popped their knots out of me.

I rolled over on my back, exhausted from the spit roast, when I saw Tom licking off his cum. I looked at C, noticed he wasn’t, and knew what he wanted me to do. I grabbed his cock and began licking every single inch of it, making sure I cleaned him up well, that’s when Tom came over, and I began to lick and suck the both of them off. After three and a half hours of playing with them, we rested for the day.

My friend picked up C around 8 pm and saw that the dog was exhausted, he asked what we had done for the last two days, so I told him we just screwed around, playing in the park and the house. He laughed at C, telling him that next time not to wear himself out playing all day. I couldn’t help but laugh as well.

After C left, Tom stood next to me, his cock out for me to see, and I told him we still had another couple hours of fun, so I let him fuck my ass and throat until his heart’s content.

Around 11:30 pm, the Franksons returned and picked up Tom, thanking me for watching him and asking if I could ever do it again. I told them to feel free to drop him off anytime. So Mr. Frankson left with Tom, but That’s when Mrs. Frankson told him she wanted to talk to me quickly.

She asked how good of a fuck is Tom.

I was stunned. I asked Mrs. Frankson what she was talking about.

She said she recognized Tom when he was tired from fucking all day and told me she had taught him to fuck like that.

I told her Tom was great at fucking me in the ass and throat.

She told me to let her know if I ever wanted Tom to pay a visit again.

I couldn’t believe my luck. Not only did I get to fuck C for two days, but I had a neighbor with an experienced dog who loved fucking people as well. I knew things were only going to get more interesting from now on.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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